Example #1
def cost_func(training_mode, prediction, target):
    We use cross entropy in most mode, except for the multi-label mode, which require treating
    multiple labels exactly the same.
    train_loss = None
    if training_mode == 'majority' or training_mode == 'probability' or training_mode == 'crossentropy': 
        # Cross Entropy.
        train_loss = ct.negate(ct.reduce_sum(ct.element_times(target, ct.log(prediction)), axis=-1))
    elif training_mode == 'multi_target':
        train_loss = ct.negate(ct.log(ct.reduce_max(ct.element_times(target, prediction), axis=-1)))

    return train_loss
Example #2
def gaussian_mdn_loss(output_vector, target_vector, nmix: int, ndim: int):
    Loss function for gaussian mixture density network. Usually used for regression problems.
    Mixture density networks are useful when trying to represent arbitrary conditional probabilities
    the same way a conventional neural network can represent arbitrary functions.

        ndim, nmix = 1, 3
        input_tensor = C.input_variable(1, name="input_tensor")
        target_tensor = C.input_variable(1, name="target_tensor")

        # model
        inner = Dense(50, activation=C.relu)(input_tensor)
        inner = Dense(50, activation=C.relu)(inner)
        prediction_tensor = Dense((ndim + 2) * nmix, activation=None)(inner)

        loss = gaussian_mdn_loss(prediction_tensor, target_tensor, nmix=nmix, ndim=ndim)

        output_vector: network output
        target_vector: ground truths (typically a continuous variable)
        nmix (int): number of mixtures
        ndim (int): number of dimensions in a gaussian kernel


    def gaussian_mdn_phi(target, mu, sigma, ndim: int):
        Calculates phi between the target tensor and the network prediction
        Does not assumes independence between components of target.

            target: target tensor with shape (ndim, )
            mu: means of gaussian mdn with shape (nmix, ndim)
            sigma: sigma of gaussian mdn
            nmix (int): number of mixtures
            ndim (int): number of dimensions in gaussian

        if not len(mu.shape) == 2:
            raise ValueError("mu {0} must have shape (nmix, ndim)".format(mu.shape))

        t = C.expand_dims(target, axis=0)

        exp_term = C.exp(C.negate(C.square(C.reduce_l2(t - mu, axis=-1)) / (2 * C.square(sigma))))
        factor = C.reciprocal((2 * pi) ** (ndim / 2) * C.pow(sigma, ndim))
        return factor * exp_term

    alpha, mu, sigma = gaussian_mdn_coeff(output_vector, nmix=nmix, ndim=ndim)
    phi = gaussian_mdn_phi(target_vector, mu, sigma, ndim=ndim)
    loss = C.negate(C.log(C.clip(C.reduce_sum(alpha * phi, axis=0), 1e-10, 1e10)))
    return loss
Example #3
def focal_loss_with_softmax(output_vector, target_vector, alpha=1, gamma=2., axis=-1, name=''):
    CNTK multi-class implementation of focal loss from "Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection" by Tsung-Yi Lin et al.

    Focal loss add a factor (1 - p) ^ gamma to the standard cross entropy criterion. Setting gamma > 0 reduces the
    relative loss for well-classified examples (p > .5), putting more focus on hard, misclassified examples.
    Focal loss enables the training of highly accurate dense object detectors in the presence of vast
    numbers of easy background examples or dataset with extreme class imbalance (e.g. 1:1000).

    This implementation will work in semantic segmentation of images i.e. output can
    be a rank 2 tensor of shape (num_classes, row, col)

        Focal Loss = - alpha * (1 - p) ^ gamma * log ( p )

        Cx.focal_loss_with_softmax([[0, 0, 0.8, 0.2]], [[0, 0, 1, 0]]).eval()
        array([[0.31306446]], dtype=float32)

        output_vector: the unscaled computed output values from the network. Can be
          from shape (num_classes,) for classification up to shape (num_classes, row, col) for semantic segmentation
          of images.
        target_vector: usually it is one-hot vector where the hot bit
         corresponds to the label index. But it can be any probability
         distribution over the labels.
        alpha (float): sacling factor. weight assigned to rare classes.
          should slightly decrease as gamma increase. (defaults 1)
        gamma (float): Larger gamma reduces relative loss for well-classified examples.
          Recommended range [0.5, 5] (Default 2.)
        axis (int or :class:`~cntk.axis.Axis`, optional): if given, focal loss will be computed
                along this axis
        name (str, optional): the name of the Function instance in the network


    prob = C.softmax(output_vector, axis=axis)
    log_prob = target_vector * C.log(prob)  # cross entropy with softmax

    factor = C.pow(1 - prob, gamma)

    return C.negate(alpha * C.reduce_sum(factor * log_prob, axis=axis), name=name)
Example #4
def negate(x, name=''):
    Computes the element-wise negation of `x`: 

    :math:`abs(x) = -x`

        >>> C.eval(C.abs([-1, 1, -2, 3]))
        [array([[ 1.,  -1.,  2.,  -3.]])]

        x: numpy array or any :class:`cntk.Function` that outputs a tensor
        name (str): the name of the node in the network
    from cntk import negate
    x = sanitize_input(x)
    return negate(x, name).output()   
Example #5
def negate(x, name=''):
    Computes the element-wise negation of `x`: 

    :math:`abs(x) = -x`

        >>> C.eval(C.abs([-1, 1, -2, 3]))
        [array([[ 1.,  -1.,  2.,  -3.]])]

        x: numpy array or any :class:`cntk.Function` that outputs a tensor
        name (str): the name of the node in the network
    from cntk import negate
    x = sanitize_input(x)
    return negate(x, name).output()   
Example #6
def binary_focal_loss(output, target, alpha=1., gamma=2., name=''):
    CNTK binary class implementation of focal loss from "Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection" by Tsung-Yi Lin et al.

    Focal loss add a factor (1 - p) ^ gamma to the standard cross entropy criterion. Setting gamma > 0 reduces the
    relative loss for well-classified examples (p > .5), putting more focus on hard, misclassified examples.
    Focal loss enables the training of highly ccurate dense object detectors in the presence of vast
    numbers of easy background examples or dataset with extreme class imbalance (e.g. 1:1000).

    This implementation will work in semantic segmentation of images i.e. output can
    be a rank 2 tensor of shape (row, col). Output will be correct even in edge case where entire image is background.

        Focal Loss = - alpha * (1 - p) ^ gamma * log ( p )

        output: the computed posterior probability from the network (typ. a ``sigmoid``). Can be
          from shape (1,) for simple classification up to shape (row, col) for semantic segmentation of images.
        target: ground-truth label, 0 or 1
        alpha (float): sacling factor. weight assigned to rare classes.
          should slightly decrease as gamma increase. (defaults 1)
        gamma (float): Larger gamma reduces relative loss for well-classified examples.
          Recommended range [0.5, 5] (Default 2.)
        axis (int or :class:`~cntk.axis.Axis`, optional): if given, focal loss will be computed
                along this axis
        name (str, optional): the name of the Function instance in the network


    logprobA = target * C.log(output)
    logprobB = (1 - target) * C.log(1 - output)

    factorA = C.pow(1 - output, gamma)
    factorB = C.pow(output, gamma)

    return C.negate(alpha * (factorA * logprobA + factorB * logprobB), name=name)
Example #7
    def gaussian_mdn_phi(target, mu, sigma, ndim: int):
        Calculates phi between the target tensor and the network prediction
        Does not assumes independence between components of target.

            target: target tensor with shape (ndim, )
            mu: means of gaussian mdn with shape (nmix, ndim)
            sigma: sigma of gaussian mdn
            nmix (int): number of mixtures
            ndim (int): number of dimensions in gaussian

        if not len(mu.shape) == 2:
            raise ValueError("mu {0} must have shape (nmix, ndim)".format(mu.shape))

        t = C.expand_dims(target, axis=0)

        exp_term = C.exp(C.negate(C.square(C.reduce_l2(t - mu, axis=-1)) / (2 * C.square(sigma))))
        factor = C.reciprocal((2 * pi) ** (ndim / 2) * C.pow(sigma, ndim))
        return factor * exp_term
Example #8
def test_Neg(tmpdir):
    data0 = np.asarray([1., -1., -2., 1.], dtype=np.float32)
    model = C.negate(data0)
    verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Neg_0')
Example #9
def test_Neg(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        data0 = np.asarray([1., -1., -2., 1.], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.negate(data0)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Neg_0')
Example #10
def test_Neg(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data0 = np.asarray([1., -1., -2., 1.], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.negate(data0)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Neg_0')
def test_negate():
    assert_cntk_ngraph_array_equal(C.negate([-1, 1, -2, 3]))
    assert_cntk_ngraph_array_equal(C.negate([[-1, 0], [3, -4]]))
        C.negate([[[1, 2], [-3, 4]], [[1, -2], [3, 4]]]))
Example #12
def test_Neg(tmpdir):
    data0 = np.asarray([1., -1., -2., 1.], dtype=np.float32)
    model = C.negate(data0)
    verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Neg_0')