def __call__(self, chunk):
        assert 3 == chunk.ndim
        voxel_offset = chunk.voxel_offset

        num_mips = self.stop_mip - self.chunk_mip
        # tinybrain use F order and require 4D array!
        chunk2 = np.transpose(chunk)
        # chunk2 = np.reshape(chunk2, (*chunk2.shape, 1))
        chunk2 = np.expand_dims(chunk2, 3)

        if np.issubdtype(chunk.dtype, np.floating) or chunk.dtype == np.uint8:
            pyramid = tinybrain.downsample_with_averaging(
                chunk2, factor=self.factor[::-1], num_mips=num_mips)
            pyramid = tinybrain.downsample_segmentation(
                chunk2, factor=self.factor[::-1], num_mips=num_mips)

        for mip in range(self.start_mip, self.stop_mip):
            # the first chunk in pyramid is already downsampled!
            downsampled_chunk = pyramid[mip - self.chunk_mip - 1]
            # compute new offset, only downsample the y,x dimensions
            offset = np.divide(
                    self.factor[0]**(mip - self.chunk_mip),
                    self.factor[1]**(mip - self.chunk_mip),
                    self.factor[2]**(mip - self.chunk_mip)
            bbox = Bbox.from_delta(offset, downsampled_chunk.shape[0:3][::-1])
            # upload downsampled chunk, note that we should use F order in the indexing
            self.vols[mip][bbox.to_slices()[::-1]] = downsampled_chunk
def create_bounding_boxes(chunk_size: tuple,
                          chunk_overlap: tuple = (0, 0, 0),
                          roi_start: tuple = None,
                          roi_stop: tuple = None,
                          layer_path: str = None,
                          mip: int = 0,
                          grid_size: tuple = None,
                          verbose: bool = True):
    if layer_path:
        vol = CloudVolume(layer_path, mip=mip)
        # dataset shape as z,y,x
        dataset_size = vol.mip_shape(mip)[:3][::-1]
        dataset_offset = vol.mip_voxel_offset(mip)[::-1]
        if roi_stop is None:
            roi_stop = Vec(
                *[o + s for o, s in zip(dataset_offset, dataset_size)])
        if roi_start is None:
            # note that we normally start from -overlap to keep the chunks aligned!
            roi_start = dataset_offset - chunk_overlap

    chunk_size = Vec(*chunk_size)
    chunk_overlap = Vec(*chunk_overlap)
    stride = chunk_size - chunk_overlap
    if isinstance(grid_size, tuple):
        grid_size = Vec(*grid_size)

    assert roi_start is not None
    if isinstance(roi_start, tuple):
        roi_start = Vec(*roi_start)

    if roi_stop is None:
        roi_stop = roi_start + stride * grid_size + chunk_overlap
    elif isinstance(roi_stop, tuple):
        roi_stop = Vec(*roi_stop)
    roi_size = roi_stop - roi_start

    if grid_size is None:
        grid_size = (roi_size - chunk_overlap) // stride + 1

    # the stride should not be zero if there is more than one chunks
    for g, s in zip(grid_size, stride):
        if g > 1:
            assert s > 0

    final_output_stop = roi_start + (grid_size - 1) * stride + chunk_size
    if verbose:
        print('\nroi start: ', roi_start)
        print('stride: ', stride)
        print('grid size: ', grid_size)
        print('final output stop: ', final_output_stop)

    bboxes = []
    for (z, y, x) in product(range(grid_size[0]), range(grid_size[1]),
        chunk_start = roi_start + Vec(z, y, x) * stride
        bbox = Bbox.from_delta(chunk_start, chunk_size)
    return bboxes
Example #3
def coordinates2bbox(start: tuple, size: tuple = None, stop: tuple = None):
    # use bounding box of volume
    start = Vec(*start)

    if size is None:
        assert stop is not None
        size = stop - start
        size = Vec(*size)
    return Bbox.from_delta(start, size)
Example #4
    def test_cutout(self):
        print('test volume cutout...')
        operator = CutoutOperator(self.volume_path, mip=self.mip)

        offset = (4, 64, 64)
        shape = (28, 320, 320)
        output_bbox = Bbox.from_delta(offset, shape)
        chunk = operator(output_bbox)

        self.assertEqual(offset, chunk.global_offset)
        self.assertTrue(chunk == self.img[4:-4, 64:-64, 64:-64])

Example #5
def test_bounding_box():
    bbox = Bbox.from_delta((1, 3, 2), (64, 32, 8))
    bbox = BoundingBox.from_bbox(bbox)
    assert bbox.start == Cartesian(1, 3, 2)
    assert bbox.stop == Cartesian(65, 35, 10)

    bbox = bbox.clone()
    assert isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox)

    minpt = Cartesian(1, 2, 3)
    maxpt = Cartesian(2, 3, 4)
    bbox = BoundingBox(minpt, maxpt)

    bbox = BoundingBox.from_center(Cartesian(1, 2, 3), 3)
    assert bbox == BoundingBox.from_list([-2, -1, 0, 4, 5, 6])

    bbox = BoundingBox.from_center(Cartesian(1, 2, 3), 3, even_size=False)
    assert bbox == BoundingBox.from_list([-2, -1, 0, 5, 6, 7])
Example #6
    def test_blackout_sections(self):
        print('test blackout sections...')
        operator = CutoutOperator(self.volume_path,

        offset = (4, 64, 64)
        shape = (28, 320, 320)
        output_bbox = Bbox.from_delta(offset, shape)
        chunk = operator(output_bbox)

        img = np.copy(self.img)
        for z in self.blackout_section_ids:
            img[z, :, :] = 0

        img = img[4:-4, 64:-64, 64:-64]
        self.assertTrue(img == chunk)
Example #7
    def __call__(self, chunk):
        TODO: implement using precomputed lookup tables.
        The intensity value map could be precomputed as a list, 
        and we only need to replace the voxel intensity according to the list.
        # this is a image, not affinitymap
        assert chunk.ndim == 3
        image = np.transpose(chunk).astype(np.float32)

        # translate to xyz order since cloudvolume is working this F order
        offset = Vec(*chunk.global_offset[::-1])
        shape = Vec(*image.shape)
        bounds = Bbox.from_delta(offset, shape)

        zlevels = self.fetch_z_levels(bounds)

        # number of bits per voxel
        nbits = np.dtype(chunk.dtype).itemsize * 8
        maxval = float(2**nbits - 1)

        for z in range(bounds.minpt.z, bounds.maxpt.z):
            imagez = z - bounds.minpt.z
            zlevel = zlevels[imagez]
            (lower, upper) = self.find_section_clamping_values(
                zlevel, self.clip_fraction, 1 - self.clip_fraction)
            if lower == upper:
            img = image[:, :, imagez]
            img = (img - float(lower)) * (maxval /
                                          (float(upper) - float(lower)))
            image[:, :, imagez] = img

        image = np.round(image)

        minval = self.minval if self.minval is not None else 0.0
        maxval = self.maxval if self.maxval is not None else maxval

        image = np.clip(image, minval, maxval)

        chunk = np.transpose(image).astype(chunk.dtype)
        chunk = Chunk(chunk, global_offset=(*offset, )[::-1])
        return chunk
def create_bounding_boxes(chunk_size:tuple, overlap: tuple=(0,0,0),
                    start:tuple=None, layer_path: str=None, mip:int=0, 
                    grid_size: tuple=None, verbose: bool=True):
    if layer_path:
        vol = CloudVolume(layer_path, mip=mip)
        # dataset shape as z,y,x
        dataset_shape = vol.mip_shape(mip)[:3][::-1]
        dataset_offset = vol.mip_voxel_offset(mip)[::-1]

    chunk_size = Vec(*chunk_size)
    overlap = Vec(*overlap)
    stride = chunk_size - overlap

    if start is None:
        # note that we normally start from -overlap to keep the chunks aligned!
        start = dataset_offset - overlap
        volume_size = dataset_shape
        start = Vec(*start)

    if grid_size is None:
        volume_size = dataset_shape - (start - dataset_offset)
        grid_size = (volume_size-overlap) // stride + 1

    # the stride should not be zero if there is more than one chunks
    for g, s in zip(grid_size, stride):
        if g > 1:
            assert s > 0

    if verbose:
        print('\nstart: ', start)
        print('stride: ', stride)
        print('grid size: ', grid_size)
        print('chunk_size: ', chunk_size, '\n')

    bboxes = []
    for (z, y, x) in tqdm(product(range(grid_size[0]), range(grid_size[1]),
        chunk_start = start + Vec(z, y, x) * stride
        bbox = Bbox.from_delta(chunk_start, chunk_size)
        bboxes.append( bbox )

    return bboxes
Example #9
    def __call__(self, chunk, log={'timer': {}}, output_bbox=None):
        start = time.time()

        chunk = self._auto_convert_dtype(chunk)

        chunk_slices = chunk.slices
        # transpose czyx to xyzc order
        arr = np.transpose(chunk)
        self.volume[chunk_slices[::-1]] = arr

        if self.create_thumbnail:

        # add timer for save operation itself
        log['timer'][] = time.time() - start
        if self.upload_log:
            if output_bbox is None:
                output_bbox = Bbox.from_delta((0, 0, 0), chunk.shape)
            self._upload_log(log, output_bbox)
Example #10
    def from_manual_setup(cls,
                          chunk_size: Union[Vec, tuple],
                          chunk_overlap: Union[Vec, tuple] = Vec(0, 0, 0),
                          roi_start: Union[Vec, tuple] = None,
                          roi_stop: Union[Vec, tuple] = None,
                          roi_size: Union[Vec, tuple] = None,
                          grid_size: Union[Vec, tuple] = None,
                          respect_chunk_size: bool = True,
                          aligned_block_size: Union[Vec, tuple] = None,
                          layer_path: str = None,
                          mip: int = 0):

        if layer_path:
            if layer_path.endswith('.h5'):
                assert os.path.exists(layer_path)
                with h5py.File(layer_path, mode='r') as file:
                    for key in file.keys():
                        if 'offset' in key:
                            roi_start = Vec(*(file[key]))
                        elif 'voxel_size' not in key:
                            if roi_size is None:
                                roi_size = Vec(*file[key].shape[-3:])
                if roi_start is None:
                    roi_start = Vec(0, 0, 0)
                roi_stop = roi_start + roi_size
                vol = CloudVolume(layer_path, mip=mip)
                # dataset shape as z,y,x
                dataset_size = vol.mip_shape(mip)[:3][::-1]
                dataset_offset = vol.mip_voxel_offset(mip)[::-1]
                if roi_size is None:
                    roi_size = Vec(*dataset_size)
                if roi_stop is None:
                    roi_stop = Vec(
                        *[o + s for o, s in zip(dataset_offset, dataset_size)])
                if roi_start is None:
                    # note that we normally start from -overlap to keep the chunks aligned!
                    roi_start = dataset_offset - chunk_overlap
        assert roi_start is not None

        if roi_size is None and roi_stop is None and grid_size is None:
            grid_size = Vec(1, 1, 1)

        if isinstance(chunk_size, tuple):
            chunk_size = Vec(*chunk_size)
        if isinstance(chunk_overlap, tuple):
            chunk_overlap = Vec(*chunk_overlap)
        if isinstance(roi_start, tuple):
            roi_start = Vec(*roi_start)
        if isinstance(roi_size, tuple):
            roi_size = Vec(*roi_size)
        if isinstance(grid_size, tuple):
            grid_size = Vec(*grid_size)
        if isinstance(roi_stop, tuple):
            roi_stop = Vec(*roi_stop)

        stride = chunk_size - chunk_overlap
        if roi_stop is None:
            roi_stop = roi_start + stride * grid_size + chunk_overlap

        if aligned_block_size is not None:
            if not isinstance(aligned_block_size, Vec):
                aligned_block_size = Vec(*aligned_block_size)
            assert np.all(aligned_block_size <= chunk_size)
            assert np.alltrue(chunk_size % aligned_block_size == 0)
            roi_start -= roi_start % aligned_block_size
            assert len(aligned_block_size) == 3
            assert len(roi_stop) == 3
            for idx in range(3):
                if roi_stop[idx] % aligned_block_size[idx] > 0:
                    roi_stop[idx] += aligned_block_size[
                        idx] - roi_stop[idx] % aligned_block_size[idx]

        if roi_size is None:
            roi_size = roi_stop - roi_start

        if grid_size is None:
            grid_size = (roi_size - chunk_overlap) / stride
            grid_size = tuple(ceil(x) for x in grid_size)
            grid_size = Vec(*grid_size)

        # the stride should not be zero if there is more than one chunks
        for g, s in zip(grid_size, stride):
            if g > 1:
                assert s > 0

        final_output_stop = roi_start + (grid_size - 1) * stride + chunk_size'\nroi start: {roi_start}')'stride: {stride}')'grid size: {grid_size}')'final output stop: {final_output_stop}')

        print('grid size: ', grid_size)

        bboxes = []
        for (gz, gy, gx) in product(range(grid_size[0]), range(grid_size[1]),
            chunk_start = roi_start + Vec(gz, gy, gx) * stride
            bbox = Bbox.from_delta(chunk_start, chunk_size)
            if not respect_chunk_size:
                bbox.maxpt = np.minimum(bbox.maxpt, roi_stop)

        return cls(bboxes)
Example #11
 def bbox(self) -> Bbox:
     :getter: the cloudvolume bounding box in the big volume
     return Bbox.from_delta(self.global_offset, self.array.shape)
Example #12
 def test_bbox(self):
                      Bbox.from_delta(self.voxel_offset, self.size))
Example #13
 def test_create_from_bounding_box(self):
     bbox = Bbox.from_delta(self.voxel_offset, self.size)
     Chunk.from_bbox( bbox )