Example #1
def main():
    # Координаты точек вершин первого многоугольника
    P = [Point(-5.0, 0.6), Point(-2, 2.1), Point(-7, 3.6), Point(-8, 2.1)]
    # P = [Point(5, -1), Point(8, 1), Point(8, 4), Point(6, 6), Point(3, 6), Point(1, 3), Point(2, 1)]
    # Координаты точек вершин второго многоугольника
    Q = [
        Point(1, 2),
        Point(3, 0),
        Point(8, 0),
        Point(10, 2),
        Point(8, 4),
        Point(3, 4)
    # Q = [Point(16, 2), Point(21, 4), Point(20, 6), Point(16, 9), Point(13, 7), Point(13, 4)]


    # Задаем направление точкам
    speed = 0.25
    for point in P:
        point.set_direction([Vector2d(speed * 1, 0), speed])
    for point in Q:
        point.set_direction([Vector2d(speed * -1, 0), speed])

    plot_task(P, Q)
Example #2
def reflect(p, vector_coords):
    # Previous direction
    v = p.direction
    # Polygon side
    q = Vector2d(vector_coords[0], vector_coords[1])

    scal = 2 * (Vector2d.scalar_product(v, q) / Vector2d.scalar_product(q, q))
    prod = Vector2d.s_mult(q, scal)
    new_direction = Vector2d.s_minus(prod, v)
    return new_direction
Example #3
def check_triangle(p1, p2, p3):
    if p1 == p2 == p3:
        return p1
    elif not p1 == p2 and not p1 == p3 and not p2 == p3:
        pos = check_point_pos(p1, p2, p3)
        if pos > 0:
            return [p1, p2, p3]
        elif pos < 0:
            return [p1, p3, p2]
        elif pos == 0:
            if Vector2d.scalar_product(Vector2d(p3, p1), Vector2d(p3, p2)) < 0:
                return [p1, p2]
            elif Vector2d.scalar_product(Vector2d(p1, p2), Vector2d(p1,
                                                                    p3)) < 0:
                return [p2, p3]
            elif Vector2d.scalar_product(Vector2d(p2, p1), Vector2d(p2,
                                                                    p3)) < 0:
                return [p1, p3]
        if p1 == p2:
            return [p1, p3]
        elif p1 == p3:
            return [p1, p2]
        elif p2 == p3:
            return [p1, p2]
Example #4
def check_triangle(p1, p2, p3):
    if p1 == p2 == p3:
        return p1
    elif not p1 == p2 and not p1 == p3 and not p2 == p3:
        pos = define_orientation(p1, p2, p3)
        if pos == "left":
            return [p1, p2, p3]
        elif pos == "right":
            return [p1, p3, p2]
        elif pos == 0:
            if Vector2d.scalar_product(Vector2d(p3, p1), Vector2d(p3, p2)) < 0:
                return [p1, p2]
            elif Vector2d.scalar_product(Vector2d(p1, p2), Vector2d(p1,
                                                                    p3)) < 0:
                return [p2, p3]
            elif Vector2d.scalar_product(Vector2d(p2, p1), Vector2d(p2,
                                                                    p3)) < 0:
                return [p1, p3]
        if p1 == p2:
            return [p1, p3]
        elif p1 == p3:
            return [p1, p2]
        elif p2 == p3:
            return [p1, p2]
Example #5
def get_intersection(p1, p2, p3, p4):
    # p = p3 + t(p4 - p3)
    n = Vector2d(-(p2.y - p1.y), p2.x - p1.x)
    t = (Vector2d.scalar_product(n, Vector2d(
        p3, p1))) / (Vector2d.scalar_product(n, Vector2d(p3, p4)))
    p = Vector2d(p3, p4)
    return Point(p3.x + t * p.x, p3.y + t * p.y)
Example #6
def cyrus_beck(segment, points):
    A = segment[0]
    B = segment[1]
    # T = {t0 = 0, t1 = 1}
    tA = 0
    tB = 1
    n = len(points)
    for i in range(len(points)):
        side = Vector2d(points[i], points[next_el(i, n)])
        normal = Vector2d(side.y, -side.x)
        # A(1-t) + Bt = P
        t2 = B.y - A.y
        t1 = get_intersection(A, B, points[i], points[next_el(i, n)]).y - A.y
        t = t1 / t2
        scalar_product = Vector2d.scalar_product(Vector2d(A, B), normal)
        # если ПВ
        if scalar_product < 0:
            tA = max(tA, t)
            # если ПП
            tB = min(tB, t)
    if tA > tB:
        return 0, 0
    return tA, tB
Example #7

if __name__ == '__main__':
    points_set = [
        Point(1, 1),
        Point(4, 3),
        Point(2, 2),
        Point(4, 5),
        Point(9, 3),
        Point(6, 4),
        Point(3, 0),
        Point(8, 1),
        Point(2, 4),
        Point(1.5, 3),
        Point(7, 3),
        Point(10, 7),
        Point(4, 5)

    # Set points direction
    for point in points_set:
        point.set_direction(Vector2d.get_vector(random.uniform(0, 2 * pi),


Example #8
if __name__ == '__main__':
    pylab.xlim(-1, 24)
    pylab.ylim(-2, 10)

    first_polygon = [
        Point(5, -1),
        Point(2, 1),
        Point(1, 3),
        Point(3, 6),
        Point(6, 6),
        Point(8, 4),
        Point(8, 1)
    # Set Direction
    speed = 0.25
    for point in first_polygon:
        point.set_direction([Vector2d(speed * 1, 0), speed])

    second_polygon = [
        Point(16, 2),
        Point(13, 4),
        Point(13, 7),
        Point(16, 9),
        Point(20, 6),
        Point(21, 4)
    for point in second_polygon:
        point.set_direction([Vector2d(speed * -1, 0), speed])

    plot_task(first_polygon, second_polygon)
Example #9
    rectangle = [Point(1, 1), Point(1, 10), Point(15, 10), Point(15, 1)]

    # Our points
    points_set = [
        Point(2, 2),
        Point(2, 3),
        Point(4, 2),
        Point(4, 5),
        Point(4, 8),
        Point(6, 2),
        Point(6, 9),
        Point(8, 5),
        Point(10, 3),
        Point(11, 9),
        Point(12, 5),
        Point(12, 8)

    points_set.sort(key=lambda point: (point.x, point.y))
    points_set_y = points_set.copy()
    points_set_y.sort(key=lambda point: (point.y, point.x))

    # min_dist = divide_and_rule(points_set)
    # print(min_dist)
    # Set points direction
    for point in points_set:
            Vector2d.get_vector(random.uniform(0, 2 * pi), 0.09))

    plot_task(rectangle, points_set, points_set_y)
Example #10
def delaunay_triangulation(points):
    gr = graham_method(points)
    P = gr[0]
    CH = gr[1]
    l_s = line_segments(CH)

    # E = 3V - out_V - 3
    edge_limit = 3 * len(points) - len(CH) - 3

    triangulation = []
    triangulation += l_s

    new_edge = []

    for side in l_s:

        base = side

        # p_m = min(P, key=lambda p: cos_angle(vector(p, base[0]), vector(p, base[1])))
        p_m = min(P,
                  key=lambda p: cos_angle(Vector2d(p, base[0]),
                                          Vector2d(p, base[1])))

        if [p_m, base[0]] in triangulation or [base[0], p_m] in triangulation:
            triangulation.append([p_m, base[0]])
            new_edge.append([p_m, base[0]])

        if [base[1], p_m] in triangulation or [p_m, base[1]] in triangulation:
            triangulation.append([base[1], p_m])
            new_edge.append([base[1], p_m])

    if len(triangulation) == edge_limit:
        return triangulation

    new_edge_loop = []
    for i in new_edge:

    while True:
        for side in new_edge:

            base = side

            p_m = min(P,
                      key=lambda p: cos_angle(Vector2d(p, base[0]),
                                              Vector2d(p, base[1])))

            if [p_m, base[0]] in triangulation or [base[0], p_m
                                                   ] in triangulation:
                triangulation.append([p_m, base[0]])
                new_edge.append([p_m, base[0]])

            if [base[1], p_m] in triangulation or [p_m, base[1]
                                                   ] in triangulation:
                triangulation.append([base[1], p_m])
                new_edge.append([base[1], p_m])

        if len(triangulation) == edge_limit:
            return triangulation
Example #11
def is_intersect(p1, p2, p3, p4):
    d1 = determinant(p3, p4, p3, p1)
    d2 = determinant(p3, p4, p3, p2)
    d3 = determinant(p1, p2, p1, p3)
    d4 = determinant(p1, p2, p1, p4)
    if d1 == d2 == d3 == d4 == 0:
        c1 = Vector2d.scalar_product(Vector2d(p1, p3), Vector2d(p1, p4))
        c2 = Vector2d.scalar_product(Vector2d(p2, p3), Vector2d(p2, p4))
        c3 = Vector2d.scalar_product(Vector2d(p3, p1), Vector2d(p3, p2))
        c4 = Vector2d.scalar_product(Vector2d(p4, p1), Vector2d(p4, p2))
        if c1 < 0 or c2 < 0 or c3 < 0 or c4 < 0:
            return True
            return False
    elif d1 * d2 <= 0 and d3 * d4 <= 0:
        return True
        return False