Example #1
 def test_fgm_gradient_max(self):
     input_dim = 2
     nb_classes = 3
     batch_size = 4
     rng = np.random.RandomState([2017, 8, 23])
     x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, input_dim])
     weights = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [input_dim, nb_classes])
     logits = tf.matmul(x, weights)
     probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits)
     adv_x = fgm(x, probs)
     random_example = rng.randint(batch_size)
     random_feature = rng.randint(input_dim)
     output = tf.slice(adv_x, [random_example, random_feature], [1, 1])
     (dx, ) = tf.gradients(output, x)
     # The following line catches GitHub issue #243
     dx = self.sess.run(dx, feed_dict=random_feed_dict(rng, [x, weights]))
     ground_truth = np.zeros((batch_size, input_dim))
     ground_truth[random_example, random_feature] = 1.0
     self.assertClose(dx, ground_truth)
Example #2
def test_fgm_gradient_max():
    input_dim = 2
    num_classes = 3
    batch_size = 4
    loss_type = KEYWORDS.CE
    rng = np.random.RandomState([2017, 8, 23])
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, input_dim])
    weights = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [input_dim, num_classes])
    logits = tf.matmul(x, weights)
    probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits)
    adv_x = fgm(x, probs, loss_type=loss_type)
    random_example = rng.randint(batch_size)
    random_feature = rng.randint(input_dim)
    output = tf.slice(adv_x, [random_example, random_feature], [1, 1])
    dx, = tf.gradients(output, x)
    # The following line catches GitHub issue #243
    assert dx is not None
    sess = tf.Session()
    dx = sess.run(dx, feed_dict=random_feed_dict(rng, [x, weights]))
    ground_truth = np.zeros((batch_size, input_dim))
    ground_truth[random_example, random_feature] = 1.
    assert np.allclose(dx, ground_truth), (dx, ground_truth)