def recursively_create_ids(i: int, symbols_to_check: list, symbols: list):
    global num, results, test
    for symbol in symbols_to_check:
        if Symbol.check(symbols[-1] if len(symbols) > 0 else None, symbol):
            if i + 1 == wanted_length:
                id = Id(symbols)
                if id.check() is None:
                    # print(str(id))
                    adj_matrix = AdjacencyMatrix.parse(id)
                    if adj_matrix.is_connected():
                        score = DegreeAndDiameterCalculator.calculate(
                        score = score[0] + score[1]
                        score = ((number_of_nodes - 1) * 2) + (
                            number_of_nodes - adj_matrix.
                    for substring_len in range(1, len(id) + 1):
                        for j in range(len(id) - substring_len + 1):
                            chars = str(Id(symbols[j:j + substring_len]))
                            if chars in results:
                                results[chars][0] += 1
                                results[chars][1] += score
                                results[chars] = [1, score]
                            # print(" " + str(Id(chars)))
                num += 1
                    i + 1,
                    Symbol.symbols() if i + 2 < wanted_length else
                    Symbol.ending_symbols(), symbols)
 def random(length=wanted_length):
     new_id = [
             [OpenParenthesis()] if length < 6 else [])
     last_close_parenthesis_pos = 0
     parenthesis_counter = 1 if str(new_id[-1]) == "(" else 0
     while len(new_id) < length or new_id[-1] not in Symbol.ending_symbols(
     ) or parenthesis_counter > 0:
         num_of_symbols_left_to_add = length - len(new_id)
         symbols = []
         exceptions = []
         if parenthesis_counter > 0 and parenthesis_counter >= num_of_symbols_left_to_add:
             symbols = [CloseParenthesis()]
             exceptions = [OpenParenthesis()]
             if parenthesis_counter == 0 or len(
                     new_id) - last_close_parenthesis_pos < 3:
             if num_of_symbols_left_to_add <= 4 + parenthesis_counter:
             if len(new_id) + 1 >= length:
                 symbols = Symbol.ending_symbols()
         new_symbol = Symbol.random(new_id[-1], exceptions, symbols, True)
         if str(new_symbol) == "(":
             parenthesis_counter += 1
             last_close_parenthesis_pos = len(new_id)
         elif str(new_symbol) == ")":
             parenthesis_counter -= 1
     return Id(new_id, length)
Example #3
    def comparison(self, node):
        comp_operation = node.children[0]
        op1_node = comp_operation.children[1]
        op1_symbol = self.get_value(op1_node)
        self.check(op1_symbol, ["NUMBAR", "NUMBR"])
        op2_node = comp_operation.children[2]
        op2_symbol = self.get_value(op2_node)
        self.check(op2_symbol, ["NUMBAR", "NUMBR"])
        op1_symbol.value = float(
            op1_symbol.value) if op1_symbol.type == "NUMBAR" else int(
        op2_symbol.value = float(
            op2_symbol.value) if op2_symbol.type == "NUMBAR" else int(

        if (comp_operation.type == "EQUAL"):
            if (type(op1_symbol.value) != type(op2_symbol.value)):
                ans = False
                ans = op1_symbol.value == op2_symbol.value
        elif (comp_operation.type == "NOTEQUAL"):
            if (type(op1_symbol.value) != type(op2_symbol.value)):
                ans = True
                ans = op1_symbol.value != op2_symbol.value
        ans = "WIN" if ans else "FAIL"
        return Symbol("TROOF", ans)
 def parse(id_str):
     prev_symbol = None
     symbols = []
     for char in id_str:
         symbols.append(Symbol.parse(char, prev_symbol))
         prev_symbol = symbols[-1]
     return Id(symbols)
 def __insert_open_or_remove_close_parenthesis_until_pos(
         id, initial_pos, insert_or_remove: bool):
     positions = []
     pos = initial_pos
     while pos >= 0:
         prev_symbol = id[pos - 1] if pos > 0 else None
         next_symbol = id[pos + 1] if pos + 1 < len(id) else None
         if insert_or_remove and str(id[pos]) == ")":
             pos -= 3
         elif (insert_or_remove and (not prev_symbol or
                                     (isinstance(prev_symbol, Function)
                                      or str(prev_symbol) == "(")) and
               (isinstance(id[pos], Number)
                or isinstance(id[pos], SingleArgFunction) or str(id[pos])
                == "(")) or (not insert_or_remove and
                             (str(id[pos]) == ")" and
                              (not next_symbol
                               or Symbol.check(prev_symbol, next_symbol)))):
         pos -= 1
     if len(positions) > 0:
         pos = random.choice(positions)
         return Id(
             id[:pos] + ([OpenParenthesis()] +
                         id[pos:] if insert_or_remove else id[pos + 1:]),
     raise Exception
Example #6
    def arithmetic(self, node):
        operation = node.children[0]
        op1_node = operation.children[1]
        op1_symbol = self.get_value(op1_node)
        self.check(op1_symbol, ["NUMBAR", "NUMBR"])
        op2_node = operation.children[2]
        op2_symbol = self.get_value(op2_node)
        self.check(op2_symbol, ["NUMBAR", "NUMBR"])
        op1_symbol.value = float(
            op1_symbol.value) if op1_symbol.type == "NUMBAR" else int(
        op2_symbol.value = float(
            op2_symbol.value) if op2_symbol.type == "NUMBAR" else int(

        if (operation.type == "ADDITION"):
            ans = op1_symbol.value + op2_symbol.value
        elif (operation.type == "SUBTRACTION"):
            ans = op1_symbol.value - op2_symbol.value
        elif (operation.type == "MULTIPLICATION"):
            ans = op1_symbol.value * op2_symbol.value
        elif (operation.type == "DIVISION"):
            ans = op1_symbol.value / op2_symbol.value
        elif (operation.type == "MODULO"):
            ans = op1_symbol.value % op2_symbol.value
        elif (operation.type == "GREATER"):
            ans = max(op1_symbol.value, op2_symbol.value)
        elif (operation.type == "LESSER"):
            ans = min(op1_symbol.value, op2_symbol.value)
        val_type = "NUMBAR" if (type(ans) == float) else "NUMBR"
        return Symbol(val_type, str(ans))
Example #7
 def declaration(self, statement):
     identifier = statement.children[1].value
     self.insert(identifier, Symbol("NOOB", None))
     if (len(statement.children) > 2):
         init_node = statement.children[2]
         value_node = init_node.children[1]
         symbol = self.get_value(value_node)
         self.insert(identifier, symbol)
Example #8
    def concatenation(self, node):
        smoosh_op = node.children[1]
        string = ""
        for value_node in smoosh_op.children:
            symbol = self.get_value(value_node)
            string += str(symbol.value)

        return Symbol("YARN", string)
 def check(self):
     if self[0] not in Symbol.starting_symbols():
         return "Id starts with an invalid character."
     elif self[-1] not in Symbol.ending_symbols():
         return "Id ends with an invalid character."
     parenthesis_counter = 0
     for i in range(len(self)):
         if i > 0 and not Symbol.check(self[i - 1], self[i]):
             return (' ' * i) + '^ char \'' + str(
                 self[i - 1]) + '\' must not be followed by char \'' + str(
                     self[i]) + '\''
         if str(self[i]) == '(':
             parenthesis_counter += 1
         elif str(self[i]) == ')':
             if parenthesis_counter <= 0:
                 return "Found close parenthesis when there's no open parenthesis to close."
             parenthesis_counter -= 1
     if parenthesis_counter != 0:
         return "Incorrect number of parenthesis."
     return None
Example #10
 def get_value(self, node):
     child = node.children[0]
     if (child.type == "VARIABLE"):
         variable = child.children[0]
         identifier = variable.value
         return self.symbol_table[identifier]
     elif (child.type == "EXPR"):
         return self.expr(child)
         value = child.children[0].value
         val_type = child.children[0].type
         return Symbol(val_type, value)
Example #11
    def boolean(self, node):
        booltype = node.children[0]
        bool_operation = booltype.children[0]
        if (bool_operation.type == "NOT"):
            op1_node = bool_operation.children[1]
            op1_symbol = self.get_value(op1_node)
            self.check(op1_symbol, ["TROOF"])
            op1_bool = True if op1_symbol.value == "WIN" else False
            ans = not op1_bool
        elif (bool_operation.type in ["ALL", "ANY"]):
            boolop = bool_operation.children[1]
            current_op_symbol = self.get_value(boolop.children[0])
            self.check(current_op_symbol, ["TROOF"])
            op1_bool = True if current_op_symbol.value == "WIN" else False
            for value in boolop.children[1:]:
                op_symbol = self.get_value(value)
                self.check(op_symbol, ["TROOF"])
                op2_bool = True if op_symbol.value == "WIN" else False
                if (bool_operation.type == "ALL"):
                    op1_bool = op1_bool and op2_bool
                    op1_bool = op1_bool or op2_bool
            ans = op1_bool
            op1_node = bool_operation.children[1]
            op1_symbol = self.get_value(op1_node)
            self.check(op1_symbol, ["TROOF"])
            op2_node = bool_operation.children[2]
            op2_symbol = self.get_value(op2_node)
            self.check(op2_symbol, ["TROOF"])

            op1_bool = True if op1_symbol.value == "WIN" else False
            op2_bool = True if op2_symbol.value == "WIN" else False

            if (bool_operation.type == "AND"):
                ans = op1_bool and op2_bool
            elif (bool_operation.type == "OR"):
                ans = op1_bool or op2_bool
            elif (bool_operation.type == "XOR"):
                ans = op1_bool != op2_bool

        ans = "WIN" if ans else "FAIL"
        val_type = "TROOF"
        return Symbol(val_type, ans)
 def __remove_open_parenthesis(id):
     positions_to_remove_open_parenthesis = []
     len_id = len(id)
     parenthesis_counter = 0
     pos = len(id) - 1
     while pos >= 0:
         if str(id[pos]) == "(":
             parenthesis_counter += 1
         elif str(id[pos]) == ")":
             parenthesis_counter -= 1
         if parenthesis_counter > 0:
         pos -= 1
     conflicting_open_parenthesis_positions = []
     while pos < len_id:
         prev_symbol = id[pos - 1] if pos > 0 else None
         next_symbol = id[pos + 1] if pos + 1 < len(id) else None
         if str(id[pos]) == "(":
             parenthesis_counter += 1
             if not prev_symbol or Symbol.check(prev_symbol, next_symbol):
         elif str(id[pos]) == ")":
             parenthesis_counter -= 1
         if parenthesis_counter == 0:
         pos += 1
     if len(positions_to_remove_open_parenthesis) > 0:
         pos_to_remove = random.choice(positions_to_remove_open_parenthesis)
         return Id(id[:pos_to_remove] + id[pos_to_remove + 1:],
     elif len(conflicting_open_parenthesis_positions) > 0:
         new_id = id.copy()
         for pos in conflicting_open_parenthesis_positions:
             new_id = new_id.__mutate(pos, False)
         return new_id
     raise Exception
Example #13
 def gimmeh(self, statement):
     variable = statement.children[1]
     identifier = variable.children[0]
     sample = simpledialog.askstring(title="INPUT", prompt="Enter input: ")
     self.insert(identifier.value, Symbol("YARN", sample))
Example #14
 def random(prev_symbol=None, exceptions=None, symbols=None):
     from classes.Symbol import Symbol
     return Symbol.random(prev_symbol, exceptions,
    def __manage_symbol_at_pos(self, pos: int, additional_data: bool = False):
        smaller = len(self) < self.__initial_length
        equal = len(self) == self.__initial_length
        bigger = len(self) > self.__initial_length
        length = len(self)
        prev_symbol = self[pos - 1] if pos > 0 else None
        next_symbol = self[pos + 1] if pos + 1 < length else None
        prev_prev = self[pos - 2] if pos > 1 else None
        next_next = self[pos + 2] if pos + 2 < length else None
        symbols = Symbol.symbols().copy()
        if OpenParenthesis(
        ) in symbols and self.__is_not_worth_mutate_to_open_parenthesis(pos):
        if CloseParenthesis(
        ) in symbols and self.__is_not_worth_mutate_to_close_parenthesis(pos):

        if bigger and Symbol.check(prev_symbol, next_symbol):
            new_id = Id(self[:pos] + self[pos + 1:], self.__initial_length)
            if additional_data:
                return new_id, pos, str(self[pos]), 'None'
            return new_id
            symbols_to_mutate_to = []

            for symbol in symbols:
                if bigger:
                    if Symbol.check(prev_prev, symbol) and Symbol.check(
                            symbol, next_symbol):
                            [symbol, next_symbol] if next_symbol else [symbol])
                    elif Symbol.check(prev_symbol, symbol) and Symbol.check(
                            symbol, next_next):
                            [prev_symbol, symbol] if prev_symbol else [symbol])
                elif Symbol.check(prev_symbol, symbol) and Symbol.check(
                        symbol, next_symbol if equal else self[pos]):

            if len(symbols_to_mutate_to) > 0:

                symbols_to_mutate_to = random.choice(symbols_to_mutate_to)
                ending = self[pos + (2 if bigger else (1 if equal else 0)):]
                beginning = self[:pos - (1 if bigger and pos > 0 else 0)]
                new_id = Id(beginning + symbols_to_mutate_to + ending,
                if additional_data:
                    return new_id, pos, str(self[pos]), str(
                        [str(s) for s in symbols_to_mutate_to])
                return new_id


                final_symbols = []
                last_s = next_symbol if equal else (
                    self[pos] if smaller else next_next)
                first_s = prev_symbol if equal else self[pos]

                for s1 in symbols:
                    for s2 in symbols:
                        if Symbol.check(s1, s2):
                            if Symbol.check(
                                    prev_symbol if smaller else prev_prev,
                                    s1) and Symbol.check(s2, last_s):
                                    [s1, s2, last_s] if next_symbol
                                    and not bigger else [s1, s2])
                            if Symbol.check(first_s, s1) and Symbol.check(
                                    s2, next_next if equal else next_symbol):
                                    [first_s, s1, s2] if prev_symbol
                                    and not bigger else [s1, s2])

                if len(final_symbols) == 0:
                    raise Exception

                final_symbol_list = random.choice(final_symbols)
                beginning = self[:pos - (0 if smaller else 1)]
                ending = self[pos + (1 if smaller else 2):]
                new_id = Id(beginning + final_symbol_list + ending,
                if additional_data:
                    return new_id, pos, str(self[pos]), str(
                        [str(s) for s in final_symbol_list])
                return new_id
 def random(prev_symbol=None, exceptions=None, symbols=None):
     from classes.Symbol import Symbol
     return Symbol.random(prev_symbol, exceptions, SingleArgFunction.symbols())
Example #17
 def __init__(self, tree, output_text):
     self.tree = tree
     self.symbol_table = {"IT": Symbol("NOOB", None)}
     self.output_text = output_text
Example #18
 def random(prev_symbol=None, exceptions=None, symbols=None):
     from classes.Symbol import Symbol
     return Symbol.random(prev_symbol, exceptions, Operator.symbols())
                    i + 1,
                    Symbol.symbols() if i + 2 < wanted_length else
                    Symbol.ending_symbols(), symbols)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # from classes.numbers.variables.AxisY import AxisY
    # from classes.numbers.variables.AxisX import AxisX
    # from classes.interpretable_symbols.functions.operators.Subtraction import Subtraction
    # from classes.numbers.constants.Two import Two
    # score = DegreeAndDiameterCalculator.calculate(AdjacencyMatrix.parse(Id([AxisY(), Subtraction(), Two(), Subtraction(), AxisX()])))

    recursively_create_ids(0, Symbol.starting_symbols(), [])
    print("Number of created ids: " + str(num))
    ordered_results = []
    ordered_results_by_length = [[] for a in range(wanted_length)]
    for key in results:
        score = results[key][1] / results[key][0]
        result_pair = [key, score]
        not_inserted = True
        for i in range(len(ordered_results)):
            result = ordered_results[i]
            if score < result[1]:
                ordered_results.insert(i, result_pair)
                not_inserted = False
        if not_inserted: