def get_auth_token(self, username, password, tenant_id, auth_api, url, **kwargs):
        Init the variables related to authorization, needed to execute tests
        :return: The auth token retrieved

        cred_kwargs = {
            'auth_url': url,
            'username': username,
            'password': password

        # Currently, both v2 and v3 Identity API versions are supported
        if auth_api == AUTH_API_V2:
            cred_kwargs['tenant_name'] = kwargs.get('tenant_name')
        elif auth_api == AUTH_API_V3:
            cred_kwargs['user_domain_name'] = kwargs.get('user_domain_name')

        # Instantiate a Password object
            identity_package = 'keystoneclient.auth.identity.%s' % auth_api.replace('.0', '')
            identity_module = __import__(identity_package, fromlist=['Password'])
            password_class = getattr(identity_module, 'Password')
            logger.debug("Authentication with %s", password_class)
            credentials = password_class(**cred_kwargs)
        except (ImportError, AttributeError) as e:
                raise e
        # Get auth token
        logger.debug("Getting auth token for tenant %s...", tenant_id)
            auth_sess = self.session.Session(auth=credentials, timeout=DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
            auth_token = auth_sess.get_token()
            logger.debug("Admin token generated:" + auth_token)

        except (KeystoneClientException, KeystoneConnectionRefused) as e:
            logger.error("No auth token (%s)", e.message)

        return auth_token
 def checkToken(self, admin_token, token, tenant_id, url, auth_api):
     """checks if a token is valid against a url using an admin token.""""Starting Authentication of token %s ", token)
         if not token:
             raise Unauthorized("Token is empty")
         auth_result = self.get_info_token(url, admin_token, token, auth_api)
         if auth_result:
             if tenant_id == auth_result.tenant["id"]:
       'The token is valid')
                 logger.error("TenantId %s ", tenant_id)
                 logger.error("Token TenantId %s ", auth_result.tenant["id"])
                 raise Unauthorized("Token is not valid for specified tenant %s" % tenant_id)
     except Unauthorized as unauth:
         raise unauth
     except InternalServerError as internalError:
         raise AuthorizationFailure("Token could not have enough permissions to access tenant: %s" % tenant_id)
     except Exception as ex:
         raise ex