def test_advance_hour_rollover_48(self):
     """Test that hour advances by 48 (2 days) which should leave it back where it started"""
     clock = Clock()
     # you can change to 00 for your tests if you would like!
     self.assertEqual("0:0:0", clock.__str__(),
                      "advance hour from 0 by 48 back to 0 did not work")
 def test_advance_hour_negative(self):
     """Advance hour with negative value which should raise a ValueError"""
     clock = Clock()
             True, False,
             "exception not thrown for advance hour value of -1")
     except ValueError as value_error:
         self.assertEqual(True, True)
 def test_advance_hour_no_rollover(self):
     """Simple advance hour test that does not roll over to new set of hours"""
     clock = Clock()
     self.assertEqual("23:0:0", clock.__str__(),
                      "advance hour from 0 to 23 did not work")