Example #1
    ["image", None, 0, "Image", True, "Parent image (if not a profile)", 0, "str"],
    ["ipv6_default_device", "", 0, "IPv6 Default Device", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ["kernel_options", {}, 0, "Kernel Options", True, "Ex: selinux=permissive", 0, "dict"],
    ["kernel_options_post", {}, 0, "Kernel Options (Post Install)", True, "Ex: clocksource=pit noapic", 0, "dict"],
    ["mgmt_classes", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Management Classes", True, "For external config management", 0, "list"],
    ["mgmt_parameters", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Management Parameters", True, "Parameters which will be handed to your management application (Must be valid YAML dictionary)", 0, "str"],
    ["name", "", 0, "Name", True, "Ex: vanhalen.example.org", 0, "str"],
    ["name_servers", [], 0, "Name Servers", True, "space delimited", 0, "list"],
    ["name_servers_search", [], 0, "Name Servers Search Path", True, "space delimited", 0, "list"],
    ["netboot_enabled", True, 0, "Netboot Enabled", True, "PXE (re)install this machine at next boot?", 0, "bool"],
    ["next_server", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Next Server Override", True, "See manpage or leave blank", 0, "str"],
    ["owners", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Owners", True, "Owners list for authz_ownership (space delimited)", 0, "list"],
    ["power_address", "", 0, "Power Management Address", True, "Ex: power-device.example.org", 0, "str"],
    ["power_id", "", 0, "Power Management ID", True, "Usually a plug number or blade name, if power type requires it", 0, "str"],
    ["power_pass", "", 0, "Power Management Password", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ["power_type", "SETTINGS:power_management_default_type", 0, "Power Management Type", True, "Power management script to use", power_manager.get_power_types(), "str"],
    ["power_user", "", 0, "Power Management Username", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ["profile", None, 0, "Profile", True, "Parent profile", [], "str"],
    ["proxy", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Internal Proxy", True, "Internal proxy URL", 0, "str"],
    ["server", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Server Override", True, "See manpage or leave blank", 0, "str"],
    ["status", "production", 0, "Status", True, "System status", ["", "development", "testing", "acceptance", "production"], "str"],
    ["template_files", {}, 0, "Template Files", True, "File mappings for built-in configuration management", 0, "dict"],
    ["virt_auto_boot", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt Auto Boot", True, "Auto boot this VM?", 0, "bool"],
    ["virt_cpus", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt CPUs", True, "", 0, "int"],
    ["virt_disk_driver", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt Disk Driver Type", True, "The on-disk format for the virtualization disk", validate.VIRT_DISK_DRIVERS, "str"],
    ["virt_file_size", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt File Size(GB)", True, "", 0, "float"],
    ["virt_path", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt Path", True, "Ex: /directory or VolGroup00", 0, "str"],
    ["virt_pxe_boot", 0, 0, "Virt PXE Boot", True, "Use PXE to build this VM?", 0, "bool"],
    ["virt_ram", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt RAM (MB)", True, "", 0, "int"],
    ["virt_type", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt Type", True, "Virtualization technology to use", validate.VIRT_TYPES, "str"],
Example #2
     "Owners list for authz_ownership (space delimited)", 0, "list"
     "power_address", "", 0, "Power Management Address", True,
     "Ex: power-device.example.org", 0, "str"
     "power_id", "", 0, "Power Management ID", True,
     "Usually a plug number or blade name, if power type requires it", 0,
 ["power_pass", "", 0, "Power Management Password", True, "", 0, "str"],
     "power_type", "SETTINGS:power_management_default_type", 0,
     "Power Management Type", True, "Power management script to use",
     power_manager.get_power_types(), "str"
 ["power_user", "", 0, "Power Management Username", True, "", 0, "str"],
 ["profile", None, 0, "Profile", True, "Parent profile", [], "str"],
     "proxy", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Internal Proxy", True,
     "Internal proxy URL", 0, "str"
     "server", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Server Override", True,
     "See manpage or leave blank", 0, "str"
     "status", "production", 0, "Status", True, "System status",
     ["", "development", "testing", "acceptance", "production"], "str"
Example #3
 ["image", None, 0, "Image", True, "Parent image (if not a profile)", 0, "str"],
 ["ipv6_default_device", "", 0, "IPv6 Default Device", True, "", 0, "str"],
 ["kernel_options", {}, 0, "Kernel Options", True, "Ex: selinux=permissive", 0, "dict"],
 ["kernel_options_post", {}, 0, "Kernel Options (Post Install)", True, "Ex: clocksource=pit noapic", 0, "dict"],
 ["mgmt_classes", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Management Classes", True, "For external config management", 0, "list"],
 ["mgmt_parameters", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Management Parameters", True, "Parameters which will be handed to your management application (Must be valid YAML dictionary)", 0, "str"],
 ["name", "", 0, "Name", True, "Ex: vanhalen.example.org", 0, "str"],
 ["name_servers", [], 0, "Name Servers", True, "space delimited", 0, "list"],
 ["name_servers_search", [], 0, "Name Servers Search Path", True, "space delimited", 0, "list"],
 ["netboot_enabled", True, 0, "Netboot Enabled", True, "PXE (re)install this machine at next boot?", 0, "bool"],
 ["next_server", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Next Server Override", True, "See manpage or leave blank", 0, "str"],
 ["owners", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Owners", True, "Owners list for authz_ownership (space delimited)", 0, "list"],
 ["power_address", "", 0, "Power Management Address", True, "Ex: power-device.example.org", 0, "str"],
 ["power_id", "", 0, "Power Management ID", True, "Usually a plug number or blade name, if power type requires it", 0, "str"],
 ["power_pass", "", 0, "Power Management Password", True, "", 0, "str"],
 ["power_type", "SETTINGS:power_management_default_type", 0, "Power Management Type", True, "Power management script to use", power_manager.get_power_types(), "str"],
 ["power_user", "", 0, "Power Management Username", True, "", 0, "str"],
 ["profile", None, 0, "Profile", True, "Parent profile", [], "str"],
 ["proxy", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Internal Proxy", True, "Internal proxy URL", 0, "str"],
 ["server", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Server Override", True, "See manpage or leave blank", 0, "str"],
 ["status", "production", 0, "Status", True, "System status", ["", "development", "testing", "acceptance", "production"], "str"],
 ["template_files", {}, 0, "Template Files", True, "File mappings for built-in configuration management", 0, "dict"],
 ["virt_auto_boot", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt Auto Boot", True, "Auto boot this VM?", 0, "bool"],
 ["virt_cpus", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt CPUs", True, "", 0, "int"],
 ["virt_disk_driver", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt Disk Driver Type", True, "The on-disk format for the virtualization disk", validate.VIRT_DISK_DRIVERS, "str"],
 ["virt_file_size", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt File Size(GB)", True, "", 0, "float"],
 ["virt_path", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt Path", True, "Ex: /directory or VolGroup00", 0, "str"],
 ["virt_pxe_boot", 0, 0, "Virt PXE Boot", True, "Use PXE to build this VM?", 0, "bool"],
 ["virt_ram", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt RAM (MB)", True, "", 0, "int"],
 ["virt_type", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt Type", True, "Virtualization technology to use", validate.VIRT_TYPES, "str"],
 ["serial_device", "", 0, "Serial Device #", True, "Serial Device Number", 0, "int"],