Example #1
def G_at_M(M, k, P, Omega_m, d=1.97, e=1.0, f=0.51, g=1.228):
    """Tinker et al. 2008 appendix C multiplicity funciton G(M) as
    a function of mass. Default behavior is for :math:`M_{200m}` mass

        M (float or array like): Mass in Msun/h.
        k (array like): Wavenumbers of the matter power spectrum in h/Mpc comoving.
        P_lin (array like): Linear matter power spectrum in (Mpc/h)^3 comoving.
        Omega_m (float): Matter density fraction.
        d (float; optional): First Tinker parameter. Default is 1.97.
        e (float; optional): Second Tinker parameter. Default is 1.
        f (float; optional): Third Tinker parameter. Default is 0.51.
        g (float; optional): Fourth Tinker parameter. Default is 1.228.

        float or array like: Halo multiplicity :math:`G(M)`.
    M = _ArrayWrapper(M, 'M')
    k = _ArrayWrapper(k, allow_multidim=True)
    P = _ArrayWrapper(P, allow_multidim=True)

    G = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(M)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.G_at_M_arr(M.cast(), len(M), k.cast(), P.cast(),
                                    len(k), Omega_m, d, e, f, g, G.cast())
    return G.finish()
Example #2
def DeltaSigma_mis_at_R(R, Rsigma, Sigma_mis):
    """Miscentered excess surface mass density profile at R. Units are Msun h/pc^2 comoving.

        R (float or array like): Projected radii to evaluate profile.
        Rsigma (array like): Projected radii of miscentered Sigma profile.
        Sigma_mis (array like): Miscentered Sigma profile.

        float array like: Miscentered excess surface mass density profile.

    R = _ArrayWrapper(R, 'R')
    if np.min(R.arr) < np.min(Rsigma):
        raise Exception("Minimum R must be >= min(R_Sigma)")
    if np.max(R.arr) > np.max(Rsigma):
        raise Exception("Maximum R must be <= max(R_Sigma)")

    Rsigma = _ArrayWrapper(Rsigma, allow_multidim=True)
    Sigma_mis = _ArrayWrapper(Sigma_mis, allow_multidim=True)

    if Rsigma.shape != Sigma_mis.shape:
        raise ValueError('Rsigma and Sigma must have the same shape')

    DeltaSigma_mis = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(R)
                                                 len(R), Rsigma.cast(),
                                                 Sigma_mis.cast(), len(Rsigma),
    return DeltaSigma_mis.finish()
Example #3
def dndM_at_M(M, k, P, Omega_m, d=1.97, e=1.0, f=0.51, g=1.228):
    """Tinker et al. 2008 appendix C mass function at a given mass.
    Default behavior is for :math:`M_{200m}` mass definition.

    NOTE: by default, this function is only valid at :math:`z=0`. For use
    at higher redshifts either recompute the parameters yourself, or
    wait for this behavior to be patched.

        M (float or array like): Mass in Msun/h.
        k (array like): Wavenumbers of the matter power spectrum in h/Mpc comoving.
        P_lin (array like): Linear matter power spectrum in (Mpc/h)^3 comoving.
        Omega_m (float): Matter density fraction.
        d (float; optional): First Tinker parameter. Default is 1.97.
        e (float; optional): Second Tinker parameter. Default is 1.
        f (float; optional): Third Tinker parameter. Default is 0.51.
        g (float; optional): Fourth Tinker parameter. Default is 1.228.

        float or array like: Mass function :math:`dn/dM`.

    M = _ArrayWrapper(M, 'M')
    k = _ArrayWrapper(k, allow_multidim=True)
    P = _ArrayWrapper(P, allow_multidim=True)

    dndM = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(M)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.dndM_at_M_arr(M.cast(), len(M), k.cast(), P.cast(),
                                       len(k), Omega_m, d, e, f, g,
    return dndM.finish()
Example #4
def xi_DK_appendix2(r, M, conc, be, se, k, P, om, bias, xi_mm, delta=200, rhos=-1., alpha=-1., beta=-1., gamma=-1.):
    """Diemer-Kravtsov 2014 profile, second form from the appendix, eq. A4.

        r (float or array like): radii in Mpc/h comoving
        M (float): mass in Msun/h
        conc (float): Einasto concentration
        be (float): DK transition parameter
        se (float): DK transition parameter
        k (array like): wavenumbers in h/Mpc
        P (array like): matter power spectrum in [Mpc/h]^3
        Omega_m (float): matter density fraction
        bias (float): halo bias
        xi_mm (float or array like): matter correlation function at r
        delta (float): overdensity of matter. Optional, default is 200
        rhos (float): Einasto density. Optional, default is compute from the mass
        alpha (float): Einasto parameter. Optional, default is computed from peak height
        beta (float): DK 2-halo parameter. Optional, default is 4
        gamma (float): DK 2-halo parameter. Optional, default is 8

        float or array like: DK profile evaluated at the input radii
    r = _ArrayWrapper(r, 'r')
    k = _ArrayWrapper(k)
    P = _ArrayWrapper(P)
    xi_mm = _ArrayWrapper(xi_mm)

    xi = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(r)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.calc_xi_DK_app2(r.cast(), len(r), M, rhos, conc, be,
                                         se, alpha, beta, gamma, delta,
                                         k.cast(), P.cast(), len(k), om, bias,
                                         xi_mm.cast(), xi.cast())
    return xi.finish()
Example #5
def sigma2_at_M(M, k, P, Omega_m):
    """RMS variance in top hat sphere of lagrangian radius R [Mpc/h comoving] corresponding to a mass M [Msun/h] of linear power spectrum.

        M (float or array like): Mass in Msun/h.
        k (array like): Wavenumbers of power spectrum in h/Mpc comoving.
        P (array like): Power spectrum in (Mpc/h)^3 comoving.
        Omega_m (float): Omega_matter, matter density fraction.

        float or array like: RMS variance of top hat sphere.

    k = _ArrayWrapper(k, allow_multidim=True)
    P = _ArrayWrapper(P, allow_multidim=True)
    if isinstance(M, list) or isinstance(M, np.ndarray):
        M = _ArrayWrapper(M, allow_multidim=True)
        s2 = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(M)
        rc = cluster_toolkit._lib.sigma2_at_M_arr(M.cast(), len(M), k.cast(),
                                                  P.cast(), len(k), Omega_m,
        _handle_gsl_error(rc, sigma2_at_M)
        return s2.finish()
        return cluster_toolkit._lib.sigma2_at_M(M, k.cast(), P.cast(), len(k),
Example #6
def xi_hm(xi_1halo, xi_2halo, combination="max"):
    """Halo-matter correlation function

    Note: at the moment you can combine the 1-halo and 2-halo terms by either taking the max of the two or the sum of the two. The 'combination' field must be set to either 'max' (default) or 'sum'.

        xi_1halo (float or array like): 1-halo term
        xi_2halo (float or array like, same size as xi_1halo): 2-halo term
        combination (string; optional): specifies how the 1-halo and 2-halo terms are combined, default is 'max' which takes the max of the two

        float or array like: Halo-matter correlation function

    if combination == "max":
        switch = 0
    elif combination == 'sum':
        switch = 1
        raise Exception("Combinations other than maximum not implemented yet")

    xi_1halo = _ArrayWrapper(xi_1halo, allow_multidim=True)
    xi_2halo = _ArrayWrapper(xi_2halo, allow_multidim=True)
    xi = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(xi_1halo)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.calc_xi_hm(len(xi_1halo), xi_1halo.cast(),
                                    xi_2halo.cast(), xi.cast(), switch)
    return xi.finish()
Example #7
def xi_mm_at_r(r, k, P, N=500, step=0.005, exact=False):
    """Matter-matter correlation function.

        r (float or array like): 3d distances from halo center in Mpc/h comoving
        k (array like): Wavenumbers of power spectrum in h/Mpc comoving
        P (array like): Matter power spectrum in (Mpc/h)^3 comoving
        N (int; optional): Quadrature step count, default is 500
        step (float; optional): Quadrature step size, default is 5e-3
        exact (boolean): Use the slow, exact calculation; default is False

        float or array like: Matter-matter correlation function

    r = _ArrayWrapper(r, 'r')
    k = _ArrayWrapper(k, allow_multidim=True)
    P = _ArrayWrapper(P, allow_multidim=True)

    xi = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(r)
    if not exact:
        rc = cluster_toolkit._lib.calc_xi_mm(r.cast(), len(r), k.cast(),
                                             P.cast(), len(k), xi.cast(),
                                             N, step)
        _handle_gsl_error(rc, xi_mm_at_r)
        if r.arr.max() > 1e3:
            raise Exception("max(r) cannot be >1e3 for numerical stability.")
        rc = cluster_toolkit._lib.calc_xi_mm_exact(r.cast(), len(r),
                                                   k.cast(), P.cast(),
                                                   len(k), xi.cast())
        _handle_gsl_error(rc, xi_mm_at_r)

    return xi.finish()
Example #8
def _bias_at_nu_FREEPARAMS(nu, A, a, B, b, C, c, delta=200):
    """A special function used only for quickly computing best fit parameters
    for the halo bias models.
    nu = _ArrayWrapper(nu, allow_multidim=True)
    bias = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(nu)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.bias_at_nu_arr_FREEPARAMS(nu.cast(), len(nu),
                                                   delta, A, a, B, b, C, c,
    return bias.finish()
Example #9
def Sigma_mis_at_R(R,
    """Miscentered surface mass density [Msun h/pc^2 comoving]
    convolved with a distribution for Rmis. Units are Msun h/pc^2 comoving.

        R (float or array like): Projected radii Mpc/h comoving.
        Rsigma (array like): Projected radii of the centered surface mass density profile.
        Sigma (float or array like): Surface mass density Msun h/pc^2 comoving.
        M (float): Halo mass Msun/h.
        conc (float): concentration.
        Omega_m (float): Matter density fraction.
        Rmis (float): Miscentered distance in Mpc/h comoving.
        delta (int; optional): Overdensity, default is 200.
        kernel (string; optional): Kernal for convolution. Options: rayleigh or gamma.

        float or array like: Miscentered projected surface mass density.

    R = _ArrayWrapper(R, 'R')

    # Exception checking
    if np.min(R.arr) < np.min(Rsigma):
        raise Exception("Minimum R must be >= min(R_Sigma)")
    if np.max(R.arr) > np.max(Rsigma):
        raise Exception("Maximum R must be <= max(R_Sigma)")
    if kernel == "rayleigh":
        integrand_switch = 0
    elif kernel == "gamma":
        integrand_switch = 1
        raise Exception("Miscentering kernel must be either " +
                        "'rayleigh' or 'gamma'")

    Rsigma = _ArrayWrapper(Rsigma, allow_multidim=True)
    Sigma = _ArrayWrapper(Sigma, allow_multidim=True)

    if Rsigma.shape != Sigma.shape:
        raise ValueError('Rsigma and Sigma must have the same shape')

    Sigma_mis = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(R)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.Sigma_mis_at_R_arr(R.cast(), len(R), Rsigma.cast(),
                                            Sigma.cast(), len(Rsigma), M, conc,
                                            delta, Omega_m, Rmis,
                                            integrand_switch, Sigma_mis.cast())
    return Sigma_mis.finish()
Example #10
def bias_at_nu(nu, delta=200):
    """Tinker 2010 bais at peak height nu.

        nu (float or array like): Peak height.
        delta (int; optional): Overdensity, default is 200.

        float or array like: Halo bias.

    nu = _ArrayWrapper(nu, 'nu')

    bias = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(nu)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.bias_at_nu_arr(nu.cast(), len(nu), delta, bias.cast())
    return bias.finish()
Example #11
def xi_2halo(bias, xi_mm):
    """2-halo term in halo-matter correlation function

        bias (float): Halo bias
        xi_mm (float or array like): Matter-matter correlation function

        float or array like: 2-halo term in halo-matter correlation function

    xi_mm = _ArrayWrapper(xi_mm, allow_multidim=True)
    xi = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(xi_mm)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.calc_xi_2halo(len(xi_mm), bias, xi_mm.cast(),
    return xi.finish()
Example #12
def _dndM_sigma2_precomputed(M,
    M = _ArrayWrapper(M, allow_multidim=True)
    sigma2 = _ArrayWrapper(sigma2, allow_multidim=True)
    dsigma2dM = _ArrayWrapper(dsigma2dM, allow_multidim=True)
    dndM = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(M)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.dndM_sigma2_precomputed(M.cast(), sigma2.cast(),
                                                 dsigma2dM.cast(), len(M),
                                                 Omega_m, d, e, f, g,
    return dndM.finish()
Example #13
def boost_nfw_at_R(R, B0, R_scale):
    """NFW boost factor model.

        R (float or array like): Distances on the sky in the same units as R_scale. Mpc/h comoving suggested for consistency with other modules.
        B0 (float): NFW profile amplitude.
        R_scale (float): NFW profile scale radius.

        float or array like: NFW boost factor profile; B = (1-fcl)^-1.

    R = _ArrayWrapper(R, 'R')

    boost = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(R)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.boost_nfw_at_R_arr(R.cast(), len(R), B0, R_scale,
    return boost.finish()
Example #14
def rho_nfw_at_r(r, M, c, Omega_m, delta=200):
    """NFW halo density profile.

        r (float or array like): 3d distances from halo center in Mpc/h comoving.
        M (float): Mass in Msun/h.
        c (float): Concentration.
        Omega_m (float): Omega_matter, matter fraction of the density.
        delta (int; optional): Overdensity, default is 200.

        float or array like: NFW halo density profile in Msun h^2/Mpc^3 comoving.

    r = _ArrayWrapper(r, 'r')

    rho = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(r)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.calc_rho_nfw(r.cast(), len(r), M, c, delta, Omega_m,
    return rho.finish()
Example #15
def xi_nfw_at_r(r, M, c, Omega_m, delta=200):
    """NFW halo profile correlation function.

        r (float or array like): 3d distances from halo center in Mpc/h comoving
        M (float): Mass in Msun/h
        c (float): Concentration
        Omega_m (float): Omega_matter, matter fraction of the density
        delta (int; optional): Overdensity, default is 200

        float or array like: NFW halo profile.

    r = _ArrayWrapper(r, 'r')

    xi = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(r)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.calc_xi_nfw(r.cast(), len(r), M, c, delta,
                                     Omega_m, xi.cast())
    return xi.finish()
Example #16
def bias_at_R(R, k, P, delta=200):
    """Tinker 2010 bais at mass M [Msun/h] corresponding to radius R [Mpc/h comoving].

        R (float or array like): Lagrangian radius in Mpc/h comoving.
        k (array like): Wavenumbers of power spectrum in h/Mpc comoving.
        P (array like): Power spectrum in (Mpc/h)^3 comoving.
        delta (int; optional): Overdensity, default is 200.

        float or array like: Halo bias.

    R = _ArrayWrapper(R, 'R')
    k = _ArrayWrapper(k)
    P = _ArrayWrapper(P)

    bias = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(R)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.bias_at_R_arr(R.cast(), len(R), delta, k.cast(),
                                       P.cast(), len(k), bias.cast())
    return bias.finish()
Example #17
def nu_at_R(R, k, P):
    """Peak height of top hat sphere of radius R [Mpc/h comoving] of linear power spectrum.

        R (float or array like): Radius in Mpc/h comoving.
        k (array like): Wavenumbers of power spectrum in h/Mpc comoving.
        P (array like): Power spectrum in (Mpc/h)^3 comoving.

        float or array like: Peak height.

    k = _ArrayWrapper(k, allow_multidim=True)
    P = _ArrayWrapper(P, allow_multidim=True)
    if isinstance(R, list) or isinstance(R, np.ndarray):
        R = _ArrayWrapper(R)
        nu = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(R)
        cluster_toolkit._lib.nu_at_R_arr(R.cast(), len(R), k.cast(), P.cast(),
                                         len(k), nu.cast())
        return nu.finish()
        return cluster_toolkit._lib.nu_at_R(R, k.cast(), P.cast(), len(k))
Example #18
def rho_einasto_at_r(r, M, rs, alpha, Omega_m, delta=200, rhos=-1.):
    """Einasto halo density profile. Distances are Mpc/h comoving.

        r (float or array like): 3d distances from halo center.
        M (float): Mass in Msun/h; not used if rhos is specified.
        rhos (float): Scale density in Msun h^2/Mpc^3 comoving; optional.
        rs (float): Scale radius.
        alpha (float): Profile exponent.
        Omega_m (float): Omega_matter, matter fraction of the density.
        delta (int): Overdensity, default is 200.

        float or array like: Einasto halo density profile in Msun h^2/Mpc^3 comoving.

    r = _ArrayWrapper(r, 'r')

    rho = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(r)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.calc_rho_einasto(r.cast(), len(r), M, rhos, rs, alpha,
                                          delta, Omega_m, rho.cast())
    return rho.finish()
Example #19
def xi_einasto_at_r(r, M, conc, alpha, om, delta=200, rhos=-1.):
    """Einasto halo profile.

        r (float or array like): 3d distances from halo center in Mpc/h comoving
        M (float): Mass in Msun/h; not used if rhos is specified
        conc (float): Concentration
        alpha (float): Profile exponent
        om (float): Omega_matter, matter fraction of the density
        delta (int): Overdensity, default is 200
        rhos (float): Scale density in Msun h^2/Mpc^3 comoving; optional

        float or array like: Einasto halo profile.

    r = _ArrayWrapper(r, 'r')

    xi = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(r)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.calc_xi_einasto(r.cast(), len(r), M, rhos,
                                         conc, alpha, delta, om, xi.cast())
    return xi.finish()
Example #20
def drho_nfw_dr_at_R(Radii, Mass, conc, Omega_m, delta=200):
    """Derivative of the NFW halo density profile.

        Radii (float or array like): 3d distances from halo center in Mpc/h comoving
        Mass (float): Mass in Msun/h
        conc (float): Concentration
        Omega_m (float): Matter fraction of the density
        delta (int; optional): Overdensity, default is 200

        float or array like: derivative of the NFW profile.

    Radii = _ArrayWrapper(Radii, allow_multidim=True)
    if isinstance(Radii, list) or isinstance(Radii, np.ndarray):
        drhodr = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(Radii)
        ct._lib.drho_nfw_dr_at_R_arr(Radii.cast(), len(Radii), Mass, conc,
                                     delta, Omega_m, drhodr.cast())
        return drhodr.finish()
        return ct._lib.drho_nfw_dr_at_R(Radii, Mass, conc, delta, Omega_m)
Example #21
def Sigma_mis_single_at_R(R, Rsigma, Sigma, M, conc, Omega_m, Rmis, delta=200):
    """Miscentered surface mass density [Msun h/pc^2 comoving] of a profile miscentered by an
    amount Rmis Mpc/h comoving. Units are Msun h/pc^2 comoving.

        R (float or array like): Projected radii Mpc/h comoving.
        Rsigma (array like): Projected radii of the centered surface mass density profile.
        Sigma (float or array like): Surface mass density Msun h/pc^2 comoving.
        M (float): Halo mass Msun/h.
        conc (float): concentration.
        Omega_m (float): Matter density fraction.
        Rmis (float): Miscentered distance in Mpc/h comoving.
        delta (int; optional): Overdensity, default is 200.

        float or array like: Miscentered projected surface mass density.

    R = _ArrayWrapper(R, 'R')

    if np.min(R.arr) < np.min(Rsigma):
        raise Exception("Minimum R must be >= min(R_Sigma)")
    if np.max(R.arr) > np.max(Rsigma):
        raise Exception("Maximum R must be <= max(R_Sigma)")

    Rsigma = _ArrayWrapper(Rsigma, allow_multidim=True)
    Sigma = _ArrayWrapper(Sigma, allow_multidim=True)

    if Rsigma.shape != Sigma.shape:
        raise ValueError('Rsigma and Sigma must have the same shape')

    Sigma_mis = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(R)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.Sigma_mis_single_at_R_arr(R.cast(), len(R),
                                                   Rsigma.cast(), Sigma.cast(),
                                                   len(Rsigma), M, conc, delta,
                                                   Omega_m, Rmis,
    return Sigma_mis.finish()
Example #22
def dbiasdM_at_M(M, k, P, Omega_m, delta=200):
    """d/dM of Tinker et al. 2010 bais at mass M [Msun/h].

        M (float or array like): Mass in Msun/h.
        k (array like): Wavenumbers of power spectrum in h/Mpc comoving.
        P (array like): Power spectrum in (Mpc/h)^3 comoving.
        Omega_m (float): Matter density fraction.
        delta (int; optional): Overdensity, default is 200.

        float or array like: Derivative of the halo bias.

    M = _ArrayWrapper(M, 'M')
    k = _ArrayWrapper(k, allow_multidim=True)
    P = _ArrayWrapper(P, allow_multidim=True)

    deriv = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(M)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.dbiasdM_at_M_arr(M.cast(), len(M), delta, k.cast(),
                                          P.cast(), len(k), Omega_m,
    return deriv.finish()
Example #23
def sigma2_at_R(R, k, P):
    """RMS variance in top hat sphere of radius R [Mpc/h comoving] of linear power spectrum.

        R (float or array like): Radius in Mpc/h comoving.
        k (array like): Wavenumbers of power spectrum in h/Mpc comoving.
        P (array like): Power spectrum in (Mpc/h)^3 comoving.

        float or array like: RMS variance of a top hat sphere.

    k = _ArrayWrapper(k, allow_multidim=True)
    P = _ArrayWrapper(P, allow_multidim=True)
    if isinstance(R, list) or isinstance(R, np.ndarray):
        R = _ArrayWrapper(R)
        s2 = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(R)
        rc = cluster_toolkit._lib.sigma2_at_R_arr(R.cast(), len(R), k.cast(),
                                                  P.cast(), len(k), s2.cast())
        _handle_gsl_error(rc, sigma2_at_R)
        return s2.finish()
        return cluster_toolkit._lib.sigma2_at_R(R, k.cast(), P.cast(), len(k))
Example #24
def G_at_sigma(sigma, d=1.97, e=1.0, f=0.51, g=1.228):
    """Tinker et al. 2008 appendix C multiplicity funciton G(sigma) as
    a function of sigma.

    NOTE: by default, this function is only valid at :math:`z=0`. For use
    at higher redshifts either recompute the parameters yourself, or
    wait for this behavior to be patched.

        sigma (float or array like): RMS variance of the matter density field.
        d (float; optional): First Tinker parameter. Default is 1.97.
        e (float; optional): Second Tinker parameter. Default is 1.
        f (float; optional): Third Tinker parameter. Default is 0.51.
        g (float; optional): Fourth Tinker parameter. Default is 1.228.

        float or array like: Halo multiplicity G(sigma).
    sigma = _ArrayWrapper(sigma, 'sigma')

    G = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(sigma)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.G_at_sigma_arr(sigma.cast(), len(sigma), d, e, f, g,
    return G.finish()
Example #25
def bias_at_M(M, k, P, Omega_m, delta=200):
    """Tinker et al. 2010 bais at mass M [Msun/h].

        M (float or array like): Mass in Msun/h.
        k (array like): Wavenumbers of power spectrum in h/Mpc comoving.
        P (array like): Power spectrum in (Mpc/h)^3 comoving.
        Omega_m (float): Matter density fraction.
        delta (int; optional): Overdensity, default is 200.

        float or array like: Halo bias.

    M = _ArrayWrapper(M, 'M')
    k = _ArrayWrapper(k, allow_multidim=True)
    P = _ArrayWrapper(P, allow_multidim=True)
    if k.shape != P.shape:
        raise ValueError('k and P must have the same shape')

    bias = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(M)
    cluster_toolkit._lib.bias_at_M_arr(M.cast(), len(M), delta, k.cast(),
                                       P.cast(), len(k), Omega_m, bias.cast())
    return bias.finish()
Example #26
def nu_at_M(M, k, P, Omega_m):
    """Peak height of top hat sphere of lagrangian radius R [Mpc/h comoving] corresponding to a mass M [Msun/h] of linear power spectrum.

        M (float or array like): Mass in Msun/h.
        k (array like): Wavenumbers of power spectrum in h/Mpc comoving.
        P (array like): Power spectrum in (Mpc/h)^3 comoving.
        Omega_m (float): Omega_matter, matter density fraction.

        nu (float or array like): Peak height.

    k = _ArrayWrapper(k, allow_multidim=True)
    P = _ArrayWrapper(P, allow_multidim=True)
    if isinstance(M, list) or isinstance(M, np.ndarray):
        M = _ArrayWrapper(M)
        nu = _ArrayWrapper.zeros_like(M)
        cluster_toolkit._lib.nu_at_M_arr(M.cast(), len(M), k.cast(), P.cast(),
                                         len(k), Omega_m, nu.cast())
        return nu.finish()
        return cluster_toolkit._lib.nu_at_M(M, k.cast(), P.cast(), len(k),