def GetOptions():
    Get users command line options/args and check to make sure they are correct.

    @return List of options and 3 file pointers for bbv, simpoint and weights files

    version = '$Revision: 1.1 $';      version = version.replace('$Revision: ', '')
    ver = version.replace(' $', '')
    us = '%prog [options] action file_name [file_name]'
    desc = 'Implements several different actions to process FV (Frequency Vector) files.  ' \
           'An action must be defined in order for the script to run.  '\
           'All actions require at least one file name be given using an option. '\
           '                                                            '\
           '                                                            '\
           'There are two types of frequency vector files:  '\
           '                                                            '\
           'BBV = Basic Block Vector, '\
           'LDV = LRU stack Distance Vector'

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=us, version=ver, description=desc)

    cmd_options.focus_thread(parser, '')

    # Options which define the actions the script to execute
    action_group = cmd_options.ActionGroup(parser)

    cmd_options.combine(parser, action_group)
    cmd_options.csv_region(parser, action_group)
    cmd_options.project_bbv(parser, action_group)
    cmd_options.weight_ldv(parser, action_group)

    parser.add_option_group(action_group )

    # Options which list the files the script can process
    # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
    file_group = cmd_options.FileGroup(parser)

    cmd_options.bbv_file(parser, file_group)
    cmd_options.ldv_file(parser, file_group)
    cmd_options.normal_bbv(parser, file_group)
    cmd_options.normal_ldv(parser, file_group)
    cmd_options.region_file(parser, file_group)
    # cmd_options.vector_file(parser, file_group)
    cmd_options.weight_file(parser, file_group)


    # Parse command line options and get any arguments.
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    matrix = ReadVectorFile(args[0])

    def TrueXor(*args):
        """Return xor of some booleans."""
        return sum(args) == 1

    # Must have one, and only one, action on command line.
    # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
    if not TrueXor(options.csv_region, options.project_bbv, options.weight_ldv, \
       options.combine != None):
           msg.PrintAndExit('Must give one, and only one, action for script to execute.\n'
           'Use -h to get help.')

    # Check to see if options required for the various actions are given.
    file_error = lambda file, action: msg.PrintAndExit("Must use option '" + file + \
        "' to define the file to use with '"  + action + "'.   \nUse -h for help.")

    # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
    fp_bbv = fp_ldv = fp_simp = fp_weight = None
    if options.combine:
        # First check to make sure the scaling factor is a valid FP number between 0.0 and 1.0
        if not util.IsFloat(options.combine):
           msg.PrintAndExit('Illegal value for scaling factor: ' + str(options.combine) + \
           '\nScaling factor must be a float between 0.0 and 1.0.')
            value = float(options.combine)
            if value < 0.0 or value > 1.0:
               msg.PrintAndExit('Scaling factor given (%f) must be between 0.0 and 1.0' % value)
            options.combine = value

        # Then check to make sure required files are given.
        if not options.normal_bbv:
           file_error('--normal_bbv', '--combine')
        if not options.normal_ldv:
           file_error('--normal_ldv', '--combine')
        fp_bbv = OpenNormalFVFile(options.normal_bbv, 'projected, normalized BBV file: ')
        fp_ldv = OpenNormalFVFile(options.normal_ldv, 'projected, normalized BBV file: ')

    if options.csv_region:
        if not options.bbv_file:
           file_error('--bbv_file', '--csv_region')
        if not options.region_file:
           file_error('--region_file', '--csv_region')
        if not options.weight_file:
           file_error('--weight_file', '--csv_region')
        fp_bbv = OpenFVFile(options.bbv_file, 'Basic Block Vector (bbv) file: ')
        fp_simp = OpenSimpointFile(options.region_file, 'simpoints file: ')
        fp_weight = OpenWeightsFile(options.weight_file, 'weights file: ')

    if options.project_bbv:
        if not options.bbv_file:
           file_error('--bbv_file', '--project_bbv')
        fp_bbv = OpenFVFile(options.bbv_file, 'Basic Block Vector (bbv) file: ')

    if options.weight_ldv:
        if not options.ldv_file:
           file_error('--ldv_file', '--weight_ldv')
        fp_ldv = util.OpenCompressFile(options.ldv_file)

    return (options, fp_bbv, fp_ldv, fp_simp, fp_weight)
Example #2
    def ParseCommandLine(self):
        Process command line arguments and read in config file/globals.

        @return List of options parsed from command line

        version = '$Revision: 1.100 $'
        version = version.replace(' ', '')
        ver = version.replace(' $', '')
        us = '%prog phase [options] \nVersion: ' + ver
        desc = 'The script generates traces for an application using the PinPoints methodology '\
               '(based on PinPlay: Pin-based record/replay tools). '\
               'At least one command line option must be given to chose the phases to run. ' \
               'Use option \'--default_phases\' to run all the default phases. '  \
               'See section "Phase options" for a list of phases. \n\n'\
               '' \
               'The two parameters \'program_name\' and \'input_name\' must be defined in order '\
               'to run this script.  If running the logging phase (-l), then two more parameters, '\
               '\'command\' and \'mode\', must also be defined.  '\
               'Parameters can be given either in a tracing configuration file or with command '\
               'line options.  \n\n'\
               '' \
               'The default configuration file is "tracing.cfg". '\
               'If it exists, the script will always read this cfg file first. '\
               'Use the option "--cfg" to select additional files. '\
               'Each cfg file on the command line is processed in order.  '\
               'Command line options over-ride values read from configuration files. '\
               'All parameters listed in the three parameter '\
               'sections below can be defined in a cfg file.  The long option name, '\
               'not the single letter option, must be used in the cfg files.\n\n'\
               '' \
               'Example parameter configuration file:'\
               '                                                            '\
               '                                                            '\
               '                                                            '\
               'program_name:   omnetpp'\
               '                                                            '\
               'input_name:     p10000-s10'\
               '                                                            '\
               'command:        ./dtlb5-lin64 -p10000 -s10'\
               '                                                            '\
               'mode:           st'\
               '                                                            '\

        parser = optparse.OptionParser(

        # Command line options to control the tools behavior. These are not in any
        # of the option groups.
        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()


        # Top level command line options in the default group allow the user
        # to choose the phases to run.
        phase_group = cmd_options.PhaseGroup(parser)

        cmd_options.default_phases(parser, phase_group)
        cmd_options.native_pure(parser, phase_group)
        cmd_options.log(parser, phase_group)
        cmd_options.replay(parser, phase_group)
        cmd_options.basic_block_vector(parser, phase_group)
        cmd_options.simpoint(parser, phase_group)
        cmd_options.region_pinball(parser, phase_group)
        cmd_options.replay_region(parser, phase_group)

        self.AddAdditionalPhaseOptions(parser, phase_group)


        # Top level command line options in param group are used to set various
        # tracing parameters.
        param_group = cmd_options.ParameterGroup(parser)

        cmd_options.command(parser, param_group)
        cmd_options.compressed(parser, param_group)
        cmd_options.focus_thread(parser, param_group)
        cmd_options.input_name(parser, param_group)
        cmd_options.mpi_options(parser, param_group)
        cmd_options.mode(parser, param_group)
        cmd_options.num_cores(parser, param_group)
        cmd_options.num_proc(parser, param_group)
        cmd_options.program_name(parser, param_group)
        self.KitOption(parser, param_group)


        # Top level command line options which only apply to the Simpoint phase.
        simpoint_phase_group = cmd_options.SimpointPhaseGroup(parser)

        cmd_options.combine(parser, simpoint_phase_group)
        cmd_options.cutoff(parser, simpoint_phase_group)
        cmd_options.ldv(parser, simpoint_phase_group)
        cmd_options.maxk(parser, simpoint_phase_group)
        cmd_options.slice_size(parser, simpoint_phase_group)
        cmd_options.warmup_factor(parser, simpoint_phase_group)
        cmd_options.pccount_regions(parser, simpoint_phase_group)
        cmd_options.global_regions(parser, simpoint_phase_group)
        cmd_options.simpoint_options(parser, simpoint_phase_group)


        # Top level command line options which only apply to the region pinball generation phase.
        region_pb_phase_group = cmd_options.RegionPBPhaseGroup(parser)

        cmd_options.epilog_length(parser, region_pb_phase_group)
        cmd_options.prolog_length(parser, region_pb_phase_group)
        cmd_options.warmup_length(parser, region_pb_phase_group)


        # Add verify options.

        # Top level command line options in modify group modify the behavior of phases.
        modify_group = cmd_options.ModifyGroup(parser)

        # These should go before the rest of the modify options.
        cmd_options.coop_pinball(parser, modify_group)
        cmd_options.cross_os(parser, modify_group)
        cmd_options.list(parser, modify_group)
        cmd_options.native_pin(parser, modify_group)
        cmd_options.no_focus_thread(parser, modify_group)
        cmd_options.whole_pgm_dir(parser, modify_group)

        self.AddAdditionalModifyOptions(parser, modify_group)


        # Top level command line options in which only apply to the region pinball generation phase.
        wp_filter_group = cmd_options.WPFilterGroup(parser)

        cmd_options.relog_name(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.relog_focus(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.relog_no_init(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.relog_no_cleanup(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.relog_code_exclude(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.relog_no_omp_spin(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.relog_no_mpi_spin(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.use_relog_name(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.use_relog_focus(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.use_relog_no_cleanup(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.use_relog_no_init(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.use_relog_code_exclude(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.use_relog_no_omp_spin(parser, wp_filter_group)
        cmd_options.use_relog_no_mpi_spin(parser, wp_filter_group)


        # Parse the command line options.
        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        # Added method cbsp() to 'options' to check if running CBSP.

        # Check to make sure there was at least one command line option given.
        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        if len(sys.argv) == 1:
                "ERROR: Must use command line options to chose at least one phase to run.\n"
                "Use the option '--default_phases' to run the default phases. Use '--help' for more info.")
            util.CheckResult(-1, options, 'Checking command line options')

        # If user does not just want to delete all the files, then
        # read in configuration files and set global variables.
        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        if not options.delete_all:
                                      True)  # Yes, need 4 required parameters

            # Once the tracing configuration parameters are read, get the kit
            # in case pinplayhome was set on the command line.  Also, need to
            # reset the path in object 'self' and set the kit in self.phases.
            # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
            kit_obj = self.GetKit()
            self.path = kit_obj.path
            self.script_path = kit_obj.path

        # If required, check to see if there any 'forbidden' char in some of
        # the parameters.
        # import pdb;  pdb.set_trace()
        if self.kit_type == config.SDE and hasattr(options,
                                                   'spec') and not options.spec:

        # If doing code exclusion, check to make sure the file exists.
        if options.relog_code_exclude:
            if not os.path.exists(options.relog_code_exclude):
                    'ERROR: The code exclusion file used for filtering does not exist:\n'
                    '    ' + options.relog_code_exclude)
                util.CheckResult(-1, options, 'Checking command line options')

        # Do some 'special' things on native Windows.

        return options
Example #3
    def ParseCommandLine(self):
        Get the options from the command line and check for errors.

        @return tuple with parsed options and unparsed args

        # Define and get command line options.
        version = '$Revision: 1.33 $'
        version = version.replace('$Revision: ', '')
        ver = version.replace(' $', '')
        us = '%prog --bbv_file FILE --data_dir DIR FILE --simpoint_file FILE [options]'
        desc = 'Runs Simpoint and then generates the region CSV file.  ' \
               'Input to Simpoint can be just an BBV file or a combination of BBV/LDV files. \n\n' \
                'Required options: --bbv_file, --data_dir, --simpoint_file'

        parser = optparse.OptionParser(

        cmd_options.list(parser, '')
        cmd_options.bbv_file(parser, '')
        cmd_options.ldv(parser, '')
        cmd_options.combine(parser, '')
        cmd_options.cutoff(parser, '')
        cmd_options.focus_thread(parser, '')
        cmd_options.maxk(parser, '')
        cmd_options.num_cores(parser, '')
        cmd_options.simpoint_options(parser, '')

        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        # Added method cbsp() to 'options' to check if running CBSP.

        # Must have option '--ldv', even if using option '--combine', in order to
        # process BBV/LDV both.  Let user know if '--combine' used w/o '--ldv'.
        if not options.ldv and options.combine != -1.0:
            msg.PrintMsgPlus('WARNING: Option \'--combine\' detected without \'--ldv\'.  Only using BBV for ' \
                'Simpoint.  \n              Must explicitly specify \'--ldv\' in order to use both BBV/LDV.\n')
        if options.ldv:
                'Using both BBV/LDV files when running Simpoint\n')

        # If option combine is not set, then set it to the default value.
        # Check to make sure combine an acceptable value.

        # Read in an optional configuration files and set global variables.
        config_obj = config.ConfigClass()
                                 False)  # Don't need to require 4 variables

        # Error check input to make sure all required options are on the command line.
        if options.bbv_file == '':
                'Basic block vector file must be defined with option: --bbv_file FILE'
        if options.data_dir == '':
                'Simpoint data directory must be defined with option: --data_dir DIR'
        if options.simpoint_file == '':
                'Simpoint output must be defined with option: --simpoint_file FILE'

        # The data_dir should exist and contain the BBV file.
        if not os.path.isdir(options.data_dir):
            msg.PrintAndExit('Data directory does not exist: ' +
        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(options.data_dir,
            msg.PrintAndExit('Basic block vector file does not exist: ' +

        # Do some 'special' things on native Windows.

        return (options, args)