def process(self, fname): cmop.debug("Seabird file found: %s" % (fname, )) cast = seabird.SeabirdCast(fname) cast.GetConverted() cast.GetBottle() # uncomment for speedier testing #f = file('sample.cnv') #cast.datcnvoutput = cast.Parse() cast.ParseBottle() record = self.makeCast(cast) cmop.debug("Parsed Seabird File %s" % (fname, )) # yield {"sqlcommand":"begin"} try: yield record for o in cast.IterateBottle(self.mapping['depth']): yield self.makeBottle(record, o) for o in cast.Iterate(): yield self.makeObservation(record, o) # yield {"sqlcommand":"commit"} except: pass # yield {"sqlcommand":"rollback"}"Processed %s observations for file %s" % (len(cast.rows), fname))
def isRunning(current,rootdir,sta,level): import glob if rootdir != 'archive': rootdir = 'test' testname = "/tmp/flat-cache-db2cdf-level%s-%s-%s-%s" % (level,current,sta,rootdir) pids = glob.glob("%s.*" % testname) instanceCount = 0 for pid in pids: pid = pid.split(".")[1] # is running if os.path.exists("/proc/%s" % (pid)): instanceCount = instanceCount + 1 # not running else:"instance [%s] is death" % (pid)) os.remove("%s.%s" % (testname,pid)) if instanceCount==0: pidfile = open("%s.%d" % (testname,os.getpid()), "w") pidfile.close() return (instanceCount,testname)
def Scan(self, filename): f = file(filename) hdr = self.ReadHeader(f) pos, item = self.state.get(filename, (0, 0)) cmop.debug("Scanning %s as RecordStream" % (filename, ), 8) if pos == 0: pos = f.tell() opos, oitem = pos, item for x in self.ReadBlock(hdr, f): x['row'] = item item += 1 # add a column for filename x['file'] = filename self.Enqueue(x) pos = f.tell() if item != oitem:"Scanned %s records (%s bytes) from %s" % (item - oitem, pos - opos, filename)) self.state[filename] = (pos, item)
def Subscribe(self, table): # all new records will be marked for broadcast to current host if not self.Subscribed(table): msg = "SubscriptionBroker: %s subscribing to table %s on %s" % (self.tohost, table, self.fromhost)) self.Configure(table) default = '''ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN "%s" SET DEFAULT True''' self.fromdb.execCommand(default % (table, self.dirtycolumn))
def UnSubscribe(self, table): # new records will not be marked for broadcast, # but the subscription column will not be dropped # no effect if subscription column does not exist if self.SubscriptionColumnExists(table): msg = "SubscriptionBroker: %s UNsubscribing from table %s on %s" % (self.tohost, table, self.fromhost)) mod = '''ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN "%s" DROP DEFAULT''' self.fromdb.execCommand(mod % (table, self.dirtycolumn))
def Clean(self, table): # Remove the subscription column # Don't do this as part of normal operation; # dropped columns are not permanently removed! msg = "SubscriptionBroker: CLEAN CALLED: %s dropping column from table %s on %s" % (self.tohost, table, self.fromhost)) mod = '''ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN "%s"''' modind = '''DROP INDEX %s_%s''' self.fromdb.begin() try: self.fromdb.execCommand(mod % (table, self.dirtycolumn)) self.fromdb.execCommand( modind % (table.replace(".", "_"), self.dirtycolumn)) self.fromdb.commit() except: self.fromdb.rollback()
def ValuesClause(self, xfertable, extravals=[]): ''' Read all tuples from the given table and prepare a VALUES clause from the results Returns a tuple of the values clause as a string and the number of tuples involved. ''' select = '''SELECT * FROM %s''' % (xfertable, ) cmop.debug("Reading tuples to transfer.", 8) rs = self.fromdb.execQuery(select) cnt = len(rs) if not rs:"No tuples to transfer.") return "()", 0 def preprow(r): vals = ["%s" % (db.quote(a), ) for a in r] vals += extravals return "(%s)" % (", ".join(vals), ) values = ", ".join([preprow(r) for r in rs]) return values, cnt
def Configure(self, table): # Add a column on source table representing this subscription # also add an index if not self.SubscriptionColumnExists(table): if not self.tohost.Primarykey(table): msg = "Table %s does not have a primary key defined; cannot transfer." raise TypeError(msg % (table, )) msg = "SubscriptionBroker: Configuring %s subscribing to table %s on %s" % (self.tohost, table, self.fromhost)) self.fromdb.begin() mod = '''ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN "%s" bool; ''' ind = '''CREATE INDEX "%s_%s" ON %s("%s")''' vac = '''VACUUM ANALYZE %s''' try: self.fromdb.execCommand(mod % (table, self.dirtycolumn)) self.fromdb.execCommand(ind % (table.replace( ".", "_"), self.dirtycolumn, table, self.dirtycolumn)) self.fromdb.commit() self.fromdb.execCommand(vac % (table, )) except: self.fromdb.rollback() raise
def process(self, data): try: tuple = {} self.GetLatLon(tuple, data) self.GetTime(tuple, data) tuple['table'] = "cruise.tsg" tuple['vessel'] = self.vessel tuple['cruise'] = tuple['instrument'] = self.instrument tuple['instrumenttype'] = self.instrumenttype tuple['salinity'] = float(data['computed_salinity_flothru']) #tuple['temperature'] = float(data['water_temp_seabird_flothru']) tuple['temperature'] = float(data['surface_water_temp_seabird']) tuple['conductivity'] = float(data['conductivity_seabird_flothru']) tuple['winddirection'] = float( data.get('wind_heading_ultrasonic_true', -999999)) tuple['windspeed'] = float( data.get('wind_speed_ultrasonic_true(knots)', -999999)) tuple['atmosphericpressure'] = float(data['barometer']) tuple['atmospherictemperature'] = float( data['air_temp_rmyoung_doghouse']) for k, v in tuple.items(): if str(v) == 'nan': tuple[k] = None cmop.debug("WecomaTSGCleaner generated a tuple: %s" % (tuple, ), 8) return [tuple] except: msg = traceback.format_exc() s = ",".join(["(%s=%s)" % (k, v) for k, v in data.iteritems()])"%s : Skipping bad TSG record: %s" % (msg, s)) return []
elif arg == 'archive': current = 'all' elif arg == 'test': rootdir = './test/' elif arg == 'level0': level = 0 elif arg == 'level1': level = 1 else: sta = '' stationsList.append([arg]) print '%s %s %s %s' % (current,rootdir,level,sta) print stationsList test = isRunning(current,rootdir,sta,level) if test[0]!=0:"%s is already running" % test[1]) exit(0) # extractGliderData() # extractAUVData() currentPath = os.getcwd() sys.path[1:1] = [currentPath] import stations as station if sta == 'all': if current == 'current': cur = " where currentornull='current'" else: cur = '' sql = "select distinct on (station) station from instrument.offeringdetails %s" % cur db.execute(sql) stationsList = db.fetchall() now =
def info(self, s):
def Convert(self, cfg="cmop.cfg"): '''Use dosemu to run Seabird data conversion. datcnv must run in the seabird directory, apparently datcnv is slow; prepare for about 260 scans per second ''' dat = self.dat con = self.con"Converting Seabird cast %s, %s" % (dat, con)) root, base, ext = parsepath(self.dat) # file names must be short newname = "cast" # temp dir d = tempfile.mkdtemp('X', 'X') cmop.debug("tempdir: \n" + d) # dat file datpath = link(d, dat, newname) dosdat = dosabspath(datpath, # con file conpath = link(d, con, newname) doscon = dosabspath(conpath, # cfg file. cfg file path needs to #be relative to seabird directory, inexplicably #cfgpath = self.makeconfig(cfg, d) #doscfg = dosabspath(cfgpath, # output file out = '%s.cnv' % (newname, ) outpath = os.path.join(d, out) dosout = dosabspath(outpath, # batch file bat = ''' %s: cd %s datcnv.exe -ax -o%s -i%s -c%s -s -e%s exitemu ''' batfile = os.path.join(d, 'seabird.bat') f = file(batfile, 'w+') dosseabirddir = dosabspath(self.seabirddir, content = bat % (, dosseabirddir, dosout, dosdat, doscon, cfg) cmop.debug("Batchfile: \n" + content) f.write(content) f.close() # dosemu command cmd = 'dosemu -t -quiet -5 -E "%s"' % (batfile, ) sout, sin = popen2.popen2(cmd) response = try: f = file(outpath) results = os.remove(datpath) os.remove(conpath) os.remove(outpath) os.remove(batfile) os.rmdir(d) self.datcnvoutput = results return results except: f = file(os.path.join(d, 'terminal.log'), 'w+') f.write(response) raise ValueError( "Error running datcnv.exe. See terminal.log in %s" % (d, ))
def Transfer(self, table, filter="True", orderby=None, limit=None): cmop.debug("Transferring %s" % (table, )) if not self.SubscriptionColumnExists(table): cmop.debug( "Subscription does not appear to be active; no subscription column found on %s" % (table, )) return # get the data attributes keys = self.fromdb.PrimaryKey(table) if not keys: raise TypeError( "Table %s does not have a primary key defined; cannot transfer." % (table, )) keyattrsstr = ", ".join(keys) getattrs = self.fromdb.Attributes(table, self.prefix) setattrs = getattrs[:] # if the reverse subscription is set, mark the new tuple as sent if self.AttributeExists(self.todb, table, self.column(self.fromhost)): setattrs.append('"%s"' % (self.column(self.fromhost), )) val = ['False'] else: val = [] getattrsstr = ", ".join(getattrs) setattrsstr = ", ".join(setattrs) get = '''SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE "%s" AND %s''' if orderby: get += " ORDER BY %s" % (orderby, ) if limit: get += " LIMIT %s" % (limit, ) get = get % (getattrsstr, table, self.dirtycolumn, filter) xfertable = table.replace(".", "_") + "_xfer" create = '''CREATE TEMP TABLE %s AS (%s)''' % (xfertable, get) insert = '''INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES %s''' % (xfertable, setattrsstr, "%s") drop = "DROP TABLE %s" % (xfertable, ) def equal(col): return "%s.%s = %s.%s" % (table, col, xfertable, col) joincond = " AND ".join([equal(col) for col in keys]) update = ''' UPDATE %s SET %s = False FROM %s WHERE %s ''' % (table, self.column(self.tohost), xfertable, joincond) createremote = ''' CREATE TEMP TABLE %s AS ( SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT 0 )''' % (xfertable, table) qualattrs = ", ".join(["%s.%s" % (xfertable, a) for a in setattrs]) merge = ''' INSERT INTO %s (%s) ( SELECT %s FROM %s LEFT JOIN %s ON (%s) WHERE %s.%s IS NULL ) ''' % (table, setattrsstr, qualattrs, xfertable, table, joincond, table, keys[0]) try: self.fromdb.begin() self.todb.begin() cmop.debug("Creating xfer table %s on %s" % (xfertable, self.fromhost)) self.fromdb.execCommand(create) cmop.debug("Creating xfer table %s on %s" % (xfertable, self.tohost)) self.todb.execCommand(createremote) cmop.debug("Extracting values from %s on %s" % (xfertable, self.fromhost)) values, cnt = self.ValuesClause(xfertable, val) if cnt > 0: cmop.debug("Inserting tuples on %s to %s" % (self.tohost, xfertable)) self.todb.execCommand(insert % (values, )) cmop.debug("Merging tuples on %s into %s" % (self.tohost, table)) self.todb.execCommand(merge) cmop.debug("Marking tuples as sent on %s for %s" % (self.fromhost, table)) self.fromdb.execCommand(update) cmop.debug("Dropping temp tables") self.fromdb.execCommand(drop) self.todb.execCommand(drop) cmop.debug("Committing on %s" % (self.tohost, )) self.todb.commit() cmop.debug("Committing on %s" % (self.fromhost, )) self.fromdb.commit() except: self.todb.rollback() self.fromdb.rollback() raise "Transferred %s %s tuples from %s to %s (may include dupes)" % (cnt, table, self.fromhost, self.tohost))