Example #1
def cli_runner_isolated(request, monkeypatch):
    fixture_path = fixtures_path / "isolated_config_dir"
    runner = CliRunner()
    with runner.isolated_filesystem() as isolated_dir:
        isolated_base_dir = isolated_dir
        isolated_xdg_config_home_dir = os.path.join(isolated_dir, ".config")
        isolated_ultron_config_dir = os.path.join(isolated_xdg_config_home_dir,
        isolated_ultron_config_path = os.path.join(isolated_ultron_config_dir,


        request.cls.home = isolated_base_dir
        request.cls.xdg_config_home = isolated_xdg_config_home_dir
        request.cls.ultron_config_dir = isolated_ultron_config_dir
        request.cls.ultron_config_path = isolated_ultron_config_path

        monkeypatch.setenv("HOME", request.cls.home)
        monkeypatch.setenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", request.cls.xdg_config_home)
        monkeypatch.setenv("ULTRON8DIR", request.cls.ultron_config_dir)

        # Copy the project fixture into the isolated filesystem dir.
        shutil.copytree(fixture_path, isolated_ultron_config_dir)

        # Monkeypatch a helper method onto the runner to make running commands
        # easier.
        runner.run = lambda command: runner.invoke(cli, command.split())

        # And another for checkout the text output by the command.
        runner.output_of = lambda command: runner.run(command).output
        yield runner, isolated_dir
Example #2
    def test_cli_workspace_no_args(self, request, monkeypatch) -> None:
        # reset global config singleton
        config._CONFIG = None
        fixture_path = fixtures_path / "isolated_config_dir"
        runner = CliRunner()
        with runner.isolated_filesystem() as isolated_dir:
            # Populate filesystem folders
            isolated_base_dir = isolated_dir
            isolated_xdg_config_home_dir = os.path.join(
                isolated_dir, ".config")
            isolated_ultron_config_dir = os.path.join(
                isolated_xdg_config_home_dir, "ultron8")
            isolated_ultron_config_path = os.path.join(
                isolated_ultron_config_dir, "smart.yaml")

            # create base dirs

            # request.cls.home = isolated_base_dir
            # request.cls.xdg_config_home = isolated_xdg_config_home_dir
            # request.cls.ultron_config_dir = isolated_ultron_config_dir
            # request.cls.ultron_config_path = isolated_ultron_config_path

            # monkeypatch env vars to trick intgr tests into running only in isolated file system
            monkeypatch.setenv("HOME", isolated_base_dir)
            monkeypatch.setenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", isolated_xdg_config_home_dir)
            monkeypatch.setenv("ULTRON8DIR", isolated_ultron_config_dir)

            # Copy the project fixture into the isolated filesystem dir.
            shutil.copytree(fixture_path, isolated_ultron_config_dir)

            # Monkeypatch a helper method onto the runner to make running commands
            # easier.
            runner.run = lambda command: runner.invoke(cli, command.split())

            # And another for checkout the text output by the command.
            runner.output_of = lambda command: runner.run(command).output

            # Run click test client
            result = runner.invoke(cli, ["workspace"])

            # verify results
            assert result.exit_code == 0

            assert "Usage: cli workspace [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]..." in result.output
            assert "Interact with workspace for ultron8." in result.output
            assert "Options:" in result.output
            assert "--help  Show this message and exit." in result.output
            assert "Commands:" in result.output
            assert "info  Info on workspace" in result.output
            assert "tree  Tree command for Workspace" in result.output
Example #3
def project_runner(fixture='simple'):
    fixture_path = (fixtures_path / 'projects' / fixture)
    runner = CliRunner()
    with runner.isolated_filesystem():
        # Copy the project fixture into the isolated filesystem dir.
        shutil.copytree(fixture_path, '.tedi')

        # Monkeypatch a helper method onto the runner to make running commands
        # easier.
        runner.run = lambda command: runner.invoke(cli, command.split())

        # And another for checkout the text output by the command.
        runner.output_of = lambda command: runner.run(command).output
        yield runner
Example #4
def project_runner(fixture: str = "simple") -> Iterator[CliRunner]:
    fixture_path = fixtures_path / fixture
    runner = CliRunner()
    with runner.isolated_filesystem():
        # Copy the project fixture into the isolated filesystem dir.
        shutil.copytree(fixture_path, ".ultron8")

        # Monkeypatch a helper method onto the runner to make running commands
        # easier.
        runner.run = lambda command: runner.invoke(cli, command.split())

        # And another for checkout the text output by the command.
        runner.output_of = lambda command: runner.run(command).output
        yield runner
Example #5
def runner():
    """Fixture for CLI runner function.

    Returns a function accepting a single parameter (cli command as string).
    runner = CliRunner()

    def run(cmd, **kwargs):
        """Run the command from the CLI.
        :param cmd: command with its arguments
        :type cmd: str

        :warn: when passing your command remember
        to not have any whitespaces inside an argument values!

        :return: runner result
        :rtype: `click.testing.Result`
        res = runner.invoke(cli, cmd.split(), **kwargs)

        if res.output:
            res.stripped_output = res.output.strip()

        return res

    runner.run = run

    yield runner
Example #6
    def test_ansible(self):
        Run ansible command on a (mock) remote instance.
            oldTmpDir = os.environ["UNFURL_TMPDIR"]
            runner = CliRunner()
            with runner.isolated_filesystem() as tempDir:
                os.environ["UNFURL_TMPDIR"] = tempDir
                path = __file__ + "/../examples/ansible-manifest.yaml"
                manifest = YamlManifest(path=path)
                runner = Runner(manifest)

                output = six.StringIO()  # so we don't save the file
                job = runner.run(
                        # this instance doesn't exist so warning is output
                        cmdline=["echo", "foo"],
                assert not job.unexpectedAbort, job.unexpectedAbort.getStackTrace()
                # verify we wrote out the correct ansible inventory file
                    from pathlib import Path

                    p = Path(os.environ["UNFURL_TMPDIR"])
                    files = list(p.glob("**/*-inventory.yaml"))
                    self.assertEqual(len(files), 1, files)
                    inventory = files[-1]
                    expectedInventory = """all:
      ansible_port: 22
      ansible_connection: local
      ansible_user: ubuntu
      ansible_pipelining: yes
      ansible_private_key_file: ~/.ssh/example-key.pem
  vars: {}
      hosts: {}
        var_for_ansible_playbook: test
      children: {}
                    with inventory.open() as f:
                        self.assertEqual(f.read(), expectedInventory)
                except ImportError:
                    pass  # skip on 2.7
            os.environ["UNFURL_TMPDIR"] = oldTmpDir
        tasks = list(job.workDone.values())
        self.assertEqual(len(tasks), 1)
        assert "stdout" in tasks[0].result.result, tasks[0].result.result
        self.assertEqual(tasks[0].result.result["stdout"], "foo")
Example #7
    def test_remote(self):
        test that ansible is invoked when operation_host is remote
            oldTmpDir = os.environ["UNFURL_TMPDIR"]
            runner = CliRunner()
            with runner.isolated_filesystem() as tempDir:
                os.environ["UNFURL_TMPDIR"] = tempDir
                path = __file__ + "/../examples/ansible-manifest.yaml"
                manifest = YamlManifest(path=path)
                runner = Runner(manifest)

                output = six.StringIO()  # so we don't save the file
                job = runner.run(
                        # this instance doesn't exist so warning is output
                output = six.StringIO()  # so we don't save the file
            os.environ["UNFURL_TMPDIR"] = oldTmpDir
        tasks = list(job.workDone.values())
        self.assertEqual(len(tasks), 1)
        assert "stdout" in tasks[0].result.result, tasks[0].result.result
        self.assertEqual(tasks[0].result.result["stdout"], "bar")
                    "status": "ok",
                    "target": "test_remote",
                    "operation": "configure",
                    "template": "test_remote",
                    "type": "tosca.nodes.Root",
                    "targetStatus": "ok",
                    "changed": True,
                    "configurator": "unfurl.configurators.ansible.AnsibleConfigurator",
                    "priority": "required",
                    "reason": "add",
Example #8
    def test_cli_workspace_tree(self, request, monkeypatch) -> None:
        # reset global config singleton
        config._CONFIG = None
        fixture_path = fixtures_path / "isolated_config_dir"
        runner = CliRunner()
        with runner.isolated_filesystem() as isolated_dir:
            # Populate filesystem folders
            isolated_base_dir = isolated_dir
            isolated_xdg_config_home_dir = os.path.join(
                isolated_dir, ".config")
            isolated_ultron_config_dir = os.path.join(
                isolated_xdg_config_home_dir, "ultron8")
            isolated_ultron_config_path = os.path.join(
                isolated_ultron_config_dir, "smart.yaml")

            # create base dirs

            # request.cls.home = isolated_base_dir
            # request.cls.xdg_config_home = isolated_xdg_config_home_dir
            # request.cls.ultron_config_dir = isolated_ultron_config_dir
            # request.cls.ultron_config_path = isolated_ultron_config_path

            # monkeypatch env vars to trick intgr tests into running only in isolated file system
            monkeypatch.setenv("HOME", isolated_base_dir)
            monkeypatch.setenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", isolated_xdg_config_home_dir)
            monkeypatch.setenv("ULTRON8DIR", isolated_ultron_config_dir)

            # Copy the project fixture into the isolated filesystem dir.
            shutil.copytree(fixture_path, isolated_ultron_config_dir)

            # Grab access token
            r = get_superuser_jwt_request()
            tokens = r.json()
            a_token = tokens["access_token"]

            example_data = """
clusters_path: clusters/
cache_path: cache/
workspace_path: workspace/
templates_path: templates/

    debug: 0
    verbose: 0
    keep: 0
    stderr: 0
    repeat: 1

            url: http://localhost:11267
            token: '{}'

            # overwrite smart.yaml w/ config that has auth token in it.

            # Monkeypatch a helper method onto the runner to make running commands
            # easier.
            runner.run = lambda command: runner.invoke(cli, command.split())

            # And another for checkout the text output by the command.
            runner.output_of = lambda command: runner.run(command).output

            # Run click test client
            result = runner.invoke(cli, ["--debug", "workspace", "tree"])

            # verify results
            assert result.exit_code == 0
Example #9
    def test_cli_user_list(self, request, monkeypatch) -> None:
        # reset global config singleton
        config._CONFIG = None
        fixture_path = fixtures_path / "isolated_config_dir"
        runner = CliRunner()
        with runner.isolated_filesystem() as isolated_dir:
            # Populate filesystem folders
            isolated_base_dir = isolated_dir
            isolated_xdg_config_home_dir = os.path.join(
                isolated_dir, ".config")
            isolated_ultron_config_dir = os.path.join(
                isolated_xdg_config_home_dir, "ultron8")
            isolated_ultron_config_path = os.path.join(
                isolated_ultron_config_dir, "smart.yaml")

            # create base dirs

            # request.cls.home = isolated_base_dir
            # request.cls.xdg_config_home = isolated_xdg_config_home_dir
            # request.cls.ultron_config_dir = isolated_ultron_config_dir
            # request.cls.ultron_config_path = isolated_ultron_config_path

            # monkeypatch env vars to trick intgr tests into running only in isolated file system
            monkeypatch.setenv("HOME", isolated_base_dir)
            monkeypatch.setenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", isolated_xdg_config_home_dir)
            monkeypatch.setenv("ULTRON8DIR", isolated_ultron_config_dir)

            # Copy the project fixture into the isolated filesystem dir.
            shutil.copytree(fixture_path, isolated_ultron_config_dir)

            # Grab access token
            r = get_superuser_jwt_request()
            tokens = r.json()
            a_token = tokens["access_token"]

            example_data = """
clusters_path: clusters/
cache_path: cache/
workspace_path: workspace/
templates_path: templates/

    debug: 0
    verbose: 0
    keep: 0
    stderr: 0
    repeat: 1

            url: http://localhost:11267
            token: '{}'

            # overwrite smart.yaml w/ config that has auth token in it.

            # Monkeypatch a helper method onto the runner to make running commands
            # easier.
            runner.run = lambda command: runner.invoke(cli, command.split())

            # And another for checkout the text output by the command.
            runner.output_of = lambda command: runner.run(command).output

            # Run click test client
            result = runner.invoke(
                ["user", "--cluster", "local", "list", "--output", "table"])

            # verify results
            assert result.exit_code == 0
            # NOTE: This regex grabs the header
            # (?:ID)\s+\S\s+(?:Full Name)\s+\S\s+(?:Email)\s+\S\s+(?:Is Active)\s+\S\s+(?:Is Superuser)\s+\S\s+
            # (?:1)\s+\S\s+(?:None)\s+\S\s+(?:[email protected])\s+\S\s+(?:True)\s+\S\s+(?:True)\s+\S\s+

            # FIXME: need to set window size to correctly get result back from this
            # assert "╔═════╦═══════════╦══════════════════════════════════╦═══════════╦══════════════╗" in result.output
            # assert "║ ID  ║ Full Name ║ Email                            ║ Is Active ║ Is Superuser ║" in result.output
            # assert "╠═════╬═══════════╬══════════════════════════════════╬═══════════╬══════════════╣" in result.output
            # assert "║ 1   ║ None      ║ [email protected]                ║ True      ║ True         ║" in result.output
            # assert "╠═════╬═══════════╬══════════════════════════════════╬═══════════╬══════════════╣" in result.output

            result_lines = result.output.split("\n")

            find_str = []

            for i in range(0, 10):
                if "║ID║Email║FullName║IsActive║IsSuperuser║" in result_lines[
                        i].replace(" ", ""):
                if "║1║[email protected]║None║True║True║" in result_lines[
                        i].replace(" ", ""):

            # should have found the header and the first tet user.
            assert len(find_str) == 2
Example #10
def test_cli_default_no_args(request, monkeypatch) -> None:
    # reset global config singleton
    config._CONFIG = None
    fixture_path = fixtures_path / "isolated_config_dir"
    runner = CliRunner()
    with runner.isolated_filesystem() as isolated_dir:
        # Populate filesystem folders
        isolated_base_dir = isolated_dir
        isolated_xdg_config_home_dir = os.path.join(isolated_dir, ".config")
        isolated_ultron_config_dir = os.path.join(isolated_xdg_config_home_dir,
        isolated_ultron_config_path = os.path.join(isolated_ultron_config_dir,

        # create base dirs

        # request.cls.home = isolated_base_dir
        # request.cls.xdg_config_home = isolated_xdg_config_home_dir
        # request.cls.ultron_config_dir = isolated_ultron_config_dir
        # request.cls.ultron_config_path = isolated_ultron_config_path

        # monkeypatch env vars to trick intgr tests into running only in isolated file system
        monkeypatch.setenv("HOME", isolated_base_dir)
        monkeypatch.setenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", isolated_xdg_config_home_dir)
        monkeypatch.setenv("ULTRON8DIR", isolated_ultron_config_dir)

        # Copy the project fixture into the isolated filesystem dir.
        shutil.copytree(fixture_path, isolated_ultron_config_dir)

        # Monkeypatch a helper method onto the runner to make running commands
        # easier.
        runner.run = lambda command: runner.invoke(cli, command.split())

        # And another for checkout the text output by the command.
        runner.output_of = lambda command: runner.run(command).output

        # Run click test client
        result = runner.invoke(cli, ["--help"])

        # verify results
        assert result.exit_code == 0
        assert "Usage: cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]..." in result.output
        assert (
            "Ultronctl - Client Side CLI tool to manage an Ultron8 Cluster."
            in result.output)
        assert "Options:" in result.output
        assert "--working-dir TEXT" in result.output
        assert "--config-dir TEXT" in result.output
        assert "--debug" in result.output
        assert "-v, --verbose       Enables verbose mode." in result.output
        assert "--help              Show this message and exit." in result.output
        assert "Commands:" in result.output
        assert "cluster    Manage your ultron8 clusters" in result.output
        assert "config     Manage your ultron8 config" in result.output
        assert "dummy      Dummy command, doesn't do anything." in result.output
        assert "info       Get info on running Ultron8 process" in result.output
        assert ("init       Init cmd to setup workspace etc for ultron8."
                in result.output)
        assert "login      Login to ultron8 cluster" in result.output
        assert "metrics    Login to ultron8 cluster" in result.output
        assert "node       Manage your ultron8 nodes" in result.output
        assert "user       User CLI. Used to interact with ultron8 api" in result.output
        assert "version    Get version" in result.output
        assert ("workspace  All commands dealing with workspace for ultron8"
                in result.output)