Example #1
def get_dailyreport(num_days):

    reports = []
    rlSQL = RobertLogMSSQL(host=config.db_server,

    cur = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=2)
    actions = rlSQL.GetActionReports(20 * num_days)
    milk = 0
    breast = 0
    breastNum = 0
    poop = 0
    sleep = 0
    daysShown = 0
    for a in actions:
        if a.Status == Action.Deleted:

        if a.TimeStamp.day != cur.day and (milk != 0 or breast != 0):
            reports.append(DailyReport(milk_ml = milk, milk_min = breast,\
             milk_num = breastNum, poop = poop, sleep = sleep, date = a.TimeStamp))
            milk = 0
            breast = 0
            poop = 0
            breastNum = 0
            sleep = 0
            daysShown += 1
        cur = a.TimeStamp
        if a.Type == ActionType.Feed:
            nums = re.findall(r"\d+", a.Detail)
            if len(nums) > 0:
                d = int(nums[0])
                if a.Detail.find("母乳") >= 0:
                    breast += d
                    breastNum += 1
                elif a.Detail.find("奶瓶") >= 0:
                    milk += d
        elif a.Type == ActionType.Poop:
            poop += 1
        elif a.Type == ActionType.WakeUp:
            ect = extract_cn_time()
            sleep += ect.extract_time_delta(a.Detail)
        elif a.Type == ActionType.Notes:
            #response += "{0}日{1}\n".format(cur.strftime("%m-%d"),a.GenBrief())
    return reports
Example #2
    def DetectAction(self, msg):
        msg.RawContent = msg.RawContent.replace(":", ":")
        action = Action(msg)
        num2d = num_cn2digital()
        ect = extract_cn_time()
        content = num2d.replace_cn_digital(msg.RawContent)
        t = ect.extract_time(content)
        if t is not None and len(t) > 0:
            action.TimeStamp = t[0]
            content = ect.remove_time(content)

        if self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.NotesKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.Notes
            action.Detail = msg.RawContent
            for k in self.NotesKeywords:
                action.Detail = action.Detail.lstrip(k)
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.ListSleepTimeKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.SleepTime
            self.get_latest_sleep(action, num2d, ect)
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.ADKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.AD
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.EatCaKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.EatCa
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.ComFoodListKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.ComFoodList
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.ComFoodKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.ComFood
            start =  msg.RawContent.find(self.ComFoodKeywords[0])
            if start < 0:
                start =  msg.RawContent.find(self.ComFoodKeywords[1])
            detail = msg.RawContent[start+2:].strip()
            action.Detail = detail
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.MMFoodLogKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.MMFoodLog
            start =  msg.RawContent.find(self.MMFoodLogKeywords[0])
            if start < 0:
                start =  0
            detail = msg.RawContent[start+4:].strip()
            action.Detail = detail
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.SnacksKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.Snacks
            start =  msg.RawContent.find(self.SnacksKeywords[0])
            detail = msg.RawContent[start+2:].strip()
            action.Detail = detail
        elif self.check_strList(content, self.FeedKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.Feed
            action.Status = Action.Active
            nums = re.findall(r"\d+",content)
            if len(nums) > 0:
                if self.check_strList(content, self.MinKeywords):
                    action.Detail = "母乳:" + nums[0] + u"分钟"
                    action.Detail = "奶瓶:" + nums[0] + "mL"
                    if self.check_strList(content, self.PowderKeywords):
                        action.Detail += " (奶粉)"

        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.WeeklyReportsKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.WeeklyReports
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.RemoveKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.Remove
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.ReportsKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.Reports
            action.Status = Action.Active
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.PoopKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.Poop
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.BathKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.Bath
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.FallSleepKeywords):
            lastAct = self.rlSQL.GetSleepStatus()
            if lastAct.Type == ActionType.WakeUp:
                action.Type = ActionType.FallSleep
                action.Type = ActionType.ErrStatus
                action.Detail = "重复的睡觉,上一次是:"
                action.Detail += lastAct.TimeStamp.strftime( "%H:%M")
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.WakeUpKeywords):
            lastAct = self.rlSQL.GetSleepStatus()
            if lastAct.Type == ActionType.FallSleep:
                action.Type = ActionType.WakeUp
                self.get_latest_sleep(action, num2d, ect)
                action.Type = ActionType.ErrStatus
                action.Detail = "重复的睡醒,上一次是:"
                action.Detail += lastAct.TimeStamp.strftime( "%H:%M")
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.ViewNotesKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.ViewNotes
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.DebugMsgKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.DebugMsg
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.FixInputKeywords):
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.PillsKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.Pills
            start = content.index("药")
            detail = content[start+1:].strip()
            action.Detail = detail
        elif self.check_strList(msg.RawContent, self.ListImageKeywords):
            action.Type = ActionType.ListImage
            files = cn_utility.listimgfiles(config.ImageRoot, 7)
            action.ImageList = []
            for f in files:
                action.ImageList.append((f[5:16], \
            action.Type = ActionType.UnKnown
                msgs = self.rlSQL.GetMsgFromUser(msg.FromUser, 2)
                if self.check_strList(msgs[1].RawContent, self.RemoveKeywords):
                    action.Type = ActionType.RemoveSpecific
            except ValueError:
        if action.FromUser not in self.users_can_write and action.Type not in \
            {ActionType.Reports, ActionType.WeeklyReports, ActionType.ListImage}:
            action.Type = ActionType.NoPermission

        return action
Example #3
    def GenResponse(self, action):
        response = "抱歉没听懂."
        if action.Type == ActionType.Feed:
            response = "收到,萝卜在{1}吃了{0}".format(action.Detail, action.TimeStamp.strftime( "%H:%M"))
        elif action.Type == ActionType.Reports:
            response = "统计结果:"
            cur = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=2)
            actions = self.rlSQL.GetActionReports(30)
            actions.sort(key=lambda a:a.TimeStamp)
            lastmilk = sleepstatus = Action()
            for a in actions:
                if a.Status == Action.Deleted:

                if a.Type == ActionType.FallSleep:
                    sleepstatus = a
                elif a.Type == ActionType.WakeUp:
                    sleepstatus = a
                elif a.Type == ActionType.Feed:
                    lastmilk = a

                if a.Type not in self.actiontype_skip_log :
                    if a.TimeStamp.day != cur.day:
                        cur = a.TimeStamp
                        response += "\n{0}日(第{1}天)记录:\n".format(cur.strftime("%m-%d"), \
                    if len(response) > 250:
                        response = response[-250:]
                    response += (a.GenBrief() + "\n")

            tnow = cn_utility.GetNowForUTC8()
            if sleepstatus.Type == ActionType.FallSleep:
                #is sleeping
                response += (sleepstatus.GenBrief() + "\n")
            elif sleepstatus.Type == ActionType.WakeUp:
                delta_minutes = int((tnow - sleepstatus.TimeStamp).total_seconds()/60)
                if delta_minutes > 240:
                    response += "\n醒了{0}小时{1}分钟了,该睡了".format(int(delta_minutes/60), delta_minutes%60) 
                #don't find last status skip
            #disable milk alert for now
            #delta_minutes = int((tnow - lastmilk.TimeStamp).total_seconds()/60)
            #if delta_minutes > 240:
                #response += "\n上次喂奶是{0}小时{1}分钟前:{2}".format(int(delta_minutes/60), delta_minutes%60, lastmilk.GenBrief())

        elif action.Type == ActionType.WeeklyReports:
            response = "统计结果: \n"
            cur = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=2)
            actions = self.rlSQL.GetActionReports(300)
            milk = 0
            breast = 0
            breastNum = 0
            poop = 0
            sleep = 0
            daysShown = 0
            pillstaken = 0
            comFoodCount = 0
            snackCount = 0
            notesPerDay = ""
            for a in actions:
                if a.Status == Action.Deleted:

                if a.TimeStamp.day != cur.day and (milk !=0 or breast !=0):                        
                    #response += "{0}日:奶瓶{1}mL,母乳{2}次共{3}分钟,睡觉{5}小时{6}分钟,大便{4}次\n".format(\
                    #cur.strftime("%m-%d"), milk, breastNum, breast, poop, int(sleep/60), sleep%60)
                    #no breast milk version
                    response += "{0}日:奶瓶{1}mL,辅食{5}次,零食{6}次,睡觉{3}小时{4}分钟,大便{2}次\n".format(\
                    cur.strftime("%m-%d"), milk, poop, int(sleep/60), sleep%60, comFoodCount, snackCount)
                    if len(notesPerDay) > 0:
                        response += "今日备注: {0}\n".format(notesPerDay)
                    if pillstaken > 0:
                        response += "吃药{0}次\n".format(pillstaken)
                    milk = 0
                    breast = 0 
                    poop = 0
                    breastNum = 0
                    sleep = 0
                    pillstaken = 0
                    comFoodCount = 0
                    snackCount  = 0
                    notesPerDay = ""
                    daysShown += 1
                    if daysShown >= 8 : break
                cur = a.TimeStamp
                if a.Type == ActionType.Feed:
                    nums = re.findall(r"\d+",a.Detail)
                    if len(nums) > 0:
                        d = int(nums[0])
                        if a.Detail.find("母乳") >= 0:
                            breast += d
                            breastNum += 1
                        elif a.Detail.find("奶瓶") >= 0:
                            milk += d
                elif a.Type == ActionType.Poop:
                    poop += 1
                elif a.Type == ActionType.WakeUp:
                    ect = extract_cn_time()
                    sleep += ect.extract_time_delta(a.Detail)
                    #print(cur, sleep, a.Detail)
                elif a.Type == ActionType.ComFood:
                    comFoodCount += 1
                elif a.Type == ActionType.Snacks:
                    snackCount += 1
                elif a.Type == ActionType.Pills:
                    pillstaken += 1
                elif a.Type == ActionType.Notes:
                    #notesPerDay += "{0}日{1}\t".format(cur.strftime("%m-%d"),a.GenBrief())
                    notesPerDay += a.GenBrief()

            if (milk !=0 or breast !=0) and daysShown < 7:                 
                #response += "{0}日:奶瓶{1}mL,母乳{2}次共{3}分钟,睡觉{5}小时{6}分钟,大便{4}次\n".format(\
                #    cur.strftime("%m-%d"), milk, breastNum, breast, poop, int(sleep/60), sleep%60)
                #no breast version
                response += "{0}日:奶瓶{1}mL,辅食{5}次,零食{6}次,睡觉{3}小时{4}分钟,大便{2}次\n".format(\
                    cur.strftime("%m-%d"), milk, poop, int(sleep/60), sleep%60, comFoodCount, snackCount)
                if len(notesPerDay) > 0:
                        response += "今日备注: {0}\n".format(notesPerDay)
                if pillstaken > 0:
                        response += "吃药{0}次\n".format(pillstaken)
        elif action.Type == ActionType.Remove:
            response = "请输入要删除的项目序号\n"
            actions = self.rlSQL.GetActionReports(6)
            actions.sort(key=lambda a:a.TimeStamp)
            for a in actions:
                if a.Status == Action.Deleted:
                response += "序号:{0} 内容:{1},{2}\n".format(\
                    a.ActionID, self.user_mapping.get(a.FromUser, a.FromUser), a.GenBrief())
        elif action.Type == ActionType.RemoveSpecific:
            response ="已删除一条记录.\n"
        elif action.Type == ActionType.ListImage:
            return action.ImageList
        elif action.Type == ActionType.DebugMsg:
            msg_list = self.rlSQL.GetLastNumMsg(30)
            response = "List:\n"
            for m in msg_list:
                response +="[{0}] {1}:{2} \n".format(m.TimeStamp.strftime( "%H:%M"), self.user_mapping.get(m.FromUser, m.FromUser), m.RawContent)
        elif action.Type == ActionType.NoPermission:
            response = "抱歉您没有权限,可以尝试 '总结' 或 '一周总结' 查看萝卜成长状态。"
        elif action.Type == ActionType.ComFoodList:
            response = "吃饭记录:\n"
            foodList = self.rlSQL.GetActionList( ActionType.ComFood, 80)
            foodList.sort(key=lambda a:a.TimeStamp)
            cur = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=2)
            for f in foodList:
                if f.TimeStamp.day != cur.day: #a new day 
                    response += "\n[{0}] {1} ".format(f.TimeStamp.strftime("%m-%d"), f.Detail)
                    cur = f.TimeStamp
                    response += f.Detail #f.GenBrief()
        elif action.Type == ActionType.ViewNotes:
            response = "备注记录:\n"
            noteList = self.rlSQL.GetActionList( ActionType.Notes, 5)
            noteList.sort(key=lambda a:a.TimeStamp)
            cur = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=2)
            for f in noteList:
                if f.TimeStamp.day != cur.day: #a new day 
                    response += "\n[{0}] {1} ".format(f.TimeStamp.strftime("%m-%d"), f.Detail)
                    cur = f.TimeStamp
                    response += f.Detail #f.GenBrief()
            response = action.GenBrief()

        response += warning.GetWarnings(self.rlSQL)
        return response