def __init__(self, win, editCommand):
        Constructor for the Nanotube property manager.
        self.endPoint1 = None
        self.endPoint2 = None

        self.nanotube = Nanotube()  # A 5x5 CNT.

        _superclass.__init__(self, win, editCommand)

        self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \
                                PM_CANCEL_BUTTON | \
    def setProps(self, props):
        Sets some properties. These will be used while editing the structure. 
        (but if the structure is read from an mmp file, this won't work. As a 
        fall back, it returns some constant values) 
        @see: InsertNanotube_EditCommand.createStructure which calls this method. 
        @see: self.getProps, NanotubeSegment_EditCommand.editStructure        
        (_n, _m), _type, _endings, (_endPoint1, _endPoint2) = props

        from cnt.model.Nanotube import Nanotube
        self.nanotube = Nanotube()
        self.nanotube.setChirality(_n, _m)
        self.nanotube.setEndPoints(_endPoint1, _endPoint2)
 def readmmp_info_opengroup_setitem(self, key, val, interp):
     [extends superclass method]
     #bruce 080507 refactoring (split this out of the superclass method)
     if key == ['nanotube-parameters']:
         # val includes all the parameters, separated by commas.
         n, m, type, endings = val.split(",")
         self.n = int(n)
         self.m = int(m)
         self.type = type.lstrip()
         self.endings = endings.lstrip()
         # Create the nanotube.
         from cnt.model.Nanotube import Nanotube
         self.nanotube = Nanotube()  # Returns a 5x5 CNT.
         self.nanotube.setChirality(self.n, self.m)
         # The endpoints are recomputed every time it is edited.
         Group.readmmp_info_opengroup_setitem(self, key, val, interp)
    def __init__( self, win, editCommand ):
        Constructor for the Nanotube property manager.
        self.endPoint1 = None
        self.endPoint2 = None

        self.nanotube = Nanotube() # A 5x5 CNT.

        _superclass.__init__( self,

        self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \
                                PM_CANCEL_BUTTON | \
 def setProps(self, props):
     Sets some properties. These will be used while editing the structure. 
     (but if the structure is read from an mmp file, this won't work. As a 
     fall back, it returns some constant values) 
     @see: InsertNanotube_EditCommand.createStructure which calls this method. 
     @see: self.getProps, NanotubeSegment_EditCommand.editStructure        
     (_n, _m), _type, _endings, (_endPoint1, _endPoint2) = props
     from cnt.model.Nanotube import Nanotube
     self.nanotube = Nanotube()
     self.nanotube.setChirality(_n, _m)
     self.nanotube.setEndPoints(_endPoint1, _endPoint2)
 def readmmp_info_opengroup_setitem( self, key, val, interp ):
     [extends superclass method]
     #bruce 080507 refactoring (split this out of the superclass method)
     if key == ['nanotube-parameters']:
         # val includes all the parameters, separated by commas.
         n, m, type, endings = val.split(",")
         self.n = int(n)
         self.m = int(m)
         self.type = type.lstrip()
         self.endings = endings.lstrip()
         # Create the nanotube.
         from cnt.model.Nanotube import Nanotube
         self.nanotube = Nanotube() # Returns a 5x5 CNT.
         self.nanotube.setChirality(self.n, self.m)
         # The endpoints are recomputed every time it is edited.
         Group.readmmp_info_opengroup_setitem( self, key, val, interp)
class InsertNanotube_PropertyManager(DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager):
    The InsertNanotube_PropertyManager class provides a Property Manager
    for the B{Build > Nanotube > CNT} command.

    @ivar title: The title that appears in the property manager header.
    @type title: str

    @ivar pmName: The name of this property manager. This is used to set
                  the name of the PM_Dialog object via setObjectName().
    @type name: str

    @ivar iconPath: The relative path to the PNG file that contains a
                    22 x 22 icon image that appears in the PM header.
    @type iconPath: str

    title = "Insert Nanotube"
    pmName = title
    iconPath = "ui/actions/Tools/Build Structures/InsertNanotube.png"

    def __init__(self, win, editCommand):
        Constructor for the Nanotube property manager.
        self.endPoint1 = None
        self.endPoint2 = None

        self.nanotube = Nanotube()  # A 5x5 CNT.

        _superclass.__init__(self, win, editCommand)

        self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \
                                PM_CANCEL_BUTTON | \

    def connect_or_disconnect_signals(self, isConnect):
        Connect or disconnect widget signals sent to their slot methods.
        This can be overridden in subclasses. By default it does nothing.
        @param isConnect: If True the widget will send the signals to the slot
        @type  isConnect: boolean
        if isConnect:
            change_connect =
            change_connect =

                       SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(const QString&)"),

        change_connect(self.chiralityNSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"),

        change_connect(self.chiralityMSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"),

                       SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(const QString&)"),

        # This spin box is currently hidden.
                       SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self._bondLengthChanged)


    def ok_btn_clicked(self):
        Slot for the OK button
        if self.editCommand:

    def cancel_btn_clicked(self):
        Slot for the Cancel button.
        if self.editCommand:

    def _update_widgets_in_PM_before_show(self):
        Update various widgets in this Property manager.
        Overrides MotorPropertyManager._update_widgets_in_PM_before_show.
        The various  widgets , (e.g. spinboxes) will get values from the
        structure for which this propMgr is constructed for

        @see: MotorPropertyManager._update_widgets_in_PM_before_show
        @see: where it is called.

    def getFlyoutActionList(self):
        Returns custom actionlist that will be used in a specific mode
        or editing a feature etc Example: while in movie mode,
        the _createFlyoutToolBar method calls this.
        #'allActionsList' returns all actions in the flyout toolbar
        #including the subcontrolArea actions
        allActionsList = []

        #Action List for  subcontrol Area buttons.
        #In this mode there is really no subcontrol area.
        #We will treat subcontrol area same as 'command area'
        #(subcontrol area buttons will have an empty list as their command area
        #list). We will set  the Comamnd Area palette background color to the
        #subcontrol area.

        subControlAreaActionList = []


        separator = QAction(self.w)


        #Empty actionlist for the 'Command Area'
        commandActionLists = []

        #Append empty 'lists' in 'commandActionLists equal to the
        #number of actions in subControlArea
        for i in range(len(subControlAreaActionList)):
            lst = []

        params = (subControlAreaActionList, commandActionLists, allActionsList)

        return params

    def _addGroupBoxes(self):
        Add the Insert Nanotube Property Manager group boxes.

        self._pmGroupBox1 = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Endpoints")

        self._pmGroupBox2 = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Parameters")

        self._displayOptionsGroupBox = PM_GroupBox(self,
                                                   title="Display Options")

        self._pmGroupBox3 = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Nanotube Distortion")
        self._pmGroupBox3.hide()  #@ Temporary.

        self._pmGroupBox4 = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Multi-Walled CNTs")
        self._pmGroupBox4.hide()  #@ Temporary.

        self._pmGroupBox5 = PM_GroupBox(self, title="Advanced Options")
        self._pmGroupBox5.hide()  #@ Temporary.

    def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox):
        Load widgets in group box 1.
        #Following toolbutton facilitates entering a temporary NanotubeLineMode
        #to create a CNT using endpoints of the specified line.
        self.specifyCntLineButton = PM_ToolButton(
            text="Specify Endpoints",
            iconPath="ui/actions/Properties Manager/Pencil.png",

        #EndPoint1 and endPoint2 coordinates. These widgets are hidden
        # as of 2007- 12 - 05
        self._endPoint1SpinBoxes = PM_CoordinateSpinBoxes(pmGroupBox,
                                                          label="End Point 1")
        self.x1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.xSpinBox
        self.y1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.ySpinBox
        self.z1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.zSpinBox

        self._endPoint2SpinBoxes = PM_CoordinateSpinBoxes(pmGroupBox,
                                                          label="End Point 2")
        self.x2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.xSpinBox
        self.y2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.ySpinBox
        self.z2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.zSpinBox


    def _loadGroupBox2(self, pmGroupBox):
        Load widgets in group box 2.

        _ntTypeChoices = ['Carbon', 'Boron Nitride']
        self.ntTypeComboBox  = \
            PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox,
                         label         =  "Type:",
                         choices       =  _ntTypeChoices,
                         setAsDefault  =  True)

        self.ntRiseDoubleSpinBox  =  \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox,
                              label         =  "Rise:",
                              value         =  self.nanotube.getRise(),
                              setAsDefault  =  True,
                              minimum       =  2.0,
                              maximum       =  4.0,
                              decimals      =  3,
                              singleStep    =  0.01 )


        # Nanotube Length
        self.ntLengthLineEdit  =  \
            PM_LineEdit( pmGroupBox,
                         label         =  "Nanotube Length: ",
                         text          =  "0.0 Angstroms",
                         setAsDefault  =  False)


        # Nanotube diameter
        self.ntDiameterLineEdit  =  \
            PM_LineEdit( pmGroupBox,
                         label         =  "Diameter: ",
                         setAsDefault  =  False)


        self.chiralityNSpinBox = \
            PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox,
                        label        = "Chirality (n):",
                        value        = self.nanotube.getChiralityN(),
                        minimum      =  2,
                        maximum      =  100,
                        setAsDefault = True )

        self.chiralityMSpinBox = \
            PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox,
                        label        = "Chirality (m):",
                        value        = self.nanotube.getChiralityM(),
                        minimum      =  0,
                        maximum      =  100,
                        setAsDefault = True )

        # How about having user prefs for CNT and BNNT bond lengths?
        # I'm guessing that if the user wants to set these values, they will
        # do it once and would like those bond length values persist forever.
        # Need to discuss with others to determine if this spinbox comes out.
        # --Mark 2008-03-29
        self.bondLengthDoubleSpinBox = \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox,
                              label        = "Bond length:",
                              value        = self.nanotube.getBondLength(),
                              setAsDefault = True,
                              minimum      = 1.0,
                              maximum      = 3.0,
                              singleStep   = 0.1,
                              decimals     = 3,
                              suffix       = " Angstroms" )


        endingChoices = ["Hydrogen", "None"]  # Removed:, "Nitrogen"]

        self.endingsComboBox= \
            PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox,
                         label        = "Endings:",
                         choices      = endingChoices,
                         index        = 0,
                         setAsDefault = True,
                         spanWidth    = False )

    def _loadGroupBox3(self, inPmGroupBox):
        Load widgets in group box 3.

        self.zDistortionDoubleSpinBox = \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( inPmGroupBox,
                              label        = "Z-distortion:",
                              value        = 0.0,
                              setAsDefault = True,
                              minimum      = 0.0,
                              maximum      = 10.0,
                              singleStep   = 0.1,
                              decimals     = 3,
                              suffix       = " Angstroms" )

        self.xyDistortionDoubleSpinBox = \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( inPmGroupBox,
                              label        = "XY-distortion:",
                              value        = 0.0,
                              setAsDefault = True,
                              minimum      = 0.0,
                              maximum      = 2.0,
                              singleStep   = 0.1,
                              decimals     = 3,
                              suffix       = " Angstroms" )

        self.twistSpinBox = \
            PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox,
                        label        = "Twist:",
                        value        = 0,
                        setAsDefault = True,
                        minimum      = 0,
                        maximum      = 100, # What should maximum be?
                        suffix       = " deg/A" )

        self.bendSpinBox = \
            PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox,
                        label        = "Bend:",
                        value        = 0,
                        setAsDefault = True,
                        minimum      = 0,
                        maximum      = 360,
                        suffix       = " deg" )

    def _loadGroupBox4(self, inPmGroupBox):
        Load widgets in group box 4.

        # "Number of Nanotubes" SpinBox
        self.mwntCountSpinBox = \
            PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox,
                        label        = "Number:",
                        value        = 1,
                        setAsDefault = True,
                        minimum      = 1,
                        maximum      = 10,
                        suffix       = " nanotubes" )


        # "Spacing" lineedit.
        self.mwntSpacingDoubleSpinBox = \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( inPmGroupBox,
                              label        = "Spacing:",
                              value        = 2.46,
                              setAsDefault = True,
                              minimum      = 1.0,
                              maximum      = 10.0,
                              singleStep   = 0.1,
                              decimals     = 3,
                              suffix       = " Angstroms" )

    def _loadGroupBox5(self, pmGroupBox):
        Load widgets in group box 5.
        self._rubberbandLineGroupBox = PM_GroupBox(pmGroupBox,
                                                   title='Rubber band Line:')

        ntLineChoices = ['Ladder']
        self.ntRubberBandLineDisplayComboBox = \
            PM_ComboBox( self._rubberbandLineGroupBox ,
                         label         =  " Display as:",
                         choices       =  ntLineChoices,
                         setAsDefault  =  True)

        self.lineSnapCheckBox = \
            PM_CheckBox(self._rubberbandLineGroupBox ,
                        text         = 'Enable line snap' ,
                        widgetColumn = 1,
                        state        = Qt.Checked

    def _connect_showCursorTextCheckBox(self):
        Connect the show cursor text checkbox with user prefs_key.

    def _params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes(self):
        Returns params needed to create various cursor text checkboxes connected
        to prefs_keys  that allow custom cursor texts.
        @return: A list containing tuples in the following format:
                ('checkBoxTextString' , preference_key). PM_PrefsCheckBoxes
                uses this data to create checkboxes with the the given names and
                connects them to the provided preference keys. (Note that
                PM_PrefsCheckBoxes puts thes within a GroupBox)
        @rtype: list
        @see: PM_PrefsCheckBoxes
        @see: self._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox where this list is used.
        @see: Superclass method which is overridden here --
        params = \
               [  #Format: (" checkbox text", prefs_key)

                   ("Nanotube length",
                    insertNanotubeEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_length_prefs_key ),

                     insertNanotubeEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_angle_prefs_key )

        return params

    def _addToolTipText(self):
        Tool Tip text for widgets in the Insert Nanotube Property Manager.

    def _setEndPoints(self):
        Set the two endpoints of the nanotube using the values from the
        X, Y, Z coordinate spinboxes in the property manager.

        @note: The group box containing the 2 sets of XYZ spin boxes are
        currently hidden.
        # First endpoint (origin) of nanotube
        x1 = self.x1SpinBox.value()
        y1 = self.y1SpinBox.value()
        z1 = self.z1SpinBox.value()

        # Second endpoint (direction vector/axis) of nanotube.
        x2 = self.x2SpinBox.value()
        y2 = self.y2SpinBox.value()
        z2 = self.z2SpinBox.value()

        if not self.endPoint1:
            self.endPoint1 = V(x1, y1, z1)
        if not self.endPoint2:
            self.endPoint2 = V(x2, y2, z2)

        self.nanotube.setEndPoints(self.endPoint1, self.endPoint2)
        # Need arg "recompute=True", which will recompute the second
        # endpoint (endPoint2) using the nanotube rise.

    def getParameters(self):
        Return the parameters from this property manager to be used to create
        the nanotube.

        @return: A nanotube instance with its attrs set to the current
                 parameters in the property manager.
        @rtype: L{Nanotube}

        @see: L{InsertNanotube_EditCommand._gatherParameters} where this is used
        return (self.nanotube)

    def _ntTypeComboBoxChanged(self, type):
        Slot for the Type combobox. It is called whenever the
        Type choice is changed.

        @param inIndex: The new index.
        @type  inIndex: int
        print "Bond Length =", self.nanotube.getBondLength()

    def _bondLengthChanged(self, bondLength):
        Slot for the B{Bond Length} spinbox.

    def _chiralityFixup(self, spinBoxValueJunk=None):
        Slot for several validators for different parameters.
        This gets called whenever the user changes the n, m chirality values.

        @param spinBoxValueJunk: This is the Spinbox value from the valueChanged
                                 signal. It is not used. We just want to know
                                 that the spinbox value has changed.
        @type  spinBoxValueJunk: double or None
        _n, _m = self.nanotube.setChirality(self.chiralityNSpinBox.value(),

        #self.n, self.m = self.nanotube.getChirality()



    def updateNanotubeDiameter(self):
        Update the nanotube Diameter lineEdit widget.
        diameterText = "%-7.4f Angstroms" % (self.nanotube.getDiameter())

        # ntRiseDoubleSpinBox is currently hidden.

    def _endingsComboBoxChanged(self, endings):
        Slot for the B{Ending} combobox.

        @param endings: The option's text.
        @type  endings: string

    def _addWhatsThisText(self):
        What's This text for widgets in this Property Manager.
class NanotubeSegment(Group):
    Model object which represents a Nanotube Segment inside a Nanotube Group.

    Internally, this is just a specialized Group containing a single chunk,
    itself containing all the atoms of a nanotube.

    # This should be a tuple of classifications that appear in
    # files_mmp._GROUP_CLASSIFICATIONS, most general first.
    # See comment in class Group for more info. [bruce 080115]
    _mmp_group_classifications = ('NanotubeSegment', )

    nanotube = None

    _endPoint1 = None
    _endPoint2 = None
    # TODO: undo or copy code for those attrs,
    # and updating them when the underlying structure changes.
    # But maybe that won't be needed, if they are replaced
    # by computing them from the atom geometry as needed.
    # [bruce 080227 comment]

    autodelete_when_empty = True
    # (but only if current command permits that for this class --
    #  see comment near Group.autodelete_when_empty for more info,
    #  and implems of Command.keep_empty_group)

    iconPath = "ui/modeltree/NanotubeSegment.png"
    hide_iconPath = "ui/modeltree/NanotubeSegment-hide.png"

    # This partially fixes bug 2914. Copying now works, but the following
    # "warning" is printed to stdout:
    # ****************** needs _copyOfObject: <cnt.model.Nanotube.Nanotube instance at 0x164FC030>
    # I'm guessing this means that we need to override abstract method
    # _copyOfObject() of DataMixin, but I'd like to discuss this with Bruce first.
    # I also have confirmed that there is still a bug when editing the
    # copied nanotube (it will automatically move from the clipboard
    # to the part after it is resized).
    # Mark 2008-07-09.
    copyable_attrs = Group.copyable_attrs + ('nanotube', )

    def __init__(self, name, assy, dad, members=(), editCommand=None):

        ###BUG: not all callers pass an editCommand. It would be better
        # to figure out on demand which editCommand would be appropriate.
        # [bruce 080227 comment]

    def writemmp_other_info_opengroup(self,
                                      mapping):  #bruce 080507 refactoring
        #bruce 080507 refactoring (split this out of Group.writemmp)
        # (I think the following condition is always true, but I didn't
        #  prove this just now, so I left in the test for now.)
        encoded_classifications = self._encoded_classifications()
        if encoded_classifications == "NanotubeSegment":
            # This is a nanotube segment, so write the parameters into an info
            # record so we can read and restore them in the next session.
            # --Mark 2008-04-12
            assert self.nanotube
            mapping.write("info opengroup nanotube-parameters = %d, %d, %s, %s\n" \
                          % (self.nanotube.getChiralityN(),

    def readmmp_info_opengroup_setitem(self, key, val, interp):
        [extends superclass method]
        #bruce 080507 refactoring (split this out of the superclass method)
        if key == ['nanotube-parameters']:
            # val includes all the parameters, separated by commas.
            n, m, type, endings = val.split(",")
            self.n = int(n)
            self.m = int(m)
            self.type = type.lstrip()
            self.endings = endings.lstrip()
            # Create the nanotube.
            from cnt.model.Nanotube import Nanotube
            self.nanotube = Nanotube()  # Returns a 5x5 CNT.
            self.nanotube.setChirality(self.n, self.m)
            # The endpoints are recomputed every time it is edited.
            Group.readmmp_info_opengroup_setitem(self, key, val, interp)

    def edit(self):
        Edit this NanotubeSegment. 
        @see: NanotubeSegment_EditCommand

        commandSequencer = self.assy.w.commandSequencer

        if commandSequencer.currentCommand.commandName != "NANOTUBE_SEGMENT":

        assert commandSequencer.currentCommand.commandName == 'NANOTUBE_SEGMENT'

    #Following methods are likely to be revised in a fully functional dna data
    # model. These methods are mainly created to get working many core UI
    # operations for Rattlesnake.  -- Ninad 2008-02-01

    def get_all_content_chunks(self):
        Return all the chunks contained within this NanotubeSegment.
        @note: there is only one chunk inside this group.
        all_content_chunk_list = []

        for member in self.members:
            if isinstance(member, Chunk):

        return all_content_chunk_list

    def getAxisVector(self, atomAtVectorOrigin=None):
        Returns the unit axis vector of the segment (vector between two axis 
        end points)
        endPoint1, endPoint2 = self.nanotube.getEndPoints()

        if endPoint1 is None or endPoint2 is None:
            return V(0, 0, 0)

        #@see: RotateAboutAPoint command. The following code is disabled
        #as it has bugs (not debugged but could be in
        #self.nanotube.getEndPoints). So, rotate about a point won't work for
        #rotating a nanotube. -- Ninad 2008-05-13

        ##if atomAtVectorOrigin is not None:
        ###If atomAtVectorOrigin is specified, we will return a vector that
        ###starts at this atom and ends at endPoint1 or endPoint2 .
        ###Which endPoint to choose will be dicided by the distance between
        ###atomAtVectorOrigin and the respective endPoints. (will choose the
        ###frthest endPoint
        ##origin = atomAtVectorOrigin.posn()
        ##if vlen(endPoint2 - origin ) > vlen(endPoint1 - origin):
        ##return norm(endPoint2 - endPoint1)
        ##return norm(endPoint1 - endPoint2)

        return norm(endPoint2 - endPoint1)

    def setProps(self, props):
        Sets some properties. These will be used while editing the structure. 
        (but if the structure is read from an mmp file, this won't work. As a 
        fall back, it returns some constant values) 
        @see: InsertNanotube_EditCommand.createStructure which calls this method. 
        @see: self.getProps, NanotubeSegment_EditCommand.editStructure        
        (_n, _m), _type, _endings, (_endPoint1, _endPoint2) = props

        from cnt.model.Nanotube import Nanotube
        self.nanotube = Nanotube()
        self.nanotube.setChirality(_n, _m)
        self.nanotube.setEndPoints(_endPoint1, _endPoint2)

    def getProps(self):
        Returns nanotube parameters necessary for editing.
        @see: NanotubeSegment_EditCommand.editStructure where it is used. 
        @see: NanotubeSegment_PropertyManager.getParameters
        @see: NanotubeSegmentEditCommand._createStructure        
        # Recompute the endpoints in case this nanotube was read from
        # MMP file (which means this nanotube doesn't have endpoint
        # parameters yet).

        return self.nanotube.getParameters()

    def getNanotubeGroup(self):
        Return the NanotubeGroup we are contained in, or None if we're not
        inside one.
        return self.parent_node_of_class(self.assy.NanotubeGroup)

    def isAncestorOf(self, obj):
        Checks whether the object <obj> is contained within the NanotubeSegment
        Example: If the object is an Atom, it checks whether the 
        atom's chunk is a member of this NanotubeSegment ( is self)
        It also considers all the logical contents of the NanotubeSegment to determine
        whether self is an ancestor. (returns True even for logical contents)
        @see: self.get_all_content_chunks()
        @see: NanotubeSegment_GraphicsMode.leftDrag
        # TODO: this needs cleanup (it looks like it's made of two alternative
        # implems, one after the other), and speedup. [bruce 080507 comment]

        c = None
        if isinstance(obj, Atom):
            c = obj.molecule
        elif isinstance(obj, Bond):
            chunk1 = obj.atom1.molecule
            chunk2 = obj.atom1.molecule
            if chunk1 is chunk2:
                c = chunk1
        elif isinstance(obj, Chunk):
            c = obj

        if c is not None:
            if c in self.get_all_content_chunks():
                return True

        #NOTE: Need to check if the isinstance checks are acceptable (apparently
        #don't add any import cycle) Also this method needs to be revised
        #after we completely switch to dna data model.
        if isinstance(obj, Atom):
            chunk = obj.molecule
            if is self:
                return True
                return False
        elif isinstance(obj, Bond):
            chunk1 = obj.atom1.molecule
            chunk2 = obj.atom1.molecule
            if ( is self) or ( is self):
                return True
        elif isinstance(obj, Chunk):
            if is self:
                return True
        return False

    def node_icon(self, display_prefs):
        del display_prefs  # unused

        if self.all_content_is_hidden():
            return imagename_to_pixmap(self.hide_iconPath)
            return imagename_to_pixmap(self.iconPath)

    # =======================================================================
    # These methods were copied from DnaStrandOrSegment and edited for
    # this class.

    def permit_addnode_inside(self):  #bruce 080626
        [overrides Group method]
        return False

    def permits_ungrouping(self):
        Should the user interface permit users to dissolve this Group
        using self.ungroup?
        [overridden from Group]
        return self._show_all_kids_for_debug()  # normally False
        # note: modelTree should modify menu text for Ungroup to say "(unsupported)",
        # but this is broken as of before 080318 since it uses a self.is_block() test.

    def _show_all_kids_for_debug(self):
        #bruce 080207 in deprecated class Block 080318
        classname_short = self.__class__.__name__.split('.')[-1]
        debug_pref_name = "Model Tree: show content of %s?" % classname_short
        # typical examples (for text searches to find them here):
        # Model Tree: show content of DnaStrand?
        # Model Tree: show content of DnaSegment?
        return debug_pref(debug_pref_name, Choice_boolean_False)

    def permit_as_member(self, node, pre_updaters=True, **opts):
        [friend method for enforce_permitted_members_in_groups and subroutines]

        Does self permit node as a direct member,
        when called from enforce_permitted_members_in_groups with
        the same options as we are passed?

        @rtype: boolean

        [overrides Group method]
        #bruce 080319
        # someday, reject if superclass would reject -- so far, it never does
        del opts
        assy = self.assy
        res = isinstance(node, assy.Chunk)  #@ NEEDS SOMETHING MORE.
        return res

    def _f_wants_to_be_killed(self,
                              **opts):  # in DnaStrandOrSegment
        [friend method for enforce_permitted_members_in_groups and subroutines]
        Does self want to be killed due to members that got ejected
        by _f_move_nonpermitted_members (or due to completely invalid structure
        from before then, and no value in keeping self even temporarily)?

        @rtype: boolean

        [overrides Group method]   
        #bruce 080319
        del opts, pre_updaters
        return not self.members

    def MT_DND_can_drop_inside(self):  #bruce 080317, revised 080318
        Are ModelTree Drag and Drop operations permitted to drop nodes
        inside self?

        [overrides Node/Group method]
        return self._show_all_kids_for_debug()  # normally False

    def openable(self):  # overrides Node.openable()
        whether tree widgets should permit the user to open/close their view of this node
        # if we decide this depends on the tree widget or on somet for thing about it,
        # we'll have to pass in some args... don't do that unless/until we need to.

        #If there are no MT_kids (subnodes visible in MT under this group) then
        #don't make this node 'openable'. This makes sure that expand/ collapse
        #pixmap next to the node is not shown for this type of Group with 0
        #Examples of such groups include empty groups, DnaStrand Groups,
        #DnaSegments etc -- Ninad 2008-03-15
        return len(self.MT_kids()) != 0

    def _raw_MT_kids(self, display_prefs={}):
        DnaStrand or DnaSegment groups (subclasses of this class) should not 
        show any MT kids.
        @see: Group._raw__MT_kids()
        @see: Group.MT_kids()
        if self._show_all_kids_for_debug():  # normally False
            # bruce 080318
            return self.members
        return ()

    pass  # end of class NanotubeSegment
class InsertNanotube_PropertyManager( DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager):
    The InsertNanotube_PropertyManager class provides a Property Manager
    for the B{Build > Nanotube > CNT} command.

    @ivar title: The title that appears in the property manager header.
    @type title: str

    @ivar pmName: The name of this property manager. This is used to set
                  the name of the PM_Dialog object via setObjectName().
    @type name: str

    @ivar iconPath: The relative path to the PNG file that contains a
                    22 x 22 icon image that appears in the PM header.
    @type iconPath: str

    title         =  "Insert Nanotube"
    pmName        =  title
    iconPath      =  "ui/actions/Tools/Build Structures/InsertNanotube.png"

    def __init__( self, win, editCommand ):
        Constructor for the Nanotube property manager.
        self.endPoint1 = None
        self.endPoint2 = None

        self.nanotube = Nanotube() # A 5x5 CNT.

        _superclass.__init__( self,

        self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \
                                PM_CANCEL_BUTTON | \

    def connect_or_disconnect_signals(self, isConnect):
        Connect or disconnect widget signals sent to their slot methods.
        This can be overridden in subclasses. By default it does nothing.
        @param isConnect: If True the widget will send the signals to the slot
        @type  isConnect: boolean
        if isConnect:
            change_connect =
            change_connect =

        change_connect( self.ntTypeComboBox,
                      SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(const QString&)"),
                      self._ntTypeComboBoxChanged )



                       SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(const QString&)"),
                       self._endingsComboBoxChanged )

        # This spin box is currently hidden.


    def ok_btn_clicked(self):
        Slot for the OK button
        if self.editCommand:
            self.editCommand.preview_or_finalize_structure(previewing = False)

    def cancel_btn_clicked(self):
        Slot for the Cancel button.
        if self.editCommand:

    def _update_widgets_in_PM_before_show(self):
        Update various widgets in this Property manager.
        Overrides MotorPropertyManager._update_widgets_in_PM_before_show.
        The various  widgets , (e.g. spinboxes) will get values from the
        structure for which this propMgr is constructed for

        @see: MotorPropertyManager._update_widgets_in_PM_before_show
        @see: where it is called.

    def getFlyoutActionList(self):
        Returns custom actionlist that will be used in a specific mode
        or editing a feature etc Example: while in movie mode,
        the _createFlyoutToolBar method calls this.
        #'allActionsList' returns all actions in the flyout toolbar
        #including the subcontrolArea actions
        allActionsList = []

        #Action List for  subcontrol Area buttons.
        #In this mode there is really no subcontrol area.
        #We will treat subcontrol area same as 'command area'
        #(subcontrol area buttons will have an empty list as their command area
        #list). We will set  the Comamnd Area palette background color to the
        #subcontrol area.

        subControlAreaActionList =[]


        separator = QAction(self.w)


        #Empty actionlist for the 'Command Area'
        commandActionLists = []

        #Append empty 'lists' in 'commandActionLists equal to the
        #number of actions in subControlArea
        for i in range(len(subControlAreaActionList)):
            lst = []

        params = (subControlAreaActionList, commandActionLists, allActionsList)

        return params

    def _addGroupBoxes( self ):
        Add the Insert Nanotube Property Manager group boxes.

        self._pmGroupBox1 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Endpoints" )
        self._loadGroupBox1( self._pmGroupBox1 )

        self._pmGroupBox2 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Parameters" )
        self._loadGroupBox2( self._pmGroupBox2 )

        self._displayOptionsGroupBox = PM_GroupBox( self,
                                                    title = "Display Options" )
        self._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox( self._displayOptionsGroupBox )

        self._pmGroupBox3 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Nanotube Distortion" )
        self._loadGroupBox3( self._pmGroupBox3 )
        self._pmGroupBox3.hide() #@ Temporary.

        self._pmGroupBox4 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Multi-Walled CNTs" )
        self._loadGroupBox4( self._pmGroupBox4 )
        self._pmGroupBox4.hide() #@ Temporary.

        self._pmGroupBox5 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Advanced Options" )
        self._loadGroupBox5( self._pmGroupBox5 )
        self._pmGroupBox5.hide() #@ Temporary.

    def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox):
        Load widgets in group box 1.
        #Following toolbutton facilitates entering a temporary NanotubeLineMode
        #to create a CNT using endpoints of the specified line.
        self.specifyCntLineButton = PM_ToolButton(
            text = "Specify Endpoints",
            iconPath  = "ui/actions/Properties Manager/Pencil.png",
            spanWidth = True

        #EndPoint1 and endPoint2 coordinates. These widgets are hidden
        # as of 2007- 12 - 05
        self._endPoint1SpinBoxes = PM_CoordinateSpinBoxes(pmGroupBox,
                                                label = "End Point 1")
        self.x1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.xSpinBox
        self.y1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.ySpinBox
        self.z1SpinBox = self._endPoint1SpinBoxes.zSpinBox

        self._endPoint2SpinBoxes = PM_CoordinateSpinBoxes(pmGroupBox,
                                                label = "End Point 2")
        self.x2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.xSpinBox
        self.y2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.ySpinBox
        self.z2SpinBox = self._endPoint2SpinBoxes.zSpinBox


    def _loadGroupBox2(self, pmGroupBox):
        Load widgets in group box 2.

        _ntTypeChoices = ['Carbon',
                          'Boron Nitride']
        self.ntTypeComboBox  = \
            PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox,
                         label         =  "Type:",
                         choices       =  _ntTypeChoices,
                         setAsDefault  =  True)

        self.ntRiseDoubleSpinBox  =  \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox,
                              label         =  "Rise:",
                              value         =  self.nanotube.getRise(),
                              setAsDefault  =  True,
                              minimum       =  2.0,
                              maximum       =  4.0,
                              decimals      =  3,
                              singleStep    =  0.01 )


        # Nanotube Length
        self.ntLengthLineEdit  =  \
            PM_LineEdit( pmGroupBox,
                         label         =  "Nanotube Length: ",
                         text          =  "0.0 Angstroms",
                         setAsDefault  =  False)


        # Nanotube diameter
        self.ntDiameterLineEdit  =  \
            PM_LineEdit( pmGroupBox,
                         label         =  "Diameter: ",
                         setAsDefault  =  False)


        self.chiralityNSpinBox = \
            PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox,
                        label        = "Chirality (n):",
                        value        = self.nanotube.getChiralityN(),
                        minimum      =  2,
                        maximum      =  100,
                        setAsDefault = True )

        self.chiralityMSpinBox = \
            PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox,
                        label        = "Chirality (m):",
                        value        = self.nanotube.getChiralityM(),
                        minimum      =  0,
                        maximum      =  100,
                        setAsDefault = True )

        # How about having user prefs for CNT and BNNT bond lengths?
        # I'm guessing that if the user wants to set these values, they will
        # do it once and would like those bond length values persist forever.
        # Need to discuss with others to determine if this spinbox comes out.
        # --Mark 2008-03-29
        self.bondLengthDoubleSpinBox = \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox,
                              label        = "Bond length:",
                              value        = self.nanotube.getBondLength(),
                              setAsDefault = True,
                              minimum      = 1.0,
                              maximum      = 3.0,
                              singleStep   = 0.1,
                              decimals     = 3,
                              suffix       = " Angstroms" )


        endingChoices = ["Hydrogen", "None"] # Removed:, "Nitrogen"]

        self.endingsComboBox= \
            PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox,
                         label        = "Endings:",
                         choices      = endingChoices,
                         index        = 0,
                         setAsDefault = True,
                         spanWidth    = False )

    def _loadGroupBox3(self, inPmGroupBox):
        Load widgets in group box 3.

        self.zDistortionDoubleSpinBox = \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( inPmGroupBox,
                              label        = "Z-distortion:",
                              value        = 0.0,
                              setAsDefault = True,
                              minimum      = 0.0,
                              maximum      = 10.0,
                              singleStep   = 0.1,
                              decimals     = 3,
                              suffix       = " Angstroms" )

        self.xyDistortionDoubleSpinBox = \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( inPmGroupBox,
                              label        = "XY-distortion:",
                              value        = 0.0,
                              setAsDefault = True,
                              minimum      = 0.0,
                              maximum      = 2.0,
                              singleStep   = 0.1,
                              decimals     = 3,
                              suffix       = " Angstroms" )

        self.twistSpinBox = \
            PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox,
                        label        = "Twist:",
                        value        = 0,
                        setAsDefault = True,
                        minimum      = 0,
                        maximum      = 100, # What should maximum be?
                        suffix       = " deg/A" )

        self.bendSpinBox = \
            PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox,
                        label        = "Bend:",
                        value        = 0,
                        setAsDefault = True,
                        minimum      = 0,
                        maximum      = 360,
                        suffix       = " deg" )

    def _loadGroupBox4(self, inPmGroupBox):
        Load widgets in group box 4.

        # "Number of Nanotubes" SpinBox
        self.mwntCountSpinBox = \
            PM_SpinBox( inPmGroupBox,
                        label        = "Number:",
                        value        = 1,
                        setAsDefault = True,
                        minimum      = 1,
                        maximum      = 10,
                        suffix       = " nanotubes" )


        # "Spacing" lineedit.
        self.mwntSpacingDoubleSpinBox = \
            PM_DoubleSpinBox( inPmGroupBox,
                              label        = "Spacing:",
                              value        = 2.46,
                              setAsDefault = True,
                              minimum      = 1.0,
                              maximum      = 10.0,
                              singleStep   = 0.1,
                              decimals     = 3,
                              suffix       = " Angstroms" )

    def _loadGroupBox5(self, pmGroupBox):
        Load widgets in group box 5.
        self._rubberbandLineGroupBox = PM_GroupBox(
            title = 'Rubber band Line:')

        ntLineChoices = ['Ladder']
        self.ntRubberBandLineDisplayComboBox = \
            PM_ComboBox( self._rubberbandLineGroupBox ,
                         label         =  " Display as:",
                         choices       =  ntLineChoices,
                         setAsDefault  =  True)

        self.lineSnapCheckBox = \
            PM_CheckBox(self._rubberbandLineGroupBox ,
                        text         = 'Enable line snap' ,
                        widgetColumn = 1,
                        state        = Qt.Checked

    def _connect_showCursorTextCheckBox(self):
        Connect the show cursor text checkbox with user prefs_key.
            self.showCursorTextCheckBox ,
            insertNanotubeEditCommand_showCursorTextCheckBox_prefs_key )

    def _params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes(self):
        Returns params needed to create various cursor text checkboxes connected
        to prefs_keys  that allow custom cursor texts.
        @return: A list containing tuples in the following format:
                ('checkBoxTextString' , preference_key). PM_PrefsCheckBoxes
                uses this data to create checkboxes with the the given names and
                connects them to the provided preference keys. (Note that
                PM_PrefsCheckBoxes puts thes within a GroupBox)
        @rtype: list
        @see: PM_PrefsCheckBoxes
        @see: self._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox where this list is used.
        @see: Superclass method which is overridden here --
        params = \
               [  #Format: (" checkbox text", prefs_key)

                   ("Nanotube length",
                    insertNanotubeEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_length_prefs_key ),

                     insertNanotubeEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_angle_prefs_key )

        return params

    def _addToolTipText(self):
        Tool Tip text for widgets in the Insert Nanotube Property Manager.

    def _setEndPoints(self):
        Set the two endpoints of the nanotube using the values from the
        X, Y, Z coordinate spinboxes in the property manager.

        @note: The group box containing the 2 sets of XYZ spin boxes are
        currently hidden.
        # First endpoint (origin) of nanotube
        x1 = self.x1SpinBox.value()
        y1 = self.y1SpinBox.value()
        z1 = self.z1SpinBox.value()

        # Second endpoint (direction vector/axis) of nanotube.
        x2 = self.x2SpinBox.value()
        y2 = self.y2SpinBox.value()
        z2 = self.z2SpinBox.value()

        if not self.endPoint1:
            self.endPoint1 = V(x1, y1, z1)
        if not self.endPoint2:
            self.endPoint2 = V(x2, y2, z2)

        self.nanotube.setEndPoints(self.endPoint1, self.endPoint2)
            # Need arg "recompute=True", which will recompute the second
            # endpoint (endPoint2) using the nanotube rise.

    def getParameters(self):
        Return the parameters from this property manager to be used to create
        the nanotube.

        @return: A nanotube instance with its attrs set to the current
                 parameters in the property manager.
        @rtype: L{Nanotube}

        @see: L{InsertNanotube_EditCommand._gatherParameters} where this is used
        return (self.nanotube)

    def _ntTypeComboBoxChanged( self, type ):
        Slot for the Type combobox. It is called whenever the
        Type choice is changed.

        @param inIndex: The new index.
        @type  inIndex: int
        print "Bond Length =", self.nanotube.getBondLength()

    def _bondLengthChanged(self, bondLength):
        Slot for the B{Bond Length} spinbox.

    def _chiralityFixup(self, spinBoxValueJunk = None):
        Slot for several validators for different parameters.
        This gets called whenever the user changes the n, m chirality values.

        @param spinBoxValueJunk: This is the Spinbox value from the valueChanged
                                 signal. It is not used. We just want to know
                                 that the spinbox value has changed.
        @type  spinBoxValueJunk: double or None
        _n, _m = self.nanotube.setChirality(self.chiralityNSpinBox.value(),

        #self.n, self.m = self.nanotube.getChirality()

        self.connect_or_disconnect_signals(isConnect = False)
        self.connect_or_disconnect_signals(isConnect = True)


    def updateNanotubeDiameter(self):
        Update the nanotube Diameter lineEdit widget.
        diameterText = "%-7.4f Angstroms" %  (self.nanotube.getDiameter())

        # ntRiseDoubleSpinBox is currently hidden.

    def _endingsComboBoxChanged(self, endings):
        Slot for the B{Ending} combobox.

        @param endings: The option's text.
        @type  endings: string

    def _addWhatsThisText(self):
        What's This text for widgets in this Property Manager.
class NanotubeSegment_EditCommand(State_preMixin, EditCommand):
    Command to edit a NanotubeSegment object. 
    To edit a segment, first enter BuildNanotube_EditCommand (accessed using 
    Build > Nanotube) then, select an existing NanotubeSegment within the 
    NanotubeGroup you are editing. When you select the NanotubeSegment, it 
    enters NanotubeSegment_Editcommand and shows the property manager with its
    widgets showing the properties of selected segment.
    cmd              =  'Nanotube Segment'
    sponsor_keyword  =  'Nanotube'
    prefix           =  'NanotubeSegment' # used for gensym
    cmdname          = "NANOTUBE_SEGMENT"
    commandName      = 'NANOTUBE_SEGMENT'
    featurename      = 'Edit Nanotube Segment'

    command_should_resume_prevMode = True
    command_has_its_own_gui = True
    command_can_be_suspended = False

    create_name_from_prefix  =  True 

    call_makeMenus_for_each_event = True 

    #Graphics Mode 
    GraphicsMode_class = NanotubeSegment_GraphicsMode

    #This is set to BuildDna_EditCommand.flyoutToolbar (as of 2008-01-14, 
    #it only uses 
    flyoutToolbar = None

    _parentNanotubeGroup = None    

    handlePoint1 = State( Point, ORIGIN)
    handlePoint2 = State( Point, ORIGIN)
    #The minimum 'stopper'length used for resize handles
    #@see: self._update_resizeHandle_stopper_length for details. 
    _resizeHandle_stopper_length = State(Width, -100000)

    rotationHandleBasePoint1 = State( Point, ORIGIN)
    rotationHandleBasePoint2 = State( Point, ORIGIN)

    #See self._update_resizeHandle_radius where this gets changed. 
    #also see NanotubeSegment_ResizeHandle to see how its implemented. 
    handleSphereRadius1 = State(Width, HANDLE_RADIUS_DEFAULT_VALUE)
    handleSphereRadius2 = State(Width, HANDLE_RADIUS_DEFAULT_VALUE)

    cylinderWidth = State(Width, CYLINDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT_VALUE) 
    cylinderWidth2 = State(Width, CYLINDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT_VALUE) 

    #@TODO: modify the 'State params for rotation_distance 
    rotation_distance1 = State(Width, CYLINDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT_VALUE)
    rotation_distance2 = State(Width, CYLINDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT_VALUE)

    leftHandle = Instance(         
            command = _self,
            height_ref = call_Expr( ObjAttr_StateRef, _self, 'cylinderWidth'),
            origin = handlePoint1,
            fixedEndOfStructure = handlePoint2,
            direction = norm_Expr(handlePoint1 - handlePoint2),
            sphereRadius = handleSphereRadius1, 
            range = (_resizeHandle_stopper_length, 10000)                               

    rightHandle = Instance( 
            command = _self,
            height_ref = call_Expr( ObjAttr_StateRef, _self, 'cylinderWidth2'),
            origin = handlePoint2,
            fixedEndOfStructure = handlePoint1,
            direction = norm_Expr(handlePoint2 - handlePoint1),
            sphereRadius = handleSphereRadius2,
            range = (_resizeHandle_stopper_length, 10000)

    rotationHandle1 = Instance(         
            command = _self,
            rotationDistanceRef = call_Expr( ObjAttr_StateRef,
                                             center = handlePoint1,
                                             axis = norm_Expr(handlePoint1 - handlePoint2),
                                             origin = rotationHandleBasePoint1,
                                             radiusVector = norm_Expr(rotationHandleBasePoint1 - handlePoint1)


    rotationHandle2 = Instance(         
            command = _self,
            rotationDistanceRef = call_Expr( ObjAttr_StateRef,
                                             center = handlePoint2,
                                             axis = norm_Expr(handlePoint2 - handlePoint1),
                                             origin = rotationHandleBasePoint2,
                                             radiusVector = norm_Expr(rotationHandleBasePoint2 - handlePoint2)


    def __init__(self, commandSequencer, struct = None):
        Constructor for DnaDuplex_EditCommand

        glpane = commandSequencer
        State_preMixin.__init__(self, glpane)        
        EditCommand.__init__(self, commandSequencer)
        self.struct = struct

        #Graphics handles for editing the structure . 
        self.handles = []        
        self.grabbedHandle = None

        #Initialize DEBUG preference

    def init_gui(self):
        Initialize gui. 

        #Note that NanotubeSegment_EditCommand only act as an edit command for an 
        #existing structure. The call to is done only during
        #the call to self.editStructure ..i .e. only after self.struct is 
        #updated. This is done because of the following reason:
        # - self.init_gui is called immediately after entering the command. 
        # - self.init_gui in turn, initialized propMgr object and may also 
        #  show the property manager. The routine calls 
        #  an update widget method just before the show. This update method 
        #  updates the widgets based on the parameters from the existing 
        #  structure of the command (self.editCommand.struct)
        #  Although, it checks whether this structure exists, the editCommand
        #  could still have a self.struct attr from a previous run. (Note that 
        #  EditCommand API was written before the command sequencer API and 
        #  it has some loose ends like this. ) -- Ninad 2008-01-22
        self.create_and_or_show_PM_if_wanted(showPropMgr = False)

    def editStructure(self, struct = None):
        EditCommand.editStructure(self, struct)        
        if self.hasValidStructure():         
            #When the structure (segment) is finalized (after the  modifications)
            #it will be added to the original NanotubeGroup to which it belonged 
            #before we began editing (modifying) it. 
            self._parentNanotubeGroup = self.struct.getNanotubeGroup() 
            #Set the endpoints
            #@ DOES THIS DO ANYTHING? I don't think so. --Mark 2008-04-01
            #@endPoint1, endPoint2 = self.struct.nanotube.getEndPoints()
            #@params_for_propMgr = (endPoint1, endPoint2)

            #TODO 2008-03-25: better to get all parameters from self.struct and
            #set it in propMgr?  This will mostly work except that reverse is 
            #not true. i.e. we can not specify same set of params for 
            #self.struct.setProps ...because endPoint1 and endPoint2 are derived.
            #by the structure when needed. Commenting out following line of code

            #Store the previous parameters. Important to set it after you 
            #set nanotube attrs in the propMgr. 
            #self.previousParams is used in self._previewStructure and 
            #self._finalizeStructure to check if self.struct changed.
            self.previousParams = self._gatherParameters()

    def keep_empty_group(self, group):
        Returns True if the empty group should not be automatically deleted. 
        otherwise returns False. The default implementation always returns 
        False. Subclasses should override this method if it needs to keep the
        empty group for some reasons. Note that this method will only get called
        when a group has a class constant autdelete_when_empty set to True. 
        (and as of 2008-03-06, it is proposed that dna_updater calls this method
        when needed. 
        @see: Command.keep_empty_group() which is overridden here. 
        @see: BreakStrands_Command.keep_empty_group
        @see: Group.autodelete_when_empty.. a class constant used by the 
              dna_updater (the dna updater then decides whether to call this 
              method to see which empty groups need to be deleted)

        bool_keep = EditCommand.keep_empty_group(self, group)

        if not bool_keep:     
            if self.hasValidStructure():                
                if group is self.struct:
                    bool_keep = True
                elif group is self.struct.parent_node_of_class(self.assy.NanotubeGroup):
                    bool_keep = True
            #If this command doesn't have a valid structure, as a fall back, 
            #lets instruct it to keep ALL the NanotubeGroup objects even when empty
            #Reason? ..see explanation in BreakStrands_Command.keep_empty_group
            elif isinstance(group, self.assy.NanotubeGroup):
                bool_keep = True

        return bool_keep

    def hasValidStructure(self):
        Tells the caller if this edit command has a valid structure. 
        Overrides EditCommand.hasValidStructure()
        #(By Bruce 2008-02-13)

        isValid = EditCommand.hasValidStructure(self)

        if not isValid:
            return isValid 

        # would like to check here whether it's empty of axis chunks;
        # instead, this will do for now (probably too slow, though):
        p1, p2 = self.struct.nanotube.getEndPoints()
        return (p1 is not None)

    def _getStructureType(self):
        Subclasses override this method to define their own structure type. 
        Returns the type of the structure this editCommand supports. 
        This is used in isinstance test. 
        @see: EditCommand._getStructureType() (overridden here)

    def _updateHandleList(self):
        Updates the list of handles (self.handles) 
        @see: self.editStructure
        @see: NanotubeSegment_GraphicsMode._drawHandles()
        # note: if handlePoint1 and/or handlePoint2 can change more often than this 
        # runs, we'll need to rerun the two assignments above whenever they 
        # change and before the handle is drawn. An easy way would be to rerun
        # these assignments in the draw method of our GM. [bruce 080128]
        self.handles = [] # guess, but seems like a good idea [bruce 080128]

    def updateHandlePositions(self):
        Update handle positions and also update the resize handle radii and
        their 'stopper' lengths. 
        @see: self._update_resizeHandle_radius()
        @see: self._update_resizeHandle_stopper_length()
        @see: NanotubeSegment_GraphicsMode._drawHandles()
        self.handlePoint1 = None # Needed!
        self.handlePoint2 = None

        #TODO: Call this method less often by implementing model_changed
        #see bug 2729 for a planned optimization
        self.cylinderWidth = CYLINDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT_VALUE
        self.cylinderWidth2 = CYLINDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT_VALUE      


        handlePoint1, handlePoint2 = self.struct.nanotube.getEndPoints()

        if 0: # Debug prints
            print "updateHandlePositions(): handlePoint1=", handlePoint1
            print "updateHandlePositions(): handlePoint2=", handlePoint2

        if handlePoint1 is not None and handlePoint2 is not None:
            # (that condition is bugfix for deleted axis segment, bruce 080213)

            self.handlePoint1, self.handlePoint2 = handlePoint1, handlePoint2            

            #Update the 'stopper'  length where the resize handle being dragged 
            #should stop. See self._update_resizeHandle_stopper_length()
            #for more details

                self.rotation_distance1 = CYLINDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT_VALUE
                self.rotation_distance2 = CYLINDER_WIDTH_DEFAULT_VALUE
                #Following computes the base points for rotation handles. 
                #to be revised -- Ninad 2008-02-13
                unitVectorAlongAxis = norm(self.handlePoint1 - self.handlePoint2)

                v  = cross(self.glpane.lineOfSight, unitVectorAlongAxis)

                self.rotationHandleBasePoint1 = self.handlePoint1 + norm(v) * 4.0  
                self.rotationHandleBasePoint2 = self.handlePoint2 + norm(v) * 4.0

    def _update_resizeHandle_radius(self):
        Finds out the sphere radius to use for the resize handles, based on 
        atom /chunk or glpane display (whichever decides the display of the end 
        atoms. The default value is 1.2.

        @see: self.updateHandlePositions()
        self.handleSphereRadius1 = HANDLE_RADIUS_DEFAULT_VALUE
        self.handleSphereRadius2 = HANDLE_RADIUS_DEFAULT_VALUE

    def _update_resizeHandle_stopper_length(self):
        Update the limiting length at which the resize handle being dragged
        should 'stop'  without proceeding further in the drag direction. 
        The segment resize handle stops when you are dragging it towards the 
        other resizeend and the distance between the two ends reaches two 

        The self._resizeHandle_stopper_length computed in this method is 
        used as a lower limit of the 'range' option provided in declaration
        of resize handle objects (see class definition for the details)
        @see: self.updateHandlePositions()

        total_length = vlen(self.handlePoint1 - self.handlePoint2)        
        nanotubeRise = self.struct.nanotube.getRise()
        self._resizeHandle_stopper_length = - total_length + nanotubeRise

    def _createPropMgrObject(self):
        Creates a property manager object (that defines UI things) for this 
        assert not self.propMgr
        propMgr =
        return propMgr

    def _gatherParameters(self):
        Return the parameters from the property manager UI.

        @return: The endpoints of the nanotube.
        @rtype:  tuple (endPoint1, endPoint2).
        return self.propMgr.getParameters()

    def _createStructure(self):
        Creates and returns the structure (in this case a L{NanotubeSegment} 
        @return : Nanotube segment that include the nanotube chunk.
        @rtype: L{NanotubeSegment}        
        # needed for done message
        if self.create_name_from_prefix:
            # create a new name
            name = = gensym(self.prefix, # (in _build_struct)
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = (self.prefix, name)
            # use externally created name
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = None
                # (can't reuse name in this case -- not sure what prefix it was
                #  made with)
            name =

        # Create the model tree group node. 
        # Make sure that the 'topnode'  of this part is a Group (under which the
        # DNa group will be placed), if the topnode is not a group, make it a
        # a 'Group' (applicable to Clipboard parts).See
        # --Part.ensure_toplevel_group method. This is an important line
        # and it fixes bug 2585
        ntSegment = NanotubeSegment(, 
                                    editCommand = self  )
            # Make the NanotubeSegment.

            n, m, type, endings, endPoint1, endPoint2 = self._gatherParameters()

            from cnt.model.Nanotube import Nanotube
            self.nanotube = Nanotube()
            nanotube  =  self.nanotube
            nanotube.setChirality(n, m)
            nanotube.setEndPoints(endPoint1, endPoint2)
            position = V(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            ntChunk =,, position)



            #set some properties such as nanotubeRise
            #This information will be stored on the NanotubeSegment object so that
            #it can be retrieved while editing this object. 
            #Should these props be assigned to the NanotubeSegment in 
   itself? This needs to be answered while modifying
            #build() method to fit in the dna data model. --Ninad 2008-03-05

            #WARNING 2008-03-05: Since self._modifyStructure calls 
            #If in the near future, we actually permit modifying a
            #structure (such as dna) without actually recreating the whole 
            #structure, then the following properties must be set in 
            #self._modifyStructure as well. Needs more thought.
            props =(nanotube.getChirality(),


            return ntSegment

        except (PluginBug, UserError):
            # Why do we need UserError here? Mark 2007-08-28
            raise PluginBug("Internal error while trying to create a NanotubeSegment.")

    def _modifyStructure(self, params):
        Modify the structure based on the parameters specified. 
        Overrides EditCommand._modifystructure. This method removes the old 
        structure and creates a new one using self._createStructure. This 
        was needed for the structures like this (Dna, Nanotube etc) . .
        See more comments in the method.
        if not pref_nt_segment_resize_by_recreating_nanotube():

        assert self.struct
        # parameters have changed, update existing structure

        # needed for done message
        if self.create_name_from_prefix:
            # create a new name
            name = = gensym(self.prefix, # (in _build_struct)
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = (self.prefix, name)
            # use externally created name
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = None
                # (can't reuse name in this case -- not sure what prefix it was
                #  made with)
            name =

        #@NOTE: Unlike editcommands such as Plane_EditCommand, this 
        #editCommand actually removes the structure and creates a new one 
        #when its modified. -- Ninad 2007-10-24


        self.previousParams = params

        self.struct = self._createStructure()
        # Now append the new structure in self._segmentList (this list of 
        # segments will be provided to the previous command 
        # (BuildDna_EditCommand)
        # TODO: Should self._createStructure does the job of appending the 
        # structure to the list of segments? This fixes bug 2599 
        # (see also BuildDna_PropertyManager.Ok 

        if self._parentNanotubeGroup is not None:
            #Should this be an assertion? (assert self._parentNanotubeGroup is not 
            #None. For now lets just print a warning if parentNanotubeGroup is None 

    def _modifyStructure_NEW_SEGMENT_RESIZE(self, params): #@ NOT FIXED
        Modify the structure based on the parameters specified. 
        Overrides EditCommand._modifystructure. This method removes the old 
        structure and creates a new one using self._createStructure. This 
        was needed for the structures like this (Dna, Nanotube etc) . .
        See more comments in the method.

        @attention: is not implemented.

        #@TODO: - rename this method from _modifyStructure_NEW_SEGMENT_RESIZE
        #to self._modifyStructure, after more testing
        #This method is used for debug prefence: 
        #'Nanotube Segment: resize without recreating whole duplex'
        #see also self.modifyStructure_NEW_SEGMENT_RESIZE

        assert self.struct      

        from utilities.debug import print_compact_stack
        print_compact_stack("_modifyStructure_NEW_SEGMENT_RESIZE() not fixed!" )
        print "Params =", params

        self.nanotube = params #@

        length_diff =  self._determine_how_to_change_length() #@

        if length_diff == 0:
            print_compact_stack("BUG: length_diff is always ZERO." )
        elif length_diff > 0:
            print "Nanotube longer by ", length_diff, ", angstroms."
            print "Nanotube shorter by ", length_diff, ", angstroms."


        if numberOfBasePairsToAddOrRemove != 0:   #@@@@ Not reached.

            resizeEnd_final_position = self._get_resizeEnd_final_position(
                nanotubeRise )


        #Find new end points of structure parameters after modification 
        #and set these values in the propMgr. 
        new_end1 , new_end2 = self.struct.nanotube.getEndPoints() #@

        params_to_set_in_propMgr = (new_end1,

        #TODO: Need to set these params in the PM 
        #and then self.previousParams = params_to_set_in_propMgr

        self.previousParams = params

    def _get_resizeEnd_final_position(self, 

        final_position = None   
        if self.grabbedHandle:
            final_position = self.grabbedHandle.currentPosition
            other_axisEndAtom = self.struct.getOtherAxisEndAtom(ladderEndAxisAtom)
            axis_vector = ladderEndAxisAtom.posn() - other_axisEndAtom.posn()
            segment_length_to_add = 0 #@
            final_position = ladderEndAxisAtom.posn() + norm(axis_vector)*segment_length_to_add

        return final_position

    def getStructureName(self):
        Returns the name string of self.struct if there is a valid structure. 
        Otherwise returns None. This information is used by the name edit field 
        of  this command's PM when we call
        @see: self.setStructureName
        if self.hasValidStructure():
        return None

    def setStructureName(self, name):
        Sets the name of self.struct to param <name> (if there is a valid 
        The PM of this command callss this method while closing itself 
        @param name: name of the structure to be set.
        @type name: string
        @see: NanotubeSegment_PropertyManager.close()
        @see: self.getStructureName()

        #@BUG: We call this method in self.propMgr.close(). But propMgr.close() 
                #is called even when the command is 'cancelled'. That means the 
                #structure will get changed even when user hits cancel button or
                #exits the command by clicking on empty space. 
                #This should really be done in self._finalizeStructure but that 
                #method doesn't get called when you click on empty space to exit 
                #the command. See NanotubeSegment_GraphicsMode.leftUp for a detailed 

        if self.hasValidStructure():
   = name

    def getCursorText(self):
        This is used as a callback method in NanotubeLine mode 
        @see: NanotubeLineMode.setParams, NanotubeLineMode_GM.Draw
        if self.grabbedHandle is None:
        if not env.prefs[nanotubeSegmentEditCommand_showCursorTextCheckBox_prefs_key]:
            return '', black

        text = ""
        textColor = black

        currentPosition = self.grabbedHandle.currentPosition
        fixedEndOfStructure = self.grabbedHandle.fixedEndOfStructure

        nanotubeLength = vlen( currentPosition - fixedEndOfStructure )

        nanotubeLengthString = self._getCursorText_length(nanotubeLength)
        text = nanotubeLengthString
        #@TODO: The following updates the PM as the cursor moves. 
        #Need to rename this method so that you that it also does more things 
        #than just to return a textString -- Ninad 2007-12-20

        return text, textColor
    def _getCursorText_length(self, nanotubeLength):
        Returns a string that gives the length of the Nanotube for the cursor 
        nanotubeLengthString = ''
        if env.prefs[nanotubeSegmentEditCommand_cursorTextCheckBox_length_prefs_key]:
            lengthUnitString = 'A'
            #change the unit of length to nanometers if the length is > 10A
            #fixes part of bug 2856
            if nanotubeLength > 10.0:
                lengthUnitString = 'nm'
                nanotubeLength = nanotubeLength * 0.1
            nanotubeLengthString = "%5.3f%s"%(nanotubeLength, lengthUnitString)
        return nanotubeLengthString
    def modifyStructure(self):
        Called when a resize handle is dragged to change the length of the 
        segment. (Called upon leftUp) . This method assigns the new parameters 
        for the segment after it is resized and calls 
        preview_or_finalize_structure which does the rest of the job. 
        Note that Client should call this public method and should never call
        the private method self._modifyStructure. self._modifyStructure is 
        called only by self.preview_or_finalize_structure

        @see: B{NanotubeSegment_ResizeHandle.on_release} (the caller)
        @see: B{SelectChunks_GraphicsMode.leftUp} (which calls the 
              the relevent method in DragHandler API. )
        @see: B{exprs.DraggableHandle_AlongLine}, B{exprs.DragBehavior}
        @see: B{self.preview_or_finalize_structure }
        @see: B{self._modifyStructure}        

        As of 2008-02-01 it recreates the structure
        @see: a note in self._createStructure() about use of ntSegment.setProps 

        if not pref_nt_segment_resize_by_recreating_nanotube():

        if self.grabbedHandle is None:

        self.propMgr.endPoint1 = self.grabbedHandle.fixedEndOfStructure
        self.propMgr.endPoint2 = self.grabbedHandle.currentPosition
        #@length = vlen(self.propMgr.endPoint1 - self.propMgr.endPoint2 ) #@  

        self.preview_or_finalize_structure(previewing = True)  


    def modifyStructure_NEW_SEGMENT_RESIZE(self): #@ NOT FIXED
        Called when a resize handle is dragged to change the length of the 
        segment. (Called upon leftUp) . This method assigns the new parameters 
        for the segment after it is resized and calls 
        preview_or_finalize_structure which does the rest of the job. 
        Note that Client should call this public method and should never call
        the private method self._modifyStructure. self._modifyStructure is 
        called only by self.preview_or_finalize_structure

        @see: B{NanotubeSegment_ResizeHandle.on_release} (the caller)
        @see: B{SelectChunks_GraphicsMode.leftUp} (which calls the 
              the relevent method in DragHandler API. )
        @see: B{exprs.DraggableHandle_AlongLine}, B{exprs.DragBehavior}
        @see: B{self.preview_or_finalize_structure }
        @see: B{self._modifyStructure}        

        As of 2008-02-01 it recreates the structure
        @see: a note in self._createStructure() about use of ntSegment.setProps 
        #TODO: need to cleanup this and may be use use something like
        #self.previousParams = params in the end -- 2008-03-24 (midnight)

        #@TODO: - rename this method from modifyStructure_NEW_SEGMENT_RESIZE
        #to self.modifyStructure, after more testing
        #This method is used for debug prefence: 
        #'Nanotube Segment: resize without recreating whole duplex'
        #see also self._modifyStructure_NEW_SEGMENT_RESIZE

        if self.grabbedHandle is None:

        self.propMgr.endPoint1 = self.grabbedHandle.fixedEndOfStructure
        self.propMgr.endPoint2 = self.grabbedHandle.currentPosition



            # TO DO: this entire block of code.  --Mark 2008-04-03
            print_compact_stack("modifyStructure_NEW_SEGMENT_RESIZE(): NOT FIXED")

            length = vlen(self.grabbedHandle.fixedEndOfStructure - \
                          self.grabbedHandle.currentPosition )

            endAtom1, endAtom2 = self.struct.getAxisEndAtoms() #@

            for atm in (endAtom1, endAtom2):
                if not same_vals(self.grabbedHandle.fixedEndOfStructure, atm.posn()):
                    ladderEndAxisAtom = atm

                endPoint1, endPoint2 = self.struct.nanotube.getEndPoints()
                old_dulex_length = vlen(endPoint1 - endPoint2)

                nanotubeRise = self.struct.getProps()      #@ 

                params_to_set_in_propMgr = (


                self.nanotube = Nanotube() #@ Creates 5x5 CNT. Miisng PM params.

                length_diff =  self._determine_how_to_change_length()  
                ladderEndAxisAtom = self.get_axisEndAtom_at_resize_end() #@

                #@ Nanotube class needs modify() method.

        #TODO: Important note: How does NE1 know that structure is modified? 
        #Because number of base pairs parameter in the PropMgr changes as you 
        #drag the handle . This is done in self.getCursorText() ... not the 
        #right place to do it. OR that method needs to be renamed to reflect
        #this as suggested in that method -- Ninad 2008-03-25

        self.preview_or_finalize_structure(previewing = True) 

        ##self.previousParams = params_to_set_in_propMgr


    def get_axisEndAtom_at_resize_end(self):
        ladderEndAxisAtom = None
        if self.grabbedHandle is not None:
            ladderEndAxisAtom = self.struct.getAxisEndAtomAtPosition(self.grabbedHandle.origin)
            endAtom1, endAtom2 = self.struct.getAxisEndAtoms()
            ladderEndAxisAtom = endAtom2

        return ladderEndAxisAtom

    def _determine_how_to_change_length(self): #@ NEEDS WORK
        Returns the difference in length between the original nanotube and the
        modified nanotube, where:
           0 = no change in length
         > 0 = lengthen
         < 0 = trim
        nanotubeRise = self.struct.nanotube.getRise()
        endPoint1, endPoint2 = self.struct.nanotube.getEndPoints() #@ 
        original_nanotube_length = vlen(endPoint1 - endPoint2)
        new_nanotube_length      = vlen(endPoint1 - endPoint2) #@
        return new_nanotube_length - original_nanotube_length #@ ALWAYS RETURNS ZERO

    def makeMenus(self): 
        Create context menu for this command. (Build Dna mode)
        if not hasattr(self, 'graphicsMode'):

        selobj = self.glpane.selobj

        if selobj is None:

        self.Menu_spec = []

        highlightedChunk = None
        if isinstance(selobj, Chunk):
            highlightedChunk = selobj
        if isinstance(selobj, Atom):
            highlightedChunk = selobj.molecule
        elif isinstance(selobj, Bond):
            chunk1 = selobj.atom1.molecule
            chunk2 = selobj.atom2.molecule
            if chunk1 is chunk2 and chunk1 is not None:
                highlightedChunk = chunk1

        if highlightedChunk is None:

        if self.hasValidStructure():        

            nanotubeGroup = self.struct.parent_node_of_class(self.assy.NanotubeGroup)
            if nanotubeGroup is None:
            #following should be self.struct.getNanotubeGroup or self.struct.getNanotubeGroup
            #need to formalize method name and then make change.
            if not nanotubeGroup is highlightedChunk.parent_node_of_class(self.assy.NanotubeGroup):
                item = ("Edit unavailable: Member of a different NanotubeGroup",
                        noop, 'disabled')

                                                        command = self)
    def modifyStructure_NEW_SEGMENT_RESIZE(self): #@ NOT FIXED
        Called when a resize handle is dragged to change the length of the 
        segment. (Called upon leftUp) . This method assigns the new parameters 
        for the segment after it is resized and calls 
        preview_or_finalize_structure which does the rest of the job. 
        Note that Client should call this public method and should never call
        the private method self._modifyStructure. self._modifyStructure is 
        called only by self.preview_or_finalize_structure

        @see: B{NanotubeSegment_ResizeHandle.on_release} (the caller)
        @see: B{SelectChunks_GraphicsMode.leftUp} (which calls the 
              the relevent method in DragHandler API. )
        @see: B{exprs.DraggableHandle_AlongLine}, B{exprs.DragBehavior}
        @see: B{self.preview_or_finalize_structure }
        @see: B{self._modifyStructure}        

        As of 2008-02-01 it recreates the structure
        @see: a note in self._createStructure() about use of ntSegment.setProps 
        #TODO: need to cleanup this and may be use use something like
        #self.previousParams = params in the end -- 2008-03-24 (midnight)

        #@TODO: - rename this method from modifyStructure_NEW_SEGMENT_RESIZE
        #to self.modifyStructure, after more testing
        #This method is used for debug prefence: 
        #'Nanotube Segment: resize without recreating whole duplex'
        #see also self._modifyStructure_NEW_SEGMENT_RESIZE

        if self.grabbedHandle is None:

        self.propMgr.endPoint1 = self.grabbedHandle.fixedEndOfStructure
        self.propMgr.endPoint2 = self.grabbedHandle.currentPosition



            # TO DO: this entire block of code.  --Mark 2008-04-03
            print_compact_stack("modifyStructure_NEW_SEGMENT_RESIZE(): NOT FIXED")

            length = vlen(self.grabbedHandle.fixedEndOfStructure - \
                          self.grabbedHandle.currentPosition )

            endAtom1, endAtom2 = self.struct.getAxisEndAtoms() #@

            for atm in (endAtom1, endAtom2):
                if not same_vals(self.grabbedHandle.fixedEndOfStructure, atm.posn()):
                    ladderEndAxisAtom = atm

                endPoint1, endPoint2 = self.struct.nanotube.getEndPoints()
                old_dulex_length = vlen(endPoint1 - endPoint2)

                nanotubeRise = self.struct.getProps()      #@ 

                params_to_set_in_propMgr = (


                self.nanotube = Nanotube() #@ Creates 5x5 CNT. Miisng PM params.

                length_diff =  self._determine_how_to_change_length()  
                ladderEndAxisAtom = self.get_axisEndAtom_at_resize_end() #@

                #@ Nanotube class needs modify() method.

        #TODO: Important note: How does NE1 know that structure is modified? 
        #Because number of base pairs parameter in the PropMgr changes as you 
        #drag the handle . This is done in self.getCursorText() ... not the 
        #right place to do it. OR that method needs to be renamed to reflect
        #this as suggested in that method -- Ninad 2008-03-25

        self.preview_or_finalize_structure(previewing = True) 

        ##self.previousParams = params_to_set_in_propMgr

    def _createStructure(self):
        Creates and returns the structure (in this case a L{NanotubeSegment} 
        @return : Nanotube segment that include the nanotube chunk.
        @rtype: L{NanotubeSegment}        
        # needed for done message
        if self.create_name_from_prefix:
            # create a new name
            name = = gensym(self.prefix, # (in _build_struct)
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = (self.prefix, name)
            # use externally created name
            self._gensym_data_for_reusing_name = None
                # (can't reuse name in this case -- not sure what prefix it was
                #  made with)
            name =

        # Create the model tree group node. 
        # Make sure that the 'topnode'  of this part is a Group (under which the
        # DNa group will be placed), if the topnode is not a group, make it a
        # a 'Group' (applicable to Clipboard parts).See
        # --Part.ensure_toplevel_group method. This is an important line
        # and it fixes bug 2585
        ntSegment = NanotubeSegment(, 
                                    editCommand = self  )
            # Make the NanotubeSegment.

            n, m, type, endings, endPoint1, endPoint2 = self._gatherParameters()

            from cnt.model.Nanotube import Nanotube
            self.nanotube = Nanotube()
            nanotube  =  self.nanotube
            nanotube.setChirality(n, m)
            nanotube.setEndPoints(endPoint1, endPoint2)
            position = V(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            ntChunk =,, position)



            #set some properties such as nanotubeRise
            #This information will be stored on the NanotubeSegment object so that
            #it can be retrieved while editing this object. 
            #Should these props be assigned to the NanotubeSegment in 
   itself? This needs to be answered while modifying
            #build() method to fit in the dna data model. --Ninad 2008-03-05

            #WARNING 2008-03-05: Since self._modifyStructure calls 
            #If in the near future, we actually permit modifying a
            #structure (such as dna) without actually recreating the whole 
            #structure, then the following properties must be set in 
            #self._modifyStructure as well. Needs more thought.
            props =(nanotube.getChirality(),


            return ntSegment

        except (PluginBug, UserError):
            # Why do we need UserError here? Mark 2007-08-28
            raise PluginBug("Internal error while trying to create a NanotubeSegment.")
Example #13
class NanotubeSegment(Group):
    Model object which represents a Nanotube Segment inside a Nanotube Group.

    Internally, this is just a specialized Group containing a single chunk,
    itself containing all the atoms of a nanotube.

    # This should be a tuple of classifications that appear in
    # files_mmp._GROUP_CLASSIFICATIONS, most general first.
    # See comment in class Group for more info. [bruce 080115]
    _mmp_group_classifications = ('NanotubeSegment',)
    nanotube = None
    _endPoint1 = None
    _endPoint2 = None
        # TODO: undo or copy code for those attrs,
        # and updating them when the underlying structure changes.
        # But maybe that won't be needed, if they are replaced
        # by computing them from the atom geometry as needed.
        # [bruce 080227 comment]
    autodelete_when_empty = True
        # (but only if current command permits that for this class --
        #  see comment near Group.autodelete_when_empty for more info,
        #  and implems of Command.keep_empty_group)
    iconPath = "ui/modeltree/NanotubeSegment.png"
    hide_iconPath = "ui/modeltree/NanotubeSegment-hide.png"
    # This partially fixes bug 2914. Copying now works, but the following
    # "warning" is printed to stdout:
    # ****************** needs _copyOfObject: <cnt.model.Nanotube.Nanotube instance at 0x164FC030>
    # I'm guessing this means that we need to override abstract method 
    # _copyOfObject() of DataMixin, but I'd like to discuss this with Bruce first.
    # I also have confirmed that there is still a bug when editing the 
    # copied nanotube (it will automatically move from the clipboard
    # to the part after it is resized).
    # Mark 2008-07-09.
    copyable_attrs = Group.copyable_attrs + ('nanotube',)
    def __init__(self, name, assy, dad, members = (), editCommand = None):
                       members = members, 
                       editCommand = editCommand)
        ###BUG: not all callers pass an editCommand. It would be better
        # to figure out on demand which editCommand would be appropriate.
        # [bruce 080227 comment]

    def writemmp_other_info_opengroup(self, mapping): #bruce 080507 refactoring
        #bruce 080507 refactoring (split this out of Group.writemmp)
        # (I think the following condition is always true, but I didn't
        #  prove this just now, so I left in the test for now.)
        encoded_classifications = self._encoded_classifications()
        if encoded_classifications == "NanotubeSegment":
            # This is a nanotube segment, so write the parameters into an info
            # record so we can read and restore them in the next session. 
            # --Mark 2008-04-12
            assert self.nanotube
            mapping.write("info opengroup nanotube-parameters = %d, %d, %s, %s\n" \
                          % (self.nanotube.getChiralityN(),

    def readmmp_info_opengroup_setitem( self, key, val, interp ):
        [extends superclass method]
        #bruce 080507 refactoring (split this out of the superclass method)
        if key == ['nanotube-parameters']:
            # val includes all the parameters, separated by commas.
            n, m, type, endings = val.split(",")
            self.n = int(n)
            self.m = int(m)
            self.type = type.lstrip()
            self.endings = endings.lstrip()
            # Create the nanotube.
            from cnt.model.Nanotube import Nanotube
            self.nanotube = Nanotube() # Returns a 5x5 CNT.
            self.nanotube.setChirality(self.n, self.m)
            # The endpoints are recomputed every time it is edited.
            Group.readmmp_info_opengroup_setitem( self, key, val, interp)
    def edit(self):
        Edit this NanotubeSegment. 
        @see: NanotubeSegment_EditCommand
        commandSequencer = self.assy.w.commandSequencer       
        if commandSequencer.currentCommand.commandName != "NANOTUBE_SEGMENT":
        assert commandSequencer.currentCommand.commandName == 'NANOTUBE_SEGMENT'

    #Following methods are likely to be revised in a fully functional dna data 
    # model. These methods are mainly created to get working many core UI 
    # operations for Rattlesnake.  -- Ninad 2008-02-01
    def get_all_content_chunks(self):
        Return all the chunks contained within this NanotubeSegment.
        @note: there is only one chunk inside this group.
        all_content_chunk_list = []
        for member in self.members:
            if isinstance(member, Chunk):
        return all_content_chunk_list 
    def getAxisVector(self, atomAtVectorOrigin = None):
        Returns the unit axis vector of the segment (vector between two axis 
        end points)
        endPoint1, endPoint2 = self.nanotube.getEndPoints()
        if endPoint1 is None or endPoint2 is None:
            return V(0, 0, 0)
        #@see: RotateAboutAPoint command. The following code is disabled 
        #as it has bugs (not debugged but could be in 
        #self.nanotube.getEndPoints). So, rotate about a point won't work for 
        #rotating a nanotube. -- Ninad 2008-05-13
        ##if atomAtVectorOrigin is not None:
            ###If atomAtVectorOrigin is specified, we will return a vector that
            ###starts at this atom and ends at endPoint1 or endPoint2 . 
            ###Which endPoint to choose will be dicided by the distance between
            ###atomAtVectorOrigin and the respective endPoints. (will choose the 
            ###frthest endPoint
            ##origin = atomAtVectorOrigin.posn()
            ##if vlen(endPoint2 - origin ) > vlen(endPoint1 - origin):
                ##return norm(endPoint2 - endPoint1)
                ##return norm(endPoint1 - endPoint2)
        return norm(endPoint2 - endPoint1)
    def setProps(self, props):
        Sets some properties. These will be used while editing the structure. 
        (but if the structure is read from an mmp file, this won't work. As a 
        fall back, it returns some constant values) 
        @see: InsertNanotube_EditCommand.createStructure which calls this method. 
        @see: self.getProps, NanotubeSegment_EditCommand.editStructure        
        (_n, _m), _type, _endings, (_endPoint1, _endPoint2) = props
        from cnt.model.Nanotube import Nanotube
        self.nanotube = Nanotube()
        self.nanotube.setChirality(_n, _m)
        self.nanotube.setEndPoints(_endPoint1, _endPoint2)
    def getProps(self):
        Returns nanotube parameters necessary for editing.
        @see: NanotubeSegment_EditCommand.editStructure where it is used. 
        @see: NanotubeSegment_PropertyManager.getParameters
        @see: NanotubeSegmentEditCommand._createStructure        
        # Recompute the endpoints in case this nanotube was read from
        # MMP file (which means this nanotube doesn't have endpoint 
        # parameters yet). 
        return self.nanotube.getParameters()
    def getNanotubeGroup(self):
        Return the NanotubeGroup we are contained in, or None if we're not
        inside one.
        return self.parent_node_of_class( self.assy.NanotubeGroup)
    def isAncestorOf(self, obj):
        Checks whether the object <obj> is contained within the NanotubeSegment
        Example: If the object is an Atom, it checks whether the 
        atom's chunk is a member of this NanotubeSegment ( is self)
        It also considers all the logical contents of the NanotubeSegment to determine
        whether self is an ancestor. (returns True even for logical contents)
        @see: self.get_all_content_chunks()
        @see: NanotubeSegment_GraphicsMode.leftDrag
        # TODO: this needs cleanup (it looks like it's made of two alternative
        # implems, one after the other), and speedup. [bruce 080507 comment]
        c = None
        if isinstance(obj, Atom):       
            c = obj.molecule                 
        elif isinstance(obj, Bond):
            chunk1 = obj.atom1.molecule
            chunk2 = obj.atom1.molecule            
            if chunk1 is chunk2:
                c = chunk1
        elif isinstance(obj, Chunk):
            c = obj
        if c is not None:
            if c in self.get_all_content_chunks():
                return True        
        #NOTE: Need to check if the isinstance checks are acceptable (apparently
        #don't add any import cycle) Also this method needs to be revised 
        #after we completely switch to dna data model. 
        if isinstance(obj, Atom):       
            chunk = obj.molecule                
            if is self:
                return True
                return False
        elif isinstance(obj, Bond):
            chunk1 = obj.atom1.molecule
            chunk2 = obj.atom1.molecule            
            if ( is self) or ( is self):
                return True               
        elif isinstance(obj, Chunk):
            if is self:
                return True
        return False
    def node_icon(self, display_prefs):        
        del display_prefs # unused
        if self.all_content_is_hidden():    
            return imagename_to_pixmap( self.hide_iconPath)
            return imagename_to_pixmap( self.iconPath)
    # =======================================================================
    # These methods were copied from DnaStrandOrSegment and edited for 
    # this class.

    def permit_addnode_inside(self): #bruce 080626
        [overrides Group method]
        return False
    def permits_ungrouping(self): 
        Should the user interface permit users to dissolve this Group
        using self.ungroup?
        [overridden from Group]
        return self._show_all_kids_for_debug() # normally False
            # note: modelTree should modify menu text for Ungroup to say "(unsupported)",
            # but this is broken as of before 080318 since it uses a self.is_block() test.

    def _show_all_kids_for_debug(self):
         #bruce 080207 in deprecated class Block 080318
        classname_short = self.__class__.__name__.split('.')[-1]
        debug_pref_name = "Model Tree: show content of %s?" % classname_short
            # typical examples (for text searches to find them here):
            # Model Tree: show content of DnaStrand?
            # Model Tree: show content of DnaSegment?
        return debug_pref( debug_pref_name, Choice_boolean_False )

    def permit_as_member(self, node, pre_updaters = True, **opts):
        [friend method for enforce_permitted_members_in_groups and subroutines]

        Does self permit node as a direct member,
        when called from enforce_permitted_members_in_groups with
        the same options as we are passed?

        @rtype: boolean

        [overrides Group method]
        #bruce 080319
        # someday, reject if superclass would reject -- so far, it never does
        del opts
        assy = self.assy
        res = isinstance( node, assy.Chunk) #@ NEEDS SOMETHING MORE.
        return res
    def _f_wants_to_be_killed(self, pre_updaters = True, **opts): # in DnaStrandOrSegment
        [friend method for enforce_permitted_members_in_groups and subroutines]
        Does self want to be killed due to members that got ejected
        by _f_move_nonpermitted_members (or due to completely invalid structure
        from before then, and no value in keeping self even temporarily)?

        @rtype: boolean

        [overrides Group method]   
        #bruce 080319
        del opts, pre_updaters
        return not self.members

    def MT_DND_can_drop_inside(self): #bruce 080317, revised 080318
        Are ModelTree Drag and Drop operations permitted to drop nodes
        inside self?

        [overrides Node/Group method]
        return self._show_all_kids_for_debug() # normally False
    def openable(self): # overrides Node.openable()
        whether tree widgets should permit the user to open/close their view of this node
        # if we decide this depends on the tree widget or on somet for thing about it,
        # we'll have to pass in some args... don't do that unless/until we need to.

        #If there are no MT_kids (subnodes visible in MT under this group) then
        #don't make this node 'openable'. This makes sure that expand/ collapse
        #pixmap next to the node is not shown for this type of Group with 0 
        #Examples of such groups include empty groups, DnaStrand Groups,
        #DnaSegments etc -- Ninad 2008-03-15
        return len(self.MT_kids()) != 0
    def _raw_MT_kids(self, display_prefs = {}):
        DnaStrand or DnaSegment groups (subclasses of this class) should not 
        show any MT kids.
        @see: Group._raw__MT_kids()
        @see: Group.MT_kids()
        if self._show_all_kids_for_debug(): # normally False
            # bruce 080318
            return self.members
        return ()
    pass # end of class NanotubeSegment