Example #1
def hex_encode_abi_type(abi_type, value, force_size=None):
    Encodes value into a hex string in format of abi_type
    validate_abi_value(abi_type, value)

    data_size = force_size or size_of_type(abi_type)
    if is_array_type(abi_type):
        sub_type = sub_type_of_array_type(abi_type)
        return "".join([
            remove_0x_prefix(hex_encode_abi_type(sub_type, v, 256))
            for v in value
    elif is_bool_type(abi_type):
        return to_hex_with_size(value, data_size)
    elif is_uint_type(abi_type):
        return to_hex_with_size(value, data_size)
    elif is_int_type(abi_type):
        return to_hex_twos_compliment(value, data_size)
    elif is_address_type(abi_type):
        return pad_hex(value, data_size)
    elif is_bytes_type(abi_type):
        if is_bytes(value):
            return encode_hex(value)
            return value
    elif is_string_type(abi_type):
        return to_hex(text=value)
        raise ValueError("Unsupported ABI type: {0}".format(abi_type))
Example #2
def test_contract_constructor_encoding_encoding(
        WithConstructorArgumentsContract, bytes_arg):
    deploy_data = WithConstructorArgumentsContract._encode_constructor_data(
        [1234, bytes_arg])
    encoded_args = '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004d26162636400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'  # noqa: E501
    expected_ending = encode_hex(
        encode_abi(['uint256', 'bytes32'], [1234, b'abcd']))
    assert expected_ending == encoded_args
    assert deploy_data.endswith(remove_0x_prefix(expected_ending))
Example #3
def hexstr_if_str(to_type, hexstr_or_primitive):
    Convert to a type, assuming that strings can be only hexstr (not unicode text)

    @param to_type is a function that takes the arguments (primitive, hexstr=hexstr, text=text),
        eg~ to_bytes, to_text, to_hex, to_int, etc
    @param text_or_primitive in bytes, str, or int.
    if isinstance(hexstr_or_primitive, str):
        (primitive, hexstr) = (None, hexstr_or_primitive)
        if remove_0x_prefix(hexstr) and not is_hex(hexstr):
            raise ValueError(
                "when sending a str, it must be a hex string. Got: {0!r}".
                format(hexstr_or_primitive, ))
        (primitive, hexstr) = (hexstr_or_primitive, None)
    return to_type(primitive, hexstr=hexstr)
Example #4
def to_bytes(primitive=None, hexstr=None, text=None):
    assert_one_val(primitive, hexstr=hexstr, text=text)

    if is_boolean(primitive):
        return b'\x01' if primitive else b'\x00'
    elif isinstance(primitive, bytes):
        return primitive
    elif is_integer(primitive):
        return to_bytes(hexstr=to_hex(primitive))
    elif hexstr is not None:
        if len(hexstr) % 2:
            hexstr = '0x0' + remove_0x_prefix(hexstr)
        return decode_hex(hexstr)
    elif text is not None:
        return text.encode('utf-8')
    raise TypeError(
        "expected an int in first arg, or keyword of hexstr or text")
Example #5
    def soliditySha3(cls, abi_types, values):
        Executes sha3 (keccak256) exactly as Solidity does.
        Takes list of abi_types as inputs -- `[uint24, int8[], bool]`
        and list of corresponding values  -- `[20, [-1, 5, 0], True]`
        if len(abi_types) != len(values):
            raise ValueError(
                "Length mismatch between provided abi types and values.  Got "
                "{0} types and {1} values.".format(len(abi_types),

        if isinstance(cls, type):
            w3 = None
            w3 = cls
        normalized_values = map_abi_data([abi_ens_resolver(w3)], abi_types,

        hex_string = add_0x_prefix(''.join(
            remove_0x_prefix(hex_encode_abi_type(abi_type, value))
            for abi_type, value in zip(abi_types, normalized_values)))
        return cls.sha3(hexstr=hex_string)
def encode_hex_no_prefix(value):
    return remove_0x_prefix(encode_hex(value))
Example #7
def address_to_reverse_domain(address):
    lower_unprefixed_address = remove_0x_prefix(to_normalized_address(address))
    return lower_unprefixed_address + '.' + REVERSE_REGISTRAR_DOMAIN
Example #8
def pad_hex(value, bit_size):
    Pads a hex string up to the given bit_size
    value = remove_0x_prefix(value)
    return add_0x_prefix(value.zfill(int(bit_size / 4)))
Example #9
def is_hex_encoded_block_hash(value):
    if not is_string(value):
        return False
    return len(remove_0x_prefix(value)) == 64 and is_hex(value)