Example #1
    def post_install(self):
        env.logger.info("Starting post-install")
        env.logger.info("Load Scalability tests")
        if exists('Scalability'):
            with cd('Scalability'):
                run('git pull')
                "git clone git://github.com/pjotrp/Scalability.git")
        # Now run a post installation routine (for the heck of it)

        env.logger.info("Load Cross-language tests")
        if exists('Cross-language-interfacing'):
            with cd('Cross-language-interfacing'):
                run('git pull')
                "git clone git://github.com/pjotrp/Cross-language-interfacing.git"
        # Special installs for the tests
        with cd('Cross-language-interfacing'):
            sudo('./scripts/install-packages-root.sh ')
Example #2
def install_augustus(env):
    default_version = "2.7"
    version = env.get('tool_version', default_version)
    url = "http://bioinf.uni-greifswald.de/augustus/binaries/augustus.%s.tar.gz" % version
    install_dir = env.system_install
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            _fetch_and_unpack(url, need_dir=False)
            env.safe_sudo("mkdir -p '%s'" % install_dir)
            env.safe_sudo("mv augustus.%s/* '%s'" % (version, install_dir))
Example #3
def install_augustus(env):
    default_version = "2.7"
    version = env.get('tool_version', default_version)
    url = "http://bioinf.uni-greifswald.de/augustus/binaries/augustus.%s.tar.gz" % version
    install_dir = env.system_install
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            _fetch_and_unpack(url, need_dir=False)
            env.safe_sudo("mkdir -p '%s'" % install_dir)
            env.safe_sudo("mv augustus.%s/* '%s'" % (version, install_dir))
Example #4
def install_augustus(env):
    version = env.tool_version
    url = "http://bioinf.uni-greifswald.de/augustus/binaries/augustus.%s.tar.gz" % version
    install_dir = env.system_install
    with _make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
        with cd(work_dir):
            _fetch_and_unpack(url, need_dir=False)
            env.safe_sudo("mkdir -p '%s'" % install_dir)
            env.safe_sudo("mv * '%s'" % install_dir)
    env.safe_sudo("echo 'PATH=%s/bin:%s/scripts:$PATH' > %s/env.sh" % (install_dir, install_dir, install_dir))
    env.safe_sudo("echo 'export AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH=%s/config' >> %s/env.sh" % (install_dir, install_dir))
    _update_default(env, install_dir)
Example #5
def _install_from_url(env, cpanm_cmd, package):
    """Check version of a dependency and download and install with cpanm if not up to date.

    Packages installed via URL have the package name, target version and URL separated
    with '=='. They can also optionally have a build directory or dependency to remove.
    parts = package.split("==")
    package, target_version, url = parts[:3]
    args = {}
    if len(parts) > 3:
        for key, value in (x.split("=") for x in parts[3:]):
            args[key] = value
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        cur_version = env.safe_run_output("export PERL5LIB=%s/lib/perl5:${PERL5LIB} && " % env.system_install +
                                          """perl -le 'eval "require $ARGV[0]" and print $ARGV[0]->VERSION' %s"""
                                          % package)
    if cur_version != target_version:
        with cshared._make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
            with cd(work_dir):
                dl_dir = cshared._fetch_and_unpack(url)
                if args.get("build"):
                    dl_dir = os.path.join(dl_dir, args["build"])
                with cd(dl_dir):
                    if args.get("depremove"):
                        for fname in ["Makefile.PL", "MYMETA.json", "MYMETA.yml"]:
                            env.safe_run(r"""sed -i.bak -e '/^.*%s.*/s/^/#/' %s""" % (args["depremove"], fname))
                    env.safe_run("%s -i --notest --local-lib=%s ." % (cpanm_cmd, env.system_install))
Example #6
def install_jboss(base_dir):
    version = "5.1.0"
    url = "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/jboss/JBoss/JBoss-%s.GA/jboss-%s.GA.zip" % \
          (version, version)
    java_dir = _java_dir(base_dir)
    with cd(java_dir):
        jboss_dir = _fetch_and_unpack(url)
    return os.path.join(java_dir, jboss_dir)
Example #7
def _install_galaxy_search(dirs, config):
    """Full text search capability with Lucene.
    search_url = "git clone git://github.com/chapmanb/kwd-doc-find.git"
    with cd(dirs["base"]):
        lucene_dir = _fetch_and_unpack(search_url)
    lucene_dir = os.path.join(dirs["base"], lucene_dir)
    return ("fulltext_search", lucene_dir, "lein deps && lein run :web 8081",
            "run :web 8081", False)
Example #8
def install_maven(base_dir):
    version = "2.2.1"
    mirror = "mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/software/apache"
    java_dir = _java_dir(base_dir)
    url = "http://%s/maven/binaries/apache-maven-%s-bin.tar.gz" % ( mirror, version)
    with cd(java_dir):
        mvn_dir = _fetch_and_unpack(url)
    install_mvn = os.path.join(base_dir, "bin", "mvn")
    dl_mvn = os.path.join(java_dir, mvn_dir, "bin", "mvn")
    sudo("ln -s %s %s" % (dl_mvn, install_mvn))
Example #9
    def post_install(self):
        env.logger.info("Starting post-install")
        env.logger.info("Load Scalability tests")
        if exists('Scalability'):
            with cd('Scalability'):
               run('git pull')
           _fetch_and_unpack("git clone git://github.com/pjotrp/Scalability.git")
        # Now run a post installation routine (for the heck of it)

        env.logger.info("Load Cross-language tests")
        if exists('Cross-language-interfacing'):
            with cd('Cross-language-interfacing'):
               run('git pull')
           _fetch_and_unpack("git clone git://github.com/pjotrp/Cross-language-interfacing.git")
        # Special installs for the tests
        with cd('Cross-language-interfacing'):
            sudo('./scripts/install-packages-root.sh ')
Example #10
def _install_bii_tools(config):
    bii_git = "git clone git://github.com/ISA-tools/BioInvIndex.git"
    mgr_git = "git clone git://github.com/ISA-tools/ISAvalidator-ISAconverter-BIImanager.git"
    base_dir = os.path.join(config["base_install"], config["bii_dirname"])
    if not exists(base_dir):
        sudo("mkdir -p %s" % base_dir)
        sudo("chown %s %s" % (env.user, base_dir))
    with cd(base_dir):
        bii_dir = _fetch_and_unpack(bii_git)
        bii_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, bii_dir)
    with cd(base_dir):
        mgr_base_dir = _fetch_and_unpack(mgr_git)
        mgr_build_dir = "val_conv_manager_gui"
        with cd(os.path.join(mgr_base_dir, mgr_build_dir)):
            target_dir = "target"
            if not exists(target_dir):
                # need artifacts from BII for tool build
                with cd(bii_dir):
                    run("mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true")
                    run("rm -rf ear/target")
                # now build BII data manager
                run("sh package.sh")
                with cd(target_dir):
                    run("unzip BII-data-mgr-*.zip")
    mgr_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, mgr_base_dir, mgr_build_dir, target_dir)
    with cd(mgr_dir):
        with settings(hide("everything"), warn_only=True):
            result = run("ls -1d BII-data-mgr-*")
        data_mgr_dir = result.split()[0].strip()
    mgr_dir = os.path.join(mgr_dir, data_mgr_dir)
    index_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, config["bii_lucene_index"])
    if not exists(index_dir):
        run("mkdir -p %s" % index_dir)
    bii_data_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, config["bii_data_dirname"])
    if not exists(bii_data_dir):
        run("mkdir -p %s" % bii_data_dir)
    return dict(base=base_dir, bii=bii_dir, mgr=mgr_dir, index=index_dir,
Example #11
def _install_galaxy_code(dirs, config):
    with cd(dirs["base"]):
        code_dir = _fetch_and_unpack("hg clone %s" % config["galaxy_repo"])
    code_dir = os.path.join(dirs["base"], code_dir)
    library_dir = os.path.join(dirs["base"], config["galaxy_datalib"])
    config_file = "universe_wsgi.ini"
    remote_config = os.path.join(code_dir, config_file)
    if not exists(remote_config):
        local_config = os.path.join(config["fab_base_dir"], "install_files",
        vals = [config["db_user"], config["db_pass"], config["galaxy_dbname"],
                config["galaxy_adminusers"], library_dir]
        put(local_config, remote_config)
        for old, new in zip(origs, vals):
            sed(remote_config, old, new)
    return ("galaxy", code_dir, "sh run.sh",
            "paster.py serve universe_wsgi.ini", False)