def testBandedClustering():
    dummyParameters = logging.parameterObj()
    #dummyParameters.defaultFolder = ""
    dummyParameters.liid = 40
    dummyParameters.K = 40
    dummyParameters.threshold = 6
    dummyParameters.p = 0.015
    dummyParameters.indel = True
    dummyParameters.N, dummyParameters.G, dummyParameters.L, dummyParameters.p, typeOfGen, detail = 600, 10000,200, 0.015, 'm', "500-200-50" 
    startFingerPrint, endFingerPrint, read1, read2 = [] , [] , [] , []

    read1= np.zeros(200, dtype= np.int64)
    read2 = np.zeros(200, dtype= np.int64)
    for i in range(200):
        read1[i] = random.randint(1,4)
        read2[i] = random.randint(1,4)
    for i in range(50):
        read2[i] = 4
        read1[150+i] = 4
    print read1, read2
    startFingerPrint, endFingerPrint = [160,8] ,[ 190,40]  
    score , returnalignedSeq1, returnalignedSeq2 , starti, startj , endi, endj =cluster.SWAlignmentBanded(startFingerPrint, endFingerPrint,read1 ,read2 , dummyParameters)
    print "score", score 
    print "starti, startj, endi , endj : ", starti, startj, endi , endj

    score , returnalignedSeq1, returnalignedSeq2 , starti, startj , endi, endj =cluster.SWAlignment(read1, read2 , dummyParameters)
    print "score", score 
    print "starti, startj, endi , endj : ", starti, startj, endi , endj
Example #2
def testBandedClustering():
    dummyParameters = logging.parameterObj()
    #dummyParameters.defaultFolder = ""
    dummyParameters.liid = 40
    dummyParameters.K = 40
    dummyParameters.threshold = 6
    dummyParameters.p = 0.015
    dummyParameters.indel = True

    dummyParameters.N, dummyParameters.G, dummyParameters.L, dummyParameters.p, typeOfGen, detail = 600, 10000, 200, 0.015, 'm', "500-200-50"

    startFingerPrint, endFingerPrint, read1, read2 = [], [], [], []

    read1 = np.zeros(200, dtype=np.int64)
    read2 = np.zeros(200, dtype=np.int64)

    for i in range(200):
        read1[i] = random.randint(1, 4)
        read2[i] = random.randint(1, 4)

    for i in range(50):
        read2[i] = 4
        read1[150 + i] = 4

    print read1, read2
    startFingerPrint, endFingerPrint = [160, 8], [190, 40]

    score, returnalignedSeq1, returnalignedSeq2, starti, startj, endi, endj = cluster.SWAlignmentBanded(
        startFingerPrint, endFingerPrint, read1, read2, dummyParameters)
    print "score", score

    print "starti, startj, endi , endj : ", starti, startj, endi, endj

    score, returnalignedSeq1, returnalignedSeq2, starti, startj, endi, endj = cluster.SWAlignment(
        read1, read2, dummyParameters)
    print "score", score

    print "starti, startj, endi , endj : ", starti, startj, endi, endj
def checkBridgingFromReads(f2, xNode,frankingdepth, noisyReads, parameterRobot): 
    isBridged, matchingList = False, []
    ### Find bridging reads
    bridgingReads = []
    K = 150
    searchdepth = 5
    outList = findRangeList(xNode.nodeIndexList[K: K+searchdepth], f2 )
    inList = findRangeList(xNode.nodeIndexList[frankingdepth:searchdepth + frankingdepth], f2 )
    print "my name is Bond", outList
    print inList
    bridgingReads = isIntersectIndel(inList, outList, K - frankingdepth)
    ### Determine Extension List and isBridged or not
    inputReads = [8 for i in range(len(xNode.listOfPrevNodes))]
    outputReads = [8 for i in range(len(xNode.listOfNextNodes))]
    inMap = []
    outMap = []
    threshold, liid,overhang= parameterRobot.threshold ,parameterRobot.liid ,5 
    speciallen = 40
    for i in range(len(inputReads)):
        tempList = obtainReadNum(xNode.listOfPrevNodes[i][0].nodeIndexList[-speciallen], f2)
        tempList = sorted(tempList, key = itemgetter(1))
        inputReads[i] = tempList[0][0]
        print "In ",i , xNode.listOfPrevNodes[i][0].nodeIndexList[-1],inputReads[i], len(xNode.listOfPrevNodes[i][0].nodeIndexList)
    for i in range(len(outputReads)):
        tempList = obtainReadNum(xNode.listOfNextNodes[i][0].nodeIndexList[speciallen], f2)
        tempList = sorted(tempList,key = itemgetter(1))
        outputReads[i] = tempList[-1][0]
        print "Out ",i , xNode.listOfNextNodes[i][0].nodeIndexList[0], outputReads[i], len(xNode.listOfNextNodes[i][0].nodeIndexList)
    print "hi there", len(inputReads), len(outputReads), len(bridgingReads)
    for prevIndex, dummyindex in zip(inputReads, range(len(inputReads))):
        endNoisy1= 0 
#  print noisyReads[0][0]
#        print prevIndex
#        print endNoisy1
        while (noisyReads[prevIndex][endNoisy1] != 0):
            endNoisy1 += 1

        for bridgeIndex in bridgingReads:     
            endNoisy2 =0 
            while (noisyReads[bridgeIndex][endNoisy2] != 0):
                endNoisy2 += 1        
            score, returnalignedSeq1, returnalignedSeq2 , starti, startj , endi, endj = cluster.SWAlignment(noisyReads[prevIndex][0:endNoisy1], noisyReads[bridgeIndex][0:endNoisy2], parameterRobot)

            check = cluster.meetRequirement(score, returnalignedSeq1, returnalignedSeq2 ,starti, startj, endi, endj, threshold, liid,overhang, endNoisy1, endNoisy2 )
            if [prevIndex, bridgeIndex] == [1318, 235]:
                print "strange"
                print " starti, startj , endi, endj",  starti, startj , endi, endj
            if check : 
                inMap.append([prevIndex, bridgeIndex, 0, dummyindex])
    print "inMap", inMap
    for nextIndex,dummyindex in zip(outputReads,range(len(outputReads))):
        endNoisy1= 0 
        while (noisyReads[nextIndex][endNoisy1] != 0):
            endNoisy1 += 1

        for bridgeIndex in bridgingReads:      
            endNoisy2 =0 
            while (noisyReads[bridgeIndex][endNoisy2] != 0):
                endNoisy2 += 1         
            score, returnalignedSeq1, returnalignedSeq2 , starti, startj , endi, endj = cluster.SWAlignment(noisyReads[nextIndex][0:endNoisy1], noisyReads[bridgeIndex][0:endNoisy2], parameterRobot)
            check = cluster.meetRequirement(score, returnalignedSeq1, returnalignedSeq2 ,starti, startj, endi, endj, threshold, liid,overhang, endNoisy1, endNoisy2)
            if [nextIndex, bridgeIndex] == [235, 235]:
                print "strange 2 "
                print " starti, startj , endi, endj",  starti, startj , endi, endj
            if check : 
                outMap.append([nextIndex, bridgeIndex, 1, dummyindex])
    print "outMap,", outMap 
    print "matchingList", matchingList      
    for eachinmap in inMap:
        for eachoutmap in outMap:
            if eachinmap[1] == eachoutmap[1] :
                dummyIn = eachinmap[3]
                dummyOut = eachoutmap[3]
                print "dummyIn, dummyOut", dummyIn, dummyOut
                #print "eachinmap", eachinmap
                #print "eachoutmap",eachoutmap
                edgeWt = xNode.listOfPrevNodes[dummyIn][1]
                inKmerIndex = xNode.listOfPrevNodes[dummyIn][0].nodeIndexList[-(edgeWt+1 )]
                edgeWt = xNode.listOfNextNodes[dummyOut][1]
                outKmerIndex =  xNode.listOfNextNodes[dummyOut][0].nodeIndexList[edgeWt]
                matchingList.append([inKmerIndex,outKmerIndex ])
    ### Check isBridged                 
    if len(matchingList) > 0 :          
        matchingList = distinct(matchingList)
        reverseList = []
        for eachitem in matchingList:
            reverseList.append([eachitem[1], eachitem[0]])
        if len(distinct(matchingList, "zero")) == len(inputReads) and len(distinct(reverseList, "zero")) == len(outputReads):
            isBridged = True
            isBridged = False
    #matchingList = [[28346, 32138], [28346, 4913], [30233, 32138]]
    return isBridged, matchingList