def main(): pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 4096) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(windowSize) max_frame_rate = 60 dashboard = Dashboard("./img/font.png", 8, screen) sound = Sound() level = Level(screen, sound, dashboard) menu = Menu(screen, dashboard, level, sound) while not menu.start: menu.update() mario = Mario(0, 0, level, screen, dashboard, sound) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while not mario.restart: pygame.display.set_caption("Super Mario running with {:d} FPS".format(int(clock.get_fps()))) if mario.pause: mario.pauseObj.update() else: level.drawLevel( dashboard.update() mario.update() pygame.display.update() clock.tick(max_frame_rate) return 'restart'
def main(): pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 4096) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) max_frame_rate = 60 dashboard = Dashboard("./img/font.png", 8, screen) sound = Sound() level = Level(screen, sound, dashboard) menu = Menu(screen, dashboard, level, sound) while not menu.start: menu.update() mario = Mario(0, 0, level, screen, dashboard, sound) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while not mario.restart: pygame.display.set_caption( str( round(float("{:.2f} FPS".format(clock.get_fps()).split(" ") [0]))) + " FPS") level.drawLevel( dashboard.update() mario.update() pygame.display.update() clock.tick(max_frame_rate) main()
def main(): pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 2048) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) max_frame_rate = 60 level = Level(screen) dashboard = Dashboard("./img/font.png", 8, screen) mario = Mario(0, 0, level, screen, dashboard) input = Input(mario) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while (not mario.restart): pygame.display.set_caption("{:.2f} FPS".format(clock.get_fps())) level.drawLevel( dashboard.update() input.checkForInput() mario.update() pygame.display.update() clock.tick(max_frame_rate) mario.sound.shutdown() main()
class MainWindow: def __init__(self): # Initializing ML parameters self.techniqueIdentifier = 0 self.startingLearningRate = 0.1 self.param1 = 0.9 self.param2 = 0.99 self.learningPeriod = 300 self.gamma = 0.97 self.eps = 1.0 self.experimentsCount = 20000 self.maxFrames = 3000 self.windowSize = (640, 480) self.mario = None self.episodesPerStep = 10 self.globalStepMax = int(self.experimentsCount / self.episodesPerStep) self.globalStep = 1 self.decayRate = 0.99 self.learningRate = tf.train.exponential_decay( self.startingLearningRate, self.globalStep, 1, self.decayRate, staircase=True) self.player = MLPlayer(self.techniqueIdentifier, self.maxFrames, 1888, self.learningRate, self.globalStep, self.param1, self.param2) self.totalrewards = np.empty(self.experimentsCount) self.running_avg = np.empty(self.experimentsCount) #(lambda: os.system('cls'))() # Clear console def decreaseLearningRate(self): self.globalStep += 1 def calculateLearningRate(self): return self.startingLearningRate * (self.decayRate **(self.globalStep / 1)) def printLearningRate(self): print("Learning rate is:{0}".format(self.calculateLearningRate())) def main(self): # Initializing the game, graphics and sound pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 4096) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.windowSize) max_frame_rate = 9999 dashboard = Dashboard("./img/font.png", 8, screen) sound = Sound() maxReward = 0 timesMaxedTheReward = 0 winStreak = 0 maxWinStreak = 0 differentialFramesCount = 10 dxStartFrame = 0 diffXOverFrames = 0 dxConstant = 0 lastX = 0 epsCoef = 0 for episodeCounter in range(0, self.experimentsCount): print("=============================================") print("============WELCOME TO EPISODE {0}============".format( episodeCounter)) print("=============================================") framesCounter = 0 stillLearning = episodeCounter <= self.learningPeriod if stillLearning and episodeCounter / self.experimentsCount >= self.globalStep / self.globalStepMax: self.decreaseLearningRate() self.printLearningRate() self.level = Level(screen, sound, dashboard) self.level.loadLevel('Level1-1') dashboard.coins = 0 dashboard.points = 0 self.mario = Mario(0, 0, self.level, screen, dashboard, sound) self.mario.setPos(0, 384) clock = pygame.time.Clock() max_x = 0 obs = np.append( np.append(self.mario.getObservation(), framesCounter), self.level.getClosestEntityDistance(self.mario)) finishedLevel = False while framesCounter < self.maxFrames and not finishedLevel: #print(framesCounter) pygame.display.set_caption( "Super Mario running with {:d} FPS".format( int(clock.get_fps()))) if self.mario.pause: self.mario.pauseObj.update() else: self.level.drawLevel( dashboard.update() self.mario.update() #print(self.mario.rect.x, self.mario.rect.y) prevObs = obs obs = np.append( np.append(self.mario.getObservation(), framesCounter), self.level.getClosestEntityDistance(self.mario)) reward = 0 actionIdentifier = self.player.agent.sample_action( obs, self.eps) if max_x < obs[0]: max_x = obs[0] reward += 1 # diffXOverFrames = self.mario.rect.x - dxConstant if self.mario.restart: print("I DIED!") finishedLevel = True reward -= 400 winStreak = 0 else: if max_x >= self.level.max_X and not finishedLevel: finishedLevel = True timesMaxedTheReward += 1 winStreak += 1 reward += 200 else: if self.mario.rect.x > max_x: reward += 5 if framesCounter - dxStartFrame >= differentialFramesCount: dxStartFrame = framesCounter dxConstant = self.mario.rect.x if stillLearning: next = self.player.agent.predict(obs) assert (len(next.shape) == 1) G = reward + self.gamma * np.max(next) self.player.agent.update(prevObs, actionIdentifier, G) self.doAction(actionIdentifier) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(max_frame_rate) framesCounter += 1 if timesMaxedTheReward > 0: print("I've maxed the reward {0} times!".format( timesMaxedTheReward)) if maxWinStreak < winStreak: maxWinStreak = winStreak print("winStreak {0}, maxWinStreak: {1}".format( winStreak, maxWinStreak)) if stillLearning: print("Still learning!") self.running_avg[episodeCounter] = self.totalrewards[ 0:episodeCounter + 1].mean() self.eps -= 1 / ( (epsCoef + 2) * (epsCoef + 1) ) # eps=1/(n+1) for n=epsCoef ~~ episodeCounter epsCoef += 1 if self.running_avg[episodeCounter] < self.running_avg[int( np.ceil(np.sqrt(episodeCounter)))]: self.eps = 1 / (np.ceil(np.sqrt(episodeCounter)) + 1) epsCoef = np.ceil(np.sqrt(episodeCounter)) print("Reverting epsilon**: {0}".format(self.eps)) elif episodeCounter >= self.episodesPerStep and self.running_avg[ episodeCounter] < self.running_avg[ episodeCounter - self.episodesPerStep]: self.eps = 1 / ( (episodeCounter - self.episodesPerStep) + 1) epsCoef = episodeCounter print("Reverting epsilon: {0}".format(self.eps)) else: self.running_avg[episodeCounter] = self.totalrewards[ learningPeriod:episodeCounter + 1].mean() totalreward = max_x if totalreward > maxReward: maxReward = totalreward self.totalrewards[episodeCounter] = totalreward print("Episode: {0}, maxReward: {1} eps: {2} totalReward: {3}". format(episodeCounter, maxReward, self.eps, totalreward)) print("Avg: {0}".format(self.running_avg[episodeCounter] / self.level.max_X)) for reward in self.totalrewards: print(reward) # Controls def doAction(self, actionIdentifier): if (actionIdentifier == 0): # Left self.mario.traits['jumpTrait'].jump(True) self.mario.traits["goTrait"].direction = -1 elif (actionIdentifier == 1): # Right self.mario.traits['jumpTrait'].jump(True) self.mario.traits["goTrait"].direction = 1 if (actionIdentifier == 2): # Left self.mario.traits['jumpTrait'].jump(False) self.mario.traits["goTrait"].direction = -1 elif (actionIdentifier == 3): # Right self.mario.traits['jumpTrait'].jump(False) self.mario.traits["goTrait"].direction = 1