def _n_Z(Omega, c10, Dt, loc_q, loc_ym, loc_yp, loc_alcc, loc_alss, loc_bsc, loc_bcs): arg1 = cmath.sqrt(2.0*loc_yp)/2.0/Dt/c10 arg2 = cmath.sqrt(2.0*loc_ym)/2.0/Dt/c10 return ((loc_alcc*cmath.cosh(arg1)*cmath.cosh(arg2) + loc_alss*cmath.sinh(arg1)*cmath.sinh(arg2) + loc_q)/ (loc_bsc*cmath.sinh(arg1)*cmath.cosh(arg2) + loc_bcs*cmath.cosh(arg1)*cmath.sinh(arg2)))
def test_sinh(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(self.f1), math.sinh(self.f1)) self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(self.c1), cmath.sinh(self.c1)) self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(self.c2), cmath.sinh(self.c2)) self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(Quat(self.f1)), math.sinh(self.f1)) self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(Quat(0, 3)), cmath.sinh(3J)) self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(Quat(4, 5)), cmath.sinh(4 + 5J)) self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sinh(Quat(0, self.f1)), Quat(0, math.sin(self.f1)))
def _N11(Omega, c10, j0, Dt, loc_t, loc_ym, loc_yp, loc_gcm, loc_gcp, loc_gsm, loc_gsp): twoDtc10 = 2.0*Dt*c10 return (2.0*cmath.sqrt(2.0*loc_t)*c10*j0*(cmath.sqrt(loc_ym)*cmath.sinh(cmath.sqrt(2.0*loc_ym)/twoDtc10) - cmath.sqrt(loc_yp)*cmath.sinh(cmath.sqrt(2.0*loc_yp)/twoDtc10))/ (loc_gcm*cmath.cosh(cmath.sqrt(2.0*loc_ym)/twoDtc10) + loc_gcp*cmath.cosh(cmath.sqrt(2.0*loc_yp)/twoDtc10) + loc_gsm*cmath.sinh(cmath.sqrt(2.0*loc_ym)/twoDtc10) + loc_gsp*cmath.sinh(cmath.sqrt(2.0*loc_yp)/twoDtc10)))
def sinh(c): """Compute Sinh using a Taylor expansion """ if not isinstance(c,pol): return math.sinh(c) a0,p=c.separate(); lst=[math.sinh(a0),math.cosh(a0)] for n in range(2,c.order+1): lst.append( lst[-2]/n/(n-1)) return phorner(lst,p)
def pieq(self, z, y): d = self.line_length gamma = cmath.sqrt(z*y) Zc = cmath.sqrt(z/y) Z_pi = Zc * cmath.sinh(gamma*d) Y_pi = 1.0/Zc * cmath.tanh(gamma*d/2.0) # The real part of Y_pi is different from TLC.for, but # the real part isn't important return Z_pi, Y_pi
def sinh(*args, **kw): arg0 = args[0] if isinstance(arg0, (int, float, long)): return _math.sinh(*args,**kw) elif isinstance(arg0, complex): return _cmath.sinh(*args,**kw) elif isinstance(arg0, _sympy.Basic): return _sympy.sinh(*args,**kw) else: return _numpy.sinh(*args,**kw)
def test_sinh_cc (self): src_data = [complex(i,i+1) for i in range(-5, 5, 2)] expected_result = tuple(cmath.sinh(i) for i in src_data) src = gr.vector_source_c(src_data) op = gr.transcendental('sinh', 'complex_float') snk = gr.vector_sink_c() self.tb.connect(src, op, snk) result = self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual(expected_result, result, places=5)
def __init__(self, Var_txt, count_plot, name): self.Var = dict() for var in Var_txt: if var[0] == "comp": self.Var[var[0]] = [] for i in range(1,len(var)): self.Var[var[0]].append(float(var[i])/100) else: self.Var[var[0]] = float(var[1]) self.file_name = name self.r = self.Var["r"] self.L = self.Var["L"] self.C = self.Var["C"] self.g = self.Var["g"] self.l = self.Var["l"] self.V1 = self.Var["V1"] self.Vb = self.V1 self.Sb = 100e6 self.fp = self.Var["fp"] self.f = self.Var["f"] self.prec = self.Var["prec"] self.w = 2 * cm.pi * self.f self.count_plot = count_plot self.U1 = self.V1 / cm.sqrt(3).real self.Z = (self.r + 1j * self.w * self.L) * self.l self.Y = (self.g + 1j * self.w * self.C) * self.l self.Zc = cm.sqrt(self.Z / self.Y) self.gamal = cm.sqrt(self.Z * self.Y) self.A = cm.cosh(self.gamal) self.B = self.Zc * cm.sinh(self.gamal) self.C = 1 / self.Zc * cm.sinh(self.gamal) self.D = self.A self.result = self.calc_Vr(self.A, self.B) self.result2 = self.compSeM() self.result3 = self.compSeEx() #self.ang_pot = self.calc_ang_pot(self.A,self.B,np.array(self.result[0])/3,np.array(self.result[1])/np.sqrt(3)) self.plot_all_Vr()
def test_complex_functions(): for x in (list(range(10)) + list(range(-10,0))): for y in (list(range(10)) + list(range(-10,0))): z = complex(x, y)/4.3 + 0.01j assert exp(mpc(z)).ae(cmath.exp(z)) assert log(mpc(z)).ae(cmath.log(z)) assert cos(mpc(z)).ae(cmath.cos(z)) assert sin(mpc(z)).ae(cmath.sin(z)) assert tan(mpc(z)).ae(cmath.tan(z)) assert sinh(mpc(z)).ae(cmath.sinh(z)) assert cosh(mpc(z)).ae(cmath.cosh(z)) assert tanh(mpc(z)).ae(cmath.tanh(z))
def oneArgFuncEval(function, value): # Evaluates functions that take a complex number input if function == "sin": return cmath.sin(value) elif function == "cos": return cmath.cos(value) elif function == "tan": return cmath.tan(value) elif function == "asin": return cmath.asin(value) elif function == "acos": return cmath.acos(value) elif function == "atan": return cmath.atan(value) elif function == "csc": return 1.0 / cmath.sin(value) elif function == "sec": return 1.0 / cmath.cos(value) elif function == "cot": return 1.0 / cmath.tan(value) elif function == "ln": return cmath.log(value) elif function == "sqr": return cmath.sqrt(value) elif function == "abs": return cmath.sqrt((value.real ** 2) + (value.imag ** 2)) elif function == "exp": return cmath.exp(value) if function == "sinh": return cmath.sinh(value) elif function == "cosh": return cmath.cosh(value) elif function == "tanh": return cmath.tanh(value) elif function == "asinh": return cmath.asinh(value) elif function == "acosh": return cmath.acosh(value) elif function == "atanh": return cmath.atanh(value) elif function == "ceil": return math.ceil(value.real) + complex(0, 1) * math.ceil(value.imag) elif function == "floor": return math.floor(value.real) + complex(0, 1) * math.floor(value.imag) elif function == "trunc": return math.trunc(value.real) + complex(0, 1) * math.trunc(value.imag) elif function == "fac": if value.imag == 0 and value < 0 and value.real == int(value.real): return "Error: The factorial function is not defined on the negative integers." return gamma(value + 1) elif function == "log": return cmath.log10(value)
def setTransmission(self, gl, Z0): ''' gl = l*gamma l = length gamma = a + j*b a - attenuation constant b - phase constant Z0 - characteristic impedance ''' ch = cmath.cosh(gl) sh = cmath.sinh(gl) self.a = np.array( [ [ch, sh*Z0], [sh/Z0, ch] ]); pass
def sinh(x): """ Return the hyperbolic sine of x. """ if isinstance(x,ADF): ad_funcs = list(map(to_auto_diff,[x])) x = ad_funcs[0].x ######################################## # Nominal value of the constructed ADF: f = sinh(x) ######################################## variables = ad_funcs[0]._get_variables(ad_funcs) if not variables or isinstance(f, bool): return f ######################################## # Calculation of the derivatives with respect to the arguments # of f (ad_funcs): lc_wrt_args = [cosh(x)] qc_wrt_args = [sinh(x)] cp_wrt_args = 0.0 ######################################## # Calculation of the derivative of f with respect to all the # variables (Variable) involved. lc_wrt_vars,qc_wrt_vars,cp_wrt_vars = _apply_chain_rule( ad_funcs,variables,lc_wrt_args,qc_wrt_args, cp_wrt_args) # The function now returns an ADF object: return ADF(f, lc_wrt_vars, qc_wrt_vars, cp_wrt_vars) else: # try: # pythonic: fails gracefully when x is not an array-like object # return [sinh(xi) for xi in x] # except TypeError: if x.imag: return cmath.sinh(x) else: return math.sinh(x.real)
def exp_mat2_full_scalar(X, t, exp_Xt): s = 0.5 * (X[0,0] + X[1,1]) det_X_minus_sI = (X[0,0]-s) * (X[1,1]-s) - X[0,1] * X[1,0] q = cmath.sqrt(-det_X_minus_sI) # we have to distinguish the case q=0 (the other exceptional case t=0 should not occur) if abs(q) < 1e-15: # q is (numerically) 0 sinh_qt_over_q = t else: sinh_qt_over_q = cmath.sinh(q*t) / q cosh_qt = cmath.cosh(q*t) cosh_q_t_minus_s_sinh_qt_over_qt = cosh_qt - s*sinh_qt_over_q exp_st = cmath.exp(s*t) # abbreviations for the case of exp_Xt referencing the same array as X E_00 = exp_st * (cosh_q_t_minus_s_sinh_qt_over_qt + sinh_qt_over_q * X[0,0]) E_01 = exp_st * (sinh_qt_over_q * X[0,1]) E_10 = exp_st * (sinh_qt_over_q * X[1,0]) E_11 = exp_st * (cosh_q_t_minus_s_sinh_qt_over_qt + sinh_qt_over_q * X[1,1]) exp_Xt[0,0] = E_00 exp_Xt[0,1] = E_01 exp_Xt[1,0] = E_10 exp_Xt[1,1] = E_11
def doPhotons(self, filePar): self.initHTML() #f = ROOT.TFile('ntuple.root')'CollectionTree') #mytree=ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree') ################################## #os.system('ls photons/*root* > ntuples.txt') os.system('ls ntuple.root > ntuples.txt') f = open('ntuples.txt', 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() chain = ROOT.TChain('CollectionTree') for li in lines: chain.Add('./' + li.strip()) mytree = chain ################################# m_drmin = ROOT.TH1F("m_drmin", "drmin", 100, -0.2, 0.2) m_h1 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h1", "Energy resolution", 100, -0.25, 0.25) m_h1.SetXTitle("(E_{t}(reco)-E_{t}(true))/E_{t}(true)") m_h2 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h2", "Phi resolution", 100, -0.01, 0.01) m_h2.SetXTitle("#Phi resolution (rad)") m_h3 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h3", "Eta resolution in the barrel", 100, -0.01, 0.01) m_h3.SetXTitle("#eta resolution") m_h4 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h4", "Eta resolution in the endcap", 100, -0.01, 0.01) m_h4.SetXTitle("#eta resolution") m_h5 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h5", "Efficiency vs eta", 50, -3, 3) m_h5.SetXTitle("#eta") m_tmp1 = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp1", "EtaGen", 50, -3, 3) m_tmp2 = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp2", "cl_eta", 50, -3, 3) entries = mytree.GetEntriesFast() for jentry in xrange(entries): ientry = mytree.LoadTree(jentry) if ientry < 0: break nb = mytree.GetEntry(jentry) if nb <= 0: continue nEvent = int(mytree.IEvent) if nEvent < 0: continue dRmin = 999. TheNearestCluster = -1 #print int(mytree.IEvent),int(mytree.cl_nc),len(mytree.PtGen) if mytree.cl_nc == 0 or len(mytree.PtGen) == 0: continue for i in range(0, int(mytree.cl_nc)): #print 'i=',i dphi = 1000. deta = 1000. # resolution in energy val = ((mytree.cl_et)[i] - (mytree.PtGen)[0]) / (mytree.PtGen)[0] m_h1.Fill(val) # resolution in phi if (mytree.cl_phi)[i] - (mytree.PhiGen)[0] < 6: dphi = ((mytree.cl_phi)[i] - (mytree.PhiGen)[0]) m_h2.Fill(dphi) # resolution in eta barrel corrected by the z vertex spread deta = 0. if math.fabs((mytree.EtaGen)[0]) < 1.475: deta = (mytree.cl_eta)[i] - cmath.asinh( cmath.sinh((mytree.EtaGen)[0]) + (mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary] / 1600.) m_h3.Fill(deta.real) elif math.fabs((mytree.EtaGen)[0]) >= 1.475: deta = (mytree.cl_eta)[i] - cmath.asinh( cmath.sinh((mytree.EtaGen)[0]) / (1 - self.mysign((mytree.EtaGen)[0]) * (mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary] / 3800.)) m_h4.Fill(deta.real) if (math.fabs(dphi) > math.pi): dphi = 2.0 * math.pi - math.fabs(dphi) dR = math.sqrt(deta.real * deta.real + dphi * dphi) if dR < dRmin: dRmin = dR TheNearestCluster = i m_tmp2.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[0]) if TheNearestCluster >= 0 and dRmin < 0.1: m_tmp1.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[0]) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1011) m_h1.Fit("gaus") m_h2.Fit("gaus") m_h3.Fit("gaus") m_h4.Fit("gaus") res1 = self.saveHisto(m_h1, filePar, '') res2 = self.saveHisto(m_h2, filePar, '') res3 = self.saveHisto(m_h3, filePar, '') res4 = self.saveHisto(m_h4, filePar, '') m_h5.Divide(m_tmp1, m_tmp2, 1, 1, "B") res5 = self.saveHisto(m_h5, filePar, "E") if res1 == -1 or res2 == -1 or res3 == -1 or res4 == -1 or res5 == -1: return -1 else: return 0
def doElectrons(self, filePar): self.initHTML() #f = ROOT.TFile('ntuple.root')'CollectionTree') #mytree=ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree') ################################## #os.system('ls data/*root.* > ntuples.txt') os.system('ls ntuple.root > ntuples.txt') f = open('ntuples.txt', 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() chain = ROOT.TChain('CollectionTree') for li in lines: chain.Add('./' + li.strip()) mytree = chain ################################# m_drmin = ROOT.TH1F("m_drmin", "drmin", 100, -0.2, 0.2) m_h1 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h1", "Energy resolution", 100, -0.25, 0.25) m_h1.SetXTitle("(E_{t}(reco)-E_{t}(true))/E_{t}(true)") m_h2 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h2", "Phi resolution", 100, -0.01, 0.01) m_h2.SetXTitle("#Phi resolution (rad)") m_h3 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h3", "Eta resolution in the barrel", 100, -0.01, 0.01) m_h3.SetXTitle("#eta resolution") m_h4 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h4", "Eta resolution in the endcap", 100, -0.01, 0.01) m_h4.SetXTitle("#eta resolution") m_h5 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h5", "Efficiency vs eta", 50, -3, 3) m_h5.SetXTitle("#eta") m_tmp1 = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp1", "EtaGen", 50, -3, 3) m_tmp2 = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp2", "cl_eta", 50, -3, 3) entries = mytree.GetEntriesFast() for jentry in xrange(entries): ientry = mytree.LoadTree(jentry) if ientry < 0: break nb = mytree.GetEntry(jentry) if nb <= 0: continue nEvent = int(mytree.IEvent) if nEvent < 0: continue indEle = [] iele = 0 for ipart in range(0, mytree.NPar): if abs((mytree.Type)[ipart]) == 11 and ( mytree.GenStat)[ipart] == 1 and ( mytree.KMothNt)[ipart] == -1: indEle.append(ipart) m_tmp2.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[iele]]) iele += 1 if iele > 1:'two many electrons') return -1 nele = iele # a quel cluster correspond quel electron ? # je tourne sur ts les clusters de l ev for ic in range(0, mytree.cl_nc): etacl = (mytree.cl_eta)[ic] phicl = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic] etcl = (mytree.cl_et)[ic] m_drmin.Fill((mytree.ZV)[0]) etae = (mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[0]] if math.fabs((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]) > 1.475: etaclcor = cmath.asinh( cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]) * (1 - (mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary] / (self.mysign( (mytree.cl_eta)[ic]) * 3800.0))) phiclcor = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic] + ( 0.3 * 3800.0 * (-(mytree.Type)[indEle[0]] / 11.0) * self.mysign( (mytree.cl_eta)[ic])) / ( (mytree.cl_et)[ic] * cmath.sinh( (mytree.cl_eta)[ic])) m_h4.Fill((etaclcor - etae).real) else: etaclcor = cmath.asinh( cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]) - (mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary] / 1600.0) m_h3.Fill((etaclcor - etae).real) phiclcor = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic] + ( 0.3 * 1600.0 * (-(mytree.Type)[indEle[0]] / 11.0) / (mytree.cl_et)[ic]) phie = (mytree.PhiGen)[indEle[0]] ete = (mytree.PtGen)[indEle[0]] try: m_h2.Fill(phiclcor.real - phie) except: m_h2.Fill(phiclcor - phie) m_h1.Fill((etcl - ete) / ete) m_tmp1.Fill(etae) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1011) m_h1.Fit("gaus") m_h2.Fit("gaus") m_h3.Fit("gaus") m_h4.Fit("gaus") res1 = self.saveHisto(m_h1, filePar, '') res2 = self.saveHisto(m_h2, filePar, '') res3 = self.saveHisto(m_h3, filePar, '') res4 = self.saveHisto(m_h4, filePar, '') m_h5.Divide(m_tmp1, m_tmp2, 1, 1, "B") res5 = self.saveHisto(m_h5, filePar, "E") if res1 == -1 or res2 == -1 or res3 == -1 or res4 == -1 or res5 == -1: return -1 else: return 0
print(cmath.acos(z)) #3.atan()- This function returns the arc tangent of a complex number passed in as a argument. import cmath x = 1.0 y = 1.0 z = complex(x, y) print(cmath.atan(z)) #Hyperbolic functions: #1.sinh()- This function returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number passed in as a argument. import cmath x = 1.0 y = 1.0 z = complex(x, y) print(cmath.sinh(z)) #2.cosh()- This function returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number passed in as a argumnet. import cmath x = 1.0 y = 2.0 z = complex(x, y) print(cmath.cosh(z)) #3.tanh()- This function returns the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number passed as a argument. import cmath x = 1.0 y = 1.0 z = complex(x, y) print(cmath.tanh(z))
def birefringence_rot(s, chi, lambda_0, n_o, n_e, jones, thread_idx, B, U, U_epar, rand_nums, seed): if n_o != n_e or chi != 0: if B[0] == 2.0 and B[1] == 2.0 and B[2] == 2.0: rand_num = rand_nums[seed] theta = cmath.pi * rand_num rand_num = rand_nums[seed + 1] beta0 = cmath.pi * 2 * rand_num B[0] = cmath.sin(theta).real * cmath.cos(beta0).real B[1] = cmath.sin(theta).real * cmath.sin(beta0).real B[2] = cmath.cos(theta).real theta1 = cuda.local.array(1, float32) get_theta(B, U, theta1) Bp = cuda.local.array(3, float32) temp = B[0] * U[0] + B[1] * U[1] + B[2] * U[2] Bp[0] = B[0] - U[0] * temp Bp[1] = B[1] - U[1] * temp Bp[2] = B[2] - U[2] * temp temp = cmath.sqrt(Bp[0] * Bp[0] + Bp[1] * Bp[1] + Bp[2] * Bp[2]).real if temp != 0: Bp[0] /= temp Bp[1] /= temp Bp[2] /= temp beta = cuda.local.array(1, float32) get_beta(U_epar, Bp, U, beta) # temp = n_e * cmath.cos(theta1[0]).real * n_e * cmath.cos(theta1[0]).real delta_n = n_o * n_e / cmath.sqrt( n_e * cmath.cos(theta1[0]).real * n_e * cmath.cos(theta1[0]).real + n_o * cmath.sin(theta1[0]).real * n_o * cmath.sin(theta1[0]).real).real - n_o g_o = cmath.pi * delta_n / (lambda_0 * 1e4) # n_mat = np.array([g_o.j, -g_o.j, -chi, chi]) n_mat = cuda.local.array(4, nb.complex64) n_mat[0] = g_o * 1j n_mat[1] = -g_o * 1j n_mat[2] = -chi n_mat[3] = chi Q_n = cmath.sqrt(n_mat[0] * n_mat[0] - n_mat[3] * n_mat[3]) m = cuda.local.array(4, nb.complex64) m_new = cuda.local.array(4, nb.complex64) if Q_n != 0: # todo check which to keep # m[0] = (n_mat[0] - n_mat[1]) * cmath.sinh(Q_n * s) / (2 * Q_n) + cmath.cosh(Q_n * s) # m[1] = (n_mat[0] - n_mat[1]) * cmath.sinh(Q_n * s) / (2 * Q_n) + cmath.cosh(Q_n * s) # m[2] = (n_mat[2]) * cmath.sinh(Q_n * s) / (Q_n) # m[3] = -m[2] m[0] = cmath.exp((n_mat[0] + n_mat[1]) / 2 * s) * ( (n_mat[0] - n_mat[1]) * cmath.sinh(Q_n * s) / (2 * Q_n) + cmath.cosh(Q_n * s)) m[1] = cmath.exp((n_mat[0] + n_mat[1]) / 2 * s) * ( (n_mat[0] - n_mat[1]) * cmath.sinh(Q_n * s) / (2 * Q_n) + cmath.cosh(Q_n * s)) m[2] = cmath.exp((n_mat[0] + n_mat[1]) / 2 * s) * ( (n_mat[2]) * cmath.sinh(Q_n * s) / (Q_n)) m[3] = cmath.exp((n_mat[0] + n_mat[1]) / 2 * s) * (-m[2]) m_new[0] = m[0] * cmath.cos(beta[0]) + m[2] * cmath.sin(beta[0]) m_new[1] = m[1] * cmath.cos(beta[0]) + m[3] * cmath.sin(beta[0]) m_new[2] = -m[0] * cmath.sin(beta[0]) + m[2] * cmath.cos(beta[0]) m_new[3] = -m[1] * cmath.sin(beta[0]) + m[3] * cmath.cos(beta[0]) jones[thread_idx, 0] = jones[thread_idx, 0] * m_new[0] + jones[thread_idx, 2] * m_new[3] jones[thread_idx, 1] = jones[thread_idx, 1] * m_new[0] + jones[thread_idx, 3] * m_new[3] jones[thread_idx, 2] = jones[thread_idx, 0] * m_new[2] + jones[thread_idx, 2] * m_new[1] jones[thread_idx, 3] = jones[thread_idx, 1] * m_new[2] + jones[thread_idx, 3] * m_new[1]
def profileCalc(EkmanDepth_array, EkmanDepth_back, delta_array, frVelCpx_array, frVelCpx_back, stratPar_array, stratPar_back, SBLHeight_array, roughLength_m_array, roughLength_m_back, roughLength_h, roughLength_h_back, tempSurf, tempTop, temp_array, tempSurf_back, tempScale_array, tempScale_back, windCpx_back_array, geostrWindCpx, dpar, alpha_array, corPar, angle, epsilon, M, MODB): CHARNOCKCONST = 0.018 GRAVITYACC = 9.8 OMEGA = 7.29e-5 VONKARMANCONST = 0.41 BETA = GRAVITYACC / 300 N = 50 zmax = max(max([x * 2 for x in EkmanDepth_array]), EkmanDepth_back) hmax = zmax hmin = 1 dlnz = math.log(hmax / hmin) / (N - 1) J = 0 wind_prof = [[] for x in xrange(0, len(delta_array), 2)] temp_prof = [[] for x in xrange(0, len(delta_array), 2)] z_array = [[] for x in xrange(0, len(delta_array), 2)] for i in xrange(0, len(delta_array), 2): d = dpar[i] - epsilon frVel = abs(frVelCpx_array[i]) lambInv = VONKARMANCONST * frVel / (EkmanDepth_array[i] * corPar) profileFunc_m = profileFunc_momentum_Calc(lambInv, epsilon, stratPar_array[i]) u_h = frVelCpx_array[i] / VONKARMANCONST * (math.log(SBLHeight_array[i] / roughLength_m_array[i]) - profileFunc_m) wind_prof_back = [] temp_prof_back = [] z = [] for indx in xrange(N): z.append(hmin * math.exp(dlnz * indx)) if z[indx] <= epsilon * EkmanDepth_back: stratPar = stratPar_back * z[indx] / (epsilon * EkmanDepth_back) tmpLambInv = VONKARMANCONST * abs(frVelCpx_back) / (EkmanDepth_back * corPar) profileFunc_m = profileFunc_momentum_Calc(tmpLambInv, epsilon, stratPar) profileFunc_h = profileFunc_heat_Calc(tmpLambInv, epsilon, stratPar) wind_prof_back.append(frVelCpx_back / VONKARMANCONST * (math.log(z[indx] / roughLength_m_back) - profileFunc_m)) temp_prof_back.append(tempSurf_back + tempScale_back / VONKARMANCONST * (math.log(z[indx] / roughLength_h_back) - profileFunc_h)) else: dmax = M - epsilon ksi = (z[indx] - epsilon * EkmanDepth_back) / (EkmanDepth_back * dmax) tmpKsi = ksi ksi = min(1, ksi) coeff = (1 - 1j) * cmath.sinh((1 + 1j) * dmax * (1 - ksi)) / cmath.cosh((1 + 1j) * dmax) wind_prof_back.append(geostrWindCpx - 1. / lambdaCalc(epsilon, stratPar_back) * frVelCpx_back / VONKARMANCONST * coeff) temp_prof_back.append(tempTop - 2. / lambdaCalc(epsilon, stratPar_back) * tempScale_back / VONKARMANCONST * dmax * (1 - tmpKsi)) if z[indx] <= delta_array[i]: if z[indx] <= SBLHeight_array[i]: stratPar = stratPar_array[i] * z[indx] / SBLHeight_array[i] profileFunc_m = profileFunc_momentum_Calc(lambInv, epsilon, stratPar) profileFunc_h = profileFunc_heat_Calc(lambInv, epsilon, stratPar) wind_prof[J].append(frVelCpx_array[i] / VONKARMANCONST * (math.log(z[indx] / roughLength_m_array[i]) - profileFunc_m)) temp_prof[J].append(tempSurf + tempScale_array[i] / VONKARMANCONST * (math.log(z[indx] / roughLength_h) - profileFunc_h)) else: ksi = (z[indx] - SBLHeight_array[i]) / (delta_array[i] - SBLHeight_array[i]) tmpKsi = ksi tmpKsi = ksi ksi = min(1, ksi) heatFlux = - frVel * tempScale_array[i] alpha = alpha_array[i] coeff1 = (1 - 1j) * cmath.sinh((1 + 1j) * d * (1 - ksi)) / cmath.cosh((1 + 1j) * d) coeff2 = heatFlux * (1 - ksi) tmpCoeff2 = 0 coeff3 = heatFlux * (1 - ksi) coeff4 = BETA * d ** 2 / (corPar * abs(geostrWindCpx) * math.cos(angle) * (alpha + 1j * d ** 2)) coeff4 *= (coeff2 - tmpCoeff2) coeff4 *= MODB coeff5 = (windCpx_back_array[i] - geostrWindCpx) * \ cmath.cosh((1 + 1j) * d * ksi) / cmath.cosh((1 + 1j) * d) wind_prof[J].append(geostrWindCpx - lambInv * frVelCpx_array[i] / VONKARMANCONST * coeff1\ + coeff4 +coeff5) temp_prof[J].append(temp_array[i] + 2. * lambInv * d * coeff3 / (frVel * VONKARMANCONST)) else: wind_prof[J].append(wind_prof_back[indx]) temp_prof[J].append(temp_prof_back[indx]) z_array[J].append(z[indx]) J += 1 return wind_prof, temp_prof, z_array, wind_prof_back, temp_prof_back
def sinh(x): if isinstance(x, complex): return cmath.sinh(x) else: return math.sinh(x)
def backgroundCalc(epsilon, M, corPar, MS, MODB, windCpx, tempAtm, tempSurf, roughLength_m, roughLength_h, refLevel): ''' calculate parameters of background atmosphere: friction velocity, temperature scale, Ekman depth, geostrophic wind and temperature in free atmosphere input: epsilon - main fitting parameter of the model, M - constant, corPar - Coriolis parameter, MS - "0" if background is land and "1" if sea, MODB - , windCpx - wind at reference level (complex), tempAtm - temperature of background atmosphere at reference level, tempSurf - background surface temperature, roughLength_m - roughness length for momentum for background surface, roughLength_h - roughness length for heat for background surface, refLevel - reference level, m output: stratPar - stratification parameter, mu, EkmanDepth , frVelCpx - friction velocity for background atmosphere< complex number, tempScale - temperature scale for background atmosphere, roughLength_m - roughness length for momentum for background surface, roughLength_heat - roughness length for heat for background surface, tempTop - temperature in free atmosphere, gam - , tempSurf - background surface temperature, geostrWindCpx - geostrophic wind, complex number ''' CHARNOCKCONST = 0.018 GRAVITYACC = 9.8 VONKARMANCONST = 0.41 BETA = GRAVITYACC / 300. VA = 14e-6 #Iteration for the drag coefficient it = 0 mistake = 1 DragCoeff = 0.5e-3 tmpFrVelCpx = math.sqrt(DragCoeff) * windCpx stratPar = VONKARMANCONST ** 2. * BETA * (tempAtm - tempSurf) / (corPar * abs(windCpx)) XX = [] YY = [] while mistake > 0.0001: it += 1 tmpFrVel = abs(tmpFrVelCpx) roughLength_m = roughLength_m * (1 - MS) + \ (CHARNOCKCONST * tmpFrVel ** 2. / GRAVITYACC + 0.14 * VA / tmpFrVel) * MS lambInv = 1. / lambdaCalc(epsilon, stratPar) EkmanDepth = VONKARMANCONST * tmpFrVel / (corPar * lambInv) SBLHeight = epsilon * EkmanDepth dH = refLevel / EkmanDepth dH1 = min(dH, M) if dH <= epsilon: stratPar1 = dH / epsilon * stratPar profileFunc_m = profileFunc_momentum_Calc(lambInv, epsilon, stratPar1) profileFunc_h = profileFunc_heat_Calc(lambInv, epsilon, stratPar1) frVelCpx = VONKARMANCONST * windCpx /\ (math.log(tmpFrVel / (corPar * roughLength_m)) + math.log(VONKARMANCONST * dH / lambInv) - profileFunc_m) tempScale = VONKARMANCONST * (tempAtm - tempSurf) /\ (math.log(tmpFrVel / (corPar * roughLength_h)) + math.log(VONKARMANCONST * dH / lambInv) - profileFunc_h) else: profileFunc_m = profileFunc_momentum_Calc(lambInv, epsilon, stratPar) profileFunc_h = profileFunc_heat_Calc(lambInv, epsilon, stratPar) Coeff = cmath.tanh((1 + 1j) * (M - epsilon)) Coeff *= (1 - cmath.sinh((1 + 1j) * (M - dH1)) / cmath.sinh((1 + 1j) * (M - epsilon))) A = lambInv * Coeff B = - A + profileFunc_m - math.log(VONKARMANCONST * epsilon / lambInv) C = -2. * lambInv * (dH - epsilon) + profileFunc_h -\ math.log(VONKARMANCONST * epsilon / lambInv) frVelCpx = VONKARMANCONST * windCpx / \ (math.log(tmpFrVel / (corPar * roughLength_m))- B - 1j * A) tempScale = VONKARMANCONST * (tempAtm - tempSurf) /\ (math.log(tmpFrVel / (corPar * roughLength_h)) - C) mistake = abs(tmpFrVelCpx - frVelCpx) / abs(tmpFrVelCpx) tmpFrVelCpx = 0.3 * frVelCpx + 0.7 * tmpFrVelCpx tmpFrVel = abs(tmpFrVelCpx) stratPar = VONKARMANCONST ** 2 * BETA * tempScale / (corPar * tmpFrVel) if it > 100: print 'error in backgroundCalc' break A = lambInv * cmath.tanh((1 + 1j) * (M - epsilon)) B = - A + profileFunc_momentum_Calc(lambInv, epsilon, stratPar) - math.log(VONKARMANCONST * epsilon / lambInv) C = -2 * lambInv * (M - epsilon) + profileFunc_heat_Calc(lambInv, epsilon, stratPar) -\ math.log(VONKARMANCONST * epsilon / lambInv) geostrWindCpx = tmpFrVelCpx / VONKARMANCONST * \ (math.log(tmpFrVel / (corPar * roughLength_m)) - B - 1j * A) tempTop = tempSurf + tempScale / VONKARMANCONST * (math.log(tmpFrVel / (corPar * roughLength_h)) - C) gam = 2 * tempScale * abs(frVelCpx) / EkmanDepth ** 2 / corPar RES = [stratPar, EkmanDepth, frVelCpx, tempScale, roughLength_m, roughLength_h, tempTop, gam, tempSurf, geostrWindCpx] return RES
def calculate_3d_plot_coordinates(system): # get global variables [length_left] =["length_left"] [length_right] =["length_right"] [lam] =["lam"] [EI] =["EI"] xx = xx_all[0] value_unraveled_all = np.zeros((250,26), dtype=complex) if (length_left != 0 and length_right != 0) or (length_left != 0 and system=="Fixed-Free Beam"): # otherwise the beam is not deformed j = 0.04 k = 0 while j <= 10.0: lam_temp = calculate_lambda(system,j,EI) # calculates lambda for every frequency = dict(lam=[lam_temp]) A1,A2,A3,A4,B1,B2,B3,B4 = create_matrix_and_calculate_coefficients(system) i = 0 while i < 26: if xx[i] <= length_left: # for the subsystem on the left value_unraveled_all[k][i] = -1*EI*j*j/(F*(L**3))*(A1*cm.sin(lam_temp/L*xx[i])+A2*cm.cos(lam_temp/L*xx[i])+A3*cm.sinh(lam_temp/L*xx[i])+A4*cm.cosh(lam_temp/L*xx[i])) else: # for the subsystem on the right value_unraveled_all[k][i] = -1*EI*j*j/(F*(L**3))*(B1*cm.sin(lam_temp/L*(xx[i]-length_left))+B2*cm.cos(lam_temp/L*(xx[i]-length_left))+B3*cm.sinh(lam_temp/L*(xx[i]-length_left))+B4*cm.cosh(lam_temp/L*(xx[i]-length_left))) i+=1 k+=1 j = round(j+0.04,2) zmax = complex(max(value_unraveled_all.ravel().real), 0) # get maximum z value zmin = complex(min(value_unraveled_all.ravel().real), 0) # get minimum z value if (zmax.real == 0.0 and zmin.real == 0.0): zmax = complex(0.05, 0) zmin = complex(-0.05, 0) = dict(lam=[lam]) = dict(zmax=[zmax]) = dict(zmin=[zmin]) = dict(value_unraveled_all=value_unraveled_all)
def calculate_deflection(system): # get global variables [length_left] =["length_left"] [length_right] =["length_right"] [lam] =["lam"] A1,A2,A3,A4,B1,B2,B3,B4 = create_matrix_and_calculate_coefficients(system) y_beam = np.zeros(n_beam, dtype=complex) if (length_left != 0 and length_right != 0) or (length_left != 0 and system=="Fixed-Free Beam"): # otherwise the beam is not deformed i = 0 while i < n_beam: if x_beam[i] <= length_left: # for the subsystem on the left y_beam[i] = -1*(A1*cm.sin(lam/L*x_beam[i])+A2*cm.cos(lam/L*x_beam[i])+A3*cm.sinh(lam/L*x_beam[i])+A4*cm.cosh(lam/L*x_beam[i])) else: # for the subsystem on the right y_beam[i] = -1*(B1*cm.sin(lam/L*(x_beam[i]-length_left))+B2*cm.cos(lam/L*(x_beam[i]-length_left))+B3*cm.sinh(lam/L*(x_beam[i]-length_left))+B4*cm.cosh(lam/L*(x_beam[i]-length_left))) i+=1 # scales the deflection to a maximum amplitude of 3 max_value = np.amax(np.absolute(y_beam)) y_beam = y_beam * (3/max_value) = dict(x=x_beam,y=y_beam.real)
def TransverseStrain(self, FBGOriginalWavel, PhotoElasticParam, InitialRefractiveIndex, MeanChangeRefractiveIndex, FringeVisibility, MinBandWidth, MaxBandWidth, SimulationResolution, FBGDirection, DirectionalRefractiveP11, DirectionalRefractiveP12, YoungsModule, PoissionsCoefficient): """ Function to Simulate the FGB Spectrum Considering Uniform longitudinal strain and transverse Stress Input: FBGOriginalWavel: List(Mandatory) List with the FBG array original wavelength PhotoElasticParam: float (Mandatory) Photo-Elastic parameter InitialRefractiveIndex: float (Mandatory) Initial effective refractive index (neff) MeanChangeRefractiveIndex: float (Mandatory) Mean induced change in the refractive index (dneff) FringeVisibility: float (Mandatory) Fringe Visibility (Fv) MinBandWidth: float (Mandatory) Light Min. Bandwidth MaxBandWidth: float (Mandatory) SimulationResolution: float (Mandatory) Simulation resolution- Wavelength increment FBGDirection: int (mandatory) 0-xx 1-yy 2-zz DirectionalRefractiveP11: float (Mandatory) Directional Photo-elastic coeffic DirectionalRefractiveP12: float (Mandatory) Directional Photo-elastic coefficient YoungsModule: float (Mandatory) Optical Fibre Young's Module PoissionsCoefficient: float (Mandatory) Optical Fibre Poisson Ration """ self.FBGOriginalWavel = FBGOriginalWavel self.PhotoElasticParam = PhotoElasticParam self.InitialRefractiveIndex = InitialRefractiveIndex self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex = MeanChangeRefractiveIndex self.FringeVisibility = FringeVisibility self.MinBandWidth = MinBandWidth self.MaxBandWidth = MaxBandWidth self.SimulationResolution = SimulationResolution self.FBGDirection = FBGDirection self.DirectionalRefractiveP11 = DirectionalRefractiveP11 self.DirectionalRefractiveP12 = DirectionalRefractiveP12 self.YoungsModule = YoungsModule / 10**6 #Change to MPA self.PoissionsCoefficient = PoissionsCoefficient #Array with the FBG period- Longitudinal Strain self.APFBG = [] for i in np.arange(0, self.NumberFBG): if self.FBGDirection == 0: #FBG longitudinal direction (xx) TempMeanFBG = np.mean( self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)]['LE11']) #Strain average TempnewWavelength = self.FBGOriginalWavel[i] * ( 1 + (1 - self.PhotoElasticParam) * TempMeanFBG ) #weavelength at uniform strain self.APFBG.append(TempnewWavelength / (2.0 * self.InitialRefractiveIndex) ) # Grating period at strain state if self.FBGDirection == 1: #FBG longitudinal direction (yy) TempMeanFBG = np.mean( self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)]['LE22']) #Strain average TempnewWavelength = self.FBGOriginalWavel[i] * ( 1 + (1 - self.PhotoElasticParam) * TempMeanFBG ) #weavelength at uniform strain self.APFBG.append(TempnewWavelength / (2.0 * self.InitialRefractiveIndex) ) # Grating period at strain state if self.FBGDirection == 2: #FBG longitudinal direction (zz) TempMeanFBG = np.mean( self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)]['LE33']) #Strain average TempnewWavelength = self.FBGOriginalWavel[i] * ( 1 + (1 - self.PhotoElasticParam) * TempMeanFBG ) #weavelength at uniform strain self.APFBG.append(TempnewWavelength / (2.0 * self.InitialRefractiveIndex) ) # Grating period at strain state #Empty Reflec spectrum- Two waves self.TSYReflect = {} #Y wave self.TSYReflect['wavelength'] = [] self.TSYReflect['reflec'] = [] self.TSZReflect = {} #Z wave self.TSZReflect['wavelength'] = [] self.TSZReflect['reflec'] = [] #Cycle all the FBG sensors for i in np.arange(0, self.NumberFBG): #Sections the gratting is divided-- Transfer Matrix M = len(self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)]['x']) #FBG increment size (nm) deltz = (self.FBGLength * (10.0**6)) / M #Build a List with the change in the refractive index DeltaNEffY self.Dneffy = [] self.Dneffz = [] for j in np.arange(0, M): if self.FBGDirection == 0: #FBG longitudinal direction (xx) DirecX = 'S11' DirecY = 'S22' DirecZ = 'S33' self.Dneffy.append( -(self.InitialRefractiveIndex**3.0) / (2 * self.YoungsModule) * ((self.DirectionalRefractiveP11 - 2 * self.PoissionsCoefficient * self.DirectionalRefractiveP12) * self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecY][j] + ((1 - self.PoissionsCoefficient) * self.DirectionalRefractiveP12 - self.PoissionsCoefficient * self.DirectionalRefractiveP11) * (self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecZ][j] + self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecX][j]))) self.Dneffz.append( -(self.InitialRefractiveIndex**3.0) / (2 * self.YoungsModule) * ((self.DirectionalRefractiveP11 - 2 * self.PoissionsCoefficient * self.DirectionalRefractiveP12) * self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecZ][j] + ((1 - self.PoissionsCoefficient) * self.DirectionalRefractiveP12 - self.PoissionsCoefficient * self.DirectionalRefractiveP11) * (self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecY][j] + self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecX][j]))) if self.FBGDirection == 1: #FBG longitudinal direction (yy) DirecX = 'S22' DirecY = 'S11' #need to be negative DirecZ = 'S33' self.Dneffy.append( -(self.InitialRefractiveIndex**3.0) / (2 * self.YoungsModule) * ((self.DirectionalRefractiveP11 - 2 * self.PoissionsCoefficient * self.DirectionalRefractiveP12) * (-self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecY][j]) + ((1 - self.PoissionsCoefficient) * self.DirectionalRefractiveP12 - self.PoissionsCoefficient * self.DirectionalRefractiveP11) * (self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecZ][j] + self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecX][j]))) self.Dneffz.append( -(self.InitialRefractiveIndex**3.0) / (2 * self.YoungsModule) * ((self.DirectionalRefractiveP11 - 2 * self.PoissionsCoefficient * self.DirectionalRefractiveP12) * self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecZ][j] + ((1 - self.PoissionsCoefficient) * self.DirectionalRefractiveP12 - self.PoissionsCoefficient * self.DirectionalRefractiveP11) * (-self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecY][j] + self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecX][j]))) if self.FBGDirection == 2: #FBG longitudinal direction (zz) DirecX = 'S33' DirecY = 'S22' DirecZ = 'S11' #Negative self.Dneffy.append( -(self.InitialRefractiveIndex**3.0) / (2 * self.YoungsModule) * ((self.DirectionalRefractiveP11 - 2 * self.PoissionsCoefficient * self.DirectionalRefractiveP12) * self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecY][j] + ((1 - self.PoissionsCoefficient) * self.DirectionalRefractiveP12 - self.PoissionsCoefficient * self.DirectionalRefractiveP11) * (-self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecZ][j] + self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecX][j]))) self.Dneffz.append( -(self.InitialRefractiveIndex**3.0) / (2 * self.YoungsModule) * ((self.DirectionalRefractiveP11 - 2 * self.PoissionsCoefficient * self.DirectionalRefractiveP12) * (-self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecZ][j]) + ((1 - self.PoissionsCoefficient) * self.DirectionalRefractiveP12 - self.PoissionsCoefficient * self.DirectionalRefractiveP11) * (self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecY][j] + self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)][DirecX][j]))) # Wavelength cycle (Here the simulation resolution is used) #YWave for l in np.arange(self.MinBandWidth, self.MaxBandWidth, self.SimulationResolution): f1 = np.matrix('1 0; 0 1') #empty transfer matrix #Cycle-Each FBG increment for z in np.arange(0, M): #Sigma Function sig = 2.0 * math.pi * ( self.InitialRefractiveIndex + self.Dneffy[z]) * ( (1.0 / l) - (1.0 / (2.0 * (self.InitialRefractiveIndex + self.Dneffy[z]) * self.APFBG[i]))) + ( 2 * math.pi * self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex / l) #Kaa Function kaa = math.pi * self.FringeVisibility * self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex / l #Gamma Function gammab = cmath.sqrt(kaa**2.0 - sig**2.0) #Transfer Matrix Calculation f11 = complex(cmath.cosh(gammab * deltz), -(sig / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) f22 = complex(cmath.cosh(gammab * deltz), (sig / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) f12 = complex(0, -(kaa / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) f21 = complex(0, +(kaa / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) #Assemble Transfer Matrix f1 =, np.matrix([[f11, f12], [f21, f22]])) #Add to the Reflection file- YWave PO = f1[0, 0] NO = f1[1, 0] REF = abs(NO / PO)**2 self.TSYReflect['wavelength'].append(l) #Output File self.TSYReflect['reflec'].append(REF) #Output File #ZWave for l in np.arange(self.MinBandWidth, self.MaxBandWidth, self.SimulationResolution): f1 = np.matrix('1 0; 0 1') #empty transfer matrix #Cycle-Each FBG increment for z in np.arange(0, M): #Sigma Function sig = 2.0 * math.pi * ( self.InitialRefractiveIndex + self.Dneffz[z]) * ( (1.0 / l) - (1.0 / (2.0 * (self.InitialRefractiveIndex + self.Dneffz[z]) * self.APFBG[i]))) + ( 2 * math.pi * self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex / l) #Kaa Function kaa = math.pi * self.FringeVisibility * self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex / l #Gamma Function gammab = cmath.sqrt(kaa**2.0 - sig**2.0) #Transfer Matrix Calculation f11 = complex(cmath.cosh(gammab * deltz), -(sig / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) f22 = complex(cmath.cosh(gammab * deltz), (sig / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) f12 = complex(0, -(kaa / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) f21 = complex(0, +(kaa / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) #Assemble Transfer Matrix f1 =, np.matrix([[f11, f12], [f21, f22]])) #Add to the Reflection file- YWave PO = f1[0, 0] NO = f1[1, 0] REF = abs(NO / PO)**2 self.TSZReflect['wavelength'].append(l) #Output File self.TSZReflect['reflec'].append(REF) #Output File
def NonUniformStrain(self, FBGOriginalWavel, PhotoElasticParam, InitialRefractiveIndex, MeanChangeRefractiveIndex, FringeVisibility, MinBandWidth, MaxBandWidth, SimulationResolution, FBGDirection): """ Function to Simulate the FGB Spectrum Considering Non-Uniform Strain effects Input: FBGOriginalWavel: List(Mandatory) List with the FBG array original wavelength PhotoElasticParam: float (Mandatory) Photo-Elastic parameter InitialRefractiveIndex: float (Mandatory) Initial effective refractive index (neff) MeanChangeRefractiveIndex: float (Mandatory) Mean induced change in the refractive index (dneff) FringeVisibility: float (Mandatory) Fringe Visibility (Fv) MinBandWidth: float (Mandatory) Light Min. Bandwidth MaxBandWidth: float (Mandatory) SimulationResolution: float (Mandatory) Simulation resolution- Wavelength increment FBGDirection: int (mandatory) 0-xx 1-yy 2-zz """ self.FBGOriginalWavel = FBGOriginalWavel self.PhotoElasticParam = PhotoElasticParam self.InitialRefractiveIndex = InitialRefractiveIndex self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex = MeanChangeRefractiveIndex self.FringeVisibility = FringeVisibility self.MinBandWidth = MinBandWidth self.MaxBandWidth = MaxBandWidth self.SimulationResolution = SimulationResolution self.FBGDirection = FBGDirection #Array with the original FBG period self.APFBG = [] for i in np.arange(0, self.NumberFBG): self.APFBG.append(self.FBGOriginalWavel[i] / (2.0 * self.InitialRefractiveIndex)) #Empty Reflec spectrum -Uniform Strain self.NUSReflect = {} self.NUSReflect['wavelength'] = [] self.NUSReflect['reflec'] = [] #Cycle all the FBG sensors for i in np.arange(0, self.NumberFBG): #Sections the gratting is divided-- Transfer Matrix M = len(self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)]['x']) #FBG increment size (nm) deltz = (self.FBGLength * (10.0**6)) / M #----Built the grating period chenged by the Non-uniform strain--- FBGperiod = [] for j in np.arange(0, M): if self.FBGDirection == 0: #FBG longitudinal direction (xx) FBGperiod.append( self.APFBG[i] * (1 + (1 - self.PhotoElasticParam) * self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)]['LE11'][j])) if self.FBGDirection == 1: #FBG longitudinal direction (yy) FBGperiod.append( self.APFBG[i] * (1 + (1 - self.PhotoElasticParam) * self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)]['LE22'][j])) if self.FBGDirection == 2: #FBG longitudinal direction (zz) FBGperiod.append( self.APFBG[i] * (1 + (1 - self.PhotoElasticParam) * self.FBGArray['FBG' + str(i + 1)]['LE33'][j])) # Wavelength cycle (Here the simulation resolution is used) for l in np.arange(self.MinBandWidth, self.MaxBandWidth, self.SimulationResolution): f1 = np.matrix('1 0; 0 1') #empty transfer matrix #Cycle-Each FBG increment for z in np.arange(0, M): #Sigma Function sig = 2.0 * math.pi * self.InitialRefractiveIndex * ( (1.0 / l) - (1.0 / (2.0 * self.InitialRefractiveIndex * FBGperiod[z])) ) + (2 * math.pi * self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex / l) #Kaa Function kaa = math.pi * self.FringeVisibility * self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex / l #Gamma Function gammab = cmath.sqrt(kaa**2.0 - sig**2.0) #Transfer Matrix Calculation f11 = complex(cmath.cosh(gammab * deltz), -(sig / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) f22 = complex(cmath.cosh(gammab * deltz), (sig / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) f12 = complex(0, -(kaa / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) f21 = complex(0, +(kaa / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) #Assemble Transfer Matrix f1 =, np.matrix([[f11, f12], [f21, f22]])) #Add to the Reflection file PO = f1[0, 0] NO = f1[1, 0] REF = abs(NO / PO)**2 self.NUSReflect['wavelength'].append(l) self.NUSReflect['reflec'].append(REF)
def UndeformedFBG(self, FBGOriginalWavel, PhotoElasticParam, InitialRefractiveIndex, MeanChangeRefractiveIndex, FringeVisibility, MinBandWidth, MaxBandWidth, SimulationResolution): """ Function to Simulate the Undeformed FBG signal Input: FBGOriginalWavel: List(Mandatory) List with the FBG array original wavelength PhotoElasticParam: float (Mandatory) Photo-Elastic parameter InitialRefractiveIndex: float (Mandatory) Initial effective refractive index (neff) MeanChangeRefractiveIndex: float (Mandatory) Mean induced change in the refractive index (dneff) FringeVisibility: float (Mandatory) Fringe Visibility (Fv) MinBandWidth: float (Mandatory) Light Min. Bandwidth MaxBandWidth: float (Mandatory) SimulationResolution: float (Mandatory) Simulation resolution- Wavelength increment """ self.FBGOriginalWavel = FBGOriginalWavel self.PhotoElasticParam = PhotoElasticParam self.InitialRefractiveIndex = InitialRefractiveIndex self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex = MeanChangeRefractiveIndex self.FringeVisibility = FringeVisibility self.MinBandWidth = MinBandWidth self.MaxBandWidth = MaxBandWidth self.SimulationResolution = SimulationResolution #Array with the Original FBG period self.APFBG = [] for i in np.arange(0, self.NumberFBG): self.APFBG.append(self.FBGOriginalWavel[i] * (1 - self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex / self.InitialRefractiveIndex) / (2.0 * self.InitialRefractiveIndex)) #Empty Original Reflec spectrum self.OReflect = {} self.OReflect['wavelength'] = [] self.OReflect['reflec'] = [] #Cycle all the FBG sensors for i in np.arange(0, self.NumberFBG): # Wavelength cycle (Here the simulation resolution is used) for l in np.arange(self.MinBandWidth, self.MaxBandWidth, self.SimulationResolution): f1 = np.matrix('1 0; 0 1') #empty transfer matrix M = 20.0 #Sections the gratting is divided-- Transfer Matrix #FBG increment size (nm) deltz = (self.FBGLength * (10.0**6)) / M for z in np.arange(0, M): #Sigma Function sig = 2.0 * math.pi * self.InitialRefractiveIndex * ( (1.0 / l) - (1.0 / (2.0 * self.InitialRefractiveIndex * self.APFBG[i])) ) + (2 * math.pi * self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex / l) #Kaa Function kaa = math.pi * self.FringeVisibility * self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex / l #Gamma Function gammab = cmath.sqrt(kaa**2.0 - sig**2.0) #Transfer Matrix Calculation f11 = complex(cmath.cosh(gammab * deltz), -(sig / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) f22 = complex(cmath.cosh(gammab * deltz), (sig / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) f12 = complex(0, -(kaa / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) f21 = complex(0, +(kaa / gammab) * cmath.sinh(gammab * deltz)) #Assemble Transfer Matrix f1 =, np.matrix([[f11, f12], [f21, f22]])) PO = f1[0, 0] NO = f1[1, 0] REF = abs(NO / PO)**2 self.OReflect['wavelength'].append(l) self.OReflect['reflec'].append(REF)
def A2_rho(theta, u, t): return - theta[4]*1j*u*(2 + t*ksi(theta, u))*(ksi(theta, u)*cmath.cosh(d(theta, u)*t/2) + \ d(theta, u)*cmath.sinh(d(theta, u)*t/2))/(2*d(theta, u)*theta[0])
def sinh(x): if is_complex(x): return cmath.sinh(x) return math.sinh(x)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hyperbolic functions - real version x = 0.5 assert abs(cosh(x) - math.cosh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(sinh(x) - math.sinh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(tanh(x) - math.tanh(x)) < 1e-14 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hyperbolic functions - complex version x = 0.5j assert abs(cosh(x) - cmath.cosh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(sinh(x) - cmath.sinh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(tanh(x) - cmath.tanh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(acosh(x) - cmath.acosh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(asinh(x) - cmath.asinh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(atanh(x) - cmath.atanh(x)) < 1e-14 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Rounding operations. assert type(round(0.5)) is mpf assert type(round(mpq(1,2))) is mpf assert type(floor(0.5)) is mpf assert type(ceil(0.5)) is mpf assert round(0.5) == 1
c = 2 + 2j print('arc sine =', cmath.asin(c)) print('arc cosine =', cmath.acos(c)) print('arc tangent =', cmath.atan(c)) print('sine =', cmath.sin(c)) print('cosine =', cmath.cos(c)) print('tangent =', cmath.tan(c)) # hyperbolic functions c = 2 + 2j print('inverse hyperbolic sine =', cmath.asinh(c)) print('inverse hyperbolic cosine =', cmath.acosh(c)) print('inverse hyperbolic tangent =', cmath.atanh(c)) print('hyperbolic sine =', cmath.sinh(c)) print('hyperbolic cosine =', cmath.cosh(c)) print('hyperbolic tangent =', cmath.tanh(c)) # classification functions print(cmath.isfinite(2 + 2j)) # True print(cmath.isfinite(cmath.inf + 2j)) # False print(cmath.isinf(2 + 2j)) # False print(cmath.isinf(cmath.inf + 2j)) # True print(cmath.isinf(cmath.nan + 2j)) # False print(cmath.isnan(2 + 2j)) # False print(cmath.isnan(cmath.inf + 2j)) # False print(cmath.isnan(cmath.nan + 2j)) # True
def sin_impl(z): """cmath.sin(z) = -j * cmath.sinh(z j)""" r = cmath.sinh(complex(-z.imag, z.real)) return complex(r.imag, -r.real)
def coth(x): return cosh(x)/sinh(x)
def A2(theta, u, t): return d(theta, u) * cmath.cosh(d(theta, u) * t / 2) / theta[0] + ksi( theta, u) * cmath.sinh(d(theta, u) * t / 2) / theta[0]
def mycotanh(z): return cmath.cosh(z) / cmath.sinh(z)
def __new__(cls, argument): if isinstance(argument, (RealValue, Zero)): return FloatValue(math.sinh(float(argument))) if isinstance(argument, (ComplexValue)): return ComplexValue(cmath.sinh(complex(argument))) return MathFunction.__new__(cls)
Power and Log Functions The cmath() module provides some useful functions for logarithmic and power operations. """ c = 1+2j print('e^c = ', cmath.exp(c)) print('log2(c) = ', cmath.log(c,2)) print('log10(c) = ', cmath.log10(c)) print('sqrt(c) = ', cmath.sqrt(c)) """ Trigonometric Functions """ c = 2+4j print('arc sine value:\n ', cmath.asin(c)) print('arc cosine value:\n ', cmath.acos(c)) print('arc tangent value:\n ', cmath.atan(c)) print('sine value:\n ', cmath.sin(c)) print('cosine value:\n ', cmath.cos(c)) print('tangent value:\n ', cmath.tan(c)) """ Hyperbolic Functions """ c = 2+4j print('Inverse hyperbolic sine value: \n', cmath.asinh(c)) print('Inverse hyperbolic cosine value: \n', cmath.acosh(c)) print('Inverse hyperbolic tangent value: \n', cmath.atanh(c)) print('Inverse sine value: \n', cmath.sinh(c)) print('Inverse cosine value: \n', cmath.cosh(c)) print('Inverse tangent value: \n', cmath.tanh(c))
def sinh_usecase(x): return cmath.sinh(x)
def cosh(self): comp_value = cmath.cosh(self.comp_value) dxr = cmath.sinh(self.comp_value) comp_unc = self.comp_unc * dxr # if y = coshx than U(y) = U(x)sinhx return Ucom(comp_value, comp_unc,, self.dep)
def Intergration (self,u): sigma = self.sigma eta = self.eta kappa = self.kappa rho = self.rho theta = self.theta S0 = self.S0 r = self.r T = self.T ii = complex(0,1) l = cmath.sqrt( sigma ** 2 * ( u ** 2 + ii * u ) + ( kappa - ii * rho * sigma * u) ** 2) w = np.exp(ii * u * np.log(S0) + ii * u * (r - 0) * T + kappa * theta * T * (kappa - ii * rho * sigma * u)/ sigma ** 2)/(cmath.cosh(l * T/2) + (kappa - ii * rho * sigma * u) / l * cmath.sinh(l * T/2)) ** (2 * kappa * theta/sigma**2) E = w * np.exp(-(u ** 2 + ii * u) * eta/( l / cmath.tanh( l * T/2) + kappa - ii * rho * sigma * u)) return E
def mycotanh(z): return cmath.cosh(z)/cmath.sinh(z)
def doTop(self, filePar): self.initHTML() f = ROOT.TFile('ntuple.root')'CollectionTree') mytree = ROOT.gDirectory.Get('CollectionTree') m_drmin = ROOT.TH1F("m_drmin", "drmin", 100, -0.2, 0.2) m_h1 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h1", "Energy resolution", 100, -0.25, 0.25) m_h1.SetXTitle("(E_{t}(reco)-E_{t}(true))/E_{t}(true)") m_h2 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h2", "Phi resolution", 100, -0.01, 0.01) m_h2.SetXTitle("#Phi resolution (rad)") m_h3 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h3", "Eta resolution in the barrel", 100, -0.01, 0.01) m_h3.SetXTitle("#eta resolution") m_h4 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h4", "Eta resolution in the endcap", 100, -0.01, 0.01) m_h4.SetXTitle("#eta resolution") m_h5 = ROOT.TH1F("m_h5", "Efficiency vs eta", 50, -3, 3) m_h5.SetXTitle("#eta") m_tmp1 = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp1", "EtaGen", 50, -3, 3) m_tmp2 = ROOT.TH1F("m_tmp2", "cl_eta", 50, -3, 3) entries = mytree.GetEntriesFast() for jentry in xrange(entries): ientry = mytree.LoadTree(jentry) if ientry < 0: break nb = mytree.GetEntry(jentry) if nb <= 0: continue nEvent = int(mytree.IEvent) if nEvent < 0: continue indEle = [] iele = 0 for ipart in range(0, mytree.NPar): if abs((mytree.Type)[ipart]) == 11 and abs( (mytree.Type)[(mytree.KMothNt)[ipart]]) == 24: #indEle[iele]=ipart indEle.append(ipart) m_tmp2.Fill((mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[iele]]) iele = +1 if iele > 4:'two many electrons') return -1 nele = iele # a quel cluster correspond quel electron ? # je tourne sur ts les clusters de l ev for ic in range(0, mytree.cl_nc): drmin = 9999. im = 0 # pour un cluster donne je tourne sur tous les electrons primaires trouves precedemment et je minimise dr pour savoir celui qui est le plus pres du cluster for iele in range(0, nele): deta = (mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[iele]] - (mytree.cl_eta)[ic] dphi = (mytree.PhiGen)[indEle[iele]] - (mytree.cl_phi)[ic] if dphi > math.pi: dphi = math.fabs(dphi) - 2. * math.pi dr = math.sqrt(dphi * dphi + deta * deta) if dr < drmin: drmin = dr im = iele # l'electron matchant le cluster a l'indice im m_drmin.Fill(drmin) if drmin < 0.1: etacl = (mytree.cl_eta)[ic] phicl = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic] etcl = (mytree.cl_et)[ic] etae = (mytree.EtaGen)[indEle[im]] if math.fabs((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]) > 1.475: etaclcor = cmath.asinh( cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]) * (1 - (mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary] / (self.mysign( (mytree.cl_eta)[ic]) * 3800.0))) phiclcor = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic] + ( 0.3 * 3800 * (-(mytree.Type)[indEle[im]] / 11.0) * self.mysign( (mytree.cl_eta)[ic])) / ( (mytree.cl_et)[ic] * cmath.sinh( (mytree.cl_eta)[ic])) m_h4.Fill((etaclcor - etae).real) else: etaclcor = cmath.asinh( cmath.sinh((mytree.cl_eta)[ic]) - (mytree.ZV)[mytree.IVPrimary] / 1600.0) phiclcor = (mytree.cl_phi)[ic] + ( 0.3 * 1600.0 * (-(mytree.Type)[indEle[im]] / 11.0) / (mytree.cl_et)[ic]) m_h3.Fill((etaclcor - etae).real) phie = (mytree.PhiGen)[indEle[im]] ete = (mytree.PtGen)[indEle[im]] try: m_h2.Fill(phiclcor.real - phie) except: m_h2.Fill(phiclcor - phie) m_h1.Fill((etcl - ete) / ete) m_tmp1.Fill(etae) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1011) m_h1.Fit("gaus") m_h2.Fit("gaus") m_h3.Fit("gaus") m_h4.Fit("gaus") res1 = self.saveHisto(m_h1, filePar, '') res2 = self.saveHisto(m_h2, filePar, '') res3 = self.saveHisto(m_h3, filePar, '') res4 = self.saveHisto(m_h4, filePar, '') m_h5.Divide(m_tmp1, m_tmp2, 1, 1, "B") res5 = self.saveHisto(m_h5, filePar, "E") if res1 == -1 or res2 == -1 or res3 == -1 or res4 == -1 or res5 == -1: return -1 else: return 0
def Heston_cf(self,u): """ Define a function that computes the characteristic function for variance gamma """ sigma = self.sigma eta0 = self.eta0 kappa = self.kappa rho = self.rho theta = self.theta S0 = self.S0 r = self.r T = self.T ii = complex(0,1) l = cmath.sqrt(sigma**2*(u**2+ii*u)+(kappa-ii*rho*sigma*u)**2) w = np.exp(ii*u*np.log(S0)+ii*u*(r-0)*T+kappa*theta*T*(kappa-ii*rho*sigma*u)/sigma**2)/(cmath.cosh(l*T/2)+(kappa-ii*rho*sigma*u)/l*cmath.sinh(l*T/2))**(2*kappa*theta/sigma**2) y = w*np.exp(-(u**2+ii*u)*eta0/(l/cmath.tanh(l*T/2)+kappa-ii*rho*sigma*u)) return y
def p_expression_senh(t): 'expression : SENH expression' t[0] = cmath.sinh(t[2])
def IBLLogCalc(epsilon, M, corPar, MS, MODB, stratPar_back, EkmanDepth_back, frVelCpx_back, tempScale_back, roughLength_m_back, roughLength_h_back, tempTop, gam, tempSurf_back, geostrWindCpx, d, tempSurf, roughLength_h, roughLength_m, stratPar, frVelCpx, tempScale, MOD=None): CHARNOCKCONST = 0.018 GRAVITYACC = 9.8 VONKARMANCONST = 0.41 BETA = GRAVITYACC / 300 VA = 14e-6 SBLHeight_back = epsilon * EkmanDepth_back K_back = EkmanDepth_back ** 2 * corPar / 2 K = K_back geostrWind = abs(geostrWindCpx) angle = cmath.phase(geostrWindCpx) # iteration for the drag coefficient it = 0 mistake = 1 tmpFrVelCpx = frVelCpx tmpTempScale = tempScale K_back = EkmanDepth_back ** 2 * corPar / 2 gama = max(0, gam) lambInv_back = 1 / lambdaCalc(epsilon, stratPar_back) while mistake > 0.0001: it += 1 tmpFrVelCpx = 0.3 * frVelCpx + 0.7 * tmpFrVelCpx tmpFrVel = abs(tmpFrVelCpx) tmpTempScale = 0.3 * tempScale + 0.7 * tmpTempScale heatFlux = - tmpFrVel * tempScale stratPar = VONKARMANCONST ** 2 * BETA * tmpTempScale / (corPar * tmpFrVel) roughLength_m = roughLength_m * MS + \ (CHARNOCKCONST * tmpFrVel ** 2 / GRAVITYACC + 0.14 * VA / tmpFrVel) * (1 - MS) lambInv = 1 / lambdaCalc(epsilon, stratPar) if MOD != 'initial': tmpStratPar = stratPar * d / epsilon else: tmpStratPar = stratPar * d / EkmanDepth_back / epsilon profileFunc_m = profileFunc_momentum_Calc(lambInv, epsilon, tmpStratPar) profileFunc_h = profileFunc_heat_Calc(lambInv, epsilon, tmpStratPar) EkmanDepth = VONKARMANCONST * tmpFrVel / (corPar * lambInv) SBLHeight = epsilon * EkmanDepth K = EkmanDepth ** 2 * corPar / 2 if MOD != 'initial': delta = EkmanDepth * d else: delta = d if delta <= SBLHeight_back: tmpStratPar_back = stratPar_back * delta / SBLHeight_back profileFunc_m_back = profileFunc_momentum_Calc(lambInv_back, epsilon, tmpStratPar_back) profileFunc_h_back = profileFunc_heat_Calc(lambInv_back, epsilon, tmpStratPar_back) windCpx_back = frVelCpx_back / VONKARMANCONST * (math.log(delta / roughLength_m_back) - profileFunc_m_back) temp = tempSurf_back + tempScale_back / VONKARMANCONST *\ (math.log(delta / roughLength_h_back) - profileFunc_h_back) else: dm = M - epsilon ksi = (delta - SBLHeight_back) / (EkmanDepth_back * dm) tmpKsi = ksi ksi = min(1, ksi) Coeff = (1 -1j) * cmath.sinh((1 + 1j) * dm * (1 - ksi)) / cmath.cosh((1 + 1j) * dm) windCpx_back = geostrWindCpx - lambInv_back * frVelCpx_back / VONKARMANCONST * Coeff temp = tempTop - 2 * lambInv_back * tempScale_back / VONKARMANCONST * dm * (1 - tmpKsi) if gam <= 0: alg = 1 epst = 0 else: alg = (abs(heatFlux) + abs(gama * K_back)) / (abs(heatFlux) + abs(gama * K)) alg = min(1, alg) epst = max(0, 1 / 4 * heatFlux / (K * gama * alg)) temp -= epst * gama * delta frVelCpx = VONKARMANCONST * windCpx_back / (math.log(delta / roughLength_m) - profileFunc_m) tempScale = VONKARMANCONST * (temp - tempSurf) / (math.log(delta / roughLength_h) - profileFunc_h) mistake = abs(tmpFrVelCpx - frVelCpx) / abs(tmpFrVelCpx) if it > 100: print 'error in IBLCalc' alpha = alg * (1 - (delta / (M * EkmanDepth)) ** 4) break alpha = alg * (1 - (delta / (M * EkmanDepth)) ** 4) RES = [stratPar, EkmanDepth, frVelCpx, tempScale, temp, roughLength_m, windCpx_back, alpha, epst] return RES
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hyperbolic functions - real version x = 0.5 assert abs(cosh(x) - math.cosh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(sinh(x) - math.sinh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(tanh(x) - math.tanh(x)) < 1e-14 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hyperbolic functions - complex version x = 0.5j assert abs(cosh(x) - cmath.cosh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(sinh(x) - cmath.sinh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(tanh(x) - cmath.tanh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(acosh(x) - cmath.acosh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(asinh(x) - cmath.asinh(x)) < 1e-14 assert abs(atanh(x) - cmath.atanh(x)) < 1e-14 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Rounding operations. assert type(round(0.5)) is mpf assert type(round(mpq(1, 2))) is mpf assert type(floor(0.5)) is mpf assert type(ceil(0.5)) is mpf assert round(0.5) == 1
def rpn_calc(input, angle_mode = 0): global stack single_arg_funcs = ['exp','sqrt','sin','asin','cos','acos','tan','atan', 'sinh','asinh','cosh','acosh','tanh', 'atanh','!', 'polar'] num, arg, option = parse(input) #print(num, arg, option) #print('\n') if arg == None and (num != None or num != 'Error'): config.stack.append(num) history.append('Entered number: ' + str(num) ) return config.stack # Simple arithmatic----------------------------------------------------------------------- if option == None and num != None: if arg not in single_arg_funcs: last = config.stack.pop() if arg == '+': try: result = Decimal(last) + Decimal(num) hist = str(last) + '+' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = last + num hist = str(last) + '+' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == '-': try: result = Decimal(last) - Decimal(num) hist = str(last) + '-' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = last - num hist = str(last) + '-' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == '*': try: result = Decimal(last) * Decimal(num) hist = str(last) + '*' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = last * num hist = str(last) + '*' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == '/': try: result = Decimal(last) / Decimal(num) hist = str(last) + '/' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = last / num hist = str(last) + '/' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == '**': try: result = pow(Decimal(last), Decimal(num) ) hist = str(last) + '**' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = last ** num hist = str(last) + '**' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'rt': try: result = root(Decimal(last), Decimal(num) ) hist = str(last) + 'raised to 1 over ' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = root(last + num) hist = str(last) + 'raised to 1 over ' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == '%': try: result = Decimal(last) % Decimal(num) hist = str(last) + '%' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = last % num hist = str(last) + '%' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == '!': try: result = Decimal(math.factorial(num)) hist = str(num) + '!' + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = math.factorial(num) hist = str(num) + '!' + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'exp': try: result = math.exp(Decimal(num)) hist = str(num) + 'exp' + '=' + str(result) except ValueError: result = cmath.exp(Decimal(num)) hist = str(num) + 'exp' + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.exp(num) hist = str(num) + 'exp' + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'sqrt': try: result = math.sqrt(Decimal(num)) hist = str(num) + 'sqrt' + '=' + str(result) except ValueError: result = cmath.sqrt(Decimal(num)) hist = str(num) + 'sqrt' + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.sqrt(num) hist = str(num) + 'sqrt' + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'log': try: result = math.log10(Decimal(num)) hist = str(num) + 'log10' + '=' + str(result) except ValueError: result = cmath.log10(Decimal(num)) hist = str(num) + 'log10' + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.log10(num) hist = str(num) + 'log10' + '=' + str(result) #================================= if arg == 'ln': try: result = math.log(Decimal(num)) hist = str(num) + 'ln' + '=' + str(result) except ValueError: result = cmath.log(Decimal(num)) hist = str(num) + 'ln' + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.log(num) hist = str(num) + 'ln' + '=' + str(result) #--------TRIG-------------------------------- if arg == 'sin': if angle_mode == 1: try: result = math.sin(Decimal(num)) hist = 'sin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.sin(num) hist = 'sin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) elif angle_mode == 0: try: result = math.sin(math.radians(Decimal(num))) hist = 'sin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.sin(num) hist = 'sin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'cos': if angle_mode == 1: try: result = math.cos(Decimal(num)) hist = 'cos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.cos(num) hist = 'cos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) elif angle_mode == 0: try: result = math.cos(math.radians(Decimal(num))) hist = 'cos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.cos(num) hist = 'cos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'tan': if angle_mode == 1: try: result = math.tan(Decimal(num)) hist = 'tan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.tan(num) hist = 'tan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) elif angle_mode == 0: try: result = math.tan(math.radians(Decimal(num))) hist = 'tan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.tan(num) hist = 'tan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'asin': if angle_mode == 1: try: result = math.asin(Decimal(num)) hist = 'asin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.asin(num) hist = 'asin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) elif angle_mode == 0: try: result = math.asin(math.radians(Decimal(num))) hist = 'asin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.asin(num) hist = 'asin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'acos': if angle_mode == 1: try: result = math.acos(Decimal(num)) hist = 'acos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.acos(num) hist = 'acos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) elif angle_mode == 0: try: result = math.acos(math.radians(Decimal(num))) hist = 'acos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.acos(num) hist = 'acos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'atan': if angle_mode == 1: try: result = math.atan(Decimal(num)) hist = 'atan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.atan(num) hist = 'atan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) elif angle_mode == 0: try: result = math.atan(math.radians(Decimal(num))) hist = 'atan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.atan(num) hist = 'atan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'sinh': try: result = math.sinh(Decimal(num)) hist = 'sinh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.sinh(num) hist = 'sinh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'cosh': try: result = math.cosh(Decimal(num)) hist = 'cosh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.cosh(num) hist = 'cosh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'tanh': try: result = math.tanh(Decimal(num)) hist = 'tanh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.tanh(num) hist = 'tanh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'asinh': try: result = math.asinh(Decimal(num)) hist = 'asinh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.asinh(num) hist = 'asinh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'acosh': try: result = math.acosh(Decimal(num)) hist = 'acosh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.acosh(num) hist = 'acosh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'atanh': try: result = math.atanh(Decimal(num)) hist = 'atanh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.atanh(num) hist = 'atanh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'rect': #continue here.... try: result = rect(last, num) hist = 'Convert ' + str(last) + ',' + str(num) + ' to rectangular coords.' except TypeError: result = 'Error' hist = 'Error in attempted conversion to rectangular coords. No result.' if arg == 'polar': try: result = polar(num) hist = 'Convert ' + str(num) + ' to polar coords.' except TypeError: result = 'Error' hist = 'Error in attempted conversion to polar coords. No result.' config.stack.append(result) history.append(hist) return config.stack #======================================================================================================================= #----Only argument passed----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #======================================================================================================================= elif option == None and num == None: last = config.stack.pop() if arg not in single_arg_funcs: try: n_minus1 = config.stack.pop() except IndexError: try: config.stack.append(Decimal(last)) except TypeError: config.stack.append(last) except TypeError: config.stack.append(last) except Exception as e: return 'Error' if arg == '+': try: result = Decimal(n_minus1) + Decimal(last) hist = str(n_minus1) + '+' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = n_minus1 + last hist = str(n_minus1) + '+' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == '-': try: result = Decimal(n_minus1) - Decimal(last) hist = str(n_minus1) + '-' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = n_minus1 - last hist = str(n_minus1) + '-' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == '*': try: result = Decimal(n_minus1) * Decimal(last) hist = str(n_minus1) + '*' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = n_minus1 * last hist = str(n_minus1) + '*' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == '/': try: result = Decimal(n_minus1) / Decimal(last) hist = str(n_minus1) + '/' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = n_minus1 / last hist = str(n_minus1) + '/' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == '!': try: result = Decimal(math.factorial(last)) hist = str(last) + '!' '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = math.factorial(last) hist = str(last) + '!' '=' + str(result) except OverflowError: config.stack.append(last) hist = str('Factorial overflow error, no result.') return 'Error' if arg == '**': try: result = pow(Decimal(last), Decimal(last)) hist = str(n_minus1) + '**' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = last ** last hist = str(n_minus1) + '**' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'log': try: result = math.log10(Decimal(last)) hist = str(last) +'log10' + '=' + str(result) except ValueError: result = cmath.log10(Decimal(last)) hist = str(last) +'log10' + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.log10(last) hist = str(last) +'log10' + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'ln': try: result = math.log(Decimal(last)) hist = str(last) +'ln' + '=' + str(result) except ValueError: result = cmath.log(Decimal(last)) hist = str(last) +'ln' + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.log(last) hist = str(last) +'ln' + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'rt': try: result = root(Decimal(last), Decimal(n_minus1)) hist = str(n_minus1) + 'root' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = root(last), (n_minus1) hist = str(n_minus1) + 'root' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'exp': try: result = math.exp(Decimal(last)) hist = str(last) +'exp' + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.exp(last) hist = str(last) +'exp' + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'sqrt': try: result = math.sqrt(Decimal(last)) hist = 'Square root of ' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except ValueError: result = cmath.sqrt(Decimal(last)) hist = 'Square root of ' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.sqrt(last) hist = 'Square root of ' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) #----------Trig---------------------------------------- #--------TRIG-------------------------------- if arg == 'sin': if angle_mode == 1: try: result = math.sin(Decimal(last)) hist = 'sin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.sin(last) hist = 'sin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) elif angle_mode == 0: try: result = math.sin(math.radians(Decimal(last))) hist = 'sin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.sin(last) hist = 'sin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'cos': if angle_mode == 1: try: result = math.cos(Decimal(last)) hist = 'cos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.cos(last) hist = 'cos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) elif angle_mode == 0: try: result = math.cos(math.radians(Decimal(last))) hist = 'cos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.cos(last) hist = 'cos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'tan': if angle_mode == 1: try: result = math.tan(Decimal(last)) hist = 'tan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.tan(last) hist = 'tan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) elif angle_mode == 0: try: result = math.tan(math.radians(Decimal(last))) hist = 'tan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.tan(last) hist = 'tan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'asin': if angle_mode == 1: try: result = math.asin(Decimal(last)) hist = 'asin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.asin(last) hist = 'asin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) elif angle_mode == 0: try: result = math.asin(math.radians(Decimal(last))) hist = 'asin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.asin(last) hist = 'asin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'acos': if angle_mode == 1: try: result = math.acos(Decimal(last)) hist = 'acos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.acos(last) hist = 'acos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) elif angle_mode == 0: try: result = math.acos(math.radians(Decimal(last))) hist = 'acos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.acos(last) hist = 'acos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'atan': if angle_mode == 1: try: result = math.atan(Decimal(last)) hist = 'atan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.atan(last) hist = 'atan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) elif angle_mode == 0: try: result = math.atan(math.radians(Decimal(last))) hist = 'atan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = cmath.atan(last) hist = 'atan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'sinh': try: result = math.sinh(Decimal(last)) hist = 'sinh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = math.sinh(last) hist = 'sinh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'cosh': try: result = math.cosh(Decimal(last)) hist = 'cosh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = math.cosh(last) hist = 'cosh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'tanh': try: result = math.tanh(Decimal(last)) hist = 'tanh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = math.tanh(last) hist = 'tanh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'asinh': try: result = math.asinh(Decimal(last)) hist = 'asinh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = math.asinh(last) hist = 'asinh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'acosh': try: result = math.acosh(Decimal(last)) hist = 'acosh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = math.acosh(last) hist = 'acosh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'atanh': try: result = math.atanh(Decimal(last)) hist = 'atanh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) except TypeError: result = math.atanh(last) hist = 'atanh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result) if arg == 'rect': #continue here.... try: result = rect(n_minus1, last) hist = 'Convert ' + str(n_minus1) + ',' + str(last) + ' to rectangular coords.' except TypeError: result = 'Error' hist = 'Error in attempted conversion to rectangular coords. No result.' if arg == 'polar': try: result = polar(last) hist = 'Convert complex value ' + str(last) + ' to rectangular coords.' except TypeError: result = 'Error' hist = 'Error in attempted conversion to polar coords. No result.' config.stack.append(result) history.append(hist) return config.stack
def Coth(x): return cmath.cosh(x)/cmath.sinh(x)
def test_sinh(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(complex(-6.54812, -7.61923), cmath.sinh(complex(3, 4)))
def UndeformedFBG(self,FBGOriginalWavel,PhotoElasticParam,InitialRefractiveIndex,MeanChangeRefractiveIndex,FringeVisibility,MinBandWidth,MaxBandWidth,SimulationResolution): """ Function to Simulate the Undeformed FBG signal Input: FBGOriginalWavel: List(Mandatory) List with the FBG array original wavelength PhotoElasticParam: float (Mandatory) Photo-Elastic parameter InitialRefractiveIndex: float (Mandatory) Initial effective refractive index (neff) MeanChangeRefractiveIndex: float (Mandatory) Mean induced change in the refractive index (dneff) FringeVisibility: float (Mandatory) Fringe Visibility (Fv) MinBandWidth: float (Mandatory) Light Min. Bandwidth MaxBandWidth: float (Mandatory) SimulationResolution: float (Mandatory) Simulation resolution- Wavelength increment """ self.FBGOriginalWavel=FBGOriginalWavel self.PhotoElasticParam=PhotoElasticParam self.InitialRefractiveIndex=InitialRefractiveIndex self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex=MeanChangeRefractiveIndex self.FringeVisibility=FringeVisibility self.MinBandWidth=MinBandWidth self.MaxBandWidth=MaxBandWidth self.SimulationResolution=SimulationResolution #Array with the Original FBG period self.APFBG=[] for i in np.arange(0,self.NumberFBG): self.APFBG.append(self.FBGOriginalWavel[i]*(1-self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex/self.InitialRefractiveIndex)/(2.0*self.InitialRefractiveIndex)) #Empty Original Reflec spectrum self.OReflect={} self.OReflect['wavelength']=[] self.OReflect['reflec']=[] #Cycle all the FBG sensors for i in np.arange(0,self.NumberFBG): # Wavelength cycle (Here the simulation resolution is used) for l in np.arange(self.MinBandWidth,self.MaxBandWidth,self.SimulationResolution): f1 = np.matrix('1 0; 0 1') #empty transfer matrix M=20.0 #Sections the gratting is divided-- Transfer Matrix #FBG increment size (nm) deltz=(self.FBGLength*(10.0**6))/M for z in np.arange(0,M): #Sigma Function sig=2.0*math.pi*self.InitialRefractiveIndex*((1.0/l)-(1.0/(2.0*self.InitialRefractiveIndex*self.APFBG[i])))+(2*math.pi*self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex/l) #Kaa Function kaa=math.pi*self.FringeVisibility*self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex/l #Gamma Function gammab=cmath.sqrt(kaa**2.0-sig**2.0) #Transfer Matrix Calculation f11=complex(cmath.cosh(gammab*deltz),-(sig/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) f22=complex(cmath.cosh(gammab*deltz),(sig/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) f12=complex(0,-(kaa/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) f21=complex(0,+(kaa/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) #Assemble Transfer Matrix,np.matrix([[f11, f12],[ f21, f22]])) PO=f1[0,0] NO=f1[1,0] REF=abs(NO/PO)**2 self.OReflect['wavelength'].append(l) self.OReflect['reflec'].append(REF)
def A1(theta, u, t): return (u * u + 1j * u) * cmath.sinh(d(theta, u) * t / 2)
def NonUniformStrain(self,FBGOriginalWavel,PhotoElasticParam,InitialRefractiveIndex,MeanChangeRefractiveIndex,FringeVisibility,MinBandWidth,MaxBandWidth,SimulationResolution,FBGDirection): """ Function to Simulate the FGB Spectrum Considering Non-Uniform Strain effects Input: FBGOriginalWavel: List(Mandatory) List with the FBG array original wavelength PhotoElasticParam: float (Mandatory) Photo-Elastic parameter InitialRefractiveIndex: float (Mandatory) Initial effective refractive index (neff) MeanChangeRefractiveIndex: float (Mandatory) Mean induced change in the refractive index (dneff) FringeVisibility: float (Mandatory) Fringe Visibility (Fv) MinBandWidth: float (Mandatory) Light Min. Bandwidth MaxBandWidth: float (Mandatory) SimulationResolution: float (Mandatory) Simulation resolution- Wavelength increment FBGDirection: int (mandatory) 0-xx 1-yy 2-zz """ self.FBGOriginalWavel=FBGOriginalWavel self.PhotoElasticParam=PhotoElasticParam self.InitialRefractiveIndex=InitialRefractiveIndex self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex=MeanChangeRefractiveIndex self.FringeVisibility=FringeVisibility self.MinBandWidth=MinBandWidth self.MaxBandWidth=MaxBandWidth self.SimulationResolution=SimulationResolution self.FBGDirection=FBGDirection #Array with the original FBG period self.APFBG=[] for i in np.arange(0,self.NumberFBG): self.APFBG.append(self.FBGOriginalWavel[i]/(2.0*self.InitialRefractiveIndex)) #Empty Reflec spectrum -Uniform Strain self.NUSReflect={} self.NUSReflect['wavelength']=[] self.NUSReflect['reflec']=[] #Cycle all the FBG sensors for i in np.arange(0,self.NumberFBG): #Sections the gratting is divided-- Transfer Matrix M=len(self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)]['x']) #FBG increment size (nm) deltz=(self.FBGLength*(10.0**6))/M #----Built the grating period chenged by the Non-uniform strain--- FBGperiod=[] for j in np.arange(0,M): if self.FBGDirection==0: #FBG longitudinal direction (xx) FBGperiod.append(self.APFBG[i]*(1+(1-self.PhotoElasticParam)*self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)]['LE11'][j])) if self.FBGDirection==1: #FBG longitudinal direction (yy) FBGperiod.append(self.APFBG[i]*(1+(1-self.PhotoElasticParam)*self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)]['LE22'][j])) if self.FBGDirection==2: #FBG longitudinal direction (zz) FBGperiod.append(self.APFBG[i]*(1+(1-self.PhotoElasticParam)*self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)]['LE33'][j])) # Wavelength cycle (Here the simulation resolution is used) for l in np.arange(self.MinBandWidth,self.MaxBandWidth,self.SimulationResolution): f1 = np.matrix('1 0; 0 1') #empty transfer matrix #Cycle-Each FBG increment for z in np.arange(0,M): #Sigma Function sig=2.0*math.pi*self.InitialRefractiveIndex*((1.0/l)-(1.0/(2.0*self.InitialRefractiveIndex*FBGperiod[z])))+(2*math.pi*self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex/l) #Kaa Function kaa=math.pi*self.FringeVisibility*self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex/l #Gamma Function gammab=cmath.sqrt(kaa**2.0-sig**2.0) #Transfer Matrix Calculation f11=complex(cmath.cosh(gammab*deltz),-(sig/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) f22=complex(cmath.cosh(gammab*deltz),(sig/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) f12=complex(0,-(kaa/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) f21=complex(0,+(kaa/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) #Assemble Transfer Matrix,np.matrix([[f11, f12],[ f21, f22]])) #Add to the Reflection file PO=f1[0,0] NO=f1[1,0] REF=abs(NO/PO)**2 self.NUSReflect['wavelength'].append(l) self.NUSReflect['reflec'].append(REF)
def TransverseStrain(self,FBGOriginalWavel,PhotoElasticParam,InitialRefractiveIndex,MeanChangeRefractiveIndex,FringeVisibility,MinBandWidth,MaxBandWidth,SimulationResolution,FBGDirection,DirectionalRefractiveP11,DirectionalRefractiveP12,YoungsModule,PoissionsCoefficient): """ Function to Simulate the FGB Spectrum Considering Uniform longitudinal strain and transverse Stress Input: FBGOriginalWavel: List(Mandatory) List with the FBG array original wavelength PhotoElasticParam: float (Mandatory) Photo-Elastic parameter InitialRefractiveIndex: float (Mandatory) Initial effective refractive index (neff) MeanChangeRefractiveIndex: float (Mandatory) Mean induced change in the refractive index (dneff) FringeVisibility: float (Mandatory) Fringe Visibility (Fv) MinBandWidth: float (Mandatory) Light Min. Bandwidth MaxBandWidth: float (Mandatory) SimulationResolution: float (Mandatory) Simulation resolution- Wavelength increment FBGDirection: int (mandatory) 0-xx 1-yy 2-zz DirectionalRefractiveP11: float (Mandatory) Directional Photo-elastic coeffic DirectionalRefractiveP12: float (Mandatory) Directional Photo-elastic coefficient YoungsModule: float (Mandatory) Optical Fibre Young's Module PoissionsCoefficient: float (Mandatory) Optical Fibre Poisson Ration """ self.FBGOriginalWavel=FBGOriginalWavel self.PhotoElasticParam=PhotoElasticParam self.InitialRefractiveIndex=InitialRefractiveIndex self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex=MeanChangeRefractiveIndex self.FringeVisibility=FringeVisibility self.MinBandWidth=MinBandWidth self.MaxBandWidth=MaxBandWidth self.SimulationResolution=SimulationResolution self.FBGDirection=FBGDirection self.DirectionalRefractiveP11=DirectionalRefractiveP11 self.DirectionalRefractiveP12=DirectionalRefractiveP12 self.YoungsModule=YoungsModule/10**6 #Change to MPA self.PoissionsCoefficient=PoissionsCoefficient #Array with the FBG period- Longitudinal Strain self.APFBG=[] for i in np.arange(0,self.NumberFBG): if self.FBGDirection==0: #FBG longitudinal direction (xx) TempMeanFBG=np.mean(self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)]['LE11'] )#Strain average TempnewWavelength=self.FBGOriginalWavel[i]*(1+(1-self.PhotoElasticParam)*TempMeanFBG) #weavelength at uniform strain self.APFBG.append(TempnewWavelength/(2.0*self.InitialRefractiveIndex)) # Grating period at strain state if self.FBGDirection==1: #FBG longitudinal direction (yy) TempMeanFBG=np.mean(self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)]['LE22'] )#Strain average TempnewWavelength=self.FBGOriginalWavel[i]*(1+(1-self.PhotoElasticParam)*TempMeanFBG) #weavelength at uniform strain self.APFBG.append(TempnewWavelength/(2.0*self.InitialRefractiveIndex)) # Grating period at strain state if self.FBGDirection==2: #FBG longitudinal direction (zz) TempMeanFBG=np.mean(self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)]['LE33'] )#Strain average TempnewWavelength=self.FBGOriginalWavel[i]*(1+(1-self.PhotoElasticParam)*TempMeanFBG) #weavelength at uniform strain self.APFBG.append(TempnewWavelength/(2.0*self.InitialRefractiveIndex)) # Grating period at strain state #Empty Reflec spectrum- Two waves self.TSYReflect={}#Y wave self.TSYReflect['wavelength']=[] self.TSYReflect['reflec']=[] self.TSZReflect={}#Z wave self.TSZReflect['wavelength']=[] self.TSZReflect['reflec']=[] #Cycle all the FBG sensors for i in np.arange(0,self.NumberFBG): #Sections the gratting is divided-- Transfer Matrix M=len(self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)]['x']) #FBG increment size (nm) deltz=(self.FBGLength*(10.0**6))/M #Build a List with the change in the refractive index DeltaNEffY self.Dneffy=[] self.Dneffz=[] for j in np.arange(0,M): if self.FBGDirection==0: #FBG longitudinal direction (xx) DirecX='S11' DirecY='S22' DirecZ='S33' self.Dneffy.append(-(self.InitialRefractiveIndex**3.0)/(2*self.YoungsModule) *((self.DirectionalRefractiveP11-2*self.PoissionsCoefficient*self.DirectionalRefractiveP12)*self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecY][j] +((1-self.PoissionsCoefficient)*self.DirectionalRefractiveP12-self.PoissionsCoefficient*self.DirectionalRefractiveP11) *(self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecZ][j]+self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecX][j]))) self.Dneffz.append(-(self.InitialRefractiveIndex**3.0)/(2*self.YoungsModule) *((self.DirectionalRefractiveP11-2*self.PoissionsCoefficient*self.DirectionalRefractiveP12)*self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecZ][j] +((1-self.PoissionsCoefficient)*self.DirectionalRefractiveP12-self.PoissionsCoefficient*self.DirectionalRefractiveP11) *(self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecY][j]+self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecX][j]))) if self.FBGDirection==1: #FBG longitudinal direction (yy) DirecX='S22' DirecY='S11' #need to be negative DirecZ='S33' self.Dneffy.append(-(self.InitialRefractiveIndex**3.0)/(2*self.YoungsModule) *((self.DirectionalRefractiveP11-2*self.PoissionsCoefficient*self.DirectionalRefractiveP12)*(-self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecY][j]) +((1-self.PoissionsCoefficient)*self.DirectionalRefractiveP12-self.PoissionsCoefficient*self.DirectionalRefractiveP11) *(self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecZ][j]+self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecX][j]))) self.Dneffz.append(-(self.InitialRefractiveIndex**3.0)/(2*self.YoungsModule) *((self.DirectionalRefractiveP11-2*self.PoissionsCoefficient*self.DirectionalRefractiveP12)*self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecZ][j] +((1-self.PoissionsCoefficient)*self.DirectionalRefractiveP12-self.PoissionsCoefficient*self.DirectionalRefractiveP11) *(-self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecY][j]+self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecX][j]))) if self.FBGDirection==2: #FBG longitudinal direction (zz) DirecX='S33' DirecY='S22' DirecZ='S11'#Negative self.Dneffy.append(-(self.InitialRefractiveIndex**3.0)/(2*self.YoungsModule) *((self.DirectionalRefractiveP11-2*self.PoissionsCoefficient*self.DirectionalRefractiveP12)*self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecY][j] +((1-self.PoissionsCoefficient)*self.DirectionalRefractiveP12-self.PoissionsCoefficient*self.DirectionalRefractiveP11) *(-self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecZ][j]+self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecX][j]))) self.Dneffz.append(-(self.InitialRefractiveIndex**3.0)/(2*self.YoungsModule) *((self.DirectionalRefractiveP11-2*self.PoissionsCoefficient*self.DirectionalRefractiveP12)*(-self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecZ][j]) +((1-self.PoissionsCoefficient)*self.DirectionalRefractiveP12-self.PoissionsCoefficient*self.DirectionalRefractiveP11) *(self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecY][j]+self.FBGArray['FBG'+str(i+1)][DirecX][j]))) # Wavelength cycle (Here the simulation resolution is used) #YWave for l in np.arange(self.MinBandWidth,self.MaxBandWidth,self.SimulationResolution): f1 = np.matrix('1 0; 0 1') #empty transfer matrix #Cycle-Each FBG increment for z in np.arange(0,M): #Sigma Function sig=2.0*math.pi*(self.InitialRefractiveIndex+self.Dneffy[z])*((1.0/l)-(1.0/(2.0*(self.InitialRefractiveIndex+self.Dneffy[z])*self.APFBG[i])))+(2*math.pi*self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex/l) #Kaa Function kaa=math.pi*self.FringeVisibility*self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex/l #Gamma Function gammab=cmath.sqrt(kaa**2.0-sig**2.0) #Transfer Matrix Calculation f11=complex(cmath.cosh(gammab*deltz),-(sig/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) f22=complex(cmath.cosh(gammab*deltz),(sig/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) f12=complex(0,-(kaa/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) f21=complex(0,+(kaa/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) #Assemble Transfer Matrix,np.matrix([[f11, f12],[ f21, f22]])) #Add to the Reflection file- YWave PO=f1[0,0] NO=f1[1,0] REF=abs(NO/PO)**2 self.TSYReflect['wavelength'].append(l) #Output File self.TSYReflect['reflec'].append(REF) #Output File #ZWave for l in np.arange(self.MinBandWidth,self.MaxBandWidth,self.SimulationResolution): f1 = np.matrix('1 0; 0 1') #empty transfer matrix #Cycle-Each FBG increment for z in np.arange(0,M): #Sigma Function sig=2.0*math.pi*(self.InitialRefractiveIndex+self.Dneffz[z])*((1.0/l)-(1.0/(2.0*(self.InitialRefractiveIndex+self.Dneffz[z])*self.APFBG[i])))+(2*math.pi*self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex/l) #Kaa Function kaa=math.pi*self.FringeVisibility*self.MeanChangeRefractiveIndex/l #Gamma Function gammab=cmath.sqrt(kaa**2.0-sig**2.0) #Transfer Matrix Calculation f11=complex(cmath.cosh(gammab*deltz),-(sig/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) f22=complex(cmath.cosh(gammab*deltz),(sig/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) f12=complex(0,-(kaa/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) f21=complex(0,+(kaa/gammab)*cmath.sinh(gammab*deltz)) #Assemble Transfer Matrix,np.matrix([[f11, f12],[ f21, f22]])) #Add to the Reflection file- YWave PO=f1[0,0] NO=f1[1,0] REF=abs(NO/PO)**2 self.TSZReflect['wavelength'].append(l) #Output File self.TSZReflect['reflec'].append(REF) #Output File
complex_functions = {'sin': lambda x: cmath.sin(x), 'cos': lambda x: cmath.cos(x), 'tan': lambda x: cmath.tan(x), 'csc': lambda x: 1/cmath.sin(x), 'sec': lambda x: 1/cmath.cos(x), 'cot': lambda x: 1/cmath.tan(x), 'ln': lambda x: cmath.log(x), 'log': lambda x: cmath.log(x)/cmath.log(10), 'fact': lambda x: factorial(int(x)), 'asin': lambda x: cmath.asin(x), 'acos': lambda x: cmath.acos(x), 'atan': lambda x: cmath.atan(x), 'acsc': lambda x: cmath.asin(1/x), 'asec': lambda x: cmath.acos(1/x), 'acot': lambda x: cmath.atan(1/x), 'sinh': lambda x: cmath.sinh(x), 'cosh': lambda x: cmath.cosh(x), 'tanh': lambda x: cmath.tanh(x), 'csch': lambda x: 1/cmath.sinh(x), 'sech': lambda x: 1/cmath.cosh(x), 'coth': lambda x: 1/cmath.tanh(x), 'asinh': lambda x: cmath.asinh(x), 'acosh': lambda x: cmath.acosh(x), 'atanh': lambda x: cmath.atanh(x), 'acsch': lambda x: cmath.asinh(1/x), 'asech': lambda x: cmath.acosh(1/x), 'acoth': lambda x: cmath.atanh(1/x) } def replace_variables(phrase, replacement, var = 'x'): """Replaces all instances of a named variable in a phrase with a
def SINH(df, price='Close'): """ Hyperbolic Sine Returns: list of floats = jhta.SINH(df, price='Close') """ return [cmath.sinh(df[price][i]).real for i in range(len(df[price]))]
def p_expression_csch(t): 'expression : CSCH expression' t[0] = 1/cmath.sinh(t[2])