def bounds(ctx, precision, explode, with_id, with_obj, use_rs): """Print the bounding boxes of GeoJSON objects read from stdin. Optionally explode collections and print the bounds of their features. To print identifiers for input objects along with their bounds as a {id: identifier, bbox: bounds} JSON object, use --with-id. To print the input objects themselves along with their bounds as GeoJSON object, use --with-obj. This has the effect of updating input objects with {id: identifier, bbox: bounds}. """ verbosity = (ctx.obj and ctx.obj['verbosity']) or 2 logger = logging.getLogger('fio') stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') stdout = click.get_text_stream('stdout') try: source = obj_gen(stdin) for i, obj in enumerate(source): obj_id = obj.get('id', 'collection:' + str(i)) xs = [] ys = [] features = obj.get('features') or [obj] for j, feat in enumerate(features): feat_id = feat.get('id', 'feature:' + str(i)) w, s, e, n = fiona.bounds(feat) if precision > 0: w, s, e, n = (round(v, precision) for v in (w, s, e, n)) if explode: if with_id: rec = {'parent': obj_id, 'id': feat_id, 'bbox': (w, s, e, n)} elif with_obj: feat.update(parent=obj_id, bbox=(w, s, e, n)) rec = feat else: rec = (w, s, e, n) if use_rs: click.echo(u'\u001e', nl=False) click.echo(json.dumps(rec)) else: xs.extend([w, e]) ys.extend([s, n]) if not explode: w, s, e, n = (min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys)) if with_id: rec = {'id': obj_id, 'bbox': (w, s, e, n)} elif with_obj: obj.update(id=obj_id, bbox=(w, s, e, n)) rec = obj else: rec = (w, s, e, n) if use_rs: click.echo(u'\u001e', nl=False) click.echo(json.dumps(rec)) except Exception: logger.exception("Exception caught during processing") raise click.Abort()
def organizations(metrics, since, until): """ Fetch metrics for organizations. """ from django.utils import timezone from import tsdb from sentry.models import Organization stdout = click.get_text_stream('stdout') stderr = click.get_text_stream('stderr') def aggregate(series): return sum(value for timestamp, value in series) metrics = OrderedDict((name, getattr(tsdb.models, name)) for name in metrics) if not metrics: return if until is None: until = if since is None: since = until - timedelta(minutes=60) if until < since: raise click.ClickException('invalid time range provided: {} to {}'.format(since, until)) stderr.write( 'Dumping {} from {} to {}...\n'.format( ', '.join(metrics.keys()), since, until, ), ) objects = Organization.objects.all() for chunk in chunked(objects, 100): instances = OrderedDict((, instance) for instance in chunk) results = {} for metric in metrics.values(): results[metric] = tsdb.get_range(metric, instances.keys(), since, until) for key, instance in six.iteritems(instances): values = [] for metric in metrics.values(): values.append(aggregate(results[metric][key])) stdout.write( '{} {} {}\n'.format(, instance.slug, ' '.join(map(six.binary_type, values)), ), )
def unpack(input_:, output: """ Unpack serialized command log. """ tokens_iterator = iter_tokens(input_ or click.get_text_stream("stdin", encoding="utf-8")) header = read_header(tokens_iterator) commands = list(iter_commands(tokens_iterator)) json.dump( {"header": header, "commands": commands}, output or click.get_text_stream("stdout", encoding="utf-8"), indent=2, )
def distrib(ctx, use_rs): """Distribute features from a collection. Print the features of GeoJSON objects read from stdin. """ verbosity = (ctx.obj and ctx.obj['verbosity']) or 2 logger = logging.getLogger('fio') stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') try: source = helpers.obj_gen(stdin) for i, obj in enumerate(source): obj_id = obj.get('id', 'collection:' + str(i)) features = obj.get('features') or [obj] for j, feat in enumerate(features): if obj.get('type') == 'FeatureCollection': feat['parent'] = obj_id feat_id = feat.get('id', 'feature:' + str(i)) feat['id'] = feat_id if use_rs: click.echo(u'\u001e', nl=False) click.echo(json.dumps(feat)) except Exception: logger.exception("Exception caught during processing") raise click.Abort()
def parent(ctx, input, depth): """Takes a [x, y, z] tile as input and writes its parent to stdout in the same form. $ echo "[486, 332, 10]" | mercantile parent Output: [243, 166, 9] """ verbosity = ctx.obj['verbosity'] logger = logging.getLogger('mercantile') try: src = click.open_file(input).readlines() except IOError: src = [input] stdout = click.get_text_stream('stdout') try: for line in src: line = line.strip() tile = json.loads(line)[:3] if tile[2] - depth < 0: raise ValueError("Maximum depth exceeded.") for i in range(depth): tile = mercantile.parent(tile) output = json.dumps(tile) stdout.write(output) stdout.write('\n') sys.exit(0) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed. Exception caught") sys.exit(1)
def children(ctx, input, depth): """Takes a [x, y, z] tile as input and writes its children to stdout in the same form. $ echo "[486, 332, 10]" | mercantile parent Output: [243, 166, 9] """ verbosity = ctx.obj['verbosity'] logger = logging.getLogger('mercantile') try: src = click.open_file(input).readlines() except IOError: src = [input] stdout = click.get_text_stream('stdout') try: for line in src: line = line.strip() tiles = [json.loads(line)[:3]] for i in range(depth): tiles = sum([mercantile.children(t) for t in tiles], []) for t in tiles: output = json.dumps(t) stdout.write(output) stdout.write('\n') sys.exit(0) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed. Exception caught") sys.exit(1)
def cli(input, verbose, quiet, output_format, precision, indent): """Convert text read from the first positional argument, stdin, or a file to GeoJSON and write to stdout.""" verbosity = verbose - quiet configure_logging(verbosity) logger = logging.getLogger('geomet') # Handle the case of file, stream, or string input. try: src = click.open_file(input).readlines() except IOError: src = [input] stdout = click.get_text_stream('stdout') # Read-write loop. try: for line in src: text = line.strip() logger.debug("Input: %r", text) output = translate( text, output_format=output_format, indent=indent, precision=precision ) logger.debug("Output: %r", output) stdout.write(output) stdout.write('\n') sys.exit(0) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed. Exception caught") sys.exit(1)
def cat(ctx, input, precision, indent, compact, ignore_errors, dst_crs, x_json_seq_rs): """Concatenate and print the features of input datasets as a sequence of GeoJSON features.""" verbosity = ctx.obj['verbosity'] logger = logging.getLogger('fio') sink = click.get_text_stream('stdout') dump_kwds = {'sort_keys': True} if indent: dump_kwds['indent'] = indent if compact: dump_kwds['separators'] = (',', ':') item_sep = compact and ',' or ', ' try: with fiona.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=verbosity>2): for path in input: with as src: for feat in src: if dst_crs or precision > 0: g = transform_geom(, dst_crs, feat['geometry'], antimeridian_cutting=True, precision=precision) feat['geometry'] = g if x_json_seq_rs: sink.write(u'\u001e') json.dump(feat, sink, **dump_kwds) sink.write("\n") sys.exit(0) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed. Exception caught") sys.exit(1)
def start(ctx, redis_url, log, verbose, backend): if redis_url is None: redis_url = 'redis://localhost:6379?db=0' if log is not None: handler = logging.FileHandler(log) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if verbose: handler = logging.StreamHandler(click.get_text_stream('stdout')) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) worker = workers.get(backend, None) if worker is None:'Unknown backend: %s' % backend) click.echo('Starting worker using backend: %s' % backend) queue = DistributedQueue(redis_url) run(worker(), queue)
def echo_json_response(response, pretty, limit=None, ndjson=False): '''Wrapper to echo JSON with optional 'pretty' printing. If pretty is not provided explicity and stdout is a terminal (and not redirected or piped), the default will be to indent and sort keys''' indent = None sort_keys = False nl = False if not ndjson and (pretty or (pretty is None and sys.stdout.isatty())): indent = 2 sort_keys = True nl = True try: if ndjson and hasattr(response, 'items_iter'): items = response.items_iter(limit) for item in items: click.echo(json.dumps(item)) elif not ndjson and hasattr(response, 'json_encode'): response.json_encode(click.get_text_stream('stdout'), limit=limit, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys) else: res = response.get_raw() res = json.dumps(json.loads(res), indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys) click.echo(res) if nl: click.echo() except IOError as ioe: # hide scary looking broken pipe stack traces raise click.ClickException(str(ioe))
def msms_intervals(paths, processes=4, time_radius=5, mz_lower=2., mz_higher=3., output=None): '''Construct an interval tree spanning time and m/z domains where MSn spectra were acquired in the LC-MS map. The interval tree is serialized to JSON. ''' interval_extraction = _MSMSIntervalTask(time_radius, mz_lower, mz_higher) interval_set = [] total_work_items = len(paths) * processes * 4 def _run(): for path in paths: reader = MSFileLoader(path) chunk_out_of_order = quick_index.run_task_in_chunks( reader, processes, processes * 4, task=interval_extraction) for chunk in chunk_out_of_order: interval_set.extend(chunk) yield 0 work_iterator = _run() with click.progressbar(work_iterator, length=total_work_items, label='Extracting Intervals') as g: for _ in g: pass tree = scan_interval_tree.ScanIntervalTree(scan_interval_tree.make_rt_tree(interval_set)) if output is not None: with open(output, 'wt') as fh: tree.serialize(fh) else: stream = click.get_text_stream('stdout') tree.serialize(stream) stream.flush()
def info(id, format): "Show a file's metadata by id." from sentry.models import File try: file = File.objects.get(id=id) except File.DoesNotExist: raise click.ClickException('File %d does not exist.' % id) obj = { 'id':, 'name':, 'headers': file.headers, 'size': file.size, 'sha1': file.checksum, 'dateCreated': file.timestamp, } stdout = click.get_text_stream('stdout') if format == 'yaml': from sentry.utils import yaml yaml.safe_dump(obj, stdout) elif format == 'json': from sentry.utils import json json.dump(obj, stdout) stdout.write('\n')
def info(ctx, input, indent, meta_member): verbosity = ctx.obj['verbosity'] logger = logging.getLogger('rio') stdout = click.get_text_stream('stdout') try: with fiona.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=verbosity>2): with as src: info = src.meta info.update(bounds=src.bounds, count=len(src)) proj4 = if proj4.startswith('+init=epsg'): proj4 = proj4.split('=')[1].upper() info['crs'] = proj4 if meta_member: if isinstance(info[meta_member], (list, tuple)): print(" ".join(map(str, info[meta_member]))) else: print(info[meta_member]) else: stdout.write(json.dumps(info, indent=indent)) stdout.write("\n") sys.exit(0) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed. Exception caught") sys.exit(1)
def _fetch(url, filename_template): _prepare_archive_or_fail() urls = url or click.get_text_stream('stdin') for url in urls: url = url.rstrip('\n') f = archive.fetch_to_filename(url, filename_template=filename_template) click.echo(f)
def update(gandi, fqdn, name, type, value, ttl, file): """Update record entry for a domain. --file option will ignore other parameters and overwrite current zone content with provided file content. """ domains = gandi.dns.list() domains = [domain['fqdn'] for domain in domains] if fqdn not in domains: gandi.echo('Sorry domain %s does not exist' % fqdn) gandi.echo('Please use one of the following: %s' % ', '.join(domains)) return content = '' if file: content = elif not sys.stdin.isatty(): content = click.get_text_stream('stdin').read() content = content.strip() if not content and not name and not type and not value: click.echo('Cannot find parameters for zone content to update.') return if name and type and not value: click.echo('You must provide one or more value parameter.') return result = gandi.dns.update_record(fqdn, name, type, value, ttl, content) gandi.echo(result['message'])
def load(ctx, output, driver, x_json_seq): """Load features from JSON to a file in another format. The input is a GeoJSON feature collection or optionally a sequence of GeoJSON feature objects.""" verbosity = ctx.obj['verbosity'] logger = logging.getLogger('fio') stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') first_line = next(stdin) # If input is RS-delimited JSON sequence. if first_line.startswith(u'\x1e'): def feature_gen(): buffer = first_line.strip(u'\x1e') for line in stdin: if line.startswith(u'\x1e'): if buffer: yield json.loads(buffer) buffer = line.strip(u'\x1e') else: buffer += line else: yield json.loads(buffer) elif x_json_seq: def feature_gen(): yield json.loads(first_line) for line in stdin: yield json.loads(line) else: def feature_gen(): for feat in json.load(input)['features']: yield feat try: source = feature_gen() # Use schema of first feature as a template. # TODO: schema specified on command line? first = next(source) schema = {'geometry': first['geometry']['type']} schema['properties'] = dict([ (k, FIELD_TYPES_MAP_REV[type(v)]) for k, v in first['properties'].items()]) with fiona.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=verbosity>2): with output, 'w', driver=driver, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}, schema=schema) as dst: dst.write(first) dst.writerecords(source) sys.exit(0) except IOError:"IOError caught") sys.exit(0) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed. Exception caught") sys.exit(1)
def command(): with'files.json', encoding='utf-8') as data: list_of_lists = json.load(data) flattened = list(itertools.chain(*list_of_lists)) stdout_text = click.get_text_stream('stdout') stdout_text.write(json.dumps({'out_files': flattened}))
def lowercase(in_file, out_dir): create_dirs(out_dir) text = text = text.lower() stdout_text = click.get_text_stream('stdout') stdout_text.write(text)
def snorse_cli(text=None, file=None): if file is not None: text = elif text is None: text = click.get_text_stream('stdin').read() elif os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(text)): text = open(os.path.expanduser(text)).read() click.echo(snorse(text))
def ls_chunk(in_dir, chunks, name): div = json.load(chunks) files = div.get(name, []) files_out = [cwl_file(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(in_dir, f))) for f in files] stdout_text = click.get_text_stream('stdout') stdout_text.write(json.dumps({'out_files': files_out}))
def members(ctx, config, cube_name, cuts, dim_name, output_format): """Aggregate a cube""" config = read_config(config) workspace = Workspace(config) browser = workspace.browser(cube_name) cube = browser.cube cell_cuts = [] for cut_str in cuts: cell_cuts += cuts_from_string(browser.cube, cut_str) cell = Cell(browser.cube, cell_cuts) (dim_name, hier_name, level_name) = string_to_dimension_level(dim_name) dimension = cube.dimension(dim_name) hierarchy = dimension.hierarchy(hier_name) if level_name: depth = hierarchy.level_index(level_name) + 1 else: depth = len(hierarchy) # TODO: pagination values = browser.members(cell, dimension, depth=depth, hierarchy=hierarchy, page=None, page_size=None) attributes = [] for level in hierarchy.levels_for_depth(depth): attributes += level.attributes fields = [attr.ref for attr in attributes] labels = [attr.label or for attr in attributes] if output_format == "json": encoder = SlicerJSONEncoder(indent=4) result = encoder.iterencode(values) elif output_format == "json_lines": result = JSONLinesGenerator(values) elif output_format == "csv": result = csv_generator(values, fields, include_header=True, header=labels) elif output_format == 'xlsx': result = xlsx_generator( values, fields, include_header=True, header=labels ) out = click.get_text_stream('stdout') for row in result: out.write(row)
def _cat(url): _prepare_archive_or_fail() urls = url or click.get_text_stream('stdin') out = click.open_file('-', 'w') for url in urls: url = url.rstrip('\n') f = archive.fetch(url) out.write( out.close()
def read_text(words): if len(words) == 1 and words[0] == '-': text = click.get_text_stream('stdin').read() elif words: text = ' '.join(words) click.confirm('Post "{0}"?'.format(text), abort=True) else: text = click.edit() return text
def _stdin_user_credentials(): stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin').read() stdin_lines = stdin.strip().splitlines() try: username, password = stdin_lines[:2] except ValueError: print('Failed to read newline separated username and password from stdin.') username = None password = None return username, password
def cli(server, inp_text): if not inp_text: inp_text = click.get_text_stream('stdin').read() print(inp_text) # Send request to server with user input text and user's wallet address for payment sel_url = 'http://' + server + '/sentiment?text={0}&payout_address={1}' response = requests.get(url=sel_url.format(inp_text, wallet.get_payout_address())) # Print the translated text out to the terminal click.echo(response.text)
def comment(globs: AttrDict, message: str, stdin: bool, bugs: List[int]): """Commenting on bugs.""" if stdin: message = click.get_text_stream().read() elif message: message = message else: message = template.edit_text() for bug in bugs: globs.req_post('{}/comments'.format(bug), body={'body': message}, model='Comment')
def import_stock_values(code): """Import stock price information.""" app = create_app(__name__) with app.app_context(): # NOTE: We assume all Asset records are already in the database, but # this is a temporary workaround. We should implement some mechanism to # automatically insert an Asset record when it is not found. stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') for _ in import_stock_values_(stdin, code): pass
def done(self, status=OK): """ @type status: str """ padding = ' ' * ((self.max_term_width - 6) - len(self.message)) suffix =']', fg=self.color, bold=self.bold) message = '{msg}{pad}[{status}{suf}'.format(msg=self.message, pad=padding, status=status, suf=suffix) stdout = click.get_text_stream('stdout') stdout.write('\r\033[K') stdout.flush() click.secho(message, fg=self.color, bold=self.bold)
def env(ctx, key): """Print information about the Rasterio environment: available formats, etc. """ verbosity = (ctx.obj and ctx.obj.get('verbosity')) or 1 stdout = click.get_text_stream('stdout') with Env(CPL_DEBUG=(verbosity > 2)) as env: if key == 'formats': for k, v in sorted(env.drivers().items()): stdout.write("%s: %s\n" % (k, v)) stdout.write('\n')
def env(ctx, key): """Print information about the Rasterio environment: available formats, etc. """ verbosity = (ctx.obj and ctx.obj.get("verbosity")) or 1 logger = logging.getLogger("rio") stdout = click.get_text_stream("stdout") with rasterio.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=(verbosity > 2)) as env: if key == "formats": for k, v in sorted(env.drivers().items()): stdout.write("%s: %s\n" % (k, v)) stdout.write("\n")
def blocks(ctx, input, output, precision, indent, compact, projection, sequence, use_rs, bidx): """Write dataset blocks as GeoJSON features. This command writes features describing a raster's internal blocks, which are used directly for raster I/O. These features can be used to visualize how a windowed operation would operate using those blocks. Output features have two JSON encoded properties: block and window. Block is a two element array like '[0, 0]' describing the window's position in the input band's window layout. Window is a two element array containing two more two element arrays like '[[0, 256], [0, 256]' and describes the range of pixels the window covers in the input band. Values are JSON encoded for better interoperability. Block windows are extracted from the dataset (all bands must have matching block windows) by default, or from the band specified using the '--bidx option: \b $ rio shapes --bidx 3 tests/data/RGB.byte.tif By default a GeoJSON 'FeatureCollection' is written, but the --sequence' option produces a GeoJSON feature stream instead. \b $ rio shapes tests/data/RGB.byte.tif --sequence Output features are reprojected to 'WGS84' unless the '--projected' flag is provided, which causes the output to be kept in the input datasource's coordinate reference system. For more information on exactly what blocks and windows represent, see 'dataset.block_windows()'. """ dump_kwds = {'sort_keys': True} if indent: dump_kwds['indent'] = indent if compact: dump_kwds['separators'] = (',', ':') stdout = click.open_file( output, 'w') if output else click.get_text_stream('stdout') with ctx.obj['env'], as src: if bidx and bidx not in src.indexes: raise click.BadParameter("Not a valid band index") collection = _Collection(dataset=src, bidx=bidx, precision=precision, geographic=projection != 'projected') write_features(stdout, collection, sequence=sequence, geojson_type='feature' if sequence else 'collection', use_rs=use_rs, **dump_kwds)
def cli( database, dbname, version, prompt, logfile, auto_vertical_output, table, csv, warn, execute, liteclirc, ): """A SQLite terminal client with auto-completion and syntax highlighting. \b Examples: - litecli lite_database """ if version: print("Version:", __version__) sys.exit(0) litecli = LiteCli( prompt=prompt, logfile=logfile, auto_vertical_output=auto_vertical_output, warn=warn, liteclirc=liteclirc, ) # Choose which ever one has a valid value. database = database or dbname litecli.connect(database) litecli.logger.debug("Launch Params: \n" "\tdatabase: %r", database) # --execute argument if execute: try: if csv: litecli.formatter.format_name = "csv" elif not table: litecli.formatter.format_name = "tsv" litecli.run_query(execute) exit(0) except Exception as e: click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg="red") exit(1) if sys.stdin.isatty(): litecli.run_cli() else: stdin = click.get_text_stream("stdin") stdin_text = try: sys.stdin = open("/dev/tty") except (FileNotFoundError, OSError): litecli.logger.warning("Unable to open TTY as stdin.") if (litecli.destructive_warning and confirm_destructive_query(stdin_text) is False): exit(0) try: new_line = True if csv: litecli.formatter.format_name = "csv" elif not table: litecli.formatter.format_name = "tsv" litecli.run_query(stdin_text, new_line=new_line) exit(0) except Exception as e: click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg="red") exit(1)
def load(ctx, output, driver, src_crs, dst_crs, sequence, layer, encoding): """Load features from JSON to a file in another format. The input is a GeoJSON feature collection or optionally a sequence of GeoJSON feature objects.""" verbosity = (ctx.obj and ctx.obj['verbosity']) or 2 logger = logging.getLogger('fio') stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') dst_crs = dst_crs or src_crs if src_crs and dst_crs and src_crs != dst_crs: transformer = partial(transform_geom, src_crs, dst_crs, antimeridian_cutting=True, precision=-1) else: transformer = lambda x: x first_line = next(stdin) # If input is RS-delimited JSON sequence. if first_line.startswith(u'\x1e'): def feature_gen(): buffer = first_line.strip(u'\x1e') for line in stdin: if line.startswith(u'\x1e'): if buffer: feat = json.loads(buffer) feat['geometry'] = transformer(feat['geometry']) yield feat buffer = line.strip(u'\x1e') else: buffer += line else: feat = json.loads(buffer) feat['geometry'] = transformer(feat['geometry']) yield feat elif sequence: def feature_gen(): yield json.loads(first_line) for line in stdin: feat = json.loads(line) feat['geometry'] = transformer(feat['geometry']) yield feat else: def feature_gen(): text = "".join(itertools.chain([first_line], stdin)) for feat in json.loads(text)['features']: feat['geometry'] = transformer(feat['geometry']) yield feat try: source = feature_gen() # Use schema of first feature as a template. # TODO: schema specified on command line? first = next(source) schema = {'geometry': first['geometry']['type']} schema['properties'] = dict([(k, FIELD_TYPES_MAP_REV.get(type(v)) or 'str') for k, v in first['properties'].items()]) with fiona.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=verbosity > 2): with, 'w', driver=driver, crs=dst_crs, schema=schema, layer=layer, encoding=encoding) as dst: dst.write(first) dst.writerecords(source) except Exception: logger.exception("Exception caught during processing") raise click.Abort()
def collect(ctx, precision, indent, compact, record_buffered, ignore_errors, src_crs, with_ld_context, add_ld_context_item, parse): """Make a GeoJSON feature collection from a sequence of GeoJSON features and print it.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') sink = click.get_text_stream('stdout') dump_kwds = {'sort_keys': True} if indent: dump_kwds['indent'] = indent if compact: dump_kwds['separators'] = (',', ':') item_sep = compact and ',' or ', ' if src_crs: if not parse: raise click.UsageError("Can't specify --src-crs with --no-parse") transformer = partial(transform_geom, src_crs, 'EPSG:4326', antimeridian_cutting=True, precision=precision) else: def transformer(x): return x first_line = next(stdin) # If parsing geojson if parse: # If input is RS-delimited JSON sequence. if first_line.startswith('\x1e'): def feature_text_gen(): buffer = first_line.strip('\x1e') for line in stdin: if line.startswith('\x1e'): if buffer: feat = json.loads(buffer) feat['geometry'] = transformer(feat['geometry']) yield json.dumps(feat, **dump_kwds) buffer = line.strip('\x1e') else: buffer += line else: feat = json.loads(buffer) feat['geometry'] = transformer(feat['geometry']) yield json.dumps(feat, **dump_kwds) else: def feature_text_gen(): feat = json.loads(first_line) feat['geometry'] = transformer(feat['geometry']) yield json.dumps(feat, **dump_kwds) for line in stdin: feat = json.loads(line) feat['geometry'] = transformer(feat['geometry']) yield json.dumps(feat, **dump_kwds) # If *not* parsing geojson else: # If input is RS-delimited JSON sequence. if first_line.startswith('\x1e'): def feature_text_gen(): buffer = first_line.strip('\x1e') for line in stdin: if line.startswith('\x1e'): if buffer: yield buffer buffer = line.strip('\x1e') else: buffer += line else: yield buffer else: def feature_text_gen(): yield first_line for line in stdin: yield line try: source = feature_text_gen() if record_buffered: # Buffer GeoJSON data at the feature level for smaller # memory footprint. indented = bool(indent) rec_indent = "\n" + " " * (2 * (indent or 0)) collection = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': []} if with_ld_context: collection['@context'] = helpers.make_ld_context( add_ld_context_item) head, tail = json.dumps(collection, **dump_kwds).split('[]') sink.write(head) sink.write("[") # Try the first record. try: i, first = 0, next(source) if with_ld_context: first = helpers.id_record(first) if indented: sink.write(rec_indent) sink.write(first.replace("\n", rec_indent)) except StopIteration: pass except Exception as exc: # Ignoring errors is *not* the default. if ignore_errors: logger.error( "failed to serialize file record %d (%s), " "continuing", i, exc) else: # Log error and close up the GeoJSON, leaving it # more or less valid no matter what happens above. logger.critical( "failed to serialize file record %d (%s), " "quiting", i, exc) sink.write("]") sink.write(tail) if indented: sink.write("\n") raise # Because trailing commas aren't valid in JSON arrays # we'll write the item separator before each of the # remaining features. for i, rec in enumerate(source, 1): try: if with_ld_context: rec = helpers.id_record(rec) if indented: sink.write(rec_indent) sink.write(item_sep) sink.write(rec.replace("\n", rec_indent)) except Exception as exc: if ignore_errors: logger.error( "failed to serialize file record %d (%s), " "continuing", i, exc) else: logger.critical( "failed to serialize file record %d (%s), " "quiting", i, exc) sink.write("]") sink.write(tail) if indented: sink.write("\n") raise # Close up the GeoJSON after writing all features. sink.write("]") sink.write(tail) if indented: sink.write("\n") else: # Buffer GeoJSON data at the collection level. The default. collection = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': []} if with_ld_context: collection['@context'] = helpers.make_ld_context( add_ld_context_item) head, tail = json.dumps(collection, **dump_kwds).split('[]') sink.write(head) sink.write("[") sink.write(",".join(source)) sink.write("]") sink.write(tail) sink.write("\n") except Exception: logger.exception("Exception caught during processing") raise click.Abort()
def run_shp_to_csv(src, reader_projection, reader_projection_preserve_units, writer_delimiter, writer_fieldname, writer_quotechar, writer_exceed_field_size_limit): # Configure the projection from the source to WGS-84. p1 = pyproj.Proj(init=reader_projection, preserve_units=reader_projection_preserve_units) p2 = pyproj.Proj(init=DEFAULT_PROJECTION_READER_) # WGS-84 transform = functools.partial(pyproj.transform, p1, p2) # Initialize the ESRI Shapefile reader. shapereader = shapefile.Reader(src) # Initialize the list of fields in the ESRI Shapefile. shapereader_fieldnames = list( map(lambda field: field[0], list(shapereader.fields))) # Remove the first element of the list. del shapereader_fieldnames[0] # DeletionFlag # Validate the fields for the CSV writer. if writer_fieldname in shapereader_fieldnames: raise click.ClickException( 'Invalid value for "writer-fieldname": Duplicate field: {0}'. format(writer_fieldname)) # Validation successfull. Initialize the list of fields for the CSV writer. csvwriter_fieldnames = shapereader_fieldnames + [writer_fieldname] # Initialize the CSV writer for the standard-output stream. csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(click.get_text_stream('stdout'), delimiter=writer_delimiter, fieldnames=csvwriter_fieldnames, quotechar=writer_quotechar) csvwriter.writeheader() if shapereader.shapeType == shapefile.POLYGON: for shapeRecord in shapereader.shapeRecords(): assert shapeRecord.shape.shapeType == shapefile.POLYGON # Initialize new CSV row. csvrow = dict(zip(shapereader_fieldnames, list(shapeRecord.record))) # Look-up the value of the field. # # NOTE The length of the string may exceed the CSV field size limit. writer_fieldname_value = str( shapely.geometry.Polygon( map(lambda coords: transform(*coords), list(shapeRecord.shape.points)))) # Test if the length of the string exceeds the CSV field size limit. if (len(writer_fieldname_value) > csv.field_size_limit() ) and not writer_exceed_field_size_limit: # If the length of the string exceeds the CSV field size limit # and the flag is set to `False`, then do not write the CSV row. # # TODO Warning: String length exceeds CSV field size limit. continue csvrow[writer_fieldname] = writer_fieldname_value # Write the row (to the standard output stream). csvwriter.writerow(csvrow) else: # TODO Warning: Invalid ESRI Shapefile (not POLYGON). pass # Done! return
def bounds(ctx, input, precision, indent, compact, projection, dst_crs, sequence, use_rs, geojson_type): """Write bounding boxes to stdout as GeoJSON for use with, e.g., geojsonio $ rio bounds *.tif | geojsonio If a destination crs is passed via dst_crs, it takes precedence over the projection parameter. """ import rasterio.warp verbosity = (ctx.obj and ctx.obj.get('verbosity')) or 1 logger = logging.getLogger('rio') dump_kwds = {'sort_keys': True} if indent: dump_kwds['indent'] = indent if compact: dump_kwds['separators'] = (',', ':') stdout = click.get_text_stream('stdout') # This is the generator for (feature, bbox) pairs. class Collection(object): def __init__(self): self._xs = [] self._ys = [] @property def bbox(self): return min(self._xs), min(self._ys), max(self._xs), max(self._ys) def __call__(self): for i, path in enumerate(input): with as src: bounds = src.bounds if dst_crs: bbox = transform_bounds(, dst_crs, *bounds) elif projection == 'mercator': bbox = transform_bounds(, {'init': 'epsg:3857'}, *bounds) elif projection == 'geographic': bbox = transform_bounds(, {'init': 'epsg:4326'}, *bounds) else: bbox = bounds if precision >= 0: bbox = [round(b, precision) for b in bbox] yield { 'type': 'Feature', 'bbox': bbox, 'geometry': { 'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [[[bbox[0], bbox[1]], [bbox[2], bbox[1]], [bbox[2], bbox[3]], [bbox[0], bbox[3]], [bbox[0], bbox[1]]]] }, 'properties': { 'id': str(i), 'title': path, 'filename': os.path.basename(path) } } self._xs.extend(bbox[::2]) self._ys.extend(bbox[1::2]) col = Collection() # Use the generator defined above as input to the generic output # writing function. try: with rasterio.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=verbosity > 2): write_features(stdout, col, sequence=sequence, geojson_type=geojson_type, use_rs=use_rs, **dump_kwds) except Exception: logger.exception("Exception caught during processing") raise click.Abort()
def cli(text): if not text: text = click.get_text_stream('stdin').read().strip() emoji_text = emojify(text) click.echo(emoji_text)
def main(filename, html, css, name, process, args, raw, csv, pdb): tmp = None try: if filename == "-": module = interpreter.interpret( source=click.get_text_stream('stdin').read()) else: module = interpreter.interpret(path=Path(filename)) if name: if name not in module.exports: raise RuntimeError(f"{name} not in {filename} exports") value = module.exports[name] else: if module.default_export is interpreter.missing and module.value is interpreter.missing: raise RuntimeError(f"{filename} has no default export") if module.default_export is not interpreter.missing: value = module.default_export else: value = module.value if isinstance(value, Callable): arg_names = ', '.join(f'"{n}"' for n in value.arg_names) if len(args) != len(value.arg_names): raise click.UsageError( f"Expected input argument{'s' if len(arg_names) > 1 else ''}: " f"{arg_names}, see --help") for arg in args: json_args = [json.load(arg) for arg in args] value = value(*json_args) if len([n for n in [html, css, process] if n]) > 1: raise RuntimeError('can only do 1 post-process at a time') if html: return print(dnjs_html.to_html(value)) if css: return print(dnjs_css.to_css(value)) if process: f = interpreter.interpret(source=process).value assert isinstance(f, Callable) value = builtins.undefineds_to_none(f(value)) if csv: assert isinstance(value, list) for row in value: assert isinstance(row, list) if raw: print(",".join(rawify(n) for n in row)) else: print(",".join(json.dumps(n) for n in row)) return if raw: return print(rawify(value)) print(json.dumps(value)) except: if pdb: import pdb pdb.post_mortem() raise if tmp is not None: tmp.close()
def main( in_vcf: str, out_vcf: str, overwrite: bool, verbose: bool, min_qual: float, min_depth: int, min_fed: float, max_depth: int, min_strand_bias: int, min_bqb: float, min_mqb: float, min_rpb: float, min_rpbz: Optional[float], max_rpbz: Optional[float], max_scbz: Optional[float], max_sgb: float, min_vdb: float, hist: bool, min_frs: float, min_mq: int, ): """Apply the following filters to a VCF:\n - Minimum proportion of the expected (median) depth\n - Maximum proportion of the expected (median) depth\n - Minimum QUAL threshold\n - Minimum Strand bias percentage """ log_level = logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s]: %(message)s", level=log_level ) vcf_reader = VCF(in_vcf) if not vcf_reader.contains(Tags.Depth.value): raise DepthTagError(f"Depth tag {Tags.Depth} not found in header") if (not vcf_reader.contains(str(Tags.StrandDepth))) and min_strand_bias: logging.warning( f"Strand depth tag {Tags.StrandDepth} not found in header. " f"Turning off strand bias filter..." ) min_strand_bias = 0"Calculating expected (median) depth...") depths = [] quals = [] for v in vcf_reader: depths.append(get_depth(v)) quals.append(v.QUAL or 0) median_depth = np.median(depths)"Expected depth: {median_depth}") if hist: import histoprint tick_format = "% .1f""Depth histogram:") histoprint.print_hist( np.histogram(depths, bins=HIST_BINS), title="Depth histogram", summary=True, tick_format=tick_format, file=click.get_text_stream("stderr"), )"QUAL histogram") histoprint.print_hist( np.histogram(quals, bins=HIST_BINS), title="QUAL histogram", summary=True, tick_format=tick_format, file=click.get_text_stream("stderr"), ) assessor = Filter( expected_depth=int(median_depth), min_qual=min_qual, min_depth=min_depth, min_fed=min_fed, max_depth=max_depth, min_strand_bias=min_strand_bias, min_bqb=min_bqb, min_mqb=min_mqb, min_rpb=min_rpb, max_sgb=max_sgb, min_vdb=min_vdb, min_frs=min_frs, min_mq=min_mq, min_rpbz=min_rpbz, max_rpbz=max_rpbz, max_scbz=max_scbz, ) vcf_reader = VCF(in_vcf) assessor.add_filters_to_header(vcf_reader) if not Path(out_vcf).parent.exists(): Path(out_vcf).parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) vcf_writer = Writer(out_vcf, tmpl=vcf_reader) stats = Counter()"Filtering variants...") for variant in vcf_reader: filter_status = assessor.filter_status(variant) if ( (not overwrite) and variant.FILTER is not None and filter_status != str(Tags.Pass) ): current_filter = variant.FILTER.rstrip(";") variant.FILTER = f"{current_filter};{filter_status}" else: variant.FILTER = filter_status vcf_writer.write_record(variant) stats.update(filter_status.split(";")) vcf_reader.close() vcf_writer.close()"FILTER STATISTICS")"=================") for filt, count in stats.items():"Filter: {filt}\tCount: {count}")"Done!")
for name in _get_variants(name): if _filter_name(name): tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(name) if _filter_tokens(tokens): tokenized_names.append(tokens) #print(tokenized_names) return tokenized_names @dict_cli.command() @click.argument('jochem', type=click.File('r', encoding='utf8')) @click.option('--output', '-o', type=click.File('w', encoding='utf8'), help='Dictionary file.', default=click.get_text_stream('stdout')) @click.option('--csoutput', '-c', type=click.File('w', encoding='utf8'), help='Case-sensitive dictionary file.', default=click.get_text_stream('stdout')) @click.pass_obj def prepare_jochem(ctx, jochem, output, csoutput): """Process and filter jochem file to produce list of names for dictionary.""" click.echo('chemdataextractor.dict.prepare_jochem') for i, line in enumerate(jochem): print('JC%s' % i) if line.startswith('TM '): if line.endswith(' @match=ci\n'): for tokens in _make_tokens(line[3:-11]): output.write(' '.join(tokens))
def _read_tags_from_stdin(ctx, param, value): if not value and not click.get_text_stream("stdin").isatty(): return click.get_text_stream("stdin").read().split() else: return value
def get_name(ctx, param, value): if not value and not click.get_text_stream("stdin").isatty(): return click.get_text_stream("stdin").read().split() else: return value
def shapes(ctx, input, output, precision, indent, compact, projection, sequence, use_rs, geojson_type, band, bandidx, sampling, with_nodata, as_mask): """Extracts shapes from one band or mask of a dataset and writes them out as GeoJSON. Unless otherwise specified, the shapes will be transformed to WGS 84 coordinates. The default action of this command is to extract shapes from the first band of the input dataset. The shapes are polygons bounding contiguous regions (or features) of the same raster value. This command performs poorly for int16 or float type datasets. Bands other than the first can be specified using the `--bidx` option: $ rio shapes --bidx 3 tests/data/RGB.byte.tif The valid data footprint of a dataset's i-th band can be extracted by using the `--mask` and `--bidx` options: $ rio shapes --mask --bidx 1 tests/data/RGB.byte.tif Omitting the `--bidx` option results in a footprint extracted from the conjunction of all band masks. This is generally smaller than any individual band's footprint. A dataset band may be analyzed as though it were a binary mask with the `--as-mask` option: $ rio shapes --as-mask --bidx 1 tests/data/RGB.byte.tif """ # These import numpy, which we don't want to do unless it's needed. import numpy import rasterio.features import rasterio.warp verbosity = ctx.obj['verbosity'] if ctx.obj else 1 logger = logging.getLogger('rio') dump_kwds = {'sort_keys': True} if indent: dump_kwds['indent'] = indent if compact: dump_kwds['separators'] = (',', ':') stdout = click.open_file( output, 'w') if output else click.get_text_stream('stdout') bidx = 1 if bandidx is None and band else bandidx # This is the generator for (feature, bbox) pairs. class Collection(object): def __init__(self): self._xs = [] self._ys = [] @property def bbox(self): return min(self._xs), min(self._ys), max(self._xs), max(self._ys) def __call__(self): with as src: if bidx is not None and bidx > src.count: raise ValueError('bidx is out of range for raster') img = None msk = None # Adjust transforms. transform = src.affine if sampling > 1: # Decimation of the raster produces a georeferencing # shift that we correct with a translation. transform *= Affine.translation(src.width % sampling, src.height % sampling) # And follow by scaling. transform *= Affine.scale(float(sampling)) # Most of the time, we'll use the valid data mask. # We skip reading it if we're extracting every possible # feature (even invalid data features) from a band. if not band or (band and not as_mask and not with_nodata): if sampling == 1: msk = src.read_masks(bidx) else: msk_shape = (src.height // sampling, src.width // sampling) if bidx is None: msk = numpy.zeros((src.count, ) + msk_shape, 'uint8') else: msk = numpy.zeros(msk_shape, 'uint8') msk = src.read_masks(bidx, msk) if bidx is None: msk = numpy.logical_or.reduce(msk).astype('uint8') # Possibly overidden below. img = msk # Read the band data unless the --mask option is given. if band: if sampling == 1: img =, masked=False) else: img = numpy.zeros( (src.height // sampling, src.width // sampling), dtype=src.dtypes[src.indexes.index(bidx)]) img =, img, masked=False) # If --as-mask option was given, convert the image # to a binary image. This reduces the number of shape # categories to 2 and likely reduces the number of # shapes. if as_mask: tmp = numpy.ones_like(img, 'uint8') * 255 tmp[img == 0] = 0 img = tmp if not with_nodata: msk = tmp # Transform the raster bounds. bounds = src.bounds xs = [bounds[0], bounds[2]] ys = [bounds[1], bounds[3]] if projection == 'geographic': xs, ys = rasterio.warp.transform(, {'init': 'epsg:4326'}, xs, ys) if precision >= 0: xs = [round(v, precision) for v in xs] ys = [round(v, precision) for v in ys] self._xs = xs self._ys = ys # Prepare keyword arguments for shapes(). kwargs = {'transform': transform} if not with_nodata: kwargs['mask'] = msk src_basename = os.path.basename( # Yield GeoJSON features. for i, (g, val) in enumerate( rasterio.features.shapes(img, **kwargs)): if projection == 'geographic': g = rasterio.warp.transform_geom(, 'EPSG:4326', g, antimeridian_cutting=True, precision=precision) xs, ys = zip(*coords(g)) yield { 'type': 'Feature', 'id': "{0}:{1}".format(src_basename, i), 'properties': { 'val': val, 'filename': src_basename }, 'bbox': [min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys)], 'geometry': g } if not sequence: geojson_type = 'collection' try: with rasterio.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=(verbosity > 2)): write_features(stdout, Collection(), sequence=sequence, geojson_type=geojson_type, use_rs=use_rs, **dump_kwds) except Exception: logger.exception("Exception caught during processing") raise click.Abort()
def get_stream(self, verbosity: int = 0): if verbosity <= self.verbosity: return click.get_text_stream('stdout') else: return null_stream()
def run_append_to_csv(code_length, codec, reader_delimiter, reader_fieldname, reader_quotechar, writer_delimiter, writer_fieldname, writer_quotechar, wkt, wkt_fieldname_bbox, wkt_fieldname_centroid): # Look-up the codec module. codec_module = CODEC_MODULES_BY_INDEX_[codec] # Initialize the CSV reader for the standard-input stream. reader_kwargs = { 'delimiter': reader_delimiter, 'quotechar': reader_quotechar, } # NOTE Use of 'csv.DictReader' assumes presence of CSV header row. reader = csv.DictReader(click.get_text_stream('stdin'), **reader_kwargs) # Initialize the list of fields for the CSV writer. # # NOTE Use 'list' function to clone list of fields (e.g., so that changes do # not affect the behavior of the CSV reader). writer_fieldnames = list(reader.fieldnames) # Validate the fields for the CSV reader and writer. if not reader_fieldname in writer_fieldnames: raise click.ClickException( 'Invalid value for "reader-fieldname": Field not found: {0}'. format(reader_fieldname)) elif writer_fieldname in writer_fieldnames: raise click.ClickException( 'Invalid value for "writer-fieldname": Duplicate field: {0}'. format(writer_fieldname)) # Validation successful. Add the field for the CSV writer to the list # (safely). writer_fieldnames.append(writer_fieldname) if wkt: # Validate WKT fields. if wkt_fieldname_bbox in writer_fieldnames: raise click.ClickException( 'Invalid value for "wkt-fieldname-bbox": Duplicate field: {0}'. format(wkt_fieldname_bbox)) if wkt_fieldname_centroid in writer_fieldnames: raise click.ClickException( 'Invalid value for "wkt-fieldname-centroid": Duplicate field: {0}' .format(wkt_fieldname_centroid)) # Validation successful. Add the WKT fields for the CSV writer to the # list (safely). writer_fieldnames.append(wkt_fieldname_bbox) writer_fieldnames.append(wkt_fieldname_centroid) # Initialize the CSV writer for the standard-output stream. writer_kwargs = { 'delimiter': writer_delimiter, 'quotechar': writer_quotechar, # NOTE Use of 'csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC' ensures that UBID is quoted. 'quoting': csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, } writer = csv.DictWriter(click.get_text_stream('stdout'), writer_fieldnames, **writer_kwargs) # NOTE If at least one row is written, then write the header row. Otherwise, # do not write the header row (to the standard-output stream). writer_writerheader_called = False # Initialize the CSV writer for the standard-error stream. err_writer = csv.DictWriter(click.get_text_stream('stderr'), reader.fieldnames, **writer_kwargs) # NOTE If at least one row is written, then write the header row. Otherwise, # do not write the header row (to the standard-error stream). err_writer_writeheader_called = False for row in reader: # Look-up the value of the field. reader_fieldname_value = row[reader_fieldname] try: # Parse the value of the field, assuming Well-known Text (WKT) # format, and then encode the result as a UBID. writer_fieldname_value = codec_module.encode( *buildingid.wkt.parse(reader_fieldname_value), codeLength=code_length) if wkt: # Decode the UBID. writer_fieldname_value_CodeArea = codec_module.decode( writer_fieldname_value) # Encode the UBID bounding box and centroid as WKT. row[wkt_fieldname_bbox] = str( writer_fieldname_value_CodeArea.longitudeLo, writer_fieldname_value_CodeArea.latitudeLo, writer_fieldname_value_CodeArea.longitudeHi, writer_fieldname_value_CodeArea.latitudeHi)) row[wkt_fieldname_centroid] = str( writer_fieldname_value_CodeArea.child.longitudeLo, writer_fieldname_value_CodeArea.child.latitudeLo, writer_fieldname_value_CodeArea.child.longitudeHi, writer_fieldname_value_CodeArea.child.latitudeHi)) except: # If an exception is raised (and caught), then write the CSV header # row (to the standard-error stream). if not err_writer_writeheader_called: # Set the flag. err_writer_writeheader_called = True err_writer.writeheader() # Write the row (to the standard-error stream). err_writer.writerow(row) else: # Set the value of the field. row[writer_fieldname] = writer_fieldname_value # Write the CSV header row (to the standard-output stream.) if not writer_writerheader_called: # Set the flag. writer_writerheader_called = True writer.writeheader() # Write the row (to the standard output stream). writer.writerow(row) # Done! return
def test_confirm_destructive_query_notty(executor): stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') assert stdin.isatty() is False sql = 'drop database foo;' assert confirm_destructive_query(sql) is None
def cli(database, user, host, port, socket, password, dbname, version, verbose, prompt, logfile, defaults_group_suffix, defaults_file, login_path, auto_vertical_output, local_infile, ssl_ca, ssl_capath, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_cipher, ssl_verify_server_cert, table, csv, warn, execute, myclirc, dsn, list_dsn, ssh_user, ssh_host, ssh_port, ssh_password, ssh_key_filename): """A MySQL terminal client with auto-completion and syntax highlighting. \b Examples: - mycli my_database - mycli -u my_user -h my_database - mycli mysql:// """ if version: print('Version:', __version__) sys.exit(0) mycli = MyCli(prompt=prompt, logfile=logfile, defaults_suffix=defaults_group_suffix, defaults_file=defaults_file, login_path=login_path, auto_vertical_output=auto_vertical_output, warn=warn, myclirc=myclirc) if list_dsn: try: alias_dsn = mycli.config['alias_dsn'] except KeyError as err: click.secho('Invalid DSNs found in the config file. '\ 'Please check the "[alias_dsn]" section in myclirc.', err=True, fg='red') exit(1) except Exception as e: click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg='red') exit(1) for alias, value in alias_dsn.items(): if verbose: click.secho("{} : {}".format(alias, value)) else: click.secho(alias) sys.exit(0) # Choose which ever one has a valid value. database = dbname or database ssl = { 'ca': ssl_ca and os.path.expanduser(ssl_ca), 'cert': ssl_cert and os.path.expanduser(ssl_cert), 'key': ssl_key and os.path.expanduser(ssl_key), 'capath': ssl_capath, 'cipher': ssl_cipher, 'check_hostname': ssl_verify_server_cert, } # remove empty ssl options ssl = {k: v for k, v in ssl.items() if v is not None} dsn_uri = None # Treat the database argument as a DSN alias if we're missing # other connection information. if (mycli.config['alias_dsn'] and database and '://' not in database and not any([user, password, host, port, login_path])): dsn, database = database, '' if database and '://' in database: dsn_uri, database = database, '' if dsn: try: dsn_uri = mycli.config['alias_dsn'][dsn] except KeyError: click.secho('Could not find the specified DSN in the config file. ' 'Please check the "[alias_dsn]" section in your ' 'myclirc.', err=True, fg='red') exit(1) else: mycli.dsn_alias = dsn if dsn_uri: uri = urlparse(dsn_uri) if not database: database = uri.path[1:] # ignore the leading fwd slash if not user: user = unquote(uri.username) if not password and uri.password is not None: password = unquote(uri.password) if not host: host = uri.hostname if not port: port = uri.port if not paramiko and ssh_host: click.secho( "Cannot use SSH transport because paramiko isn't installed, " "please install paramiko or don't use --ssh-host=", err=True, fg="red" ) exit(1) ssh_key_filename = ssh_key_filename and os.path.expanduser(ssh_key_filename) mycli.connect( database=database, user=user, passwd=password, host=host, port=port, socket=socket, local_infile=local_infile, ssl=ssl, ssh_user=ssh_user, ssh_host=ssh_host, ssh_port=ssh_port, ssh_password=ssh_password, ssh_key_filename=ssh_key_filename ) mycli.logger.debug('Launch Params: \n' '\tdatabase: %r' '\tuser: %r' '\thost: %r' '\tport: %r', database, user, host, port) # --execute argument if execute: try: if csv: mycli.formatter.format_name = 'csv' elif not table: mycli.formatter.format_name = 'tsv' mycli.run_query(execute) exit(0) except Exception as e: click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg='red') exit(1) if sys.stdin.isatty(): mycli.run_cli() else: stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') try: stdin_text = except MemoryError: click.secho('Failed! Ran out of memory.', err=True, fg='red') click.secho('You might want to try the official mysql client.', err=True, fg='red') click.secho('Sorry... :(', err=True, fg='red') exit(1) try: sys.stdin = open('/dev/tty') except (IOError, OSError): mycli.logger.warning('Unable to open TTY as stdin.') if (mycli.destructive_warning and confirm_destructive_query(stdin_text) is False): exit(0) try: new_line = True if csv: mycli.formatter.format_name = 'csv' elif not table: mycli.formatter.format_name = 'tsv' mycli.run_query(stdin_text, new_line=new_line) exit(0) except Exception as e: click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg='red') exit(1)
def bounds(ctx, input, precision, indent, compact, projection, sequence, use_rs, geojson_type): """Write bounding boxes to stdout as GeoJSON for use with, e.g., geojsonio $ rio bounds *.tif | geojsonio """ import rasterio.warp verbosity = (ctx.obj and ctx.obj.get('verbosity')) or 1 logger = logging.getLogger('rio') dump_kwds = {'sort_keys': True} if indent: dump_kwds['indent'] = indent if compact: dump_kwds['separators'] = (',', ':') stdout = click.get_text_stream('stdout') # This is the generator for (feature, bbox) pairs. class Collection(object): def __init__(self): self._xs = [] self._ys = [] @property def bbox(self): return min(self._xs), min(self._ys), max(self._xs), max(self._ys) def __call__(self): for i, path in enumerate(input): with as src: bounds = src.bounds xs = [bounds[0], bounds[2]] ys = [bounds[1], bounds[3]] if projection == 'geographic': xs, ys = rasterio.warp.transform(, {'init': 'epsg:4326'}, xs, ys) if projection == 'mercator': xs, ys = rasterio.warp.transform(, {'init': 'epsg:3857'}, xs, ys) if precision >= 0: xs = [round(v, precision) for v in xs] ys = [round(v, precision) for v in ys] bbox = [min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys)] yield { 'type': 'Feature', 'bbox': bbox, 'geometry': { 'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [[[xs[0], ys[0]], [xs[1], ys[0]], [xs[1], ys[1]], [xs[0], ys[1]], [xs[0], ys[0]]]] }, 'properties': { 'id': str(i), 'title': path, 'filename': os.path.basename(path) } } self._xs.extend(bbox[::2]) self._ys.extend(bbox[1::2]) col = Collection() # Use the generator defined above as input to the generic output # writing function. try: with rasterio.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=verbosity > 2): write_features(stdout, col, sequence=sequence, geojson_type=geojson_type, use_rs=use_rs, **dump_kwds) sys.exit(0) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed. Exception caught") sys.exit(1)
def test(ctx): """ Test """ stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin').read() with click.progressbar(length=1, label='Unzipping archive') as count: click.echo(f'{count} {stdin}')
def dump(ctx, input, encoding, precision, indent, compact, record_buffered, ignore_errors, with_ld_context, add_ld_context_item, layer): """Dump a dataset either as a GeoJSON feature collection (the default) or a sequence of GeoJSON features.""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) sink = click.get_text_stream('stdout') dump_kwds = {'sort_keys': True} if indent: dump_kwds['indent'] = indent if compact: dump_kwds['separators'] = (',', ':') item_sep = compact and ',' or ', ' open_kwds = {} if encoding: open_kwds['encoding'] = encoding if layer: open_kwds['layer'] = layer def transformer(crs, feat): tg = partial(transform_geom, crs, 'EPSG:4326', antimeridian_cutting=True, precision=precision) feat['geometry'] = tg(feat['geometry']) return feat try: with, **open_kwds) as source: meta = source.meta meta['fields'] = dict(source.schema['properties'].items()) if record_buffered: # Buffer GeoJSON data at the feature level for smaller # memory footprint. indented = bool(indent) rec_indent = "\n" + " " * (2 * (indent or 0)) collection = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'fiona:schema': meta['schema'], 'fiona:crs': meta['crs'], 'features': [] } if with_ld_context: collection['@context'] = helpers.make_ld_context( add_ld_context_item) head, tail = json.dumps(collection, **dump_kwds).split('[]') sink.write(head) sink.write("[") itr = iter(source) # Try the first record. try: i, first = 0, next(itr) first = transformer(first) if with_ld_context: first = helpers.id_record(first) if indented: sink.write(rec_indent) sink.write( json.dumps(first, **dump_kwds).replace("\n", rec_indent)) except StopIteration: pass except Exception as exc: # Ignoring errors is *not* the default. if ignore_errors: logger.error( "failed to serialize file record %d (%s), " "continuing", i, exc) else: # Log error and close up the GeoJSON, leaving it # more or less valid no matter what happens above. logger.critical( "failed to serialize file record %d (%s), " "quiting", i, exc) sink.write("]") sink.write(tail) if indented: sink.write("\n") raise # Because trailing commas aren't valid in JSON arrays # we'll write the item separator before each of the # remaining features. for i, rec in enumerate(itr, 1): rec = transformer(rec) try: if with_ld_context: rec = helpers.id_record(rec) if indented: sink.write(rec_indent) sink.write(item_sep) sink.write( json.dumps(rec, **dump_kwds).replace("\n", rec_indent)) except Exception as exc: if ignore_errors: logger.error( "failed to serialize file record %d (%s), " "continuing", i, exc) else: logger.critical( "failed to serialize file record %d (%s), " "quiting", i, exc) sink.write("]") sink.write(tail) if indented: sink.write("\n") raise # Close up the GeoJSON after writing all features. sink.write("]") sink.write(tail) if indented: sink.write("\n") else: # Buffer GeoJSON data at the collection level. The default. collection = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'fiona:schema': meta['schema'], 'fiona:crs': meta['crs'] } if with_ld_context: collection['@context'] = helpers.make_ld_context( add_ld_context_item) collection['features'] = [ helpers.id_record(transformer(rec)) for rec in source ] else: collection['features'] = [ transformer(, rec) for rec in source ] json.dump(collection, sink, **dump_kwds) except Exception: logger.exception("Exception caught during processing") raise click.Abort()
def cli(database, user, host, port, socket, password, dbname, version, prompt, logfile, defaults_group_suffix, defaults_file, login_path, auto_vertical_output, local_infile, ssl_ca, ssl_capath, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_cipher, ssl_verify_server_cert, table, warn): if version: print('Version:', __version__) sys.exit(0) mycli = MyCli(prompt=prompt, logfile=logfile, defaults_suffix=defaults_group_suffix, defaults_file=defaults_file, login_path=login_path, auto_vertical_output=auto_vertical_output, warn=warn) # Choose which ever one has a valid value. database = database or dbname ssl = { 'ca': ssl_ca and os.path.expanduser(ssl_ca), 'cert': ssl_cert and os.path.expanduser(ssl_cert), 'key': ssl_key and os.path.expanduser(ssl_key), 'capath': ssl_capath, 'cipher': ssl_cipher, 'check_hostname': ssl_verify_server_cert, } # remove empty ssl options ssl = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in ssl.items() if v is not None) if database and '://' in database: mycli.connect_uri(database, local_infile, ssl) else: mycli.connect(database, user, password, host, port, socket, local_infile=local_infile, ssl=ssl) mycli.logger.debug('Launch Params: \n' '\tdatabase: %r' '\tuser: %r' '\thost: %r' '\tport: %r', database, user, host, port) if sys.stdin.isatty(): mycli.run_cli() else: stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') stdin_text = try: sys.stdin = open('/dev/tty') except FileNotFoundError: mycli.logger.warning('Unable to open TTY as stdin.') if (mycli.destructive_warning and confirm_destructive_query(stdin_text) is False): exit(0) try: results = for result in results: title, cur, headers, status = result table_format = mycli.table_format if table else None output = format_output(title, cur, headers, None, table_format) for line in output: click.echo(line) except Exception as e: click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg='red') exit(1)
def get_input(ctx, param, value): if not value and not click.get_text_stream('stdin').isatty(): return click.get_text_stream('stdin').read().strip() else: return value
def indexes(obj, limit, pretty_print, connections, format, verbose, output): ctx = obj ctx['pretty_print'] = pretty_print ctx['connections'] = connections ctx['verbose'] = verbose # Hack - only support first URL for now url = obj['URLs'][0] r = requests.get(url) r.raise_for_status() is_db = 'db_name' in r.json() if is_db: db_name = r.json()['db_name'] all_dbs = [db_name] ctx['URL'] = url.replace("/" + db_name, "") else: all_dbs_resp = requests.get(url + '/_all_dbs') all_dbs = map(lambda n: urllib.quote(n, safe=''), all_dbs_resp.json()) ctx['URL'] = obj['URLs'][0] ctx['session'] = requests.session() index_stats = get_index_data(ctx, all_dbs) if limit > 0: sorted_index_stats = index_stats[:limit] else: sorted_index_stats = index_stats if len(output) > 0: format = 'csv' if format == 'json': click.echo(json.dumps(sorted_index_stats)) else: table_headers = ([ 'db name', 'type', 'ddoc', 'index name', 'size', 'dbcopy', 'reduce', 'custom_reduce' ]) table = map(partial(format_stats, ctx), sorted_index_stats) if format == 'table': if limit > 0 and len(index_stats) > limit: click.echo('Showing {0} of {1} indexes'.format( limit, len(index_stats))) else: click.echo('Showing all {0} indexes'.format(len(index_stats))) click.echo('\n') click.echo(tabulate(table, headers=table_headers)) elif format == 'csv': if output is None: writer = csv.writer(click.get_text_stream('stdout'), dialect='excel') writer.writerow(table_headers) writer.writerows(table) else: with open(output, 'wb') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, dialect='excel') writer.writerow(table_headers) writer.writerows(table)
def progressbar(*args, **kwargs): stderr_fobj = click.get_text_stream("stderr") return click.progressbar(*args, file=stderr_fobj, **kwargs)
def read_entities_from_stdin(_ctx, _param, value): if not value and not click.get_text_stream('stdin').isatty(): data = click.get_text_stream('stdin').read() return split_shell_arguments(data) else: return value
def searcher(pattern, filename, flag_u, flag_c, flag_l, flag_s, flag_o, flag_n, stat): """ """ text_lines = click.get_text_stream('stdin') if filename: text_lines = click.open_file(filename, 'r') counter_of_matches = Counter() list_of_matches = list() lines_with_matches = 0 # save all matches for l in text_lines: matches = re.findall(pattern, l) list_of_matches += matches lines_with_matches += (len(matches) > 0) counter_of_matches.update(list_of_matches) # flag -l : total count of LINES with at least one match if flag_l: click.echo(lines_with_matches) # flag --stats: statistics of matches elif stat: # output_stat_with_sorting_options( counter_of_matches.items(), len(list_of_matches), stat=stat, flag_s=flag_s, flag_o=flag_o, ) # other flags else: # flags -u and -c: print total count of unique matches if flag_u and flag_c: click.echo(len(counter_of_matches.keys())) # flag -c: print total count of found matches elif flag_c: click.echo(len(list_of_matches)) # flag -u: print unique matches only elif flag_u: out_data = counter_of_matches if flag_s or flag_o: output_data_with_sorting_options( out_data.items(), flag_s, flag_o, ) else: output_data(out_data) # flag -n: print first N matches elif flag_n: if 0 < flag_n < len(list_of_matches): out_data = list_of_matches[:flag_n] else: out_data = list_of_matches if flag_s or flag_o: output_data_with_sorting_options( Counter(out_data).items(), flag_s, flag_o, ) else: output_data(out_data) # no flag: print list of all matches else: if flag_s or flag_o: output_data_with_sorting_options( counter_of_matches.items(), flag_s, flag_o, ) else: output_data(list_of_matches)
def cli(database, user, host, port, socket, password, dbname, version, prompt, logfile, defaults_group_suffix, defaults_file, login_path, auto_vertical_output, local_infile, ssl_ca, ssl_capath, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_cipher, ssl_verify_server_cert, table, csv, warn, execute, myclirc): """A MySQL terminal client with auto-completion and syntax highlighting. \b Examples: - mycli my_database - mycli -u my_user -h my_database - mycli mysql:// """ if version: print('Version:', __version__) sys.exit(0) mycli = MyCli(prompt=prompt, logfile=logfile, defaults_suffix=defaults_group_suffix, defaults_file=defaults_file, login_path=login_path, auto_vertical_output=auto_vertical_output, warn=warn, myclirc=myclirc) # Choose which ever one has a valid value. database = database or dbname ssl = { 'ca': ssl_ca and os.path.expanduser(ssl_ca), 'cert': ssl_cert and os.path.expanduser(ssl_cert), 'key': ssl_key and os.path.expanduser(ssl_key), 'capath': ssl_capath, 'cipher': ssl_cipher, 'check_hostname': ssl_verify_server_cert, } # remove empty ssl options ssl = {k: v for k, v in ssl.items() if v is not None} if database and '://' in database: mycli.connect_uri(database, local_infile, ssl) else: mycli.connect(database, user, password, host, port, socket, local_infile=local_infile, ssl=ssl) mycli.logger.debug( 'Launch Params: \n' '\tdatabase: %r' '\tuser: %r' '\thost: %r' '\tport: %r', database, user, host, port) # --execute argument if execute: try: if csv: mycli.formatter.format_name = 'csv' elif not table: mycli.formatter.format_name = 'tsv' mycli.run_query(execute) exit(0) except Exception as e: click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg='red') exit(1) if sys.stdin.isatty(): mycli.run_cli() else: stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') stdin_text = try: sys.stdin = open('/dev/tty') except FileNotFoundError: mycli.logger.warning('Unable to open TTY as stdin.') if (mycli.destructive_warning and confirm_destructive_query(stdin_text) is False): exit(0) try: new_line = True if csv: mycli.formatter.format_name = 'csv' new_line = False elif not table: mycli.formatter.format_name = 'tsv' mycli.run_query(stdin_text, new_line=new_line) exit(0) except Exception as e: click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg='red') exit(1)
def run(self, **kwargs): """Run SDK component server. Calling this method checks command line arguments before component server starts, and then blocks the caller script until component server finishes. """ self._args = kwargs # Standard input is read only when action name is given message = {} if kwargs.get('action'): contents = click.get_text_stream('stdin', encoding='utf8').read() # Add JSON file contents to message try: message['payload'] = json.loads(contents) except: LOG.exception('Stdin input value is not valid JSON') os._exit(EXIT_ERROR) # Add action name to message message['action'] = kwargs['action'] # When compact mode is enabled use long payload field names if not self.compact_names: katana.payload.DISABLE_FIELD_MAPPINGS = True # Create component server server = self.server_cls( self.callbacks, self.args, debug=self.debug, source_file=self.source_file, error_callback=self.__error_callback, ) # Initialize component logging only when `quiet` argument is False, or # if an input message is given init logging only when debug is True if not kwargs.get('quiet'): setup_katana_logging( self.server_cls.get_type(), server.component_name, server.component_version, server.framework_version, logging.DEBUG if self.debug else logging.INFO, ) LOG.debug('Using PID: "%s"', os.getpid()) if not message: # Create channel for TCP or IPC conections if self.tcp_port: channel = tcp('{}'.format(self.tcp_port)) else: # Abstract domain unix socket channel = 'ipc://{}'.format(self.socket_name) # By default exit successfully exit_code = EXIT_OK # Call startup callback if self.__startup_callback:'Running startup callback ...') try: self.__startup_callback(self.component) except: LOG.exception('Startup callback failed') LOG.error('Component failed') exit_code = EXIT_ERROR # Run component server if exit_code != EXIT_ERROR: try: # Create a greenlet to run server if message: greenlet = gevent.spawn(server.process_input, message) else: greenlet = gevent.spawn(server.listen, channel) # Listen for SIGTERM and SIGINT gevent.signal(signal.SIGTERM, greenlet.kill) gevent.signal(signal.SIGINT, greenlet.kill) # Run server greenlet.join() except KatanaError as err: exit_code = EXIT_ERROR LOG.error(err) LOG.error('Component failed') except zmq.error.ZMQError as err: exit_code = EXIT_ERROR if err.errno == 98: LOG.error('Address unavailable: "%s"', self.socket_name) else: LOG.error(err.strerror) LOG.error('Component failed') except Exception as exc: exit_code = EXIT_ERROR LOG.exception('Component failed') # Call shutdown callback if self.__shutdown_callback:'Running shutdown callback ...') try: self.__shutdown_callback(self.component) except: LOG.exception('Shutdown callback failed') LOG.error('Component failed') exit_code = EXIT_ERROR if exit_code == EXIT_OK:'Operation complete') os._exit(exit_code)
def bounds(ctx, precision, explode, with_id, with_obj, use_rs): """Print the bounding boxes of GeoJSON objects read from stdin. Optionally explode collections and print the bounds of their features. To print identifiers for input objects along with their bounds as a {id: identifier, bbox: bounds} JSON object, use --with-id. To print the input objects themselves along with their bounds as GeoJSON object, use --with-obj. This has the effect of updating input objects with {id: identifier, bbox: bounds}. """ verbosity = (ctx.obj and ctx.obj['verbosity']) or 2 logger = logging.getLogger('fio') stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') stdout = click.get_text_stream('stdout') try: source = obj_gen(stdin) for i, obj in enumerate(source): obj_id = obj.get('id', 'collection:' + str(i)) xs = [] ys = [] features = obj.get('features') or [obj] for j, feat in enumerate(features): feat_id = feat.get('id', 'feature:' + str(i)) w, s, e, n = fiona.bounds(feat) if precision > 0: w, s, e, n = (round(v, precision) for v in (w, s, e, n)) if explode: if with_id: rec = { 'parent': obj_id, 'id': feat_id, 'bbox': (w, s, e, n)} elif with_obj: feat.update(parent=obj_id, bbox=(w, s, e, n)) rec = feat else: rec = (w, s, e, n) if use_rs: click.echo(u'\u001e', nl=False) click.echo(json.dumps(rec)) else: xs.extend([w, e]) ys.extend([s, n]) if not explode: w, s, e, n = (min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys)) if with_id: rec = {'id': obj_id, 'bbox': (w, s, e, n)} elif with_obj: obj.update(id=obj_id, bbox=(w, s, e, n)) rec = obj else: rec = (w, s, e, n) if use_rs: click.echo(u'\u001e', nl=False) click.echo(json.dumps(rec)) except Exception: logger.exception("Exception caught during processing") raise click.Abort()
type=click.Choice( ["verbose", "one-click-link", "short-link", "id"]), default="one-click-link", help="Which type of link to return") @click.option("--outformat", "-f", type=click.Choice(["plain", "json"]), default="json", help="Return output in plain text or json format.") @click.option("--expires", "-e", type=click.Choice(["1h", "1d", "1w"]), default="1h") @click.argument("secret", type=click.STRING, default=click.get_text_stream('stdin')) def send(secret, expires, outmode, outformat): """Submit secret to server. Optionally pipe secret via stdin. """ backend = os.environ.get("YOPASS_BACKEND_URL") if backend is None: click.echo("""YOPASS_BACKEND_URL is not defined, run export YOPASS_BACKEND_URL=<your backend> first""") exit(1) frontend = os.environ.get("YOPASS_FRONTEND_URL") if frontend is None and outmode != "id": click.echo("""YOPASS_FRONTEND_URL is not defined, run export YOPASS_FRONTEND_URL=<your frontend> first""") exit(1) try: