Example #1
def create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois, scaled_gt_boxes, num_classes):
    Creates a proposal target layer that is used for training an object detection network as proposed in the "Faster R-CNN" paper:
        Shaoqing Ren and Kaiming He and Ross Girshick and Jian Sun:
        "Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks"

    Assigns object detection proposals to ground-truth targets.
    Produces proposal classification labels and bounding-box regression targets.
    It also adds gt_boxes to candidates and samples fg and bg rois for training.

        rpn_rois:        The proposed ROIs, e.g. from a region proposal network
        scaled_gt_boxes: The ground truth boxes as (x1, y1, x2, y2, label). Coordinates are absolute pixels wrt. the input image.
        num_classes:     The number of classes in the data set

        rpn_target_rois - a set of rois containing the ground truth and a number of sampled fg and bg ROIs
        label_targets - the target labels for the rois
        bbox_targets - the regression coefficient targets for the rois
        bbox_inside_weights - the weights for the regression loss

    ptl_param_string = "'num_classes': {}".format(num_classes)
    ptl = user_function(ProposalTargetLayer(rpn_rois, scaled_gt_boxes, param_str=ptl_param_string))
    rois = alias(ptl.outputs[0], name='rpn_target_rois')
    label_targets = alias(ptl.outputs[1], name='label_targets')
    bbox_targets = alias(ptl.outputs[2], name='bbox_targets')
    bbox_inside_weights = alias(ptl.outputs[3], name='bbox_inside_w')

    return rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights
Example #2
def create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois, scaled_gt_boxes, num_classes):
    Creates a proposal target layer that is used for training an object detection network as proposed in the "Faster R-CNN" paper:
        Shaoqing Ren and Kaiming He and Ross Girshick and Jian Sun:
        "Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks"

    Assigns object detection proposals to ground-truth targets.
    Produces proposal classification labels and bounding-box regression targets.
    It also adds gt_boxes to candidates and samples fg and bg rois for training.

        rpn_rois:        The proposed ROIs, e.g. from a region proposal network
        scaled_gt_boxes: The ground truth boxes as (x1, y1, x2, y2, label). Coordinates are absolute pixels wrt. the input image.
        num_classes:     The number of classes in the data set

        rpn_target_rois - a set of rois containing the ground truth and a number of sampled fg and bg ROIs
        label_targets - the target labels for the rois
        bbox_targets - the regression coefficient targets for the rois
        bbox_inside_weights - the weights for the regression loss

    ptl_param_string = "'num_classes': {}".format(num_classes)
    ptl = user_function(
    rois = alias(ptl.outputs[0], name='rpn_target_rois')
    label_targets = alias(ptl.outputs[1], name='label_targets')
    bbox_targets = alias(ptl.outputs[2], name='bbox_targets')
    bbox_inside_weights = alias(ptl.outputs[3], name='bbox_inside_w')

    return rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights
Example #3
def train_faster_rcnn_e2e(base_model_file_name, debug_output=False):
    # Input variables denoting features and labeled ground truth rois (as 5-tuples per roi)
    image_input = input_variable((num_channels, image_height, image_width), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()], name=feature_node_name)
    roi_input = input_variable((cfg["CNTK"].INPUT_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, 5), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_input = input_variable((6), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_node = alias(dims_input, name='dims_input')

    # Instantiate the Faster R-CNN prediction model and loss function
    loss, pred_error = create_faster_rcnn_predictor(base_model_file_name, image_input, roi_input, dims_node)

    if debug_output:
        print("Storing graphs and models to %s." % globalvars['output_path'])
        plot(loss, os.path.join(globalvars['output_path'], "graph_frcn_train_e2e." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))

    # Set learning parameters
    e2e_lr_factor = globalvars['e2e_lr_factor']
    e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * e2e_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].E2E_LR_PER_SAMPLE]
    mm_schedule = momentum_schedule(cfg["CNTK"].MOMENTUM_PER_MB)

    print("Using base model:   {}".format(cfg["CNTK"].BASE_MODEL))
    print("lr_per_sample:      {}".format(e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled))

    train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, loss, pred_error,
                e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, cfg["CNTK"].L2_REG_WEIGHT, globalvars['e2e_epochs'])

    return create_eval_model(loss, image_input, dims_input)
Example #4
def create_proposal_layer(rpn_cls_prob_reshape, rpn_bbox_pred, im_info, cfg, use_native_proposal_layer=False):
    layer_config = {}
    layer_config["feat_stride"] = cfg["MODEL"].FEATURE_STRIDE
    layer_config["scales"] = cfg["DATA"].PROPOSAL_LAYER_SCALES

    layer_config["train_pre_nms_topN"] = cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N
    layer_config["train_post_nms_topN"] = cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N
    layer_config["train_nms_thresh"] = float(cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_NMS_THRESH)
    layer_config["train_min_size"] = float(cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_MIN_SIZE)

    layer_config["test_pre_nms_topN"] = cfg["TEST"].RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N
    layer_config["test_post_nms_topN"] = cfg["TEST"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N
    layer_config["test_nms_thresh"] = float(cfg["TEST"].RPN_NMS_THRESH)
    layer_config["test_min_size"] = float(cfg["TEST"].RPN_MIN_SIZE)

    if use_native_proposal_layer:
                                               'Cntk.ProposalLayerLib-' + cntk.__version__.rstrip('+'),
        rpn_rois_raw = ops.native_user_function('ProposalLayerOp', [rpn_cls_prob_reshape, rpn_bbox_pred, im_info],
                                                layer_config, 'native_proposal_layer')
        rpn_rois_raw = user_function(ProposalLayer(rpn_cls_prob_reshape, rpn_bbox_pred, im_info, layer_config))

    return alias(rpn_rois_raw, name='rpn_rois')
Example #5
def train_faster_rcnn_e2e(base_model_file_name, debug_output=False):
    # Input variables denoting features and labeled ground truth rois (as 5-tuples per roi)
    image_input = input_variable((num_channels, image_height, image_width), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()], name=feature_node_name)
    roi_input = input_variable((cfg["CNTK"].INPUT_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, 5), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_input = input_variable((6), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_node = alias(dims_input, name='dims_input')

    # Instantiate the Faster R-CNN prediction model and loss function
    loss, pred_error = create_faster_rcnn_predictor(base_model_file_name, image_input, roi_input, dims_node)

    if debug_output:
        print("Storing graphs and models to %s." % globalvars['output_path'])
        plot(loss, os.path.join(globalvars['output_path'], "graph_frcn_train_e2e." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))

    # Set learning parameters
    e2e_lr_factor = globalvars['e2e_lr_factor']
    e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * e2e_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].E2E_LR_PER_SAMPLE]
    mm_schedule = momentum_schedule(cfg["CNTK"].MOMENTUM_PER_MB)

    print("Using base model:   {}".format(cfg["CNTK"].BASE_MODEL))
    print("lr_per_sample:      {}".format(e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled))

    train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, loss, pred_error,
                e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, cfg["CNTK"].L2_REG_WEIGHT, globalvars['e2e_epochs'])

    return create_eval_model(loss, image_input, dims_input)
Example #6
def create_proposal_layer(rpn_cls_prob_reshape,
    layer_config = {}
    layer_config["feat_stride"] = cfg["MODEL"].FEATURE_STRIDE
    layer_config["scales"] = cfg["DATA"].PROPOSAL_LAYER_SCALES

    layer_config["train_pre_nms_topN"] = cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N
    layer_config["train_post_nms_topN"] = cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N
    layer_config["train_nms_thresh"] = float(cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_NMS_THRESH)
    layer_config["train_min_size"] = float(cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_MIN_SIZE)

    layer_config["test_pre_nms_topN"] = cfg["TEST"].RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N
    layer_config["test_post_nms_topN"] = cfg["TEST"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N
    layer_config["test_nms_thresh"] = float(cfg["TEST"].RPN_NMS_THRESH)
    layer_config["test_min_size"] = float(cfg["TEST"].RPN_MIN_SIZE)

    if use_native_proposal_layer:
            'Cntk.ProposalLayerLib-' + cntk.__version__.rstrip('+'),
        rpn_rois_raw = ops.native_user_function(
            'ProposalLayerOp', [rpn_cls_prob_reshape, rpn_bbox_pred, im_info],
            layer_config, 'native_proposal_layer')
        rpn_rois_raw = user_function(
            ProposalLayer(rpn_cls_prob_reshape, rpn_bbox_pred, im_info,

    return alias(rpn_rois_raw, name='rpn_rois')
Example #7
def train_faster_rcnn_e2e(cfg):
    # Input variables denoting features and labeled ground truth rois (as 5-tuples per roi)
    image_input = input_variable(shape=(cfg.NUM_CHANNELS, cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT, cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH),
    roi_input = input_variable((cfg.INPUT_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, 5), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_input = input_variable((6), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_node = alias(dims_input, name='dims_input')

    # Instantiate the Faster R-CNN prediction model and loss function
    loss, pred_error = create_faster_rcnn_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_node, cfg)

    if cfg["CNTK"].DEBUG_OUTPUT:
        print("Storing graphs and models to %s." % cfg.OUTPUT_PATH)
        plot(loss, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_e2e." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))

    # Set learning parameters
    e2e_lr_factor = cfg["MODEL"].E2E_LR_FACTOR
    e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * e2e_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].E2E_LR_PER_SAMPLE]
    mm_schedule = momentum_schedule(cfg["CNTK"].MOMENTUM_PER_MB)

    print("Using base model:   {}".format(cfg["MODEL"].BASE_MODEL))
    print("lr_per_sample:      {}".format(e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled))

    train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, loss, pred_error,
                e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, cfg["CNTK"].L2_REG_WEIGHT, cfg["CNTK"].E2E_MAX_EPOCHS, cfg)

    return create_faster_rcnn_eval_model(loss, image_input, dims_input, cfg)
Example #8
def train_faster_rcnn_e2e(cfg):
    # Input variables denoting features and labeled ground truth rois (as 5-tuples per roi)
    image_input = input_variable(shape=(cfg.NUM_CHANNELS, cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT, cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH),
    roi_input = input_variable((cfg.INPUT_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, 5), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_input = input_variable((6), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_node = alias(dims_input, name='dims_input')

    # Instantiate the Faster R-CNN prediction model and loss function
    loss, pred_error = create_faster_rcnn_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_node, cfg)

    if cfg["CNTK"].DEBUG_OUTPUT:
        print("Storing graphs and models to %s." % cfg.OUTPUT_PATH)
        plot(loss, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_e2e." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))

    # Set learning parameters
    e2e_lr_factor = cfg["MODEL"].E2E_LR_FACTOR
    e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * e2e_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].E2E_LR_PER_SAMPLE]
    mm_schedule = momentum_schedule(cfg["CNTK"].MOMENTUM_PER_MB)

    print("Using base model:   {}".format(cfg["MODEL"].BASE_MODEL))
    print("lr_per_sample:      {}".format(e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled))

    train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, loss, pred_error,
                e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, cfg["CNTK"].L2_REG_WEIGHT, cfg["CNTK"].E2E_MAX_EPOCHS, cfg)

    return create_faster_rcnn_eval_model(loss, image_input, dims_input, cfg)
Example #9
def create_network(cfg):
    """build the network for faster rcnn"""

    ##create input variables
    features = C.input_variable(shape=(cfg.NUM_CHANNELS, cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT,
    scaled_gt_boxes = C.input_variable(
        (cfg.INPUT_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, 5),
    dims_in = C.input_variable((6), dynamic_axes=[C.Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_input = C.alias(dims_in, name='dims_input')

    # Load the pre-trained classification net and clone layers
    base_model = C.load_model(cfg['BASE_MODEL_PATH'])
    conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model, cfg)
    fc_layers = clone_model(base_model, [cfg["MODEL"].POOL_NODE_NAME],

    # Normalization and conv layers
    feat_norm = features - C.Constant([[[v]]
                                       for v in cfg["MODEL"].IMG_PAD_COLOR])
    conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

    # RPN and prediction targets
    rpn_rois, rpn_losses = create_rpn(conv_out, scaled_gt_boxes, dims_input,

    rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = create_proposal_target_layer(
        rpn_rois, scaled_gt_boxes, cfg)

    # Fast RCNN and losses
    cls_score, bbox_pred = create_fast_rcnn_predictor(conv_out, rois,
                                                      fc_layers, cfg)
    detection_losses = create_detection_losses(cls_score, label_targets,
                                               bbox_pred, rois, bbox_targets,
                                               bbox_inside_weights, cfg)
    loss = rpn_losses + detection_losses
    pred_error = classification_error(cls_score, label_targets, axis=1)

    e2e_lr_factor = cfg["MODEL"].E2E_LR_FACTOR
    e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled = [
        x * e2e_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].E2E_LR_PER_SAMPLE
    mm_schedule = momentum_schedule(cfg["CNTK"].MOMENTUM_PER_MB)

    print("Using base model:   {}".format(cfg["MODEL"].BASE_MODEL))
    print("lr_per_sample:      {}".format(e2e_lr_per_sample_scaled))

    return {
        'features': features,
        'roi_input': scaled_gt_boxes,
        'loss': loss,
        'pred_error': pred_error,
        'dim_input': dims_in
Example #10
def conv_from_weights(x, weights, bias=None, padding=True, name=""):
    """ weights is a numpy array """
    k = C.parameter(shape=weights.shape, init=weights)
    y = C.convolution(k, x, auto_padding=[False, padding, padding])
    if bias:
        b = C.parameter(shape=bias.shape, init=bias)
        y = y + bias
    y = C.alias(y, name=name)
    return y
Example #11
def _inject_name(f, name):
    Call this at the end of any layer or block that takes an optional name argument.
    if name:
        if len(f.outputs) == 1:
            f = alias(f, name=name)
            f = combine(list(f.outputs), name=name) # BUGBUG: Does this actually name things?
    return f
Example #12
def _inject_name(f, name):
    Call this at the end of any layer or block that takes an optional name argument.
    if name:
        if len(f.outputs) == 1:
            f = alias(f, name=name)
            f = combine(list(f.outputs), name=name) # BUGBUG: Does this actually name things?
    return f
Example #13
def create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois, scaled_gt_boxes, cfg):
    Creates a proposal target layer that is used for training an object detection network as proposed in the "Faster R-CNN" paper:
        Shaoqing Ren and Kaiming He and Ross Girshick and Jian Sun:
        "Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks"

    Assigns object detection proposals to ground-truth targets.
    Produces proposal classification labels and bounding-box regression targets.
    It also adds gt_boxes to candidates and samples fg and bg rois for training.

        rpn_rois:        The proposed ROIs, e.g. from a region proposal network
        scaled_gt_boxes: The ground truth boxes as (x1, y1, x2, y2, label). Coordinates are absolute pixels wrt. the input image.
        num_classes:     The number of classes in the data set

        rpn_target_rois - a set of rois containing the ground truth and a number of sampled fg and bg ROIs
        label_targets - the target labels for the rois
        bbox_targets - the regression coefficient targets for the rois
        bbox_inside_weights - the weights for the regression loss

    ptl_param_string = "'num_classes': {}".format(cfg["DATA"].NUM_CLASSES)
    ptl = user_function(

    # use an alias if you need to access the outputs, e.g., when cloning a trained network
    rois = alias(ptl.outputs[0], name='rpn_target_rois')
    label_targets = ptl.outputs[1]
    bbox_targets = ptl.outputs[2]
    bbox_inside_weights = ptl.outputs[3]

    return rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights
Example #14
def create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois, scaled_gt_boxes, cfg):
    Creates a proposal target layer that is used for training an object detection network as proposed in the "Faster R-CNN" paper:
        Shaoqing Ren and Kaiming He and Ross Girshick and Jian Sun:
        "Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks"

    Assigns object detection proposals to ground-truth targets.
    Produces proposal classification labels and bounding-box regression targets.
    It also adds gt_boxes to candidates and samples fg and bg rois for training.

        rpn_rois:        The proposed ROIs, e.g. from a region proposal network
        scaled_gt_boxes: The ground truth boxes as (x1, y1, x2, y2, label). Coordinates are absolute pixels wrt. the input image.
        num_classes:     The number of classes in the data set

        rpn_target_rois - a set of rois containing the ground truth and a number of sampled fg and bg ROIs
        label_targets - the target labels for the rois
        bbox_targets - the regression coefficient targets for the rois
        bbox_inside_weights - the weights for the regression loss

    ptl_param_string = "'num_classes': {}".format(cfg["DATA"].NUM_CLASSES)
    ptl = user_function(ProposalTargetLayer(rpn_rois, scaled_gt_boxes,

    # use an alias if you need to access the outputs, e.g., when cloning a trained network
    rois = alias(ptl.outputs[0], name='rpn_target_rois')
    label_targets = ptl.outputs[1]
    bbox_targets = ptl.outputs[2]
    bbox_inside_weights = ptl.outputs[3]

    return rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights
Example #15
def test_outputs_passing():
    in1 = C.input_variable(shape=(1,))
    a = C.alias(in1 + 1, name='a')
    b = a + 2

    expected = [[2], [3]]

    result = b.eval({in1: [[1], [2]]}, outputs=a.outputs)
    assert np.array_equal(result, expected)
    result = b.eval({in1: [[1], [2]]}, outputs=list(a.outputs))
    assert np.array_equal(result, expected)
    result = b.eval({in1: [[1], [2]]}, outputs=a.output)
    assert np.array_equal(result, expected)
    result = b.eval({in1: [[1], [2]]}, outputs=a)
    assert np.array_equal(result, expected)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        b.eval({in1: [[1], [2]]}, outputs=[a.outputs])
Example #16
def test_outputs_passing():
    in1 = C.input_variable(shape=(1, ))
    a = C.alias(in1 + 1, name='a')
    b = a + 2

    expected = [[2], [3]]

    result = b.eval({in1: [[1], [2]]}, outputs=a.outputs)
    assert np.array_equal(result, expected)

    result = b.eval({in1: [[1], [2]]}, outputs=list(a.outputs))
    assert np.array_equal(result, expected)

    result = b.eval({in1: [[1], [2]]}, outputs=a.output)
    assert np.array_equal(result, expected)

    result = b.eval({in1: [[1], [2]]}, outputs=a)
    assert np.array_equal(result, expected)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        b.eval({in1: [[1], [2]]}, outputs=[a.outputs])
Example #17
 def block(x):
     self_attended = mha_block(x, C.alias(x), C.alias(x))
     hidden = feed_foward(self_attended)
     output = layernorm(hidden + self_attended)  # residual connection
     return output
def train_faster_rcnn_alternating(base_model_file_name, debug_output=False):
        4-Step Alternating Training scheme from the Faster R-CNN paper:

        # Create initial network, only rpn, without detection network
            # --> train only the rpn (and conv3_1 and up for VGG16)
        # buffer region proposals from rpn
        # Create full network, initialize conv layers with imagenet, use buffered proposals
            # --> train only detection network (and conv3_1 and up for VGG16)
        # Keep conv weights from detection network and fix them
            # --> train only rpn
        # buffer region proposals from rpn
        # Keep conv and rpn weights from step 3 and fix them
            # --> train only detection network

    # Learning parameters
    rpn_lr_factor = globalvars['rpn_lr_factor']
    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled = [
        x * rpn_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].RPN_LR_PER_SAMPLE
    frcn_lr_factor = globalvars['frcn_lr_factor']
    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled = [
        x * frcn_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].FRCN_LR_PER_SAMPLE

    l2_reg_weight = cfg["CNTK"].L2_REG_WEIGHT
    mm_schedule = momentum_schedule(globalvars['momentum_per_mb'])
    rpn_epochs = globalvars['rpn_epochs']
    frcn_epochs = globalvars['frcn_epochs']

    print("Using base model:   {}".format(cfg["CNTK"].BASE_MODEL))
    print("rpn_lr_per_sample:  {}".format(rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled))
    print("frcn_lr_per_sample: {}".format(frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled))
    if debug_output:
        print("Storing graphs and models to %s." % globalvars['output_path'])

    # Input variables denoting features, labeled ground truth rois (as 5-tuples per roi) and image dimensions
    image_input = input_variable((num_channels, image_height, image_width),
    feat_norm = image_input - normalization_const
    roi_input = input_variable((cfg["CNTK"].INPUT_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, 5),
    scaled_gt_boxes = alias(roi_input, name='roi_input')
    dims_input = input_variable((6), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_node = alias(dims_input, name='dims_input')
    rpn_rois_input = input_variable((cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N, 4),
    rpn_rois_buf = alias(rpn_rois_input, name='rpn_rois')

    # base image classification model (e.g. VGG16 or AlexNet)
    base_model = load_model(base_model_file_name)

    print("stage 1a - rpn")
    if True:
        # Create initial network, only rpn, without detection network
        #       initial weights     train?
        # conv: base_model          only conv3_1 and up
        # rpn:  init new            yes
        # frcn: -                   -

        # conv layers
        conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model)
        conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

        # RPN and losses
        rpn_rois, rpn_losses = create_rpn(
        stage1_rpn_network = combine([rpn_rois, rpn_losses])

        # train
        if debug_output:
                    "graph_frcn_train_stage1a_rpn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))

    print("stage 1a - buffering rpn proposals")
    buffered_proposals_s1 = compute_rpn_proposals(stage1_rpn_network,
                                                  image_input, roi_input,

    print("stage 1b - frcn")
    if True:
        # Create full network, initialize conv layers with imagenet, fix rpn weights
        #       initial weights     train?
        # conv: base_model          only conv3_1 and up
        # rpn:  stage1a rpn model   no --> use buffered proposals
        # frcn: base_model + new    yes

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model)
        conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

        # use buffered proposals in target layer
        rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = \
            create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois_buf, scaled_gt_boxes, num_classes=globalvars['num_classes'])

        # Fast RCNN and losses
        fc_layers = clone_model(base_model, [pool_node_name],
                                [last_hidden_node_name], CloneMethod.clone)
        cls_score, bbox_pred = create_fast_rcnn_predictor(
            conv_out, rois, fc_layers)
        detection_losses = create_detection_losses(cls_score, label_targets,
                                                   rois, bbox_pred,
        pred_error = classification_error(cls_score,
        stage1_frcn_network = combine(
            [rois, cls_score, bbox_pred, detection_losses, pred_error])

        # train
        if debug_output:
                    "graph_frcn_train_stage1b_frcn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        buffered_proposals_s1 = None

    print("stage 2a - rpn")
    if True:
        # Keep conv weights from detection network and fix them
        #       initial weights     train?
        # conv: stage1b frcn model  no
        # rpn:  stage1a rpn model   yes
        # frcn: -                   -

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_model(stage1_frcn_network, [feature_node_name],
                                  [last_conv_node_name], CloneMethod.freeze)
        conv_out = conv_layers(image_input)

        # RPN and losses
        rpn = clone_model(stage1_rpn_network,
                          [last_conv_node_name, "roi_input", "dims_input"],
                          ["rpn_rois", "rpn_losses"], CloneMethod.clone)
        rpn_net = rpn(conv_out, dims_node, scaled_gt_boxes)
        rpn_rois = rpn_net.outputs[0]
        rpn_losses = rpn_net.outputs[1]
        stage2_rpn_network = combine([rpn_rois, rpn_losses])

        # train
        if debug_output:
                    "graph_frcn_train_stage2a_rpn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))

    print("stage 2a - buffering rpn proposals")
    buffered_proposals_s2 = compute_rpn_proposals(stage2_rpn_network,
                                                  image_input, roi_input,

    print("stage 2b - frcn")
    if True:
        # Keep conv and rpn weights from step 3 and fix them
        #       initial weights     train?
        # conv: stage2a rpn model   no
        # rpn:  stage2a rpn model   no --> use buffered proposals
        # frcn: stage1b frcn model  yes                   -

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_model(stage2_rpn_network, [feature_node_name],
                                  [last_conv_node_name], CloneMethod.freeze)
        conv_out = conv_layers(image_input)

        # Fast RCNN and losses
        frcn = clone_model(stage1_frcn_network,
                           [last_conv_node_name, "rpn_rois", "roi_input"], [
                               "cls_score", "bbox_regr", "rpn_target_rois",
                               "detection_losses", "pred_error"
                           ], CloneMethod.clone)
        stage2_frcn_network = frcn(conv_out, rpn_rois_buf, scaled_gt_boxes)
        detection_losses = stage2_frcn_network.outputs[3]
        pred_error = stage2_frcn_network.outputs[4]

        # train
        if debug_output:
                    "graph_frcn_train_stage2b_frcn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        buffered_proposals_s2 = None

    return create_eval_model(stage2_frcn_network,
Example #19
def create_rpn(conv_out, scaled_gt_boxes, im_info, add_loss_functions=True,
    Creates a region proposal network for object detection as proposed in the "Faster R-CNN" paper:
        Shaoqing Ren and Kaiming He and Ross Girshick and Jian Sun:
        "Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks"

    Outputs object detection proposals by applying estimated bounding-box
    transformations to a set of regular boxes (called "anchors").

        conv_out:        The convolutional feature map, i.e. the output of the conv layers from the pretrained classification network
        scaled_gt_boxes: The ground truth boxes as (x1, y1, x2, y2, label). Coordinates are absolute pixels wrt. the input image.
        im_info:         (image_widht, image_height, image_scale) as CNTK variable or constant
        add_loss_functions: If set to True rpn_losses will be returned, otherwise None is returned for the losses
        proposal_layer_param_string: A yaml parameter string that is passed to the proposal layer.

        rpn_rois - the proposed ROIs
        rpn_losses - the losses (SmoothL1 loss for bbox regression plus cross entropy for objectness)

    # RPN network
    # init = 'normal', initValueScale = 0.01, initBias = 0.1
    rpn_conv_3x3 = Convolution((3, 3), 256, activation=relu, pad=True, strides=1,
                                init = normal(scale=0.01), init_bias=0.1)(conv_out)
    rpn_cls_score = Convolution((1, 1), 18, activation=None, name="rpn_cls_score",
                                init = normal(scale=0.01), init_bias=0.1)(rpn_conv_3x3)  # 2(bg/fg)  * 9(anchors)
    rpn_bbox_pred = Convolution((1, 1), 36, activation=None, name="rpn_bbox_pred",
                                init = normal(scale=0.01), init_bias=0.1)(rpn_conv_3x3)  # 4(coords) * 9(anchors)

    # apply softmax to get (bg, fg) probabilities and reshape predictions back to grid of (18, H, W)
    num_predictions = int(np.prod(rpn_cls_score.shape) / 2)
    rpn_cls_score_rshp = reshape(rpn_cls_score, (2, num_predictions))
    rpn_cls_prob = softmax(rpn_cls_score_rshp, axis=0, name="objness_softmax")
    rpn_cls_prob_reshape = reshape(rpn_cls_prob, rpn_cls_score.shape)

    # proposal layer
    rpn_rois_raw = user_function(ProposalLayer(rpn_cls_prob_reshape, rpn_bbox_pred, im_info, param_str=proposal_layer_param_string))
    rpn_rois = alias(rpn_rois_raw, name='rpn_rois')

    rpn_losses = None
        # RPN targets
        # Comment: rpn_cls_score is only passed   vvv   to get width and height of the conv feature map ...
        atl = user_function(AnchorTargetLayer(rpn_cls_score, scaled_gt_boxes, im_info, param_str=proposal_layer_param_string))
        rpn_labels = atl.outputs[0]
        rpn_bbox_targets = atl.outputs[1]
        rpn_bbox_inside_weights = atl.outputs[2]

        # For loss functions: ignore label predictions for the 'ignore label',
        # i.e. set target and prediction to 0 --> needs to be softmaxed before
        rpn_labels_rshp = reshape(rpn_labels, (1, num_predictions))
        ignore = user_function(IgnoreLabel(rpn_cls_prob, rpn_labels_rshp, ignore_label=-1))
        rpn_cls_prob_ignore = ignore.outputs[0]
        fg_targets = ignore.outputs[1]
        bg_targets = 1 - fg_targets
        rpn_labels_ignore = splice(bg_targets, fg_targets, axis=0)

        # RPN losses
        rpn_loss_cls = cross_entropy_with_softmax(rpn_cls_prob_ignore, rpn_labels_ignore, axis=0)
        rpn_loss_bbox = user_function(SmoothL1Loss(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_bbox_inside_weights))
        rpn_losses = plus(reduce_sum(rpn_loss_cls), reduce_sum(rpn_loss_bbox), name="rpn_losses")

    return rpn_rois, rpn_losses
Example #20
def create_rpn(conv_out,
    Creates a region proposal network for object detection as proposed in the "Faster R-CNN" paper:
        Shaoqing Ren and Kaiming He and Ross Girshick and Jian Sun:
        "Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks"

    Outputs object detection proposals by applying estimated bounding-box
    transformations to a set of regular boxes (called "anchors").

        conv_out:        The convolutional feature map, i.e. the output of the conv layers from the pretrained classification network
        scaled_gt_boxes: The ground truth boxes as (x1, y1, x2, y2, label). Coordinates are absolute pixels wrt. the input image.
        im_info:         (image_widht, image_height, image_scale) as CNTK variable or constant
        add_loss_functions: If set to True rpn_losses will be returned, otherwise None is returned for the losses
        proposal_layer_param_string: A yaml parameter string that is passed to the proposal layer.

        rpn_rois - the proposed ROIs
        rpn_losses - the losses (SmoothL1 loss for bbox regression plus cross entropy for objectness)

    # RPN network
    # init = 'normal', initValueScale = 0.01, initBias = 0.1
    rpn_conv_3x3 = Convolution((3, 3),
    rpn_cls_score = Convolution(
        (1, 1),
        init_bias=0.1)(rpn_conv_3x3)  # 2(bg/fg)  * 9(anchors)
    rpn_bbox_pred = Convolution(
        (1, 1),
        init_bias=0.1)(rpn_conv_3x3)  # 4(coords) * 9(anchors)

    # apply softmax to get (bg, fg) probabilities and reshape predictions back to grid of (18, H, W)
    num_predictions = int(np.prod(rpn_cls_score.shape) / 2)
    rpn_cls_score_rshp = reshape(rpn_cls_score, (2, num_predictions))
    rpn_cls_prob = softmax(rpn_cls_score_rshp, axis=0, name="objness_softmax")
    rpn_cls_prob_reshape = reshape(rpn_cls_prob, rpn_cls_score.shape)

    # proposal layer
    rpn_rois_raw = user_function(
    rpn_rois = alias(rpn_rois_raw, name='rpn_rois')

    rpn_losses = None
    if (add_loss_functions):
        # RPN targets
        # Comment: rpn_cls_score is only passed   vvv   to get width and height of the conv feature map ...
        atl = user_function(
        rpn_labels = atl.outputs[0]
        rpn_bbox_targets = atl.outputs[1]
        rpn_bbox_inside_weights = atl.outputs[2]

        # For loss functions: ignore label predictions for the 'ignore label',
        # i.e. set target and prediction to 0 --> needs to be softmaxed before
        rpn_labels_rshp = reshape(rpn_labels, (1, num_predictions))
        ignore = user_function(
            IgnoreLabel(rpn_cls_prob, rpn_labels_rshp, ignore_label=-1))
        rpn_cls_prob_ignore = ignore.outputs[0]
        fg_targets = ignore.outputs[1]
        bg_targets = 1 - fg_targets
        rpn_labels_ignore = splice(bg_targets, fg_targets, axis=0)

        # RPN losses
        rpn_loss_cls = cross_entropy_with_softmax(rpn_cls_prob_ignore,
        rpn_loss_bbox = user_function(
            SmoothL1Loss(rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_targets,
        rpn_losses = plus(reduce_sum(rpn_loss_cls),

    return rpn_rois, rpn_losses
def create_rpn(conv_out, scaled_gt_boxes, im_info, add_loss_functions=True,
               proposal_layer_param_string=None, conv_bias_init=0.0):
    Creates a region proposal network for object detection as proposed in the "Faster R-CNN" paper:
        Shaoqing Ren and Kaiming He and Ross Girshick and Jian Sun:
        "Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks"

    Outputs object detection proposals by applying estimated bounding-box
    transformations to a set of regular boxes (called "anchors").

        conv_out:        The convolutional feature map, i.e. the output of the conv layers from the pretrained classification network
        scaled_gt_boxes: The ground truth boxes as (x1, y1, x2, y2, label). Coordinates are absolute pixels wrt. the input image.
        im_info:         A CNTK variable or constant containing
                         (pad_width, pad_height, scaled_image_width, scaled_image_height, orig_img_width, orig_img_height)
                         e.g. (1000, 1000, 1000, 600, 500, 300) for an original image of 600x300 that is scaled and padded to 1000x1000
        add_loss_functions: If set to True rpn_losses will be returned, otherwise None is returned for the losses
        proposal_layer_param_string: A yaml parameter string that is passed to the proposal layer.

        rpn_rois - the proposed ROIs
        rpn_losses - the losses (SmoothL1 loss for bbox regression plus cross entropy for objectness)

    # RPN network
    # init = 'normal', initValueScale = 0.01, initBias = 0.1
    num_channels = cfg["CNTK"].RPN_NUM_CHANNELS
    rpn_conv_3x3 = Convolution((3, 3), num_channels, activation=relu, pad=True, strides=1,
                                init = normal(scale=0.01), init_bias=conv_bias_init)(conv_out)
    rpn_cls_score = Convolution((1, 1), 18, activation=None, name="rpn_cls_score",
                                init = normal(scale=0.01), init_bias=conv_bias_init)(rpn_conv_3x3)  # 2(bg/fg)  * 9(anchors)
    rpn_bbox_pred = Convolution((1, 1), 36, activation=None, name="rpn_bbox_pred",
                                init = normal(scale=0.01), init_bias=conv_bias_init)(rpn_conv_3x3)  # 4(coords) * 9(anchors)

    # apply softmax to get (bg, fg) probabilities and reshape predictions back to grid of (18, H, W)
    num_predictions = int(rpn_cls_score.shape[0] / 2)
    rpn_cls_score_rshp = reshape(rpn_cls_score, (2, num_predictions, rpn_cls_score.shape[1], rpn_cls_score.shape[2]), name="rpn_cls_score_rshp")
    p_rpn_cls_score_rshp = cntk.placeholder()
    rpn_cls_sm = softmax(p_rpn_cls_score_rshp, axis=0)
    rpn_cls_prob = cntk.as_block(rpn_cls_sm, [(p_rpn_cls_score_rshp, rpn_cls_score_rshp)], 'Softmax', 'rpn_cls_prob')
    rpn_cls_prob_reshape = reshape(rpn_cls_prob, rpn_cls_score.shape, name="rpn_cls_prob_reshape")

    # proposal layer
    rpn_rois_raw = user_function(ProposalLayer(rpn_cls_prob_reshape, rpn_bbox_pred, im_info, param_str=proposal_layer_param_string))
    rpn_rois = alias(rpn_rois_raw, name='rpn_rois')

    rpn_losses = None
        # RPN targets
        # Comment: rpn_cls_score is only passed   vvv   to get width and height of the conv feature map ...
        atl = user_function(AnchorTargetLayer(rpn_cls_score, scaled_gt_boxes, im_info, param_str=proposal_layer_param_string))
        rpn_labels = atl.outputs[0]
        rpn_bbox_targets = atl.outputs[1]
        rpn_bbox_inside_weights = atl.outputs[2]

        # classification loss
        p_rpn_labels = cntk.placeholder()
        p_rpn_cls_score_rshp = cntk.placeholder()

        keeps = cntk.greater_equal(p_rpn_labels, 0.0)
        fg_labels = element_times(p_rpn_labels, keeps, name="fg_targets")
        bg_labels = minus(1, fg_labels, name="bg_targets")
        rpn_labels_ignore = splice(bg_labels, fg_labels, axis=0)
        rpn_ce = cross_entropy_with_softmax(p_rpn_cls_score_rshp, rpn_labels_ignore, axis=0)
        rpn_loss_cls = element_times(rpn_ce, keeps)

        # The terms that are accounted for in the cls loss are those that have a label >= 0
        cls_num_terms = reduce_sum(keeps)
        cls_normalization_factor = 1.0 / cls_num_terms
        normalized_rpn_cls_loss = reduce_sum(rpn_loss_cls) * cls_normalization_factor

        reduced_rpn_loss_cls = cntk.as_block(normalized_rpn_cls_loss,
                                         [(p_rpn_labels, rpn_labels), (p_rpn_cls_score_rshp, rpn_cls_score_rshp)],
                                         'CE_with_ignore', 'norm_rpn_cls_loss')

        # regression loss
        p_rpn_bbox_pred = cntk.placeholder()
        p_rpn_bbox_targets = cntk.placeholder()
        p_rpn_bbox_inside_weights = cntk.placeholder()
        rpn_loss_bbox = SmoothL1Loss(cfg["CNTK"].SIGMA_RPN_L1, p_rpn_bbox_pred, p_rpn_bbox_targets, p_rpn_bbox_inside_weights, 1.0)
        # The bbox loss is normalized by the rpn batch size
        bbox_normalization_factor = 1.0 / cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_BATCHSIZE
        normalized_rpn_bbox_loss = reduce_sum(rpn_loss_bbox) * bbox_normalization_factor

        reduced_rpn_loss_bbox = cntk.as_block(normalized_rpn_bbox_loss,
                                          [(p_rpn_bbox_pred, rpn_bbox_pred), (p_rpn_bbox_targets, rpn_bbox_targets),
                                           (p_rpn_bbox_inside_weights, rpn_bbox_inside_weights)],
                                          'SmoothL1Loss', 'norm_rpn_bbox_loss')

        rpn_losses = plus(reduced_rpn_loss_cls, reduced_rpn_loss_bbox, name="rpn_losses")

    return rpn_rois, rpn_losses
Example #22
def train_faster_rcnn_alternating(cfg):
        4-Step Alternating Training scheme from the Faster R-CNN paper:
        # Create initial network, only rpn, without detection network
            # --> train only the rpn (and conv3_1 and up for VGG16)
        # buffer region proposals from rpn
        # Create full network, initialize conv layers with imagenet, use buffered proposals
            # --> train only detection network (and conv3_1 and up for VGG16)
        # Keep conv weights from detection network and fix them
            # --> train only rpn
        # buffer region proposals from rpn
        # Keep conv and rpn weights from step 3 and fix them
            # --> train only detection network

    # setting pre- and post-nms top N to training values since buffered proposals are used for further training
    test_pre = cfg["TEST"].RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N
    test_post = cfg["TEST"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N

    # Learning parameters
    rpn_lr_factor = cfg["MODEL"].RPN_LR_FACTOR
    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * rpn_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].RPN_LR_PER_SAMPLE]
    frcn_lr_factor = cfg["MODEL"].FRCN_LR_FACTOR
    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * frcn_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].FRCN_LR_PER_SAMPLE]

    l2_reg_weight = cfg["CNTK"].L2_REG_WEIGHT
    mm_schedule = momentum_schedule(cfg["CNTK"].MOMENTUM_PER_MB)
    rpn_epochs = cfg["CNTK"].RPN_EPOCHS
    frcn_epochs = cfg["CNTK"].FRCN_EPOCHS

    feature_node_name = cfg["MODEL"].FEATURE_NODE_NAME
    last_conv_node_name = cfg["MODEL"].LAST_CONV_NODE_NAME
    print("Using base model:   {}".format(cfg["MODEL"].BASE_MODEL))
    print("rpn_lr_per_sample:  {}".format(rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled))
    print("frcn_lr_per_sample: {}".format(frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled))

    if debug_output:
        print("Storing graphs and models to %s." % cfg.OUTPUT_PATH)

    # Input variables denoting features, labeled ground truth rois (as 5-tuples per roi) and image dimensions
    image_input = input_variable(shape=(cfg.NUM_CHANNELS, cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT, cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH),
    feat_norm = image_input - Constant([[[v]] for v in cfg["MODEL"].IMG_PAD_COLOR])
    roi_input = input_variable((cfg.INPUT_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, 5), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    scaled_gt_boxes = alias(roi_input, name='roi_input')
    dims_input = input_variable((6), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_node = alias(dims_input, name='dims_input')
    rpn_rois_input = input_variable((cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N, 4), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    rpn_rois_buf = alias(rpn_rois_input, name='rpn_rois')

    # base image classification model (e.g. VGG16 or AlexNet)
    base_model = load_model(cfg['BASE_MODEL_PATH'])

    print("stage 1a - rpn")
    if True:
        # Create initial network, only rpn, without detection network
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: base_model          only conv3_1 and up
            # rpn:  init new            yes
            # frcn: -                   -

        # conv layers
        conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model, cfg)
        conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

        # RPN and losses
        rpn_rois, rpn_losses = create_rpn(conv_out, scaled_gt_boxes, dims_node, cfg)
        stage1_rpn_network = combine([rpn_rois, rpn_losses])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage1_rpn_network, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_stage1a_rpn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, rpn_losses, rpn_losses,
                    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, rpn_epochs, cfg)

    print("stage 1a - buffering rpn proposals")
    buffered_proposals_s1 = compute_rpn_proposals(stage1_rpn_network, image_input, roi_input, dims_input, cfg)

    print("stage 1b - frcn")
    if True:
        # Create full network, initialize conv layers with imagenet, fix rpn weights
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: base_model          only conv3_1 and up
            # rpn:  stage1a rpn model   no --> use buffered proposals
            # frcn: base_model + new    yes

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model, cfg)
        conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

        # use buffered proposals in target layer
        rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = \
            create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois_buf, scaled_gt_boxes, cfg)

        # Fast RCNN and losses
        fc_layers = clone_model(base_model, [cfg["MODEL"].POOL_NODE_NAME], [cfg["MODEL"].LAST_HIDDEN_NODE_NAME], CloneMethod.clone)
        cls_score, bbox_pred = create_fast_rcnn_predictor(conv_out, rois, fc_layers, cfg)
        detection_losses = create_detection_losses(cls_score, label_targets, bbox_pred, rois, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights, cfg)
        pred_error = classification_error(cls_score, label_targets, axis=1, name="pred_error")
        stage1_frcn_network = combine([rois, cls_score, bbox_pred, detection_losses, pred_error])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage1_frcn_network, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_stage1b_frcn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, detection_losses, pred_error,
                    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, frcn_epochs, cfg,
                    rpn_rois_input=rpn_rois_input, buffered_rpn_proposals=buffered_proposals_s1)
        buffered_proposals_s1 = None

    print("stage 2a - rpn")
    if True:
        # Keep conv weights from detection network and fix them
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: stage1b frcn model  no
            # rpn:  stage1a rpn model   yes
            # frcn: -                   -

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_model(stage1_frcn_network, [feature_node_name], [last_conv_node_name], CloneMethod.freeze)
        conv_out = conv_layers(image_input)

        # RPN and losses
        rpn = clone_model(stage1_rpn_network, [last_conv_node_name, "roi_input", "dims_input"], ["rpn_rois", "rpn_losses"], CloneMethod.clone)
        rpn_net = rpn(conv_out, dims_node, scaled_gt_boxes)
        rpn_rois = rpn_net.outputs[0]
        rpn_losses = rpn_net.outputs[1]
        stage2_rpn_network = combine([rpn_rois, rpn_losses])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage2_rpn_network, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_stage2a_rpn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, rpn_losses, rpn_losses,
                    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, rpn_epochs, cfg)

    print("stage 2a - buffering rpn proposals")
    buffered_proposals_s2 = compute_rpn_proposals(stage2_rpn_network, image_input, roi_input, dims_input, cfg)

    print("stage 2b - frcn")
    if True:
        # Keep conv and rpn weights from step 3 and fix them
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: stage2a rpn model   no
            # rpn:  stage2a rpn model   no --> use buffered proposals
            # frcn: stage1b frcn model  yes                   -

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_model(stage2_rpn_network, [feature_node_name], [last_conv_node_name], CloneMethod.freeze)
        conv_out = conv_layers(image_input)

        # Fast RCNN and losses
        frcn = clone_model(stage1_frcn_network, [last_conv_node_name, "rpn_rois", "roi_input"],
                           ["cls_score", "bbox_regr", "rpn_target_rois", "detection_losses", "pred_error"], CloneMethod.clone)
        stage2_frcn_network = frcn(conv_out, rpn_rois_buf, scaled_gt_boxes)
        detection_losses = stage2_frcn_network.outputs[3]
        pred_error = stage2_frcn_network.outputs[4]

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage2_frcn_network, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_stage2b_frcn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, detection_losses, pred_error,
                    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, frcn_epochs, cfg,
                    rpn_rois_input=rpn_rois_input, buffered_rpn_proposals=buffered_proposals_s2)
        buffered_proposals_s2 = None

    # resetting config values to original test values
    cfg["TEST"].RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N = test_pre
    cfg["TEST"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N = test_post

    return create_faster_rcnn_eval_model(stage2_frcn_network, image_input, dims_input, cfg, rpn_model=stage2_rpn_network)
Example #23
        def lstm_w_attention(h, c, x):
            # alias is used to work around bug when arguments in block funcion are the same
            attended = mha(h, encoded, C.alias(encoded))

            xx = C.splice(attended, x)
            return lstm(h, c, xx)
def create_network(input_vocab_dim, label_vocab_dim):
    # network complexity; initially low for faster testing
    hidden_dim = 256
    num_layers = 1

    # Source and target inputs to the model
    input_seq_axis = Axis('inputAxis')
    label_seq_axis = Axis('labelAxis')
    raw_input = sequence.input(shape=(input_vocab_dim), sequence_axis=input_seq_axis, name='raw_input')
    raw_labels = sequence.input(shape=(label_vocab_dim), sequence_axis=label_seq_axis, name='raw_labels')

    # Instantiate the sequence to sequence translation model
    input_sequence = raw_input

    # Drop the sentence start token from the label, for decoder training
    label_sequence = sequence.slice(raw_labels, 1, 0) # <s> A B C </s> --> A B C </s>
    label_sentence_start = sequence.first(raw_labels)        # <s>

    is_first_label = sequence.is_first(label_sequence)       # <s> 0 0 0 ...
    label_sentence_start_scattered = sequence.scatter(
        label_sentence_start, is_first_label)

    # Encoder
    encoder_outputH = stabilize(input_sequence)
    for i in range(0, num_layers):
        (encoder_outputH, encoder_outputC) = LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization(
            encoder_outputH.output, hidden_dim, hidden_dim, future_value, future_value)

    thought_vectorH = sequence.first(encoder_outputH)
    thought_vectorC = sequence.first(encoder_outputC)

    thought_vector_broadcastH = sequence.broadcast_as(
        thought_vectorH, label_sequence)
    thought_vector_broadcastC = sequence.broadcast_as(
        thought_vectorC, label_sequence)

    # Decoder
    decoder_history_hook = alias(label_sequence, name='decoder_history_hook') # copy label_sequence

    decoder_input = element_select(is_first_label, label_sentence_start_scattered, past_value(

    decoder_outputH = stabilize(decoder_input)
    for i in range(0, num_layers):
        if (i > 0):
            recurrence_hookH = past_value
            recurrence_hookC = past_value
            isFirst = sequence.is_first(label_sequence)
            recurrence_hookH = lambda operand: element_select(
                isFirst, thought_vector_broadcastH, past_value(operand))
            recurrence_hookC = lambda operand: element_select(
                isFirst, thought_vector_broadcastC, past_value(operand))

        (decoder_outputH, encoder_outputC) = LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization(
            decoder_outputH.output, hidden_dim, hidden_dim, recurrence_hookH, recurrence_hookC)

    decoder_output = decoder_outputH

    # Softmax output layer
    z = linear_layer(stabilize(decoder_output), label_vocab_dim)

    # Criterion nodes
    ce = cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, label_sequence)
    errs = classification_error(z, label_sequence)

    # network output for decoder history
    net_output = hardmax(z)

    # make a clone of the graph where the ground truth is replaced by the network output
    ng = z.clone(CloneMethod.share, {decoder_history_hook.output : net_output.output})

    return {
        'raw_input' : raw_input,
        'raw_labels' : raw_labels,
        'ce' : ce,
        'pe' : errs,
        'ng' : ng,
        'output': z
Example #25
def train_faster_rcnn_alternating(cfg):
        4-Step Alternating Training scheme from the Faster R-CNN paper:
        # Create initial network, only rpn, without detection network
            # --> train only the rpn (and conv3_1 and up for VGG16)
        # buffer region proposals from rpn
        # Create full network, initialize conv layers with imagenet, use buffered proposals
            # --> train only detection network (and conv3_1 and up for VGG16)
        # Keep conv weights from detection network and fix them
            # --> train only rpn
        # buffer region proposals from rpn
        # Keep conv and rpn weights from step 3 and fix them
            # --> train only detection network

    # setting pre- and post-nms top N to training values since buffered proposals are used for further training
    test_pre = cfg["TEST"].RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N
    test_post = cfg["TEST"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N

    # Learning parameters
    rpn_lr_factor = cfg["MODEL"].RPN_LR_FACTOR
    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * rpn_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].RPN_LR_PER_SAMPLE]
    frcn_lr_factor = cfg["MODEL"].FRCN_LR_FACTOR
    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * frcn_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].FRCN_LR_PER_SAMPLE]

    l2_reg_weight = cfg["CNTK"].L2_REG_WEIGHT
    mm_schedule = momentum_schedule(cfg["CNTK"].MOMENTUM_PER_MB)
    rpn_epochs = cfg["CNTK"].RPN_EPOCHS
    frcn_epochs = cfg["CNTK"].FRCN_EPOCHS

    feature_node_name = cfg["MODEL"].FEATURE_NODE_NAME
    last_conv_node_name = cfg["MODEL"].LAST_CONV_NODE_NAME
    print("Using base model:   {}".format(cfg["MODEL"].BASE_MODEL))
    print("rpn_lr_per_sample:  {}".format(rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled))
    print("frcn_lr_per_sample: {}".format(frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled))

    if debug_output:
        print("Storing graphs and models to %s." % cfg.OUTPUT_PATH)

    # Input variables denoting features, labeled ground truth rois (as 5-tuples per roi) and image dimensions
    image_input = input_variable(shape=(cfg.NUM_CHANNELS, cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT, cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH),
    feat_norm = image_input - Constant([[[v]] for v in cfg["MODEL"].IMG_PAD_COLOR])
    roi_input = input_variable((cfg.INPUT_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, 5), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    scaled_gt_boxes = alias(roi_input, name='roi_input')
    dims_input = input_variable((6), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_node = alias(dims_input, name='dims_input')
    rpn_rois_input = input_variable((cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N, 4), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    rpn_rois_buf = alias(rpn_rois_input, name='rpn_rois')

    # base image classification model (e.g. VGG16 or AlexNet)
    base_model = load_model(cfg['BASE_MODEL_PATH'])

    print("stage 1a - rpn")
    if True:
        # Create initial network, only rpn, without detection network
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: base_model          only conv3_1 and up
            # rpn:  init new            yes
            # frcn: -                   -

        # conv layers
        conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model, cfg)
        conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

        # RPN and losses
        rpn_rois, rpn_losses = create_rpn(conv_out, scaled_gt_boxes, dims_node, cfg)
        stage1_rpn_network = combine([rpn_rois, rpn_losses])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage1_rpn_network, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_stage1a_rpn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, rpn_losses, rpn_losses,
                    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, rpn_epochs, cfg)

    print("stage 1a - buffering rpn proposals")
    buffered_proposals_s1 = compute_rpn_proposals(stage1_rpn_network, image_input, roi_input, dims_input, cfg)

    print("stage 1b - frcn")
    if True:
        # Create full network, initialize conv layers with imagenet, fix rpn weights
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: base_model          only conv3_1 and up
            # rpn:  stage1a rpn model   no --> use buffered proposals
            # frcn: base_model + new    yes

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model, cfg)
        conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

        # use buffered proposals in target layer
        rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = \
            create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois_buf, scaled_gt_boxes, cfg)

        # Fast RCNN and losses
        fc_layers = clone_model(base_model, [cfg["MODEL"].POOL_NODE_NAME], [cfg["MODEL"].LAST_HIDDEN_NODE_NAME], CloneMethod.clone)
        cls_score, bbox_pred = create_fast_rcnn_predictor(conv_out, rois, fc_layers, cfg)
        detection_losses = create_detection_losses(cls_score, label_targets, bbox_pred, rois, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights, cfg)
        pred_error = classification_error(cls_score, label_targets, axis=1, name="pred_error")
        stage1_frcn_network = combine([rois, cls_score, bbox_pred, detection_losses, pred_error])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage1_frcn_network, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_stage1b_frcn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, detection_losses, pred_error,
                    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, frcn_epochs, cfg,
                    rpn_rois_input=rpn_rois_input, buffered_rpn_proposals=buffered_proposals_s1)
        buffered_proposals_s1 = None

    print("stage 2a - rpn")
    if True:
        # Keep conv weights from detection network and fix them
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: stage1b frcn model  no
            # rpn:  stage1a rpn model   yes
            # frcn: -                   -

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_model(stage1_frcn_network, [feature_node_name], [last_conv_node_name], CloneMethod.freeze)
        conv_out = conv_layers(image_input)

        # RPN and losses
        rpn = clone_model(stage1_rpn_network, [last_conv_node_name, "roi_input", "dims_input"], ["rpn_rois", "rpn_losses"], CloneMethod.clone)
        rpn_net = rpn(conv_out, dims_node, scaled_gt_boxes)
        rpn_rois = rpn_net.outputs[0]
        rpn_losses = rpn_net.outputs[1]
        stage2_rpn_network = combine([rpn_rois, rpn_losses])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage2_rpn_network, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_stage2a_rpn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, rpn_losses, rpn_losses,
                    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, rpn_epochs, cfg)

    print("stage 2a - buffering rpn proposals")
    buffered_proposals_s2 = compute_rpn_proposals(stage2_rpn_network, image_input, roi_input, dims_input, cfg)

    print("stage 2b - frcn")
    if True:
        # Keep conv and rpn weights from step 3 and fix them
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: stage2a rpn model   no
            # rpn:  stage2a rpn model   no --> use buffered proposals
            # frcn: stage1b frcn model  yes                   -

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_model(stage2_rpn_network, [feature_node_name], [last_conv_node_name], CloneMethod.freeze)
        conv_out = conv_layers(image_input)

        # Fast RCNN and losses
        frcn = clone_model(stage1_frcn_network, [last_conv_node_name, "rpn_rois", "roi_input"],
                           ["cls_score", "bbox_regr", "rpn_target_rois", "detection_losses", "pred_error"], CloneMethod.clone)
        stage2_frcn_network = frcn(conv_out, rpn_rois_buf, scaled_gt_boxes)
        detection_losses = stage2_frcn_network.outputs[3]
        pred_error = stage2_frcn_network.outputs[4]

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage2_frcn_network, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_stage2b_frcn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, detection_losses, pred_error,
                    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, frcn_epochs, cfg,
                    rpn_rois_input=rpn_rois_input, buffered_rpn_proposals=buffered_proposals_s2)
        buffered_proposals_s2 = None

    # resetting config values to original test values
    cfg["TEST"].RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N = test_pre
    cfg["TEST"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N = test_post

    return create_faster_rcnn_eval_model(stage2_frcn_network, image_input, dims_input, cfg, rpn_model=stage2_rpn_network)
Example #26
def train_faster_rcnn_alternating(base_model_file_name, debug_output=False):
        4-Step Alternating Training scheme from the Faster R-CNN paper:
        # Create initial network, only rpn, without detection network
            # --> train only the rpn (and conv3_1 and up for VGG16)
        # buffer region proposals from rpn
        # Create full network, initialize conv layers with imagenet, use buffered proposals
            # --> train only detection network (and conv3_1 and up for VGG16)
        # Keep conv weights from detection network and fix them
            # --> train only rpn
        # buffer region proposals from rpn
        # Keep conv and rpn weights from step 3 and fix them
            # --> train only detection network

    # Learning parameters
    rpn_lr_factor = globalvars['rpn_lr_factor']
    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * rpn_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].RPN_LR_PER_SAMPLE]
    frcn_lr_factor = globalvars['frcn_lr_factor']
    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * frcn_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].FRCN_LR_PER_SAMPLE]

    l2_reg_weight = cfg["CNTK"].L2_REG_WEIGHT
    mm_schedule = momentum_schedule(globalvars['momentum_per_mb'])
    rpn_epochs = globalvars['rpn_epochs']
    frcn_epochs = globalvars['frcn_epochs']

    print("Using base model:   {}".format(cfg["CNTK"].BASE_MODEL))
    print("rpn_lr_per_sample:  {}".format(rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled))
    print("frcn_lr_per_sample: {}".format(frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled))
    if debug_output:
        print("Storing graphs and models to %s." % globalvars['output_path'])

    # Input variables denoting features, labeled ground truth rois (as 5-tuples per roi) and image dimensions
    image_input = input_variable((num_channels, image_height, image_width), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()],
    feat_norm = image_input - normalization_const
    roi_input = input_variable((cfg["CNTK"].INPUT_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, 5), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    scaled_gt_boxes = alias(roi_input, name='roi_input')
    dims_input = input_variable((6), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_node = alias(dims_input, name='dims_input')
    rpn_rois_input = input_variable((cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N, 4), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    rpn_rois_buf = alias(rpn_rois_input, name='rpn_rois')

    # base image classification model (e.g. VGG16 or AlexNet)
    base_model = load_model(base_model_file_name)

    print("stage 1a - rpn")
    if True:
        # Create initial network, only rpn, without detection network
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: base_model          only conv3_1 and up
            # rpn:  init new            yes
            # frcn: -                   -

        # conv layers
        conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model)
        conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

        # RPN and losses
        rpn_rois, rpn_losses = create_rpn(conv_out, scaled_gt_boxes, dims_node, proposal_layer_param_string=cfg["CNTK"].PROPOSAL_LAYER_PARAMS)
        stage1_rpn_network = combine([rpn_rois, rpn_losses])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage1_rpn_network, os.path.join(globalvars['output_path'], "graph_frcn_train_stage1a_rpn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, rpn_losses, rpn_losses,
                    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, epochs_to_train=rpn_epochs)

    print("stage 1a - buffering rpn proposals")
    buffered_proposals_s1 = compute_rpn_proposals(stage1_rpn_network, image_input, roi_input, dims_input)

    print("stage 1b - frcn")
    if True:
        # Create full network, initialize conv layers with imagenet, fix rpn weights
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: base_model          only conv3_1 and up
            # rpn:  stage1a rpn model   no --> use buffered proposals
            # frcn: base_model + new    yes

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model)
        conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

        # use buffered proposals in target layer
        rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = \
            create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois_buf, scaled_gt_boxes, num_classes=globalvars['num_classes'])

        # Fast RCNN and losses
        fc_layers = clone_model(base_model, [pool_node_name], [last_hidden_node_name], CloneMethod.clone)
        cls_score, bbox_pred = create_fast_rcnn_predictor(conv_out, rois, fc_layers)
        detection_losses = create_detection_losses(cls_score, label_targets, rois, bbox_pred, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights)
        pred_error = classification_error(cls_score, label_targets, axis=1, name="pred_error")
        stage1_frcn_network = combine([rois, cls_score, bbox_pred, detection_losses, pred_error])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage1_frcn_network, os.path.join(globalvars['output_path'], "graph_frcn_train_stage1b_frcn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, detection_losses, pred_error,
                    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, epochs_to_train=frcn_epochs,
                    rpn_rois_input=rpn_rois_input, buffered_rpn_proposals=buffered_proposals_s1)
        buffered_proposals_s1 = None

    print("stage 2a - rpn")
    if True:
        # Keep conv weights from detection network and fix them
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: stage1b frcn model  no
            # rpn:  stage1a rpn model   yes
            # frcn: -                   -

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_model(stage1_frcn_network, [feature_node_name], [last_conv_node_name], CloneMethod.freeze)
        conv_out = conv_layers(image_input)

        # RPN and losses
        rpn = clone_model(stage1_rpn_network, [last_conv_node_name, "roi_input", "dims_input"], ["rpn_rois", "rpn_losses"], CloneMethod.clone)
        rpn_net = rpn(conv_out, dims_node, scaled_gt_boxes)
        rpn_rois = rpn_net.outputs[0]
        rpn_losses = rpn_net.outputs[1]
        stage2_rpn_network = combine([rpn_rois, rpn_losses])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage2_rpn_network, os.path.join(globalvars['output_path'], "graph_frcn_train_stage2a_rpn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, rpn_losses, rpn_losses,
                    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, epochs_to_train=rpn_epochs)

    print("stage 2a - buffering rpn proposals")
    buffered_proposals_s2 = compute_rpn_proposals(stage2_rpn_network, image_input, roi_input, dims_input)

    print("stage 2b - frcn")
    if True:
        # Keep conv and rpn weights from step 3 and fix them
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: stage2a rpn model   no
            # rpn:  stage2a rpn model   no --> use buffered proposals
            # frcn: stage1b frcn model  yes                   -

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_model(stage2_rpn_network, [feature_node_name], [last_conv_node_name], CloneMethod.freeze)
        conv_out = conv_layers(image_input)

        # Fast RCNN and losses
        frcn = clone_model(stage1_frcn_network, [last_conv_node_name, "rpn_rois", "roi_input"],
                           ["cls_score", "bbox_regr", "rpn_target_rois", "detection_losses", "pred_error"], CloneMethod.clone)
        stage2_frcn_network = frcn(conv_out, rpn_rois_buf, scaled_gt_boxes)
        detection_losses = stage2_frcn_network.outputs[3]
        pred_error = stage2_frcn_network.outputs[4]

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage2_frcn_network, os.path.join(globalvars['output_path'], "graph_frcn_train_stage2b_frcn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, detection_losses, pred_error,
                    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, epochs_to_train=frcn_epochs,
                    rpn_rois_input=rpn_rois_input, buffered_rpn_proposals=buffered_proposals_s2)
        buffered_proposals_s2 = None

    return create_eval_model(stage2_frcn_network, image_input, dims_input, rpn_model=stage2_rpn_network)