Example #1
File: nova.py Project: Open-SFC/cns
    def create_nwport(self, context, nwport):
        utils = CertificateAuthority()
        network_type = nwport['nwport']['network_type']
        name = nwport['nwport']['name']
        integration_bridge = nwport['nwport']['bridge']
        ovs_port = nwport['nwport']['ovs_port']
        ip_address = nwport['nwport']['ip_address']
        data_ip = nwport['nwport']['data_ip']
        vxlan_udp_port = nwport['nwport']['vxlan_udpport']

        filters['ip_address'] = [ip_address]
        filters['data_ip'] = [data_ip]
        nwports = self.get_nwports(context,filters=filters)
        co_nwports = len(nwports)
        #LOG.debug(_("Count of flows [%s]"), co_nwports)
        if co_nwports == 0:
            if data_ip != '0':
                vsctl_cmd = "ovs-vsctl --db=tcp:"+ip_address+":"+ovs_port+" --may-exist add-port "+integration_bridge+" "+name+" -- set Interface "+name+" type="+network_type+" options:key=flow options:remote_ip="+data_ip+" options:dst_port="+vxlan_udp_port
                #LOG.debug(_("Executing command [%s]"), vsctl_cmd)
            elif data_ip == '0':
                vsctl_cmd = "ovs-vsctl --db=tcp:"+ip_address+":"+ovs_port+" --may-exist add-port "+integration_bridge+" "+name+" -- set Interface "+name+" type="+network_type+" options:remote_ip=flow options:key=flow options:dst_port="+vxlan_udp_port
                #LOG.debug(_("Executing command [%s]"), vsctl_cmd)
            v = self.novadb.create_nwport(context, nwport)
            data = v
            v.update({'operation' : 'create'})
            portdelta = self.cnsdelta.create_nwport_delta(context,delta)
            fanoutmsg = {}
            version = portdelta['version_id']
            delta[version] = fanoutmsg
            return data
Example #2
File: nova.py Project: Open-SFC/cns
 def __init__(self):
     self.novadb = nova_db.NovaDb()
     self.cnsdelta = delta.CnsDelta()
     self.ca = CertificateAuthority()
     super(NovaPlugin, self).__init__()
Example #3
File: nova.py Project: Open-SFC/cns
class NovaPlugin(NovaListener,
    Implementation of the Crd Core Plugin.
    DB related work is implemented in class NovaPluginDb
    supported_extension_aliases = ["nova"]
    RPC_API_VERSION = '1.0'
    def __init__(self):
        self.novadb = nova_db.NovaDb()
        self.cnsdelta = delta.CnsDelta()
        self.ca = CertificateAuthority()
        super(NovaPlugin, self).__init__()
    ################ Compute API Start ############################
    def create_compute(self, context, compute):
        v = self.novadb.create_compute(context, compute)
        data = v
        v.update({'operation' : 'create'})
        datapathdelta = self.cnsdelta.create_compute_delta(context,delta)
        fanoutmsg = {}
        version = datapathdelta['version_id']
        delta[version] = fanoutmsg
        return data

    def update_compute(self, context, compute_id, compute):
        v = self.novadb.update_compute(context, compute_id, compute)
        return v

    def delete_compute(self, context, compute_id):
        v = self.get_compute(context, compute_id)
        self.novadb.delete_compute(context, compute_id)

    def get_compute(self, context, compute_id, fields=None):
        #LOG.debug(_('Get compute %s'), compute_id)
        return self.novadb.get_compute(context, compute_id, fields)
    def get_computes(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
        #LOG.debug(_('Get computes'))
        compute_nodes = self.novadb.get_computes(context, filters, fields)
        return compute_nodes
    ################ Compute API End ############################
    ################ Instance API Start ############################
    def create_instance(self, context, instance):
        v = self.novadb.create_instance(context, instance)
        data = v
        v.update({'operation' : 'create'})
        instancedelta = self.cnsdelta.create_instance_delta(context,delta)
        fanoutmsg = {}
        version = instancedelta['version_id']
        delta[version] = fanoutmsg
        return data

    def update_instance(self, context, instance_id, instance):
        v = self.novadb.update_instance(context, instance_id, instance)
        data = v
        v.update({'operation' : 'update'})
        instancedelta = self.cnsdelta.create_instance_delta(context,delta)
        fanoutmsg = {}
        version = instancedelta['version_id']
        delta[version] = fanoutmsg
        return data

    def delete_instance(self, context, instance_id):
        v = self.get_instance(context, instance_id)
        self.novadb.delete_instance(context, instance_id)
        v.update({'operation' : 'delete'})
        instancedelta = self.cnsdelta.create_instance_delta(context,delta)
        fanoutmsg = {}
        version = instancedelta['version_id']
        delta[version] = fanoutmsg

    def get_instance(self, context, instance_id, fields=None):
        #LOG.debug(_('Get instance %s'), instance_id)
        return self.novadb.get_instance(context, instance_id, fields)

    def get_instances(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
        #LOG.debug(_('Get instances'))
        return self.novadb.get_instances(context, filters, fields)
    ################ Instance API End ############################
    def cns_init_consumer(self, context, **kwargs):
        This function is called when ever any consumer is started
        LOG.debug(_("In Init Consumer for CNS.......KWArgs = %s"),str(kwargs))
        payload = kwargs['consumer']
        payload = payload['payload']
        return self.create_ofcontroller(payload)

    def update_consumer(self, context, **kwargs):
        This function is called when any consumer sends keep-alive message.
        LOG.debug(_("In Update Consumer.......KWArgs = %s"),str(kwargs))

    def create_ofcontroller(self, payload):
        LOG.debug(_("create_ofcontroller = %s"),str(payload))
        body = {
                        #'name': payload['hostname'],
                        ###### Expecting only 1 controller for now
                        'name': 'DefaultController',
                        'ip_address': payload['ip_address'],
                        'port': payload['ofc_port'],
                        'cell': payload['cell']
        cluster_id = payload['cluster_id']
        get_cluster = None
            get_cluster = self.get_ofcluster(self.context,cluster_id)
        except exc.NoResultFound:
            LOG.error(_("No Cluster exist with = %s"),str(cluster_id))
	clusterid = None
        if get_cluster:
            clusterid = cluster_id
            cluster = cfg.CONF.OFCONTROLLER.cluster
            filters = {}
            filters['name']= [cluster]
	            clusters = self.get_ofclusters(self.context, filters=filters)
        	    clusterid = clusters[0]['id']
		    LOG.error(_("No Cluster exist with Name = %s"),str(cluster))
	if clusterid:
		LOG.error(_("Creating Controller with cluster = %s"),str(clusterid))
	        controller = self.create_ofcluster_ofcontroller(self.context, body, clusterid)
        	return self.cnsdelta.cns_init(self.context, payload['version'],payload['hostname'])
		return {}
    ##                                                                     ##
    ##             Openflow Cluster Management (Start)                     ##
    ##                                                                     ## 

    def _get_file_contents(self,file_path):
        """ Helper function to get the contents of files. """
        with open(file_path,"r") as line:
            content = line.read()
        #LOG.debug(_("Reading File (%s)"), file_path)    
        return content
    def create_ofcluster(self,context,ofcluster):
        #LOG.debug(_("In create_ofcluster.....%s"),str(ofcluster))
        # Get the contents of CA Certficaite
        ca_cert_pem = self._get_file_contents(str(ofcluster['ofcluster'].get('ca_cert_path')))
        # Get the contents of Cluster Private Key
        private_key_pem = self._get_file_contents(str(ofcluster['ofcluster'].get('private_key_path')))
        ofcluster['ofcluster']['ca_cert_path'] = ca_cert_pem
        ofcluster['ofcluster']['private_key_path'] = private_key_pem
        cluster_dict = self.novadb.create_ofcluster(context,
        #LOG.debug(_("Openflow Cluster CREATE Success. :: %s"),str(cluster_dict))
        return cluster_dict

    def get_ofclusters(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,
                       sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False):
        session = context.session
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            list_dict = self.novadb.get_ofclusters(context, filters, None)
        return list_dict

    def update_ofcluster(self, context, id, **params):
        #LOG.debug(_("Update to ofcluster {%s} => %s"), str(id), str(params))
        session = context.session
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            cluster_dict = self.novadb.update_ofcluster(context, id, **params)
        return cluster_dict

    def delete_ofcluster(self, context, id):
        #LOG.debug(_("Delete openflow cluster {%s}"), str(id))
        session = context.session
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            cluster_dict = self.novadb.delete_ofcluster(context, id)
        return cluster_dict    

    def get_ofcluster(self, context, id, fields=None):
        session = context.session
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            ofcluster = self.novadb.get_ofcluster(context, id, None)
        return ofcluster
    ##             Openflow Cluster Management (End)                       ##
    ##                                                                     ##
    ##             Openflow Controller Management (Start)                  ##
    ##                                                                     ## 

    def create_ofcluster_ofcontroller(self, context, ofcontroller, ofcluster_id):
        #LOG.debug(_("In create OF Controller {cluster ID = %s}.....%s"), ofcluster_id,str(ofcontroller))
        controller_dict = self.novadb.create_ofcluster_ofcontroller(context,
                                                                   ofcontroller['ofcontroller'], ofcluster_id)
        #LOG.debug(_("Openflow Controller CREATE Success...{Cluster ID = %s} :: %s"), ofcluster_id, str(controller_dict))
        return controller_dict

    def get_ofcluster_ofcontrollers(self, context, ofcluster_id,
                                    filters=None, fields=None,
                                    sorts=None, limit=None,
                                    marker=None, page_reverse=False):
        #LOG.debug(_("Get OF Controller {cluster ID = %s}"),ofcluster_id)
        # remove the Controller name/id based collections.
        # we need Cluster ID based Controller Collection
        session = context.session
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            list_dict = self.novadb.get_ofcluster_ofcontrollers(context, ofcluster_id,
                                                               filters, None)
        return list_dict

    def update_ofcluster_ofcontroller(self, context, id, ofcluster_id, **params):
        #(TODO) Need to update all switches with changes to Controller IPaddress and Port details
        #LOG.debug(_("Update to ofcontroller {%s} {cluster ID = %s} => %s"),str(id),ofcluster_id, str(params))
        session = context.session
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            controller_dict = self.novadb.\
                                update_ofcluster_ofcontroller(context, id,
        return controller_dict

    def delete_ofcluster_ofcontroller(self,context,id,ofcluster_id):
        #LOG.debug(_("Delete openflow controller {%s} {cluster id = %s}"), str(id), ofcluster_id)
        session = context.session
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            controller_dict = self.novadb.\
        return controller_dict    

    def get_ofcluster_ofcontroller(self, context, id, ofcluster_id,
                                    filters=None, fields=None):
        filters = {}
	filters['cluster_id'] = ofcluster_id
	filters['id'] = [id]
        session = context.session
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            ofcontroller = self.novadb.\
                                 get_ofcluster_ofcontroller(context, id,
        return ofcontroller
    ##             Openflow Controller Management (End)                    ##

    ##                                                                     ##
    ##             Openflow Logical Switch Management (Start)              ##
    ##                                                                     ## 
    def _get_cluster_cacert(self,context,cluster_id):
        """ Get Cluster CA Certificate and Private Key """
        cluster_ca = self.novadb.get_ofcluster(context,cluster_id)
        return cluster_ca['ca_cert_pem'], cluster_ca['private_key_pem']
    def certify_logicalswitch(self, context, switch_dict, cluster_id):
        """  Generate keypair and certify the Logical Switch  """
        # Datapath ID of the logical Switch
        datapath_id = switch_dict['logicalswitch'].get("datapath_id")
        # Get the Cluster CA Cert and Private Key
        ca_cert_pem, private_key_pem = self._get_cluster_cacert(context, cluster_id)
        # write the files to temporary location
        cacert_path,ca_pvt_path = self.ca.create_ca_directory(cluster_id,
        # generate keypair and csr for the DPID of switch
        switch_key, switch_csr = self.ca.generate_keypair_csr(cluster_id,datapath_id )
        #LOG.debug(_("Switch Private_key => %s"), self._get_file_contents(switch_key))
        #LOG.debug(_("Switch CSR => %s"), self._get_file_contents(switch_csr))
        # Certify CSR with Cluster CA
        switch_cert = self.ca.certify_csr(cluster_id,datapath_id,cacert_path,ca_pvt_path)

        # update the Switch dict with Cert, key data.
        switch_dict['logicalswitch']['private_key_pem'] = self._get_file_contents(switch_key)
        switch_dict['logicalswitch']['certificate_pem'] = self._get_file_contents(switch_cert)
        # prepare the file paths dict for use with ovs-vsctl
        cert_dict = {'cacert_path': cacert_path,
                     'switch_key' : switch_key,
                     'switch_cert': switch_cert}

        return switch_dict, cert_dict
    def _configure_switch_controller(self,controller):
        """ Configure OVS Logical Switch 
        (note) Assumed that,switch_dict contains data regarding
        ipaddr or hostname of the compute node and port where it is running
        cmd: ovs-vsctl --db=tcp: set-controller br-int ssl:
        connection = "ovs-vsctl --db=tcp:"+controller['switch_addr']+":"+controller['switch_port']
	# Set openflow switch to operating secure mode
	#set-fail-mode br-int secure
        config_controller_secure = connection + " set-fail-mode "+ controller['switch_name'] +" secure"
        #LOG.debug(_("Set openflow switch to operating secure mode ... [%s]"), config_controller_secure)
        output = self.ca.execute_command(config_controller_secure)
        # configure controller ip and port
        config_controller = connection + " set-controller "+ controller['switch_name'] +"  tcp:"+ \
        #LOG.debug(_("Adding Controller Configuration to logical swith... [%s]"), config_controller)
        #(note) commented for init testing
        output = self.ca.execute_command(config_controller)
        #LOG.debug(_("cmd[%s] => %s"),config_controller, output)
        config_controller = connection + " set bridge " + controller['switch_name'] + \
                            " protocols=OpenFlow10,OpenFlow12,OpenFlow13"
        #LOG.debug(_("Adding Controller Configuration to logical swith... [%s]"), config_controller)
        output = self.ca.execute_command(config_controller)
        #LOG.debug(_("cmd[%s] => %s"),config_controller, output)
    def _configure_switch_certificates(self,controller,cert_dict):
        """ Configure OVS Logical Switch with certificates
        (note) Assumed that,controller contains data regarding
        ipaddr or hostname of the compute node and port where it is running
        and cert_dict contains the path to the pki files
        cmd: ovs-vsctl --db=tcp: \
                       --private-key=switch.key \
                       --certificate=switch.crt  \
        connection = "ovs-vsctl --db=tcp:"+controller['switch_addr']+":"+controller['switch_port']
        # configure controller ip and port
        config_controller = connection + " set-ssl " + "  --private-key=" + cert_dict['switch_key'] + \
                            "  --certificate=" + cert_dict['switch_cert'] + \
                            "  --ca-cert=" + cert_dict['cacert_path']
        #LOG.debug(_("Adding Certificates to logical swith... [%s]"), config_controller)
        #(note) commented for init testing
        output = self.ca.execute_command(config_controller)
        #LOG.debug(_("cmd[%s] => %s"),config_controller, output)

    def _create_inter_bridge(self, switch_data):
        """ Create Integration bridge in the new Compute Node
        note: need to check the existance of Integration bridge.
        Create bridge : ovs-vsctl add-br <br-name>
        Get DPID : ovs-vsctl get bridge <br-name> datapath_id
        ipaddress = switch_data['logicalswitch']['ip_address']
        port = switch_data['logicalswitch']['port']
        br_name = switch_data['logicalswitch']['name']
        # check the existence of integration bridge
        #LOG.debug(_("Checking for Integration Bridge %s in compute Node %s"), br_name, ipaddress)
        vsctl_cmd = "ovs-vsctl --db=tcp:%s:%s list-br" % \
                    (ipaddress, port)
        br_list = ''
            br_list = self.ca.execute_command(vsctl_cmd)
        except Exception:
            LOG.error(_("Command Execution Failed => %s"), vsctl_cmd)

        LOG.debug(_("Existing Integration bridges => %s"), br_list)
        match_br = re.search(br_name, br_list)

        if match_br is None:
            vsctl_cmd = "ovs-vsctl --db=tcp:%s:%s add-br %s" % \
                        (ipaddress, port, br_name)
            #LOG.debug(_("Found %s. Fetching Datapath ID..."), br_name)

        ### Fetch and return the datapath ID of the Inter-br  ####
        fetch_dpid = "ovs-vsctl --db=tcp:%s:%s get bridge %s datapath_id" % \
                     (ipaddress, port, br_name)
        datapath_id = self.ca.execute_command(fetch_dpid)
        if datapath_id:
            return datapath_id.rstrip("\n\r")

    def create_ofcluster_ofcontroller_logicalswitch(self, context, logicalswitch,
                                                    ofcluster_id, ofcontroller_id):
        # Create the integration brdige if not exists
        br_name = logicalswitch['logicalswitch']['name']
 	datapath_id = self._create_inter_bridge(logicalswitch)
        logicalswitch['logicalswitch']['datapath_id'] = str(datapath_id).strip('"')

        #LOG.debug(_("In create OF Logical Switch {cluster ID = %s, Controller ID = %s}.....%s")
        # , ofcluster_id, ofcontroller_id,str(logicalswitch))
       	switch_data, cert_dict = self.certify_logicalswitch(context, logicalswitch, ofcluster_id)
        switch_rec = self.novadb.create_ofcluster_ofcontroller_logicalswitch(context,
                                                                            ofcluster_id, ofcontroller_id)
        if switch_rec:
            LOG.debug(_("Openflow Controller CREATE Success...{Cluster ID = %s, Controller Id = %s} :: %s"),
                      ofcluster_id, ofcontroller_id, str(switch_rec))
            #### get the controller data based on the cluster ID, to which this
            #### logical switch is assigned
            controller_dict = self.get_ofcluster_ofcontroller(context, ofcontroller_id, ofcluster_id)
            LOG.debug(_("Controller Data => %s"), str(controller_dict))
            #### add the switch ip and port details to the controller dictionary.
            controller_dict['switch_addr'] = switch_rec['ip_address']
            controller_dict['switch_port'] = switch_rec['port']
            controller_dict['switch_name'] = switch_rec['name']

            #### Configure the Logical switch with Openflow Controller IP addr and port
            #### Configure Certificate and keys to the Logical switch
            self._configure_switch_certificates(controller_dict, cert_dict)
            #LOG.debug(_("Logical switch configuration completed."))
        return switch_rec

    def get_ofcluster_ofcontroller_logicalswitchs(self, context, ofcluster_id, ofcontroller_id,
                                                  filters=None, fields=None,
                                                  sorts=None, limit=None,
                                                  marker=None, page_reverse=False):
        #LOG.debug(_("Get OF Controller {cluster ID = %s}"),ofcluster_id)
        session = context.session
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            list_dict = self.novadb.get_ofcluster_ofcontroller_logicalswitchs(context, ofcluster_id,
                                                                             ofcontroller_id, filters, None)
        return list_dict

    def update_ofcluster_ofcontroller_logicalswitch(self, context, id, ofcluster_id,
                                                    ofcontroller_id, **params):
        #LOG.debug(_("Update to Logical Switch {%s}" \ "{ofcontroller = %s, cluster ID = %s} => %s"),
        # str(id),ofcontroller_id,ofcluster_id, str(params))
        session = context.session
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            switch_dict = self.novadb. \
                update_ofcluster_ofcontroller_logicalswitch(context, id,
        return switch_dict

    def delete_ofcluster_ofcontroller_logicalswitch(self, context, id,
                                                    ofcluster_id, ofcontroller_id):
        #LOG.debug(_("Delete openflow Logical switch {%s} {cluster id = %s, Controller = %s}"),
        # str(id), ofcluster_id, ofcontroller_id)
        # Get the Switch IP and Port, name
        switch_data = self.get_ofcluster_ofcontroller_logicalswitch(context, id,
                                                                    ofcluster_id, ofcontroller_id)
        #LOG.debug(_("Deleting Integration bridge" \"(%s) in Compute Node %s"),str(switch_data['name']),
        # str(switch_data['ip_address']))
        vsctl_cmd = "ovs-vsctl --db=tcp:%s:%s del-br %s" % \
                    (str(switch_data['ip_address']), str(switch_data['port']), str(switch_data['name']))
        #LOG.debug(_("Executing command [%s]"), vsctl_cmd)
        session = context.session
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            switch_dict = self.novadb. \
                delete_ofcluster_ofcontroller_logicalswitch(context, id,
        return switch_data

    def get_ofcluster_ofcontroller_logicalswitch(self, context, id,
                                                 ofcluster_id, ofcontroller_id,
                                                 filters=None, fields=None):
        filters = {}
        filters['cluster_id'] = ofcluster_id
        filters['controller_id'] = ofcontroller_id
        filters['id'] = [id]
        session = context.session
        with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            ofswitch = self.novadb. \
                get_ofcluster_ofcontroller_logicalswitch(context, id,
        return ofswitch

    ##             Openflow Logical switch Management (End)                ##
    ################ Nwport API Start ############################
    def create_network_port(self, context,integration_bridge):
        Update the OVS DB with the DATA IP of the compute nodes
        Sample commands:
        For VXLAN , flow-type is 'ip'
        ovs_vsctl  --db=tcp: --may-exist  \
                        add-port br-int  vxlan- -- set \
                        Interface vxlan-  type=vxlan  \
        For VXLAN, flow-type is 'flow'
        ovs-vsctl --db=tcp: --may-exist \
                       add-port br-int vxlan-flow-port -- set \
                       Interface vxlan-flow-port   type=vxlan \
                       options:remote_ip=flow options:key=flow
        utils = CertificateAuthority()
        # get the list of compute nodes
        LOG.debug(_("Create Network port..."))
        compute_nodes = self.get_computes(context)
        LOG.debug(_("compute nodes found => %s"), compute_nodes)
        #get the config params from nscs.crdservice.conf
        br_int = integration_bridge
        network_type = 'vxlan'
        flow_type = ''
        vxlan_udp_port = '4789'
        #local_data_ip_interface = cfg.CONF.INTERFACES.data
        #local_data_ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(local_data_ip_interface)[2][0]['addr']
        local_data_ip = cfg.CONF.NETWORKNODE.data_ip
        if compute_nodes:
            for node in compute_nodes:
                lst = [random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(15)]
                nwname = "".join(lst)
                # Processing for VXLAN network type
                if network_type == 'vxlan':
                    lnwportdata = {'nwport':
                                    'name': nwname,
                                    'network_type': network_type,
                                    'ip_address': node['ip_address'],
                                    'data_ip': local_data_ip,
                                    'bridge': br_int,
                                    'vxlan_vni': 0,
                                    'vxlan_udpport': vxlan_udp_port,
                                    'vlan_id': '',
                                    'flow_type': flow_type,
                                    'ovs_port': node['ovs_port'],
                                    'local_data_ip': node['data_ip'],
                                    'host': node['hostname'],
                    computenode = self.create_nwport(context, lnwportdata)
                    lst = [random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(15)]
                    nwname = "".join(lst)
                    uniportdata = {'nwport':
                                    'name': nwname,
                                    'network_type': network_type,
                                    'ip_address': node['ip_address'],
                                    'data_ip': '0',
                                    'bridge': br_int,
                                    'vxlan_vni': 0,
                                    'vxlan_udpport': vxlan_udp_port,
                                    'vlan_id': '',
                                    'flow_type': flow_type,
                                    'ovs_port': node['ovs_port'],
                                    'local_data_ip': node['data_ip'],
                                    'host': node['hostname'],
                    computenode = self.create_nwport(context, uniportdata)
                    for data in compute_nodes:
                        lst = [random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(15)]
                        nwname = "".join(lst)
                        nwportdata = {'nwport':
                                    'name': nwname,
                                    'network_type': network_type,
                                    'ip_address': node['ip_address'],
                                    'data_ip': data['data_ip'],
                                    'bridge': br_int,
                                    'vxlan_vni': 0,
                                    'vxlan_udpport': vxlan_udp_port,
                                    'vlan_id': '',
                                    'flow_type': flow_type,
                                    'ovs_port': node['ovs_port'],
                                    'local_data_ip': node['data_ip'],
                                    'host': node['hostname'],
                        if data['data_ip'] != node['data_ip']:
                            computenode = self.create_nwport(context,nwportdata)

    def create_nwport(self, context, nwport):
        utils = CertificateAuthority()
        network_type = nwport['nwport']['network_type']
        name = nwport['nwport']['name']
        integration_bridge = nwport['nwport']['bridge']
        ovs_port = nwport['nwport']['ovs_port']
        ip_address = nwport['nwport']['ip_address']
        data_ip = nwport['nwport']['data_ip']
        vxlan_udp_port = nwport['nwport']['vxlan_udpport']

        filters['ip_address'] = [ip_address]
        filters['data_ip'] = [data_ip]
        nwports = self.get_nwports(context,filters=filters)
        co_nwports = len(nwports)
        #LOG.debug(_("Count of flows [%s]"), co_nwports)
        if co_nwports == 0:
            if data_ip != '0':
                vsctl_cmd = "ovs-vsctl --db=tcp:"+ip_address+":"+ovs_port+" --may-exist add-port "+integration_bridge+" "+name+" -- set Interface "+name+" type="+network_type+" options:key=flow options:remote_ip="+data_ip+" options:dst_port="+vxlan_udp_port
                #LOG.debug(_("Executing command [%s]"), vsctl_cmd)
            elif data_ip == '0':
                vsctl_cmd = "ovs-vsctl --db=tcp:"+ip_address+":"+ovs_port+" --may-exist add-port "+integration_bridge+" "+name+" -- set Interface "+name+" type="+network_type+" options:remote_ip=flow options:key=flow options:dst_port="+vxlan_udp_port
                #LOG.debug(_("Executing command [%s]"), vsctl_cmd)
            v = self.novadb.create_nwport(context, nwport)
            data = v
            v.update({'operation' : 'create'})
            portdelta = self.cnsdelta.create_nwport_delta(context,delta)
            fanoutmsg = {}
            version = portdelta['version_id']
            delta[version] = fanoutmsg
            return data

    def update_nwport(self, context, nwport_id, nwport):
        v = self.novadb.update_nwport(context, nwport_id, nwport)
        return v

    def delete_nwport(self, context, nwport_id):
        self.novadb.delete_nwport(context, nwport_id)

    def get_nwport(self, context, nwport_id, fields=None):
        #LOG.debug(_('Get nwport %s'), nwport_id)
        return self.novadb.get_nwport(context, nwport_id, fields)

    def get_nwports(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
        #LOG.debug(_('Get nwports'))
        return self.novadb.get_nwports(context, filters, fields)