Example #1
def load(firmware_path):
    logger.info("loading %s", firmware_path)

    dev_name = create_usb_serial()
    if dev_name is None:
        return False

    # load firmware
    start_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
    ret = subprocess.call(
         "--port=%s" % dev_pattern_usb, firmware_path])
    if ret != 0:
        loaded = False
        logger.error("loading firmware")
        loaded = True
        end_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
        logger.info("firmware loaded in %0.3f sec",
                    (end_us - start_us) / 1000000.0)

    if loaded:
        # firmware loaded; wait for heartbeat on telemetry port
        # This allows for the baud rate to change along with the firmware load.
        start_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
        # 0.6.x ... 1.0.5 has a pixhawk build at 115200 baud
        # internal versions might have a pixhawk build at 921600  baud
        # 1.1.5 and later have a pixhawk build at 115200 baud
        baudlist = get_baudlist(None, 115200)
        hb_quit = False
        hb_time_us = None
        wait_us = None
        hb = None
        while not hb_quit:
            for baud in baudlist:
                logger.debug("trying %d", baud)
                m = create_tty_mavlink(baud)
                if m is None:
                    logger.error("creating tty mavlink connection")
                    hb_quit = True
                    break  # for baud
                # flush input - could we have data from before flashing?
                flush_bytes = m.port.inWaiting()
                if flush_bytes > 0:
                    logger.info("flushing %d bytes", flush_bytes)
                logger.debug("waiting for heartbeat")
                hb = m.recv_match(type='HEARTBEAT', blocking=True, timeout=1.1)
                wait_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - start_us
                if hb is None:
                    logger.debug("timeout waiting for first heartbeat")
                    # insisting on a second heartbeat was in response to
                    # occasionally detecting a heartbeat at the wrong baud
                    # when the baud changes with the firmware (!)
                    logger.debug("got first heartbeat")
                    hb_time_us = clock.gettime_us(
                        clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - start_us
                    hb = m.recv_match(type='HEARTBEAT',
                    if hb is None:
                        # this has been observed to happen (rarely)
                            "timeout waiting for second heartbeat at %d after loading",
                        # ...and continue with the next baud rate
                        logger.debug("got second heartbeat")
                if hb is not None:
                    hb_quit = True
                    break  # for baud
                # 0.1.0 comes up in about 25 sec
                # 1.0.8 comes up in about 8 sec
                # 1.1.4 comes up in about 15 sec
                if wait_us > 45000000:  # 45 sec
                    hb_quit = True  # to exit the while loop
                    break  # exit the baud loop
            ### for baud in baudlist
        ### while !hb_quit
        if hb is None:
            logger.error("timeout waiting for heartbeat after loading")
            logger.info("heartbeat after loading in %0.3f sec",
                        hb_time_us / 1000000.0)


    return loaded
Example #2
def get_version():

    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
    config.optionxform = str

    serial_dev = config_get(config, config_dev_name)
    if serial_dev is None:
        logger.error("reading %s from %s", config_dev_name, sololink_conf)
        return None
    logger.debug("%s = %s", config_dev_name, serial_dev)

    serial_flow = config_getbool(config, config_flow_name, True)
    logger.debug("%s = %s", config_flow_name, serial_flow)

    serial_baud = config_getint(config, config_baud_name)
    if serial_baud is None:
        logger.error("reading %s from %s", config_baud_name, sololink_conf)
        return None
    logger.debug("%s = %d", config_baud_name, serial_baud)

    m = mavutil.mavlink_connection(serial_dev, baud=serial_baud)

    version = {}

    # Read version. Use AUTOPILOT_VERSION message to get the hashes, and use
    # the STATUSTEXT returned at the start a parameter dump to get the x.y.z
    # version.

    m.mav.autopilot_version_request_send(m.target_system, m.target_component)
    start_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
    av = m.recv_match(type='AUTOPILOT_VERSION', blocking=True, timeout=2)
    end_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
    if av is not None:
        version["ardupilot_git_hash"] = "".join(
            chr(e) for e in av.flight_custom_version)
        version["px4_git_hash"] = "".join(
            chr(e) for e in av.middleware_custom_version)
        version["nuttx_git_hash"] = "".join(
            chr(e) for e in av.os_custom_version)
        logger.debug("git hashes received in %0.3f sec",
                     (end_us - start_us) / 1000000.0)
        logger.warning("no version hashes received")

    m.mav.param_request_list_send(m.target_system, m.target_component)
    start_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
    end_us = start_us
    timeout_us = 5 * 1000000
    # Loop because we might get a STATUSTEXT without the version first.
    while (end_us - start_us) < timeout_us:
        st = m.recv_match(type='STATUSTEXT', blocking=True, timeout=5)
        end_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
        if st is not None:
            logger.info("Status Text: %s" % st)
            # "APM:Copter solo-0.1.2 (b2dacc52)"
            match = re.match("APM:.*?solo-([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)", st.text)
            if match:
                logger.debug("build version received in %0.3f sec",
                             (end_us - start_us) / 1000000.0)
                version["build_version"] = match.group(1)
                logger.info("build version %s", version_string(version))
                return version
            # "ArduCopter V3.2.1 (b2dacc52)"
            # This is matched in case someone is messing with their firmware
            # Anything looking like a version x.y.z is pulled out
            match = re.match(".*?([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)", st.text)
            if match:
                logger.warning("firmware is not specifically for solo")
                logger.info("build version received in %0.3f sec",
                            (end_us - start_us) / 1000000.0)
                version["build_version"] = match.group(1)
                logger.info("build version %s", version_string(version))
                return version
    ### while end_us...

    logger.warning("no build version received")
    return version
Example #3
def checkPixhawkVersion():
    global cube_version
    # Setup serial comm to the pixhawk
    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
    config.optionxform = str

    serial_dev = config_get(config, config_dev_name)
    if serial_dev is None:
        logger.error("reading %s from %s", config_dev_name, sololink_conf)
        return False
    logger.debug("%s = %s", config_dev_name, serial_dev)

    serial_flow = config_getbool(config, config_flow_name, True)
    logger.debug("%s = %s", config_flow_name, serial_flow)

    serial_baud = config_getint(config, config_baud_name)
    if serial_baud is None:
        logger.error("reading %s from %s", config_baud_name, sololink_conf)
        return False
    logger.debug("%s = %d", config_baud_name, serial_baud)
    m = mavutil.mavlink_connection(serial_dev, baud=serial_baud)
    timeout_us = 30 * 1000000

    # First we'll check parameter INS_ACC_ID. On stock 3DR firmware, this param
    # will not be found.  With ArduCopter 3.5+, the parameter will be detected.
    # A value of 1442082 is a green cube.  A value of 1245474 is a stock cube.
    logger.info("Checking parameter INS_ACC_ID to determine cube version")
    start_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
    end_us = start_us
    while ((end_us - start_us) < timeout_us) and cube_version == 'unknown':
        m.mav.param_request_read_send(m.target_system, m.target_component,
                                      'INS_ACC_ID', -1)
        param_check = m.recv_match(type='PARAM_VALUE',
        end_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
        if param_check is not None:
            if param_check.get_type() == 'PARAM_VALUE' and str(
                    param_check.param_id) == 'INS_ACC_ID':
                if str(param_check.param_value) == '1442082.0':
                    logger.info("Pixhawk 2.1 on board!")
                    cube_version = 'cube_21'
                    return True
                elif str(param_check.param_value) == '1245474.0':
                        "Pixhawk 2.0 on board. But not stock solo firmware")
                    cube_version = 'cube_20'
                    return True
        logger.info("cube_version = %s", cube_version)

    # If we've gotten to this point, it must have not found the INS_ACC_ID. So
    # we'll check the compass #3 device ID instead. On a stock cube with stock
    # stock FW, it will be 66286.  On a stock with AC3.5, it is for some reason
    # not found. So this only works for stock FW on a stock cube, which should
    # be fine for all but a few people running master on a stock cube.
    logger.info("Checking parameter COMPASS_DEV_ID3 to determine cube version")
    start_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
    end_us = start_us
    while ((end_us - start_us) < timeout_us) and cube_version == 'unknown':
        m.mav.param_request_read_send(m.target_system, m.target_component,
                                      'COMPASS_DEV_ID3', -1)
        param_check = m.recv_match(type='PARAM_VALUE',
        end_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
        if param_check is not None:
            if param_check.get_type() == 'PARAM_VALUE' and str(
                    param_check.param_id) == 'COMPASS_DEV_ID3':
                if str(param_check.param_value) == '263178.0':
                    logger.info("Pixhawk 2.1 on board!")
                    cube_version = 'cube_21'
                    return True
                elif str(param_check.param_value) == '66826.0':
                    logger.info("Pixhawk 2.0 on board. You should go green :)")
                    cube_version = 'cube_20'
                    return True
        logger.info("cube_version = %s", cube_version)

    # Handle scenario where the external compass is unplugged, so what was
    # compass #3 has become #2.
    logger.info("Checking parameter COMPASS_DEV_ID2 to determine cube version")
    start_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
    end_us = start_us
    while ((end_us - start_us) < timeout_us) and cube_version == 'unknown':
        m.mav.param_request_read_send(m.target_system, m.target_component,
                                      'COMPASS_DEV_ID2', -1)
        param_check = m.recv_match(type='PARAM_VALUE',
        end_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
        if param_check is not None:
            if param_check.get_type() == 'PARAM_VALUE' and str(
                    param_check.param_id) == 'COMPASS_DEV_ID2':
                if str(param_check.param_value) == '263178.0':
                    logger.info("Pixhawk 2.1 on board!")
                    cube_version = 'cube_21'
                    return True
                elif str(param_check.param_value) == '66826.0':
                    logger.info("Pixhawk 2.0 on board. You should go green :)")
                    cube_version = 'cube_20'
                    return True
        logger.info("cube_version = %s", cube_version)

    # If we've reached this point, we were unable to positively identify which
    # cube is in the solo. Probably because something is malfunctioning, or
    # because someone is running master on a stock cube. In either case, there
    # is nothing more we can do, so returning false and leave cube_version unknown.
    cube_version = 'unknown'
    logger.info("Unable to determine cube version")
    return False
Example #4
    "txBytes" : "txb", "txPackets" : "txp",
    "txBitrate" : "txr", "signal" : "sig"

#RC lockout
rclockout = True
#if there is an unlock file or no lock file, we're unlocked
if os.path.isfile("/tmp/.rc_unlock"):
    rclockout = False
elif (not os.path.isfile("/etc/.rc_lock")) and (not os.path.isfile("/mnt/rootfs.ro/etc/.rc_lock")):
    rclockout = False

# how often to send a message
interval_us = 1000000

next_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC) + interval_us

while True:

    now_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
    if next_us > now_us:
        time.sleep((next_us - now_us) / 1000000.0)
    next_us += interval_us

    info = iw.link(if_name)
    s = ""
    for key in info:
        if key in skip_list:
        if key in abbrev_list:
            lbl = abbrev_list[key]
Example #5
def run_connected():
    global version_mismatch_log_time_us
    ack_received = None
    logger.info("establishing connection...")
    controller_adrs = (controller_ip, controller_link_port)
    confirmed = False
    pending = False
    pair_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    pair_sock.bind(("", 0))  # any port
    send_error_logged = False
    recv_error_logged = False
    while True:
        need_sleep = False

        if rc_lock.locked():
            locked = 1
            locked = 0
        logger.debug("locked=%d", locked)

        conn_req = struct.pack("<BBBB32s32s", pair.CMD_CONN_REQ, pair.SYS_SOLO,
                               0, locked, solo_sololink_version,

            pair_sock.sendto(conn_req, controller_adrs)
        except Exception as e:
            if not send_error_logged:
                logger.info("error returned from sendto (%s)" % (e))
                send_error_logged = True
            need_sleep = True
            pkt = None
            # sendto success; reset so we log the next error
            send_error_logged = False

        # If we got an error on send, we'll likely get an error from this
        # recvfrom, leading to the correct processing (same as if we skipped
        # this recvfrom).
            pkt, adrs = pair_sock.recvfrom(256)
        except socket.timeout:
            need_sleep = False
            pkt = None
        except Exception as e:
            if not recv_error_logged:
                logger.info("error returned from recvfrom (%s)" % (e))
                recv_error_logged = True
            need_sleep = True
            pkt = None
            # recvfrom success; reset so we log the next error
            recv_error_logged = False

        now_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)

        if pkt is None:
            if ack_received is not None and ack_received:
                # first non-reply after ack received
                logger.info("timeout waiting for ack")
                ack_received = False
            if not confirmed and wait_button(0):
                logger.info("pairing button detected")
            if need_sleep:
                # Could be here because of timeout waiting for packet, or
                # socket error (e.g. out of range). If not a timeout, sleep
                # a bit so as not to soak the CPU sending requests.
            # back to top to send next request

        # got a reply
        if len(pkt) == pair.CONN_MSG_LEN and \
           ord(pkt[0]) == pair.CMD_CONN_ACK and \
           ord(pkt[1]) == pair.SYS_CONTROLLER:
            if ord(pkt[2]) == pair.YES:
                if not confirmed:
                    confirmed = True
                elif ack_received is not None and not ack_received:
                    # previous one timed out
                    logger.info("ack received after timeout")
                ack_received = True
                # Do this even if connection was already confirmed. It is
                # possible that the other side started out on the wrong
                # version, the connection was confirmed, the other side was
                # updated, and now the versions match so we should unlock.
                if (not check_versions) or (solo_sololink_version
                                            == controller_sololink_version):
                    # logging is rate-limited here
                    if now_us > version_mismatch_log_time_us:
                            "version mismatch: solo=\"%s\", controller=\"%s\"",
                            solo_sololink_version, controller_sololink_version)
                        version_mismatch_log_time_us = now_us + version_mismatch_log_interval_us
                # Change runlevel even if locked or versions incompatible.
                # Apps look better if there is telemetry flowing and shotmgr
                # is running
            elif ord(pkt[2]) == pair.PEND:
                if not pending:
                    logger.info("connection pending")
                pending = True
            else:  # pair.NO
                if not confirmed:
                    # Controller says no. This Solo knows the wifi password
                    # from a previous pairing, but the controller has since
                    # been re-paired to a different Solo.
                    logger.info("connection rejected")
                    # Controller said yes to a previous connect request, but
                    # is now saying no. We are already in runlevel 4;
                    # something is really messed up. Ignore the nack.
                    logger.error("connection was up, now rejected")
            # mystery packet!
            logger.error("mystery response received: %s",
                         str([ord(c) for c in pkt]))
Example #6
gcs_sock.bind(("", 0))

read_socks = [solo_sock, gcs_sock]

# index by tuple (src_system, src_component)
# corrupt packets in (-1, -1)
packets_down = {}
packets_down_drops = {}

packets_down_total = 0
packets_up_total = 0

# list of tuples ("mac", "ip")
current_stations = []

now_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)

# how often to update list of stations to send telemetry to
station_update_interval_us = long(5 * 1000000)
station_update_time_us = now_us

# how often to log packet counts
report_interval_us = long(10 * 1000000)
report_time_us = now_us + report_interval_us

got_gps_time = False

# last_down_sequence is indexed by a tuple (src_system, src_component)
# Each component has an independently running sequence, so we must keep track
# of each.
last_down_sequence = {}
Example #7
# if the config file is not found, and empty list is returned and the
# "get" operations later fail

# read configuration items
    app_address_file = config.get("solo", "appAddressFile")
    logger.error("error reading config from %s", solo_conf)

packet_count = 0
byte_count = 0

now_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)

log_interval_s = 10
log_interval_us = long(log_interval_s * 1000000)
log_time_us = now_us + log_interval_us

app_time_us = now_us
app_interval_us = 1000000

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_TOS, 191)  #Highest level VI
sock.bind((src_ip, src_port))

while True:
    # forward a packet
    pkt = sock.recv(4096)
Example #8
def initialize():
    start_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
    led.blink(1000, 100)
    print "pixhawk..."
    baud = get_baud()
    if baud == None:
        print "pixhawk: ERROR checking baud"
        logger.error("finding baud")
        logger.error("pixhawk status: no response")
        # pixhawk might be stuck in bootloader

    # try to load if we have firmware, whether we found the baud or not

    (firmware_path, firmware_version) = find_firmware()
    if firmware_path is None:
        logger.info("no new firmware file")
        # Another backup would be to look in /firmware/loaded and load
        # whatever's there if we did not get a heartbeat. Getting stuck in
        # the bootloader has so far only been observed to happen when a
        # programming is interrupted, in which case the firmware we were
        # loading is still in /firmware.
    elif os.path.exists("/log/.factory") and \
         (baud is not None) and \
        logger.info("pixhawk: factory - not loading firmware")
        print "pixhawk: loading firmware"
        logger.info("%s:", firmware_path)
        for v in firmware_version:
            logger.info("%-20s %s", v, firmware_version[v])
        if load(firmware_path):
            print "pixhawk: ERROR loading firmware"
            logger.error("pixhawk status: can't load")

    # If .factory exists, we either found a baud, passed USB, and skipped
    # loading pixhawk, or either did not find a baud or USB heartbeat, and
    # loaded pixhawk.
    os.system("rm -f /log/.factory")

    # We have followed some combination of these to get here:
    #   * found baud | did not find baud
    #   * no firmware | firmware and flashed it | firmware and error flashing
    # The cases that are known to happen:
    #   Normal cases
    #   * Found baud, there was no new firmware
    #   * Found baud, there was new firmware, flashed it
    #   Error cases
    #   * Did not find baud, there was new firmware, flashed it
    # Other cases should "never" happen (and have not been observed):
    #   * Did not find baud, there was no new firmware
    #       The only known way to not find the baud is if pixhawk is stuck in
    #       its bootloader, which happens because flashing was interrupted,
    #       which means there is new firmware available.
    #   * Found baud, there was new firmware, error flashing it
    #   * Did not find baud, there was new firmware, error flashing it
    #       Should "never" fail to flash pixhawk when we try to.

    # This should work for any of the three known-to-happen cases. For the
    # error cases, running_version will be set to an empty dictionary, and
    # write_version_file will write "unknown" for all the versions.
    # get_version() can return None if the configuration is corrupt, but in
    # that case we have far deeper problems (an md5 has just succeeded).
    running_version = get_version()

    logger.info("now running:")
    for component in [
            "build_version", "ardupilot_git_hash", "px4_git_hash",
        if component in running_version:
            version = running_version[component]
            version = "unknown"
        logger.info("%-20s %s", component, version)
    if "build_version" in running_version \
        and running_version["build_version"] != "unknown":
        logger.info("pixhawk status: ready")
        print "pixhawk: running %s" % running_version["build_version"]
        print "pixhawk: ERROR checking version"
    end_us = clock.gettime_us(clock.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
    logger.debug("pixhawk initialization took %0.3f sec",
                 (end_us - start_us) / 1000000.0)