Example #1
def maybe_get_writable_device_path(devpath, info, log):
    """Return updated devpath if the devpath is a writable block device.

    @param devpath: Requested path to the root device we want to resize.
    @param info: String representing information about the requested device.
    @param log: Logger to which logs will be added upon error.

    @returns devpath or updated devpath per kernel commandline if the device
        path is a writable block device, returns None otherwise.
    container = util.is_container()

    # Ensure the path is a block device.
    if (devpath == "/dev/root" and not os.path.exists(devpath)
            and not container):
        devpath = util.rootdev_from_cmdline(util.get_cmdline())
        if devpath is None:
            log.warn("Unable to find device '/dev/root'")
            return None
        log.debug("Converted /dev/root to '%s' per kernel cmdline", devpath)

    if devpath == 'overlayroot':
        log.debug("Not attempting to resize devpath '%s': %s", devpath, info)
        return None

    # FreeBSD zpool can also just use gpt/<label>
    # with that in mind we can not do an os.stat on "gpt/whatever"
    # therefore return the devpath already here.
    if devpath.startswith('gpt/'):
        log.debug('We have a gpt label - just go ahead')
        return devpath

        statret = os.stat(devpath)
    except OSError as exc:
        if container and exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                "Device '%s' did not exist in container. "
                "cannot resize: %s", devpath, info)
        elif exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            log.warn("Device '%s' did not exist. cannot resize: %s", devpath,
            raise exc
        return None

    if not stat.S_ISBLK(statret.st_mode) and not stat.S_ISCHR(statret.st_mode):
        if container:
            log.debug("device '%s' not a block device in container."
                      " cannot resize: %s" % (devpath, info))
            log.warn("device '%s' not a block device. cannot resize: %s" %
                     (devpath, info))
        return None
    return devpath  # The writable block devpath
Example #2
def devent2dev(devent):
    if devent.startswith("/dev/"):
        return devent
        result = util.get_mount_info(devent)
        if not result:
            raise ValueError("Could not determine device of '%s' % dev_ent")
        dev = result[0]

    container = util.is_container()

    # Ensure the path is a block device.
    if (dev == "/dev/root" and not os.path.exists(dev) and not container):
        dev = util.rootdev_from_cmdline(util.get_cmdline())
        if dev is None:
            raise ValueError("Unable to find device '/dev/root'")
    return dev
Example #3
def devent2dev(devent):
    if devent.startswith("/dev/"):
        return devent
        result = util.get_mount_info(devent)
        if not result:
            raise ValueError("Could not determine device of '%s' % dev_ent")
        dev = result[0]

    container = util.is_container()

    # Ensure the path is a block device.
    if dev == "/dev/root" and not container:
        dev = util.rootdev_from_cmdline(util.get_cmdline())
        if dev is None:
            if os.path.exists(dev):
                # if /dev/root exists, but we failed to convert
                # that to a "real" /dev/ path device, then return it.
                return dev
            raise ValueError("Unable to find device '/dev/root'")
    return dev
Example #4
def devent2dev(devent):
    if devent.startswith("/dev/"):
        return devent
        result = util.get_mount_info(devent)
        if not result:
            raise ValueError("Could not determine device of '%s' % dev_ent")
        dev = result[0]

    container = util.is_container()

    # Ensure the path is a block device.
    if (dev == "/dev/root" and not container):
        dev = util.rootdev_from_cmdline(util.get_cmdline())
        if dev is None:
            if os.path.exists(dev):
                # if /dev/root exists, but we failed to convert
                # that to a "real" /dev/ path device, then return it.
                return dev
            raise ValueError("Unable to find device '/dev/root'")
    return dev
Example #5
def handle(name, cfg, _cloud, log, args):
    if len(args) != 0:
        resize_root = args[0]
        resize_root = util.get_cfg_option_str(cfg, "resize_rootfs", True)

    if not util.translate_bool(resize_root, addons=[NOBLOCK]):
        log.debug("Skipping module named %s, resizing disabled", name)

    # TODO(harlowja) is the directory ok to be used??
    resize_root_d = util.get_cfg_option_str(cfg, "resize_rootfs_tmp", "/run")

    # TODO(harlowja): allow what is to be resized to be configurable??
    resize_what = "/"
    result = util.get_mount_info(resize_what, log)
    if not result:
        log.warn("Could not determine filesystem type of %s", resize_what)

    (devpth, fs_type, mount_point) = result

    info = "dev=%s mnt_point=%s path=%s" % (devpth, mount_point, resize_what)
    log.debug("resize_info: %s" % info)

    container = util.is_container()

    # Ensure the path is a block device.
    if (devpth == "/dev/root" and not os.path.exists(devpth)
            and not container):
        devpth = util.rootdev_from_cmdline(util.get_cmdline())
        if devpth is None:
            log.warn("Unable to find device '/dev/root'")
        log.debug("Converted /dev/root to '%s' per kernel cmdline", devpth)

        statret = os.stat(devpth)
    except OSError as exc:
        if container and exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                "Device '%s' did not exist in container. "
                "cannot resize: %s", devpth, info)
        elif exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            log.warn("Device '%s' did not exist. cannot resize: %s", devpth,
            raise exc

    if not os.access(devpth, os.W_OK):
        if container:
            log.debug("'%s' not writable in container. cannot resize: %s",
                      devpth, info)
            log.warn("'%s' not writable. cannot resize: %s", devpth, info)

    if not stat.S_ISBLK(statret.st_mode) and not stat.S_ISCHR(statret.st_mode):
        if container:
            log.debug("device '%s' not a block device in container."
                      " cannot resize: %s" % (devpth, info))
            log.warn("device '%s' not a block device. cannot resize: %s" %
                     (devpth, info))

    resizer = None
    if can_skip_resize(fs_type, resize_what, devpth):
        log.debug("Skip resize filesystem type %s for %s", fs_type,

    fstype_lc = fs_type.lower()
    for (pfix, root_cmd) in RESIZE_FS_PREFIXES_CMDS:
        if fstype_lc.startswith(pfix):
            resizer = root_cmd

    if not resizer:
        log.warn("Not resizing unknown filesystem type %s for %s", fs_type,

    resize_cmd = resizer(resize_what, devpth)
    log.debug("Resizing %s (%s) using %s", resize_what, fs_type,
              ' '.join(resize_cmd))

    if resize_root == NOBLOCK:
        # Fork to a child that will run
        # the resize command
                     msg="backgrounded Resizing",
                     args=(resize_cmd, log))
                      args=(resize_cmd, log))

    action = 'Resized'
    if resize_root == NOBLOCK:
        action = 'Resizing (via forking)'
    log.debug("%s root filesystem (type=%s, val=%s)", action, fs_type,
Example #6
def maybe_get_writable_device_path(devpath, info, log):
    """Return updated devpath if the devpath is a writable block device.

    @param devpath: Requested path to the root device we want to resize.
    @param info: String representing information about the requested device.
    @param log: Logger to which logs will be added upon error.

    @returns devpath or updated devpath per kernel commandline if the device
        path is a writable block device, returns None otherwise.
    container = util.is_container()

    # Ensure the path is a block device.
    if (devpath == "/dev/root" and not os.path.exists(devpath) and
            not container):
        devpath = util.rootdev_from_cmdline(util.get_cmdline())
        if devpath is None:
            log.warn("Unable to find device '/dev/root'")
            return None
        log.debug("Converted /dev/root to '%s' per kernel cmdline", devpath)

    if devpath == 'overlayroot':
        log.debug("Not attempting to resize devpath '%s': %s", devpath, info)
        return None

    # FreeBSD zpool can also just use gpt/<label>
    # with that in mind we can not do an os.stat on "gpt/whatever"
    # therefore return the devpath already here.
    if devpath.startswith('gpt/'):
        log.debug('We have a gpt label - just go ahead')
        return devpath
    # Alternatively, our device could simply be a name as returned by gpart,
    # such as da0p3
    if not devpath.startswith('/dev/') and not os.path.exists(devpath):
        fulldevpath = '/dev/' + devpath.lstrip('/')
        log.debug("'%s' doesn't appear to be a valid device path. Trying '%s'",
                  devpath, fulldevpath)
        devpath = fulldevpath

        statret = os.stat(devpath)
    except OSError as exc:
        if container and exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            log.debug("Device '%s' did not exist in container. "
                      "cannot resize: %s", devpath, info)
        elif exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            log.warn("Device '%s' did not exist. cannot resize: %s",
                     devpath, info)
            raise exc
        return None

    if not stat.S_ISBLK(statret.st_mode) and not stat.S_ISCHR(statret.st_mode):
        if container:
            log.debug("device '%s' not a block device in container."
                      " cannot resize: %s" % (devpath, info))
            log.warn("device '%s' not a block device. cannot resize: %s" %
                     (devpath, info))
        return None
    return devpath  # The writable block devpath