def active_listen(): r = speech_recognition.Recognizer() with speech_recognition.Microphone() as src: # use the default microphone as the audio source r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(src) # listen for 1 second to calibrate the energy threshold for ambient noise levels print("\n~ Active listening... ") tts.play_mp3("double-beep.mp3") audio = r.listen(src) # listen for the first phrase and extract it into audio data msg = '' try: msg = r.recognize_google(audio) # recognize speech using Google Speech Recognition print("\n~ \""+msg+"\"") except LookupError: # speech is unintelligible msg = "" print("\n~ "+ERROR_MESSAGE+"\n") tts.speak(ERROR_MESSAGE) finally: return msg
def action(self, text): self.speak("Turning up...") response = input('Do you want to specify a directory? Y/N: ') if response == 'Y': music_dir = input('What is your music directory: ') shuffle = input('Do you want a specific song? Y/N: ') if shuffle == 'Y': song = input('What song do you want to be played?: ') play_mp3(song, music_dir) else: songs = [f for f in listdir(music_dir) if isfile(join(music_dir, f))] while 1: song = random.choice(songs) while song.endswith(".mp3"): play_mp3(song, music_dir) song = random.choice(songs) else: play_mp3("limbo.mp3")