Example #1
    def test_folder_contents(self):
        """If input is one folder name, return a list with containg files.
        Folder names are not contained."""
        file_name = DEMO_DIR
        out = get_file_names(file_name)
        for file in out:
            self.assertEqual('.', Path(file).suffix[0])

        file_name = DEMO_DIR.parent
        out = get_file_names(file_name)
        for file in out:
            self.assertNotEqual('', Path(file).suffix)
    def test_folder_contents(self):
        """If input is one folder name, return a list with containg files.
        Folder names are not contained."""
        file_name = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'demo')
        out = get_file_names(file_name)
        for file in out:
            self.assertEqual('.', os.path.splitext(file)[1][0])

        file_name = DATA_DIR
        out = get_file_names(file_name)
        for file in out:
            self.assertNotEqual('', os.path.splitext(file)[1])
    def test_wrong_argument(self):
        """If the input contains a non-existing file, an empyt directory or a pattern that is not
        matched, the method should raise a ValueError."""
        empty_dir = DEMO_DIR.parent
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ve:
        self.assertIn("no files", str(ve.exception))

        no_file = 'this is not a file'
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ve:
        self.assertIn("cannot find", str(ve.exception))
Example #4
    def fetch_ecmwf(self, path=None, files=None):
        Fetch and read latest ECMWF TC track predictions from the FTP
        dissemination server into instance. Use path argument to use local
        files instead.

            path (str, list(str)): A location in the filesystem. Either a
                path to a single BUFR TC track file, or a folder containing
                only such files, or a globbing pattern. Passed to
            files (file-like): An explicit list of file objects, bypassing
        if path is None and files is None:
            files = self.fetch_bufr_ftp()
        elif files is None:
            files = get_file_names(path)

        for i, file in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(files, 1), desc='Processing',
                                 unit='files', total=len(files)):
                file.seek(0)  # reset cursor if opened file instance
            except AttributeError:

            self.read_one_bufr_tc(file, id_no=i)

                file.close()  # discard if tempfile
            except AttributeError:
 def test_folder_contents(self):
     """If input is one folder name, return a list with containg files.
     Folder names are not contained."""
     file_name = DEMO_DIR
     out = get_file_names(file_name)
     self.assertGreater(len(out), 0)
     for file in out:
    def test_globbing(self):
        """If input is a glob pattern, return a list of matching visible
            files; omit folders.
        file_name = DEMO_DIR
        out = get_file_names(f'{file_name}/*')

        tmp_files = [
            str(f) for f in Path(file_name).iterdir()
            if f.is_file() and not f.name.startswith('.')

        self.assertListEqual(sorted(tmp_files), sorted(out))
    def test_globbing(self):
        """ If input is a glob pattern, return a list of matching visible
            files; omit folders.
        file_name = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'demo')
        out = get_file_names(file_name)

        tmp_files = os.listdir(file_name)
        tmp_files = [os.path.join(file_name, f) for f in tmp_files]
        tmp_files = [f for f in tmp_files if not os.path.isdir(f)
                and not os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(f)).startswith('.')]

        self.assertEqual(len(tmp_files), len(out))
        self.assertEqual(sorted(tmp_files), sorted(out))
Example #8
    def read(self, files, descriptions='', var_names=None):
        """ Read and check centroids.

            files (str or list(str)): absolute file name(s) or folder name
                containing the files to read
            descriptions (str or list(str), optional): one description of the
                data or a description of each data file
            var_names (dict or list(dict), default): name of the variables in
                the file (default: check def_source_vars() function)

            TypeError, ValueError
        all_files = get_file_names(files)
        desc_list = to_list(len(all_files), descriptions, 'descriptions')
        var_list = to_list(len(all_files), var_names, 'var_names')
        for file, desc, var in zip(all_files, desc_list, var_list):
            self.append(Centroids._read_one(file, desc, var))
Example #9
from rasterio import Affine

from climada.hazard import Hazard
from climada.entity import Exposures, ImpactFuncSet, ImpactFunc
from climada.entity.exposures.base import INDICATOR_CENTR, INDICATOR_IF
from climada.engine import Impact
from climada.util.coordinates import write_raster
from climada.util.files_handler import get_file_names

logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",
HAZ_TYPE = 'FL' # hazard type abbreviation (CLIMADA convention), default: 'FL'

HAZARD_PTH = '/<SET PATH>' # The directory which contains hazard files

HAZ_FILES = get_file_names(HAZARD_PTH)

EXP_POP_PTH = '/<SET PATH>' # The directory which contains exposure files

SAVE_PTH =   '/<SET PATH>' # Destinated path for the output raster files

RCP = 'historical' # historical simulation

HYDRO_MODEL = ['H08', 'LPJmL', 'MPI-HM', 'ORCHIDEE', 'PCR-GLOBWB', 'WaterGAP2']     # 6 * hydrological model

GCM_MODEL = ['gfdl-esm2m', 'hadgem2-es', 'ipsl-cm5a-lr', 'miroc5']      # 4 * climate model

YEAR = np.arange(1970,2010,10) # Years for the computation

DST_META = {'width': 8640, 'height': 3347, 'crs': {'init':'epsg:4326'}, \
            'transform': Affine(0.04166666666666666, 0.0, -180.0,
Example #10
 def test_several_file_copy(self):
     """If input is a list with several file names, return the same list"""
     out = get_file_names(file_name)
     self.assertEqual(file_name, out)
Example #11
 def test_one_file_copy(self):
     """If input is one file name, return a list with this file name"""
     file_name = GLB_CENTROIDS_MAT
     out = get_file_names(file_name)
     self.assertEqual([file_name], out)
Example #12
    def read_footprints(self,
        """ Clear instance and read WISC footprints into it. Read Assumes that
        all footprints have the same coordinates as the first file listed/first
        file in dir.

            path (str, list(str)): A location in the filesystem. Either a
                path to a single netCDF WISC footprint, or a folder
                containing only footprints, or a globbing pattern to one or
                more footprints.
            description (str, optional): description of the events, defaults
                to 'WISC historical hazard set'
            ref_raster (str, optional): Reference netCDF file from which to
                construct a new barebones Centroids instance. Defaults to
                the first file in path.
            centroids (Centroids, optional): A Centroids struct, overriding
            files_omit (str, list(str), optional): List of files to omit;
                defaults to one duplicate storm present in the WISC set as
                of 2018-09-10.


        file_names = get_file_names(path)

        if ref_raster is not None and centroids is not None:
            LOGGER.warning('Overriding ref_raster with centroids')

        if centroids is not None:
        elif ref_raster is not None:
            centroids = self._centroids_from_nc(ref_raster)
        elif ref_raster is None:
            centroids = self._centroids_from_nc(file_names[0])

        if isinstance(files_omit, str):
            files_omit = [files_omit]

        LOGGER.info('Commencing to iterate over netCDF files.')

        for file_name in file_names:
            if any(fo in file_name for fo in files_omit):
                LOGGER.info("Omitting file %s", file_name)
            new_haz = self._read_one_nc(file_name, centroids)
            if new_haz is not None:

        self.event_id = np.arange(1, len(self.event_id) + 1)
        self.frequency = np.divide(np.ones_like(
            self.date), (last_year(self.date) - first_year(self.date)))

        self.tag = TagHazard(HAZ_TYPE,
                             'Hazard set not saved by default',
                             description='WISC historical hazard set.')
        if description is not None:
            self.tag.description = description
Example #13
    def from_footprints(cls,
        """Create new StormEurope object from WISC footprints.

        Assumes that all footprints have the same coordinates as the first file listed/first
        file in dir.

        path : str, list(str)
            A location in the filesystem. Either a
            path to a single netCDF WISC footprint, or a folder
            containing only footprints, or a globbing pattern to one or
            more footprints.
        description : str, optional
            description of the events, defaults
            to 'WISC historical hazard set'
        ref_raster : str, optional
            Reference netCDF file from which to
            construct a new barebones Centroids instance. Defaults to
            the first file in path.
        centroids : Centroids, optional
            A Centroids struct, overriding
        files_omit : str, list(str), optional
            List of files to omit;
            defaults to one duplicate storm present in the WISC set as
            of 2018-09-10.
        combine_threshold : int, optional
            threshold for combining events
            in number of days. if the difference of the dates (self.date)
            of two events is smaller or equal to this threshold, the two
            events are combined into one.
            Default is None, Advised for WISC is 2
        intensity_thres : float, optional
            Intensity threshold for storage in m/s. Default: class attribute
            StormEurope.intensity_thres (same as used by WISC SSI calculations)

        haz : StormEurope
            StormEurope object with data from WISC footprints.
        intensity_thres = cls.intensity_thres if intensity_thres is None else intensity_thres
        file_names = get_file_names(path)

        if ref_raster is not None and centroids is not None:
            LOGGER.warning('Overriding ref_raster with centroids')

        if centroids is not None:
        elif ref_raster is not None:
            centroids = cls._centroids_from_nc(ref_raster)
        elif ref_raster is None:
            centroids = cls._centroids_from_nc(file_names[0])

        if isinstance(files_omit, str):
            files_omit = [files_omit]

        LOGGER.info('Commencing to iterate over netCDF files.')

        haz = cls()
        for file_name in file_names:
            if any(fo in file_name for fo in files_omit):
                LOGGER.info("Omitting file %s", file_name)
            new_haz = cls._read_one_nc(file_name, centroids, intensity_thres)
            if new_haz is not None:

        haz.event_id = np.arange(1, len(haz.event_id) + 1)
        haz.frequency = np.divide(
            np.max([(last_year(haz.date) - first_year(haz.date)), 1]))

        haz.tag = TagHazard(HAZ_TYPE,
                            'Hazard set not saved by default',
                            description='WISC historical hazard set.')
        if description is not None:
            haz.tag.description = description

        if combine_threshold is not None:
            LOGGER.info('Combining events with small difference in date.')
            difference_date = np.diff(haz.date)
            for event_id_i in haz.event_id[np.append(
                    difference_date <= combine_threshold, False)]:
                event_ids = [event_id_i, event_id_i + 1]
        return haz