Example #1
def ref_topmodel(appname, model_id, model_name, object_link=[]):
     notice: pass in object links, give back the preset ids
     if len(object) is 1, get it easy
     patch: in push admin, some model has modify pattern,
     such as push speeddial, speeddial_modify
    topmodel = object_link[-1]
    TopModel = classing_model(topmodel)
    topmodel_list = []
    length = len(object_link)
    cond = {}
    topmodel_ids = []
    if length == 1:
        cond = NameFactory.combine_cond(model_name, model_id)
        topmodel_list = TopModel.find(
            appname, cond, fields={'_id': 0}, toarray=True)
        if topmodel_list:
            topmodel_ids = [t.get('id') for t in topmodel_list]
        index = 0
        start_model = model_name
        next_ids = []
        while index < length:
            next_ids = _get_ids(
                appname, next_ids, start_model, object_link[index])
            start_model = object_link[index]
            index = index + 1
        topmodel_ids = next_ids
    return topmodel_ids
Example #2
def _get_ids(appname, child_ids, child_model, parent_model):
    parent_ids = []
    cond = {}
    Parent_Model = classing_model(parent_model)
    for child_id in child_ids:
        cond = NameFactory.combine_cond(child_model, child_id)
        parents = Parent_Model.find(
            appname, cond, fields={'_id': 0}, toarray=True)
        if parents:
            parent_ids = [p.get('id') for p in parents]
    return list(set(parent_ids))
Example #3
 def viewdetail(cls, appname, model_name, model_dict):
     输入model name,如果该model包含子model,将按照order字段
     children = {}
     Model_Class = classing_model(str(model_name))
     if Model_Class.relation:
         children = Model_Class.relation.get("children")
         # if model has several children, eg: predata has searcherfolder,
         # bookmark bookmarkfolder
     if children:
         for key in children:
             Child_Model = classing_model(str(key))
             shortinfo_list = model_dict.get(key)
             if not shortinfo_list:
             new_children_list = []
             for shortinfo in shortinfo_list:
                 child_id = shortinfo["id"]
                 child_detail = Child_Model.find_one(
                     appname, {"id": child_id}, fields={"_id": 0})
                 if child_detail:
                     for short in shortinfo:
                         child_detail[short] = shortinfo[short]
             new_children_list = sorted(
                 new_children_list, key=itemgetter("order"))
             model_dict[key] = new_children_list
     if hasattr(Model_Class, "one2one"):
         # if model refere to other model,eg:speeddial with icon
         single_refs = Model_Class.one2one
         for single in single_refs:
             if model_dict.get(single):
                 single_dict = model_dict.get(single)
                 id_val = single_dict.get('id')
                 cond = {}
                 cond['$or'] = [{'id': id_val}, {'_id': id_val}]
                 modelname = NameFactory.fetch_name(single)
                 Single = classing_model(modelname)
                 item = Single.find_one(appname, cond)
                 if item:
                     single_dict['title'] = item.get('title')
                     model_dict[single] = single_dict
     return model_dict