Example #1
def get_table(request):
    xmlname_new = str(file).split('.')[0] + '.xml'
    table_list = utils.get_xml_list(xmldir, xmlname_new)
    table_dict = {}
    table_dict["table_list"] = table_list
    # table_dict.update({"table_list",table_list})
    return JsonResponse(table_dict)
def get_table(request):
    xmlname_new = str(file).split('.')[0] + '.xml'
    table_list = utils.get_xml_list(xmldir, xmlname_new)
    #table_list=[{'tooth_map_str': '87654/1/24/145678', 'text': '缺失', 'property': 'is_missing', 'property_chn': '缺失', 'value': '1', 'description': '缺失'}, {'tooth_map_str': '', 'text': '近远中间隙基本正常', 'property': 'mesio_distal_space_distance', 'property_chn': '近远中间隙的距离', 'value': '0', 'description': '正常'}, {'tooth_map_str': '', 'text': '合龈间距基本正常', 'property': 'occluso_gingival_space', 'property_chn': '合龈间隙的距离', 'value': '0', 'description': '正常'}, {'tooth_map_str': '', 'text': '剩余牙槽嵴轻度吸收', 'property': 'residual_ridge_conditions', 'property_chn': '缺牙部位剩余牙槽嵴情况', 'value': '1', 'description': '轻度'}, {'tooth_map_str': '', 'text': '黏膜未见明显异常', 'property': 'pain_hyperemization_swollen_and_ucler', 'property_chn': '黏膜疼痛,增生,肿胀,溃疡', 'value': '0', 'description': '无'}, {'tooth_map_str': '', 'text': '', 'property': '', 'property_chn': '', 'value': '', 'description': ''}, {'tooth_map_str': '87654/1/24/145678', 'text': '牙龈无红肿', 'property': 'gingival_swollen', 'property_chn': '牙龈红肿', 'value': '0', 'description': '无红肿'}, {'tooth_map_str': '87654/1/24/145678', 'text': '无龈退缩', 'property': 'gingival_recession', 'property_chn': '龈退缩', 'value': '0', 'description': '无'}, {'tooth_map_str': '87654/1/24/145678', 'text': 'x线示牙槽骨吸收至根中1/3至根尖1/3', 'property': 'teeth_related_imaging', 'property_chn': '牙相关影像-牙槽骨吸收情况', 'value': '2', 'description': '根长2/3'}, {'tooth_map_str': '', 'text': '固位稳定尚可', 'property': 'retention_of_existed_restorations', 'property_chn': '固位', 'value': '1', 'description': '一般'}, {'tooth_map_str': '', 'text': '口腔卫生状况一般', 'property': 'oral_hygiene', 'property_chn': '口腔卫生情况', 'value': '1', 'description': '一般'}, {'tooth_map_str': '', 'text': '牙石(+)', 'property': 'dental_calculus', 'property_chn': '牙石情况', 'value': '1', 'description': '+'}]
    table_dict = {}
    table_dict["table_list"] = table_list
    # table_dict.update({"table_list",table_list})
    return JsonResponse(table_dict)
def test(request):
    filedir = 'D:'
    xmlname = request.POST.get("test_file")
    xmldir = ''
    if xmlname == None:
        return render(request, 'test.html')
        with open(filedir + str(xmlname), encoding='utf-8') as f:
            xmlname_new = str(xmlname).split('.')[0] + '.xml'
            xml_list = utils.get_xml_list(xmldir, xmlname_new)
            for a in xml_list:
            return render(request, 'test2.html', {'f':f.read(), 'g':xml_list})
def teeth(request):
    filedir = 'D:'
    xmlname = request.POST.get("test_file")
    xmldir = ''
    rootdir = ''
    desdir = ''
    # host = 'localhost'
    host = ''
    port = 9955

    if xmlname == None:
        return render(request, 'teeth.html')

        with open(filedir + str(xmlname), encoding='utf-8') as f:
            xmlname_new = str(xmlname).split('.')[0] + '.xml'
            xml_list = utils.get_xml_list(xmldir, xmlname_new)
            s = socket.socket()
            s.connect((host, port))

            indata = str(xmlname)
            s.sendall(bytes(indata, encoding='utf-8'))
            keyword = indata.split('.')[0]
            desname = keyword + '_Mandibular_description.txt'
            r2 = requests.get(desdir + desname)
            r2.encoding = 'utf-8'
            if '404 -' not in r2.text:
                description = r2.text
                desname = keyword + '_Maxillary_description.txt'
                r2 = requests.get(desdir + desname)
                r2.encoding = 'utf-8'
                description = r2.text
            r = requests.get(rootdir)
            selector = etree.HTML(r.text)
            root = selector.xpath('/html/body/pre/a')
            urls = []
            for e in root:
                sem = e.xpath('text()')
                if keyword in sem[0] and sem[0].split('.')[1] != 'owl':
                    urls.append(rootdir + '/' + sem[0])

            return render(request, 'teeth2.html', {
                'u': urls,
                'f': f.read(),
                'g': xml_list,
                'd': description