Example #1
class Queue(object):
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes the Queue class


        self.cm_config = Config()
        self.info = munch.munchify({
            'uid': None,
            "cloud": None,
            "kind": "batch-queue",
            "name": None,
            "cm": {},
            "queue": {
                'policy': None,
                'status': None,
                'active': False,
                'charge': None,
                'unit': None,
                "numJobs": 0,
                "numRunningJobs": 0,
                'joblist': []
        # list of parameters that can be set
        self.settable_params = ['policy', 'charge', 'unit']
        self.database = CmDatabase()

    def create(self, queue_name, cloud_name, policy, charge=None, unit=None):
        This method is used to create a queue

        :param queue_name: name of the queue to create
        :param cloud_name: slurm cluster on which the job is gonna run
        :param policy: policy of the queue
        :param charge: charge of the queue
        :param unit: unit of the charge for the queue
        name = Name(order=["cloud", "name"], cloud=cloud_name, name=queue_name)
        uid = name.id(cloud=cloud_name, name=queue_name)
        # print(uid)

        self.info = munch.munchify({
            'uid': uid,
            "cloud": cloud_name,
            "kind": "batch-queue",
            "name": queue_name,
            "cm": {
            "queue": {
                'policy': policy,
                'status': 'EMPTY',
                'active': False,
                'charge': charge,
                'unit': unit,
                "numJobs": 0,
                "numRunningJobs": 0,
        # Console.error(self.info)
        self.policyFunctionMap = munch.munchify({
            'FIFO': self.popFIFO,
            'FILO': self.popFILO
        if self.database.exists(self.info)[0]:
            Console.error("Queue already exists")
        return [self.info]

    def findQueue(self, cloud_name, queue_name):
        finds a queue in the database based on the name
        :param name: name of the queue
        # if self.database.exists(self.info)[0]:
        #     Console.error("Queue already exists")
        name = Name(order=["cloud", "name"], cloud=cloud_name, name=queue_name)
        uid = name.id(cloud=cloud_name, name=queue_name)
        queue = self.database.find_by_KeyValue(
            KeyValue={'uid': uid})
        if type(queue) is cursor.Cursor:
            self.info = munch.munchify(queue[0])
            return True  # # queue found
        elif type(queue) is list and len(queue) == 0:
            return False  # queue not found

    def findClouds(self):
        finds all queues in the database based on the name
        for collection in self.database.collections():
            if 'batch-queue' in collection:
                # all_queues = self.database.db.find()
                # print(all_queues)

    def findQueues(self, cloud_name):
        finds all queues in the database based on the name
        # TODO: find all queues info from the DB based on the ['cm']
        all_queues = self.database.find_by_KeyValue(collection_name=cloud_name)
        all_queues = [munch.munchify(queue) for queue in all_queues]
        for queue in all_queues:

    def listJobs(self):
        list the jobs in the current queue

    def removeQueue(self):
        remove the queue from the database
        # TODO: remove the queues info from the DB based on the ['cm']

    @DatabaseUpdate()  # this should update the record not create a new one
    def push(self, job):
        push job to stack
        :param job:
        self.info.queue.numJobs += 1
        return self.info

    @DatabaseUpdate()  # this should update the record not create a new one
    def pop(self):
        pop job from stack based on the policy
        :param job:

        self.info.queue.numJobs -= 1
        policy = self.info.queue.policy
        return self.policyFunctionMap[policy]()

    def popFIFO(self):
        pop job from stack based on FIFO policy
        :param job:
        return self.info['queue']['joblist'].pop(0)

    def popFILO(self):
        pop job from stack based on FIFO policy
        :param job:
        return self.info['queue']['joblist'].pop()

    def isEmpty(self):
        checks if the queue is empty
        if self.info.queue.numJobs > 0:
            return False
        return True

    @DatabaseUpdate()  # this should update the record not create a new one
    def activate(self):
        activates the queue

        # TODO: activating a queue should start submitting jobs
        self.info.queue.active = True
        return self.info

    @DatabaseUpdate()  # this should update the record not create a new one
    def deactivate(self):
        deactivates the queue
        # TODO: stop all jobs
        self.info.queue.active = False
        return self.info

    @DatabaseUpdate()  # this should update the record not create a new one
    def updateStatus(self):
        checks number of jobs and updates queue status
        if self.info.queue.numJobs > 0:
            self.info.queue.status = 'FULL'
        return self.info

    def setParam(self, param, val):
        set a particular parameter in the queue
        :param param: the parameter
        :param val:  value of the parameter
        if param in self.settable_params:
            self.info.queue[param] = val
            Console.error("Only the following parameters could be set in a "
                          "queue: \n" + ', '.join(self.settable_params))
        return self.info
Example #2
class WorkFlowDB(object):
    def __init__(self, name="workflow", active=False):
        self.database = CmDatabase()
        self.workflow_name = name
        self.collection = self.database.collection(f"{name}-flow")
        if active:

    def attributes(self, name):
        data = {
            "cm": {
                "kind": "flow",
                "cloud": self.workflow_name,
                "name": name
            "kind": "flow",
            "cloud": self.workflow_name,
            "name": name,
            "status": "defined"
        return data

    def add_node(self, node):
        name = node["name"]
        return node

    def add_edge(self, node, depends_on):
        self.collection.update_one({"name": node},
                                   {"$push": {
                                       "dependencies": depends_on

    def _node_from_db(self, db_obj):
        reconstructed = Node(db_obj["name"])
        reconstructed.workflow = self.workflow_name
        reconstructed.dependencies = db_obj["dependencies"]
        reconstructed.status = db_obj.get("status", "pending")
        reconstructed.result = db_obj.get("result", {})
        reconstructed.progress = ""
        reconstructed.modified = ""
        reconstructed.done = ""
        return reconstructed

    def remove_node(self, name):
        self.collection.delete_one({"name": name})
        self.collection.update_many({}, {"$pull": {"dependencies": "name"}})

    def remove_edge(self, node, depends_on):
        self.collection.update_one({"name": node},
                                   {"$pull": {
                                       "dependencies": depends_on

    def get_node(self, name=None):
        return self._node_from_db(self.collection.find_one({"name": name}))

    def list(self, node=None, edge=None):
        query = {}
        if node: query["name"] = node
        if edge: query["dependencies"] = edge
        return self.collection.find(query)

    def list_nodes(self):
        return [self._node_from_db(node) for node in self.list()]

    def list_edges(self):
        return self.collection.aggregate([{
            "$unwind": "$dependencies"
        }, {
            "$project": {
                "to": "$name",
                "from": "$dependencies"

    def list_all_workflows(self):
        all_colls = self.database.collections()
        return [
            name for name in all_colls
            if "flow" in name and "active" not in name

    def set_node_status(self, node, status):
        return self.collection.update_one({"name": node},
                                          {"$set": {
                                              "status": status

    def find_root_nodes(self):
        root_nodes = self.collection.find({
            "dependencies.0": {
                "$exists": False
            "status": "pending"
        return [self._node_from_db(node) for node in root_nodes]

    def switch_to_active_flow(self):
        started_collection = f"{self.workflow_name}-flow-active"
        self.collection = self.database.collection(started_collection)

    def resolve_node_dependencies(self, name=None):
        return self.collection.update_many({"dependencies": name},
                                           {"$pull": {
                                               "dependencies": name

    def add_specification(self, spec):

    def start_flow(self):
        started_collection = f"{self.workflow_name}-flow-active"
            "$project": {
                "dependencies": 1,
                "cm": 1,
                "kind": 1,
                "cloud": 1,
                "name": 1,
                "status": "pending"
        }, {
            "$out": started_collection

    def add_node_result(self, nodename, result):
        return self.collection.update_one({"name": nodename},
                                          {"$set": {
                                              "result": result

    def add_graph(self, yamlfile):

    def last_update(self, workflow=None):
        This method returns the last modified value associated with a
        database update to a node.

        :param workflow: The name of the workflow
        :type workflow: string
        :return: The time of the last update
        :rtype: string
        raise NotImplementedError
        t = "the time string"
        return t
Example #3
class WorkFlowDB(object):
    def __init__(self, name="workflow"):
        self.database = CmDatabase()
        self.workflow_name = name
        self.collection = self.database.collection(f"{name}-flow")

    def attributes(self, name):
        data = {
            "cm": {
                "kind": "flow",
                "cloud": self.workflow_name,
                "name": name
            "kind": "flow",
            "cloud": self.workflow_name,
            "name": name
        return data

    def add_node(self, node):
        name = node["name"]
        return node

    def add_edge(self, node, depends_on):
        self.collection.update_one({"name": node},
                                   {"$push": {
                                       "dependencies": depends_on

    def _node_from_db(self, db_obj):
        reconstructed = Node(db_obj["name"])
        reconstructed.workflow = self.workflow_name
        reconstructed.dependencies = db_obj["dependencies"]
        reconstructed.status = db_obj.get("status", "pending")
        return reconstructed

    def get_node(self, name=None):
        return self._node_from_db(self.collection.find_one({"name": name}))

    def list(self, node=None, edge=None):
        query = {}
        if node: query["name"] = node
        if edge: query["dependencies"] = edge
        return self.collection.find(query)

    def list_nodes(self):
        return [self._node_from_db(node) for node in self.list()]

    def list_edges(self):
        return self.collection.aggregate([{
            "$unwind": "dependecies"
        }, {
            "$project": {
                "to": "$name",
                "from": "$dependecies"

    def list_all_workflows(self):
        all_colls = self.database.collections()
        return [
            name for name in all_colls
            if "flow" in name and "active" not in name

    def set_node_status(self, node, status):
        return self.collection.update_one({"name": node},
                                          {"$set": {
                                              "status": status

    def find_root_nodes(self):
        root_nodes = self.collection.find({
            "dependencies.0": {
                "$exists": False
            "status": "pending"
        return [self._node_from_db(node) for node in root_nodes]

    def switch_to_active_flow(self):
        started_collection = f"{self.workflow_name}-flow-active"
        self.collection = self.database.collection(started_collection)

    def resolve_node_dependency(self, name=None):
        return self.collection.update_many({"dependencies": name},
                                           {"$pull": {
                                               "dependencies": name

    def add_specification(self, spec):

    def start_flow(self):
        started_collection = f"{self.workflow_name}-flow-active"
            "$project": {
                "dependencies": 1,
                "cm": 1,
                "kind": 1,
                "cloud": 1,
                "name": 1,
                "status": "pending"
        }, {
            "$out": started_collection

    def add_graph(self, yamlfile):