Example #1
from cloudmesh.iaas.openstack.cm_compute import openstack
from cloudmesh.iaas.ec2.cm_compute import ec2
from cloudmesh.iaas.openstack.cm_idm import keystone
from cloudmesh.iaas.Ec2SecurityGroup import Ec2SecurityGroup
from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER
from cloudmesh.util.stopwatch import StopWatch
# from pprint import pprint
import traceback
from cloudmesh.util.encryptdata import decrypt
import time

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

log = LOGGER(__file__)

    from cloudmesh.iaas.azure.cm_compute import azure
    log.warning("AZURE NOT ENABLED")

    from cloudmesh.iaas.aws.cm_compute import aws
    log.warning("Amazon NOT ENABLED")

class cm_MongoBase(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.cm_type = "overwriteme"
Example #2
from cloudmesh_common.util import banner
from cloudmesh.user.cm_user import cm_user
from cloudmesh.config.cm_config import cm_config
from cloudmesh.user.cm_template import cm_template
from cloudmesh_common.util import yn_choice
from cloudmesh.config.ConfigDict import ConfigDict
from sh import less
import os
from pprint import pprint
import yaml
import json
import ast

from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER

log = LOGGER(__file__)

def shell_command_user(arguments):
           user list
           user info [ID]

    Administrative command to lists the users from LDAP


      list       list the users
      ID         list the user with the given ID
Example #3
"""Some simple yaml file reader"""
from __future__ import print_function
from pprint import pprint
import os
import sys

from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER
from cloudmesh_common.util import check_file_for_tabs
from cloudmesh_install.util import path_expand as cm_path_expand
import yaml
from string import Template
import traceback
from collections import OrderedDict

log = LOGGER(__file__)

# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121931/in-python-how-can-you-load-yaml-mappings-as-ordereddicts

def ordered_load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict):
    class OrderedLoader(Loader):

    def construct_mapping(loader, node):
        return object_pairs_hook(loader.construct_pairs(node))

        yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, construct_mapping)
    return yaml.load(stream, OrderedLoader)
Example #4
from __future__ import print_function
from cmd3.shell import command
from pprint import pprint
from cloudmesh.inventory import Inventory
from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER
log = LOGGER(__file__)

class cm_shell_inventory:
    """opt_example class"""

    inventory_connection = False
    inventory_name = None

    def info_cm_shell_inventory(self):
        print("%20s =" % "inventory_name", self.inventory_name)
        print("%20s =" % "inventory_connection", self.inventory_connection)

    def _connect_to_inventory(self):
        """connects to the inventory and prints an error if not successfull"""
        self.inventory_name = "test"
            # TODO: port number is missing
            # TODO: should be imported from cloudmesh_server.yaml
            # db = connect(self.inventory_name)
            self.inventory = Inventory()
            self.Inventory = None
            raise Exception("ERROR: connection to inventory failed")

    def activate_cm_shell_inventory(self):
Example #5
from cloudmesh.iaas.openstack.cm_compute import openstack
from cloudmesh.iaas.ec2.cm_compute import ec2
from cloudmesh.iaas.openstack.cm_idm import keystone
from cloudmesh.iaas.Ec2SecurityGroup import Ec2SecurityGroup
from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER
from cloudmesh.util.stopwatch import StopWatch
# from pprint import pprint
import traceback
from cloudmesh.util.encryptdata import decrypt
import time

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

log = LOGGER(__file__)

    from cloudmesh.iaas.azure.cm_compute import azure
    log.warning("AZURE NOT ENABLED")

    from cloudmesh.iaas.aws.cm_compute import aws
    log.warning("Amazon NOT ENABLED")

class cm_MongoBase(object):

    def __init__(self):
Example #6
from cloudmesh_install import config_file
from flask import Blueprint, g, render_template, request
from flask.ext.login import login_required
from cloudmesh.config.ConfigDict import ConfigDict
from cloudmesh.launcher.cm_launcher_db import cm_launcher_db
from flask.ext.principal import Permission, RoleNeed
from cloudmesh.config.cm_config import cm_config
import subprocess
from pprint import pprint
from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER

LOG_MSG = LOGGER(__file__)
launch_module = Blueprint('launch  _module', __name__)
RAIN_PERMISSION = Permission(RoleNeed('rain'))

# ROUTE: launch

# list of recipies which we need to get from cm_launcher.yaml

# @RAIN_PERMISSION.require(http_exception=403)

# @login_required
# @RAIN_PERMISSION.require(http_exception=403)
@launch_module.route('/cm/launch/launch_servers/', methods=["POST", "GET"])
def launch_servers():
    config = cm_config()

    data = {
Example #7
from __future__ import print_function
from cmd3.shell import command
from cloudmesh.user.cm_user import cm_user
from cloudmesh.config.cm_projects import cm_projects
from cloudmesh_install import config_file
from cloudmesh_common.tables import two_column_table, print_format_dict
from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER
import json

log = LOGGER(__file__)

class cm_shell_project:

    """opt_example class"""

    def _load_projects(self):
        if not self.cm_shell_project_loaded:
            filename = config_file("/cloudmesh.yaml")
            self.projects = cm_projects(filename)
            if self.echo:
                    "Reading project information from -> {0}".format(filename))
            self.cm_shell_project_loaded = True

    def activate_shell_project(self):
        self.register_command_topic('cloud', 'project')
        # BUG this should be done outside of the activate
        self.cm_shell_project_loaded = False
Example #8
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
from flask import Blueprint
import flask
from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER

flatpages_module = Blueprint('flatpages_module', __name__)

log = LOGGER(__file__)

pages_files = [
    f.replace(".md", "") for f in listdir("/static/pages")
    if isfile(join("/static/pages", f))

sidebar_flatpages = []
for page in pages_files:
        "url": "/static/" + page + "/",
        "name": page.capitalize()

flask.Flask.app_ctx_globals_class.sidebar_flatpages = sidebar_flatpages

Example #9
"""Some simple yaml file reader"""

import os
import sys

from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER
from cloudmesh_common.util import check_file_for_tabs
from cloudmesh_common.util import path_expand as cm_path_expand
import yaml
from string import Template
import traceback

log = LOGGER(__file__)

def read_yaml_config(filename, check=True, osreplace=True):
    reads in a yaml file from the specified filename. If check is set to true
    the code will faile if the file does not exist. However if it is set to
    false and the file does not exist, None is returned. 
    :param filename: the file name 
    :param check: if True fails if the file does not exist, if False and the file does not exist return will be None
    location = filename
    if location is not None:
        location = cm_path_expand(location)

    if not os.path.exists(location) and not check:
        return None

    if check and os.path.exists(location):
Example #10
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
from flask import Blueprint
import flask
from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER

flatpages_module = Blueprint('flatpages_module', __name__)

log = LOGGER(__file__)

pages_files = [f.replace(".md", "")
               for f in listdir("/static/pages") if isfile(join("/static/pages", f))]

sidebar_flatpages = []
for page in pages_files:
        {"url": "/static/" + page + "/", "name": page.capitalize()})

flask.Flask.app_ctx_globals_class.sidebar_flatpages = sidebar_flatpages

import sys
import importlib
import simplejson as json
import time
import cmd
from bson.json_util import dumps
from cmd3.shell import command
from cloudmesh.user.cm_user import cm_user
from cloudmesh.cm_mongo import cm_mongo
from cloudmesh.config.cm_config import cm_config
from pprint import pprint
from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER
from cloudmesh_common.tables import two_column_table
import docopt

log = LOGGER(__file__)


# TODO: the try methods at the beginning should be called on teh first
# call of this method to load the data. otherwise they should not be
# called, e.g. dynamic loading

# TODO: the defaults should be read at the beginning and when any
# command is used that needs them. a logic needs to be defined so that
# defaults are included in other methods after their first loading. a
# boolean should help prevent constant reloading.

# TODO: when printing flavors or images numbers are given instead of
# user readable labels. in case of images the uuid is given
from __future__ import print_function
from cmd3.shell import command
from pprint import pprint
from cloudmesh.inventory import Inventory
from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER
log = LOGGER(__file__)

class cm_shell_inventory:

    """opt_example class"""

    inventory_connection = False
    inventory_name = None

    def info_cm_shell_inventory(self):
        print("%20s =" % "inventory_name", self.inventory_name)
        print("%20s =" % "inventory_connection", self.inventory_connection)

    def _connect_to_inventory(self):
        """connects to the inventory and prints an error if not successfull"""
        self.inventory_name = "test"
            # TODO: port number is missing
            # TODO: should be imported from cloudmesh_server.yaml
            # db = connect(self.inventory_name)
            self.inventory = Inventory()
            self.Inventory = None
            raise Exception("ERROR: connection to inventory failed")
import importlib
import simplejson as json
import time
import cmd
from bson.json_util import dumps
from cmd3.shell import command
from cloudmesh.user.cm_user import cm_user
from cloudmesh.cm_mongo import cm_mongo
from cloudmesh.config.cm_config import cm_config
from pprint import pprint
from cloudmesh_common.logger import LOGGER
from cloudmesh_common.tables import two_column_table
import docopt

log = LOGGER(__file__)


# TODO: the try methods at the beginning should be called on teh first
# call of this method to load the data. otherwise they should not be
# called, e.g. dynamic loading

# TODO: the defaults should be read at the beginning and when any
# command is used that needs them. a logic needs to be defined so that
# defaults are included in other methods after their first loading. a
# boolean should help prevent constant reloading.

# TODO: when printing flavors or images numbers are given instead of
# user readable labels. in case of images the uuid is given