Example #1
 def __init__(self, executor):
     self.executor = executor
     self.commands = collections.OrderedDict()
     self.commands[CommandType.FirmwareVersion] = Command(
         "Check firmware version", Esp8266Ctrl.firmware_version)
     self.commands[CommandType.ConnectAccessPoint] = Command(
         "Connect access point", Esp8266Ctrl.connect_access_point)
     self.commands[CommandType.GetIp] = Command("Get Ip",
     self.commands[CommandType.EnableMultipleConnections] = Command(
         "Enable multiple connections",
     self.commands[CommandType.ConnectHost] = Command(
         "Connect host", Esp8266Ctrl.connect_host)
Example #2
def get_shell_commands(shell_command_line):
    '''Given a shell command line, get a list of Command objects'''
    comm_list = shell_command_line.split('&&')
    cleaned_list = []
    for comm in comm_list:
    return cleaned_list
Example #3
 def setUp(self):
     self.install = Command('apt-get install -y git')
     self.untar = Command('tar -x -C file tarfile.tar')
     self.download = Command('wget url')
     self.remove = Command('apt-get purge git')
Example #4
    def __init__(self, app_name: str, client):
        with open(f"./apps/{app_name}/settings.co", 'r') as f:
            data = f.readlines()

        self.dict_data = {
            "name": "",
            "version": "",
            "description": "",
            "permission": [],
            "command": [],
            "is_continue": False,
        pointer = -1
        for line in data:
            pointer += 1
            name_match = re.match(name_comp, line)
            ver_match = re.match(ver_comp, line)
            desc_match = re.match(desc_comp, line)
            permission_match = re.match(permission_comp, line)
            command_match = re.match(command_comp, line)
            continue_match = re.match(continue_comp, line)
            if name_match:
                self.dict_data['name'] += name_match.groups()[0]
            if ver_match:
                self.dict_data['version'] += ver_match.groups()[0]
            if desc_match:
                self.dict_data['description'] += desc_match.group(1).replace("\\", "\n")
            if permission_match:
                self.dict_data['permission'] += [int(i) for i in permission_match.groups()[0].split(",")]
            if continue_match:
                if continue_match.group(1) == "True":
                    self.dict_data['is_continue'] = True
            if command_match:
                groups = command_match.groups()
                prefix = groups[0]
                if re.match(command_comp_is_arg, line):
                    arguments = re.match(command_comp_is_arg, line).group(1).split()
                    arguments = []
                look = ""
                desc = ""
                command_pointer = pointer + 1
                for l in data[command_pointer:]:
                    look_match = re.match(command_look_comp, l)
                    desc_match = re.match(command_desc_comp, l)
                    if not l.startswith("$"):
                    if look_match:
                        look = look_match.group(0)
                    if desc_match:
                        desc += desc_match.group(0).replace("\\", "\n")
                _command = Command(prefix, arguments, look, desc, )
        for key, value in self.dict_data.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)
        if self.is_continue:
            loader = machinery.SourceFileLoader(app_name, f"./apps/{app_name}/worker.py")
            app_module = loader.load_module()
            self.instance = app_module.Worker(client)
            self.worker = self.instance
Example #5
def convert_command(input_file, input_folder) -> []:
    cmd = []
    cpath = ''
    cbody = ''
    capi = ''
    caction = ''
    cname = ''
    inner_config = False
    inner_inner_config = False
    inner_edit = False
    outer_edit = False
    rename_flag = False
    clone_flag = False
    append_flag = False
    unselect_flag = False

    source = input_folder + '/' + input_file

    if not os.path.isfile(source):
        logging.error('command: file not found')
        return cmd

    for line in fileinput.input(source):
        line = re.sub(r'"', '', line)
        if ('#' in line and 'gui-default-policy-columns' not in line):
            # skip comments
        if 'execute update-now' in line:
            cpath = 'system/fortiguard/update'
            cbody = ''
            capi = 'monitor'
            caction = 'execute'
            cname = ''
            cmd.append(Command(cpath, cbody, capi, caction, cname))
        if 'config' in line:
            line = re.findall(r'\S+', line)
            if line.__len__() == 2:
                if inner_config:
                    inner_inner_config = True
                    if cbody == '':
                        cbody = '{'
                    cbody = cbody + ',"' + line[1] + '":[{'
                    inner_config = True
                    if cbody == '':
                        cbody = '{'
                    cbody = cbody + ',"' + line[1] + '":{'
                for entry in line:
                    if 'config' in entry:
                        capi = 'cmdb'
                    if cpath == '':
                        cpath = entry
                        cpath = cpath + '/'
                        cpath = cpath + entry

                if len(cpath.split("/")) > 2:
                    cpath = cpath.replace("/", ".", 1)
                if len(cpath.split("/")) > 2:
                    cpath = cpath.replace("/", ".", 1)
        if 'delete' in line:
            cname = line.split()[1]
            caction = 'delete'
            cmd.append(Command(cpath, cbody, capi, caction, cname))
            cname = ''
            caction = ''
        if 'rename' in line:
            rename_flag = True
            cname = cname + line.split()[3]
            caction = 'rename'
            cpath_add = '/' + str(line.split()[1])
            cpath = cpath + cpath_add
            cbody = '{"name":"' + str(cname) + '"}'
            if 'webfilter/ftgd-local-cat' in cpath:
                cbody = re.sub(r'name', 'desc', cbody)
            cmd.append(Command(cpath, cbody, capi, caction, cname))
            cname = ''
            caction = ''
            cpath = re.sub(str(cpath_add), '', cpath)
        if 'clone' in line:
            clone_flag = True
            cname = cname + line.split()[3]
            caction = 'clone'
            cpath_add = '/' + str(line.split()[1])
            cpath = cpath + cpath_add
            cmd.append(Command(cpath, cbody, capi, caction, cname))
            cname = ''
            caction = ''
            cpath = re.sub(str(cpath_add), '', cpath)
        if 'show' in line:
            line = re.findall(r"[\w']+", line)
            for entry in line:
                if 'show' in entry:
                    capi = 'monitor'
                if cpath == '':
                    cpath = entry
                    cpath = cpath + '/'
                    cpath = cpath + entry
        if 'edit' in line:
            rename_flag = False
            clone_flag = False
            if outer_edit:
                inner_edit = True
                if 'webfilter/profile' in cpath:
                    second = line.split()[1]
                    cbody = cbody + ',"id":"' + str(second) + '"'
                    cbody = re.sub(r'":{', '":[{', cbody)
                if not ('firewall/policy' in cpath
                        or 'firewall/local-in-policy' in cpath):
                    cbody = '{"name":"' + str(line.split()[1]) + '"'
                cname = line.split()[1]
                caction = 'edit'
                outer_edit = True
        if 'append' in line:
            if not append_flag:
                cpath = cpath + '/' + cname
                cbody = ''
                append_flag = True
            caction = 'append'
            first = line.split()[1]
            second = line.split(first)[1]
            second = second[1:]
            cname = first
            cbody = cbody + '{"name":"' + str(second) + '"}'
            cbody = re.sub(r'\n+', '', cbody)
            cmd.append(Command(cpath, cbody, capi, caction, cname))
            caction = ''
            cname = ''
            cbody = ''
        if 'unselect' in line:
            if not unselect_flag:
                cpath = cpath + '/' + cname
                cbody = ''
                unselect_flag = True
            caction = 'unselect'
            first = line.split()[1]
            second = line.split(first)[1]
            second = second[1:]
            cname = first + '/' + second
            cname = re.sub(r'\n+', '', cname)
            cmd.append(Command(cpath, cbody, capi, caction, cname))
            caction = ''
            cname = ''
        if ('set' in line) and not ('unset' in line):
            if cbody == '':
                cbody = '{'
            if 'member' in line or 'srcintf' in line or 'dstintf' in line or 'srcaddr' in line or 'dstaddr' in line \
                    or 'service' in line or 'tunnel-ip-pools' in line \
                    or ('category' in line and 'category-override' not in line and 'webfilter' not in cpath
                        and 'firewall.service' not in cpath) \
                    or 'source-interface' in line or 'source-address' in line or 'source-address6' in line \
                    or ('interface' in line and 'associated-interface' not in line and 'SSL VPN' not in line):
                # complex object
                first = line.split()[1]
                second = line.split(first)[1]
                second = second[1:]
                # split all entries to an array
                second = re.findall(r'\S+', second)
                third = ''
                for entry in second:
                    third = third + '{"name":"' + str(entry) + '"},'
                    # special names
                    if 'system/zone' in cpath:
                        third = re.sub(r'"name"', '"interface-name"', third)
                    if 'application/list' in cpath:
                        third = re.sub(r'"name"', '"id"', third)
                cbody = cbody + ',"' + str(first) + '":[' + str(third) + ']'
            elif 'vpn.certificate/ca' in cpath:
                # certificate upload
                caction = 'upload'
                capi = 'monitor'
                destination = input_folder + '/ca.cer'
                copyfile(source, destination)
                f = open(destination, 'r')
                content = f.readlines()
                f = open(destination, 'w')
                need_content = False
                for subline in content:
                    if 'END CERTIFICATE' in subline:
                        need_content = False
                        subline = re.sub(r'"', '', subline)
                    if need_content:
                    if 'BEGIN CERTIFICATE' in subline:
                        need_content = True
                        subline = subline.split('"')[1]
                # simple object
                first = line.split()[1]
                second = line.split(first)[1]
                second = second[1:]
                cbody = cbody + ',"' + str(first) + '":"' + str(second) + '"'
                if 'webfilter/ftgd-local-cat' in cpath:
                    cbody = re.sub(r'name', 'desc', cbody)
        if 'unset' in line:
            if cbody == '':
                cbody = '{'
            first = line.split()[1]
            cbody = cbody + ',"' + str(first) + '":null'
        if 'next' in line:
            if cbody != '':
                cbody = cbody + '}'
                cbody = re.sub(r'\n+', '', cbody)
                cbody = re.sub(r',]', ']', cbody)
                cbody = re.sub(r'{,', '{', cbody)
                cbody = re.sub(r',{}', '', cbody)
                if inner_edit:
                    cbody = cbody + ',{'
                    inner_edit = False
                    cmd.append(Command(cpath, cbody, capi, caction, cname))
                    if 'null' in cbody:
                        # "unset" command needs to be executed twice
                        cmd.append(Command(cpath, cbody, capi, caction, cname))
            cbody = ''
            cname = ''
            caction = ''
            outer_edit = False
        if ('end') in line and not ('append' in line):
            if inner_inner_config:
                inner_inner_config = False
                if 'webfilter/profile' in cpath and 'filters' in cbody:
                    cbody = cbody + '}]'
            elif inner_config:
                inner_config = False
                cbody = cbody + '}'
                if 'application/list' in cpath or 'ips/sensor' in cpath:
                    cbody = cbody + ']'
                if 'null' in cbody:
                    # "unset" command need to be executed twice
                    cmd.append(Command(cpath, cbody, capi, caction, cname))
                elif unselect_flag:
                    unselect_flag = False
                elif append_flag:
                    append_flag = False
                elif rename_flag:
                    rename_flag = False
                elif clone_flag:
                    clone_flag = False
                elif cbody != '':
                    cbody = cbody + '}'
                    cbody = re.sub(r'\n+', '', cbody)
                    cbody = re.sub(r',]', ']', cbody)
                    cbody = re.sub(r'{,', '{', cbody)
                    cmd.append(Command(cpath, cbody, capi, caction, cname))
                cpath = ''
                cbody = ''
    if not cmd:
        logging.error('command: error, abort execution')
        return cmd

    logging.info('command: converted cli command to rest api command')
    logging.info('command: parsed ' + str(len(cmd)) + ' commands')
    return cmd