Example #1
    def addinput(self, project, inputtemplate, contents, **kwargs):
        """Add an input file to the CLAM service. Explictly providing the contents as a string. This is not suitable for large files as the contents are kept in memory! Use ``addinputfile()`` instead for large files.

        project - the ID of the project you want to add the file to.
        inputtemplate - The input template you want to use to add this file (InputTemplate instance)
        contents - The contents for the file to add (string)

        Keyword arguments:
            * filename - the filename on the server (mandatory!)
            * metadata - A metadata object.
            * metafile - A metadata file (filename)

        Any other keyword arguments will be passed as metadata and matched with the input template's parameters.


            client.addinput("myproject", "someinputtemplate", "This is a test.", filename="test.txt")

        With metadata, assuming such metadata parameters are defined::

            client.addinput("myproject", "someinputtemplate", "This is a test.", filename="test.txt", parameter1="blah", parameterX=3.5))

        if isinstance( inputtemplate, str) or (sys.version < '3' and isinstance( inputtemplate, unicode)): #pylint: disable=undefined-variable
            data = self.get(project) #causes an extra query to server
            inputtemplate = data.inputtemplate(inputtemplate)
        elif not isinstance(inputtemplate, clam.common.data.InputTemplate):
            raise Exception("inputtemplate must be instance of InputTemplate. Get from CLAMData.inputtemplate(id)")

        if 'filename' in kwargs:
            filename = self.getinputfilename(inputtemplate, kwargs['filename'])
            raise Exception("No filename provided!")

        data = {"contents": contents, 'inputtemplate': inputtemplate.id}
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if key == 'filename':
                pass #nothing to do
            elif key == 'metadata':
                assert isinstance(value, clam.common.data.CLAMMetaData)
                data['metadata'] =  value.xml()
            elif key == 'metafile':
                data['metafile'] = open(value,'r')
                data[key] = value

        requestparams = self.initrequest(data)
        r = requests.post(self.url + project + '/input/' + filename,**requestparams)

        if r.status_code == 400:
            raise clam.common.data.BadRequest()
        elif r.status_code == 401:
            raise clam.common.data.AuthRequired()
        elif r.status_code == 403:
            if r.text[0] == '<':
                #XML response
                return self._parseupload(r.text)
                raise clam.common.data.PermissionDenied(r.text)
        elif r.status_code == 404:
            raise clam.common.data.NotFound(r.text)
        elif r.status_code == 500:
            raise clam.common.data.ServerError(r.text)
        elif r.status_code == 405:
            raise clam.common.data.ServerError("Server returned 405: Method not allowed for POST on " + self.url + project + '/input/' + filename)
        elif r.status_code == 408:
            raise clam.common.data.TimeOut()
        elif not (r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code <= 299):
            raise Exception("An error occured, return code " + str(r.status_code))

        return self._parseupload(r.text)
Example #2
    def addinputfile(self, project, inputtemplate, sourcefile, **kwargs):
        """Add/upload an input file to the CLAM service. Supports proper file upload streaming.

        project - the ID of the project you want to add the file to.
        inputtemplate - The input template you want to use to add this file (InputTemplate instance)
        sourcefile - The file you want to add: string containing a filename (or instance of ``file``)

        Keyword arguments (optional but recommended!):
            * ``filename`` - the filename on the server (will be same as sourcefile if not specified)
            * ``metadata`` - A metadata object.
            * ``metafile`` - A metadata file (filename)

        Any other keyword arguments will be passed as metadata and matched with the input template's parameters.


            client.addinputfile("myproject", "someinputtemplate", "/path/to/local/file")

        With metadata, assuming such metadata parameters are defined::

            client.addinputfile("myproject", "someinputtemplate", "/path/to/local/file", parameter1="blah", parameterX=3.5)

        if isinstance( inputtemplate, str) or (sys.version < '3' and isinstance( inputtemplate, unicode)): #pylint: disable=undefined-variable
            data = self.get(project) #causes an extra query to server
            inputtemplate = data.inputtemplate(inputtemplate)
        elif not isinstance(inputtemplate, clam.common.data.InputTemplate):
            raise Exception("inputtemplate must be instance of InputTemplate. Get from CLAMData.inputtemplate(id)")

        if not isinstance(sourcefile, IOBase):
            sourcefile = open(sourcefile,'rb')
            if 'filename' in kwargs:
                filename = self.getinputfilename(inputtemplate, kwargs['filename'])
                filename = self.getinputfilename(inputtemplate, os.path.basename(sourcefile.name) )

        data = {"file": (filename,sourcefile,inputtemplate.formatclass.mimetype), 'inputtemplate': inputtemplate.id}
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if key == 'filename':
                pass #nothing to do
            elif key == 'metadata':
                assert isinstance(value, clam.common.data.CLAMMetaData)
                data['metadata'] =  value.xml()
            elif key == 'metafile':
                data['metafile'] = open(value,'rb')
                data[key] = value

        requestparams = self.initrequest(data)
        if 'auth'in requestparams:
            #TODO: streaming support doesn't work with authentication unfortunately, disabling streaming for now:
            del data['file']
            requestparams['data'] = data
            requestparams['files'] = [('file', (filename,sourcefile, inputtemplate.formatclass.mimetype))]
            if 'metafile' in kwargs:
                del data['metafile']
                requestparams['files'].append(('metafile',('.'+ filename + '.METADATA', open(kwargs['metafile'],'rb'), 'text/xml')))
            #streaming support
            encodeddata = MultipartEncoder(fields=requestparams['data']) #from requests-toolbelt, necessary for streaming support
            requestparams['data'] = encodeddata
            requestparams['headers']['Content-Type'] = encodeddata.content_type
        r = requests.post(self.url + project + '/input/' + filename,**requestparams)

        if r.status_code == 400:
            raise clam.common.data.BadRequest()
        elif r.status_code == 401:
            raise clam.common.data.AuthRequired()
        elif r.status_code == 403:
            if r.text[0] == '<':
                #XML response
                return self._parseupload(r.text)
                raise clam.common.data.PermissionDenied(r.text)
        elif r.status_code == 404:
            raise clam.common.data.NotFound(r.text)
        elif r.status_code == 500:
            raise clam.common.data.ServerError(r.text)
        elif r.status_code == 405:
            raise clam.common.data.ServerError("Server returned 405: Method not allowed for POST on " + self.url + project + '/input/' + filename)
        elif r.status_code == 408:
            raise clam.common.data.TimeOut()
        elif not (r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code <= 299):
            raise Exception("An error occured, return code " + str(r.status_code))

        return self._parseupload(r.text)
Example #3
    def addinput(self, project, inputtemplate, contents, **kwargs):
        """Add an input file to the CLAM service. Explictly providing the contents as a string. This is not suitable for large files as the contents are kept in memory! Use ``addinputfile()`` instead for large files.

        project - the ID of the project you want to add the file to.
        inputtemplate - The input template you want to use to add this file (InputTemplate instance)
        contents - The contents for the file to add (string)

        Keyword arguments:
            * filename - the filename on the server (mandatory!)
            * metadata - A metadata object.
            * metafile - A metadata file (filename)

        Any other keyword arguments will be passed as metadata and matched with the input template's parameters.


            client.addinput("myproject", "someinputtemplate", "This is a test.", filename="test.txt")

        With metadata, assuming such metadata parameters are defined::

            client.addinput("myproject", "someinputtemplate", "This is a test.", filename="test.txt", parameter1="blah", parameterX=3.5))

        if isinstance(inputtemplate, str):  #pylint: disable=undefined-variable
            data = self.get(project)  #causes an extra query to server
            inputtemplate = data.inputtemplate(inputtemplate)
        elif not isinstance(inputtemplate, clam.common.data.InputTemplate):
            raise Exception(
                "inputtemplate must be instance of InputTemplate. Get from CLAMData.inputtemplate(id)"

        if 'filename' in kwargs:
            filename = self.getinputfilename(inputtemplate, kwargs['filename'])
            raise Exception("No filename provided!")

        data = {"contents": contents, 'inputtemplate': inputtemplate.id}
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if key == 'filename':
                pass  #nothing to do
            elif key == 'metadata':
                assert isinstance(value, clam.common.data.CLAMMetaData)
                data['metadata'] = value.xml()
            elif key == 'metafile':
                data['metafile'] = open(value, 'r')
                data[key] = value

        requestparams = self.initrequest(data)
        r = requests.post(self.url + project + '/input/' + filename,

        if r.status_code == 400:
            raise clam.common.data.BadRequest()
        elif r.status_code == 401:
            raise clam.common.data.AuthRequired()
        elif r.status_code == 403:
            if r.text[0] == '<':
                #XML response
                return self._parseupload(r.text)
                raise clam.common.data.PermissionDenied(r.text)
        elif r.status_code == 404:
            raise clam.common.data.NotFound(r.text)
        elif r.status_code == 500:
            raise clam.common.data.ServerError(r.text)
        elif r.status_code == 405:
            raise clam.common.data.ServerError(
                "Server returned 405: Method not allowed for POST on " +
                self.url + project + '/input/' + filename)
        elif r.status_code == 408:
            raise clam.common.data.TimeOut()
        elif not (r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code <= 299):
            raise Exception("An error occured, return code " +

        return self._parseupload(r.text)
Example #4
    def addinputfile(self, project, inputtemplate, sourcefile, **kwargs):
        """Add/upload an input file to the CLAM service. Supports proper file upload streaming.

        project - the ID of the project you want to add the file to.
        inputtemplate - The input template you want to use to add this file (InputTemplate instance)
        sourcefile - The file you want to add: string containing a filename (or instance of ``file``)

        Keyword arguments (optional but recommended!):
            * ``filename`` - the filename on the server (will be same as sourcefile if not specified)
            * ``metadata`` - A metadata object.
            * ``metafile`` - A metadata file (filename)

        Any other keyword arguments will be passed as metadata and matched with the input template's parameters.


            client.addinputfile("myproject", "someinputtemplate", "/path/to/local/file")

        With metadata, assuming such metadata parameters are defined::

            client.addinputfile("myproject", "someinputtemplate", "/path/to/local/file", parameter1="blah", parameterX=3.5)

        if isinstance(inputtemplate, str):  #pylint: disable=undefined-variable
            data = self.get(project)  #causes an extra query to server
            inputtemplate = data.inputtemplate(inputtemplate)
        elif not isinstance(inputtemplate, clam.common.data.InputTemplate):
            raise Exception(
                "inputtemplate must be instance of InputTemplate. Get from CLAMData.inputtemplate(id)"

        if not isinstance(sourcefile, IOBase):
            sourcefile = open(sourcefile, 'rb')
            if 'filename' in kwargs:
                filename = self.getinputfilename(inputtemplate,
                filename = self.getinputfilename(
                    inputtemplate, os.path.basename(sourcefile.name))

        data = {
            "file": (filename, sourcefile, inputtemplate.formatclass.mimetype),
            'inputtemplate': inputtemplate.id
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if key == 'filename':
                pass  #nothing to do
            elif key == 'metadata':
                assert isinstance(value, clam.common.data.CLAMMetaData)
                data['metadata'] = value.xml()
            elif key == 'metafile':
                data['metafile'] = open(value, 'rb')
                data[key] = value

        requestparams = self.initrequest(data)
        if 'auth' in requestparams:
            #TODO: streaming support doesn't work with authentication unfortunately, disabling streaming for now:
            del data['file']
            requestparams['data'] = data
            requestparams['files'] = [('file',
                                       (filename, sourcefile,
            if 'metafile' in kwargs:
                del data['metafile']
                    ('metafile', ('.' + filename + '.METADATA',
                                  open(kwargs['metafile'], 'rb'), 'text/xml')))
            #streaming support
            encodeddata = MultipartEncoder(
            )  #from requests-toolbelt, necessary for streaming support
            requestparams['data'] = encodeddata
            requestparams['headers']['Content-Type'] = encodeddata.content_type
        r = requests.post(self.url + project + '/input/' + filename,

        if r.status_code == 400:
            raise clam.common.data.BadRequest()
        elif r.status_code == 401:
            raise clam.common.data.AuthRequired()
        elif r.status_code == 403:
            if r.text[0] == '<':
                #XML response
                return self._parseupload(r.text)
                raise clam.common.data.PermissionDenied(r.text)
        elif r.status_code == 404:
            raise clam.common.data.NotFound(r.text)
        elif r.status_code == 500:
            raise clam.common.data.ServerError(r.text)
        elif r.status_code == 405:
            raise clam.common.data.ServerError(
                "Server returned 405: Method not allowed for POST on " +
                self.url + project + '/input/' + filename)
        elif r.status_code == 408:
            raise clam.common.data.TimeOut()
        elif not (r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code <= 299):
            raise Exception("An error occured, return code " +

        return self._parseupload(r.text)
Example #5
#the latter two arguments are required for authenticated webservices, they can be omitted otherwise
#if you use SSL (https) and SSL verification fails, you can pass a verify= parameter with the path to your certificate of certificate authority bundle

clamclient = clam.common.client.CLAMClient(
    "https://webservices-lst.science.ru.nl/valkuil", args.username,

project = "valkuil" + str(random.getrandbits(64))


data = clamclient.get(project)

for inputfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(args.inputdir, '*.folia.xml')):
    print("Uploading " + os.path.basename(inputfile), file=sys.stderr)
    clamclient.addinputfile(project, data.inputtemplate("foliainput"),

data = clamclient.start(project, sensitivity=0.75)

#Always check for parameter errors! Don't just assume everything went well! Use startsafe() instead of start
#to simply raise exceptions on parameter errors.
if data.errors:
    print("An error occured: " + data.errormsg, file=sys.stderr)
    for parametergroup, paramlist in data.parameters:
        for parameter in paramlist:
            if parameter.error:
                print("Error in parameter " + parameter.id + ": " +
Example #6
 def add_file_to_clam(localfilename):
     clamclient.addinputfile(project, data.inputtemplate(inputtemplate), localfilename, encoding='utf-8')