Example #1
    def new_instance(self, name):
        """Create a new raw instance from this Class."""
        ist = lib.EnvCreateRawInstance(self._env, self._cls, name.encode())
        if ist == ffi.NULL:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return Instance(self._env, ist)
Example #2
    def __setitem__(self, slot, value):
        data = clips.data.DataObject(self._env)
        data.value = value

        if lib.EnvDirectPutSlot(self._env, self._ist, slot.encode(),
                                data.byref) == 0:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)
Example #3
    def unmake(self):
        """This method is equivalent to delete except that it uses
        message-passing instead of directly deleting the instance.

        if lib.EnvUnmakeInstance(self._env, self._ist) != 1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)
Example #4
def classes(env, names):
    for name in names:
        defclass = lib.EnvFindDefclass(env, name.encode())
        if defclass == ffi.NULL:
            raise CLIPSError(env)

        yield Class(env, defclass)
Example #5
    def new_fact(self):
        """Create a new Fact from this template."""
        fact = lib.EnvCreateFact(self._env, self._tpl)
        if fact == ffi.NULL:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return new_fact(self._env, fact)
Example #6
    def batch_star(self, path):
        """Evaluate the commands contained in the specific path.

        The Python equivalent of the CLIPS batch* command.

        if lib.EnvBatchStar(self._env, path.encode()) != 1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)
Example #7
    def remove_breakpoint(self):
        """Remove a breakpoint for the Rule.

        The Python equivalent of the CLIPS remove-break command.

        if lib.EnvRemoveBreak(self._env, self._rule) != 1:
            raise CLIPSError("No breakpoint set")
Example #8
    def find_message_handler(self, handler_name, handler_type='primary'):
        """Returns the MessageHandler given its name and type for this class."""
        ret = lib.EnvFindDefmessageHandler(
            self._env, self._cls, handler_name.encode(), handler_type.encode())
        if ret == 0:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return MessageHandler(self._env, self._cls, ret)
Example #9
    def value(self, value):
        """Global value."""
        data = clips.data.DataObject(self._env)
        data.value = value

        if lib.EnvSetDefglobalValue(
                self._env, self.name.encode(), data.byref) != 1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)
Example #10
    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the Rule.

        The Python equivalent of the CLIPS refresh command.

        if lib.EnvRefresh(self._env, self._rule) != 1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)
Example #11
    def assert_string(self, string):
        """Assert a fact as string."""
        fact = lib.EnvAssertString(self._env, string.encode())

        if fact == ffi.NULL:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return new_fact(self._env, fact)
Example #12
    def build(self, construct):
        """Build a single construct in CLIPS.

        The Python equivalent of the CLIPS build command.

        if lib.EnvBuild(self._env, construct.encode()) != 1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)
Example #13
    def assertit(self):
        """Assert the fact within the CLIPS environment."""
        if self.asserted:
            raise RuntimeError("Fact already asserted")

        lib.EnvAssignFactSlotDefaults(self._env, self._fact)

        if lib.EnvAssert(self._env, self._fact) == ffi.NULL:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)
Example #14
    def assertit(self):
        """Assert the fact within CLIPS."""
        data = clips.data.DataObject(self._env)
        data.value = list(self._multifield)

        if lib.EnvPutFactSlot(self._env, self._fact, ffi.NULL,
                              data.byref) != 1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        super(ImpliedFact, self).assertit()
Example #15
    def undefine(self):
        """Undefine the Template.

        Python equivalent of the CLIPS undeftemplate command.

        The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.

        if lib.EnvUndeftemplate(self._env, self._tpl) != 1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)
Example #16
    def load(self, path):
        """Load a set of constructs into the CLIPS data base.

        The Python equivalent of the CLIPS load command.

        ret = lib.EnvBload(self._env, path.encode())
        if ret != 1:
            ret = lib.EnvLoad(self._env, path.encode())
            if ret != 1:
                raise CLIPSError(self._env)
Example #17
    def restore_instances(self, instances):
        """Restore a set of instances into the CLIPS data base.

        The Python equivalent of the CLIPS restore-instances command.

        Instances can be passed as a set of strings or as a file.

        instances = instances.encode()

        if os.path.exists(instances):
            ret = lib.EnvRestoreInstances(self._env, instances)
            if ret == -1:
                raise CLIPSError(self._env)
            ret = lib.EnvRestoreInstancesFromString(self._env, instances, -1)
            if ret == -1:
                raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return ret
Example #18
    def save_facts(self, path, mode=SaveMode.LOCAL_SAVE):
        """Save the facts in the system to the specified file.

        The Python equivalent of the CLIPS save-facts command.

        ret = lib.EnvSaveFacts(self._env, path.encode(), mode)
        if ret == -1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return ret
Example #19
    def load_facts(self, facts):
        """Load a set of facts into the CLIPS data base.

        The C equivalent of the CLIPS load-facts command.

        Facts can be loaded from a string or from a text file.

        facts = facts.encode()

        if os.path.exists(facts):
            ret = lib.EnvLoadFacts(self._env, facts)
            if ret == -1:
                raise CLIPSError(self._env)
            ret = lib.EnvLoadFactsFromString(self._env, facts, -1)
            if ret == -1:
                raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return ret
Example #20
    def undefine(self):
        """Undefine the MessageHandler.

        Python equivalent of the CLIPS undefmessage-handler command.

        The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.

        if lib.EnvUndefmessageHandler(self._env, self._cls, self._idx) != 1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        self._env = None
Example #21
    def undefine(self):
        """Undefine the Rule.

        Python equivalent of the CLIPS undefrule command.

        The object becomes unusable after this method has been called.

        if lib.EnvUndefrule(self._env, self._rule) != 1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        self._env = None
Example #22
    def eval(self, construct):
        """Evaluate an expression returning its value.

        The Python equivalent of the CLIPS eval command.

        data = clips.data.DataObject(self._env)

        if lib.EnvEval(self._env, construct.encode(), data.byref) != 1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return data.value
Example #23
    def load_instances(self, instances):
        """Load a set of instances into the CLIPS data base.

        The C equivalent of the CLIPS load-instances command.

        Instances can be loaded from a string,
        from a file or from a binary file.

        instances = instances.encode()

        if os.path.exists(instances):
            ret = lib.EnvBinaryLoadInstances(self._env, instances)
            if ret == -1:
                ret = lib.EnvLoadInstances(self._env, instances)
                if ret == -1:
                    raise CLIPSError(self._env)
            ret = lib.EnvLoadInstancesFromString(self._env, instances, -1)
            if ret == -1:
                raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return ret
Example #24
    def save(self, path, binary=False):
        """Save a set of constructs into the CLIPS data base.

        If binary is True, the constructs will be saved in binary format.

        The Python equivalent of the CLIPS load command.

        if binary:
            ret = lib.EnvBsave(self._env, path.encode())
            ret = lib.EnvSave(self._env, path.encode())
        if ret == 0:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)
Example #25
    def __call__(self, arguments=''):
        """Call the CLIPS generic function.

        Function arguments must be provided as a string.

        data = clips.data.DataObject(self._env)
        name = ffi.string(lib.EnvGetDefgenericName(self._env, self._gnc))
        args = arguments.encode() if arguments != '' else ffi.NULL

        if lib.EnvFunctionCall(self._env, name, args, data.byref) == 1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return data.value
Example #26
    def new_instance(self, name):
        """Create a new raw instance from this Class.

        No slot overrides or class default initializations
        are performed for the instance.

        This function bypasses message-passing.

        ist = lib.EnvCreateRawInstance(self._env, self._cls, name.encode())
        if ist == ffi.NULL:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return Instance(self._env, ist)
Example #27
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if self.asserted:
            raise RuntimeError("Fact already asserted")

        data = clips.data.DataObject(self._env)
        data.value = value

        ret = lib.EnvPutFactSlot(self._env, self._fact,
                                 str(key).encode(), data.byref)
        if ret != 1:
            if key not in (s.name for s in self.template.slots()):
                raise KeyError("'%s' fact has not slot '%s'" %
                               (self.template.name, key))

            raise CLIPSError(self._env)
Example #28
    def save_instances(self, path, binary=False, mode=SaveMode.LOCAL_SAVE):
        """Save the instances in the system to the specified file.

        If binary is True, the instances will be saved in binary format.

        The Python equivalent of the CLIPS save-instances command.

        if binary:
            ret = lib.EnvBinarySaveInstances(self._env, path.encode(), mode)
            ret = lib.EnvSaveInstances(self._env, path.encode(), mode)
        if ret == 0:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return ret
Example #29
    def make_instance(self, command):
        """Create and initialize an instance of a user-defined class.

        command must be a string in the form:

        (<instance-name> of <class-name> <slot-override>*)
        <slot-override> :== (<slot-name> <constant>*)

        Python equivalent of the CLIPS make-instance command.

        ist = lib.EnvMakeInstance(self._env, command.encode())
        if ist == ffi.NULL:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        return Instance(self._env, ist)
Example #30
    def delete(self):
        """Remove the activation from the agenda."""
        if lib.EnvDeleteActivation(self._env, self._act) != 1:
            raise CLIPSError(self._env)

        self._env = None