Example #1
    def POST(self):
        import web

        print('post started')

        json_data = web.data()
        # need to convert to List Object to Json String else Angular cannot process it 
        personInJsonString = json.dumps(JSONServerClass.getPerson())
        print('return json-->' , personInJsonString )
        return personInJsonString
 def searchName(name):
     print('searching for-->', name)
     for person in JSONServerClass.getPerson(
     ):  # For Loop, 1 record loop 1 time, 2 records loop 2 times
         personLocal = Person()  # new object creation
         personLocal.__dict__ = person  # convert to json
         print('personLocal name-->',
               personLocal.name)  # printing person name
         isMatch = personLocal.name == name  # is input == to the json object?  {'name': 'Kiruban', 'address': 'Selangor'}
         print('isMatch ? -->', isMatch)
         if isMatch:  # isMatch is true?
             return True
     return False
    def searchPostCode(postcode):
        print('Input postcode-->', postcode)
        for person in JSONServerClass.getPerson():
            personLocal = Person()  # new object creation
            personLocal.__dict__ = person  # convert to json
            print('--Loop-- personLocal postcode -->', personLocal.postcode)

            isMatching = personLocal.postcode == postcode
            print('isMatching --->', isMatching)

            if (isMatching):
                return True
        return False
    def searchAddress(address):
        print('Input address-->', address)
        for person in JSONServerClass.getPerson():
            personLocal = Person()  # new object creation
            personLocal.__dict__ = person  # convert to json
            print('personLocal address -->', personLocal.address)
            #isBlackPrint = personLocal.name == 'BLACKPINK'
            #print ('isBlackPrint --->' , isBlackPrint)

            isMatching = personLocal.address == address
            print('isMatching --->', isMatching)

            if (isMatching):
                return True
        return False
    def searchAddress(address):

        # Looping of the json list in the memory.
        # In this example, it has only 1 loop cause got 1 data only
        for person in JSONServerClass.getPerson():

            # Convert into Json Object First from Json String
            personLocal = Car()
            personLocal.__dict__ = person

            # Compare the input "Selangor" with data inside memory
            isMatch = personLocal.model == address

            if isMatch:
                return True
        return False
Example #6
 def GET(self):
     # need to convert to List Object to Json String else Angular cannot process it 
     personInJsonString = json.dumps(JSONServerClass.getPerson())
     print('return json-->' , personInJsonString )
     return personInJsonString
# This is to simulate the "POST" API from PostMan
from cls.server.json_server_method import JSONServerClass

# This is to simulate the "GET" API from PostMan
print('value inside memory------------->', JSONServerClass.getPerson())
            personLocal = Person()  # new object creation
            personLocal.__dict__ = person  # convert to json
            print('--Loop-- personLocal postcode -->', personLocal.postcode)

            isMatching = personLocal.postcode == postcode
            print('isMatching --->', isMatching)

            if (isMatching):
                return True
        return False

# Load the Memory for string value below
# This is to skip the Server Process

    '{"name":"Kiruban","address":"Selangor","postcode":"10000" }')

    '{"name":"jennie","address":"karachi ","postcode":"1999"}')
print('JSONServerClass--->', JSONServerClass)
# address = 'mumbai'

postcode = '1999'
print(postcode, ' postcode exist? --->',
        # Looping of the json list in the memory.
        # In this example, it has only 1 loop cause got 1 data only
        for person in JSONServerClass.getPerson():

            # Convert into Json Object First from Json String
            personLocal = Car()
            personLocal.__dict__ = person

            # Compare the input "Selangor" with data inside memory
            isMatch = personLocal.model == address

            if isMatch:
                return True
        return False

# Load the Memory for string value below
# This is to skip the Server Process

address = 'Selangor1'
print(address, ' value Matching? --->',

address = 'Selangor'
print(address, ' value Matching? --->',