class Robot(object): def __init__(self, robot_id): self.robot = DroidClient() connected = self.robot.connect_to_droid(robot_id) while not connected: connected = self.robot.connect_to_droid(robot_id) def roll(self, heading): mapping = {"up": 0, "right": 90, "down": 180, "left": 270} self.robot.roll(0, mapping.get(heading), 0) time.sleep(0.35) self.robot.roll(1, mapping.get(heading), 0.62) def reset(self): self.robot.roll(0, 0, 0) def disconnect(self): self.robot.disconnect()
def __init__(self, droid_id, location, goodness_boolean, debug=False): self.ID = droid_id self.EMPs = 2 self.current_location = location # Is this droid good or evil? True refers to good droid, False refers to bad droid self.is_good = goodness_boolean # Is this droid alive? True refers to droid is alive. False refers to droid is dead. # ONLY GOOD DROIDS CAN DIE self.is_alive = True # Is this droid active? True refers to active droid. False refers to droid that has been stunned. # ONLY BAD DROIDS CAN BE STUNNED self.is_active = True # CODERPAD SECTION self.debug = debug droid_client = DroidClient() if not debug: droid_client.scan() droid_client.connect_to_droid(droid_id) self.droid_client = droid_client
# droids = {} # num: droid client # # for num, droid_name in droid_names.items(): # droid = DroidClient() # droid.connect_to_droid(droid_name) # droid.battery() # droid = DroidClient() # droid.connect_to_droid('D2-1C62') # #droid.animate(5) # # puzzle_maneuver.roll(droid, 0x40, 0, .40) # # puzzle_maneuver.roll(droid, 0x40, 180, .40) # droid = DroidClient() droid.connect_to_droid('Q5-B30E') path = [(2, 2), (2, 1)] # puzzle_maneuver.follow_path(droid, path, 0x88, .9) # time.sleep(5) # path = [(2, 1), (2, 2)] # puzzle_maneuver.follow_path(droid, path, 0x88, .9) # path1 = [(1, 0), (1, 1)] # maneuver.follow_path(droid, path1, 0x88, .75) # # path1 = [(1, 1), (1, 0), (2, 0)] # maneuver.follow_path(droid, path1, 0x88, .75) # dist, ang = maneuver.compute_roll_parameters((1, 1), (1, 0)) # maneuver.roll(droid, 0x40, ang, dist*.4)
text_label.pack() text_box = Entry(root, bd=1) text_box.pack() enter_button = Button(root, text="OK", command=add_text) enter_button.pack() root.mainloop() # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # connect to R2D2 from client import DroidClient droid = DroidClient() droid.connect_to_droid('Q5-F43E') droid.animate(5) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # import string import random import numpy as np import copy # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # NLP functions def tokenize(text): out = []
class Robot: def __init__(self, droidID, wordSimilarityCutoff, voice): self.createSentenceEmbeddings() self.droid = DroidClient() = "R2" self.wordSimilarityCutoff = wordSimilarityCutoff self.holoProjectorIntensity = 0 self.logicDisplayIntensity = 0 self.frontRGB = (0, 0, 0) self.backRGB = (0, 0, 0) self.voice = voice self.grid = [[]] self.speed = 0.5 self.pos = (-1, -1) self.colorToRGB = {} with open(path + 'data/colors.csv') as csvfile: readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in readCSV: self.colorToRGB[row[0]] = (int(row[2]), int(row[3]), int(row[4])) connected = self.droid.connect_to_droid(droidID) while not connected: connected = self.droid.connect_to_droid(droidID) def createSentenceEmbeddings(self): self.categories = [ "state", "direction", "light", "animation", "head", "grid" ] trainingSentences = loadTrainingSentences( path + "data/r2d2TrainingSentences.txt") self.indexToTrainingSentence = {} i = 0 for category in self.categories: sentences = trainingSentences[category + "Sentences"] for sentence in sentences: self.indexToTrainingSentence[i] = (sentence, category) i += 1 self.sentenceEmbeddings = np.zeros( (len(self.indexToTrainingSentence), vectors.dim)) for i in range(len(self.indexToTrainingSentence)): sentence = self.indexToTrainingSentence[i][0] sentenceEmbedding = calcPhraseEmbedding(sentence) self.sentenceEmbeddings[i, :] = sentenceEmbedding def inputCommand(self, command): commandEmbedding = calcPhraseEmbedding(command) closestSentences = rankSentences(commandEmbedding, self.sentenceEmbeddings) # print(self.indexToTrainingSentence[closestSentences[0]][0]) # print(self.indexToTrainingSentence[closestSentences[1]][0]) # print(self.indexToTrainingSentence[closestSentences[2]][0]) # print(self.indexToTrainingSentence[closestSentences[3]][0]) # print(self.indexToTrainingSentence[closestSentences[4]][0]) print("Closet sentence was: " + self.indexToTrainingSentence[closestSentences[0]][0]) print("Its cosine similarity to the command was: " + str( cosineSim(commandEmbedding, self.sentenceEmbeddings[ closestSentences[0], :]))) if cosineSim(commandEmbedding, self.sentenceEmbeddings[ closestSentences[0], :]) < 0.84 and not self.voice: subcommand = input( + ": I could not understand your command. Do you want to add this command to the training set? (yes/no): " ) if "yes" in subcommand.lower(): subcommand = input( "What category do you want to add it to? Choices are state, direction, light, animation, head, or grid: " ) subcommand = subcommand.lower() if subcommand in self.categories: with open(path + "data/r2d2TrainingSentences.txt", 'a') as the_file: the_file.write(subcommand + 'Sentences :: ' + command + '\n') print("Command added. Changes will be present on restart.") else: print(subcommand + " not a valid category.") return commandType = getCommandType(self.categories, closestSentences, self.indexToTrainingSentence) result = getattr(self, commandType + "Parser")(command.lower()) if result: print( + ": Done executing " + commandType + " command.") else: print( + ": I could not understand your " + commandType + " command.") def reset(self): self.droid.roll(0, 0, 0) def disconnect(self): self.droid.disconnect() def flash_colors(self, colors, seconds=1, front=True): if front: for color in colors: self.droid.set_front_LED_color(*color) time.sleep(seconds) else: for color in colors: self.droid.set_back_LED_color(*color) time.sleep(seconds) def askForColor(self, lightPosition="both"): if lightPosition != "both": print("We detect that you want to change your " + lightPosition + " light, but could not find a color.") else: print( "We parsed this as a light command, but could not find a color." ) command = input("Do you want to input a color? (yes/no): ") color = False if "yes" in command.lower(): print( "You may have inputted a color, but it is not in our database or is mispelled. Please input a color or rgb tuple." ) command = input( "If you want to add the color to the database, input color_name (one string) :: rgb tuple: " ) words = re.split('\W+', command) words = [x for x in words if x != ""] for word in words: if word in self.colorToRGB: color = self.colorToRGB[word] if len(words) == 4: try: color = (int(words[1]), int(words[2]), int(words[3])) colorName = words[0] with open(path + 'data/colors.csv', 'a') as csvStorer: csvStorer.write('\n' + colorName + ',R2D2 ' + colorName + ',' + words[1] + ',' + words[2] + ',' + words[3]) print( colorName + " added to database. It will be available on the next restart." ) except ValueError: superDumbVariable = 1 elif len(words) == 3: try: color = (int(words[0]), int(words[1]), int(words[2])) except ValueError: superDumbVariable = 1 return color def lightParser(self, command): # slot filler for lights slots = { "holoEmit": False, "logDisp": False, "lights": [], "add": False, "sub": False, "percent": False, "whichRGB": [], "colors": [], "intensities": [], "rgb": False, "increment/seconds": False } if "holoemitter" in command or "holo emitter" in command: slots["holoEmit"] = True if "logic display" in command: slots["logDisp"] = True if "dim" in command: slots["intensities"].append("dim") if "blink" in command: slots["intensities"].append("blink") if "%" in command: slots["percent"] = True # WANT TO MAKE INCREASE BETTER if "increase" in command or "add" in command: slots["add"] = True if "decrease" in command or "reduce" in command or "subtract" in command: slots["sub"] = True # front back too similar if "back" in command: slots["lights"].append("back") if "front" in command: slots["lights"].append("front") if slots["lights"] == []: slots["lights"] = ["front", "back"] if "red" in command: slots["whichRGB"].append("red") if "green" in command: slots["whichRGB"].append("green") if "blue" in command: slots["whichRGB"].append("blue") words = re.split('\W+', command) words = [x for x in words if x != ""] i = 0 for word in words: if i < len(words) - 2: try: slots["rgb"] = (int(words[i]), int(words[i + 1]), int(words[i + 2])) except ValueError: superDumbVariable = True if vectors.similarity( "off", word) > self.wordSimilarityCutoff or "minimum" in command: slots["intensities"].append("off") elif vectors.similarity( "on", word) > self.wordSimilarityCutoff or vectors.similarity( "maximum", word) > self.wordSimilarityCutoff: slots["intensities"].append("on") if vectors.similarity("percent", word) > self.wordSimilarityCutoff: slots["percent"] = True if word in self.colorToRGB: slots["colors"].append(self.colorToRGB[word]) i += 1 try: increment = int(word) slots["increment/seconds"] = increment except ValueError: continue return self.lightSlotsToActions(slots) def lightSlotsToActions(self, slots): if slots["holoEmit"]: if "off" in slots["intensities"]: self.holoProjectorIntensity = 0 self.droid.set_holo_projector_intensity( self.holoProjectorIntensity) elif "dim" in slots["intensities"]: self.holoProjectorIntensity = self.holoProjectorIntensity / 2 self.droid.set_holo_projector_intensity( self.holoProjectorIntensity) elif "on" in slots["intensities"]: self.holoProjectorIntensity = 1 self.droid.set_holo_projector_intensity( self.holoProjectorIntensity) elif "blink" in slots["intensities"]: self.droid.set_holo_projector_intensity( (self.holoProjectorIntensity + 1) % 2) time.sleep(0.3) self.droid.set_holo_projector_intensity( self.holoProjectorIntensity) else: return False return True if slots["logDisp"]: if "off" in slots["intensities"]: self.logicDisplayIntensity = 0 self.droid.set_logic_display_intensity( self.logicDisplayIntensity) elif "dim" in slots["intensities"]: self.logicDisplayIntensity = self.logicDisplayIntensity / 2 self.droid.set_logic_display_intensity( self.logicDisplayIntensity) elif "on" in slots["intensities"]: self.logicDisplayIntensity = 1 self.droid.set_logic_display_intensity( self.logicDisplayIntensity) elif "blink" in slots["intensities"]: self.droid.set_logic_display_intensity( (self.logicDisplayIntensity + 1) % 2) time.sleep(0.3) self.droid.set_logic_display_intensity( self.logicDisplayIntensity) else: return False return True if (slots["add"] or slots["sub"]) and (slots["percent"]): lights = slots["lights"] if not slots["increment/seconds"]: command = input( "Percent not found in command, please input percent to change by here: " ) try: command = command.replace("%", "") slots["increment/seconds"] = int(command) except ValueError: return False if slots["sub"]: slots["increment/seconds"] = -slots["increment/seconds"] percent = slots["increment/seconds"] if len(slots["whichRGB"]) == 0: command = input( "Did not find what values (red/blue/green) to change, input what values to change: " ) if "red" in command: slots["whichRGB"].append("red") if "green" in command: slots["whichRGB"].append("green") if "blue" in command: slots["whichRGB"].append("blue") if len(slots["whichRGB"]) == 0: return False if "red" in slots["whichRGB"]: for light in lights: rgb = getattr(self, light + "RGB") setattr(self, light + "RGB", (max(0, min(rgb[0] + rgb[0] * percent / 100, 255)), rgb[1], rgb[2])) getattr(self.droid, "set_" + light + "_LED_color")(*getattr(self, light + "RGB")) if "green" in slots["whichRGB"]: for light in lights: rgb = getattr(self, light + "RGB") setattr(self, light + "RGB", (rgb[0], max(0, min(rgb[1] + rgb[1] * percent / 100, 255)), rgb[2])) getattr(self.droid, "set_" + light + "_LED_color")(*getattr(self, light + "RGB")) if "blue" in slots["whichRGB"]: for light in lights: rgb = getattr(self, light + "RGB") setattr( self, light + "RGB", (rgb[0], rgb[1], max(0, min(rgb[2] + rgb[2] * percent / 100, 255)))) getattr(self.droid, "set_" + light + "_LED_color")(*getattr(self, light + "RGB")) return True if slots["add"] or slots["sub"]: lights = slots["lights"] if not slots["increment/seconds"]: command = input( "Increment not found in command, please input amount to change by here: " ) try: slots["increment/seconds"] = int(command) except ValueError: return False if slots["sub"]: slots["increment/seconds"] = -slots["increment/seconds"] increaseValue = slots["increment/seconds"] if len(slots["whichRGB"]) == 0: command = input( "Did not find what values (red/blue/green) to change, input what values to change: " ) if "red" in command: slots["whichRGB"].append("red") if "green" in command: slots["whichRGB"].append("green") if "blue" in command: slots["whichRGB"].append("blue") if len(slots["whichRGB"]) == 0: return False if "red" in slots["whichRGB"]: for light in lights: rgb = getattr(self, light + "RGB") setattr(self, light + "RGB", (max( 0, min(rgb[0] + increaseValue, 255)), rgb[1], rgb[2])) getattr(self.droid, "set_" + light + "_LED_color")(*getattr(self, light + "RGB")) if "green" in slots["whichRGB"]: for light in lights: rgb = getattr(self, light + "RGB") setattr(self, light + "RGB", (rgb[0], max(0, min(rgb[1] + increaseValue, 255)), rgb[2])) getattr(self.droid, "set_" + light + "_LED_color")(*getattr(self, light + "RGB")) if "blue" in slots["whichRGB"]: for light in lights: rgb = getattr(self, light + "RGB") setattr(self, light + "RGB", (rgb[0], rgb[1], max(0, min(rgb[2] + increaseValue, 255)))) getattr(self.droid, "set_" + light + "_LED_color")(*getattr(self, light + "RGB")) return True askedForColor = False if "back" in slots["lights"] and len(slots["lights"]) == 1: if len(slots["colors"]) > 1: seconds = slots["increment/seconds"] if not seconds: seconds = 1 self.flash_colors(slots["colors"], seconds, False) elif len(slots["colors"]) == 1: self.backRGB = slots["colors"][0] else: if not slots["rgb"]: color = self.askForColor("back") askedForColor = True if not color: return False self.backRGB = color else: self.backRGB = slots["rgb"] self.droid.set_back_LED_color(*self.backRGB) return True if ("front" in slots["lights"] and len(slots["lights"]) == 1) or len(slots["colors"]) > 1: if len(slots["colors"]) > 1: seconds = slots["increment/seconds"] if not seconds: seconds = 1 self.flash_colors(slots["colors"], seconds) elif len(slots["colors"]) == 1: self.frontRGB = slots["colors"][0] else: if not slots["rgb"]: color = self.askForColor("front") askedForColor = True if not color: return False self.frontRGB = color else: self.frontRGB = slots["rgb"] self.droid.set_front_LED_color(*self.frontRGB) return True if len(slots["colors"]) == 1: self.backRGB = slots["colors"][0] self.frontRGB = slots["colors"][0] self.droid.set_back_LED_color(*self.backRGB) self.droid.set_front_LED_color(*self.frontRGB) return True if len(slots["colors"]) == 0: if slots["rgb"]: self.backRGB = slots["rgb"] self.frontRGB = slots["rgb"] self.droid.set_back_LED_color(*self.backRGB) self.droid.set_front_LED_color(*self.frontRGB) return True if "off" in slots["intensities"]: self.holoProjectorIntensity = 0 self.droid.set_holo_projector_intensity( self.holoProjectorIntensity) self.logicDisplayIntensity = 0 self.droid.set_logic_display_intensity(self.logicDisplayIntensity) self.backRGB = (0, 0, 0) self.frontRGB = (0, 0, 0) self.droid.set_back_LED_color(*self.backRGB) self.droid.set_front_LED_color(*self.frontRGB) return True elif "dim" in slots["intensities"]: self.holoProjectorIntensity = 0 self.droid.set_holo_projector_intensity( self.holoProjectorIntensity) self.logicDisplayIntensity = 0 self.droid.set_logic_display_intensity(self.logicDisplayIntensity) self.backRGB = tuple(x / 2 for x in self.backRGB) self.frontRGB = tuple(x / 2 for x in self.frontRGB) self.droid.set_back_LED_color(*self.backRGB) self.droid.set_front_LED_color(*self.frontRGB) return True elif "on" in slots["intensities"]: self.holoProjectorIntensity = 1 self.droid.set_holo_projector_intensity( self.holoProjectorIntensity) self.logicDisplayIntensity = 1 self.droid.set_logic_display_intensity(self.logicDisplayIntensity) return True elif "blink" in slots["intensities"]: self.droid.set_holo_projector_intensity( (self.holoProjectorIntensity + 1) % 2) self.droid.set_logic_display_intensity( (self.holoProjectorIntensity + 1) % 2) time.sleep(0.3) self.droid.set_holo_projector_intensity( self.holoProjectorIntensity) self.droid.set_logic_display_intensity(self.logicDisplayIntensity) return True if not slots["rgb"] and not askedForColor: color = self.askForColor() if color: self.backRGB = color self.frontRGB = color self.droid.set_back_LED_color(*self.backRGB) self.droid.set_front_LED_color(*self.frontRGB) return True return False def directionParser(self, command): if"\b(circle|donut)\b", command, re.I): if"\b(counter)\b", command, re.I): for heading in range(360, 0, -30): self.droid.roll(self.speed, heading % 360, 0.6) else: for heading in range(0, 360, 30): self.droid.roll(self.speed, heading, 0.6) self.droid.roll(0, 0, 0) return True elif"\b(square)\b", command, re.I): if"\b(counter)\b", command, re.I): for heading in range(360, 0, -90): self.droid.roll(0, heading % 360, 0) time.sleep(0.35) self.droid.roll(self.speed, heading % 360, 0.6) else: for heading in range(0, 360, 90): self.droid.roll(0, heading, 0) time.sleep(0.35) self.droid.roll(self.speed, heading, 0.6) self.droid.roll(0, 0, 0) return True elif"\b(speed|faster|slower|slow)\b", command, re.I): if"\b(increase|faster)\b", command, re.I): self.speed += 0.25 else: self.speed -= 0.25 self.droid.animate(1) return True else: flag = False tokens = re.split("[^a-zA-Z]", command) for token in tokens: if token in {"up", "forward", "ahead", "straight", "north"}: self.droid.roll(0, 0, 0) time.sleep(0.35) self.droid.roll(self.speed, 0, 0.6) flag = True elif token in {"down", "back", "south"}: self.droid.roll(0, 180, 0) time.sleep(0.35) self.droid.roll(self.speed, 180, 0.6) flag = True elif token in {"left", "west"}: self.droid.roll(0, 270, 0) time.sleep(0.35) self.droid.roll(self.speed, 270, 0.6) flag = True elif token in {"right", "east"}: self.droid.roll(0, 90, 0) time.sleep(0.35) self.droid.roll(self.speed, 90, 0.6) flag = True self.droid.roll(0, 0, 0) return flag def animationParser(self, command): if"\b(dance|move|moves)\b", command, re.I): self.droid.animate(3) return True elif"\b(sing|sound|sounds|noise|noises)\b", command, re.I): self.droid.play_sound(3) return True elif"\b(fall)\b", command, re.I): self.droid.animate(14) return True elif"\b(scream)\b", command, re.I): self.droid.play_sound(7) return True return False def headParser(self, command): if"\b(left)\b", command, re.I): self.droid.rotate_head(-90) return True elif"\b(right)\b", command, re.I): self.droid.rotate_head(90) return True elif"\b(behind|back)\b", command, re.I): self.droid.rotate_head(180) return True elif"\b(forward|ahead)\b", command, re.I): self.droid.rotate_head(0) return True return False def gridParser(self, command): if"\d+ (x|by) \d+", command): print arr = command.split() ind = -1 for i in range(len(arr)): if arr[i] == "x" or arr[i] == "by": ind = i if ind != -1 and ind < len(arr) - 1: x = int(arr[ind - 1]) y = int(arr[ind + 1]) self.grid = [["" for col in range(y)] for row in range(x)] self.droid.animate(1) print(self.grid) return True elif"there is .+ at [(]?\d+,[ ]?\d+", command): temp = re.split("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", command) arr = [] for x in temp: if x != "": arr.append(x) ind1 = -1 ind2 = -1 for i in range(len(arr)): if arr[i] == "is": ind1 = i elif arr[i].isdigit(): ind2 = i break if ind1 != -1 and ind2 != -1: if int(arr[ind2]) < 0 or int(arr[ind2]) >= len( self.grid) or int(arr[ind2 + 1]) < 0 or int( arr[ind2 + 1]) >= len(self.grid[0]): self.droid.play_sound(7) return False else: self.grid[int(arr[ind2])][int(arr[ind2 + 1])] = arr[ind1 + 1] print(self.grid) return True elif"go to [(]?\d+,[ ]?\d+", command): temp = re.split("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", command) arr = [] for x in temp: if x != "": arr.append(x) ind = -1 for i in range(len(arr)): if arr[i].isdigit(): ind = i break if ind != -1: if int(arr[ind]) < 0 or int(arr[ind]) >= len(self.grid) or int( arr[ind + 1]) < 0 or int(arr[ind + 1]) >= len( self.grid[0]): self.droid.play_sound(7) return False else: target = (int(arr[ind]), int(arr[ind + 1])) G = Graph(self.grid) moves = A_star(G, self.pos, target, manhattan_distance_heuristic) print("**************") print(moves) print("**************") for i in range(1, len(moves)): if moves[i][1] > moves[i - 1][1]: self.droid.roll(0, 0, 0) time.sleep(0.35) self.droid.roll(1, 0, 0.62) elif moves[i][1] < moves[i - 1][1]: self.droid.roll(0, 180, 0) time.sleep(0.35) self.droid.roll(1, 180, 0.62) elif moves[i][0] > moves[i - 1][0]: self.droid.roll(0, 90, 0) time.sleep(0.35) self.droid.roll(1, 90, 0.62) elif moves[i][0] < moves[i - 1][0]: self.droid.roll(0, 270, 0) time.sleep(0.35) self.droid.roll(1, 270, 0.62) self.pos = moves[i] if self.pos == target: break self.reset() self.pos = target return True elif"you are at [(]?\d+,[ ]?\d+", command): temp = re.split("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", command) arr = [] for x in temp: if x != "": arr.append(x) ind = -1 for i in range(len(arr)): if arr[i].isdigit(): ind = i break if ind != -1: if int(arr[ind]) < 0 or int(arr[ind]) >= len(self.grid) or int( arr[ind + 1]) < 0 or int(arr[ind + 1]) >= len( self.grid[0]): self.droid.play_sound(7) return False else: print(int(arr[ind]), int(arr[ind + 1])) self.pos = (int(arr[ind]), int(arr[ind + 1])) print(self.pos) return True return False def stateParser(self, command): if"\b(color)\b", command, re.I): if"\b(front|forward)\b", command, re.I): print("***************") print(self.frontRGB) print("***************") elif"\b(back|rear)\b", command, re.I): print("***************") print(self.backRGB) print("***************") else: print("***************") print(self.frontRGB) print(self.backRGB) print("***************") return True elif"\b(name)\b", command, re.I): print("***************") print( print("***************") return True elif"\b(power|battery)\b", command, re.I): print("***************") self.droid.battery() print("***************") return True return False
G = [[False, False, False, False, False], [False, False, True, False, True], [False, True, False, False, False], [False, False, False, True, False], [True, False, False, False, False], [False, False, True, False, False], [True, False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False, False]] # connect to Sphero droid = DroidClient() droid.scan() droid.connect_to_droid('D2-6F8D') # droid.connect_to_R2D2() enemy = DroidClient() enemy.scan() enemy.connect_to_droid('Q5-8CC0') # get course, find path #G = courses.grid_1 agent_pos = (0, 0) enemy_pos = (7, 2) goal = (7, 4)
# assign droids to a number and start all droids droid_names = { 1: 'D2-579A', 2: 'Q5-8C54', 3: 'Q5-EFBE', 4: 'Q5-240E', 5: 'D2-0969', 6: 'Q5-B30E', 7: 'D2-1C62', 8: 'Q5-D8D3' } droids = {} # num: droid client for num, droid_name in droid_names.items(): droid = DroidClient() droid.connect_to_droid(droid_name) droids[num] = droid # create puzzle and find solution to puzzle start_board = [[3, 7, 1], [6, 4, 2], [0, 8, 5]] # Other boards to use/test: # start_board = [[3, 1, 0], [4, 6, 5], [7, 8, 2]] # start_board = [[7, 6, 4], [3, 0, 8], [2, 1, 5]] puzzle = Puzzle(start_board) blank = puzzle.blank moves = puzzle.find_solution() # set up droids in grid droid_board = [] for row in start_board: new_row = []