Example #1
	def load_models(self):
		feature_model = C.load_model('dnns/feature_predicter_GRP.dnn')(self._input, self._target)
		feature_model = feature_model.clone(C.CloneMethod.freeze)
		inputs = C.ops.splice(self._input,feature_model,axis=0)
		action_model = C.load_model('dnns/GRP_f.dnn')(inputs,self._target)
		action_model = action_model.clone(C.CloneMethod.freeze)
		node_outputs = C.logging.get_node_outputs(action_model)
		for out in node_outputs: print("{0} {1}".format(out.name, out.shape))
		print('model arguments',action_model.arguments)
		return action_model
Example #2
def main():
    # generate data from physical model
    T = 16  # time interval
    dt = 0.1  # integration step
    # train data (oscillation with initial angle = pi/6):
    t, train = phys.simulate_pendulum(0, np.array([np.pi / 6, 0]), T, dt=dt)
    # test data (oscillation with initial angle = pi/4):
    _, test1 = phys.simulate_pendulum(0, np.array([np.pi / 4, 0]), T, dt=dt)
    # test data (fixed point with angle = 0):
    _, test2 = phys.simulate_pendulum(0, np.array([0.0, 0.0]), T, dt=dt)

    N = 5  # size of the history window (for LSTM)

    # train lstm model
    # model_lstm = models.train_lstm(train, N)
    # model_lstm.save('bin_models/pendulum_lstm')
    # or load pre-built one
    model_lstm = load_model('bin_models/pendulum_lstm')

    # train linear model
    # model_linear = models.train_linear(train, N)
    # model_linear.save('bin_models/pendulum_linear')
    # or load pre-built one
    model_linear = load_model('bin_models/pendulum_linear')

    for model, n, title in zip([model_lstm, model_linear], [N, 1], [
            "LSTM: non-physical predictions, training data are memorized",
            "Linear map: physical behaviour generalization"
        # use model for prediction with training initial angle = pi/6
        pred = models.predict(model,
                              step_count=int(T / dt - n),
        # use model for prediction with initial angle = pi/4
        pred1 = models.predict(model,
                               step_count=int(T / dt - n),
        # use lstm for prediction with initial angle = 0
        pred2 = models.predict(model,
                               step_count=int(T / dt - n),

        plot(title, train, test1, test2, pred, pred1, pred2)

    return 0
def create_model(base_model_file,
    # Load the pretrained classification net and find nodes
    base_model = load_model(base_model_file)
    feature_node = find_by_name(base_model, 'features')
    beforePooling_node = find_by_name(base_model, "z.x.x.r")
    #graph.plot(base_model, filename="base_model.pdf") # Write graph visualization

    # Clone model until right before the pooling layer, ie. until including z.x.x.r
    modelCloned = combine([beforePooling_node.owner]).clone(
        CloneMethod.freeze if freeze_weights else CloneMethod.clone,
        {feature_node: placeholder(name='features')})

    # Center the input around zero and set model input.
    # Do this early, to avoid CNTK bug with wrongly estimated layer shapes
    feat_norm = input_features - constant(114)
    model = modelCloned(feat_norm)

    # Pool over all spatial dimensions and add dropout layer
    avgPool = GlobalAveragePooling(name="poolingLayer")(model)
    if dropout_rate > 0:
        avgPoolDrop = Dropout(dropout_rate)(avgPool)
        avgPoolDrop = avgPool

    # Add new dense layer for class prediction
    finalModel = Dense(num_classes, activation=None,
    return finalModel
Example #4
def init():
    # Get the path to the model asset
    # local_path = get_local_path('mymodel.model.link')

    # Load model using appropriate library and function
    # global model
    # model = model_load_function(local_path)
    # model = 42
        print("Executing init() method...")
        print("Python version: " + str(sys.version) + ", CNTK version: " +
        print("Start downloading model...")
        model_path = download_model()

        base_model = load_model(model_path)
        data = C.input_variable(shape=(3, C.FreeDimension, C.FreeDimension),

        predictor = clone_model(base_model, ['data'],
                                ["Mconv7_stage6_L1", "Mconv7_stage6_L2"],
        global pred_net
        pred_net = predictor(data)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception in init:")
Example #5
def predictor_from_cntk_model(modelFile):
    """Loads a CNTK model and returns an ELL.NeuralNetworkPredictor"""

    z = load_model(modelFile)
    print("\nFinished loading.")

    modelLayers = get_model_layers(z)

    # Get the relevant CNTK layers that we will convert to ELL
    layersToConvert = get_filtered_layers_list(modelLayers)
    print("\nFinished pre-processing.")

    predictor = None

        # Create a list of ELL layers from the CNTK layers
        ellLayers = convert_cntk_layers_to_ell_layers(layersToConvert)
        # Create an ELL neural network predictor from the layers
        predictor = ELL.FloatNeuralNetworkPredictor(ellLayers)

        print("Error occurrred attempting to convert cntk layers to ELL layers")

    return predictor
Example #6
    def create_model(self, input_dim, output_dim, hidden_dim, feature_input):
        Create a model with the layers library.

        model_file = "nh_autoencoder.model"

        if os.path.exists(model_file):
            print("Resuming training")
            netout = C.load_model(model_file)
            return netout(feature_input)

        netout = C.layers.Sequential([
            C.layers.Embedding(300, name="Embedding"),
            C.layers.Dense(300, activation=C.ops.sigmoid, name="Hidden"),
            C.layers.Dense(output_dim, activation=C.ops.sigmoid, name="Out")

        #        c1 = C.layers.Convolution2D((3,3), cmap, strides=2, reduction_rank=0)(feature_input)
        #        p1 = C.layers.MaxPooling( (3,3), (2,2))(c1)
        #        d1 = C.layers.Dense((20,5,19))(p1)
        #        u1 = C.layers.MaxUnpooling((3,3), (2,2))(p1, c1)
        #        #C.layers.Dense(output_dim)
        #        d1 = C.layers.ConvolutionTranspose2D((3,3), num_channels, bias=False, init=C.glorot_uniform(0.001))(u1)
        #        netout = C.layers.Dense(output_dim)(d1)
        return (netout)
Example #7
def test(test_data, model_path, model_file, config_file):
    polymath = PolyMath(config_file)
    model = C.load_model(os.path.join(model_path, model_file if model_file else model_name))
    begin_logits = model.outputs[0]
    end_logits   = model.outputs[1]
    loss         = C.as_composite(model.outputs[2].owner)
    begin_prediction = C.sequence.input_variable(1, sequence_axis=begin_logits.dynamic_axes[1], needs_gradient=True)
    end_prediction = C.sequence.input_variable(1, sequence_axis=end_logits.dynamic_axes[1], needs_gradient=True)
    best_span_score = symbolic_best_span(begin_prediction, end_prediction)
    predicted_span = C.layers.Recurrence(C.plus)(begin_prediction - C.sequence.past_value(end_prediction))

    batch_size = 32 # in sequences
    misc = {'rawctx':[], 'ctoken':[], 'answer':[], 'uid':[]}
    tsv_reader = create_tsv_reader(loss, test_data, polymath, batch_size, 1, is_test=True, misc=misc)
    results = {}
    with open('{}_out.json'.format(model_file), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as json_output:
        for data in tsv_reader:
            out = model.eval(data, outputs=[begin_logits,end_logits,loss], as_numpy=False)
            g = best_span_score.grad({begin_prediction:out[begin_logits], end_prediction:out[end_logits]}, wrt=[begin_prediction,end_prediction], as_numpy=False)
            other_input_map = {begin_prediction: g[begin_prediction], end_prediction: g[end_prediction]}
            span = predicted_span.eval((other_input_map))
            for seq, (raw_text, ctokens, answer, uid) in enumerate(zip(misc['rawctx'], misc['ctoken'], misc['answer'], misc['uid'])):
                seq_where = np.argwhere(span[seq])[:,0]
                span_begin = np.min(seq_where)
                span_end = np.max(seq_where)
                predict_answer = get_answer(raw_text, ctokens, span_begin, span_end)
                results['query_id'] = int(uid)
                results['answers'] = [predict_answer]
                json.dump(results, json_output)
            misc['rawctx'] = []
            misc['ctoken'] = []
            misc['answer'] = []
            misc['uid'] = []
Example #8
def run_cntk():
    text, chars, char_indices, x_train, y_train = get_data(one_hot_encode_features=False)
    alphabet_size = len(chars)
    print('alphabet_size=', alphabet_size)
    model = build_model_cntk(alphabet_size=alphabet_size)
    model_filename = 'ch8-1_cntk.model'
    model = None
    model = cntk.load_model(model_filename)

    x = cntk.sequence.input_variable(shape=(), dtype=np.float32)
    y = cntk.input_variable(shape=(), dtype=np.float32)
    model.replace_placeholders({model.placeholders[0]: x})

    y_oneHot = cntk.one_hot(y, num_classes=alphabet_size)
    loss_function = cntk.cross_entropy_with_softmax(model.output, y_oneHot)
    learner = cntk.adam(model.parameters, cntk.learning_parameter_schedule_per_sample(0.001), cntk.learning_parameter_schedule_per_sample(0.9))
    trainer = cntk.Trainer(model, (loss_function, loss_function), [learner],)

    for epoch in range(1, 60):
        print('epoch', epoch)
        cntk_train(x, y, x_train, y_train, max_epochs=32, batch_size=128, trainer=trainer)
        model_filename = 'final_ch8-1_cntk.model'
        generate_text_cntk(char_indices, chars, model, text)
def benchmark_cntk(data_path, model_path):
    import cntk as C
    model = C.load_model(model_path)
    vocab_file_path = os.path.join(data_path, "vocabulary.txt")
    label_file_path = os.path.join(data_path, "labels.txt")
    dev_file_path = os.path.join(data_path, "dev.ctf")
    minibatch_size = 1024
    x_dim = get_size(vocab_file_path)
    y_dim = get_size(label_file_path)
    x = C.sequence.input_variable(x_dim, is_sparse=True)
    model = model(x)
    y = C.input_variable(y_dim, is_sparse=True)
    streamDefs = C.io.StreamDefs(
            field='S0', shape=x_dim, is_sparse=True),
            field='S1', shape=y_dim, is_sparse=True)
    dev_reader = C.io.MinibatchSource(
        randomize=True, max_sweeps=1)
    error = C.classification_error(model, y)
    progress_printer = C.logging.ProgressPrinter(
        freq=100, tag='evaluate', test_freq=1000
    evaluator = C.eval.Evaluator(error, [progress_printer])
    input_map = {x: dev_reader.streams.sentence, y: dev_reader.streams.label}

    data = dev_reader.next_minibatch(minibatch_size, input_map=input_map)
    while data:
        data = dev_reader.next_minibatch(minibatch_size, input_map=input_map)
Example #10
def main():
    with open('cartpole.json', encoding='utf-8') as config_file:
        config = json.load(config_file)

    if not os.path.exists('cartpole.cdqn'):
            'Run `python -m experiments.train_cartpole` to train and save a model for CartPole-v0'

    env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')

    model = C.load_model('cartpole.cdqn')
    z = np.linspace(config['vmin'],

    rewards = 0.0
    s = env.reset()
    done = False

    while not done:
        a = get_action(model, s, z)
        s, r, done, info = env.step(a)

        rewards += r
    print('Total reward: {}'.format(rewards))
def create_model(model_details,
    # Load the pretrained classification net and find nodes
    base_model = C.load_model(model_details['model_file'])
    feature_node = C.logging.find_by_name(base_model,
    last_node = C.logging.find_by_name(base_model,

    # Clone the desired layers with fixed weights
    cloned_layers = C.combine([last_node.owner]).clone(
        C.CloneMethod.freeze if freeze else C.CloneMethod.clone,
        {feature_node: C.placeholder(name='features')})

    # Add new dense layer for class prediction
    feat_norm = input_features - C.Constant(114)
    cloned_out = cloned_layers(feat_norm)
    z = C.layers.Dense(num_classes,

    return z
Example #12
def test(test_data, model_path, model_file, config_file):
    polymath = PolyMath(config_file)
    model = C.load_model(os.path.join(model_path, model_file if model_file else model_name))
    begin_logits = model.outputs[0]
    end_logits   = model.outputs[1]
    loss         = C.as_composite(model.outputs[2].owner)
    begin_prediction = C.sequence.input_variable(1, sequence_axis=begin_logits.dynamic_axes[1], needs_gradient=True)
    end_prediction = C.sequence.input_variable(1, sequence_axis=end_logits.dynamic_axes[1], needs_gradient=True)
    best_span_score = symbolic_best_span(begin_prediction, end_prediction)
    predicted_span = C.layers.Recurrence(C.plus)(begin_prediction - C.sequence.past_value(end_prediction))

    batch_size = 32 # in sequences
    misc = {'rawctx':[], 'ctoken':[], 'answer':[], 'uid':[]}
    tsv_reader = create_tsv_reader(loss, test_data, polymath, batch_size, 1, is_test=True, misc=misc)
    results = {}
    with open('{}_out.json'.format(model_file), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as json_output:
        for data in tsv_reader:
            out = model.eval(data, outputs=[begin_logits,end_logits,loss], as_numpy=False)
            g = best_span_score.grad({begin_prediction:out[begin_logits], end_prediction:out[end_logits]}, wrt=[begin_prediction,end_prediction], as_numpy=False)
            other_input_map = {begin_prediction: g[begin_prediction], end_prediction: g[end_prediction]}
            span = predicted_span.eval((other_input_map))
            for seq, (raw_text, ctokens, answer, uid) in enumerate(zip(misc['rawctx'], misc['ctoken'], misc['answer'], misc['uid'])):
                seq_where = np.argwhere(span[seq])[:,0]
                span_begin = np.min(seq_where)
                span_end = np.max(seq_where)
                predict_answer = get_answer(raw_text, ctokens, span_begin, span_end)
                results['query_id'] = int(uid)
                results['answers'] = [predict_answer]
                json.dump(results, json_output)
            misc['rawctx'] = []
            misc['ctoken'] = []
            misc['answer'] = []
            misc['uid'] = []
Example #13
def main(input_map_file, label_file, output_file, trained_model_file):
    model = cntk.load_model(trained_model_file)

    # Get the class names
    idx_to_label_dict = {}
    with open(label_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            label, idx = line.strip().split('\t')
            idx_to_label_dict[idx] = label
    n_classes = len(list(idx_to_label_dict.keys()))

    # Process each image and store true vs. predicted labels
    df = []
    with open(input_map_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            filename, label_idx = line.strip().split('\t')
            image_data = load_image(filename)
            raw_pred_result = model.eval({model.arguments[0]: image_data})
            pred_label_idx = np.argmax(np.squeeze(raw_pred_result))
                filename, idx_to_label_dict[str(label_idx)],
    df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=['filename', 'true_label', 'pred_label'])
    accuracy = len(df.loc[df['true_label'] == df['pred_label']].index) / \
    print('Overall accuracy on test set: {:0.3f}'.format(accuracy))
    for label in idx_to_label_dict.values():
        print_class_specific_statistics(df, label)
Example #14
def frcn_predictor(features, rois, n_classes):
    # Load the pretrained classification net and find nodes
    loaded_model = load_model(model_file)
    feature_node = find_by_name(loaded_model, feature_node_name)
    conv_node = find_by_name(loaded_model, last_conv_node_name)
    pool_node = find_by_name(loaded_model, pool_node_name)
    last_node = find_by_name(loaded_model, last_hidden_node_name)

    # Clone the conv layers and the fully connected layers of the network
    conv_layers = combine([conv_node.owner
                                    {feature_node: Placeholder()})
    fc_layers = combine([last_node.owner]).clone(CloneMethod.clone,
                                                 {pool_node: Placeholder()})

    # Create the Fast R-CNN model
    feat_norm = features - Constant(114)
    conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)
    roi_out = roipooling(conv_out, rois, (roi_dim, roi_dim))
    fc_out = fc_layers(roi_out)

    # z = Dense(rois[0], num_classes, map_rank=1)(fc_out)  # --> map_rank=1 is not yet supported
    W = parameter(shape=(4096, n_classes), init=glorot_uniform())
    b = parameter(shape=n_classes, init=0)
    z = times(fc_out, W) + b

    return z
Example #15
def stacking_recurrent_layers_cntk(float_data, epochs=20):
    train_gen, val_gen, test_gen, val_steps, test_steps, lookback, step = create_generators(

    input_shape = (float_data.shape[-1], )
    model = create_model_cntk(model_type=2,
    model_filename = 'ch6-3_model_type_2.model'
    print('Saved ', model_filename)
    model = None
    model = cntk.load_model(model_filename)
    print('Loaded ', model_filename)

    x = cntk.input_variable(shape=input_shape,
    model.replace_placeholders({model.placeholders[0]: x})

    y = cntk.input_variable(shape=(), dtype=np.float32)
    train_mse_cntk(x, y, model, train_gen, val_gen, epochs, val_steps)
Example #16
def evaluate_model(map_filename, output_dir, num_classes):
    ''' Evaluate the model on the test set, storing predictions to a file '''
    inds_to_labels = {}
    with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'labels_to_inds.tsv'), 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            label, ind = line.strip().split('\t')
            inds_to_labels[int(ind)] = label

    loaded_model = cntk.load_model(os.path.join(output_dir, 'retrained.model'))
    with open(map_filename, 'r') as f:
        with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'predictions.csv'), 'w') as g:
            for line in f:
                filename, true_ind = line.strip().split('\t')
                image_data = np.array(Image.open(filename), dtype=np.float32)
                image_data = np.ascontiguousarray(
                    np.transpose(image_data[:, :, ::-1], (2, 0, 1)))
                dnn_output = loaded_model.eval(
                    {loaded_model.arguments[0]: [image_data]})
                true_label = inds_to_labels[int(true_ind)]
                pred_label = inds_to_labels[np.argmax(np.squeeze(dnn_output))]
                g.write('{},{},{}\n'.format(filename, true_label, pred_label))

    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, 'predictions.csv'))
    num_correct = len(df.loc[df['true_label'] == df['pred_label']].index)
    print('Overall accuracy on test set: {:0.3f}'.format(
        len(df.loc[df['true_label'] == df['pred_label']].index) /

Example #17
def load_alexnet_model(image_input, num_classes, model_filename,
    ''' Load pretrained AlexNet for desired level of retraining '''
    loaded_model = cntk.load_model(model_filename)

    # Load the convolutional layers, freezing if desired
    feature_node = cntk.logging.graph.find_by_name(loaded_model, 'features')
    last_conv_node = cntk.logging.graph.find_by_name(loaded_model, 'conv5.y')
    conv_layers = cntk.ops.combine([last_conv_node.owner]).clone(
     cntk.ops.functions.CloneMethod.clone if retraining_type == 'all' \
      else cntk.ops.functions.CloneMethod.freeze,
     {feature_node: cntk.ops.placeholder()})

    # Load the fully connected layers, freezing if desired
    last_node = cntk.logging.graph.find_by_name(loaded_model, 'h2_d')
    fully_connected_layers = cntk.ops.combine([last_node.owner]).clone(
     cntk.ops.functions.CloneMethod.freeze if retraining_type == \
      'last_only' else cntk.ops.functions.CloneMethod.clone,
     {last_conv_node: cntk.ops.placeholder()})

    # Define the network using the loaded layers
    feat_norm = image_input - cntk.layers.Constant(114)
    conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)
    fc_out = fully_connected_layers(conv_out)
    new_model = cntk.layers.Dense(shape=num_classes, name='lastlayer')(fc_out)
    return (new_model)
Example #18
def predictor_from_cntk_model(modelFile, plotModel=False):
    """Loads a CNTK model and returns an ELL.NeuralNetworkPredictor"""

    z = load_model(modelFile)
    print("\nFinished loading.")

    if plotModel:
        filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(modelFile),
                                os.path.basename(modelFile) + ".png")
        cntk_utilities.plot_model(z, filename)

    modelLayers = cntk_utilities.get_model_layers(z)

    # Get the relevant CNTK layers that we will convert to ELL
    layersToConvert = cntk_layers.get_filtered_layers_list(modelLayers)
    print("\nFinished pre-processing.")

    predictor = None

        # Create a list of ELL layers from the CNTK layers
        ellLayers = cntk_layers.convert_cntk_layers_to_ell_layers(
        # Create an ELL neural network predictor from the layers
        predictor = ELL.FloatNeuralNetworkPredictor(ellLayers)
    except BaseException as exception:
        print("Error occurred attempting to convert cntk layers to ELL layers")
        raise exception

    return predictor
Example #19
def predictor_from_cntk_model_using_new_engine(modelFile, plotModel=True):
    Loads a CNTK model and returns an ell.neural.NeuralNetworkPredictor

    _logger = logger.get()
    z = load_model(modelFile)
    _logger.info("\nFinished loading.")

    if plotModel:
        filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(modelFile), os.path.basename(modelFile) + ".svg")
        cntk_utilities.plot_model(z, filename)

        # Get the relevant nodes from CNTK that make up the model
        importer_nodes = cntk_utilities.Utilities.get_model_nodes(z)
        _logger.info("\nFinished pre-processing.")

        # Create an ImporterModel from the CNTK nodes
        importer_model = import_nodes(importer_nodes)
        # Use the common importer engine to drive conversion of the
        # ImporterModel to ELL layers
        importer_engine = common.importer.ImporterEngine()
        ell_layers = importer_engine.convert(importer_model)
        # Create an ELL neural network predictor from the layers
        predictor = ell.neural.NeuralNetworkPredictor(ell_layers)
    except BaseException as exception:
        _logger.error("Error occurred attempting to convert cntk layers to ELL layers: " + str(exception))
        raise exception

    return predictor
Example #20
def load_model(model_filename: str):
    """A helper function to load the acoustic model from disc.

        model_filename (str): The file path to the acoustic model.
    cntk_model = cntk.load_model(model_filename)

    #  First try and find output by name
    model_output = cntk_model.find_by_name('ScaledLogLikelihood')

    #  Fall back to first defined output
    if model_output is None:
        model_output = cntk_model.outputs[0]


    #  Create an object restricted to the desired output.
    cntk_model = cntk.combine(model_output)

    #  Optimized RNN models won't run on CPU without conversion.
    if 0 == cntk.use_default_device().type():
        cntk_model = cntk.misc.convert_optimized_rnnstack(cntk_model)

    print("cntk model loaded")
    return cntk_model
Example #21
def resnet_model(name, scaled_input):
    print('Loading Resnet model from {}.'.format(name))
    base_model = C.load_model(os.path.join(model_path, name))
    feature_node = C.logging.find_by_name(base_model, 'features')
    last_node = C.logging.find_by_name(base_model, 'z.x')

    # Clone the desired layers with fixed weights
    cloned_layers = C.combine([last_node.owner]).clone(
        C.CloneMethod.freeze, {feature_node: C.placeholder(name='features')})
    cloned_out = cloned_layers(scaled_input)

    z = C.layers.GlobalAveragePooling()(cloned_out)
    z = C.layers.Dropout(dropout_rate=0.3, name='d1')(z)

    z = C.layers.Dense(128, activation=C.ops.relu, name='fc1')(cloned_out)
    z = C.layers.BatchNormalization(map_rank=1)(z)
    z = C.layers.Dropout(dropout_rate=0.6, name='d2')(z)

    z = C.layers.Dense(128, activation=C.ops.relu, name='fc2')(cloned_out)
    z = C.layers.BatchNormalization(map_rank=1)(z)
    z = C.layers.Dropout(dropout_rate=0.3, name='d2')(z)

    z = C.layers.Dense(num_classes, activation=None, name='prediction')(z)

    return z
Example #22
def inference(model, test):
    p = Model()
    model = C.load_model(model)

    cos = model.outputs[0]
    loss = C.as_composite(model.outputs[1].owner)

    mb_test, map_test = deserialize(loss,
    c1 = argument_by_name(loss, 'c1')
    c2 = argument_by_name(loss, 'c2')

    results = []
    if 'test' in test:
        total_samples = 3000
        total_samples = num_validation

    with tqdm(total=total_samples) as progress_bar:
        while True:
            data = mb_test.next_minibatch(minibatch_size, input_map=map_test)
            if not data:
            out = model.eval(data, outputs=[cos])
    assert (len(results) == total_samples)
    return results
Example #23
def create_transfer_learning_model(input, num_classes, model_file, freeze=False):

    base_model = load_model(model_file)
    base_model = C.as_composite(base_model[3].owner)

    # Load the pretrained classification net and find nodes
    feature_node = C.logging.find_by_name(base_model, feature_node_name)
    last_node = C.logging.find_by_name(base_model, last_hidden_node_name)
    base_model = C.combine([last_node.owner]).clone(C.CloneMethod.freeze if freeze else C.CloneMethod.clone, {feature_node: C.placeholder(name='features')})
    base_model = base_model(C.input_variable((num_channels, image_height, image_width)))

    r1 = C.logging.find_by_name(base_model, "z.x.x.r")
    r2_2 = C.logging.find_by_name(base_model, "z.x.x.x.x.r")
    r3_2 = C.logging.find_by_name(base_model, "z.x.x.x.x.x.x.r")
    r4_2 = C.logging.find_by_name(base_model, "z.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.r")

    up_r1 = OneByOneConvAndUpSample(r1, 3, num_classes)
    up_r2_2 = OneByOneConvAndUpSample(r2_2, 2, num_classes)
    up_r3_2 = OneByOneConvAndUpSample(r3_2, 1, num_classes)
    up_r4_2 = OneByOneConvAndUpSample(r4_2, 0, num_classes)
    merged = C.splice(up_r1, up_r3_2, up_r2_2, axis=0)

    resnet_fcn_out = Convolution((1, 1), num_classes, init=he_normal(), activation=sigmoid, pad=True)(merged)

    z = UpSampling2DPower(resnet_fcn_out,2)
    return z
Example #24
def create_model(base_model_file, feature_node_name, last_hidden_node_name, num_classes, input_features, freeze=False):
    # Load the pretrained classification net and find nodes
    base_model = load_model(base_model_file)
    feature_node = None
    last_node = None
    # feature node
    for n in cntk.logging.graph.depth_first_search(base_model, (lambda x: True)):
        if (n.name.strip() == feature_node_name) or (n.uid.strip() == feature_node_name):
            feature_node = n
    print("feature node:", feature_node)
    if feature_node is None:
        raise Exception("Failed to locate feature node: " + feature_node_name)
    # last hidden node
    for n in cntk.logging.get_node_outputs(base_model):
        if (n.name.strip() == last_hidden_node_name) or (n.uid.strip() == last_hidden_node_name):
            last_node = n
    print("last hidden node:", last_node)
    if last_node is None:
        raise Exception("Failed to locate last hidden node: " + last_hidden_node_name)

    # Clone the desired layers with fixed weights
    cloned_layers = combine([last_node.owner]).clone(
        CloneMethod.freeze if freeze else CloneMethod.clone,
        {feature_node: placeholder(name='features')})

    # Add new dense layer for class prediction
    feat_norm = input_features - Constant(114)
    cloned_out = cloned_layers(feat_norm)
    z = Dense(num_classes, activation=None, name=new_output_node_name) (cloned_out)

    return z
def create_faster_rcnn_model(features, scaled_gt_boxes, dims_input, cfg):
    # Load the pre-trained classification net and clone layers
    base_model = load_model(cfg['BASE_MODEL_PATH'])
    conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model, cfg)
    fc_layers = clone_model(base_model, [cfg["MODEL"].POOL_NODE_NAME],

    # Normalization and conv layers
    feat_norm = features - Constant([[[v]]
                                     for v in cfg["MODEL"].IMG_PAD_COLOR])
    conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

    # RPN and prediction targets
    rpn_rois, rpn_losses = create_rpn(conv_out, scaled_gt_boxes, dims_input,
    rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = \
        create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois, scaled_gt_boxes, cfg)

    # Fast RCNN and losses
    cls_score, bbox_pred = create_fast_rcnn_predictor(conv_out, rois,
                                                      fc_layers, cfg)
    detection_losses = create_detection_losses(cls_score, label_targets,
                                               bbox_pred, rois, bbox_targets,
                                               bbox_inside_weights, cfg)
    loss = rpn_losses + detection_losses
    pred_error = classification_error(cls_score, label_targets, axis=1)

    return loss, pred_error
Example #26
def train_faster_rcnn(cfg):
    # Train only if no model exists yet
    model_path = cfg['MODEL_PATH']
    if os.path.exists(model_path) and cfg["CNTK"].MAKE_MODE:
        print("Loading existing model from %s" % model_path)
        eval_model = load_model(model_path)
        if cfg["CNTK"].TRAIN_E2E:
            eval_model = train_faster_rcnn_e2e(cfg)
            eval_model = train_faster_rcnn_alternating(cfg)

        if cfg["CNTK"].DEBUG_OUTPUT:
                    cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_eval_{}_{}.{}".format(
                        "e2e" if cfg["CNTK"].TRAIN_E2E else "4stage",

        print("Stored eval model at %s" % model_path)


    return eval_model
def train_faster_rcnn(cfg):
    # Train only if no model exists yet
    model_path = cfg['MODEL_PATH']
    if os.path.exists(model_path) and cfg["CNTK"].MAKE_MODE:
        print("Loading existing model from %s" % model_path)
        eval_model = load_model(model_path)
        if cfg["CNTK"].TRAIN_E2E:
            eval_model = train_faster_rcnn_e2e(cfg)
            eval_model = train_faster_rcnn_alternating(cfg)

        print("Stored eval model at %s" % model_path)

        if cfg["CNTK"].DEBUG_OUTPUT:
                    cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_eval_{}_{}.{}".format(
                        "e2e" if cfg["CNTK"].TRAIN_E2E else "4stage",

            os.environ['AZUREML_NATIVE_SHARE_DIRECTORY'], 'output',
        print("Model saved to Azure blob")
    return eval_model
def create_faster_rcnn_predictor(base_model_file_name, features,
                                 scaled_gt_boxes, dims_input):
    # Load the pre-trained classification net and clone layers
    base_model = load_model(base_model_file_name)
    conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model)
    fc_layers = clone_model(base_model, [pool_node_name],

    # Normalization and conv layers
    feat_norm = features - normalization_const
    conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

    # RPN and prediction targets
    rpn_rois, rpn_losses = \
        create_rpn(conv_out, scaled_gt_boxes, dims_input, proposal_layer_param_string=cfg["CNTK"].PROPOSAL_LAYER_PARAMS)
    rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = \
        create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois, scaled_gt_boxes, num_classes=globalvars['num_classes'])

    # Fast RCNN and losses
    cls_score, bbox_pred = create_fast_rcnn_predictor(conv_out, rois,
    detection_losses = create_detection_losses(cls_score, label_targets, rois,
                                               bbox_pred, bbox_targets,
    loss = rpn_losses + detection_losses
    pred_error = classification_error(cls_score, label_targets, axis=1)

    return loss, pred_error
Example #29
def predictor_from_cntk_model(modelFile):
    """Loads a CNTK model and returns an ELL.NeuralNetworkPredictor"""

    z = load_model(modelFile)
    print("\nFinished loading.")

    modelLayers = get_model_layers(z)

    # Get the relevant CNTK layers that we will convert to ELL
    layersToConvert = get_filtered_layers_list(modelLayers)
    print("\nFinished pre-processing.")

    predictor = None

        # Create a list of ELL layers from the CNTK layers
        ellLayers = convert_cntk_layers_to_ell_layers(layersToConvert)
        # Create an ELL neural network predictor from the layers
        predictor = ELL.FloatNeuralNetworkPredictor(ellLayers)

            "Error occurrred attempting to convert cntk layers to ELL layers")

    return predictor
Example #30
    def __init__(self, para, creator, valid, mapping, valid_batch, valid_iter,
        self.para = para

        network = creator(para)
        temp_err = 0
        for i in range(valid_iter):
            data = valid.next_minibatch(valid_batch, input_map=mapping(valid))
            temp_err += network.test_minibatch(data)
        self.accuracy = 1 - temp_err / valid_iter

        model_name = os.path.join('module', '_'.join(map(str, para)))
        cpu_timer = cntk.load_model(model_name, device=cntk.cpu())

        time_cost = []
        for i in range(valid_iter):
            data = valid.next_minibatch(valid_batch, input_map=mapping(valid))
            arr = numpy.array(data[input_key].as_sequences())
            arr = numpy.reshape(arr, (-1, ) + input_key.shape)
            current_time = time.clock()
            cpu_timer.eval(arr, device=cntk.cpu())
            current_time = time.clock() - current_time
        self.time = numpy.mean(time_cost)
Example #31
def test_sequence_to_sequence(device_id):

    # import code after setting the device, otherwise some part of the code picks up "default device"
    # which causes an inconsistency if there is already another job using GPU #0
    from Sequence2Sequence import create_reader, DATA_DIR, MODEL_DIR, TRAINING_DATA, VALIDATION_DATA, TESTING_DATA, \
                                  VOCAB_FILE, get_vocab, create_model, model_path_stem, train, evaluate_metric
    from cntk.ops.tests.ops_test_utils import cntk_device

    # hook up data (train_reader gets False randomization to get consistent error)
    train_reader = create_reader(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, TRAINING_DATA), False)
    valid_reader = create_reader(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, VALIDATION_DATA), True)
    test_reader  = create_reader(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, TESTING_DATA), False)
    vocab, i2w, _ = get_vocab(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, VOCAB_FILE))

    # create model
    model = create_model()

    # train (with small numbers to finish within a reasonable amount of time)
    train(train_reader, valid_reader, vocab, i2w, model, max_epochs=1, epoch_size=5000)

    # now test the model and print out test error (for automated test)
    model_filename = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, model_path_stem + ".cmf.0")
    model = load_model(model_filename)
    error = evaluate_metric(test_reader, model, 10)


    #expected_error =  0.9943119920022192 # when run separately
    expected_error =  0.9912881900980582 # when run inside the harness--random-initialization?
    assert np.allclose(error, expected_error, atol=TOLERANCE_ABSOLUTE)
Example #32
def create_model(model_details, num_classes, input_features, new_prediction_node_name="prediction", freeze=False):
    # Load the pre-trained classification net and find nodes
    base_model = cntk.load_model(model_details["model_file"])

    feature_node = cntk.logging.find_by_name(base_model, model_details["feature_node_name"])
    last_node = cntk.logging.find_by_name(base_model, model_details["last_hidden_node_name"])

    if model_details["inception"]:
        node_outputs = cntk.logging.get_node_outputs(base_model)
        last_node = node_outputs[5]
        feature_node = cntk.logging.find_all_with_name(base_model, "")[-5]
    if model_details["vgg"]:
        last_node = cntk.logging.find_by_name(base_model, "prob")
        feature_node = cntk.logging.find_by_name(base_model, "data")

    # Clone the desired layers with fixed weights
    cloned_layers = cntk.combine([last_node.owner]).clone(
        cntk.CloneMethod.freeze if freeze else cntk.CloneMethod.clone,
        {feature_node: cntk.placeholder(name="features")},

    # Add new dense layer for class prediction
    feat_norm = input_features - cntk.Constant(114)
    cloned_out = cloned_layers(feat_norm)
    z = cntk.layers.Dense(num_classes, activation=None, name=new_prediction_node_name)(cloned_out)
    return z
def print_all_node_names(model_file, is_BrainScript=True):
    loaded_model = load_model(model_file)
    if is_BrainScript:
        loaded_model = combine([loaded_model.outputs[0]])
    node_list = graph.depth_first_search(loaded_model, lambda x: x.is_output)
    print("printing node information in the format")
    print("node name (tensor shape)")
    for node in node_list:
        print(node.name, node.shape)
Example #34
def test_custom_attributes(tmpdir):
    root = 0 + C.input_variable(())
    assert not root.custom_attributes.keys()
    root.custom_attributes['cleared'] = 'none'
    assert 'none' == root.custom_attributes['cleared']
    # replace the custom attributes entirely, so 'cleared' is dropped
    root.custom_attributes = {'test':'abc', 'dict':{'a':1, 'b':2}, 'list':[1,2,3]}
    root.custom_attributes['test2'] = 'def'
    model_file = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'custom_attr.dnn')
    root2 = C.load_model(model_file)
    assert 'abc' == root2.custom_attributes['test']
    assert {'a':1, 'b':2} == root2.custom_attributes['dict']
    assert [1,2,3]==root2.custom_attributes['list']
    assert 'def' == root2.custom_attributes['test2']
def test_transfer_learning(device_id):
    if cntk_device(device_id).type() != DeviceKind_GPU:
        pytest.skip('test only runs on GPU') # due to batch normalization in ResNet_18

    base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    externalData = 'CNTK_EXTERNAL_TESTDATA_SOURCE_DIRECTORY' in os.environ
    if externalData:
        print("Reading data and model from %s" % extPath)
        model_file = os.path.join(extPath, *"PreTrainedModels/ResNet/v1/ResNet_18.model".split("/"))
        map_file = os.path.join(extPath, *"Image/CIFAR/v0/cifar-10-batches-py/test_map.txt".split("/"))
        model_file = os.path.join(base_path, *"../../../../Examples/Image/PretrainedModels/ResNet_18.model".split("/"))
        map_file = os.path.join(base_path, *"../../../../Examples/Image/DataSets/CIFAR-10/test_map.txt".split("/"))

    os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(map_file), '..'))

    feature_node_name = "features"
    last_hidden_node_name = "z.x"
    image_width = 224
    image_height = 224
    num_channels = 3
    num_classes = 10

    num_epochs = 10
    num_train_images = 10
    num_test_images = 2

    node_outputs = get_node_outputs(load_model(model_file))
    assert len(node_outputs) == 83

    output_file = os.path.join(base_path, "tl_output.txt")
    trained_model = train_model(model_file, feature_node_name, last_hidden_node_name,
                                image_width, image_height, num_channels, num_classes, map_file,
                                num_epochs=num_epochs, max_images=num_train_images, freeze=True)

    # since we do not use a reader for evaluation we need unzipped data
    grocery_path = prepare_Grocery_data()
    eval_map_file = os.path.join(grocery_path, "test.txt")
    eval_test_images(trained_model, output_file, eval_map_file, image_width, image_height,
                     max_images=num_test_images, column_offset=1)

    expected_output_file = os.path.join(base_path, "tl_expected_output.txt")
    output = np.fromfile(output_file)
    expected_output = np.fromfile(expected_output_file)
    assert np.allclose(output, expected_output, atol=TOLERANCE_ABSOLUTE)
Example #36
def create_fast_rcnn_model(features, roi_proposals, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights, cfg):
    # Load the pre-trained classification net and clone layers
    base_model = load_model(cfg['BASE_MODEL_PATH'])
    conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model, cfg)
    fc_layers = clone_model(base_model, [cfg["MODEL"].POOL_NODE_NAME], [cfg["MODEL"].LAST_HIDDEN_NODE_NAME], clone_method=CloneMethod.clone)

    # Normalization and conv layers
    feat_norm = features - Constant([[[v]] for v in cfg["MODEL"].IMG_PAD_COLOR])
    conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

    # Fast RCNN and losses
    cls_score, bbox_pred = create_fast_rcnn_predictor(conv_out, roi_proposals, fc_layers, cfg)
    detection_losses = create_detection_losses(cls_score, label_targets, bbox_pred, roi_proposals, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights, cfg)
    pred_error = classification_error(cls_score, label_targets, axis=1)

    return detection_losses, pred_error
def evaluateimage(file_path, mode, eval_model=None):

    #from plot_helpers import eval_and_plot_faster_rcnn
    if eval_model==None:
        print("Loading existing model from %s" % model_path)
        eval_model = load_model(model_path)
    img_shape = (num_channels, image_height, image_width)
    results_folder = globalvars['temppath']
    results=eval_faster_rcnn(eval_model, file_path, img_shape,
                              results_folder, feature_node_name, globalvars['classes'], mode,
    return results
Example #38
def eval_and_write(model_file, node_name, output_file, minibatch_source, num_objects):
    # load model and pick desired node as output
    loaded_model  = load_model(model_file)
    node_in_graph = loaded_model.find_by_name(node_name)
    output_nodes  = combine([node_in_graph.owner])

    # evaluate model and get desired node output
    print("Evaluating model for output node %s" % node_name)
    features_si = minibatch_source['features']
    with open(output_file, 'wb') as results_file:
        for i in range(0, num_objects):
            mb = minibatch_source.next_minibatch(1)
            output = output_nodes.eval(mb[features_si])

            # write results to file
            out_values = output[0].flatten()
            np.savetxt(results_file, out_values[np.newaxis], fmt="%.6f")
Example #39
def create_model(base_model_file, feature_node_name, last_hidden_node_name, num_classes, input_features, freeze=False):
    # Load the pretrained classification net and find nodes
    base_model   = load_model(base_model_file)
    feature_node = find_by_name(base_model, feature_node_name)
    last_node    = find_by_name(base_model, last_hidden_node_name)

    # Clone the desired layers with fixed weights
    cloned_layers = combine([last_node.owner]).clone(
        CloneMethod.freeze if freeze else CloneMethod.clone,
        {feature_node: placeholder(name='features')})

    # Add new dense layer for class prediction
    feat_norm  = input_features - Constant(114)
    cloned_out = cloned_layers(feat_norm)
    z          = Dense(num_classes, activation=None, name=new_output_node_name) (cloned_out)

    return z
Example #40
def test_custom_op_with_int8_params(tmpdir):
    model_file = str(tmpdir/'test_model_params.bin')

    W1 = C.Parameter((1, 42), dtype=np.int8)
    W1.value = np.arange(42).reshape(1, 42)
    W2 = C.Parameter((1, 42), dtype=np.int8)
    W3 = C.Parameter((1, 42), dtype=np.float)
    X = C.input_variable((1, 42), dtype=np.float)

    # custom_op, output_shape, output_data_type, *operands, **kw_name
    z = C.custom_proxy_op("times", (21, 2), np.int8, X, W1, W2, W3, name ="custom_proxy")

    newz = C.load_model(model_file)
    assert(newz.parameters[0].shape == (1, 42))
    assert(newz.output.shape == (21, 2))
    assert (np.array_equal(W1.value, newz.parameters[0].value))
Example #41
def train_faster_rcnn(cfg):
    # Train only if no model exists yet
    model_path = cfg['MODEL_PATH']
    if os.path.exists(model_path) and cfg["CNTK"].MAKE_MODE:
        print("Loading existing model from %s" % model_path)
        eval_model = load_model(model_path)
        if cfg["CNTK"].TRAIN_E2E:
            eval_model = train_faster_rcnn_e2e(cfg)
            eval_model = train_faster_rcnn_alternating(cfg)

        if cfg["CNTK"].DEBUG_OUTPUT:
            plot(eval_model, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_eval_{}_{}.{}"
                                          .format(cfg["MODEL"].BASE_MODEL, "e2e" if cfg["CNTK"].TRAIN_E2E else "4stage", cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE)))

        print("Stored eval model at %s" % model_path)
    return eval_model
Example #42
def test_saving_and_loading_int16_ndarray_as_attribute(tmpdir):
    model_file = str(tmpdir/'test_model_int16.bin')

    data = np.arange(0,64, dtype=np.int16).reshape(16,4)
    dict_val = C._to_cntk_dict_value(data)

    W = C.Parameter((C.InferredDimension, 42), init=C.glorot_uniform(), dtype=np.float)
    x = C.input_variable(12, dtype=np.float)
    y = C.times(x, W)
    y.custom_attributes = {'int16_nd':dict_val}


    z = C.load_model(model_file)
    int16_data = z.custom_attributes['int16_nd']
    assert(int16_data.shape == (16,4))

    assert (np.array_equal(int16_data, data))
Example #43
def create_faster_rcnn_predictor(base_model_file_name, features, scaled_gt_boxes, dims_input):
    # Load the pre-trained classification net and clone layers
    base_model = load_model(base_model_file_name)
    conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model)
    fc_layers = clone_model(base_model, [pool_node_name], [last_hidden_node_name], clone_method=CloneMethod.clone)

    # Normalization and conv layers
    feat_norm = features - normalization_const
    conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

    # RPN and prediction targets
    rpn_rois, rpn_losses = \
        create_rpn(conv_out, scaled_gt_boxes, dims_input, proposal_layer_param_string=cfg["CNTK"].PROPOSAL_LAYER_PARAMS)
    rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = \
        create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois, scaled_gt_boxes, num_classes=globalvars['num_classes'])

    # Fast RCNN and losses
    cls_score, bbox_pred = create_fast_rcnn_predictor(conv_out, rois, fc_layers)
    detection_losses = create_detection_losses(cls_score, label_targets, rois, bbox_pred, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights)
    loss = rpn_losses + detection_losses
    pred_error = classification_error(cls_score, label_targets, axis=1)

    return loss, pred_error
Example #44
def frcn_predictor(features, rois, n_classes):
    # Load the pretrained classification net and find nodes
    loaded_model = load_model(model_file)
    feature_node = find_by_name(loaded_model, feature_node_name)
    conv_node    = find_by_name(loaded_model, last_conv_node_name)
    pool_node    = find_by_name(loaded_model, pool_node_name)
    last_node    = find_by_name(loaded_model, last_hidden_node_name)

    # Clone the conv layers and the fully connected layers of the network
    conv_layers = combine([conv_node.owner]).clone(CloneMethod.freeze, {feature_node: Placeholder()})
    fc_layers = combine([last_node.owner]).clone(CloneMethod.clone, {pool_node: Placeholder()})

    # Create the Fast R-CNN model
    feat_norm = features - Constant(114)
    conv_out  = conv_layers(feat_norm)
    roi_out   = roipooling(conv_out, rois, (roi_dim, roi_dim))
    fc_out    = fc_layers(roi_out)

    # z = Dense(rois[0], num_classes, map_rank=1)(fc_out)  # --> map_rank=1 is not yet supported
    W = parameter(shape=(4096, n_classes), init=glorot_uniform())
    b = parameter(shape=n_classes, init=0)
    z = times(fc_out, W) + b

    return z
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, make_response, send_file
import os
os.environ['PATH'] = r'D:\home\python354x64;' + os.environ['PATH']
import uuid
from config import cfg
from cntk import load_model
app = Flask(__name__)

model_path = os.path.join(cfg["CNTK"].MODEL_DIRECTORY, cfg["CNTK"].MODEL_NAME)
print("Loading existing model from %s" % model_path)
loadedModel = load_model(model_path)

def not_found(error):
    return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'Not found'}), 404)

def index():
    return  "<html>" \
            "<body>" \
            "Hello, World!<br>" \
            "This is a sample web service written in Python using <a href=""http://flask.pocoo.org/"">Flask</a> module.<br>" \
            "Use one of the following urls to evaluate images:<br>" \
            "<a href=""/hotelidentifier/api/v1.0/evaluate/returntags"">/hotelidentifier/api/v1.0/evaluate/returntags</a> - takes image as parameter and returns cloud of tags<br>" \
            "<a href=""/hotelidentifier/api/v1.0/evaluate/returntags"">/hotelidentifier/api/v1.0/evaluate/returnimage</a> - takes image as parameter and returns tagged image<br>" \
            "</body>" \
Example #46
def test_eye_like(operand, sparse_output, device_id, precision):
    np_eye_like = lambda matrix: np.eye(matrix.shape[0], matrix.shape[1], dtype=np.float32)
    operand = AA(operand).astype(np.float32)
    expected = np_eye_like(operand)
    expected_grad = np.zeros_like(operand).reshape(expected.shape)

    my_eval = (lambda f, arg: f.eval(arg).todense()) if sparse_output else (lambda f, arg: f.eval(arg))

    from .. import eye_like
    import cntk as C

    #testing with direct numpy input
    y =  C.eye_like(operand, sparse_output=sparse_output)
    actual = y.eval().todense() if sparse_output else y.eval()
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, expected)

    #testing through input_variable
    #test load and save:
    import tempfile
    import os
    x = C.input_variable(operand.shape[1:], dtype=np.float32, needs_gradient=True)
    cntk_eye_like = C.eye_like(x, sparse_output=sparse_output)
    actual = my_eval(cntk_eye_like, {x: operand})
    grad = cntk_eye_like.grad({x: operand})
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, expected)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(grad, expected_grad)
    tempdir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'eye_like_test')
    cntk_eye_like2 = C.load_model(tempdir)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(my_eval(cntk_eye_like2, {cntk_eye_like2.arguments[0]: operand}), expected)

    cntk_eye_like = C.eye_like(C.unpack_batch(x), sparse_output=sparse_output)
    actual = my_eval(cntk_eye_like, {x: operand})
    grad = cntk_eye_like.grad({x: operand})
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, expected)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(grad, expected_grad)
    tempdir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'eye_like_test2')
    cntk_eye_like2 = C.load_model(tempdir)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(my_eval(cntk_eye_like2, {cntk_eye_like2.arguments[0]: operand}), expected)

    cntk_eye_like = C.eye_like(C.transpose(C.unpack_batch(x), (1,0)), sparse_output=sparse_output)
    actual = my_eval(cntk_eye_like, {x: operand})
    grad = cntk_eye_like.grad({x: operand})
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, expected.transpose())
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(grad, expected_grad)
    tempdir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'eye_like_test3')
    cntk_eye_like2 = C.load_model(tempdir)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(my_eval(cntk_eye_like2, {cntk_eye_like2.arguments[0]: operand}), expected.transpose())

    #test expecting exception with sequence axis
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as info:
        #no sequence axis is allowed
        x = C.sequence.input_variable(operand.shape[1:], dtype=np.float32, needs_gradient=True)
        cntk_eye_like = C.eye_like(x, sparse_output=sparse_output)

    with pytest.raises(Exception) as info:
        #no more than 2 axes is allowed (including any dynamic axes)
        x = C.input_variable((3, 3), dtype=np.float32, needs_gradient=True)
        cntk_eye_like = C.eye_like(x, sparse_output=sparse_output)

    with pytest.raises(Exception) as info:
        #no less than 2 axes is allowed (including any dynamic axes)
        x = C.input_variable((), dtype=np.float32, needs_gradient=True)
        cntk_eye_like = C.eye_like(x, sparse_output=sparse_output)
Example #47
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(abs_path, "Output"))
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(abs_path, "Output", cfg["CNTK"].DATASET)):
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(abs_path, "Output", cfg["CNTK"].DATASET))
        # disable debug and plot outputs when running on GPU cluster
        cfg["CNTK"].DEBUG_OUTPUT = False
        cfg["CNTK"].VISUALIZE_RESULTS = False

    model_path = os.path.join(globalvars['output_path'], "faster_rcnn_eval_{}_{}.model"
                              .format(cfg["CNTK"].BASE_MODEL, "e2e" if globalvars['train_e2e'] else "4stage"))

    # Train only if no model exists yet
    if os.path.exists(model_path) and cfg["CNTK"].MAKE_MODE:
        print("Loading existing model from %s" % model_path)
        eval_model = load_model(model_path)
        if globalvars['train_e2e']:
            eval_model = train_faster_rcnn_e2e(base_model_file, debug_output=cfg["CNTK"].DEBUG_OUTPUT)
            eval_model = train_faster_rcnn_alternating(base_model_file, debug_output=cfg["CNTK"].DEBUG_OUTPUT)

        if cfg["CNTK"].DEBUG_OUTPUT:
            plot(eval_model, os.path.join(globalvars['output_path'], "graph_frcn_eval_{}_{}.{}"
                                          .format(cfg["CNTK"].BASE_MODEL, "e2e" if globalvars['train_e2e'] else "4stage", cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE)))

        print("Stored eval model at %s" % model_path)

    # Compute mean average precision on test set
def generate_visualization(use_brain_script_model, testing=False):
    num_objects_to_eval = 5

    if (use_brain_script_model):
        model_file_name = "07_Deconvolution_BS.model"
        encoder_output_file_name = "encoder_output_BS.txt"
        decoder_output_file_name = "decoder_output_BS.txt"
        enc_node_name = "z.pool1"
        input_node_name = "f2"
        output_node_name = "z"
        model_file_name = "07_Deconvolution_PY.model"
        encoder_output_file_name = "encoder_output_PY.txt"
        decoder_output_file_name = "decoder_output_PY.txt"
        enc_node_name = "pooling_node"
        input_node_name = "input_node"
        output_node_name = "output_node"

    # define location of output, model and data and check existence
    output_path = os.path.join(abs_path, "Output")
    model_file = os.path.join(model_path, model_file_name)
    data_file = os.path.join(data_path, "Test-28x28_cntk_text.txt")
    if not (os.path.exists(model_file) and os.path.exists(data_file)):
        print("Cannot find required data or model. "
              "Please get the MNIST data set and run 'cntk configFile=07_Deconvolution_BS.cntk' or 'python 07_Deconvolution_PY.py' to create the model.")

    # create minibatch source
    minibatch_source = MinibatchSource(CTFDeserializer(data_file, StreamDefs(
        features  = StreamDef(field='features', shape=(28*28)),
        labels    = StreamDef(field='labels',   shape=10)
    )), randomize=False, max_sweeps = 1)

    # use this to print all node names in the model
    # print_all_node_names(model_file, use_brain_script_model)

    # load model and pick desired nodes as output
    loaded_model = load_model(model_file)
    output_nodes = combine(

    # evaluate model save output
    features_si = minibatch_source['features']
    with open(os.path.join(output_path, decoder_output_file_name), 'wb') as decoder_text_file:
        with open(os.path.join(output_path, encoder_output_file_name), 'wb') as encoder_text_file:
            for i in range(0, num_objects_to_eval):
                mb = minibatch_source.next_minibatch(1)
                raw_dict = output_nodes.eval(mb[features_si])
                output_dict = {}
                for key in raw_dict.keys(): output_dict[key.name] = raw_dict[key]

                encoder_input = output_dict[input_node_name]
                encoder_output = output_dict[enc_node_name]
                decoder_output = output_dict[output_node_name]
                in_values = (encoder_input[0,0].flatten())[np.newaxis]
                enc_values = (encoder_output[0,0].flatten())[np.newaxis]
                out_values = (decoder_output[0,0].flatten())[np.newaxis]

                if not testing:
                    # write results as text and png
                    np.savetxt(decoder_text_file, out_values, fmt="%.6f")
                    np.savetxt(encoder_text_file, enc_values, fmt="%.6f")
                    save_as_png(in_values,  os.path.join(output_path, "imageAutoEncoder_%s__input.png" % i))
                    save_as_png(out_values, os.path.join(output_path, "imageAutoEncoder_%s_output.png" % i))

                    # visualizing the encoding is only possible and meaningful with a single conv filter
                    enc_dim = 7
                    if(enc_values.size == enc_dim*enc_dim):
                        save_as_png(enc_values, os.path.join(output_path, "imageAutoEncoder_%s_encoding.png" % i), dim=enc_dim)

    print("Done. Wrote output to %s" % output_path)
Example #49
    print ("{0} out of {1} predictions were correct {2}.".format(correct_count, pred_count, (float(correct_count) / pred_count)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # check for model and data existence
    if not (os.path.exists(_base_model_file) and os.path.exists(_train_map_file) and os.path.exists(_test_map_file)):
        print("Please run 'python install_data_and_model.py' first to get the required data and model.")

    # You can use the following to inspect the base model and determine the desired node names
    # node_outputs = get_node_outputs(load_model(_base_model_file))
    # for out in node_outputs: print("{0} {1}".format(out.name, out.shape))

    # Train only if no model exists yet or if make_mode is set to False
    if os.path.exists(tl_model_file) and make_mode:
        print("Loading existing model from %s" % tl_model_file)
        trained_model = load_model(tl_model_file)
        trained_model = train_model(_base_model_file, _feature_node_name, _last_hidden_node_name,
                                    _image_width, _image_height, _num_channels, _num_classes, _train_map_file,
                                    max_epochs, freeze=freeze_weights)
        print("Stored trained model at %s" % tl_model_file)

    # Evaluate the test set
    eval_test_images(trained_model, output_file, _test_map_file, _image_width, _image_height)

    print("Done. Wrote output to %s" % output_file)
Example #50
def train_faster_rcnn_alternating(base_model_file_name, debug_output=False):
        4-Step Alternating Training scheme from the Faster R-CNN paper:
        # Create initial network, only rpn, without detection network
            # --> train only the rpn (and conv3_1 and up for VGG16)
        # buffer region proposals from rpn
        # Create full network, initialize conv layers with imagenet, use buffered proposals
            # --> train only detection network (and conv3_1 and up for VGG16)
        # Keep conv weights from detection network and fix them
            # --> train only rpn
        # buffer region proposals from rpn
        # Keep conv and rpn weights from step 3 and fix them
            # --> train only detection network

    # Learning parameters
    rpn_lr_factor = globalvars['rpn_lr_factor']
    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * rpn_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].RPN_LR_PER_SAMPLE]
    frcn_lr_factor = globalvars['frcn_lr_factor']
    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * frcn_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].FRCN_LR_PER_SAMPLE]

    l2_reg_weight = cfg["CNTK"].L2_REG_WEIGHT
    mm_schedule = momentum_schedule(globalvars['momentum_per_mb'])
    rpn_epochs = globalvars['rpn_epochs']
    frcn_epochs = globalvars['frcn_epochs']

    print("Using base model:   {}".format(cfg["CNTK"].BASE_MODEL))
    print("rpn_lr_per_sample:  {}".format(rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled))
    print("frcn_lr_per_sample: {}".format(frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled))
    if debug_output:
        print("Storing graphs and models to %s." % globalvars['output_path'])

    # Input variables denoting features, labeled ground truth rois (as 5-tuples per roi) and image dimensions
    image_input = input_variable((num_channels, image_height, image_width), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()],
    feat_norm = image_input - normalization_const
    roi_input = input_variable((cfg["CNTK"].INPUT_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, 5), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    scaled_gt_boxes = alias(roi_input, name='roi_input')
    dims_input = input_variable((6), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_node = alias(dims_input, name='dims_input')
    rpn_rois_input = input_variable((cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N, 4), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    rpn_rois_buf = alias(rpn_rois_input, name='rpn_rois')

    # base image classification model (e.g. VGG16 or AlexNet)
    base_model = load_model(base_model_file_name)

    print("stage 1a - rpn")
    if True:
        # Create initial network, only rpn, without detection network
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: base_model          only conv3_1 and up
            # rpn:  init new            yes
            # frcn: -                   -

        # conv layers
        conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model)
        conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

        # RPN and losses
        rpn_rois, rpn_losses = create_rpn(conv_out, scaled_gt_boxes, dims_node, proposal_layer_param_string=cfg["CNTK"].PROPOSAL_LAYER_PARAMS)
        stage1_rpn_network = combine([rpn_rois, rpn_losses])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage1_rpn_network, os.path.join(globalvars['output_path'], "graph_frcn_train_stage1a_rpn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, rpn_losses, rpn_losses,
                    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, epochs_to_train=rpn_epochs)

    print("stage 1a - buffering rpn proposals")
    buffered_proposals_s1 = compute_rpn_proposals(stage1_rpn_network, image_input, roi_input, dims_input)

    print("stage 1b - frcn")
    if True:
        # Create full network, initialize conv layers with imagenet, fix rpn weights
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: base_model          only conv3_1 and up
            # rpn:  stage1a rpn model   no --> use buffered proposals
            # frcn: base_model + new    yes

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model)
        conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

        # use buffered proposals in target layer
        rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = \
            create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois_buf, scaled_gt_boxes, num_classes=globalvars['num_classes'])

        # Fast RCNN and losses
        fc_layers = clone_model(base_model, [pool_node_name], [last_hidden_node_name], CloneMethod.clone)
        cls_score, bbox_pred = create_fast_rcnn_predictor(conv_out, rois, fc_layers)
        detection_losses = create_detection_losses(cls_score, label_targets, rois, bbox_pred, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights)
        pred_error = classification_error(cls_score, label_targets, axis=1, name="pred_error")
        stage1_frcn_network = combine([rois, cls_score, bbox_pred, detection_losses, pred_error])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage1_frcn_network, os.path.join(globalvars['output_path'], "graph_frcn_train_stage1b_frcn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, detection_losses, pred_error,
                    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, epochs_to_train=frcn_epochs,
                    rpn_rois_input=rpn_rois_input, buffered_rpn_proposals=buffered_proposals_s1)
        buffered_proposals_s1 = None

    print("stage 2a - rpn")
    if True:
        # Keep conv weights from detection network and fix them
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: stage1b frcn model  no
            # rpn:  stage1a rpn model   yes
            # frcn: -                   -

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_model(stage1_frcn_network, [feature_node_name], [last_conv_node_name], CloneMethod.freeze)
        conv_out = conv_layers(image_input)

        # RPN and losses
        rpn = clone_model(stage1_rpn_network, [last_conv_node_name, "roi_input", "dims_input"], ["rpn_rois", "rpn_losses"], CloneMethod.clone)
        rpn_net = rpn(conv_out, dims_node, scaled_gt_boxes)
        rpn_rois = rpn_net.outputs[0]
        rpn_losses = rpn_net.outputs[1]
        stage2_rpn_network = combine([rpn_rois, rpn_losses])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage2_rpn_network, os.path.join(globalvars['output_path'], "graph_frcn_train_stage2a_rpn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, rpn_losses, rpn_losses,
                    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, epochs_to_train=rpn_epochs)

    print("stage 2a - buffering rpn proposals")
    buffered_proposals_s2 = compute_rpn_proposals(stage2_rpn_network, image_input, roi_input, dims_input)

    print("stage 2b - frcn")
    if True:
        # Keep conv and rpn weights from step 3 and fix them
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: stage2a rpn model   no
            # rpn:  stage2a rpn model   no --> use buffered proposals
            # frcn: stage1b frcn model  yes                   -

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_model(stage2_rpn_network, [feature_node_name], [last_conv_node_name], CloneMethod.freeze)
        conv_out = conv_layers(image_input)

        # Fast RCNN and losses
        frcn = clone_model(stage1_frcn_network, [last_conv_node_name, "rpn_rois", "roi_input"],
                           ["cls_score", "bbox_regr", "rpn_target_rois", "detection_losses", "pred_error"], CloneMethod.clone)
        stage2_frcn_network = frcn(conv_out, rpn_rois_buf, scaled_gt_boxes)
        detection_losses = stage2_frcn_network.outputs[3]
        pred_error = stage2_frcn_network.outputs[4]

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage2_frcn_network, os.path.join(globalvars['output_path'], "graph_frcn_train_stage2b_frcn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, detection_losses, pred_error,
                    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, epochs_to_train=frcn_epochs,
                    rpn_rois_input=rpn_rois_input, buffered_rpn_proposals=buffered_proposals_s2)
        buffered_proposals_s2 = None

    return create_eval_model(stage2_frcn_network, image_input, dims_input, rpn_model=stage2_rpn_network)
Example #51
    results_file_path = base_path + "test.z"
    with open(results_file_path, 'wb') as results_file:
        for i in range(0, num_test_images):
            data = test_minibatch_source.next_minibatch(1, input_map=input_map)
            output = model.eval(data)
            out_values = output[0, 0].flatten()
            np.savetxt(results_file, out_values[np.newaxis], fmt="%.6f")
            if (i+1) % 100 == 0:
                print("Evaluated %s images.." % (i+1))


# The main method trains and evaluates a Fast R-CNN model.
# If a trained model is already available it is loaded an no training will be performed.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    model_path = os.path.join(abs_path, "Output", "frcn_py.model")

    # Train only is no model exists yet
    if os.path.exists(model_path):
        print("Loading existing model from %s" % model_path)
        trained_model = load_model(model_path)
        trained_model = train_fast_rcnn()
        print("Stored trained model at %s" % model_path)

    # Evaluate the test set
Example #52
def train_fast_rcnn(cfg):
    # Train only if no model exists yet
    model_path = cfg['MODEL_PATH']
    if os.path.exists(model_path) and cfg["CNTK"].MAKE_MODE:
        print("Loading existing model from %s" % model_path)
        return load_model(model_path)
        # Input variables denoting features and labeled ground truth rois (as 5-tuples per roi)
        image_input = input_variable(shape=(cfg.NUM_CHANNELS, cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT, cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH),
        roi_proposals = input_variable((cfg.NUM_ROI_PROPOSALS, 4), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()], name = "roi_proposals")
        label_targets = input_variable((cfg.NUM_ROI_PROPOSALS, cfg["DATA"].NUM_CLASSES), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
        bbox_targets = input_variable((cfg.NUM_ROI_PROPOSALS, 4*cfg["DATA"].NUM_CLASSES), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
        bbox_inside_weights = input_variable((cfg.NUM_ROI_PROPOSALS, 4*cfg["DATA"].NUM_CLASSES), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])

        # Instantiate the Fast R-CNN prediction model and loss function
        loss, pred_error = create_fast_rcnn_model(image_input, roi_proposals, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights, cfg)
        if isinstance(loss, cntk.Variable):
            loss = combine([loss])

        if cfg["CNTK"].DEBUG_OUTPUT:
            print("Storing graphs and models to %s." % cfg.OUTPUT_PATH)
            plot(loss, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))

        # Set learning parameters
        lr_factor = cfg["CNTK"].LR_FACTOR
        lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].LR_PER_SAMPLE]
        mm_schedule = momentum_schedule(cfg["CNTK"].MOMENTUM_PER_MB)
        l2_reg_weight = cfg["CNTK"].L2_REG_WEIGHT
        epochs_to_train = cfg["CNTK"].MAX_EPOCHS

        print("Using base model:   {}".format(cfg["MODEL"].BASE_MODEL))
        print("lr_per_sample:      {}".format(lr_per_sample_scaled))

        # --- train ---
        # Instantiate the learners and the trainer object
        params = loss.parameters
        biases = [p for p in params if '.b' in p.name or 'b' == p.name]
        others = [p for p in params if not p in biases]
        bias_lr_mult = cfg["CNTK"].BIAS_LR_MULT
        lr_schedule = learning_rate_schedule(lr_per_sample_scaled, unit=UnitType.sample)
        learner = momentum_sgd(others, lr_schedule, mm_schedule, l2_regularization_weight=l2_reg_weight, unit_gain=False, use_mean_gradient=True)

        bias_lr_per_sample = [v * bias_lr_mult for v in cfg["CNTK"].LR_PER_SAMPLE]
        bias_lr_schedule = learning_rate_schedule(bias_lr_per_sample, unit=UnitType.sample)
        bias_learner = momentum_sgd(biases, bias_lr_schedule, mm_schedule, l2_regularization_weight=l2_reg_weight, unit_gain=False, use_mean_gradient=True)
        trainer = Trainer(None, (loss, pred_error), [learner, bias_learner])

        # Get minibatches of images and perform model training
        print("Training model for %s epochs." % epochs_to_train)

        # Create the minibatch source
            proposal_provider = ProposalProvider.fromfile(cfg["DATA"].TRAIN_PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS_FILE, cfg.NUM_ROI_PROPOSALS)
            proposal_provider = ProposalProvider.fromconfig(cfg)

        od_minibatch_source = ObjectDetectionMinibatchSource(
            cfg["DATA"].TRAIN_MAP_FILE, cfg["DATA"].TRAIN_ROI_FILE,
            proposal_iou_threshold = cfg.BBOX_THRESH,
            normalize_means = None if not cfg.BBOX_NORMALIZE_TARGETS else cfg.BBOX_NORMALIZE_MEANS,
            normalize_stds = None if not cfg.BBOX_NORMALIZE_TARGETS else cfg.BBOX_NORMALIZE_STDS)

        # define mapping from reader streams to network inputs
        input_map = {
            od_minibatch_source.image_si: image_input,
            od_minibatch_source.proposals_si: roi_proposals,
            od_minibatch_source.label_targets_si: label_targets,
            od_minibatch_source.bbox_targets_si: bbox_targets,
            od_minibatch_source.bbiw_si: bbox_inside_weights

        progress_printer = ProgressPrinter(tag='Training', num_epochs=epochs_to_train, gen_heartbeat=True)
        for epoch in range(epochs_to_train):  # loop over epochs
            sample_count = 0
            while sample_count < cfg["DATA"].NUM_TRAIN_IMAGES:  # loop over minibatches in the epoch
                data = od_minibatch_source.next_minibatch(min(cfg.MB_SIZE, cfg["DATA"].NUM_TRAIN_IMAGES - sample_count), input_map=input_map)

                trainer.train_minibatch(data)  # update model with it
                sample_count += trainer.previous_minibatch_sample_count  # count samples processed so far
                progress_printer.update_with_trainer(trainer, with_metric=True)  # log progress
                if sample_count % 100 == 0:
                    print("Processed {} samples".format(sample_count))


        eval_model = create_fast_rcnn_eval_model(loss, image_input, roi_proposals, cfg)
        return eval_model
Example #53
def train_faster_rcnn_alternating(cfg):
        4-Step Alternating Training scheme from the Faster R-CNN paper:
        # Create initial network, only rpn, without detection network
            # --> train only the rpn (and conv3_1 and up for VGG16)
        # buffer region proposals from rpn
        # Create full network, initialize conv layers with imagenet, use buffered proposals
            # --> train only detection network (and conv3_1 and up for VGG16)
        # Keep conv weights from detection network and fix them
            # --> train only rpn
        # buffer region proposals from rpn
        # Keep conv and rpn weights from step 3 and fix them
            # --> train only detection network

    # setting pre- and post-nms top N to training values since buffered proposals are used for further training
    test_pre = cfg["TEST"].RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N
    test_post = cfg["TEST"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N

    # Learning parameters
    rpn_lr_factor = cfg["MODEL"].RPN_LR_FACTOR
    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * rpn_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].RPN_LR_PER_SAMPLE]
    frcn_lr_factor = cfg["MODEL"].FRCN_LR_FACTOR
    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled = [x * frcn_lr_factor for x in cfg["CNTK"].FRCN_LR_PER_SAMPLE]

    l2_reg_weight = cfg["CNTK"].L2_REG_WEIGHT
    mm_schedule = momentum_schedule(cfg["CNTK"].MOMENTUM_PER_MB)
    rpn_epochs = cfg["CNTK"].RPN_EPOCHS
    frcn_epochs = cfg["CNTK"].FRCN_EPOCHS

    feature_node_name = cfg["MODEL"].FEATURE_NODE_NAME
    last_conv_node_name = cfg["MODEL"].LAST_CONV_NODE_NAME
    print("Using base model:   {}".format(cfg["MODEL"].BASE_MODEL))
    print("rpn_lr_per_sample:  {}".format(rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled))
    print("frcn_lr_per_sample: {}".format(frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled))

    if debug_output:
        print("Storing graphs and models to %s." % cfg.OUTPUT_PATH)

    # Input variables denoting features, labeled ground truth rois (as 5-tuples per roi) and image dimensions
    image_input = input_variable(shape=(cfg.NUM_CHANNELS, cfg.IMAGE_HEIGHT, cfg.IMAGE_WIDTH),
    feat_norm = image_input - Constant([[[v]] for v in cfg["MODEL"].IMG_PAD_COLOR])
    roi_input = input_variable((cfg.INPUT_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, 5), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    scaled_gt_boxes = alias(roi_input, name='roi_input')
    dims_input = input_variable((6), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    dims_node = alias(dims_input, name='dims_input')
    rpn_rois_input = input_variable((cfg["TRAIN"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N, 4), dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis()])
    rpn_rois_buf = alias(rpn_rois_input, name='rpn_rois')

    # base image classification model (e.g. VGG16 or AlexNet)
    base_model = load_model(cfg['BASE_MODEL_PATH'])

    print("stage 1a - rpn")
    if True:
        # Create initial network, only rpn, without detection network
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: base_model          only conv3_1 and up
            # rpn:  init new            yes
            # frcn: -                   -

        # conv layers
        conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model, cfg)
        conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

        # RPN and losses
        rpn_rois, rpn_losses = create_rpn(conv_out, scaled_gt_boxes, dims_node, cfg)
        stage1_rpn_network = combine([rpn_rois, rpn_losses])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage1_rpn_network, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_stage1a_rpn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, rpn_losses, rpn_losses,
                    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, rpn_epochs, cfg)

    print("stage 1a - buffering rpn proposals")
    buffered_proposals_s1 = compute_rpn_proposals(stage1_rpn_network, image_input, roi_input, dims_input, cfg)

    print("stage 1b - frcn")
    if True:
        # Create full network, initialize conv layers with imagenet, fix rpn weights
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: base_model          only conv3_1 and up
            # rpn:  stage1a rpn model   no --> use buffered proposals
            # frcn: base_model + new    yes

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_conv_layers(base_model, cfg)
        conv_out = conv_layers(feat_norm)

        # use buffered proposals in target layer
        rois, label_targets, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = \
            create_proposal_target_layer(rpn_rois_buf, scaled_gt_boxes, cfg)

        # Fast RCNN and losses
        fc_layers = clone_model(base_model, [cfg["MODEL"].POOL_NODE_NAME], [cfg["MODEL"].LAST_HIDDEN_NODE_NAME], CloneMethod.clone)
        cls_score, bbox_pred = create_fast_rcnn_predictor(conv_out, rois, fc_layers, cfg)
        detection_losses = create_detection_losses(cls_score, label_targets, bbox_pred, rois, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights, cfg)
        pred_error = classification_error(cls_score, label_targets, axis=1, name="pred_error")
        stage1_frcn_network = combine([rois, cls_score, bbox_pred, detection_losses, pred_error])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage1_frcn_network, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_stage1b_frcn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, detection_losses, pred_error,
                    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, frcn_epochs, cfg,
                    rpn_rois_input=rpn_rois_input, buffered_rpn_proposals=buffered_proposals_s1)
        buffered_proposals_s1 = None

    print("stage 2a - rpn")
    if True:
        # Keep conv weights from detection network and fix them
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: stage1b frcn model  no
            # rpn:  stage1a rpn model   yes
            # frcn: -                   -

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_model(stage1_frcn_network, [feature_node_name], [last_conv_node_name], CloneMethod.freeze)
        conv_out = conv_layers(image_input)

        # RPN and losses
        rpn = clone_model(stage1_rpn_network, [last_conv_node_name, "roi_input", "dims_input"], ["rpn_rois", "rpn_losses"], CloneMethod.clone)
        rpn_net = rpn(conv_out, dims_node, scaled_gt_boxes)
        rpn_rois = rpn_net.outputs[0]
        rpn_losses = rpn_net.outputs[1]
        stage2_rpn_network = combine([rpn_rois, rpn_losses])

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage2_rpn_network, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_stage2a_rpn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, rpn_losses, rpn_losses,
                    rpn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, rpn_epochs, cfg)

    print("stage 2a - buffering rpn proposals")
    buffered_proposals_s2 = compute_rpn_proposals(stage2_rpn_network, image_input, roi_input, dims_input, cfg)

    print("stage 2b - frcn")
    if True:
        # Keep conv and rpn weights from step 3 and fix them
            #       initial weights     train?
            # conv: stage2a rpn model   no
            # rpn:  stage2a rpn model   no --> use buffered proposals
            # frcn: stage1b frcn model  yes                   -

        # conv_layers
        conv_layers = clone_model(stage2_rpn_network, [feature_node_name], [last_conv_node_name], CloneMethod.freeze)
        conv_out = conv_layers(image_input)

        # Fast RCNN and losses
        frcn = clone_model(stage1_frcn_network, [last_conv_node_name, "rpn_rois", "roi_input"],
                           ["cls_score", "bbox_regr", "rpn_target_rois", "detection_losses", "pred_error"], CloneMethod.clone)
        stage2_frcn_network = frcn(conv_out, rpn_rois_buf, scaled_gt_boxes)
        detection_losses = stage2_frcn_network.outputs[3]
        pred_error = stage2_frcn_network.outputs[4]

        # train
        if debug_output: plot(stage2_frcn_network, os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, "graph_frcn_train_stage2b_frcn." + cfg["CNTK"].GRAPH_TYPE))
        train_model(image_input, roi_input, dims_input, detection_losses, pred_error,
                    frcn_lr_per_sample_scaled, mm_schedule, l2_reg_weight, frcn_epochs, cfg,
                    rpn_rois_input=rpn_rois_input, buffered_rpn_proposals=buffered_proposals_s2)
        buffered_proposals_s2 = None

    # resetting config values to original test values
    cfg["TEST"].RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N = test_pre
    cfg["TEST"].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N = test_post

    return create_faster_rcnn_eval_model(stage2_frcn_network, image_input, dims_input, cfg, rpn_model=stage2_rpn_network)
Example #54
def sequence_to_sequence_translator(debug_output=False, run_test=False):

    input_vocab_dim = 69
    label_vocab_dim = 69

    # network complexity; initially low for faster testing
    hidden_dim = 256
    num_layers = 1

    # Source and target inputs to the model
    batch_axis = Axis.default_batch_axis()
    input_seq_axis = Axis('inputAxis')
    label_seq_axis = Axis('labelAxis')

    input_dynamic_axes = [batch_axis, input_seq_axis]
    raw_input = input_variable(
        shape=(input_vocab_dim), dynamic_axes=input_dynamic_axes, name='raw_input')

    label_dynamic_axes = [batch_axis, label_seq_axis]
    raw_labels = input_variable(
        shape=(label_vocab_dim), dynamic_axes=label_dynamic_axes, name='raw_labels')

    # Instantiate the sequence to sequence translation model
    input_sequence = raw_input

    # Drop the sentence start token from the label, for decoder training
    label_sequence = sequence.slice(raw_labels, 1, 0) # <s> A B C </s> --> A B C </s>
    label_sentence_start = sequence.first(raw_labels)        # <s>

    is_first_label = sequence.is_first(label_sequence)       # <s> 0 0 0 ...
    label_sentence_start_scattered = sequence.scatter(
        label_sentence_start, is_first_label)

    # Encoder
    encoder_outputH = stabilize(input_sequence)
    for i in range(0, num_layers):
        (encoder_outputH, encoder_outputC) = LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization(
            encoder_outputH.output, hidden_dim, hidden_dim, future_value, future_value)

    thought_vectorH = sequence.first(encoder_outputH)
    thought_vectorC = sequence.first(encoder_outputC)

    thought_vector_broadcastH = sequence.broadcast_as(
        thought_vectorH, label_sequence)
    thought_vector_broadcastC = sequence.broadcast_as(
        thought_vectorC, label_sequence)

    # Decoder
    decoder_history_hook = alias(label_sequence, name='decoder_history_hook') # copy label_sequence

    decoder_input = element_select(is_first_label, label_sentence_start_scattered, past_value(

    decoder_outputH = stabilize(decoder_input)
    for i in range(0, num_layers):
        if (i > 0):
            recurrence_hookH = past_value
            recurrence_hookC = past_value
            isFirst = sequence.is_first(label_sequence)
            recurrence_hookH = lambda operand: element_select(
                isFirst, thought_vector_broadcastH, past_value(operand))
            recurrence_hookC = lambda operand: element_select(
                isFirst, thought_vector_broadcastC, past_value(operand))

        (decoder_outputH, encoder_outputC) = LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization(
            decoder_outputH.output, hidden_dim, hidden_dim, recurrence_hookH, recurrence_hookC)

    decoder_output = decoder_outputH

    # Softmax output layer
    z = linear_layer(stabilize(decoder_output), label_vocab_dim)

    # Criterion nodes
    ce = cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, label_sequence)
    errs = classification_error(z, label_sequence)

    # network output for decoder history
    net_output = hardmax(z)

    # make a clone of the graph where the ground truth is replaced by the network output
    ng = z.clone(CloneMethod.share, {decoder_history_hook.output : net_output.output})

    # Instantiate the trainer object to drive the model training
    lr_per_minibatch = learning_rate_schedule(0.5, UnitType.minibatch)
    momentum_time_constant = momentum_as_time_constant_schedule(1100)
    clipping_threshold_per_sample = 2.3
    gradient_clipping_with_truncation = True
    learner = momentum_sgd(z.parameters, 
                           lr_per_minibatch, momentum_time_constant, 
    trainer = Trainer(z, ce, errs, learner)

    # setup data
    train_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "Data", "cmudict-0.7b.train-dev-20-21.ctf")
    valid_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "Data", "tiny.ctf")

    # readers
    randomize_data = True
    if run_test:
        randomize_data = False # because we want to get an exact error

    train_reader = create_reader(train_path, randomize_data, input_vocab_dim, label_vocab_dim)
    train_bind = {
        raw_input  : train_reader.streams.features,
        raw_labels : train_reader.streams.labels

    # get the vocab for printing output sequences in plaintext
    vocab_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "Data", "cmudict-0.7b.mapping")
    vocab = [w.strip() for w in open(vocab_path).readlines()]
    i2w = { i:ch for i,ch in enumerate(vocab) }

    # Get minibatches of sequences to train with and perform model training
    i = 0
    mbs = 0
    minibatch_size = 72
    epoch_size = 908241
    max_epochs = 10
    training_progress_output_freq = 500

    # make things more basic for running a quicker test
    if run_test:
        epoch_size = 5000
        max_epochs = 1
        training_progress_output_freq = 30

    valid_reader = create_reader(valid_path, False, input_vocab_dim, label_vocab_dim)
    valid_bind = {
            find_arg_by_name('raw_input',ng)  : valid_reader.streams.features,
            find_arg_by_name('raw_labels',ng) : valid_reader.streams.labels

    for epoch in range(max_epochs):
        loss_numer = 0
        metric_numer = 0
        denom = 0

        while i < (epoch+1) * epoch_size:
            # get next minibatch of training data
            mb_train = train_reader.next_minibatch(minibatch_size, input_map=train_bind)

            # collect epoch-wide stats
            samples = trainer.previous_minibatch_sample_count
            loss_numer += trainer.previous_minibatch_loss_average * samples
            metric_numer += trainer.previous_minibatch_evaluation_average * samples
            denom += samples

            # every N MBs evaluate on a test sequence to visually show how we're doing
            if mbs % training_progress_output_freq == 0:
                mb_valid = valid_reader.next_minibatch(minibatch_size, input_map=valid_bind)
                e = ng.eval(mb_valid)
                print_sequences(e, i2w)

            print_training_progress(trainer, mbs, training_progress_output_freq)
            i += mb_train[raw_labels].num_samples
            mbs += 1

        print("--- EPOCH %d DONE: loss = %f, errs = %f ---" % (epoch, loss_numer/denom, 100.0*(metric_numer/denom)))

    error1 = translator_test_error(z, trainer, input_vocab_dim, label_vocab_dim)

    save_model(z, "seq2seq.dnn")
    z = load_model("seq2seq.dnn")

    label_seq_axis = Axis('labelAxis')
    label_sequence = sequence.slice(find_arg_by_name('raw_labels',z), 1, 0)
    ce = cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, label_sequence)
    errs = classification_error(z, label_sequence)
    trainer = Trainer(z, ce, errs, [momentum_sgd(
                    z.parameters, lr_per_minibatch, momentum_time_constant, clipping_threshold_per_sample, gradient_clipping_with_truncation)])

    error2 = translator_test_error(z, trainer, input_vocab_dim, label_vocab_dim)

    assert error1 == error2

    return error1