Example #1
    def _get_connection(provider, credentials):
        log.debug(f"Configuring `{provider}` Connection")
        if provider == "aws":
            config = {
                "aws_access_key": credentials["access_key"],
                "aws_secret_key": credentials["secret_key"]
            connection = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(
                ProviderList.AWS, config)
        elif provider == "azure":
            config = {
                "azure_subscription_id": credentials["subscription_id"],
                "azure_client_id": credentials["client_id"],
                "azure_secret": credentials["secret"],
                "azure_tenant": credentials["tenant"]
            connection = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(
                ProviderList.AZURE, config)
        elif provider == "google":
            config = {
                "gcp_service_creds_file": credentials["credentials_file"]
            connection = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(
                ProviderList.GCP, config)
            raise Exception(f"Unsupported provider `{provider}`.")

        # Ideally it would be better to assert if the connection is
        # authorized to perform operations required by ObjectStore
        # before returning it (and initializing ObjectStore); hence
        # any related issues can be handled properly here, and ObjectStore
        # can "trust" the connection is established.
        # However, the mechanism implemented in Cloudbridge to assert if
        # a user/service is authorized to perform an operation, assumes
        # the user/service is granted with an elevated privileges, such
        # as admin/owner-level access to all resources. For a detailed
        # discussion see:
        # https://github.com/CloudVE/cloudbridge/issues/135
        # Hence, if a resource owner wants to only authorize Galaxy to r/w
        # a bucket/container on the provider, but does not allow it to access
        # other resources, Cloudbridge may fail asserting credentials.
        # For instance, to r/w an Amazon S3 bucket, the resource owner
        # also needs to authorize full access to Amazon EC2, because Cloudbridge
        # leverages EC2-specific functions to assert the credentials.
        # Therefore, to adhere with principle of least privilege, we do not
        # assert credentials; instead, we handle exceptions raised as a
        # result of signing API calls to cloud provider (e.g., GCP) using
        # incorrect, invalid, or unauthorized credentials.

        return connection
Example #2
 def create_provider_instance(self):
     provider_name = cb_helpers.get_env("CB_TEST_PROVIDER", "aws")
     zone_cfg_key = get_provider_test_data(provider_name,
     factory = CloudProviderFactory()
     provider_class = factory.get_provider_class(provider_name)
     config = {
         'default_wait_interval': self.get_provider_wait_interval(
         'default_result_limit': 5,
         zone_cfg_key: get_provider_test_data(provider_name, 'placement')
     return provider_class(config)
 def test_create_provider_valid(self):
     # Creating a provider with a known name should return
     # a valid implementation
         "create_provider did not return a valid VM type")
    def test_register_provider_class_invalid(self):
        # Attempting to register an invalid test class should be ignored
        class DummyClass(object):
            PROVIDER_ID = 'aws'

        factory = CloudProviderFactory()
        self.assertTrue(DummyClass not in factory.get_all_provider_classes())
    def test_register_provider_class_without_id(self):
        # Attempting to register a class without a PROVIDER_ID attribute
        # should be ignored.
        class DummyClass(CloudProvider):

        factory = CloudProviderFactory()
        self.assertTrue(DummyClass not in factory.get_all_provider_classes())
 def upload(self, source, upload_info):
     container, location = upload_info["path"].split("/", 1)
     provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(
         ProviderList.OPENSTACK, {
             'os_storage_url': upload_info["swiftFileUrl"],
             'os_auth_token': upload_info["token"]
     bucket = provider.storage.buckets.get(container)
     obj = bucket.objects.create(location)
 def upload(self, source, upload_info):
     creds = upload_info["amazonCredentials"]
     provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(
         ProviderList.AWS, {
             'aws_access_key': creds["accessKey"],
             'aws_secret_key': creds["secretKey"],
             'aws_session_token': creds["sessionToken"]
     bucket = provider.storage.buckets.get(upload_info['s3BucketName'])
     obj = bucket.objects.create(upload_info['s3ObjectKey'])
    def test_register_provider_class_double(self):
        # Attempting to register the same class twice should register second
        # instance
        class DummyClass(CloudProvider):
            PROVIDER_ID = 'aws'

        factory = CloudProviderFactory()
        self.assertTrue(DummyClass in factory.get_all_provider_classes())
            AWSCloudProvider not in factory.get_all_provider_classes())
Example #9
 def test_provider_always_has_zone(self):
     cloned_config = self.provider.config.copy()
     # Just a simpler way set zone to null for any provider
     # instead of doing it individually for each provider
     cloned_config['aws_zone_name'] = None
     cloned_config['azure_zone_name'] = None
     cloned_config['gcp_zone_name'] = None
     cloned_config['os_zone_name'] = None
     cloned_provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(
         self.provider.PROVIDER_ID, cloned_config)
     # FIXME: GCP always requires a zone, so skip for now
     if self.provider.PROVIDER_ID != 'gcp':
Example #10
    def test_authenticate_failure(self):
        if isinstance(self.provider, TestMockHelperMixin):
            raise unittest.SkipTest("Mock providers are not expected to"
                                    " authenticate correctly")

        # Mock up test by clearing credentials on a per provider basis
        cloned_config = self.provider.config.copy()
        if self.provider.PROVIDER_ID == 'aws':
            cloned_config['aws_access_key'] = "dummy_a_key"
            cloned_config['aws_secret_key'] = "dummy_s_key"
        elif self.provider.PROVIDER_ID == 'openstack':
            cloned_config['os_username'] = "******"
            cloned_config['os_password'] = "******"
        elif self.provider.PROVIDER_ID == 'azure':
            cloned_config['azure_subscription_id'] = "cb_dummy"
        elif self.provider.PROVIDER_ID == 'gcp':
            cloned_config['gcp_service_creds_dict'] = {'dummy': 'dict'}

        with self.assertRaises(ProviderConnectionException):
            cloned_provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(
                self.provider.PROVIDER_ID, cloned_config)
Example #11
def main(cluster_id):
    cloudlaunch_data = get_bootstrap_data()
    provider_config = get_provider_config(cloudlaunch_data)

    provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.AWS,
    inst_id = cloudlaunch_data.get('host_config', {}).get('instance_id')
    this_inst = provider.compute.instances.get(inst_id)
    if this_inst:
        # pylint:disable=protected-access
            'Key': f'kubernetes.io/cluster/{cluster_id}',
            'Value': "owned"
Example #12
 def test_provider_zone_in_region(self):
     cloned_config = self.provider.config.copy()
     # Just a simpler way set zone to null for any provider
     # instead of doing it individually for each provider
     cloned_config['aws_zone_name'] = None
     cloned_config['azure_zone_name'] = None
     cloned_config['gcp_zone_name'] = None
     cloned_config['os_zone_name'] = None
     cloned_provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(
         self.provider.PROVIDER_ID, cloned_config)
     region = cloned_provider.compute.regions.get(
     matches = [
         zone.name for zone in region.zones
         if zone.name == cloned_provider.zone_name
     # FIXME: GCP always requires a zone, so skip for now
     if self.provider.PROVIDER_ID != 'gcp':
         self.assertListEqual([cloned_provider.zone_name], matches)
import json
import requests
import sys

import cachetools

from cloudbridge.factory import CloudProviderFactory
from cloudbridge.factory import ProviderList

aws = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.AWS, {})

info_json_url = 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/powdahound/ec2instances' \

vmtypes_dirpath = 'vmtypes/'

@cachetools.cached(cachetools.TTLCache(maxsize=1, ttl=24 * 3600))
def get_all_info_from_json_file():
    print("Getting all VM Types")
    r = requests.get(info_json_url)
    print("Successfully reached: " + info_json_url)
    data = r.json()
    # keeping entire dict to not invalidate "extra_data" property in
    # CloudBridge
    vm_types = {}
    for entry in data:
        vm_types[entry['instance_type']] = entry
    return vm_types

Example #14
    def configure_provider(provider, credentials):
        Given a provider name and required credentials, it configures and returns a cloudbridge
        connection to the provider.

        :type  provider: string
        :param provider: the name of cloud-based resource provided. A list of supported providers is given in
                         `SUPPORTED_PROVIDERS` variable.

        :type  credentials: dict
        :param credentials: a dictionary containing all the credentials required to authenticated to the
                            specified provider.

        :rtype: provider specific, e.g., `cloudbridge.cloud.providers.aws.provider.AWSCloudProvider` for AWS.
        :return: a cloudbridge connection to the specified provider.
        missing_credentials = []
        if provider == 'aws':
            access = credentials.get('access_key', None)
            if access is None:
                access = credentials.get("AccessKeyId", None)
                if access is None:
            secret = credentials.get('secret_key', None)
            if secret is None:
                secret = credentials.get("SecretAccessKey", None)
                if secret is None:
            if len(missing_credentials) > 0:
                raise RequestParameterMissingException(
                    "The following required key(s) are missing from the provided "
                    "credentials object: {}".format(missing_credentials))
            session_token = credentials.get("SessionToken")
            config = {
                'aws_access_key': access,
                'aws_secret_key': secret,
                "aws_session_token": session_token
            connection = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(
                ProviderList.AWS, config)
        elif provider == "azure":
            subscription = credentials.get('subscription_id', None)
            if subscription is None:
            client = credentials.get('client_id', None)
            if client is None:
            secret = credentials.get('secret', None)
            if secret is None:
            tenant = credentials.get('tenant', None)
            if tenant is None:
            if len(missing_credentials) > 0:
                raise RequestParameterMissingException(
                    "The following required key(s) are missing from the provided "
                    "credentials object: {}".format(missing_credentials))

            config = {
                'azure_subscription_id': subscription,
                'azure_client_id': client,
                'azure_secret': secret,
                'azure_tenant': tenant
            storage_account = credentials.get("storage_account")
            if storage_account:
                config["azure_storage_account"] = storage_account
            resource_group = credentials.get("resource_group")
            if resource_group:
                config["azure_resource_group"] = resource_group
            connection = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(
                ProviderList.AZURE, config)
        elif provider == "openstack":
            username = credentials.get('username', None)
            if username is None:
            password = credentials.get('password', None)
            if password is None:
            auth_url = credentials.get('auth_url', None)
            if auth_url is None:
            prj_name = credentials.get('project_name', None)
            if prj_name is None:
            prj_domain_name = credentials.get('project_domain_name', None)
            if prj_domain_name is None:
            user_domain_name = credentials.get('user_domain_name', None)
            if user_domain_name is None:
            if len(missing_credentials) > 0:
                raise RequestParameterMissingException(
                    "The following required key(s) are missing from the provided "
                    "credentials object: {}".format(missing_credentials))
            config = {
                'os_username': username,
                'os_password': password,
                'os_auth_url': auth_url,
                'os_project_name': prj_name,
                'os_project_domain_name': prj_domain_name,
                'os_user_domain_name': user_domain_name
            connection = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(
                ProviderList.OPENSTACK, config)
        elif provider == "gcp":
            config = {"gcp_service_creds_dict": credentials}
            connection = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(
                ProviderList.GCP, config)
            raise RequestParameterInvalidException(
                "Unrecognized provider '{}'; the following are the supported "
                "providers: {}.".format(provider, SUPPORTED_PROVIDERS.keys()))

        # The authorization-assertion mechanism of Cloudbridge assumes a user has an elevated privileges,
        # such as Admin-level access to all resources (see https://github.com/CloudVE/cloudbridge/issues/135).
        # As a result, a user who wants to authorize Galaxy to read/write an Amazon S3 bucket, need to
        # also authorize Galaxy with full permission to Amazon EC2 (because Cloudbridge leverages EC2-specific
        # operation to assert credentials). While the EC2 authorization is not required by Galaxy to
        # read/write a S3 bucket, it can cause this exception.
        # Until Cloudbridge implements an authorization-specific credentials assertion, we are not asserting
        # the authorization/validity of the credentials, in order to avoid asking users to grant Galaxy with an
        # elevated, yet unnecessary, privileges.
        # Note, if user's credentials are invalid/expired to perform the authorized action, that can cause
        # exceptions which we capture separately in related read/write attempts.
        return connection
 def test_create_provider_invalid(self):
     # Creating a provider with an invalid name should raise a
     # NotImplementedError
     with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
         CloudProviderFactory().create_provider("ec23", {})
 def test_get_provider_class_valid(self):
     # Searching for a provider class with a known name should return a
     # valid class
             factory.ProviderList.AWS), AWSCloudProvider)
Example #17
def _init_provider(config, provider):
    # Connecting to provider and generating keypair for all instances
    prov = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(provider, config)
    return prov
 def test_get_provider_class_invalid(self):
     # Searching for a provider class with an invalid name should
     # return None
 def test_find_provider_include_mocks(self):
             for cls in CloudProviderFactory().get_all_provider_classes()
             if issubclass(cls, TestMockHelperMixin)),
         "expected to find at least one mock provider")
 def test_find_provider_exclude_mocks(self):
     for cls in CloudProviderFactory().get_all_provider_classes(
             not issubclass(cls, TestMockHelperMixin),
             "Did not expect mock but %s implements mock provider" % cls)