Example #1
def followActionBasis(self, observedState, action):
	allowedDirections = observedState.getLegalPacmanActions()
	pacmanPosition = observedState.getPacmanPosition()

	if action == 'good':
		target = classifyGhosts.getNearestGoodGhost(observedState, self.distancer)
	elif action == 'bad':
		target = classifyGhosts.getNearestBadGhost(observedState, self.distancer)
	elif action == 'capsule':
		target = classifyCapsule.closest(observedState, self.distancer)
		raise Exception("Unknown action '%s' passed to action basis" % action)

	# find the direction that moves closes to target
	best_action = Directions.STOP
	best_dist = np.inf
	for la in allowedDirections:
		if la == Directions.STOP:
		successor_pos = Actions.getSuccessor(pacmanPosition,la)
		new_dist = self.distancer.getDistance(successor_pos,target)
		if new_dist < best_dist:
			best_action = la
			best_dist = new_dist
	return best_action
    def chooseAction(self, observedState):
        Pacman will eat the nearest good capsule if the ghost is not scared,
        and chase the scared ghost otherwise.

        pacmanPos = observedState.getPacmanPosition()
        ghost_states = observedState.getGhostStates() # states have getPosition() and getFeatures() methods
        legalActs = [a for a in observedState.getLegalPacmanActions()]

        # find the closest ghost by sorting the distances
        closeGhost = ghosts.closestGhost(observedState, self.distancer, good=False)
        # find the closest bad ghost by sorting the distances
        badGhost = ghosts.getNearestBadGhost(observedState, self.distancer)

        # position of closest good capsule to Pacman
        closeCapsule = capsule.closest(observedState, self.distancer)

        best_action = random.choice(legalActs)
        if observedState.scaredGhostPresent():
            # targets capsules and good ghosts on the way to the bad ghost
            target = mapH.subTarget(pacmanPos, badGhost, closeCapsule)
            target = mapH.subTarget(pacmanPos, target, closeGhost)
            for dir in mapH.getDirs(pacmanPos, target):
                if dir in legalActs:
                    return dir
            # sorts out directions that lead to any close ghost
            legalActs = [a for a in legalActs if a not in mapH.ghostDirs(pacmanPos, closeGhost)]
            for dir in mapH.getDirs(pacmanPos, closeCapsule):
                if dir in legalActs:
                    return dir
        return best_action
    def chooseAction(self, observedState):
        Pacman will eat the nearest good capsule if the ghost is not scared,
        and eat good ghosts otherwise. Along the way, he will adjust his path to
        run into good ghosts.

        pacmanPos = observedState.getPacmanPosition()
        legalActs = [a for a in observedState.getLegalPacmanActions()]

        # find the closest ghost by sorting the distances
        goodGhost = ghosts.closestGhost(observedState, self.distancer, good=True)
        # position of closest good capsule to Pacman
        closeCapsule = capsule.closest(observedState, self.distancer)

        best_action = random.choice(legalActs)
        if observedState.scaredGhostPresent():
            # targets capsules along the way
            target = mapH.subTarget(pacmanPos, goodGhost, closeCapsule)
            for dir in mapH.getDirs(pacmanPos, target):
                if dir in legalActs:
                    return dir
            # find the closest bad ghost by sorting the distances
            badGhost = ghosts.getNearestBadGhost(observedState, self.distancer)
            # sorts out directions that lead to the bad ghost
            legalActs = [a for a in legalActs if a not in mapH.ghostDirs(pacmanPos, badGhost)]
            # targets good ghosts along the way
            target = mapH.subTarget(pacmanPos, closeCapsule, goodGhost)
            for dir in mapH.getDirs(pacmanPos, closeCapsule):
                if dir in legalActs:
                    return dir
        return best_action
    def chooseAction(self, observedState):
        Pacman will eat the nearest good capsule if the ghost is not scared,
        avoiding all ghosts, and eat the closest ghost otherwise.

        pacmanPos = observedState.getPacmanPosition()
        legalActs = [a for a in observedState.getLegalPacmanActions()]

        # find the closest ghost by sorting the distances
        closeGhost = ghosts.closestGhost(observedState, self.distancer, good=False)

        # position of closest good capsule to Pacman
        closeCapsule = capsule.closest(observedState, self.distancer)

        best_action = random.choice(legalActs)
        if observedState.scaredGhostPresent():
            # targets capsules on the way to ghosts
            target = mapH.subTarget(pacmanPos, closeGhost, closeCapsule)
            # chases the ghost
            for dir in mapH.getDirs(pacmanPos, closeGhost):
                if dir in legalActs:
                    return dir
            # sorts out directions that lead to any close ghost
            legalActs = [a for a in legalActs if a not in mapH.ghostDirs(pacmanPos, closeGhost)]
            # chases the capsule
            for dir in mapH.getDirs(pacmanPos, closeCapsule):
                if dir in legalActs:
                    return dir
        return best_action
    def chooseAction(self, observedState):
        Pacman will chase the scared ghost if present, and the nearest good
        capsule otherwise. Along the way, he will adjust his path to run into
        good ghosts.

        pacmanPos = observedState.getPacmanPosition()
        ghost_states = observedState.getGhostStates() # states have getPosition() and getFeatures() methods
        legalActs = [a for a in observedState.getLegalPacmanActions()]
        ghost_dists = np.array([self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPos,gs.getPosition())
                              for gs in ghost_states])
        # find the closest ghost by sorting the distances
        closest_idx = sorted(zip(range(len(ghost_states)),ghost_dists), key=lambda t: t[1])[0][0]

        # closest good capsule to Pacman
        cap = capsule.closest(observedState, self.distancer)
        print cap

        if observedState.scaredGhostPresent():
            return mapH.getDirs(pacmanPos, closest_idx)
            return mapH.getDirs(pacmanPos, cap)
Example #6
def goodBadGhostCapsuleDistances(self,observedState):
	pacmanPosition = observedState.getPacmanPosition()
	goodGhost = classifyGhosts.getNearestGoodGhost(observedState, self.distancer)
	badGhost = classifyGhosts.getNearestBadGhost(observedState, self.distancer)
	capsule = classifyCapsule.closest(observedState, self.distancer)

	distBinner = xbinner( \
		(0,math.sqrt(observedState.layout.width**2 + observedState.layout.width**2)), \
		goodBadGhostCapsuleDistances.buckets )

	goodGhostDistance = distBinner(self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, goodGhost))
	badGhostDistance = distBinner(self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, badGhost))
	capsuleDistance = distBinner(self.distancer.getDistance(pacmanPosition, capsule))
	hasCapsule = observedState.scaredGhostPresent()
	return (goodGhostDistance,badGhostDistance,capsuleDistance,int(hasCapsule))
    def chooseAction(self, observedState):
        "Pacman will eat the nearest good capsule. For testing purposes."

        pacmanPos = observedState.getPacmanPosition()
        ghost_states = observedState.getGhostStates() # states have getPosition() and getFeatures() methods
        legalActs = [a for a in observedState.getLegalPacmanActions()]

        # position of closest good capsule to Pacman
        closeCapsule = capsule.closest(observedState, self.distancer)

        best_action = random.choice(legalActs)
        for dir in mapH.getDirs(pacmanPos, closeCapsule):
            if dir in legalActs:
                return dir
        return best_action
Example #8
def localNeighborhood(self, observedState):
	radius = 4
	pacmanPosition = observedState.getPacmanPosition()

	xBinner = xbinner( (pacmanPosition[0]-radius, pacmanPosition[0]+radius), localNeighborhood.buckets )
	yBinner = xbinner( (pacmanPosition[1]-radius, pacmanPosition[1]+radius), localNeighborhood.buckets )

	goodGhost = classifyGhosts.getNearestGoodGhost(observedState, self.distancer)
	badGhost = classifyGhosts.getNearestBadGhost(observedState, self.distancer)
	capsule = classifyCapsule.closest(observedState, self.distancer)
	hasCapsule = observedState.scaredGhostPresent()

	print pacmanPosition, goodGhost, badGhost, capsule, hasCapsule

	# bin the x/y position for each object of interest 
	b = []
	for p in [goodGhost, badGhost, capsule]:
		b += [xBinner(p[0]), yBinner(p[1])]
	return tuple(b + [int(hasCapsule)])