Example #1
def alias_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
    This is the view that takes care of all URLs other than those beginning
    with "/static/", "/viewing/", and those URLs taken by modules.
    It checks all of the ViewerRequests to see if any match the current URL,
    and if so, simulates a request to the given viewer.
    cur_site = get_current_site(request)
    path_parts = [x for x in request.path.split("/") if x]  # Reduce consecutive slashes
    viewer_request = cur_site
        for path_part in path_parts:
            viewer_request = CustomUrl.objects.get(path=path_part, parent_url=viewer_request)
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        viewer = ItemViewer()
        viewer.init_for_http(request, "error", None, "html")
        url = "http://%s%s" % (request.get_host(), request.path)
        return viewer.render_error(
            "Page Not Found", "We could not find any page matching your URL %s" % url, HttpResponseNotFound
    item = viewer_request.aliased_item
    kwargs = {}
    kwargs["viewer"] = viewer_request.viewer
    kwargs["format"] = viewer_request.format
    kwargs["action"] = viewer_request.action
    kwargs["noun"] = str(item.pk) if item else None
    query_dict = QueryDict(viewer_request.query_string).copy()
    request.GET = query_dict
    # Set the REQUEST dict
    request._request = datastructures.MergeDict(request.POST, request.GET)
    return item_view(request, **kwargs)
Example #2
def item_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
    This is the view that takes care of all valid URLs starting with
    "/viewing/". It finds the appropriate viewer and dispatches the request
    to it.
    viewer_name = kwargs["viewer"]
    action = kwargs.get("action")
    noun = kwargs.get("noun")
    format = kwargs.get("format")
    viewer_class = get_viewer_class_by_name(viewer_name)
    if viewer_class:
        viewer = viewer_class()
        viewer.init_for_http(request, action, noun, format)
        response = viewer.dispatch()
        if response is None:
            return viewer.render_error(
                "Action Not Found", "We could not find any action matching your URL.", HttpResponseNotFound
            return response
        viewer = ItemViewer()
        viewer.init_for_http(request, action, noun, format)
        return viewer.render_error(
            "Viewer Not Found", "We could not find any viewer matching your URL.", HttpResponseNotFound