def clustpipeline(datapath, mapfile=None, replicatesfile=None, normalisationfile=['1000'], outpath=None, Ks=[n for n in range(4, 21, 4)], tightnessweight=1, stds=3.0, OGsIncludedIfAtLeastInDatasets=1, expressionValueThreshold=-float("inf"), atleastinconditions=0, atleastindatasets=0, absvalue=False, filteringtype='raw', filflat=True, smallestClusterSize=11, ncores=1, optimisation=True, Q3s=2, methods=None, deterministic=False): # Set the global objects label if mapfile is None: glob.set_object_label_upper('Gene') glob.set_object_label_lower('gene') else: glob.set_object_label_upper('OG') glob.set_object_label_lower('OG') # Output: Prepare the output directory and the log file if outpath is None: outpathbase = os.getcwd() #outpathbase = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(datapath, '..')) outpathbase = '{0}/Results_{1}'.format(outpathbase,'%d_%b_%y')) outpath = outpathbase trial = 0 while os.path.exists(outpath): trial += 1 outpath = '{0}_{1}'.format(outpathbase, trial) if not os.path.exists(outpath): os.makedirs(outpath) glob.set_logfile(os.path.join(outpath, 'log.txt')) glob.set_tmpfile(os.path.join(outpath, 'tmp.txt')) # Output: Copy input files to the output in2out_path = outpath + '/Input_files_and_params' if not os.path.exists(in2out_path): os.makedirs(in2out_path) if mapfile is not None: shutil.copy(mapfile, os.path.join(in2out_path, 'Map.txt')) if replicatesfile is not None: shutil.copy(replicatesfile, os.path.join(in2out_path, 'Replicates.txt')) if normalisationfile is not None: if len(normalisationfile) == 1 and not nu.isint(normalisationfile[0]): shutil.copy(normalisationfile[0], os.path.join(in2out_path, 'Normalisation.txt')) in2out_X_unproc_path = in2out_path + '/Data' if not os.path.exists(in2out_X_unproc_path): os.makedirs(in2out_X_unproc_path) if os.path.isfile(datapath): shutil.copy(datapath, in2out_X_unproc_path) elif os.path.isdir(datapath): for df in io.getFilesInDirectory(datapath): shutil.copy(os.path.join(datapath, df), in2out_X_unproc_path) else: raise ValueError('Data path {0} does not exist. Either provide a path '.format(datapath) + \ 'of a data file or a path to a directory including data file(s)') # Output: Print initial message, and record the starting time: initialmsg, starttime = op.generateinitialmessage() io.log(initialmsg, addextrastick=False) # Read data io.log('1. Reading dataset(s)') (X, replicates, Genes, datafiles) = io.readDatasetsFromDirectory(datapath, delimiter='\t| |, |; |,|;', skiprows=1, skipcolumns=1, returnSkipped=True) datafiles_noext = [os.path.splitext(d)[0] for d in datafiles] # Read map, replicates, and normalisation files: Map = io.readMap(mapfile) (replicatesIDs, conditions) = io.readReplicates(replicatesfile, datapath, datafiles, replicates) normalise = io.readNormalisation(normalisationfile, datafiles) # Preprocessing (Mapping then top level preprocessing including summarising replicates, filtering # low expression genes, and normalisation) io.log('2. Data pre-processing') (X_OGs, GDM, GDMall, OGs, MapNew, MapSpecies) \ = pp.calculateGDMandUpdateDatasets(X, Genes, Map, mapheader=True, OGsFirstColMap=True, delimGenesInMap='\\W+', OGsIncludedIfAtLeastInDatasets=OGsIncludedIfAtLeastInDatasets) (X_summarised_normalised, GDM, Iincluded, params, applied_norms) = \ pp.preprocess(X_OGs, GDM, normalise, replicatesIDs, flipSamples=None, expressionValueThreshold=expressionValueThreshold, replacementVal=0.0, atleastinconditions=atleastinconditions, atleastindatasets=atleastindatasets, absvalue=absvalue, filteringtype=filteringtype, filterflat=filflat, params=None, datafiles=datafiles) io.writedic('{0}/Normalisation_actual.txt'.format(outpath), applied_norms, delim='\t') OGs = OGs[Iincluded] if MapNew is not None: MapNew = MapNew[Iincluded] # Output: Save processed data Xprocessed = op.processed_X(X_summarised_normalised, conditions, GDM, OGs, MapNew, MapSpecies) # pandas DataFrames X_proc_path = outpath + '/Processed_Data' if not os.path.exists(X_proc_path): os.makedirs(X_proc_path) for l in range(len(datafiles)): pd.DataFrame.to_csv(Xprocessed[l], '{0}/{1}_processed.tsv'.format(X_proc_path, datafiles[l]), sep='\t', encoding='utf-8', index=None, columns=None, header=False) #np.savetxt('{0}/{1}_processed.tsv'.format(X_proc_path, datafiles[l]), Xprocessed[l], fmt='%s', delimiter='\t') # UNCLES and M-N plots io.log('3. Seed clusters production (the Bi-CoPaM method)') ures = unc.uncles(X_summarised_normalised, type='A', GDM=GDM, Ks=Ks, params=params, methods=methods, Xnames=datafiles_noext, ncores=ncores, deterministic=deterministic) io.log('4. Cluster evaluation and selection (the M-N scatter plots technique)') mnres = mn.mnplotsgreedy(X_summarised_normalised, ures.B, GDM=GDM, tightnessweight=tightnessweight, params=ures.params, smallestClusterSize=smallestClusterSize, Xnames=datafiles_noext, ncores=ncores) # Post-processing ppmethod = 'tukey_sqrtSCG' if optimisation: io.log('5. Cluster optimisation and completion') if len(mnres.I) > 0 and sum(mnres.I) > 0: # Otherwise, there are no clusters, so nothing to be corrected try: if ppmethod == 'weighted_outliers': B_corrected = ecorr.correcterrors_weighted_outliers(mnres.B, X_summarised_normalised, GDM, mnres.allDists[mnres.I], stds, smallestClusterSize) elif ppmethod == 'tukey_sqrtSCG': B_corrected = ecorr.optimise_tukey_sqrtSCG(mnres.B, X_summarised_normalised, GDM, mnres.allDists[mnres.I], smallestClusterSize, tails=1, Q3s=Q3s) else: raise ValueError('Invalid post processing method (ppmethod): {0}.'.format(ppmethod)) B_corrected = ecorr.reorderClusters(B_corrected, X_summarised_normalised, GDM) except: io.logerror(sys.exc_info()) io.log('\n* Failed to perform cluster optimisation and completion!\n' '* Skipped cluster optimisation and completion!\n') B_corrected = mnres.B else: B_corrected = mnres.B else: io.log('5. Skipping cluster optimisation and completion') B_corrected = mnres.B # Output: Write input parameters: io.log('6. Saving results in\n{0}'.format(outpath)) inputparams = op.params(mnres.params, Q3s, OGsIncludedIfAtLeastInDatasets, expressionValueThreshold, atleastinconditions, atleastindatasets, deterministic, ures.params['methods'], MapNew) io.writedic('{0}/input_params.tsv'.format(in2out_path), inputparams, delim='\t') # Output: Generating and saving clusters res_og = op.clusters_genes_OGs(B_corrected, OGs, MapNew, MapSpecies, '; ') # pandas DataFrame if mapfile is None: pd.DataFrame.to_csv(res_og, '{0}/Clusters_Objects.tsv'.format(outpath), sep='\t', encoding='utf-8', index=None, columns=None, header=False) #np.savetxt('{0}/Clusters_Objects.tsv'.format(outpath), res_og, fmt='%s', delimiter='\t') else: pd.DataFrame.to_csv(res_og, '{0}/Clusters_OGs.tsv'.format(outpath), sep='\t', encoding='utf-8', index=None, columns=None, header=False) #np.savetxt('{0}/Clusters_OGs.tsv'.format(outpath), res_og, fmt='%s', delimiter='\t') res_sp = op.clusters_genes_Species(B_corrected, OGs, MapNew, MapSpecies) # pandas DataFrame for sp in range(len(res_sp)): pd.DataFrame.to_csv(res_sp[sp], '{0}/Clusters_{1}.tsv'.format(outpath, MapSpecies[sp]), sep='\t', encoding='utf-8', index=None, columns=None, header=False) #np.savetxt('{0}/Clusters_{1}.tsv'.format(outpath, MapSpecies[sp]), res_sp[sp], fmt='%s', delimiter='\t') # Output: Save figures to a PDF try: if np.shape(B_corrected)[1] > 0: clusts_fig_file_name = '{0}/Clusters_profiles.pdf'.format(outpath) graph.plotclusters(X_summarised_normalised, B_corrected, datafiles_noext, conditions, clusts_fig_file_name, GDM=GDM, Cs='all', setPageToDefault=True, printToPDF=True, showPlots=False) except: io.log('Error: could not save clusters plots in a PDF file.\n' 'Resuming producing the other results files ...') # Output: Generating and writing eigengenes try: if np.shape(B_corrected)[1] > 0: if len(X_summarised_normalised) == 1: eigengene_matrix = eig.eigengenes_dataframe(X_summarised_normalised, B_corrected, conditions) eigengene_matrix.to_csv('{0}/Eigengenes.tsv'.format(outpath), sep='\t', encoding='utf-8') else: io.log('Eigengene computation is currently not supported for multiple datasets.') except: io.log('Error: could not save eigengenes into a file.\n' 'Resuming producing the other results files ...') # Output: Prepare message to standard output and the summary then save the summary to a file and print the message summarymsg, endtime, timeconsumedtxt = \ op.generateoutputsummaryparag(X, X_summarised_normalised, MapNew, GDMall, GDM, ures, mnres, B_corrected, starttime) summary = op.summarise_results(X, X_summarised_normalised, MapNew, GDMall, GDM, ures, mnres, B_corrected, starttime, endtime, timeconsumedtxt) io.writedic(outpath + '/Summary.tsv', summary, delim='\t') io.log(summarymsg, addextrastick=False) io.deletetmpfile()
def runclust(X, Map=None, replicatesIDs=None, normalise=1000, Ks=[n for n in range(4, 21, 4)], tightnessweight=1, stds=3.0, OGsIncludedIfAtLeastInDatasets=1, expressionValueThreshold=-float("inf"), atleastinconditions=0, atleastindatasets=0, absvalue=False, filteringtype='raw', filflat=True, smallestClusterSize=11, ncores=1, optimisation=True, Q3s=2, methods=None, deterministic=False, showPlots=True, printToConsole=True): # Set the global objects label glob.set_print_to_log_file(False) glob.set_print_to_console(printToConsole) if Map is None: glob.set_object_label_upper('Gene') glob.set_object_label_lower('gene') else: glob.set_object_label_upper('OG') glob.set_object_label_lower('OG') glob.set_tmpfile('clust_tmp.txt') # Output: Print initial message, and record the starting time: initialmsg, starttime = op.generateinitialmessage() io.log(initialmsg, addextrastick=False) # Consider X as a list of arrays or of data frames. Otherwise, make it as such first # If the user entered a single dataset as an input (not as a list of arrays), save this fact in a flag, ... # so the result is returned as a single output input_is_one_dataset = False if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): input_is_one_dataset = True X = [X] elif isinstance(X, np.ndarray) and ds.maxDepthOfArray(X) == 2: input_is_one_dataset = True X = [X] # Format data (X: list of arrays, Genes: list of arrays of strings, replicates: list of arrays of strings) L = len(X) # Number of datasets replicates = [None] * L Genes = [None] * L io.log('1. Reading dataset(s)') for l in range(L): if type(X[l]) == pd.DataFrame: Genes[l] = np.array(X[l].index, dtype=str, ndmin=2).transpose() Genes[l] = np.array(Genes[l], dtype=object) replicates[l] = np.array(X[l].columns, dtype=str) X[l] = X[l].values else: X[l] = np.array(X[l]) ngenes_digits = int(math.ceil(math.log10(X[l].shape[0]))) nreps_digits = int(math.ceil(math.log10(X[l].shape[1]))) Genes[l] = np.array([['{0}'.format(str(g).zfill(ngenes_digits))] for g in range(X[l].shape[0])]) Genes[l] = np.array(Genes[l], dtype=object) replicates[l] = np.array(['X{0}'.format(str(r).zfill(nreps_digits)) for r in range(X[l].shape[1])]) ndatasets_digits = int(math.ceil(math.log10(L))) datafiles = np.array(['D{0}'.format(str(r).zfill(ndatasets_digits)) for r in range(L)]) datafiles_noext = datafiles # Sort out conditions based on replicates structure if given if replicatesIDs is None: conditions = replicates else: valresult = val.validate_replicatesIDs(replicatesIDs, X) if valresult[0]: conditions = [None] * L for l in range(L): if replicatesIDs[l] is None: conditions[l] = np.array(replicates[l]) else: uniq_reps, cond_indices = np.unique(replicatesIDs[l], return_index=True) if -1 in uniq_reps: cond_indices = cond_indices[1:] conditions[l] = replicates[l][cond_indices] else: io.log(valresult[1]) io.log("Terminating ...") raise Exception("Terminated by an invalid input argument.") # Validate normalisation valresult = val.validate_normalisation(normalise, X) if not valresult[0]: io.log(valresult[1]) io.log("Terminating ...") raise Exception("Terminated by an invalid input argument.") # Preprocessing (Mapping then top level preprocessing including summarising replicates, filtering # low expression genes, and normalisation) io.log('2. Data pre-processing') (X_OGs, GDM, GDMall, OGs, MapNew, MapSpecies) \ = pp.calculateGDMandUpdateDatasets(X, Genes, Map, mapheader=True, OGsFirstColMap=True, delimGenesInMap='\\W+', OGsIncludedIfAtLeastInDatasets=OGsIncludedIfAtLeastInDatasets) (X_summarised_normalised, GDM, Iincluded, params, applied_norms) = \ pp.preprocess(X_OGs, GDM, normalise, replicatesIDs, flipSamples=None, expressionValueThreshold=expressionValueThreshold, replacementVal=0.0, atleastinconditions=atleastinconditions, atleastindatasets=atleastindatasets, absvalue=absvalue, filteringtype=filteringtype, filterflat=filflat, params=None, datafiles=datafiles) OGs = OGs[Iincluded] if MapNew is not None: MapNew = MapNew[Iincluded] # UNCLES and M-N plots io.log('3. Seed clusters production (the Bi-CoPaM method)') ures = unc.uncles(X_summarised_normalised, type='A', GDM=GDM, Ks=Ks, params=params, methods=methods, Xnames=datafiles_noext, ncores=ncores, deterministic=deterministic) io.log('4. Cluster evaluation and selection (the M-N scatter plots technique)') mnres = mn.mnplotsgreedy(X_summarised_normalised, ures.B, GDM=GDM, tightnessweight=tightnessweight, params=ures.params, smallestClusterSize=smallestClusterSize, Xnames=datafiles_noext, ncores=ncores) # Post-processing ppmethod = 'tukey_sqrtSCG' if optimisation: io.log('5. Cluster optimisation and completion') if len(mnres.I) > 0 and sum(mnres.I) > 0: # Otherwise, there are no clusters, so nothing to be corrected try: if ppmethod == 'weighted_outliers': B_corrected = ecorr.correcterrors_weighted_outliers(mnres.B, X_summarised_normalised, GDM, mnres.allDists[mnres.I], stds, smallestClusterSize) elif ppmethod == 'tukey_sqrtSCG': B_corrected = ecorr.optimise_tukey_sqrtSCG(mnres.B, X_summarised_normalised, GDM, mnres.allDists[mnres.I], smallestClusterSize, tails=1, Q3s=Q3s) else: raise ValueError('Invalid post processing method (ppmethod): {0}.'.format(ppmethod)) B_corrected = ecorr.reorderClusters(B_corrected, X_summarised_normalised, GDM) except: io.logerror(sys.exc_info()) io.log('\n* Failed to perform cluster optimisation and completion!\n' '* Skipped cluster optimisation and completion!\n') B_corrected = mnres.B else: B_corrected = mnres.B else: io.log('5. Skipping cluster optimisation and completion') B_corrected = mnres.B # Output: Preparing output parameters as DataFrames if Map is None: Bout = op.clusters_B_as_dataframes(B_corrected, OGs, None) else: Bout, B_species = op.clusters_B_as_dataframes(B_corrected, OGs, MapNew) Xout = op.processed_X_as_dataframes(X_summarised_normalised, OGs, conditions) if input_is_one_dataset: Xout = Xout[0] # Output: Plot figures if showPlots: try: if np.shape(B_corrected)[1] > 0: graph.plotclusters(X_summarised_normalised, B_corrected, datafiles_noext, conditions, GDM=GDM, Cs='all', setPageToDefault=True, showPlots=showPlots, printToPDF=False) except: io.log('Error: could not generate clusters'' plots. Resuming the rest of steps ...') # Output: Prepare message to standard output and the summary then save the summary to a file and print the message summarymsg, endtime, timeconsumedtxt = \ op.generateoutputsummaryparag(X, X_summarised_normalised, MapNew, GDMall, GDM, ures, mnres, B_corrected, starttime) io.log(summarymsg, addextrastick=False) io.deletetmpfile() return Bout, Xout, GDM