Example #1
 def delete(self, client_callback, *args, **kwargs):
     if isinstance(args[0], str):
         path = str(args[0])
         req = Request()
         req.uri_path = path
         if "Token" in kwargs.keys():
             req.token = kwargs.get("Token")
             del kwargs["Token"]
         if "MID" in kwargs.keys():
             req.mid = kwargs.get("MID")
             del kwargs["MID"]
         if "Server" in kwargs.keys():
             req.destination = kwargs.get("Server")
             del kwargs["Server"]
         req = args[0]
     for key in kwargs:
             o = Option()
             o.number = defines.inv_options[key]
             o.value = kwargs[key]
         except KeyError:
     req.code = defines.inv_codes['DELETE']
     req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
     self.send_callback(req, self.delete_results, client_callback)
Example #2
 def discover(self, client_callback, *args, **kwargs):
     req = Request()
     if "Token" in kwargs.keys():
         req.token = kwargs.get("Token")
     req.code = defines.inv_codes['GET']
     req.uri_path = ".well-known/core"
     req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
     self.send_callback(req, self.discover_results, client_callback)
Example #3
 def post(self, path, payload, callback=None):  # pragma: no cover
     request = Request()
     request.destination = self.server
     request.code = defines.Codes.POST.number
     request.token = generate_random_token(2)
     request.uri_path = path
     request.payload = payload
     if callback is not None:
         thread = threading.Thread(target=self._thread_body, args=(request, callback))
         response = self.queue.get(block=True)
         return response
 def post(self, path, payload, callback=None, timeout=None):  # pragma: no cover
     request = Request()
     request.destination = self.server
     request.code = defines.Codes.POST.number
     request.token = generate_random_token(2)
     request.uri_path = path
     request.payload = payload
     if callback is not None:
         thread = threading.Thread(target=self._thread_body, args=(request, callback))
         response = self.queue.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
         return response
Example #5
 def delete(self, client_callback, *args, **kwargs):
     path = args[0]
     req = Request()
     if "Token" in kwargs.keys():
         req.token = kwargs.get("Token")
         del kwargs["Token"]
     for key in kwargs:
         o = Option()
         o.number = defines.inv_options[key]
         o.value = kwargs[key]
     req.code = defines.inv_codes['DELETE']
     req.uri_path = path
     req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
     self.send_callback(req, self.delete_results, client_callback)
Example #6
 def put(self, client_callback, *args, **kwargs):
     path, payload = args
     req = Request()
     if "Token" in kwargs.keys():
         req.token = kwargs.get("Token")
         del kwargs["Token"]
     for key in kwargs:
         o = Option()
         o.number = defines.inv_options[key]
         o.value = kwargs[key]
     req.code = defines.inv_codes['PUT']
     req.uri_path = path
     req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
     req.payload = payload
     self.send_callback(req, self.put_results, client_callback)
Example #7
    def test_td_coap_core_10(self):
        path = "/test"
        req = Request()

        req.code = defines.Codes.GET.number
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.Types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.token = "ciao"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.Types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = "Test Resource"
        expected.token = "ciao"

        self.current_mid += 1
        self._test_with_client([(req, expected)])
Example #8
    def test_td_coap_core_10(self):
        print "TD_COAP_CORE_10"
        path = "/test"
        req = Request()

        req.code = defines.inv_codes['GET']
        req.uri_path = path
        req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
        req._mid = self.current_mid
        req.destination = self.server_address
        req.token = "ciao"

        expected = Response()
        expected.type = defines.inv_types["ACK"]
        expected._mid = self.current_mid
        expected.code = defines.responses["CONTENT"]
        expected.token = None
        expected.payload = "Test Resource"
        expected.token = "ciao"

        self.current_mid += 1
        self._test_plugtest(req, expected)
    def forward_request(self, request):
        Forward an incoming request to the specified server.

        :param request: the request to be forwarded
        :return: None if success, send an error otherwise
        # print "FORWARD REQUEST\n"
        uri = request.proxy_uri
        response = Response()
        response.destination = request.source
        token = self.generate_token()
        if uri is None:
            return self.send_error(request, response, "BAD_REQUEST")
        host, port, path = self.parse_path(uri)

        request.uri_path = path
        self._currentMID += 1
        method = defines.codes[request.code]
        if method == 'GET':
            function = self.client.protocol.get
            req = Request()
            req.destination = (str(host), int(port))
            req.mid = self._currentMID % (1 << 16)
            req.token = str(token)
            req.uri_path = path
            req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
            req.code = defines.inv_codes['GET']
            args = (req,)
            kwargs = {}
            callback = self.result_forward
            err_callback = self.error
        elif method == 'POST':
            function = self.client.protocol.post
            req = Request()
            req.destination = (str(host), int(port))
            req.mid = self._currentMID % (1 << 16)
            req.token = str(token)
            req.uri_path = path
            req.payload = request.payload
            req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
            req.code = defines.inv_codes['POST']
            args = (req,)
            kwargs = {}
            callback = self.result_forward
            err_callback = self.error
        elif method == 'PUT':
            function = self.client.protocol.put
            req = Request()
            req.destination = (str(host), int(port))
            req.mid = self._currentMID % (1 << 16)
            req.token = str(token)
            req.uri_path = path
            req.payload = request.payload
            req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
            req.code = defines.inv_codes['PUT']
            args = (req,)
            kwargs = {}
            callback = self.result_forward
            err_callback = self.error
        elif method == 'DELETE':
            function = self.client.protocol.delete
            req = Request()
            req.destination = (str(host), int(port))
            req.mid = self._currentMID % (1 << 16)
            req.token = str(token)
            req.uri_path = path
            req.type = defines.inv_types["CON"]
            req.code = defines.inv_codes['DELETE']
            args = (req,)
            kwargs = {}
            callback = self.result_forward
            err_callback = self.error
            return self.send_error(request, response, "BAD_REQUEST")
        for option in request.options:
            if option.safe:
                kwargs[option.name] = option.value
        operations = [(function, args, kwargs, (callback, err_callback))]
        key = hash(str(host) + str(port) + str(token))
        self._forward[key] = request
        key = hash(str(host) + str(port) + str(self._currentMID % (1 << 16)))
        self._forward_mid[key] = request
        # print "************"
        # print str(host),  str(port), str(self._currentMID % (1 << 16))
        # print req
        # print "************"
        key = req.mid
        self.sent[key] = (req, time.time())
        # self.sent[str(self._currentMID % (1 << 16))] = (req, time.time())
        # Render_GET
        # key_timer = hash(str(request.source[0]) + str(request.source[1]) + str(request.mid))
        # self.timer[key_timer] = reactor.callLater(defines.SEPARATE_TIMEOUT, self.send_ack, [request])
        return None