def test_latlon_dims(): a0 = xarray.DataArray( numpy.zeros((2, 4)), name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": [-45, 45], "lon": [0, 90, 180, 270] }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" a0.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" r = regrid(a0, a0) assert == 1 assert r.lon.ndim == 1 assert == (2, ) assert r.lon.shape == (4, ) a1 = xarray.DataArray( numpy.zeros((2, 4)), name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": [-45, 45], "lon": [-180, -90, 0, 90] }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" a1.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" r = regrid(a0, a1) assert == 1 assert r.lon.ndim == 1 assert == (2, ) assert r.lon.shape == (4, ) a2 = xarray.DataArray( numpy.zeros((10, 10)), name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": numpy.linspace(-90, 90, 10), "lon": numpy.linspace(-180, 180, 10, endpoint=False), }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" a2.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" r = regrid(a1, a2) assert == 1 assert r.lon.ndim == 1 assert == (10, ) assert r.lon.shape == (10, )
def compare_regrids(tmpdir, source, target): """ Check our weight application matches CDO's """ import subprocess grid = identify_grid(target) gridfile = tmpdir.join("grid") with open(str(gridfile), "wb") as f: grid.to_cdo_grid(f) sourcefile = tmpdir.join("") source.to_netcdf(str(sourcefile)) outfile = tmpdir.join("") subprocess.check_call( ["cdo", "remapbil,%s" % str(gridfile), str(sourcefile), str(outfile)]) cdo = xarray.open_dataset(str(outfile)) cms = regrid(source, target) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(cdo["var"].data[...], cms.values[...])
def test_big_array(): alats = 145 alons = 192 ats = 1 a = xarray.DataArray( numpy.zeros((ats, alats, alons)), name="var", dims=["t", "lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": numpy.linspace(-90, 90, alats), "lon": numpy.linspace(0, 360, alons, endpoint=False), }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" a.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" blats = 10 blons = 10 b = xarray.DataArray( numpy.zeros((blats, blons)), name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": numpy.linspace(-90, 90, blats), "lon": numpy.linspace(-180, 180, blons, endpoint=False), }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" b.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" r = regrid(a, b)
def test_nco(tmpdir, weight_gen, weight_args): alats = 10 alons = 11 a = xarray.DataArray( numpy.random.random((alats, alons)), name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": numpy.linspace(-90, 90, alats), "lon": numpy.linspace(0, 360, alons, endpoint=False), }, ) horiz_attrs(, a.lon) a[1:3, 3:9] = numpy.nan blats = 13 blons = 17 b = xarray.DataArray( numpy.zeros((blats, blons)), name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": numpy.linspace(-90, 90, blats), "lon": numpy.linspace(-180, 180, blons, endpoint=False), }, ) horiz_attrs(, b.lon) w = weight_gen(a, b, **weight_args) print(w) c = regrid(a, weights=w) afile = str(tmpdir / "") a.to_netcdf(afile) wfile = str(tmpdir / "") w.to_netcdf(wfile) nfile = str(tmpdir / "")["ncks", "--map", wfile, afile, nfile], check=True) n = xarray.open_dataset(nfile)["var"] numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(,
def test_regrid_weight_gen(weight_gen, weight_args): alats = 10 alons = 11 a = xarray.DataArray( numpy.random.rand(alats, alons), name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": numpy.linspace(-90, 90, alats), "lon": numpy.linspace(0, 360, alons, endpoint=False), }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" a.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" a[1, 3] = numpy.nan blats = 12 blons = 13 b = xarray.DataArray( numpy.random.rand(blats, blons), name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": numpy.linspace(-90, 90, blats), "lon": numpy.linspace(-180, 180, blons, endpoint=False), }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" b.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" b[6, 4] = numpy.nan w = weight_gen(a, b, **weight_args) c = regrid(a, weights=w) # Dimensions match the target grid numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(c.shape, b.shape) numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(numpy.mod(c.lon, 360), numpy.mod(b.lon, 360)) # We don't just have a grid of NAN assert not numpy.isnan(c).all() # Output is masked assert numpy.isnan(b[6, 4])
def test_dask_regrid(tmpdir): d = dask.array.zeros((2, 2), chunks=(2, 2)) a0 = xarray.DataArray(d, name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": [-45, 45], "lon": [0, 180] })["units"] = "degrees_north" a0.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" r = regrid(a0, a0) assert isinstance(, dask.array.Array)
def test_call_regrid(tmpdir): a0 = xarray.DataArray( [[0, 1], [2, 3]], name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": [-45, 45], "lon": [0, 180] }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" a0.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" a0 = a0.astype("f4") r = regrid(a0, a0) assert r is not None
def test_3d_regrid(tmpdir): a0 = xarray.DataArray( [[[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[4, 5], [6, 7]], [[8, 9], [10, 11]]], name="var", dims=["time", "lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": [-45, 45], "lon": [0, 180], "time": [0, 1, 2] }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" a0.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" a0 = a0.astype("f4") r = regrid(a0, a0) compare_regrids(tmpdir.mkdir("3d"), a0, a0)
def test_regrid_mask(): alats = 10 alons = 11 a = xarray.DataArray( numpy.zeros((alats, alons)), name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": numpy.linspace(-90, 90, alats), "lon": numpy.linspace(0, 360, alons, endpoint=False), }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" a.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" a[1, 3] = numpy.nan blats = 12 blons = 13 b = xarray.DataArray( numpy.zeros((blats, blons)), name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": numpy.linspace(-90, 90, blats), "lon": numpy.linspace(-180, 180, blons, endpoint=False), }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" b.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" b[6, 4] = numpy.nan w = esmf_generate_weights(a, b) a[1, 3] = 1e10 c = regrid(a, weights=w) assert c.max().values < 10 assert numpy.isnan(c.values[6, 4])
def test_chunked_weights(): alats = 10 alons = 11 a = xarray.DataArray( numpy.zeros((alats, alons)), name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": numpy.linspace(-90, 90, alats), "lon": numpy.linspace(0, 360, alons, endpoint=False), }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" a.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" a[1, 3] = numpy.nan blats = 12 blons = 13 b = xarray.DataArray( numpy.zeros((blats, blons)), name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": numpy.linspace(-90, 90, blats), "lon": numpy.linspace(-180, 180, blons, endpoint=False), }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" b.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" b[6, 4] = numpy.nan w = esmf_generate_weights(a, b) w = w.chunk({"n_s": 10}) c = regrid(a, weights=w)
def test_manual_weights(tmpdir): """ 'regrid' will accept a SCRIP format weights file as the target """ a0 = xarray.DataArray( [[0, 1], [2, 3]], name="var", dims=["lat", "lon"], coords={ "lat": [-45, 45], "lon": [0, 180] }, )["units"] = "degrees_north" a0.lon.attrs["units"] = "degrees_east" a0 = a0.astype("f4") grid = identify_grid(a0) weights = cdo_generate_weights(a0, grid) r = regrid(a0, weights=weights) assert r is not None