def do_IP(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("IP") interface = command["<interface>"] myIp = self.myIP(interface) e.Log("Found client ip: " + myIp) if command["equals"]: if command["<address>"] == myIp: e.Log("ip addresss equal") e.setExecCodes("", "ip addresses equal", "Pass") retVal = "Pass" else: e.Log("IP address not equal") e.setExecCodes("", "ip addresses inequal", "Fail") retVal = "Fail" elif command["contains"]: if myIp.startswith(command["<address>"]): e.Log("ip addresses contains") e.setExecCodes("", "ip addresses contains", "Pass") retVal = "Pass" else: e.Log("ip addresses does not contain") e.setExecCodes("", "ip addresses does not contain", "Fail") retVal = "Fail" print retVal
def do_Dot1x(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Dot1x") e.EvalRetVal("regset --temp Network-eth0 Enable802 yes") e.EvalRetVal("regset Network-eth0 ca_cert " + command['<cacert>']) if (command["tls"] == True): e.Log("Configuring for tls") e.EvalRetVal("regset Network-eth0 Authentication TLS") e.EvalRetVal("regset Network-eth0 client_cert " + command['<clientcert>']) e.EvalRetVal("regset Network-eth0 private_key " + command['<privkey>']) e.EvalRetVal("regset Network-eth0 private_key_password " + command['<pkeypass>']) e.EvalRetVal("regset Network-eth0 Authmode " + command['<authmode>']) elif (command["peap"] == True): e.Log("Configuring for PEAP") e.EvalRetVal("regset Network-eth0 Authentication PEAP") e.EvalRetVal("regset Network-eth0 Authmode " + command['<authmode>']) elif (command["reset"] == True): e.Log("Doing dot1x reset") e.EvalRetVal("regdel Network-eth0 Authmode") e.EvalRetVal("regdel Network-eth0 Authentication") e.EvalRetVal("regdel Network-eth0 Enable802") e.EvalRetVal("regdel Network-eth0 ca_cert") e.EvalRetVal("regdel Network-eth0 client_cert") e.EvalRetVal("regdel Network-eth0 private_key") e.EvalRetVal("regdel Network-eth0 private_key_password")
def do_Browser(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Browser") if command["clearHistory"]: e.Log( "Browser clearHistory command is not implemented, marking Pass" ) e.setExecCodes(args, "Not implemented", "Pass") elif command["kiosk"]: e.Log("Browser kiosk command is not implemented, marking Pass") e.setExecCodes("Browser kiosk", "Not implemented", "Pass")
def do_File(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("File") path = command['<path>'] if command['wait']: print args wm = pyinotify.WatchManager() if command['delete']: mask = pyinotify.IN_DELETE elif command['create']: if os.path.exists(path): e.Log("File already exists, do not have to wait.") e.setExecCodes(args, "already exists", "Pass") return else: global watchpath watchpath = path path = os.path.dirname(path) mask = pyinotify.IN_CREATE elif command['write']: mask = pyinotify.IN_CLOSE_WRITE | pyinotify.IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE elif command['open']: mask = pyinotify.IN_OPEN elif command['move']: mask = pyinotify.IN_MOVED_FROM | pyinotify.IN_MOVED_TO | pyinotify.IN_MOVED_SELF elif command['access']: mask = pyinotify.IN_ACCESS #mask = mask | pyinotify.IN_ONESHOT e.Log("Starting inotify to watch file for event") handler = EventHandler() notifier = pyinotify.Notifier(wm, handler) wdd = wm.add_watch(path, mask, rec=True) notifier.loop() elif command["contains"]: e.OutputContains("/bin/cat " + path, command['<expectation>']) elif command['exists']: if os.path.exists(path): e.Log("file exists") e.setExecCodes("File exists", "exists", "Pass") else: e.Log("file does not exist") e.setExecCodes("File exists", "Doesnt exist", "Fail") elif command['delete']: if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path) elif command['create'] or command['purge']: f = open(path, "w") f.close() print e.r.retVal
def do_Xenapp(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Xenapp") if command["application"] or command["desktop"]: citrixuser = command['<username>'] citrixpass = command['<password>'] citrixurl = command['<url>'] citrixapp = " ".join(command['APPNAME']) citrixappmod = citrixapp.replace(" ", "_0020") #driver = webdriver.Firefox() profpath = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), ".mozilla", "firefox", "wyse_default") if os.path.exists(profpath): e.Log("using existing profile") profile = FirefoxProfile(profpath) else: e.Log("using a temporary profile") profile = FirefoxProfile() driver = webdriver.Firefox(profile) driver.implicitly_wait(60) driver.get(citrixurl) #driver.find_element_by_id("skipWizardLink").click() driver.find_element_by_id("user").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("user").send_keys(citrixuser) driver.find_element_by_id("password").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("password").send_keys(citrixpass) driver.find_element_by_css_selector("span.rightDoor").click() if command["desktop"]: e.Log("finding ") driver.find_element_by_css_selector( "#Desktops_Text > span").click() try: appid = "a[id*='%s']" % citrixappmod element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(appid) #e.setExecCodes(args, "Check app launch using Process alive wfica.orig","Pass") except Exception as e: print str(e) e.Log(str(e)) print "Oops app not found!!", citrixapp e.setExecCodes(args, "Could not locate app", "Fail") #The app takes its own sweet time coming up. Should sleep time be a parameter? print "Waiting for 90 secs before checking for window creation" time.sleep(90) chkcmd = "./agent/cli/bin/ '%s'" % citrixapp e.RetOutput(chkcmd) e.Log(e.r.getOutput())
def do_Repeat(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Repeat") outstring = ('Repeat', command['<fromrank>'], command['<torank>'], command['<times>']) e.Log("Repeat command called") e.setExecCodes(args, outstring, "Repeat")
def do_Sleep(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Sleep") e.Log("Sleep executing") time.sleep(int(command['<sec>'])) e.setExecCodes(args, "Lion sleeps 20 h per day", "Pass")
def do_Echo(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Echo") cmd = "echo -n " + ' '.join(command['ARGS']) e.Log(cmd) e.RetOutput(cmd) print e.r.output
def do_Reboot(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Reboot") e.setExecCodes("Reboot", "Unknown error", "Fail") prepare = 'echo %s|sudo -S shutdown -k +1' % ( command['<sudopassword>']) e.Log("Checking our permissions") e.Log(prepare) if e.Execute(prepare) == 0: cmd = 'shutdown -r +1 &' e.Log(cmd) e.Log( "Alert: This will wipe out all the variables created before.") p = e.Execute('echo %s|sudo -S %s' % (command['<sudopassword>'], cmd)) e.setExecCodes("Reboot", "Going down in 1 minute", "Reboot")
def do_Skip(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Skip") e.Log("Skip command executing") outstring = ("Skip", command['<fromrank>'], command['<torank>'], "null") e.setExecCodes(args, outstring, "Skip")
def do_Gdm(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Gdm") cmd = "pidof X" pid = e.RetOutput(cmd).strip() cmd = "sh -c 'xargs -0 < /proc/" + pid + "/cmdline'" e.Log(cmd) xcmdline = e.RetOutput(cmd).split() count = len(xcmdline) i = 0 while i < count: if xcmdline[i] == "-auth": xauthority = xcmdline[i + 1] i += 1 os.environ['XAUTHORITY'] = xauthority if command['login']: for word in command['PHRASE']: word = word.strip() if word == "{Tab}": cmd = 'echo %s|sudo -S xdotool key Tab' % ( command['<sudopassword>']) elif word == "{Return}": cmd = 'echo %s|sudo -S xdotool key Return' % ( command['<sudopassword>']) elif word == "{Clear}": cmd = 'echo %s|sudo -S xdotool key ctrl+a Delete' % ( command['<sudopassword>']) elif word == "{Space}": cmd = 'echo %s|sudo -S xdotool key space' % ( command['<sudopassword>']) else: cmd = 'echo %s|sudo -S xdotool type %s' % ( command['<sudopassword>'], word) e.Log(cmd) e.Execute(cmd) time.sleep(2) e.Log(e.r.output) else: cmd = "xdotool key ctrl+alt+Delete" e.Execute(cmd) time.sleep(2) e.Execute("sleep 30 && xdotool key Return &") e.setExecCodes("Reboot", "Going out in 1/2 minute", "Reboot") e.Log(e.r.output)
def do_Network(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Network") if (command["on"] == True): e.EvalRetVal("service network start") elif (command["off"] == True): e.EvalRetVal("service network stop") elif (command["restart"] == True): e.EvalRetVal("service network stop") e.EvalRetVal("service network start") e.Log(e.r.getOutput())
def do_Depends(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Depends") depstring = (command['<ipaddr>'], command['<rank>']) e.Log( "Waiting for 30 secs for %s to finish test case whose rank is %s" % (command['<ipaddr>'], command['<rank>'])) print "Waiting for 30 secs for %s to finish test case whose rank is %s" % ( command['<ipaddr>'], command['<rank>']) time.sleep(30) e.setExecCodes(args, depstring, "Wait")
def do_Mcast(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Mcast") if command['server']: cmd = "python /tmp/mcastfirmware/ %s" % ( command['<filepath>']) e.Spawn(cmd) elif command['client']: cmd = "python /tmp/mcastfirmware/" e.Execute(cmd) e.Log(e.r.getOutput())
def do_HTTPCounter(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("HTTPCounter") sudopassword = command['<sudopassword>'] if command["initialize"]: e.Log("HTTPCounter initalizing") self.initialize(sudopassword) e.setExecCodes(args, "Warning: Does not verify execution", "Pass") elif command["resetCounter"]: cmd = "echo %s|sudo -S iptables -Z AF" % (sudopassword) e.Log("HTTPCounter resetCounter") e.Execute(cmd) e.setExecCodes(args, "Warning: Does not verify execution", "Pass") elif command["getCount"]: cmd = "sh -c 'echo %s|sudo -S iptables -vL AF'" % (sudopassword) lines = e.RetOutput(cmd).split(os.linesep) output = " GET " + lines[2].split()[0] output += " POST " + lines[3].split()[0] output += " PUT " + lines[4].split()[0] e.r.setOutput(output) print output
def do_Http(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Http") try: if command["download"]: e.Log("Http downloading") urllib.urlretrieve(command["<url>"], command["<localfile>"]) e.setExecCodes("Http", "File downloaded", "Pass") else: e.Log("Http uploading") toUpload = UploadFile(command["<localfile>"], 'r') theHeaders = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml'} theRequest = urllib2.Request(command["<url>"], toUpload, theHeaders) response = urllib2.urlopen(theRequest) toUpload.close() e.Log("Http command passed") except Exception as e: print str(e) e.Log("Http failed " + str(e)) e.setExecCodes("", str(e), "Fail")
def do_Ftp(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Ftp") try: ftpconn = ftplib.FTP(command['<server-ip>']) ftpconn.login(command['<user>'], command['<password>']) ftpconn.cwd(os.path.dirname(command['<remotefile>'])) if command['upload']: localfile = open(command['<localfile>'], 'r') ftpconn.storlines('STOR ' + command['<remotefile>'], localfile) localfile.close() ftpconn.quit() e.setExecCodes("", "File uploaded", "Pass") elif command['download']: ftpconn.retrbinary("RETR " + os.path.basename(command['<remotefile>']), open(command['<localfile>'], 'wb').write) e.setExecCodes("", "File downloaded", "Pass") e.Log("Ftp command passed") except Exception as e: print str(e) e.Log("Ftp failed " + str(e)) e.setExecCodes("", str(e), "Fail")
def do_Math(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Math") e.Log(args) if command["add"]: result = int(command['<one>']) + int(command['<two>']) elif command["subtract"]: result = int(command['<two>']) - int(command['<one>']) elif command["multiply"]: result = int(command['<one>']) * int(command['<two>']) elif command["divide"]: result = int(command['<one>']) / int(command['<two>']) print result e.setExecCodes(command, result, "Pass")
def do_Ping(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Ping") e.EvalRetVal("ping -c 1 " + command['<host>']) e.Log(e.r.getOutput())
def do_Selenium(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Selenium") if command["start"]: e.Spawn("python ./agent/cli/bin/ %s" % (command['<which>'])) time.sleep(5) retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["stop"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("stop") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["clickcss"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("clickcss " + command['<which>'] + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["clickname"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("clickname " + command['<which>'] + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["clickid"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("clickid " + command['<which>'] + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["clickxpath"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("clickxpath " + command['<which>'] + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["clickmenuitem"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("clickmenuitem " + command['<which>'] + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["clearcss"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("clearcss " + command['<which>'] + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["clearname"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("clearname " + command['<which>'] + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["clearid"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("clearid " + command['<which>'] + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["clearxpath"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("clearxpath " + command['<which>'] + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["open"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("open " + command['<which>'] + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["fillcss"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("fillcss " + command['<which>'] + " " + ' '.join(command['WHAT']) + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["fillname"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("fillname " + command['<which>'] + " " + ' '.join(command['WHAT']) + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["fillid"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("fillid " + command['<which>'] + " " + ' '.join(command['WHAT']) + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["fillxpath"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("fillxpath " + command['<which>'] + " " + ' '.join(command['WHAT']) + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["counttags"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("counttags " + command['<which>'] + " " + ' '.join(command['WHAT']) + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["namecontains"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("namecontains " + command['<which>'] + " " + ' '.join(command['WHAT']) + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["idcontains"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("idcontains " + command['<which>'] + " " + ' '.join(command['WHAT']) + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["csscontains"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("csscontains " + command['<which>'] + " " + ' '.join(command['WHAT']) + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["xpathcontains"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("xpathcontains " + command['<which>'] + " " + ' '.join(command['WHAT']) + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() elif command["pagecontains"]: self.SendWorkerCommand("pagecontains " + "null" + " " + ' '.join(command['WHAT']) + "") retval, output = self.ReadWorkerResult() else: retval, output = "Fail", "Invalid command" e.Log(output) e.setExecCodes(args, output, retval)
def tee(self, line): logger = logging.getLogger("AutomationAgent") e = ExecHelper() e.Log(line) print line
def ExecServerCommand(self): if self.command == "QuitAgent": if os.path.exists(self.logFile): self.sendFile(self.logFile, "/fileupload/runlog.txt") self.tee("Server asked us to quit") return None elif self.command == "Associated": self.tee("Server acknowleged us") return False elif self.command == "OK": self.tee("Result posted") return False elif self.command == "WAITON": return False elif self.command == "UPLOADED": self.tee("file uploaded") return False else: self.currentTest = json.loads(self.command) e = ExecHelper() e.resetTestcase(self.currentTest['desc']) e.r.resetLog() e.Log("Starting " + self.currentTest['name']) qstore = ResultStore.getResultStore() for c in self.currentTest['commands']: try: self.tee("Executing: " + c) varstring = False if c.startswith('Capability add'): c = c.strip() upgradeurl = c.split(' ')[2] plugins = c.split(' ')[3:] retVal = self.installPlugins(upgradeurl, plugins, e) elif c.startswith('Capability remove'): retVal = self.uninstallPlugins(e) elif c.startswith('Timeout set'): self.tee("setting timeout with command " + c) self.timeout = int(c.split(' ')[2]) else: #handle all ${}substitution here if c.startswith('${'): varstring = True split = c.split("=", 1) if len(split) == 2: varname = c.split("=", 1)[0] c = c.split("=", 1)[1] else: self.tee("command '" + c + "' syntax error") break c = self.clientInfo.preProcessCli(c) #Write it to history file self.hist.write(c + "\n") #Execute in sandbox so that agent doesnt get killed on plugin exception self.SandboxExec(c) retVal = qstore.getRetVal() if varstring: varvalue = qstore.getOutput().strip() if len(varvalue) == 0: varvalue = "null" self.clientInfo.addInfo(varname, varvalue) # Break on first failure in a testcase # continue on to the next testcase if retVal == "Fail" or retVal == "Wait": # This should be logged self.tee("command '" + c + "' caused abort") break except Exception as ex: e.setExecCodes(c, str(ex), "Fail") self.tee(str(ex)) self.tee("command '" + c + "' caused abort. Probably syntax error.") break return True
def do_Process(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Process") if command["monitor"]: psopts = "/bin/ps -C %s o pcpu,pmem --cumulative --no-heading" % ( command["<name>"]) e.Log("Executing monitor " + psopts) counter = 0 cpu = float(0) mem = float(0) while (counter < int(command["<duration>"])): pcpu, pmem = self.parse(e.RetOutput(psopts)) cpu = cpu + pcpu mem = mem + pmem time.sleep(1) counter = counter + 1 output = "%s consumed %s%% cpu and %s %% memory" % ( command["<name>"], cpu / counter, mem / counter) e.Log(output) print output if cpu > 0 or mem > 0: e.setExecCodes("Process monitor", output, "Pass") else: e.setExecCodes("Process monitor", output, "Fail") elif command["kill"]: killopts = "/usr/bin/killall %s" % (command["<name>"]) e.Log(killopts) e.EvalRetVal(killopts) elif command["spawn"]: spawnopts = ' '.join(command["PATH"]) e.Log(spawnopts) e.Spawn(spawnopts) elif command["exec"]: execopts = ' '.join(command["PATH"]) e.Log(execopts) execopts = "/bin/sh -c '%s' " % (execopts) e.EvalRetVal(execopts) elif command["forfeit"]: execopts = ' '.join(command["PATH"]) e.Log(execopts) execopts = "/bin/sh -c '%s' " % (execopts) e.EvalRetVal(execopts) e.r.setRetVal("Fail") elif command["thrive"]: execopts = ' '.join(command["PATH"]) e.Log(execopts) execopts = "/bin/sh -c '%s' " % (execopts) e.EvalRetVal(execopts) e.r.setRetVal("Pass") elif command["alive"]: killopts = "/usr/bin/killall -s 0 %s" % (command["<name>"]) e.Log(killopts) e.EvalRetVal(killopts) elif command["dead"]: killopts = "pidof %s" % (command["<name>"]) e.Log(killopts) e.EvalRetVal(killopts, 1) elif command["pid"]: execopts = "pidof %s" % (command["<name>"]) e.Log(execopts) e.EvalRetVal(execopts) elif command["output"]: # Process output contains 1360x78 xdpyinfo | grep dimensions execopts = ' '.join(command["PATH"]) e.Log(execopts) execopts = "/bin/sh -c '%s' " % (execopts) output = e.RetOutput(execopts) if command['<expectation>'] in output: e.setExecCodes(execopts, output, "Pass") else: e.setExecCodes(execopts, output, "Fail") e.Log(e.r.getOutput()) print e.r.getRetVal()
def do_Desktop(self, args): command = docopt(str(self.doc), args) e = ExecHelper() e.reset("Desktop") if command["logout"]: e.EvalRetVal("/usr/bin/gnome-session-quit --no-prompt") elif command["resolution"]: cmd = "xrandr -d :0 --output LVDS --mode " + command["<resolution>"] e.Log("Desktop Resolution: " + cmd) e.EvalRetVal(cmd) elif command["screenshot"]: scrot = MSSLinux() for filename in"scrot.png", screen=-1): shutil.move("scrot.png", command['<filename>']) e.Log('File: "{}" created.'.format(filename)) elif command["legacyScreenshot"]: os.system("gnome-screenshot -b -f " + command['<filename>']) elif command["windowimg"]: e.Log("Executing commands for windowimg") cmd = 'xte "mousemove 0 0"' e.Log(cmd) e.Execute(cmd) cmd = "./agent/cli/bin/ %s %s" % ( command['<filename>'], command['<windowid>']) e.Log(cmd) e.EvalRetVal(cmd) elif command["windowid"]: e.Log("Executing commands for windowid") cmd = "./agent/cli/bin/ %s" % (command['<process>']) e.Log(cmd) e.EvalRetVal(cmd) elif command["windowfocus"]: e.Log("Executing commands for windowfocus") cmd = 'xdotool windowactivate %s' % (command['<windowid>']) e.Log(cmd) e.EvalRetVal(cmd) elif command["windowclose"]: cmd = 'wmctrl -i -c %s' % (command['<windowid>']) e.Log("Executing windowclose: " + cmd) e.EvalRetVal(cmd) elif command["keydown"]: cmd = "xte keydown %s" % (command['<key>']) e.Log(cmd) e.EvalRetVal(cmd) elif command["keyup"]: cmd = "xte keyup %s" % (command['<key>']) e.Log(cmd) e.EvalRetVal(cmd) elif command["keypress"]: cmd = 'xte "sleep 1" "key %s"' % (command['<key>']) e.Log(cmd) e.EvalRetVal(cmd) elif command["type"]: e.Log("Desktop Typing keys") special = ["Alt", "Control", "Shift", "Super"] press = [] release = [] l = 0 for k in command['KEYS']: if k in special: press.append('"keydown ' + k + '_R"') release.append('"keyup ' + k + '_R"') elif len(release) > 0: press.append('"key ' + k + '"') release.reverse() press.extend(release) release = [] else: for char in k: press.append('"usleep 30000" "str ' + char + '"') #press.append('"str ' + k + '"') cmd = "xte " + ' '.join(press) e.EvalRetVal(cmd) elif command["mouseclick"]: e.Log("Desktop mouseclick") cmd = "./agent/cli/bin/ %s %s %s" % ( command['<windowid>'], command['<windowimg>'], ' '.join( command['PATTERN'])) e.Log(cmd) e.EvalRetVal(cmd) #move the mouse out before it pollutes next screenshot e.Execute('xte "sleep 1" "mousemove 0 0"')