def maketopo_pwlinear(): """ Output topography file for the entire domain """ nxpoints = 501 nypoints = 5 xlower = 0.e0 xupper = 50.e0 ylower = -20.e0 yupper = 20.e0 outfile= "pwlinear2.topotype1" topotools.topo1writer(outfile,topo_pwlinear,xlower,xupper,ylower,yupper,nxpoints,nypoints)
def makeqinit(): """ Create qinit data file """ nxpoints = 2001 nypoints = 2001 xlower = 0.e0 xupper = 200000.e0 yupper = 200000.e0 ylower = 0.e0 outfile= "" topotools.topo1writer(outfile,qinit,xlower,xupper,ylower,yupper,nxpoints,nypoints)
def makeqinit(): """ Create qinit data file """ nxpoints = 101 nypoints = 101 xlower = 205. xupper = 217.5 yupper = -14. ylower = -22. outfile= "" topotools.topo1writer(outfile,qinit,xlower,xupper,ylower,yupper,nxpoints,nypoints)
def makeqinit(): """ Create qinit data file """ nxpoints=100 nypoints=100 xlower=-84.e0 xupper=-80.e0 ylower=-49.e0 yupper=-45.e0 outfile= "" topotools.topo1writer(outfile,qinit,xlower,xupper,ylower,yupper,nxpoints,nypoints)
def makeqinit(): """ Create qinit data file """ nxpoints = 101 nypoints = 101 xlower = -100.e0 xupper = 100.e0 yupper = 100.e0 ylower = -100.e0 outfile = "" topotools.topo1writer(outfile, qinit, xlower, xupper, ylower, yupper, nxpoints, nypoints)
def maketopo_pwlinear(): """ Output topography file for the entire domain """ nxpoints = 501 nypoints = 5 xlower = 0.e0 xupper = 50.e0 ylower = -20.e0 yupper = 20.e0 outfile = "pwlinear2.topotype1" topotools.topo1writer(outfile, topo_pwlinear, xlower, xupper, ylower, yupper, nxpoints, nypoints)
def makeqinit(): """ Create qinit data file """ nxpoints = 201 nypoints = 201 xlower = xcenter - 1.5 xupper = xcenter + 1.5 ylower = ycenter - 1.5 yupper = ycenter + 1.5 outfile = "" topotools.topo1writer(outfile, qinit, xlower, xupper, ylower, yupper, nxpoints, nypoints)
def makeqinit(): """ Create qinit data file """ with open("../../PreRun/InputData/fgmax_grid.txt") as f: temp = f.readlines() temp = temp[7:] data = zeros((len(temp),2)) for i in range(len(temp)): lon, lat = temp[i].split() data[i][0] = lon data[i][1] = lat xcenter = data[:,0] ycenter = data[:,1] xlower = min(xcenter)-1 xupper = max(xcenter)+1 ylower = min(ycenter)-1 yupper = max(ycenter)+1 nxpoints = int((xupper-xlower)*60)+1 nypoints = int((yupper-ylower)*60)+1 print("nxpoints etc") print(nxpoints) print(nypoints) def qinit(x,y,scale=150): from numpy import where from clawpack.geoclaw.util import haversine z = 0 # Gaussian using distance in meters: for i in range(len(xcenter)): r = haversine(x,y,xcenter[i],ycenter[i]) # z = exp(-(r/20e3)**2) z = z+exp(-(r/scale)**2) #This is highly debatable...does this decay to quickly to register on the rough grid we are using? If we have the decay slower, are we going to have the problem of multiple points stacking up and biasing the solver? return z outfile= "" topotools.topo1writer(outfile,qinit,xlower,xupper,ylower,yupper,nxpoints,nypoints)
def maketopo(): """ Output topography files """ nxpoints = 201 nypoints = 21 xlower = 0. xupper = 20. ylower = 0. yupper = 1.52 outfile= "domain.tt1" topotools.topo1writer(outfile,topo,xlower,xupper,ylower,yupper,nxpoints,nypoints) nxpoints = 201 nypoints = 201 xlower = 4.5 xupper = 5.5 ylower = 0.25 yupper = 1.25 outfile= "hump.tt1" topotools.topo1writer(outfile,topo,xlower,xupper,ylower,yupper,nxpoints,nypoints)