Example #1
def holidayadd(request, username, domain):
		This methos allows a user to add a holiday message It requires the data
		to be posted and all data to be validated. Upon succesfull completion
		of the message form, the user is redirected to the same holiday
		management page with the new holiday message appearing in the list of
		holidays. If an error has occured the holiday responder is called in
		order to show the errors 

    if not canview(request, username, domain):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(urlrel + "auth/deny/profile/")

        # Instantiate model
    model = MailModel()
    # Mode set
    mode = "add"
    # Ensure we have posted data
    if request.method == "POST":
        # create a copy of the post data
        # so we are not directly manipulating it
        new_data = request.POST.copy()
        # Create a concat version of the different fields
        # for the startdate
        new_data["hstart_date"] = _datemaker(
            new_data["hs_day"], new_data["hs_month"], new_data["hs_year"], new_data["hs_hour"], new_data["hs_min"]
        # Create a concat version of the different fields
        # for the end date
        new_data["hend_date"] = _datemaker(
            new_data["he_day"], new_data["he_month"], new_data["he_year"], new_data["he_hour"], new_data["he_min"]
        # Bind form to post data
        form = HolidayForm(new_data)
        # Check if form is valid
        if form.is_valid():
            # Standardized data
            cleaned_data = form.clean()
            param_dict = {
                "mode": 1,
                "username": username,
                "domain": domain,
                "hstart": cleaned_data["hstart_date"],
                "hend": cleaned_data["hend_date"],
                "message": cleaned_data["message"],
                "id": -1,
                "b_default": cleaned_data["b_default"],

            result = model.manageholiday(**param_dict)
            if not result and model.error:
                errors = {"form": form, "new_data": new_data, "mode": mode, "dberror": model.error}
                return _holidayresponder(request, username, domain, adict=errors)

                # If not valid call responder with error
            errors = {"form": form, "new_data": new_data, "mode": mode}
            return _holidayresponder(request, username, domain, adict=errors)

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlrel + "mailstore/user/%s/domain/%s/holiday/" % (username, domain))
Example #2
def holidaydelete(request, username, domain, hol_id):
		This method allows a user to delete a holiday message from the queue
		succesfull deletion of the message redirects the user to the same
		holiday management page with message deleted.  If an error has occured
		the holiday responder is called in order to show the errors 

    if not canview(request, username, domain):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(urlrel + "auth/deny/profile/")

        # Instantiate model
    model = MailModel()
    # Set up for delete
    param_dict = {
        "mode": 3,
        "username": username,
        "domain": domain,
        "hstart": None,
        "hend": None,
        "message": None,
        "id": int(hol_id),
        "b_default": None,

    result = model.manageholiday(**param_dict)

    if not result and model.error:
        errors = {"dberror": model.error}
        return _holidayresponder(request, username, domain, adict=errors)

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlrel + "mailstore/user/%s/domain/%s/holiday/" % (username, domain))
Example #3
def holiday(request, username=None, domain=None):
		A simple wrapper method around the responder 

    if canview(request, username, domain):
        return _holidayresponder(request, username, domain)

        return HttpResponseRedirect(urlrel + "auth/deny/profile/")
Example #4
def _holidayresponder(request, username, domain, adict={}):
		This method manages a users holiday.  It ensures the session user is
		logged in.  It retrieves a detailed view of the user including username
		and status. Also, it retrieves the user's holiday messages, and if the
		user is currently set to Holiday, retrieves the current holiday

    if not canview(request, username, domain):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(urlrel + "auth/deny/profile/")

        # Instantiate model
    model = MailModel()
    # Set the default mode. This may get overwritten by the paramater dict
    mode = "add"
    # Get all the required details for this user
    detailed_user = model.getuserdetails(username, domain)
    # Get all of this person's holiday messages
    holiday_messages = model.getuserholidays(username, domain)
    # The current holiday if the status is holiday
    current_holiday = None
    if status_mapper[detailed_user.status] == "Holiday":
        # Get this person's current holiday messages
        current_holiday = model.getcurrentholiday(username, domain)

    defaultmsg = detailed_user.default_message

    info_dict = {
        "thistemplate": thistemplate,
        "detailed_user": detailed_user,
        "holiday_messages": holiday_messages,
        "current_holiday": current_holiday,
        "defaultmsg": defaultmsg,
        "current_page": "holiday",
        "calurl": calurl,
        "mode": mode,


    return render_to_response("mailstore/holiday.html", info_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Example #5
def leaveoff(request, username, domain):
		This method changes the status of the requested user to 1 (active),
		removing the leave message display seen by the user.

    if not canview(request, username, domain):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(urlrel + "auth/deny/profile/")

    model = MailModel()
    # Set parameters
    param_dict = {
        "mode": 2,
        "username": username,
        "domain": domain,
        "hstart": None,
        "hend": None,
        "message": None,
        "id": None,
    # execute query
    result = model.removeleave(**param_dict)
    # Return to holiday page.
    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlrel + "mailstore/user/%s/domain/%s/holiday/" % (username, domain))
Example #6
def holidayedit(request, username, domain, hol_id):
		This method allows a user to edit a holiday message from the queue.
		succesfull update of the message redirects the user to the same holiday
		management page .  If an error has occured the holiday responder is
		called in order to show the errors 

    # Ensure the user can view this.
    if not canview(request, username, domain):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(urlrel + "auth/deny/profile/")

    model = MailModel()
    # Set the mode
    mode = "edit"
    # Get the requested holiday
    holiday = model.getholiday(int(hol_id), username, domain)
    # If the holiday was not found
    if holiday and not holiday.holid:
        raise Http404

    if request.method == "POST":
        # create a copy of the post data
        # so we are not directly manipulating it
        new_data = request.POST.copy()
        # Create a concat version of the different fields
        # for the startdate
        new_data["hstart_date"] = _datemaker(
            new_data["hs_day"], new_data["hs_month"], new_data["hs_year"], new_data["hs_hour"], new_data["hs_min"]
        # Create a concat version of the different fields
        # for the end date
        new_data["hend_date"] = _datemaker(
            new_data["he_day"], new_data["he_month"], new_data["he_year"], new_data["he_hour"], new_data["he_min"]
        # Bind form to post data
        form = HolidayForm(new_data)

        # Check if form is valid
        if form.is_valid():
            # Standardized data
            cleaned_data = form.clean()
            # Set up for edit
            param_dict = {
                "mode": 2,
                "username": username,
                "domain": domain,
                "hstart": cleaned_data["hstart_date"],
                "hend": cleaned_data["hend_date"],
                "message": cleaned_data["message"],
                "id": holiday.holid,
                "b_default": cleaned_data["b_default"],

            # Manage the holiday
            result = model.manageholiday(**param_dict)

            # Ensure no errors have occured
            if not result and model.error:
                errors = {"form": form, "new_data": new_data, "mode": mode, "dberror": model.error, "holiday": holiday}
                return _holidayresponder(request, username, domain, adict=errors)

            return HttpResponseRedirect(urlrel + "mailstore/user/%s/domain/%s/holiday/" % (username, domain))

            # If not valid call responder with error
            errors = {"form": form, "new_data": new_data, "holiday": holiday, "mode": mode}
            return _holidayresponder(request, username, domain, errors)

    return _holidayresponder(request, username, domain, adict={"mode": mode, "holiday": holiday})