Example #1
 def __init__(self, tiles=None):
     self.tiles = tiles
     if self.tiles is None:
         self.tiles = [
             Tile(color, value) for color in range(1, 5)
             for value in range(1, 14) for _ in range(2)
         ] + [Tile(0, 0), Tile(0, 0)]
Example #2
class TestLast(unittest.TestCase):
    tiles = [Tile(5, 4), Tile(4, 5)]

    def test_last(self):
        Returns the last tile in a list of tiles
        result = find.last(self.tiles)
        self.assertEqual(result, self.tiles[-1])
Example #3
def generate_level(level, all_sprites, tile_group, player_group, tile_size):
    player1, player2, x, y = None, None, None, None
    for y in range(len(level)):
        for x in range(len(level[y])):
            if level[y][x] in " .":
            elif level[y][x] == 'p':
                player1 = Player(
                    "Player 1", x, y, all_sprites, player_group,
                        load_image('Player1.png', -1),
                        tuple(map(int, (tile_size * 0.8, tile_size * 0.8)))),
            elif level[y][x] == 'q':
                player2 = Player(
                    "Player 2", x, y, all_sprites, player_group,
                        load_image('Player2.png', -1),
                        tuple(map(int, (tile_size * 0.8, tile_size * 0.8)))),
                    tile_render[level[y][x]], x, y, all_sprites, tile_group,
                        load_image(tile_render[level[y][x]] + '.png'),
                        (tile_size, tile_size)), tile_size)

    return player1, player2
Example #4
class TestMatchingTile(unittest.TestCase):
    data = [Tile(5, 4), Tile(4, 5)]

    def test_matching_tile(self):
        Returns a successful match
        result = find.matching_tile(self.data[0], self.data)
        self.assertEqual(result, True)

    def test_non_matching_tile(self):
        Returns an unsuccessful match
        result = find.matching_tile(Tile(1, 1), self.data)
        self.assertEqual(result, False)
Example #5
class TestExists(unittest.TestCase):
    tiles = [Tile(5, 4), Tile(4, 5)]

    def test_tile_exists(self):
        Returns a successful match
        result = find.exists(self.tiles[0], self.tiles)
        self.assertEqual(result, True)

    def test_does_not_exist(self):
        Returns an unsuccessful match
        result = find.exists(Tile(1, 1), self.tiles)
        self.assertEqual(result, False)
Example #6
def tiles():
    dominoes = []
    for side1 in range(7):
        for side2 in range(7):
            tile = Tile(side1, side2)
            if not find.exists(tile, dominoes):
    return dominoes
Example #7
class TestIsDouble(unittest.TestCase):
    tile1 = Tile(5, 4)
    tile2 = Tile(2, 2)

    def test_is_double_success(self):
        returns a positive match
        result = compare.is_double(self.tile2)
        self.assertEqual(result, True)

    def test_is_double_failure(self):
        returns a negative match
        result = compare.is_double(self.tile1)
        self.assertEqual(result, False)
Example #8
 def __init__(self, w, h):
     self.width = w
     self.height = h
     self.size = [self.width, self.height]
     self.board = []
     for i in range(self.height):
         for j in range(self.width):
Example #9
class TestMatchesLeft(unittest.TestCase):
    tile1 = Tile(4, 5)
    tile2 = Tile(2, 2)
    tile3 = Tile(5, 5)

    def test_matches_left_success(self):
        returns a positive match
        result = compare.matches_left(self.tile1, self.tile3)
        self.assertEqual(result, True)

    def test_matches_left_failure(self):
        returns a negative match
        result = compare.matches_left(self.tile1, self.tile2)
        self.assertEqual(result, False)
Example #10
class TestIsBlocker(unittest.TestCase):
    tile = Tile(5, 4)
    played_tiles_mismatch = [Tile(2, 2), Tile(4, 4)]
    played_tiles_match = [Tile(4, 2), Tile(2, 5)]

    def test_is_blocker_success(self):
        returns a positive match
        result = compare.is_blocker(self.tile, self.played_tiles_match)
        self.assertEqual(result, True)

    def test_is_blocker_failure(self):
        returns a negative match
        result = compare.is_blocker(self.tile, self.played_tiles_mismatch)
        self.assertEqual(result, False)
Example #11
    def initialize_tiles(self):
        tiles = [[Tile(True) for y in range(self.height)]
                 for x in range(self.width)]

        x, y = 0, 28

        for x in range(10, 60):
            tiles[x][y].blocked = True
            tiles[x][y].block_sight = True

        return tiles
Example #12
 def drawSlice(self, layer, surface, bounds, mouse=(-1, -1)):
     bounds = pygame.Rect(bounds)
     board = self.board[layer].board
     tilesX = len(board[0])
     tilesY = len(board)
     border = 3
     tborder = 2
     bx = (bounds.w - border * 2) / tilesX
     by = (bounds.h - border * 2) / tilesY
     tw = bx - tborder
     th = by - tborder
     surface.fill(Tile().colors["BOARD_BACK"], bounds)
     hitTile = [[-1, -1, -1], Tile(), False]  # [i, j, tile]
     for i in range(0, tilesY):
         for j in range(0, tilesX):
             x = bounds.x + bx * j + border + tborder
             y = bounds.y + by * i + border + tborder
             ti = board[i][j]
             ti.drawTile(surface, x, y, min(bx, by) - tborder)
             if x <= mouse[0] <= x + tw and y <= mouse[1] <= y + th:
                 hitTile = [[layer, i, j], ti, True]
     return hitTile
Example #13
    def __init__(self, map_file):
        self.music = Music()

        self.map_file = pytmx.load_pygame(map_file)

        # IDEA: is needed. Player here or in main class?
        self.player = Player()

        self.background_tiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.collision_tiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.items = pygame.sprite.Group()

        self.items.add(Item(3, 32, 32))
        self.items.add(Item(1, 300, 320))
        self.items.add(Item(0, 64, 64))
        self.items.add(Item(0, 400, 400))

        # Load tiles
        for x, y, image in self.map_file.layers[0].tiles():
            self.background_tiles.add(Tile(x*self.map_file.tilewidth, y*self.map_file.tileheight, image))

        for x, y, image in self.map_file.layers[1].tiles():
            self.collision_tiles.add(Tile(x*self.map_file.tilewidth, y*self.map_file.tileheight, image))
Example #14
class TestFlipped(unittest.TestCase):
    data = Tile(5, 4)

    def test_flipped(self):
        Test that the values of the returned tile are flipped
        result = flipped(self.data)
        self.assertEqual(result.side1, self.data.side2)
        self.assertEqual(result.side2, self.data.side1)

    def test_flipped_type(self):
        Test that it returns a tile
        result = flipped(self.data)
        self.assertIsInstance(result, Tile)
Example #15
    def __init__(self, level_number):

        self.wall_tiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.bg_tiles = pygame.sprite.Group()

        if level_number == 1:
            for j in range(0, 25):
                for i in range(0, 25):
                    if level_one[j][i] == 0:
                        self.bg_tiles.add(Tile(i * 32, j * 32, 'bg-2.png'))
                    if level_one[j][i] == 1:
                        self.wall_tiles.add(Tile(i * 32, j * 32, 'bg-3.png'))
                    if level_one[j][i] == 2:
                        self.bg_tiles.add(Tile(i * 32, j * 32, 'grass.png'))

        if level_number == 2:
            for j in range(0, 25):
                for i in range(0, 25):
                    if level_two[j][i] == 0:
                        self.bg_tiles.add(Tile(i * 32, j * 32, 'bg-2.png'))
                    if level_two[j][i] == 1:
                        self.wall_tiles.add(Tile(i * 32, j * 32, 'bg-3.png'))
                    if level_two[j][i] == 2:
                        self.bg_tiles.add(Tile(i * 32, j * 32, 'grass.png'))
Example #16
 def init_tilemap():
     consts = Constants.consts
     tilemap = [[Tile(True) for y in range(consts['MAP_HEIGHT'])]
                for x in range(consts['MAP_WIDTH'])]
     return tilemap
Example #17
def flipped(tile):
    return Tile(tile.side2, tile.side1)
Example #18
 def test_non_matching_tile(self):
     Returns an unsuccessful match
     result = find.matching_tile(Tile(1, 1), self.data)
     self.assertEqual(result, False)
Example #19
 def test_does_not_exist(self):
     Returns an unsuccessful match
     result = find.exists(Tile(1, 1), self.tiles)
     self.assertEqual(result, False)
Example #20
class TestTiles(unittest.TestCase):
    data = [Tile(0, 0), Tile(0, 1), Tile(0, 2), Tile(0, 3), Tile(0, 4), Tile(0, 5), Tile(0, 6), Tile(1, 1), Tile(1, 2),
            Tile(1, 3), Tile(1, 4), Tile(1, 5), Tile(1, 6), Tile(2, 2), Tile(2, 3), Tile(2, 4), Tile(2, 5), Tile(2, 6),
            Tile(3, 3), Tile(3, 4), Tile(3, 5), Tile(3, 6), Tile(4, 4), Tile(4, 5), Tile(4, 6), Tile(5, 5), Tile(5, 6),
            Tile(6, 6)]

    def test_tile_count(self):
        Returns a list of 28 tiles
        result = generate.tiles()
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 28)

    def test_tile_combinations(self):
        Returns the correct combinations of tiles
        result = generate.tiles()
        for i in range(28):