Example #1
    def inner_fn_test(x_t, s_tm1):

        prior_1_t = prior_1.fprop([x_t,s_tm1], params)
        prior_mu_t = prior_mu.fprop([prior_1_t], params)
        prior_sig_t = prior_sig.fprop([prior_1_t], params)

        z_t = Gaussian_sample(prior_mu_t, prior_sig_t)#in the original code it is gaussian. GMM is for the generation
        z_1_t = z_1.fprop([z_t], params)

        theta_1_t = theta_1.fprop([z_1_t, s_tm1], params)
        theta_mu1_t = theta_mu1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig1_t = theta_sig1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff1_t = coeff1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)

        y_pred1 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu1_t, theta_sig1_t, coeff1_t) #Gaussian_sample(theta_mu_t, theta_sig_t)

        tupleMulti = prior_mu_t, prior_sig_t, theta_mu1_t, theta_sig1_t, coeff1_t, y_pred1

        if (y_dim>1):
          theta_mu2_t = theta_mu2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
          theta_sig2_t = theta_sig2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
          coeff2_t = coeff2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
          y_pred2 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu2_t, theta_sig2_t, coeff2_t)
          y_pred1 = T.concatenate([y_pred1, y_pred2],axis=1)
          tupleMulti = tupleMulti + (theta_mu2_t, theta_sig2_t, coeff2_t, y_pred2)

        if (y_dim>2):
          theta_mu3_t = theta_mu3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
          theta_sig3_t = theta_sig3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
          coeff3_t = coeff3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
          y_pred3 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu3_t, theta_sig3_t, coeff3_t)
          y_pred1 = T.concatenate([y_pred1, y_pred3],axis=1)
          tupleMulti = tupleMulti + (theta_mu3_t, theta_sig3_t, coeff3_t, y_pred3)

        if (y_dim>3):
          theta_mu4_t = theta_mu4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
          theta_sig4_t = theta_sig4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
          coeff4_t = coeff4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
          y_pred4 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu4_t, theta_sig4_t, coeff4_t)
          y_pred1 = T.concatenate([y_pred1, y_pred4],axis=1)
          tupleMulti = tupleMulti + (theta_mu4_t, theta_sig4_t, coeff4_t, y_pred4)

        if (y_dim>4):
          theta_mu5_t = theta_mu5.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
          theta_sig5_t = theta_sig5.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
          coeff5_t = coeff5.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
          y_pred5 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu5_t, theta_sig5_t, coeff5_t)
          y_pred1 = T.concatenate([y_pred1, y_pred5],axis=1)
          tupleMulti = tupleMulti + (theta_mu5_t, theta_sig5_t, coeff5_t, y_pred5)
        pred_1_t=y_1.fprop([y_pred1], params)
        #y_pred = [GMM_sampleY(theta_mu_t[i], theta_sig_t[i], coeff_t[i]) for i in range(y_dim)]#T.stack([y_pred1,y_pred2],axis = 0 )
        s_t = rnn.fprop([[x_t, z_1_t, pred_1_t], [s_tm1]], params)
        #y_pred = dissag_pred.fprop([s_t], params)

        return (s_t,)+tupleMulti
    def inner_fn(x_t, y_t, scheduleSamplingMask, s_tm1):

        phi_1_t = phi_1.fprop([x_t, s_tm1, y_t], params)
        phi_mu_t = phi_mu.fprop([phi_1_t], params)
        phi_sig_t = phi_sig.fprop([phi_1_t], params)

        prior_1_t = prior_1.fprop([x_t, s_tm1], params)
        prior_mu_t = prior_mu.fprop([prior_1_t], params)
        prior_sig_t = prior_sig.fprop([prior_1_t], params)

        z_t = Gaussian_sample(
            phi_mu_t, phi_sig_t
        )  #in the original code it is gaussian. GMM is for the generation
        z_1_t = z_1.fprop([z_t], params)

        theta_1_t = theta_1.fprop([z_1_t, s_tm1], params)

        theta_mu1_t = theta_mu1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig1_t = theta_sig1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff1_t = coeff1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)

        y_pred1 = GMM_sampleY(
            theta_mu1_t, theta_sig1_t,
            coeff1_t)  #Gaussian_sample(theta_mu_t, theta_sig_t)

        theta_mu2_t = theta_mu2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig2_t = theta_sig2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff2_t = coeff2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        y_pred2 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu2_t, theta_sig2_t, coeff2_t)

        theta_mu3_t = theta_mu3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig3_t = theta_sig3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff3_t = coeff3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        y_pred3 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu3_t, theta_sig3_t, coeff3_t)

        theta_mu4_t = theta_mu4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig4_t = theta_sig4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff4_t = coeff4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        y_pred4 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu4_t, theta_sig4_t, coeff4_t)

        theta_mu5_t = theta_mu5.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig5_t = theta_sig5.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff5_t = coeff5.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        y_pred5 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu5_t, theta_sig5_t, coeff5_t)

        if (scheduleSamplingMask == 1):
            s_t = rnn.fprop([[x_t, z_1_t, y_t], [s_tm1]], params)
            y_t_aux = y_1.fprop([
                T.concatenate([y_pred1, y_pred2, y_pred3, y_pred4, y_pred5],
            ], params)
            s_t = rnn.fprop([[x_t, z_1_t, y_t_aux], [s_tm1]], params)

        return s_t, phi_mu_t, phi_sig_t, prior_mu_t, prior_sig_t, theta_mu1_t, theta_sig1_t, coeff1_t, y_pred1, theta_mu2_t, theta_sig2_t, coeff2_t, y_pred2, theta_mu3_t, theta_sig3_t, coeff3_t, y_pred3, theta_mu4_t, theta_sig4_t, coeff4_t, y_pred4, theta_mu5_t, theta_sig5_t, coeff5_t, y_pred5
    def inner_fn(x_t, s_tm1):

        phi_1_t = phi_1.fprop([x_t, s_tm1], params)
        phi_mu_t = phi_mu.fprop([phi_1_t], params)
        phi_sig_t = phi_sig.fprop([phi_1_t], params)

        prior_1_t = prior_1.fprop([s_tm1], params)
        prior_mu_t = prior_mu.fprop([prior_1_t], params)
        prior_sig_t = prior_sig.fprop([prior_1_t], params)

        z_t = Gaussian_sample(
            phi_mu_t, phi_sig_t
        )  #in the original code it is gaussian. GMM is for the generation
        z_1_t = z_1.fprop([z_t], params)

        theta_1_t = theta_1.fprop([z_1_t, s_tm1], params)

        theta_mu1_t = theta_mu1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig1_t = theta_sig1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff1_t = coeff1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)

        theta_mu2_t = theta_mu2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig2_t = theta_sig2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff2_t = coeff2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)

        theta_mu3_t = theta_mu3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig3_t = theta_sig3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff3_t = coeff3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)

        theta_mu4_t = theta_mu4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig4_t = theta_sig4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff4_t = coeff4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)

        theta_mu5_t = theta_mu5.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig5_t = theta_sig5.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff5_t = coeff5.fprop([theta_1_t], params)

        y_pred1 = GMM_sampleY(
            theta_mu1_t, theta_sig1_t,
            coeff1_t)  #Gaussian_sample(theta_mu_t, theta_sig_t)
        y_pred2 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu2_t, theta_sig2_t, coeff2_t)
        y_pred3 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu3_t, theta_sig3_t, coeff3_t)
        y_pred4 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu4_t, theta_sig4_t, coeff4_t)
        y_pred5 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu5_t, theta_sig5_t, coeff5_t)

        #y_pred = [GMM_sampleY(theta_mu_t[i], theta_sig_t[i], coeff_t[i]) for i in range(y_dim)]#T.stack([y_pred1,y_pred2],axis = 0 )
        s_t = rnn.fprop([[x_t, z_1_t], [s_tm1]], params)
        #y_pred = dissag_pred.fprop([s_t], params)

        return (s_t, phi_mu_t, phi_sig_t, prior_mu_t, prior_sig_t, z_t, z_1_t,
                theta_1_t, theta_mu1_t, theta_sig1_t, coeff1_t, theta_mu2_t,
                theta_sig2_t, coeff2_t, theta_mu3_t, theta_sig3_t, coeff3_t,
                theta_mu4_t, theta_sig4_t, coeff4_t, theta_mu5_t, theta_sig5_t,
                coeff5_t, y_pred1, y_pred2, y_pred3, y_pred4, y_pred5)
Example #4
    def inner_fn(x_t, y_t, s_tm1):

        phi_1_t = phi_1.fprop([x_t, s_tm1, y_t], params)
        phi_mu_t = phi_mu.fprop([phi_1_t], params)
        phi_sig_t = phi_sig.fprop([phi_1_t], params)

        prior_1_t = prior_1.fprop([x_t, s_tm1], params)
        prior_mu_t = prior_mu.fprop([prior_1_t], params)
        prior_sig_t = prior_sig.fprop([prior_1_t], params)

        z_t = Gaussian_sample(
            phi_mu_t, phi_sig_t
        )  #in the original code it is gaussian. GMM is for the generation
        z_1_t = z_1.fprop([z_t], params)

        theta_1_t = theta_1.fprop([z_1_t, s_tm1], params)

        theta_mu1_t = theta_mu1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig1_t = theta_sig1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff1_t = coeff1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)

        y_pred1 = GMM_sampleY(
            theta_mu1_t, theta_sig1_t,
            coeff1_t)  #Gaussian_sample(theta_mu_t, theta_sig_t)

        theta_mu2_t = theta_mu2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig2_t = theta_sig2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff2_t = coeff2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        y_pred2 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu2_t, theta_sig2_t, coeff2_t)

        theta_mu3_t = theta_mu3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig3_t = theta_sig3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff3_t = coeff3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        y_pred3 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu3_t, theta_sig3_t, coeff3_t)

        theta_mu4_t = theta_mu4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig4_t = theta_sig4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff4_t = coeff4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        y_pred4 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu4_t, theta_sig4_t, coeff4_t)

        theta_mu5_t = theta_mu5.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig5_t = theta_sig5.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff5_t = coeff5.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        y_pred5 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu5_t, theta_sig5_t, coeff5_t)

        s_t = rnn.fprop([[x_t, z_1_t, y_t], [s_tm1]], params)

        return s_t, phi_mu_t, phi_sig_t, prior_mu_t, prior_sig_t, theta_mu1_t, theta_sig1_t, coeff1_t, y_pred1, theta_mu2_t, theta_sig2_t, coeff2_t, y_pred2, theta_mu3_t, theta_sig3_t, coeff3_t, y_pred3, theta_mu4_t, theta_sig4_t, coeff4_t, y_pred4, theta_mu5_t, theta_sig5_t, coeff5_t, y_pred5
Example #5
    def inner_fn(x_t, s_tm1):

        phi_1_t = phi_1.fprop([x_t, s_tm1], params)
        phi_mu_t = phi_mu.fprop([phi_1_t], params)
        phi_sig_t = phi_sig.fprop([phi_1_t], params)

        prior_1_t = prior_1.fprop([s_tm1], params)
        prior_mu_t = prior_mu.fprop([prior_1_t], params)
        prior_sig_t = prior_sig.fprop([prior_1_t], params)

        z_t = Gaussian_sample(
            phi_mu_t, phi_sig_t
        )  #in the original code it is gaussian. GMM is for the generation
        z_1_t = z_1.fprop([z_t], params)

        theta_1_t = theta_1.fprop([z_1_t, s_tm1], params)

        theta_mu1_t = theta_mu1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig1_t = theta_sig1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff1_t = coeff1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)

        theta_mu2_t = theta_mu2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig2_t = theta_sig2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff2_t = coeff2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)

        #corr_t = corr.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        #binary_t = binary.fprop([theta_1_t], params)

        # I was missing this reshape that is done before BiGMM in the original code
        theta_mu_in = theta_mu_t.reshape((x_t[0]*x_t[1], -1))
        theta_sig_in = theta_sig_t.reshape((x_t[0]*x_t[1], -1))
        coeff_in = coeff_t.reshape((x_t[0]*x_t[1], -1))
        y_pred1 = GMM_sampleY(
            theta_mu1_t, theta_sig1_t,
            coeff1_t)  #Gaussian_sample(theta_mu_t, theta_sig_t)
        y_pred2 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu2_t, theta_sig2_t, coeff2_t)
        #y_pred = T.stack([y_pred1,y_pred2],axis = 0 )
        s_t = rnn.fprop([[x_t, z_1_t], [s_tm1]], params)
        #y_pred = dissag_pred.fprop([s_t], params)

        return s_t, phi_mu_t, phi_sig_t, prior_mu_t, prior_sig_t, z_t, z_1_t, theta_1_t, theta_mu1_t, theta_sig1_t, coeff1_t, theta_mu2_t, theta_sig2_t, coeff2_t, y_pred1, y_pred2
Example #6
    def inner_fn(x_t, y_t, scheduleSamplingMask, s_tm1):

        phi_1_t = phi_1.fprop([x_t, s_tm1, y_t], params)
        phi_mu_t = phi_mu.fprop([phi_1_t], params)
        phi_sig_t = phi_sig.fprop([phi_1_t], params)

        prior_1_t = prior_1.fprop([x_t, s_tm1], params)
        prior_mu_t = prior_mu.fprop([prior_1_t], params)
        prior_sig_t = prior_sig.fprop([prior_1_t], params)

        z_t = Gaussian_sample(
            phi_mu_t, phi_sig_t
        )  #in the original code it is gaussian. GMM is for the generation
        z_1_t = z_1.fprop([z_t], params)

        theta_1_t = theta_1.fprop([z_1_t, s_tm1], params)

        theta_mu1_t = theta_mu1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        theta_sig1_t = theta_sig1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
        coeff1_t = coeff1.fprop([theta_1_t], params)

        ## prediction 1
        y_pred = GMM_sampleY(
            theta_mu1_t, theta_sig1_t,
            coeff1_t)  #Gaussian_sample(theta_mu_t, theta_sig_t)

        tupleMulti = phi_mu_t, phi_sig_t, prior_mu_t, prior_sig_t, theta_mu1_t, theta_sig1_t, coeff1_t, y_pred

        if (y_dim > 1):
            theta_mu2_t = theta_mu2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
            theta_sig2_t = theta_sig2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
            coeff2_t = coeff2.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
            y_pred2 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu2_t, theta_sig2_t, coeff2_t)
            y_pred = T.concatenate([y_pred, y_pred2], axis=1)
            tupleMulti = tupleMulti + (theta_mu2_t, theta_sig2_t, coeff2_t,

        if (y_dim > 2):
            theta_mu3_t = theta_mu3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
            theta_sig3_t = theta_sig3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
            coeff3_t = coeff3.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
            y_pred3 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu3_t, theta_sig3_t, coeff3_t)
            y_pred = T.concatenate([y_pred, y_pred3], axis=1)
            tupleMulti = tupleMulti + (theta_mu3_t, theta_sig3_t, coeff3_t,

        if (y_dim > 3):
            theta_mu4_t = theta_mu4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
            theta_sig4_t = theta_sig4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
            coeff4_t = coeff4.fprop([theta_1_t], params)
            y_pred4 = GMM_sampleY(theta_mu4_t, theta_sig4_t, coeff4_t)
            y_pred = T.concatenate([y_pred, y_pred4], axis=1)
            tupleMulti = tupleMulti + (theta_mu4_t, theta_sig4_t, coeff4_t,

        #s_t = rnn.fprop([[x_t, z_1_t, y_t], [s_tm1]], params)

        if (scheduleSamplingMask == 1):
            s_t = rnn.fprop([[x_t, z_1_t, y_t], [s_tm1]], params)
            y_t_aux = y_1.fprop([y_pred], params)
            s_t = rnn.fprop([[x_t, z_1_t, y_t_aux], [s_tm1]], params)

        return (s_t, ) + tupleMulti