Example #1
def get_output_from_cntk_model(cntk_model, cntk_input_tensor, testing_info):
    # Get output from CNTK model
    _logger = logger.get()
    _logger.info("Getting CNTK results")
    if (len(cntk_model.arguments) > 1):
        arg1_output = np.zeros(cntk_model.arguments[1].shape).astype(np.float32)
        cntk_output = cntk_model.eval({cntk_model.arguments[0]: [cntk_input_tensor],
                                       cntk_model.arguments[1]: arg1_output})
        cntk_output = cntk_model.eval({cntk_model.arguments[0]: [cntk_input_tensor]})
    size = 0
    if isinstance(cntk_output, dict):
        for key in cntk_model.outputs:
            shape = key.shape
            if len(shape) > 0:
                s = np.max(shape)
                if (s > size):
                    size = s
                    cntk_output = cntk_output[key][0]
        cntk_output = cntk_output[0]

    # Check whether softmax needs to be applied or not.
    if testing_info["apply_softmax"]:
        cntk_output = softmax(cntk_output).eval()

    # Reorder cntk node output
    cntk_output = get_node_output_in_ell_order(cntk_output)
    return cntk_output
Example #2
    def _eval_single_image(self,
        # load and format image (resize, RGB -> BGR, CHW -> HWC)
        img = Image.open(image_path)
        if image_path.endswith("png"):
            temp = Image.new("RGB", img.size, (255, 255, 255))
            temp.paste(img, img)
            img = temp
        re_sized = img.resize((image_width, image_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        bgr_image = np.asarray(re_sized, dtype=np.float32)[..., [2, 1, 0]]
        hwc_format = np.ascontiguousarray(np.rollaxis(bgr_image, 2))

        # Alternatively: if you want to use opencv-python
        # cv_img = cv2.imread(image_path)
        # resized = cv2.resize(cv_img, (image_width, image_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
        # bgr_image = np.asarray(resized, dtype=np.float32)
        # hwc_format = np.ascontiguousarray(np.rollaxis(bgr_image, 2))

        # compute model output
        arguments = {self.trained_model.arguments[0]: [hwc_format]}
        output = self.trained_model.eval(arguments)

        # return softmax probabilities
        sm = softmax(output[0])
        return sm.eval()
    def compare_model(self, layers):
        ellLayers = cntk_layers.convert_cntk_layers_to_ell_layers(layers)
        # Create an ELL neural network predictor from the layers
        predictor = ELL.FloatNeuralNetworkPredictor(ellLayers)
        shape = predictor.GetInputShape()

        # to CNTK (channel, rows, columns) order
        self.input_shape = (shape.channels, shape.rows, shape.columns)
        self.data = self.get_input_data()

        if len(self.cntk_model.arguments) > 1:
            output = np.zeros(self.cntk_model.arguments[1].shape,
            predictions = self.cntk_model.eval({
                self.cntk_model.arguments[0]: [self.data],
            predictions = self.cntk_model.eval(
                {self.cntk_model.arguments[0]: [self.data]})

        size = 0
        cntk_output = None
        if isinstance(predictions, dict):
            for key in self.cntk_model.outputs:
                shape = key.shape
                if shape:
                    s = np.max(shape)
                    if s > size:
                        size = s
                        # CNTK models currently don't have softmax operations
                        # right now, so we work around it by including it
                        # explicitly
                        cntk_output = softmax(predictions[key][0]).eval()
            cntk_output = softmax(predictions).eval()

        self.verify_ell("Softmax", predictor, self.data, cntk_output)
Example #4
def eval_and_write(network, test_mapFiles, output_file):
    # Model dimensions
    image_height = 224
    image_width = 224
    num_classes = 101
    num_channels = 3
    num_inputs = 5  # 20

    # Create test reader
    test_reader = create_video_mb_source(test_mapFiles, num_channels,
                                         image_height, image_width,

    OF_input_map = {}
    for i in range(num_inputs):
            "input_" + str(i))] = test_reader.streams["feature" + str(i)]

    with open(test_mapFiles[0], 'r') as file:
        lines = file.readlines()
    max_samples = len(lines)

    correctLabels = [0] * int(max_samples / 25)
    for i in range(int(max_samples / 25)):
        label = lines[i * 25].replace('\n', '').split('\t')[-1]
        correctLabels[i] = int(label)

    sample_count = 0.0
    results = '{:^15} | {:^15} | {:^15}\n'.format('Correct label',
                                                  'Predicted label',
    while sample_count < max_samples:
        mb = test_reader.next_minibatch(25, input_map=OF_input_map)
        predictedLabels = dict((key, 0) for key in range(num_classes))
        labelsConfidence = dict((key, 0) for key in range(num_classes))
        id_correctLabel = int(sample_count / 25)
        sample_count += 25
        output = network.eval(mb)
        predictions = softmax(np.squeeze(output)).eval()
        top_classes = [np.argmax(p) for p in predictions]
        for i, c in enumerate(top_classes):
            predictedLabels[c] += 1  # Melhorar
            labelsConfidence[c] += predictions[i][c]
        label, confidence = getFinalLabel(predictedLabels, labelsConfidence)
        results += '{:^15} | {:^15} | {:^15.2f}%\n'.format(
            correctLabels[id_correctLabel], label, confidence)
        if sample_count % 100 == 0:
            print("{:.2f}".format(float(sample_count) / max_samples))
    with open(output_file, 'w') as file:
Example #5
    def softmax(cntk_layer, inputs):
         Setup softmax op with given parameters

            cntk_layer (:class:`~cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel.CntkLayersDefinition`):
                the layer definition of softmax op
            inputs (list): a list contains all :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or

            :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: instaced cntk softmax op
        sanitize_output = ops.sanitize_input(inputs[0])
        return ops.softmax(sanitize_output, name=cntk_layer.op_name)
Example #6
    def softmax(cntk_layer, inputs):
         Setup softmax op with given parameters

            cntk_layer (:class:`~cntk.contrib.crosstalkcaffe.unimodel.cntkmodel.CntkLayersDefinition`):
                the layer definition of softmax op
            inputs (list): a list contains all :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` or

            :func:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: instaced cntk softmax op
        sanitize_output = ops.sanitize_input(inputs[0])
        return ops.softmax(sanitize_output, name=cntk_layer.op_name)
Example #7
def eval_single_image(loaded_model, image_path, image_width, image_height):
    # load and format image
    img = Image.open(image_path)
    if image_path.endswith("png"):
        temp = Image.new("RGB", img.size, (255, 255, 255))
        temp.paste(img, img)
        img = temp
    resized = img.resize((image_width, image_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    hwc_format = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array(resized, dtype=np.float32).transpose(2, 0, 1))

    # compute model output
    arguments = {loaded_model.arguments[0]: [hwc_format]}
    output = loaded_model.eval(arguments)

    # return softmax probabilities
    sm = softmax(output[0, 0])
    return sm.eval()
Example #8
def eval_single_image(loaded_model, image_path, image_width, image_height):
    # load and format image
    img = Image.open(image_path)
    if image_path.endswith("png"):
        temp = Image.new("RGB", img.size, (255, 255, 255))
        temp.paste(img, img)
        img = temp
    resized = img.resize((image_width, image_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    hwc_format = np.ascontiguousarray(
        np.array(resized, dtype=np.float32).transpose(2, 0, 1))

    # compute model output
    arguments = {loaded_model.arguments[0]: [hwc_format]}
    output = loaded_model.eval(arguments)

    # return softmax probabilities
    sm = softmax(output[0, 0])
    return sm.eval()
Example #9
def eval_single_image(loaded_model, image_path, image_width, image_height):
    # load and format image (resize, RGB -> BGR, CHW -> HWC)
    img = Image.open(image_path)
    if image_path.endswith("png"):
        temp = Image.new("RGB", img.size, (255, 255, 255))
        temp.paste(img, img)
        img = temp
    resized = img.resize((image_width, image_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    bgr_image = np.asarray(resized, dtype=np.float32)[..., [2, 1, 0]]
    hwc_format = np.ascontiguousarray(np.rollaxis(bgr_image, 2))

    ## Alternatively: if you want to use opencv-python
    # cv_img = cv2.imread(image_path)
    # resized = cv2.resize(cv_img, (image_width, image_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
    # bgr_image = np.asarray(resized, dtype=np.float32)
    # hwc_format = np.ascontiguousarray(np.rollaxis(bgr_image, 2))

    # compute model output
    arguments = {loaded_model.arguments[0]: [hwc_format]}
    output = loaded_model.eval(arguments)

    # return softmax probabilities
    sm = softmax(output[0])
    return sm.eval()
Example #10
def negative_of_entropy_with_softmax(p):
    """See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)."""
    return C.reduce_sum(C.softmax(p) * p) - C.reduce_log_sum_exp(p)
Example #11
def compare_predictor_output(modelFile,
    """Compares an ELL.NeuralNetworkPredictor against its equivalent CNTK

    modelFile -- path to the CNTK model file
    labels -- array of labels
    modelTestInput -- input data in row, column, channel ordering
    maxLayers -- integer to indicate how many layers to run before stopping.
                 Setting to None will run all layers and compare against the
                 original model.


    z = load_model(modelFile)
    modelLayers = cntk_utilities.get_model_layers(z)

    # Get the relevant CNTK layers that we will convert to ELL
    layersToConvert = cntk_layers.get_filtered_layers_list(
        modelLayers, maxLayers)

    if not layersToConvert:
        raise RuntimeError("No layers are converted, nothing to test")

    # Create a list of ELL layers from the relevant CNTK layers
    print("\nCreating ELL predictor...")
    ellLayers = cntk_layers.convert_cntk_layers_to_ell_layers(layersToConvert)

    # Create an ELL neural network predictor from the relevant CNTK layers
    predictor = ELL.FloatNeuralNetworkPredictor(ellLayers)

    if not modelTestInput:
        inputShape = predictor.GetInputShape()
        modelTestInput = np.random.uniform(
            size=(inputShape.rows, inputShape.columns,

    ellTestInput = modelTestInput.ravel()  # rows, columns, channels
    ellResults = predictor.Predict(ellTestInput)

    # rows, columns, channels => channels, rows, columns
    cntkTestInput = np.moveaxis(modelTestInput, -1, 0).astype(np.float32)
    cntkTestInput = np.ascontiguousarray(cntkTestInput)

    # Get the equivalent CNTK model
    if not maxLayers:
        print("\nRunning original CNTK model...")

        _, out = z.forward({
            z.arguments[0]: [cntkTestInput],
            z.arguments[1]: [list(range(len(labels)))]
        for output in z.outputs:
            if (output.shape == (len(labels), )):
                out = out[output]
        cntkResults = cntk.ops.softmax(out[0]).eval()

        # For the full model, we compare prediction output instead of layers
            cntkResults, ellResults, 5,
            'prediction outputs do not match! (for model ' + modelFile + ')')
        print("\nRunning partial CNTK model...")

        if (layersToConvert[-1].layer.op_name == 'CrossEntropyWithSoftmax'
                and len(layersToConvert) > 2):
            # ugly hack for CrossEntropyWithSoftmax
            from cntk.ops import softmax
            zz = as_composite(layersToConvert[-2].layer)
            zz = softmax(zz)
            zz = as_composite(layersToConvert[-1].layer)

        out = zz(cntkTestInput)
        orderedCntkModelResults = cntk_converters.\

            orderedCntkModelResults, ellResults, 5,
            ('prediction outputs do not match! (for partial model ' +
             modelFile + ')'))
Example #12
def verify_ell_output_in_vision_model(ell_map, cntk_model, testing_info):
    _logger.info("Verification of model output starting")
        cntk_input_tensor = np.random.random((cntk_model.arguments[0].shape)).astype(np.float32) * 255
        ell_input_tensor = memory_shapes.get_tensor_in_ell_order(cntk_input_tensor, "channel_row_column").ravel().astype(np.float32)

        # Get output from CNTK model
        _logger.info("Getting CNTK results")
        if (len(cntk_model.arguments) > 1):
            arg1_output = np.zeros(cntk_model.arguments[1].shape).astype(np.float32)
            cntk_output = cntk_model.eval({cntk_model.arguments[0]:[cntk_input_tensor], cntk_model.arguments[1]:arg1_output})
            cntk_output = cntk_model.eval({cntk_model.arguments[0]:[cntk_input_tensor]})
        size = 0
        if isinstance(cntk_output,dict):
            for key in cntk_model.outputs:
                shape = key.shape
                if len(shape) > 0:
                    s = np.max(shape)
                    if (s > size):
                        size = s
                        cntk_output = cntk_output[key][0]
            cntk_output = cntk_output[0]
        # Check whether softmax needs to be applied or not.
        if testing_info["apply_softmax"]:
            cntk_output = softmax(cntk_output).eval()

        # Get computed ELL result
        _logger.info("Getting computed ELL results")
        result_from_compute = np.array(ell_map.Compute(ell_input_tensor, dtype=np.float32))

        # Get compiled ELL result
        _logger.info("Getting compiled ELL results")
        compiler_options = ell.model.MapCompilerOptions()
        compiler_options.useBlas = True
        compiled_ell_map = ell_map.Compile("host", "model", "predict", compilerOptions=compiler_options, dtype=np.float32)

        result_from_compiled = np.array(compiled_ell_map.Compute(ell_input_tensor, dtype=np.float32))

        # Verify the computed result against the cntk result
           cntk_output, result_from_compute, decimal=4, err_msg=(
               'results for computed ELL model do not match CNTK output!'))
        _logger.info("Verified computed result against CNTK")
        # Verify the compiled result  against the cntk result
            cntk_output, result_from_compiled, decimal=4, err_msg=(
                'results for compiled ELL model do not match CNTK output!'))
        _logger.info("Verified compiled result against CNTK")
        # Verify the compiled result agrees with the computed result
            result_from_compute, result_from_compiled, decimal=4, err_msg=(
                'results for computed ELL model do not match results from compiled ELL model!'))
        _logger.info("Verified compiled result against computed result")

        # Get timing info
        total_time = 0
        num_frames = 50
        _logger.info("Sending {} frames through model...".format(num_frames))
        for i in range(num_frames):
            cntk_input_tensor = np.random.random((cntk_model.arguments[0].shape)).astype(np.float32) * 255
            ell_input_tensor = memory_shapes.get_tensor_in_ell_order(cntk_input_tensor, "channel_row_column").ravel().astype(np.float32)
            start = time.time()
            result_from_compiled = np.array(compiled_ell_map.Compute(ell_input_tensor, dtype=np.float32))
            end = time.time()
            total_time += end - start
        total_time /= num_frames
        _logger.info("Average speed: {:.0f}ms/frame".format(total_time * 1000))
    except BaseException as exception:
        _logger.error("Verification of model output failed")
        raise exception

    _logger.info("Verification of model output complete")
Example #13
print("Loading model: ", model_file)
trained_model = load_model(model_file)

if trained_model is not None:
    img = Image.open(image_name)
    if image_name.endswith("png"):
        temp = Image.new("RGB", img.size, (255, 255, 255))
        temp.paste(img, img)
        img = temp
    re_sized = img.resize((image_width, image_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    bgr_image = np.asarray(re_sized, dtype=np.float32)[..., [2, 1, 0]]
    hwc_format = np.ascontiguousarray(np.rollaxis(bgr_image, 2))

    # Alternatively: if you want to use opencv-python
    # cv_img = cv2.imread(image_path)
    # resized = cv2.resize(cv_img, (image_width, image_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
    # bgr_image = np.asarray(resized, dtype=np.float32)
    # hwc_format = np.ascontiguousarray(np.rollaxis(bgr_image, 2))

    # compute model output
    arguments = {trained_model.arguments[0]: [hwc_format]}
    output = trained_model.eval(arguments)

    # return softmax probabilities
    sm = softmax(output[0])
    prob = sm.eval()

    for probability in prob:
Example #14
def negative_of_entropy_with_softmax(p):
    """See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)."""
    return C.reduce_sum(C.softmax(p) * p) - C.reduce_log_sum_exp(p)