Example #1
	def __init__(self, pretransformation_name, k):
		self.pretransformation = pretransformation_name
		#those are the scores of the pretransformation applied in the train set by feature (ex: idf transformation)
		self.transformation_scores_by_feature = None
		#those represents the resulting matrixes from the decompositon X_hat = U.D.V with ||X-X_hat|| small
		self.u_matrix = None
		self.s_vector = None
		self.v_matrix = None
		self.k = 20
		if k!= None:
			self.k = k
Example #2
	def __init__(self, pretransformation_name, a_constrains_name, b_constrains_name, k):
		#initialize the name of the different transformations and constranis for the lcbmf
		self.pretransformation_name = pretransformation_name
		self.a_constrains_name = a_constrains_name
		self.b_constrains_name = b_constrains_name
		#those represents the resulting matrixes from the decompositon X_hat = A.B with ||X-X_hat|| small and A, B obeing to some constrains
		self.a_matrix = None
		self.b_matrix = None
		self.k = 20
		if k != None: