Example #1
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Updater of CMS contest dumps.")
                        help="Update to given version number")
        help="location of the dump or of the 'contest.json' file")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    path = args.path

    to_version = args.to_version
    if to_version == -1:
        to_version = model_version

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        logger.critical("The given path doesn't exist")

    archive = None
    if Archive.is_supported(path):
        archive = Archive(path)
        path = archive.unpack()

        file_names = os.listdir(path)
        if len(file_names) != 1:
            logger.critical("Cannot find a root directory in the " "archive.")
            return False

        path = os.path.join(path, file_names[0])

    if not path.endswith("contest.json"):
        path = os.path.join(path, "contest.json")

    if not os.path.exists(path):
            "The given path doesn't contain a contest dump in a format "
            "CMS is able to understand.")

    with io.open(path, 'rb') as fin:
        data = json.load(fin, encoding="utf-8")

    # If no "_version" field is found we assume it's a v1.0
    # export (before the new dump format was introduced).
    dump_version = data.get("_version", 0)

    if dump_version == to_version:
            "The dump you're trying to update is already stored using "
            "the target format (which is version %d).", dump_version)

    elif dump_version > model_version:
            "The dump you're trying to update is stored using data model "
            "version %d, which is more recent than the one supported by "
            "this version of CMS (version %d). You probably need to "
            "update CMS to handle it.", dump_version, model_version)

    elif to_version > model_version:
            "The target data model (version %d) you're trying to update "
            "to is too recent for this version of CMS (which supports up "
            "to version %d). You probably need to update CMS to handle "
            "it.", to_version, model_version)

    elif dump_version > to_version:
            "Backward updating (from version %d to version %d) is not "
            "supported.", dump_version, to_version)

    for version in range(dump_version, to_version):
        # Update from version to version+1
        updater = __import__("cmscontrib.updaters.update_%d" % (version + 1),
                             globals(), locals(), ["Updater"]).Updater(data)
        data = updater.run()
        data["_version"] = version + 1

    assert data["_version"] == to_version

    with io.open(path, 'wb') as fout:
        json.dump(data, fout, encoding="utf-8", indent=4, sort_keys=True)

    if archive is not None:
        # Keep the old archive, just rename it
        shutil.move(archive.path, archive.path + ".bak")
Example #2
    def do_import(self):
        """Run the actual import code."""
        logger.info("Starting import.")

        archive = None
        if Archive.is_supported(self.import_source):
            archive = Archive(self.import_source)
            self.import_dir = archive.unpack()

            file_names = os.listdir(self.import_dir)
            if len(file_names) != 1:
                logger.critical("Cannot find a root directory in %s.",
                return False

            self.import_dir = os.path.join(self.import_dir, file_names[0])

        if self.drop:
            logger.info("Dropping and recreating the database.")
                if not (drop_db() and init_db()):
                        "Unexpected error while dropping "
                        "and recreating the database.",
                    return False
            except Exception:
                logger.critical("Unable to access DB.", exc_info=True)
                return False

        with SessionGen() as session:

            # Import the contest in JSON format.
            if self.load_model:
                logger.info("Importing the contest from a JSON file.")

                with io.open(os.path.join(self.import_dir, "contest.json"),
                             "rb") as fin:
                    # TODO - Throughout all the code we'll assume the
                    # input is correct without actually doing any
                    # validations.  Thus, for example, we're not
                    # checking that the decoded object is a dict...
                    self.datas = json.load(fin)

                # If the dump has been exported using a data model
                # different than the current one (that is, a previous
                # one) we try to update it.
                # If no "_version" field is found we assume it's a v1.0
                # export (before the new dump format was introduced).
                dump_version = self.datas.get("_version", 0)

                if dump_version < model_version:
                        "The dump you're trying to import has been created "
                        "by an old version of CMS (it declares data model "
                        "version %d). It may take a while to adapt it to "
                        "the current data model (which is version %d). You "
                        "can use cmsDumpUpdater to update the on-disk dump "
                        "and speed up future imports.", dump_version,

                elif dump_version > model_version:
                        "The dump you're trying to import has been created "
                        "by a version of CMS newer than this one (it "
                        "declares data model version %d) and there is no "
                        "way to adapt it to the current data model (which "
                        "is version %d). You probably need to update CMS to "
                        "handle it. It is impossible to proceed with the "
                        "importation.", dump_version, model_version)
                    return False

                    logger.info("Importing dump with data model version %d.",

                for version in range(dump_version, model_version):
                    # Update from version to version+1
                    updater = __import__(
                        "cmscontrib.updaters.update_%d" % (version + 1),
                        globals(), locals(), ["Updater"]).Updater(self.datas)
                    self.datas = updater.run()
                    self.datas["_version"] = version + 1

                assert self.datas["_version"] == model_version

                self.objs = dict()
                for id_, data in iteritems(self.datas):
                    if not id_.startswith("_"):
                        self.objs[id_] = self.import_object(data)
                for id_, data in iteritems(self.datas):
                    if not id_.startswith("_"):
                        self.add_relationships(data, self.objs[id_])

                for k, v in list(iteritems(self.objs)):

                    # Skip submissions if requested
                    if self.skip_submissions and isinstance(v, Submission):
                        del self.objs[k]

                    # Skip user_tests if requested
                    if self.skip_user_tests and isinstance(v, UserTest):
                        del self.objs[k]

                    # Skip print jobs if requested
                    if self.skip_print_jobs and isinstance(v, PrintJob):
                        del self.objs[k]

                    # Skip generated data if requested
                    if self.skip_generated and \
                            isinstance(v, (SubmissionResult, UserTestResult)):
                        del self.objs[k]

                contest_id = list()
                contest_files = set()

                # We add explicitly only the top-level objects:
                # contests, and tasks and users not contained in any
                # contest. This will add on cascade all dependent
                # objects, and not add orphaned objects (like those
                # that depended on submissions or user tests that we
                # might have removed above).
                for id_ in self.datas["_objects"]:
                    obj = self.objs[id_]

                    if isinstance(obj, Contest):
                        contest_id += [obj.id]
                        contest_files |= enumerate_files(

                contest_id = None
                contest_files = None

            # Import files.
            if self.load_files:
                logger.info("Importing files.")

                files_dir = os.path.join(self.import_dir, "files")
                descr_dir = os.path.join(self.import_dir, "descriptions")

                files = set(os.listdir(files_dir))
                descr = set(os.listdir(descr_dir))

                if not descr <= files:
                    logger.warning("Some files do not have an associated "
                if not files <= descr:
                    logger.warning("Some descriptions do not have an "
                                   "associated file.")

                if not (contest_files is None or files <= contest_files):
                    # FIXME Check if it's because this is a light import
                    # or because we're skipping submissions or user_tests
                    logger.warning("The dump contains some files that are "
                                   "not needed by the contest.")
                if not (contest_files is None or contest_files <= files):
                    # The reason for this could be that it was a light
                    # export that's not being reimported as such.
                    logger.warning("The contest needs some files that are "
                                   "not contained in the dump.")

                # Limit import to files we actually need.
                if contest_files is not None:
                    files &= contest_files

                for digest in files:
                    file_ = os.path.join(files_dir, digest)
                    desc = os.path.join(descr_dir, digest)
                    if not self.safe_put_file(file_, desc):
                            "Unable to put file `%s' in the DB. "
                            "Aborting. Please remove the contest "
                            "from the database.", file_)
                        # TODO: remove contest from the database.
                        return False

        # Clean up, if an archive was used
        if archive is not None:

        if contest_id is not None:
            logger.info("Import finished (contest id: %s).",
                        ", ".join("%d" % id_ for id_ in contest_id))
            logger.info("Import finished.")

        return True
Example #3
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Updater of CMS contest dumps.")
        "-V", "--to-version", action="store", type=int, default=-1,
        help="Update to given version number")
        "path", action="store", type=utf8_decoder,
        help="location of the dump or of the 'contest.json' file")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    path = args.path

    to_version = args.to_version
    if to_version == -1:
        to_version = model_version

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        logger.critical("The given path doesn't exist")

    archive = None
    if Archive.is_supported(path):
        archive = Archive(path)
        path = archive.unpack()

        file_names = os.listdir(path)
        if len(file_names) != 1:
            logger.critical("Cannot find a root directory in the "
            return False

        path = os.path.join(path, file_names[0])

    if not path.endswith("contest.json"):
        path = os.path.join(path, "contest.json")

    if not os.path.exists(path):
            "The given path doesn't contain a contest dump in a format "
            "CMS is able to understand.")

    with io.open(path, 'rb') as fin:
        data = json.load(fin, encoding="utf-8")

    # If no "_version" field is found we assume it's a v1.0
    # export (before the new dump format was introduced).
    dump_version = data.get("_version", 0)

    if dump_version == to_version:
            "The dump you're trying to update is already stored using "
            "the target format (which is version %d).", dump_version)

    elif dump_version > model_version:
            "The dump you're trying to update is stored using data model "
            "version %d, which is more recent than the one supported by "
            "this version of CMS (version %d). You probably need to "
            "update CMS to handle it.", dump_version, model_version)

    elif to_version > model_version:
            "The target data model (version %d) you're trying to update "
            "to is too recent for this version of CMS (which supports up "
            "to version %d). You probably need to update CMS to handle "
            "it.", to_version, model_version)

    elif dump_version > to_version:
            "Backward updating (from version %d to version %d) is not "
            "supported.", dump_version, to_version)

    for version in range(dump_version, to_version):
        # Update from version to version+1
        updater = __import__(
            "cmscontrib.updaters.update_%d" % (version + 1),
            globals(), locals(), ["Updater"]).Updater(data)
        data = updater.run()
        data["_version"] = version + 1

    assert data["_version"] == to_version

    with io.open(path, 'wb') as fout:
        json.dump(data, fout, encoding="utf-8", indent=4, sort_keys=True)

    if archive is not None:
        # Keep the old archive, just rename it
        shutil.move(archive.path, archive.path + ".bak")
Example #4
    def do_import(self):
        """Run the actual import code."""
        logger.info("Starting import.")

        archive = None
        if Archive.is_supported(self.import_source):
            archive = Archive(self.import_source)
            self.import_dir = archive.unpack()

            file_names = os.listdir(self.import_dir)
            if len(file_names) != 1:
                logger.critical("Cannot find a root directory in %s.",
                return False

            self.import_dir = os.path.join(self.import_dir, file_names[0])

        if self.drop:
            logger.info("Dropping and recreating the database.")
                if not (drop_db() and init_db()):
                    logger.critical("Unexpected error while dropping "
                                    "and recreating the database.",
                    return False
            except Exception:
                logger.critical("Unable to access DB.", exc_info=True)
                return False

        with SessionGen() as session:

            # Import the contest in JSON format.
            if self.load_model:
                logger.info("Importing the contest from a JSON file.")

                with io.open(os.path.join(self.import_dir,
                                          "contest.json"), "rb") as fin:
                    # TODO - Throughout all the code we'll assume the
                    # input is correct without actually doing any
                    # validations.  Thus, for example, we're not
                    # checking that the decoded object is a dict...
                    self.datas = json.load(fin)

                # If the dump has been exported using a data model
                # different than the current one (that is, a previous
                # one) we try to update it.
                # If no "_version" field is found we assume it's a v1.0
                # export (before the new dump format was introduced).
                dump_version = self.datas.get("_version", 0)

                if dump_version < model_version:
                        "The dump you're trying to import has been created "
                        "by an old version of CMS (it declares data model "
                        "version %d). It may take a while to adapt it to "
                        "the current data model (which is version %d). You "
                        "can use cmsDumpUpdater to update the on-disk dump "
                        "and speed up future imports.",
                        dump_version, model_version)

                elif dump_version > model_version:
                        "The dump you're trying to import has been created "
                        "by a version of CMS newer than this one (it "
                        "declares data model version %d) and there is no "
                        "way to adapt it to the current data model (which "
                        "is version %d). You probably need to update CMS to "
                        "handle it. It is impossible to proceed with the "
                        "importation.", dump_version, model_version)
                    return False

                        "Importing dump with data model version %d.",

                for version in range(dump_version, model_version):
                    # Update from version to version+1
                    updater = __import__(
                        "cmscontrib.updaters.update_%d" % (version + 1),
                        globals(), locals(), ["Updater"]).Updater(self.datas)
                    self.datas = updater.run()
                    self.datas["_version"] = version + 1

                assert self.datas["_version"] == model_version

                self.objs = dict()
                for id_, data in iteritems(self.datas):
                    if not id_.startswith("_"):
                        self.objs[id_] = self.import_object(data)
                for id_, data in iteritems(self.datas):
                    if not id_.startswith("_"):
                        self.add_relationships(data, self.objs[id_])

                for k, v in list(iteritems(self.objs)):

                    # Skip submissions if requested
                    if self.skip_submissions and isinstance(v, Submission):
                        del self.objs[k]

                    # Skip user_tests if requested
                    if self.skip_user_tests and isinstance(v, UserTest):
                        del self.objs[k]

                    # Skip print jobs if requested
                    if self.skip_print_jobs and isinstance(v, PrintJob):
                        del self.objs[k]

                    # Skip generated data if requested
                    if self.skip_generated and \
                            isinstance(v, (SubmissionResult, UserTestResult)):
                        del self.objs[k]

                contest_id = list()
                contest_files = set()

                # We add explicitly only the top-level objects:
                # contests, and tasks and users not contained in any
                # contest. This will add on cascade all dependent
                # objects, and not add orphaned objects (like those
                # that depended on submissions or user tests that we
                # might have removed above).
                for id_ in self.datas["_objects"]:
                    obj = self.objs[id_]

                    if isinstance(obj, Contest):
                        contest_id += [obj.id]
                        contest_files |= enumerate_files(
                            session, obj,

                contest_id = None
                contest_files = None

            # Import files.
            if self.load_files:
                logger.info("Importing files.")

                files_dir = os.path.join(self.import_dir, "files")
                descr_dir = os.path.join(self.import_dir, "descriptions")

                files = set(os.listdir(files_dir))
                descr = set(os.listdir(descr_dir))

                if not descr <= files:
                    logger.warning("Some files do not have an associated "
                if not files <= descr:
                    logger.warning("Some descriptions do not have an "
                                   "associated file.")

                if not (contest_files is None or files <= contest_files):
                    # FIXME Check if it's because this is a light import
                    # or because we're skipping submissions or user_tests
                    logger.warning("The dump contains some files that are "
                                   "not needed by the contest.")
                if not (contest_files is None or contest_files <= files):
                    # The reason for this could be that it was a light
                    # export that's not being reimported as such.
                    logger.warning("The contest needs some files that are "
                                   "not contained in the dump.")

                # Limit import to files we actually need.
                if contest_files is not None:
                    files &= contest_files

                for digest in files:
                    file_ = os.path.join(files_dir, digest)
                    desc = os.path.join(descr_dir, digest)
                    if not self.safe_put_file(file_, desc):
                        logger.critical("Unable to put file `%s' in the DB. "
                                        "Aborting. Please remove the contest "
                                        "from the database.", file_)
                        # TODO: remove contest from the database.
                        return False

        # Clean up, if an archive was used
        if archive is not None:

        if contest_id is not None:
            logger.info("Import finished (contest id: %s).",
                        ", ".join("%d" % id_ for id_ in contest_id))
            logger.info("Import finished.")

        return True